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Ho-Hum to Va-Va-Voom

The first look for today is about as casual as it gets for me. I wore a denim shirt and white Levi’s to go to the Post Office and the drive-through at the bank.

It was a thrill to capture a moment of sunshine in my backyard. The spring rains continued shortly after.

Since I bought school clothes with babysitting money in my teen years, I have shopped for elements that work together. My ever-changing collection of accessories has always been an essential part of my wardrobe.

BagShoesInfinity Watch (Mention the code, Susan, to get 20% off.) – Ring or RingEarringsBracelet (Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any item)

The shirt is from last year. Similar shirt here. The jeans are a couple of years old. Similar jeans here.

I thought it would be a fun and helpful exercise to show you how vastly different the same neutral solids can look after a styling switch. I completely altered this comfortable daytime look by changing the accessories and adding a bit more makeup.

From Ho-Hum to Va-Va-Voom took less than an hour. Having fun with fashion and embracing an ever-evolving sense of style doesn’t mean you have to keep buying lots of new things. You can wear what you already have differently.

I highly encourage you to enjoy the process of getting dressed in a way that pleases you each day. Personal style is self-expression. The only opinion that matters is yours. Don’t ever let anyone dim your light!

The accessories are several years old. Similar items linked. BagBeltEarringsRingBraceletShoes

My skincare and regular daytime makeup routines are here and here.

I took these photos on the same afternoon, and I’m wearing the same shirt and pants.

Many women have written to ask, “Don’t you ever just lie around in your pajamas all day?” I don’t.

Never underestimate the uplifting power of getting dressed in a way that pleases you each day. I’ve been alone in quarantine for weeks but have not spent one of those days in pajamas. Even if I will not be seeing people or leaving my house, I get dressed for myself each day. Some days, I have a lot more fun with it than others.

My favorite posts to share with you include styling tips. I hope these suggestions give you inspiration and ideas for using your collection in ways that bring you joy.

  1. Susan. Greetings from Ireland. You are a real inspiration especially in these difficult days. I agree about getting dressed and putting on some makeup each day. Just one question as a pear shape who Worries about wearing white jeans how would you style them? I am getting a bit tired of my black and navy ones now the weather is warming up a bit and you look so fresh and pulled together and inspiring for so many of us
    I do hope Mr Mickey is on the mend the visiting restrictions must be awful for you both
    Kind regards

    1. Thank you, Margo. Mr. Mickey is determined to heal. As we know, attitude is half the battle won.
      If you have a pear shape, your best color on the lower half will always be a dark neutral solid. Try olive or a clay color to give you a bit of variety, but continue to wear light colors, prints, or embellishment on your top half. Blouses that end before the curve of your hips are your best choice.

  2. I get up do hair and some make up every day. But getting this nicely dressed for around the house I would ruin my clothes. I’m a painter and gardener so I always have some sort of apron on to protect what I am wearing. You look lovely I hope our quarantine is over soon.

  3. Thank you so much for that SusanI will see if I can track some down I have been wearing my lovely scarves that I got from you regularly and look forward to your posts as you are most definitely the most thoughtful style blogger for our age group always giving excellent advice. I wish I could use some of your American websites but enjoy following your style journey anyway

    Keep well

  4. Susan, sometime ag you posted some denims that are pull on, no zipper. They come in several colors. I put them in my cart , but now I cannot remember the website. Can you help me remember?

  5. I like your attitude! I also get up and dress for the day and “put on my face”. If I need to run out for something, I want to be ready to grab my keys and go. Plus, my husband has to look at me all day and I have to see myself in the mirror and I feel better being a bit put together. No slouching in pj’s for me! I love the denim top and white jeans, the likes of which are also in my wardrobe, so I will wear that combo today!

  6. I so agree….i have not slopped around in pjs either! I feel energized and happy when i ger me “day on”. I do however,skip makeup….i am letting my face breathe . Fact is, I don’t want the hassle of taking it off at night….my nod to quarantine…

  7. I agree with you, Susan. No lounging in pajamas all day. Just get up, shower and dress for the day. A little makeup and jewelry comes next so that I’m ready to go out if needed. You look so polished in both versions. Love the way you can change a look to suit any occasion.
    Yesterday on our walk around the neighbourhood, we were startled by sirens. There are several nursing homes down our street and police cars were lined up around one of the buildings & turning their sirens off and on. The officers were holding up signs with messages thanking the front line workers. We & several other walkers joined them to wave at the masked staff standing by the windows. Then we all thanked the police, too. A heart warming day to give our humble thanks. Best wishes to you and Mr Mickey.

  8. Great idea! I also get dress for me everyday.
    I now live in Florida and some days are warmer than others. If I wear shorts I still style my hair, makeup everyday, earrings and some bracelets.
    I never wear pajamas all day it makes me feel messy.
    I am 68 years old.

    Thank you I enjoy your blog.

  9. Yes to getting dressed nicely each day!
    Have you been going out into the stores for groceries and such, or have you resorted to home delivery of needed items?
    We have opted for delivery, but I am thinking of starting to venture out.
    Thanks, Susan!

  10. I’m with you Susan, I always greet the day by getting up early, get dressed, fix my hair and at least a little makeup. I have never spent a day in pajama’s. I always feel I’m more productive that way. That’s just me. Thank you for continuing to post!! I love your suggestions and outlook. Have a great day!!

  11. Susan, best wishes to Mr Mickey! I loved your phrase “attitude is half the battle won”. Your different stylings of white jeans and denim shirt have been pinned. Um, I am sitting here in my pretty pink pj’s reading your blog and comments. Y’all have encouraged (shamed) me to get dressed and put a face on along with some fragrance. The community of ladies who follow your blog are most interesting. Loved the story that Canadian Elizabeth shared with you.

  12. I actually like the first look best. Personally, I just don’t care for the rolled up jeans look.

  13. I love how you elevated it by changing just a couple of things. I agree with you about not sitting around in your pajamas. There’s just something – I don’t know – uplifting and refreshing and well cheerful about getting up and getting yourself put together. I think that’s especially true during this time since that’s one thing we “can” control. Have a blessed day!

  14. Thanks for another week of great tips. BTW, you NEVER look HO-HUM

    Hope Mr. Mickey, is feeling better ever day.

  15. Wow! It’s amazing how the changing of accessories can make the same clothing look different. Thank you for your wonderful tips to keep us looking stylish!

  16. Classy casual! Love your pretty leopard heels and good styling tips too. ❤ Hoping Mr. Mickey feels better soon.

  17. I ordered the KEDS this morning: on sale!! $37.49 with free shipping. The link is for beige, but multiple colors are available. Can’t wait!!!

  18. Here’s to a speedy healing process for Mr. Mickey. Susan, you look fabulous every day, every way. Bones take a while to heal; nutrition, rest and appropriate therapy are keys. Sending prayers and good wishes to you both.

  19. You look fantastic! I bought the gray Keds a couple months ago and love them! Will you wear them in the summer?

  20. Susan, love reading your cheerful, informative and lovely posts here in NH. I was looking at the purse. It looks navy in your photos but the link is to a black purse. I didn’t see an option for navy.

  21. Agree. You never know who might ring your doorbell! I agree…hair done..simplest of outfits, even a hint of mascara; it sets your day for even the smallest of goals achieved. You owe it to yourself. Even while SIP!

  22. Susan, I loved the navy and white look.It is such a classic.You look lovely In the denim and white also.It doesen’t matter what you wear, you always look sharp. You have a gift of what to put together to look good.
    Always love your looks. Been watching the weather and you get lots of rain..Is it because of the mountains.?My wishes for a speedy recovery for Mr. Mickey

  23. You always look lovely! I certainly agree with the lady that said you have a gift for putting things together. Please tell Mr. Mickey we ladies are cheering for him.

  24. Thank you for taking the time to bless, encourage and inspire us! You always have wonderful suggestions and you make them so personal. I especially appreciate you demonstrating with photos. I know that takes a lot of extra effort and time.
    God bless you

  25. Love the look, i wear slacks and jeans all the time so seeing how you mix and match and just change article or two just inspires me thank you so much . Do you still have any of your scarfs left.


  26. Loved the simple changes you made & how different the feel was. I, too, have gotten dressed every day. It’s what I do after making my bed. Both things set the mood of my day, then I grab my juice and go do my Bible reading. Tell Mr. Mickey he is in my prayers.bless you both.

  27. I can say “Dittos” to all of the wonderful comments above. I, too so look forward to your blogs and also pin each one to look back on for your style tips, gain inspiration, and many days motivation. Your time and effort in putting together your fabulous blog is so appreciated. Thank you Susan.

  28. A tip I have been using: get dressed at least one day a week in regular, non-stretchy pants/trousers, to make sure the quarantine is not affecting your figure. I have always worked at home and NEVER in PJs, but some of my friends are appalled that after a month (plus) in yoga pants or jammies, they can’t fit into jeans. It’s much easier to lose a pound or two than ten or more…

  29. Just perfect. In the picture where you’ve added a bit more makeup, your eyes are so defined. Do you have false lashes on? I would love to see this particular makeup tutorial.
    Be well.

  30. Hi Susan, I really enjoy “Susan After 60” and all the tips for dressing for my body type. We’re all staying inside as much as possible up here in Vancouver, just as you are. I was just wondering how Mr. Mickey is doing. You two make such a handsome couple, and I always enjoy your adventures together.

    Brenda Wong

  31. I too get dressed everyday but with the stay home orders I have been busy cleaning out the garage and making cloth masks our church ladies are making for our community, I get threads all over me! With these activities I don’t get dressed passed my jeans and a t-shirt or casual shirt! Can’t wait to be able to get back out! Tennessee is suppose open things under Phase 1 on Monday but still a little scary! I do wear mask and gloves when I go to grocery store but I wipe everything down with bleach wipes before putting away so I don’t even want to dress up for the store afraid I will ruin something with the bleach wipes! With Salons closed till end of May my naturally curly hair is certainly doing its own thing lately, which is a challenge to look good these days! But you inspire me to do better!
    Glad Mr. Mickey will be home soon! What a challenging time to be in hospital and rehab!

  32. One of my favorite of all your posts. I love seeing the change in look and attitude with the same clothes. I also never spend the day in pajamas unless I’m really sick. Have a great day!

  33. I don’t either. It may be after lunch when I do hair/makeup/outfit, but it happens every day. Laying about all day in pajamas is bad for morale!

  34. Can you recommend a nice nail salon in Johnson City that does gel polish manicures? I am in NC and our salons that have been closed for five weeks will not be able to open for another four to five weeks..

  35. Beautifully put-together looks, and I love your comment about getting dressed each day. Personally, I see a difference in myself on days I get out to take my walk in the morning. (In Houston, if you don’t get it done in the AM, it gets way too hot/humid or both. Gotta get ready to go now!)
    Thanks so much for giving us positive things to think about during this up-and-down, scary time.

  36. Re-reading your post, I was reminded that your style, and that of everyone else, is always evolving (unless we are totally stuck in the past). Recently read Antoine-Dariaux’ Guide to Elegance and, even though it was somewhat updated in 2004, much of it is not applicable today. I think that would be true of almost any fashion book–after a few years it would be dated. We have to apply the “rules” and “looks” to our situation, making them work for us, taking into consideration our age and body type.

  37. Susan,

    I agree with you about getting dressed everyday, it just sets the tone for my day. Most days I curl or style my hair and though I’m not doing full makeup I will put on mascara.

    Good to know others do this too. I feel more content and at peace with my days staying home and healthy.

    Sharon Brosey

  38. Well, a good Saturday to you!!! I walked at a nearby park early in order to take full advantage of our marvelous 63 degrees!!! Ah,,,,spring in the South!!!!!!
    Like you, I NEVER stay in my jammies all day!!!! What a bummer that would be for me! Lately, I must confess, make up is not always necessary, as I, too, am staying home a lot more than usual, but hey! We CAN do this! I always get dressed even if just super casual!!!!!

    Am hoping Mr. Mickey is improving and home now. He must be a delightful “young’ man; how fortunate for both of you! and YOU, Missy, are certainly a gift to him, esp in these times of our lives.

    Praying both of you are able to get out a bit more now; if not, soon.
    Much love from Texas,

  39. Hi Susan!
    Could you please recommend some of your top quality choices for casual clothes. Jeans, tee shirts, and exercise wear?
    I need petite sizing.
    Lately, I have been so disappointed in the quality of my regular go to store. (Jjill)
    Thanks so much!

  40. Hi Susan, I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and really look forward to logging on to Pinterest . I really like your style. My dream is to go with you on a shopping g trip but New Zealand is a bit far away. Dreams are free!!!!
    Many thanks for the pleasure I get.

  41. Your different styles of the same white jeans and denim shirt is big inspiration for me. I adore your blog and style.
    Thank you Susan .

  42. I truly love your sense of style !
    When I’m looking for a way to get the best from my rather limited wardrobe, I’m usually able to find an answer browsing through your posts on Pinterest . I have never been one of the clever people that are able to mix and match clothes that I have on hand , and always wishing that I could stay at home rather than have to go out for any occasion because I know that I’m not up to scratch ! But you and your style gives me a bit of hope now that I have discovered you .
    Thank you so much for sharing your incredible ability to make even jeans eye catching .

    God Bless you and yours,
    Maxine Tate .

  43. So sorry , this has to be a P S to the comment that I just posted .
    I should have mentioned too , that I’m an amputee, having lost my left leg in a traffic accident, so that doesn’t help me to wear clothes with any style either . I walk with a limp and must have a walking stick .
    So , if you are able to suggest what style of clothes may be best for me , I would appreciate your input .

    Cheers ,

    1. Hi Maxine, Wearing pretty blouses or sweaters and necklaces add interest and details near your face. Wear soft draping pants in darker colors and get yourself one of those ornate canes or walking sticks. I bought one for Mr. Mickey here.

  44. Thank you. I totally agree. I get up and dressed every day, even if it’s casual clothes for house cleaning.

  45. I agree with your comment about getting dressed every day at home
    when I had my first MS attack I slept all day and night for 4 months
    when I felt better able to walk around the house, I always dress casual, do my skincare, makeup add accessories
    when I look good I feel good

  46. Lots of applause on the no pajamas rule. It really does affect our outlook and productivity.

    As a piano teacher, I am Facetiming my students for lessons. Even tho, they only see me from the shoulders up, I am completely dressed. It helps me be a better teacher. On the other hand, I am sad to say a little elementary student took last week’s lesson in her pajamas. (Concerned frown here.)

  47. “You must have been a beautiful baby” certainly applies because Look at you now after sixty. I love your style of putting things together.

  48. I am 75 years old. I just found you tonight. thank you for sharing. I love all your ideas. You are a breath of fresh air.

  49. You always give great advice and hold up a wonderful high classy style. In this day of sloppy cloths I love seeing great ideas for a great look.
    Thanks and God bless you

  50. Can you wear white after labor day? I know not to wear my capris white or jean. I’m retired so I have been guilty of wearing pj’s all day. But your right when I get up I need to get dressed, hair and minimal makeup at the least. I’ll get back to makeup another day. But I am a makeup and skin care junky, lol. I know to keep up my skincare regiment everyday. I have my hair done professionally. I am guilty of still liking my hair below collar. Hair on my neck for some reason I can’t stand the feel of it. Most tops now are made with no collar. I would love to wear long shirts but nice fitting ones not easy to find on a budget. I can only afford basic solids to mix and match with other solids. Mostly jean and white is my go to and leggings, Spanx jeans $100 and basic color leggings with booties for fall and winter. So sometimes I look like I’m wearing almost the same style when I have somewhere to go. I’m hot natured since menopause. I do have a basic jean jacket and one in white. I do have wedge sandels in different styles in nude I only wear nude or occasionally black when wearing black leggings. For some reason unlike a lot of women I do not like wearing black but love navy. I am blonde, 60 and fair skinned. My hair stylist keeps my hair with soft highlights of light and darker blonde. Within 2 shades. My nails are short and I love dark colors no sparkles. Lighter neutrals for spring.
    Well you know about me, lol. Sorry so long. My boys constantly tell me to keep my text short and to the point . Oh and I do use whitening strips for a white smile. Thanks for all your advice.

    1. Yes, Gigi. It is fine to wear white after Labor Day. That old fashioned rule has been put away. It is the weight of the fabric and not the color you should be aware of. White jeans are just as warm as blue jeans.

  51. I am 59 years old, in august I will be 60, my husband is 53 and our only child is 13. I follow your blog to stay and look young and stylish, first for myself and for my family. I hope to retire soon. Thanks! Blessings.

  52. This is a great style switch! Just the shoes make such a difference in your look. I like how you’ve added the belt at the hip without cinching the waist. I would love to see this outfit with a more youthful style of eyewear. Red frames, perhaps?

  53. I agree with you… dress for yourself every day, have fun and you will always look pulled together wherever you go and you will feel good about yourself at any age.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.