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A Fall Week In Review

Today, I’m responding to numerous requests for a typical week of outfits and activities. Included are snapshots from a week and what I wore for at least part of each day. (I change clothes for different activities.)


The sun was shining, and it was almost eighty degrees on Monday. I stayed at home to finish the Tuesday blog, but if I had gone out, that is the bag I would have carried.

Similar current items: Shirt here, here, and here. Jeans here. Loafers here, here and here. Bag here, here and here.

No-show socks prevent blisters and protect my shoes. My all-time favorites are here.


It was mostly sunny and windy on Tuesday with cooler temperatures when I had a dental appointment.

Similar current items: Top here, here, and here. Jeans here. Short Boots here, here and here. Bag here, here and here.


On Wednesday, the temperatures continued to drop, and the rain clouds gathered. I visited with my parents and stopped at the grocery store.

Similar current items: Cardigan here, here, and here. Tank here, here and here. Jeans here. Loafers here, here and here. Bags here, here and here.

My fabulous new necklace is here. (Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any item at Beauty in Stone Jewelry.) The Infinity watch is here—similar earrings here – Similar ring here.


On Thursday, the weather was chilly and a bit windy. We went for a late in the day stroll on the ETSU campus. Scarves add color, pattern, and warmth, so I start wearing them as soon as cool weather returns.

Similar current items: Dark Navy Sweater here, here, and here. Jeans here. Shoes here, here and here. Bag here, here and here. Scarves here, here and here.


I had a dinner date with Mr. Mickey on Friday night. We’ve discovered a way to stay outside and socially distant while enjoying dinner. See more about the location here.

Similar current items: Blazer here, here, and here. Pants here, here, and here. Top here, here and here. Shoes here, here and here. Bag here, here and here.

When I have the chance to order charred Brussels Sprouts, I do. Watercress, local apple, preserved Meyer lemon, brown butter, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and fall squash gnocchi are also on the plate.

I’ve toned down my makeup in the past few months and often wear sunglasses or my prescription glasses now. The most significant change in my seasonal skincare includes adding oil to my daily routine. I pat No. 1 Brightening Facial Oil (here) on my face and lips several times per day in colder weather.

My full skincare routine is here.


On Saturday evening, we enjoyed another dinner in the “park” at Gourmet and Company. (Similar to the evening here.) We know that soon it will be too cold to enjoy this private outdoor dining experience, so we made the most of it this week.

Similar current items: Jacket here, here, and here. Sweater here, here, and here. Pants here, here, and here. Shoes here, here and here. Bag here, here and here.

Most of the pieces in my wardrobe can be layered or mixed and matched with many others across seasons. I add pizazz, variety, and fun with shoes, accessories, and handbags.

Mr. Mickey always puts together a winning look for our date nights.

That’s the excellent artisan cheese board at Gourmet and Company. If you want to relax and have a few bites of something with a glass of wine, this is a light and delicious choice.


The picture above was from the beginning of the day. The jacket is here – similar shoes here – bag here. The funny photo at the bottom of this section shows how the same base pieces ended the day. While preparing a light meal for us to share, I switched the jacket for a soft navy cardigan here and more comfortable shoes here.

I served a cheese and vegetable tray to Mr. Mickey on Sunday evening. Included were original style hummus with spices, red pepper, celery, English cucumber slices, carrot sticks, olives stuffed with feta, sharp cheddar cheese, flatbread crisps, and hot paprika Spanish almonds, and Cabernet Sauvignon wine.

Sunday Evening

As I cleaned the kitchen after Mr. Mickey left, I became too warm, so I removed the navy cardigan. I usually wear a tank top or camisole under jackets and sweaters in the spring and fall.

Many questions about my workout routine arrive in my inbox each week. Our weather is turning colder (forty-four degrees this morning!), so gardening or long brisk walks in the early morning will pause for now. Since I was a young child, the act of making a space tidy and clean has soothed me. To this day, if I feel depressed, I turn on some seventies music and scrub something.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Turn on some music from your youth and sing along as you dance around and clean your house. I learned this trick from my great-aunt Mary. She lived to be 107!

As I write this, it is 9 am. I have cleaned three tubs, three toilets, six sinks, and one shower stall. I’ve climbed the stairs no less than ten times. Natural movement throughout the day can provide lots of exercise. As soon as the weather warms up, I will go for a brisk walk in one of the neighborhoods nearby. I haven’t had a gym membership since the late nineties.

Every Day

Whenever the weather allows, I walk, hike, or work in my tiny flower gardens. Being outdoors is always good for my body and spirit.

Shopping links in my posts may allow me to earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

  1. “Since I was a young child, the act of making a space tidy and clean has soothed me.” Me too! I smiled, reading this, because like you, I scrubbed my bathrooms today, and then I went outside and pruned everything that needed pruning in the tiny flowerbed outside my front door. These are healthy activities with which to soothe ourselves. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to do them. You look wonderful in all of the photos, and Mr. Mickey looks very dashing.

  2. Hola Susan
    Al igual que en el post anterior, una recopilación de imágenes perfecta. Eres una gran inspiración. Gracias por el trabajo que realizas.
    Saludos desde España.

  3. Thank You for continuing to post on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. I didn’t realize that I can use the BeautyCounter Facial Oil #1 on my lips along with my face. Living in MN I need all the moisturizing I can get. . Really good information. Thank you Susan.

  4. I am amazed at how the same haircut can be styled by you so many different ways! You look wonderful and inspire us all at a time where we need structure, beauty and hope in our lives!

    1. Lots to consider today! Thank you for taking the time to do a whole week of outfits. I’m loving the more casual style you have now. It certainly fits in with my lifestyle.
      Mr. Mickey looks wonderful too. I’m sure you two turn heads when you are out together. I showed my husband Mr. Mickey’s outfit. He is interested in clothing fortunately. He thought the saddle shoes looked terrific!
      I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and enjoy it so much!

  5. Thank you for a great post, Susan; you always give me new ideas to try. I love the black outfit on you, so dressy. That is one of my requests to know how to wear black without looking depressing or “funeral like.” You look beautiful in black. If you could address turning some of our regular wardrobe basics into a holiday outfit, I have no interest in shopping for holiday get-togethers that may or may not happen. I never wanted to invest in strictly Christmas looking pieces.
    Thank you for working so hard for us.

  6. Have you ever had a color analysis done? You have lightened your makeup but still wear dark, bold colors near your face. I have softened my makeup also and am trying to soften the colors I put near my face. This also includes a hair cut that has some movement to it. I think the hard lines are more difficult to pull off as our skin texture matures.

    1. I have clear, cool winter coloring, so I look very washed out in softer versions of my best colors. Much of the reason I am wearing less makeup is that I always wear a mask when I go out.

      1. Smiling at you! I am wearing ‘more’ eye makeup and less everywhere else. Not exactly more as in heavier but my usual day look was just mascara. I’ve added eyebrow pencil, a bit of highlighter (BC tinted in the lightest color ) and a smudge of liner along the upper lash line. I wash my masks after wearing them because I do use a tinted sunscreen and it transfers. Clear lip gloss. I’m skipping the cheeks completely unless I go somewhere and the mask is off, at which point I’ll use a bit of gel cheek color. Loved the pose! Awesome arms! I must start scrubbing. It seems to be great arm toning.

  7. Susan, I really like your glasses. Can you share the style/make? Maybe you would consider a blog post about how to choose flattering glasses?

    1. The glasses are by Elle. The height of the frame is 43mm. The color is a taupe/gray color with silvertone metal temples. The style number/name is EL13442 GR 52O17-140mm PES There is a short video about the glasses and some of my older frames in the post here.

  8. I am having a problem with your website. Instead of being able to read your blogs the website is telling me that it’s trying to steal my financial info.
    I’m a loyal follower and passionate about developing better styles and buying habits. I look forward to every post.
    However, a new warning has popped up on your emails. Also, when I click on your new post or any previous post it goes to filigree with a fire warning about financial hacking.
    I’m just curious about what’s going on.

  9. First of all…Nice Guns, Susan! Secondly, all those tubs and sinks!? That’s a lot of house! Third, I love 70’s music, too (also 80’s) I used to sing in a cover band during those years…so much fun! Anyway, thanks for the week in review!

  10. Thanks, again, for a great post and some humour with the “muscle lady” photo. Really, you have very trim arms.
    I like & would wear every one of these outfits. The one that stood out for me has the column of navy with the longer red cardigan. The proportions look perfect & it’s the outfit style I gravitate towards. Do you have advice on how to get these proportions correct when wearing a long cardigan? I’m 5’4”, slimmer with short legs, longer torso. Thanks, Susan!

  11. Susan you look fantastic in your glasses! I wish Mr. Mickey would start a blog on how to dress and behave like a gentleman. Perhaps the two of you could offer an online finishing school 😀
    The sprout dish looks incredible!! Sprouts are my favorite vegetable but I’ve never had any success growing them. When I was a teenager, the first thing I would do when I got home from school was make a bowl of sprouts ( I rarely ate the school lunch). I’m definitely going to make the dish you shared. Yummy!!

  12. Wow. Three bathtubs. Can I be reeeeaaaallly nosey and ask how big is your condo/place/townhouse? Is it in a 55 and over community?

    1. I downsized from a five-bedroom, three-story house about six years ago. It was the smartest thing I’ve done in a long time. My current place has three bedrooms and three bathrooms on two levels. It isn’t an over 55 community but is a planned community built around four small lakes.

  13. What a great blog post. I love the new Three Graces necklace designed for you, on you! Those muscles should make you proud! 🙂

  14. I’ve just recently started following your blog. I found it via Pinterest. I love your style and practical tips. Thanks to you for inspiration I’ve started a shopping spree…I’m currently dieting and have lost 25 lbs since 6/3 and hope to lose another 20 lb by Christmas. I’ve ordered the beautiful pearl and leather lariat, some nice leather booties from Nordstrom’s, and a chic pair of cheetah flats from birdies….and a bunch of new scarves..there are some great sales online these days. Thank you for the obvious effort and thought you put into all your posts…keep them coming, and stay well!

  15. Killer arms, Susan! Great post! You’re looking lovely, as always. I’ve been reading since 50 Not Frumpy days, and you just keep being amazing and inspirational.

  16. Not sure you recognize how fortunate you are that Mr. Mickey takes pride in looking good for you as you do for him. Or perhaps it’s for yourselves. But I notice too often the woman is dressed nicely and present an image of caring for herself as well as looking appealing to her partner but the same cannot be said for the men. I have a male friend who just doesn’t get it. I’ve commented several times as to why when he has complimented me on how nice I look. A couple times he has offered to go in and change but I feel like his mother then. I wish there was a class taught in school about manners and appearance. I know the old adage about judging a book but there is something to be said about being presentable. I’ll step off my soap box now.

    1. Ann C,
      I share your sentiments. I was serious when I suggested that Mr. Mickey and Susan teach a social etiquette class. Just the basics on how to set a table and dine for starters. It’s rare that I ever see or meet a man that I find attractive and when I say attractive, I’m talking about a man that looks his age, is confident, speaks well, writes well, exhibits proper table etiquette, respects others , good hygiene, creative, thoughtful and not self-centered, not trendy. People who are trendy are exuding a severe lack of confidence in my opinion and a trendy man is one I will never date. It’s as if they are empty shells that are looking outside of themselves for an identity. Men today look like men-boys – extremely infantile and they behave that way as well. Their skinny suits make them look like they squeezed into their elementary school suit. Their hairstyles look like ..well, need I say more? But to be fair, it’s not just men- women are also guilty of the same with their shaggy stringy hair that looks so unhealthy and I’ve even heard men complain about the current trendy women’s hairstyles. What I’ve never understood as a woman who grew up during the feminist movement, is why women dress to be sexually objectified and then complain when a man objectifies them.

  17. This was a great blog. I really enjoy seeing your day/week in review. Keeps me in touch and thinking how I can incorporate your suggestions into my own life. Of course the style also keeps me looking at my own fashion choices and how I look even going to the grocery store. Thanks!

  18. Perfect post! Too funny, a clean and tidy home makes me happy too! I actually enjoy cleaning, ironing, and I am calm and happy with a clean and organized home. Virgo traits! You look fabulous in glasses too. Enjoy your week!

  19. You look awesome! I’m the same way about cleaning. It is so satisfying and rewarding! Your arms look amazing! I am working on mine with 2 weight-lifting workouts per week. I suppose I should increase them to get better results. I also like your new short haircut! You are lucky to have Mr. Mickey! He is very good to you!

  20. I read with interest your comments regarding downsizing in recent years. I am curious to know if you are happy with the size of your home or if you are thinking of downsizing again in tbe future? This is a subject I will need to deal with soon.
    A wonderful post as always, Susan. Thank you!

  21. Love the tank top photo! Your arms and shoulders are amazing, but you don’t mention any strength training as part of your to exercise regimen. Please fill us in.

  22. Well done Susan, as always. I do have a very small fashion conundrum. My skin is the same tone as yours, so it loves those beautiful jewel tones. I’m 5’4″, “Unbelievabra” size small, E. Regular bra size 30GG. Hips are 37, waist is 29. My neutrals are navy, black and grey. I have accent colors in clothing and scarves with shades of teal, or purple or red with the navy, black or grey. I own a beautiful red handbag, but the others are black, grey, navy. My shoes are also black, grey, navy and a couple neutral beige/cognac. Even though I’m not going out much and certainly don’t need much, I’m feeling a bit stuck in a solid rut. I do have some shirts with pinstripes, but overall prints of large or busy looking aren’t my style. What can I do to get some interest going?

    I hope something in this confusion makes sense – it doesn’t to me. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks so much for the time and effort you put into helping us all.

    1. Stay tuned to this spot! Tomorrow I am sharing how I create six different looks using the same top and bottom as a starting point. I hope it will give you some ideas for putting things together in new ways.

  23. Enjoyed your day by day outfits and commentary. Oldest of 6. Haha..parents were wise..They made sure we had no idle time..Music of all genre’s a constant in our home.. Our children and their children all love music, many accomplished singers/ musicians. Your GreatAunt was right. Stay busy, listen to music! Enjoy life.

  24. First I have to thank you for the review/sharing of Beautycounter. I recently purchased some of their products under your name. The cleanser and moisturizers have helped with the rosacea so much.

    I had to chuckle at your remark on the stair climbing. Yesterday I was putting items away in the basement, bringing up food from the freezer, etc. I noted to myself I went down and up at least 7 times in the course of the evening. Free Exercise!

    And finally, thank you again for promoting Fully Covered tops. I love the loose tank and wear it often.

  25. I love your glasses!! They are very youthful and flattering on you! Have you changed your hair? Maybe a little shorter? It looks great! You always inspire me! Mr. Mickey looks very dashing! Don’t think I can get my husband to dress up much now that he is retired but I will try You two make a darling couple!

  26. I enjoy your blog. I like your style and I have learned a lot about which tops and pants look good together or what works best on my body style. I found your daily routine and weekend outings with Mr Mickey interesting and informative. I have noticed that you are an outdoor walker when the weather permits.

    When the gym closed during this pandemic, I joined an on-line zoom class for yoga and cardio exercises that I do everyday. I do yoga for 45 mins three times a week and 30 minutes of cardio for two days . I enjoy the classes because it helps me to connect with other seniors and my family, who are also taking the class. I will probably not go back to the gym, because this on-line class is just as motivating, fun, and safer than my gym classes.

  27. I enjoy all of your posts! You are the reason I am now a BeautyCounter user. I have been using the tinted moisturizer number 2 since beginning BeautyCounter…around 6 months ago.

    Do you use this throughout the winter…if so, do you stay with the number 2 or do you change the tint number. Or, do you change to a different facial base makeup?

  28. Susan, I also enjoy cleaning my home and tending to my garden. In addition to music, I listen to audiobooks while doing housework and it increases my “reading time”. I have always been amazed how few of us retired people consider cleaning to be light exercise. My friends will happily go to the gym to exercise, but would put cleaning their house at the bottom of the list in terms of activities they enjoy. I also go to the gym in normal times and enjoy the social interaction there, but am thankful that at 71 I am in good enough health to continue to clean and garden as well.

  29. Susan,

    You are lovely, your house is lovely as well. You could blog about your house as well. I just brought my house plants in – getting cooler here. One of my Christmas cactus had a run in with a squirrel. Hoping it will survive. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Linda Z

  30. Good Morning Susan! I was wondering about the charred brussels sprout dish you mentioned in your post. Is this something you prepared or from a restaurant? It looks fantastic & I would love the recipe.

  31. Love your post today. I must say Mr. Mickey looks particularly dashing and the shoes are a knock out. Glad to see all is well.

  32. Fabulous post! The glasses and hairstyles make you look so young and chic. You are a fabulous example of gray hair that looks glorious and doesn’t make one look older.
    I love my lariat necklace and the socks I ordered after seeing them on your site. Keep your recommendations coming!

  33. You always look so stylish and easy going. It’s so nice to see people have pride in their appearance and not just put their hair under a hat or pulled back in a ponytail with old Tshirts and baggy jogging pants. I mean, those are certainly okay. But we have gotten so lax in putting ourselves together especially with the virus and social distancing. I do love how you interchange your pieces and create new and interesting looks.

  34. Wonderful update. Thanks for sharing. My Mother walked daily well into her mid 90s — even if it took her 30 minutes to go a block. I try to do the same. Loved your week of outfits. Have I noticed you’ve gone back to heels??

  35. Oh my Susan, you looked absolutely stunning in the black pant suit and gray sweater. I also really liked the blue jeans, blue top and red long sweater. Those two pictures I am adding to my photo album I have collected on styles I love by you and look good on me. I was a little surprised with the slender high heeled shoes as usually you wear the thicker or wedge heels not high heels. You looked great in all these pictures. I laughed out loud with your “muscle” picture. That was so clever and cute. I guess it made me think of you as a “regular” gal instead of being all sophistication….

    I so enjoy your posts and you and Mr. Mickey look like you have fun and the pictures you share are wonderful, both food and scenery.

    Clara from Iowa

  36. Susan, Thanks for this blog. It was really a great way to show different combinations and so appreciate your candor. Mr. Mickey and you make a stunning couple.

  37. Wow Susan, those muscles are great. Who needs the gym, when you can do 2 things at once, workout as well as get all that cleaning done. I am inspired to get going myself now put on some groovy music and dance and sing while cleaning nobody’s watching. Hubbies down in the shed fixing the ride on mower, hope he doesn’t catch me. He may wonder how much coffee have I had this morning. Anyhow who cares, never act your age and you will always stay young. That’s my motto at 71. Regards Aussie Bev x

  38. Thank you for showing a weeks worth of outfits, all really great. Be proud of your arms. I have good muscles, but some flab too and am hoping as I loose weight, I will tone more also. I am very active and do all my own housework and yard work, raking, gardening, etc. When you lost those fifty pounds, did you do anything special so you wouldn’t have a lot of sagging skin?

  39. Wow, Susan, your last two blogs have been so helpful and I ordered some of your no see- em socks. I’m an x hair stylist and love your hair on Thursday!!!! Did you get a cut or just restyled it. I am seriously considering giving up auburn and letting my almost 69 gray show itself and head for that cut. Just love it on you. The other styles are nice of course, but Thursdays hairstyle was the bomb as my grands say. Thanks for all the tips. You are an encouragement in these Covid days, for sure!

  40. Susan, you did not get those wonderfully toned arms and muscle from walking and hiking. What is your upper body workout? I need help in that area.

    1. I do my housework, including washing dishes, pots, and pans, by hand, at least twice a day. I get all of my exercises from moving naturally throughout the day. I don’t go to a gym or take any classes, nor do I sit still for very long. I worked out with weights at a gym when I was younger, but I haven’t in the past twenty years.

  41. Thank you for showing us a week’s wardrobe for fall! I went straight to my closet to see if I could re-create what you’ve shown here. I discovered I should be looking for some basic shoes, and a couple structured jackets for the upcoming season. Thank you again for the wonderful post!

  42. Thanks for sharing, I love the way you put simple clothes together and they look like a million. I’ve used your ideas for shopping and have save a lot of money not buying pieces I usually give away.

  43. I’m not a bit surprised you work out while cleaning. Your photos show a house that looks pretty clean and clutter free to me!
    Are you sure you didn’t get your hair cut between Tuesday and Wednesday?

  44. For the first time in my life, my cholesterol is a little high and my protein is low. I’d like to change my diet first before trying medication. My dr a greed. What do you primarily eat (or if easier, what do you eliminate)? Thank you for any help!

  45. What a gift to enjoy cleaning! Unfortunately, probably because of my upbringing, cleaning makes me feel more depressed and put-upon. My mother viewed housework as a form of slavery or something, as she had to work as a maid when she was young and broke. I love having a tidy space but getting there is a slog.

    You look lovely as always.

  46. As always Susan, I’ve learned so much from you and the way you style your basic pieces. I now feel content that I’ve edited my closet by only keeping basics that I can mix, match and compliment with accessories. It is now very easy for me to choose an outfit for the day, I’m now 77 years old but I take pride in looking my best and you have helped me so much with your posts. I also love the way you have fun and the last photo shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously. That’s wonderful!!

  47. Wow, that is a huge house that you are standing in front of. I assume it is your home, as you have 3 bathrooms. I can tell from the photos that is well decorated. How do you find time to keep up with the cleaning, as you have many activities? Please share how you do it.

    I have been enjoying your weekly blogs filled with fashion, food, and scenic photos. They energize me. Mr. Mickey looks spiffy in his outfit. I am so glad to see he has recovered well. Keep safe.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I do a few chores each day to not have to spend a whole day cleaning the house. I don’t have pets or children, so not much gets messy.

  48. You look fit and fabulous Susan. I am doing a “fall roll out” as I am ready to be stronger and lighter. The low/no oxalate diet is helping me reduce weight and feeling good. I took go for walks along the river every chance I get. The weather has been difficult with fire smoke and now the darkness of fall approaches. Thankfully, I do not have three bathtubs to clean, but I do have the home gym I just got from Costco – can’t wait to find a beginner routine on Youtube.

  49. I absolutely love your style of clothing. I can really relate for I’m in my seventies and still love wear denim jeans. I also have a jacket handy wherever I wander. Keep posting.

  50. I’m 73 and I love your blog! You have given me so many wardrobe ideas and I appreciate your sense of style. Im trying to find a black dress for my granddaughter’s wedding and thought I found the one…the little black dress you were wearing. When I went into the site it was already out of stock.

    Thank you for your very encouraging blog.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.