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Ready for Fall

It’s wise to buy the things you need for a new season early so that you can get the size and colors you want. Several people asked that I model the new fall purchases from the post here. The 100% cotton long sleeve tees and a stroller length raincoat shown below are the new items.

The red Mac coat is here. I am wearing a size medium. It will be the lightweight coat I reach for any time I go out in chilly weather, rain, or shine. I’m confident that I will enjoy it for several years.

The new cotton tees have low crew necklines, making them easy to wear with necklaces and scarves. When the collar bones show, it prevents my face from looking so round. I am wearing a size medium.

The navy tee is here. Similar high waist jeans are here. The bag is perfect for fall. It is here. Similar booties are here.

My lip color is Girls’ Night Classic Red here. My skincare routine is here.

You’ve seen me wear those white jeans all summer. They are here. I am wearing a size six. The navy tee will be perfect to wear with them when I go for a walk. My sixty-fourth birthday is on Sunday, but one of my gifts from Mr. Mickey showed up already. I needed a new pair of walking shoes badly. My favorite brand is New Balance. The leather walking shoes are here. My no-show Active-X high-cut socks are here.

I have already worn and washed the red tee, and it held up beautifully with no shrinking or fading. I washed it in cold water and tumbled it in the dryer on the cool setting for about five minutes to get most of the wrinkles out; then, I hung it on a felted hanger to air dry.

This was my look for running a few errands on Wednesday. A similar canvas tote is here. Similar loafers are here. The watch is here.

If you also plan to wear the tees when the weather turns chilly, you may want to stock up.

I took these photos in a hurry to beat the rain. I use a Sony Alpha a5100 camera’s timer and a tripod to take my photos. Links in my posts may provide a small commission to me at no additional cost to you. I do not do advertising, sponsored posts, or accept gifts in exchange for reviews.

  1. Curious– do you wash your tees in the machine or by hand? I have the continual problem with cotton or modal that the side seams get twisted if they go through the machine, no matter the cycle or spin speed. (Also, the color selection on these is already limited to 4 neutrals only.)

    1. I use my machine to wash garments in cold water in small loads only. If you click on – LONG & 3/4 SLEEVE – at the top of the page on the Talbots website, you will be able to see all the colors, patterns, and styles.

  2. Good morning, Susan. You wear red so well. This may seem like a strange request, but would you explain felt hangers. What are the pros over a wooden or plastic hanger and where can they be purchased. Thank you.

  3. Happy Birthday, Susan! You look absolutely beautiful and healthy. I recently bought a pair of New Balance shoes and they are my new favorite. Have a great weekend.

  4. I have a question about the jacket. Is the material like the old London Fog trench coat (that mixed poly with cotton, I believe)? I see this uses lyocell. As best you can, what is the feel or heft of the jacket?

  5. Amusing. Sneakers for a present. He used to give you jewelry. Where is the romance??? Just joking. I’d rather get a pair of walking shoes any day. I got my flu shot yesterday. Want to encourage you and your readers, if medically safe, to get one this season.

  6. Susan, did you change the buttons on your red coat? I like the look of yours (looks solid dark) instead of the tan marblelized look on the site. Maybe the camera?? I have often changed button on garments.
    Thank you for great posts.

  7. I’ve learned a bitter lesson about waiting to buy something until it is on sale. I’ve missed out on many things that sold out while I was waiting.
    New Balance is my favorite brand of walking/trainer shoes. I swap their already good insoles for one with arch support from Red Wing to help my plantar fasciatis heal.

  8. Susan, do you prefer 3/4 length sleeves or full length and then push them up? Also can you answer the “why” you prefer what you do. Thank you for all your helpful tips!

  9. Susan have you shared how to wear a denim shirt? If you have please tell me wear to look. If not please consider creating one. Thank you so much!

  10. Happy Birthday to You! I hope you eat, drink and make merry for the start of another year of surprises. You must be a Winter because that red coat looks fabulous on you. Mr. Mickey gave you a thoughtful gift, but I bet my Canadian dollar that it won’t be the only one, lol! All the best to you and good health too….

  11. Early wishes for a Happy Birthday Susan! As always, a great post today. Now at age 60, I am working the quality classics into my wardrobe and can thank you for that great advice.

  12. I’ve worn Talbot teas for years. I love them ! Talbots has been my to go store for basics. Their clothes are made well some pricey but they have great sales.

  13. Susan, thank you for guiding me into a more confident and comfortable style of dressing! Shopping was always such a challenge….I frequently just threw up my hands and said UNCLE, I give up, OR, I looked like the latest Talbots catalogue You’ve changed all that!!! And, I wanted to say
    THANK YOU!!!

    Ellen Johnson

  14. Happy birthday a few days early. My dads birthday is the same day. You are looking like you are feeling well, hope your body is getting back to normal after your illness. Of coarse, you look wonderful in your new items but the best part is seeing your glow come back. ❤️

  15. Susan, Love the red coat; it’s a great color and will be a welcome change from the darker colors. Best wishes for a wonderful birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday, Susan. I bought several of the tees from Talbots. I love them, they are the perfect weight. I wish I had gotten the red. It looks gorgeous on you.

  17. Happy Birthday Susan! On another note, I just ordered the red T-shirt. These are my favorite from Talbots! The link in your post did not show all the colors so I had to go to the Talbots site to find the red T-shirt and then order.

  18. When I went back and looked at the chambray shirt post, it hit me! This is exactly what I would love to see more of – where you take a look and funk it up – more fun, edgy, etc. Please do more posts like this!! Please…
    Susan, have a GREAT birthday and continued good health.

  19. The weather changed here very quickly! I’ve caught some great sales on summer tops. I’m just going to put them away for next season.

  20. Happy early birthday, Susan! I’m ordering the tees on your recommendation and I’m also eyeing your red coat. You look wonderful in that red. Hopefully, the color will do the same for me. Thank you for all of your suggestions. I’m always learning from you.

  21. Susan,

    Thanks for your post. I enjoy all of them.

    Recently I purchased two Talbots tee shirts in petite, which I am, but found them to be too long. Great shirts but now I have to shorten them. Bummer!

  22. I look forward to your posts, but don’t always comment. I hope you know that your inspiration is very much appreciated.

  23. Cue the Happy Birthday song! Hope the weather is lovely by you and that you enjoy the day with Mr. Mickey and your parents.
    I purchased the Sheec high socks from your blog and wasn’t sure I would like them because of the seam at the toes. Well, they are wonderful. Wore them all day in a pair of booties and never thought about them till I took them off. Thanks for tipping me off about those socks. My feet stayed nice and cool even in booties. I put them in a bag to wash and tuck them inside of the other one (like they were shipped) and have had no problems finding the match.
    I love the new red coat! I purged quite a few things lately so I will keep my eye out for a jacket like that.
    Once again Happy Birthday and thanks for the blog.

  24. You look lovely in your red coat . Thank you for the time and effort you put into these blogs for us. I’ve learnt so much over the years. I’m wondering if you still wear jeans with a stretchy waist or have you gone back to the usual waistbands permanently.

  25. Happy Birthday fellow Virgo, my birthday is on Sunday too! This will be one to remember, the one where we were quarantined! Many Happy Returns!

  26. Happy Birthday! It is a delight to read your blogs and learn about you and the area in which you live. Wishing you all the best on your special day.

  27. Susan,
    I enjoy reading your posts and really appreciate that you do not have ads popping up everywhere. I understand that some bloggers need the money but it can be so distracting that I just quit reading their posts. Your taste is impeccable!
    Happy birthday,
    Kathy fro. Pgh., Pa.

  28. Susan, I always enjoy your blog. Your look is always classic and beautiful. I wonder where you got the scarf you are wearing.

  29. Happy Birthday, Susan. Hope your day is filled with happiness and fun.
    I recently purchased these same shirts from Talbots. They wash so well that I’m going back to pick up more!

  30. Happy Birthday. Welcome to the 64 club. I hope you have a wonderful celebration. I love your style and blogs. Thank you.

  31. Happy Birthday!!!! I love these simple, but elegent looks with jeans and long sleeve t-shirt. One of my problems right now is trying on clothes….the stores aren’t allowing it. Some will allow you to buy and return, but not all. Praying this Covid goes away sooner than later. God bless and wishing you many more happy birthdays. BTW, I’ll be 65 the last day of November so your suggestions are very helpful!!!

  32. Hi Susan, loving your new fall style. I have a hair related question. I have grown out my dyed hair to my natural white. No salt and pepper for me here. But am have a problem determining what products are best. Do you have recommendations?
    Thank you

  33. That shirt looks so cute on you. Is it a little clingy? You don’t seem to have any bulges. Thanks, Evelyn Sandefur

    1. The shirt isn’t clingy because it is cotton knit. I do plan to wear with jackets and vests when the weather turns chilly. I wear the Ultimate style long line bras from otherwise I would never look so good in my knit tops.

  34. Happy Birthday, Susan! You’ve been through so much this year and have come out looking fantastic. God bless you. Thank you for the recent articles about fall shopping. I’m learning from you and putting it into practice. The long sleeved tees were few and far between in my closet. You’ve shown me how necessary they are to put together an outfit. Because of you I see that, because I’m only 5’3″, I need petite sizes for proper arm length and also not having a tee too long. The perfect length for me is around 24″. Anything much longer than that hangs out under a jacket or sweater at an unflattering length. A comment from one of your followers led me to LL Bean that had the length I needed. They came yesterday and were perfect! And I now know to search for that other length at places like Talbots in petites. My perfect size with them seems to be a PM. Thank you for teaching me that! An outfit looks so much nicer on me and put together. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  35. Hi Susan,

    I am sure Mr. Mickey will see to it that your birthday on Sunday is memorable and special.
    Birthday’s are so special, they are truly meant to celebrate in some way. You are a beautiful person,
    that shares so much with others, you deserve “the royal treatment.” I am so glad you were born.

    On a side note, you look so nice in your new red coat. I love red coats too, and I wear New Balance shoes

    Virtual birthday hugs,
    Katherine in Arizona

  36. Crazy question of the week —

    Do you still finger dry your hair???

    Thank you,
    Belinda Stevens
    Descendant of East Tennesseans (wink)

  37. I love red and that is a great looking fall coat. Happy Birthday to you on Sunday! May that day and this next year be filled with lots of love, joy and good health. (I’ll be 64 in December, whew, where has the time gone?) Thanks for another great post.

  38. Have a great Birthday weekend!! I just ordered the red coat. Can’t wait to read your blog Tuesday to see what you did.

  39. I enjoy your info!! What length would you say your dark blue jeans are? When you sit do you “struggle” with them riding up past your ankle? I struggle with whether or not it’s “permissible”. I’m 5’2″ and don’t like pants dragging on the ground but don’t like them resting too high above my ankle when sitting. Small annoyance considering life in general.

  40. Many happy returns of the day Susan, wishing you good health and happiness. Thank you for being so giving and sharing, a lovely lady you are. Best regards Aussie Bev

  41. I purchased the Cole Hahn loafers you are wearing and love the look – very timeless. Do you have any recommendations for caring for suede and cleaning it?

    1. Here is a suede and leather protector. Spray lightly six inches from the shoes, but make sure they are clean and dust-free first. It is best to treat your suede and leather before wearing it and often to keep it looking fresh and protect it from water and scuffs.

  42. Happy Birthday dear Susan!
    I am waiting a book written by you ,I can
    buy where I am ( south Europe )
    You are a style Philosoph !

  43. Happy belated birthday Susan! We share the same day (and name) ! Hope you have a happy and healthy year ahead. Love the red jacket!

  44. Hi, Susan. I have been reading your posts recently (since covid and retirement struck!) and have found them informative and helpful. I went through similar changes in hair color, now salt and pepper, and skin changes. You have helped me learn to adapt to these changes and appreciate them. I make sure I start each day looking and feeling my best.

    Thank you for the encouragement. I look forward to your future posts.

  45. Hi Susan
    I stumbled across your website when browsing for ways of putting together outfits for mature women from items you already own. I haven’t wanted to go out shopping during the pandemic, but it has allowed me to spend some time decluttering and re-thinking my wardrobe (closet!) I realised I have lots of clothes that I don’t wear much and I wanted to find new ways of putting them together.
    Your website is fabulous – so classy, clear and uncluttered – and I love that you share your trips and photos on it.
    I hope you don’t mind me saying, but although an ocean separates us, we are similar in so many ways. We are only 3 months apart in age (my 64th birthday is at the end of this year), I am 5ft 7in tall, weigh about 137 pounds, wear mainly trousers, own clothes that I have mostly had for several or many years lots of which are black, am classic in style, cool and blue-toned in complexion and colouring, feel the cold and have a great partner called Michael whom I met later in life (Mr Mickey is sooo lovely). And we usually share a pudding, virtually always chocolate-based! After two demanding careers and bringing up a family, my dream for retirement was travelling, which we have done a lot over the last few years, but of course it has now been put on hold. So now we are doing the same kind of thing as you – day trips to beautiful places nearby to see the autumn (fall!) colours.
    I had my colours “done” several years ago and was advised to wear neutrals with brights for accents. My happy colours are red, fuschia, teal and violet. I cannot go near tan, yellow or orange, brown makes me look near death and I have to be very careful with green.
    Differences – My legs are mercifully defect-free, so I do wear dresses and skirts. I am more column than inverted triangle and have a smaller bust. I have a long body and an oval face, with fine, poker-straight hair (how I envy your waves!) I own far fewer bags than you and mine are generally very utilitarian, but I love the way yours look and how they add style to any outfit, so will try to find some more for my wardrobe. Most of my clothes I get from charity (thrift) stores, as I am a bit of an “eco-warrior” and I prefer to save my pennies for travelling and eating out. But it does mean that I can sometimes pick up some classic, good-quality pieces for a bargain price. Or occasionally try a fashionable, frivolous item guilt-free. Over the last few months, spurred into action by joining a local sewing group making scrubs for the NHS, I have also started making clothes for myself again, which has been fun and really satisfying.
    Your ideas have been gold dust, so relevant for me. You amply demonstrate that lots of black is not actually a bad thing – I lost count of your outfits that start simply with black trousers and a black top and yet each looks classy and distinctive. My scarves are going to be used so much more now. You have shown me that there is no reason why black and navy can’t be worn together. That shoes and bags don’t have to match. The importance of the right colour and weight of jewellery (I have bought myself a multi-hook rack for hanging on my dressing room wall after watching your video). I had of course heard about layering, but you show how it can be done in spades, so I will use my “summer clothes” in other seasons. That you don’t have to have lots of clothes which you only wear for special occasions. And that every day of being alive is a special occasion!
    I love that you show photos of clothes that you used to wear and explain why they don’t work for you. Also, similar outfits with maybe only one (crucial) difference – like the Variations on a Theme post. More of those please.
    I wish you continued health and happiness, in style!

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.