Since 2011, I’ve enjoyed the exchange between followers and their comments and questions for me. My Facebook page was our little community. We didn’t always agree on everything, but it was an additional way to meet and discuss many topics. Earlier this year, there was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere. It continued to decline until Facebook started to feel a little like wandering down a menacing alley after midnight.

Facebook includes an Inbox Message feature for page administrators that I was not able to turn off. I was banning up to thirty men a day who wanted to “meet an older woman.” All of these accounts are fake, but it takes time to go through banning them from the page and reporting the fake account to Facebook. When I discovered that I had banned or blocked hundreds of people from my page, it made me realize what a time-waster it has become. I could have ignored the Inbox, but many women wrote to me there with specific questions that they did not want to make public, so I had to click on every notice and read it to find out if I needed to respond to a legitimate follower.
Sinister people have found the perfect outlet for their unrestrained shenanigans through Facebook. I monitored the comments and deleted many because they served no purpose above stirring up confrontation or ill will. Those same men mentioned above tried to engage in dialog with women who commented on my posts. Those accounts also had to be banned, blocked, deleted, and reported. I have learned to cope with personal criticism, but when it started to include bitter exchanges between followers, I decided enough is enough.

I will continue to share fashion and style tips, photos of trips, food inspiration, and encouragement here without anyone trying to turn it into a political debate or a personal attack. Those comments will be blocked before they ever see the light of day. I prefer to use this space and my energy to create informative, uplifting content that I hope you will find helpful.

I always wear a mask when I go into a public space or a building. I have a collection of fabric masks that make it possible to coordinate with what I am wearing. The tropical print mask is here. The turquoise top is here.
I have the same style of jeans in white, blue, and black denim. These white ones are here.

I found the Antonio Melani bag here. Other similar bags are here, here, and here.

Another summer favorite is this pair of shoes. I have them in black and natural as well as these gold and natural ones. These shoes are here. The black and natural ones are here.

The ring is an antique. A similar one is here. Similar pearl earrings are here. The watch is here. The long pearl and leather necklace is perfect with casual looks. It is here. The pearl bracelet has become a summer favorite. I bought it here. Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any item at Beauty in Stone Jewelry.

Thanks to Mr. Mickey for taking the pictures.

Glad you didn’t disappear altogether. I’m quietly hoping you’ll write a book.
Sorry to hear about your experience with Facebook. You bring great content. I also have issues but on Instagram, the men keep trying to get in touch with me. I just keep deleting. I am a artist, just trying to get my work noticed, but not like those men want. Thank you for inspiration for those of us over 60.
Susan, I love your choice today and I wish I could wear heels like those. They really “elevate” your look. Also, I was just wondering. Do you ever wear Capri pants? I live in the south also and it is so hot that even ankle length slacks are uncomfortable. Enjoy all your posts.
Capri pants are a poor choice for me since they draw all the attention to my thick calves and make me look so much shorter. I gave them up a few years ago.
So sorry you had such a negative experience with Facebook. I read your posts on this site, anyway. I love your website and all the fashion tips you give us. Thank you for doing this; you are an inspiration!
I have been following you for several years now, Susan and enjoy your great style advice as well as detailed photos showing wardrobe and accessories combinations. Thanks for your continuing inspiration.
Hi Susan,
I’m sorry for your experience on Facebook, but so glad you’re still writing your blog. I’m having a lot of problems with Facebook myself, but you said it so well. When I read your remark, that going on Facebook “started to feel a little like wandering down a menacing alley after midnight”, that made me laugh out loud. I guess I shouldn’t laugh, though, because it’s sad that it is the perfect description. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you.
Thank you for this morning’s post; I too have been feeling I need to step away from FB so you’ve given me inspiration to do so. I just don’t like how it feels any longer. I love your morning outfit; it looks stylish, refreshing and comfortable. I think I may buy some of those tops, I always love the way they look on you; I’m just conflicted between sizing. Their site size to size up for a more comfortable fit and I think that is what you said you to do? I’m have small shoulders and arms and am on the petite side, 115 and 5’5” but I don’t like anything that clings to me so I’m not sure on sizing. I may call them for advice too. You always look amazing and I appreciate all your share with us. Stay healthy and safe.
I am wearing my usual size, medium, and I am happy with the fit. I have several of these tops, and I always enjoy wearing them.
Good morning,Susan!
It was easy to find you this morning! Thank you for explaining how you came to your decision to leave FB. I had no idea how much was going on behind the scenes.
You look gorgeous in that beautiful outfit! The top is such a wonderful color on you. Having a wardrobe of coordinating masks is part of life now! If we must wear them, at least they can be pretty. I have three, so far, and I’m going to look for more.
I hope you enjoy your day, and I’m glad you’re not having to deal with stress from trolls!
Good for you Susan on taking a stand against FB. You look like you are back to your old self – and I mean that in the best possible way. You look healthy, vibrant and happy in the above photos.
I’m so happy you are still continuing with your site. It’s the first thing I go to with my coffee. Such a great way to begin the day. Thank you.
Well said regarding Facebook! I am still on it in a limited way, but it has become a hostile aggressive place in many ways and I protect myself by severely limiting my exposure. You look beautiful in this outfit. Thanks for your posts and your attitude.
Thank you for explaining your stepping away from Facebook. Yes, the trolls are tiring.
What a lovely outfit on you! Have learned so much from you and appreciate all the time you spend sharing your life with your followers.
I’m sorry you had such a bad experience. Some corners of the internet are downright nasty. I’m glad to see you are still writing your inspirational blog. Also it’s great to see you looking so well again.
I applaud your decision about Facebook! I agree that it has just become such a negative place! I am significantly cutting back on the time I spend there!
So glad you still have your blog. I’ve learned a lot and gotten tons of ideas over the years. Thank you, and best wishes.
You are right about Facebook. The politics and misinformation is very disturbing. On another topic I would be curious about how you order your many beautiful shoes and handbags. Any storage and organization tips?
Thank you, Melanie. I did a post about storage and organization here.
Dearest Susan, I have so enjoyed your postings and I agree that FB has definitely gone down a negative road. I go on to check for Pluto Living and my grandkids. Other than that, I prefer going directly to the website of people that I find interesting and informative. It is so important that there are positive and uplifting avenues for those if us over sixty. Pleas keep up the awesome work!
So glad to see you back to your lovely self!
And many thanks to Mr. Mickey for the photography.
Amen! I never got involved with FB and have never regretted it. I only follow my daughter’s Instagram because she, like you and Mr. M., is a wonderful photographer of places and things. I’m on and off Twitter, mainly to follow credible, known people to keep up with current events via links to articles. (The rest of it is, as lady Gaga once said, is the toilet of the internet.) Your blog is a spot of happiness and loveliness. And you look the picture of health despite what you’ve been through. You are an inspiration to women. Thanks for all you do! As a physician, I appreciate the shout-out for masks, which shouldn’t be politicized. It’s common sense at this point. I recall traveling in Italy (was it all that long ago?) and seeing groups of Asian tourists with umbrellas (against the summer sun) and masks, and snidely rolling my eyes thinking “how weird”. Now I think “how smart”!
You are an inspiration to so many women. Thank you for making us look FABULOUS!!!
One reason I enjoy your posts is your honesty and transparency. Thank you for the Facebook explanation. It can be a negative experience. It hasn’t seemed to taint your gracious nature though. By the way, I just ordered a pair of Talbot jeans this weekend. They offer a wide variety of curvy fit pants. I have a generous bum, so I was thrilled to find them! Thank you.
You did the right thing regarding Facebook. I am not on Facebook so I am glad you will be posting here!
Love, love, love this look on you. So pretty, coordinated and yet simple but classy.
As for Facebook, I too had decided several months ago, not to use it for some of the same reasons as you explained for yourself. Just glad you have this blog so many of us can enjoy your advice and fashion suggestions. You are a keeper.
Have a fantastic week!
Clara from Iowa
I, too, have found Facebook to be a negative and disturbing place. Your description of it was spot on. I have made a conscious decision to limit my exposure to negative things and people in this season of life. They add no value to my life and I sure don’t need the stress. Your blog is such a gracious positive place and I appreciate that so much. No doubt a reflection of who you are in real life.
Good morning!! So nice to read your blog this morning. You look wonderful as always and your photographer is excellent. Have a great day!
I completely understand why you want to leave FB the trolls are out there. But do beware of Instagram! I do get followers I don’t know, but at least I can report them and block them. Since I have started reporting them at least I am getting fewer requests.
I do enjoy your blog and this is probably the best way to do it!
Paula, FYI–you can make your instagram account private. No one can follow you without your permission then. best wishes, Sue
You did the right thing. Life is too short to deal with people who don’t wish you well . Love the top on you. What an energizing color.
This is the site I always come to to find you. FB has so many pit falls. I have appreciated all you do for those of us over 60. You are a real inspiration. So glad to see you are feeling better and you look lovely. Have a wonderful day!
Stands and applauds.
That is exactly why we come here! For refreshment and no politics. Thank you for providing a pool of calm in the midst of our divisive society.
I have never been on facebook and am so upset at the horrid things people say when they are hidden by the anonimity of the internet.You are looking lovely in those colours as usual. I hope your appetite has returned and you are not losing any more weight. You are an inspiration for me to whittle down my overly large wardrobe and just use what is most flattering and let go of the things that sit there for ‘some day’. Hope the earthquake did not upset things with you. Stay well and safe.
I was so incensed about Facebook that I forgot to ask if you were affected by the earthquake yesterday. I hope there was no damage in your area.
There was no damage here, but I certainly felt the shaking. It was very frightening!
I am truly sorry that you had to deal with these issues. Some people love to start trouble and ruin it for others. I’m glad you still have your blog and I will continue to follow you. Wishing you all the best
Hi Susan,
I wondered what happened when I saw your post.
I don’t blame you at all.
I am truly sorry that you had to deal with these FB issues. Some people love to start trouble and ruin it for others. I’m glad you still have your blog and I will continue to follow you. Wishing you all the best
I am so glad to hear your opinions about FB. I too finally closed my account, mainly because of political vitriol, and comments that made absolutely no sense from spambots and trolls. When people share would group photos that had my picture or my living surroundings in them it would annoy me and when they didn’t stop, I’d have to block them. I am a private person, rarely entering correct factual information about myself unless I absolutely have to. (I went to the University of Zen in Wyoming, for example). None of these sites need facts about me to aid other people’s searches! But mainly it was just the hate.
I’d much rather read your blog posts or skim thru instagram photos that deal with FB.
Thank you so much for your hints through the years, and I am so glad you’re feeling better, and that Mr. Mickey is out and about too.
I agree with your assessment of the toxicity of social media. Instagram is even worse. My daughter and I started a business together last year and use social media for promoting our product. I was stunned to say the least. My daughter is 24 and a little more prepared for the journey. Thank you for your grace in action.
Is there still a promo code for the lariats? I love how it looks on you.
Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any item. Thank you for reminding me to include it.
I know exactly what your saying about FB and love your “alley” analogy. Hope to continue to receive your blog as I enjoy seeing Johnson City and your adventures. Glad your feeling better
Good for you!. I cancelled my FB account a few months ago. It’s become a place of negativity and deception. Thank for for care for your followers and their well being.
Thanks so much,
Thank you, Susan for explaining and continuing to blog. I started on Facebook 8 years ago when my 1st grandchild was born – wanting to keep up with pictures and posts from family and friends was why I started. I rarely post anything unless it’s a picture of family/grandchildren for “friends” only. I follow a few people that I enjoy. I have blocked some family because of the negative comments and posts. Life is short and at an age when I wish to focus on family and try to stay positive during all the craziness that is 2020, I agree – who needs the ugly/confrontational/mean-spirited mess coming straight onto my page….Not me!!!
Love the outfit! Hope you are feeling as well as you look! Your blog is the first thing I look at each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I keep screen shots of so many of your outfits and use those when I am stumped as to what to wear! I too have whittled down my wardrobe and feel much less stressed about my clothing. Of course, during this pandemic I don’t really stress about what to wear. I do dress nicely each day to keep my spirits up however. As for Facebook, how sad that so many terrible people are ruining it for others. I am on Facebook, but I never post anything. It is the only way for me to see how my siblings, children, grandchildren, my many nieces, nephews and their children are doing. They post many photos of their activities but are very careful as to other info and only accept friend requests from their real friends and acquaintances. Again, I love your blog!!!
Susan –
You have my support. I am starting to look a quitting FaceBook too – and thought I’d look at my Instagram account, where I rarely look and had never posted anything — and I discovered an amazing number of men following me that I had to delete. I am a bit appalled by the way tech is being used these days. I do look forward to continuing to see you blogs and all of your ideas on style, and health and fitness that have worked for you.
Hi Susan
Thank you for clarifying the Facebook problem. It is awful that some people have to create nastiness for the sake of sheer nastiness. I read your blog with great interest knowing that the content will be interesting and informative, without any politics or slight against anyone. I know I can’t always wear what you wear, but that doesn’t matter, you have put your time, effort and experience into putting this excellent blog together, and we can all learn. Well done for rising above it.
I understand what you are talking about with Facebook and am happy to follow you here (which I have been for a while now). I love this outfit and am thinking I might should style my white jeans this week! Interesting juxtaposition with the leather and pearls on the necklace and I love the vibe of it!
I recently purchased 3 t-shirts (navy, white, black) from Chicos that I love although I had to get them a bit looser than I like due to my own “issues” with how I see my body. LOVED the v-neck and the way the fabric feels on my skin, though! Thinking that the navy one with the proper jewelry and my white jeans would rock my week along with my neutral shoes and straw bag! Love how your blog gets me thinkin’!
As always, Your loving fan!
Hi Sus
I am so very sorry you have had to deal with all of that! I am happy you are leaving Facebook and continuing the blog. It is sad that there are so many people who would do such things. I cannot imagine what it has been like. I have had to unfollow many people I am friends with on Facebook this year due to all of the political and Covid safety measures meaness that has been so prevalent. I am sorry you have had to deal with so much more. The days of being on Facebook may be ending for many of us.
Thank you for your blog!!!
Bravo Susan! Thank you for having the courage of your convictions. I took an online course on happiness at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, and social media was deemed one of the biggest robbers of happiness. I wish more people would realize that.
Thank you for continuing to share through this format. I truly look forward to your posts.
Susan, I totally understand why you left facebook and I am very close to doing the same thing. I haven’t had the problems you have, and I have reconnected with many high school friends through that forum, which is what it was originally intended to accomplish. But now it is so political and with FB employees choosing to censor some political speech while allowing other speech that is quite honestly sometimes vile. It is one thing for a company to lean one direction politically but quite another censoring the other side. One of my friends just left facebook as you have. I may not be far behind.
I’m so glad you will continue the blog and will continue making my thrice weekly visits.
I am getting the same feelings about Facebook. At the very least, it is a time waster. But I am sensing the same animosity and divisiveness in so many posts. There is the factor that the veracity of many posts need to be questioned. As our political season kicks into high gear, this can only get worse. Russian trolls and others will step up their false information dissemination. So, I too have backed away from it and I understand and support completely your leaving FB.
Susan, I tried Facebook years ago, I had to see what all the fuss was about. I lasted two weeks. What an awful platform. I had friends who would be miserable because their lives were not photographically comparable to their Facebook friends. Several women would buy things or take trips because it would make good Facebook “content”. How strange to be driven by such a desire to “appear” fine, when fine was far from the truth. The biggest benefit of Facebook is Mark Zuckerbergs bank account. “Nuf said. Your outfit today is striking. Turquoise is your color. I just bought two masks from Shop My Fair Lady since I’ll probably be wearing them in some manner for the rest of my life. I do not wear earrings if I am wearing a mask, seems to be too much going on around my ears. I am so glad you are up and about from your covid experience and that our favorite photographer and the man who should be cloned so we could all have our own Mr. Mickey, is back on the job.
Sorry you have had to endure all of the negativity that seems to be a big part of Facebook and other social media formats. It sure takes the fun out of what should be an enjoyable experience. Keep doing what you are doing. It is a help to many during these unpredictable times.
I left FB 2 months ago. I miss seeing friends’ pictures, but I don’t miss anything else about it. I actually feel safer since I left it. I still enjoy Instagram and wish that wasn’t owned by FB. I get requests from strange men every day that I delete. FB will only get worse the closer we get to November 3rd.
Dear Susan,
I am so sorry to read what was occurring on your Facebook page. Those types of men seem to be multiplying at a fast rate.
I have been a fan of yours for several years and am happy to see you will continue to be sending emails.
I agree with your message. Since the pandemic a lot of negative comments are flowing freely on our pages and blogs even if unwelcomed. However, I’m happy to learn that you will continue with your fashion help and good ideas. Many thanks to you. Have a great day.
Dear Sussn, I totally understand & support your decision to leave FB. I have felt the same way if it wasn’t for using FB to stay connected to family & friends I would delete it.
I hope your are recovering from your covid encounter.
Thanks for your wonderful fashion tips.
(I have been contemplating visiting the Downton Abbey exhibit at the Biltmore estate, but I’m not sure how the covid count is in that area.)
Many places remain closed in Asheville. Check with the Biltmore to see what is open and if open, do you need an appointment.
So happy to see you well and up and about. I trust Mr. Mickey has healed also. Be well and I applaud your choice regarding FB…lie Betty White says…it’s a colossal waste of time!
Love how you always remain so positive! You are sunshine in my inbox on the days you post. Thank you!
I agree with you 100% that Facebook has all kinds of downsides with trolls, scammers, bots, people who feel comfortable to anonymously insult and argue. It can turn into the very unpleasant (and even dangerous) time-suck you have well-described Susan. I have always been happy connecting with you here on your blog and appreciate that you even take time to moderate the comments to make sure it is a safe and pleasant space for all of us. Thank you.
Thank you for making this a politic-free zone. How refreshing! I come here for fashion advice, not political advice.
Susan, You look great today! I enjoy your blog so much and hope you’ll continue it for many years to come I think you did the best thing regarding Facebook. I’ve deactivated my account multiple times due to major unpleasantries and have finally deleted it all together because every time I try returning, the same things happen. I do prefer my friendships in real life and it reduces stress. It’s greatly unfortunate, the climate we live in. LOVE YOU LADY AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
So glad you still have your blog, I love your style and fashion tips. Please don’t stop. It is a strange world we live in now, so sad.
Good call!
Susan leaving FB is so you. You are stylish, classy and kind. To find that on FB is almost impossible. I will continue to follow you here. I still have much to learn…teri
There has definitely been a turn for the worse in some social media, and you are far from alone in leaving it behind.
Thank you Susan.
There is absolutely no need to engage in toxic conversations. There are so many other enjoyable things in life to spend time on!
Keep it up, I enjoy following you.
I don’t blame you one bit for leaving Facebook. It is definitely a waste of energy! I am however glad you will be continuing with your blog. You’re looking well Susan!
I too have left Facebook. The climate right now is so negative and angry it had become a place to upset me. I have found I am happier just being us, our family, our close friends. I do Instagram for inspiration.
May you continue to be an example to us all!
Susan, I so enjoy your blog, your practical fashion tips, and the classy way you present yourself, your ideas and opinions.
I would drop Facebook too if all those awful distractions happened day after day! I will continue to follow your blog and hope you will not “retire” from that any time soon.
Glad you are well and can be out and about a little bit with darling Mr. Mickey. Best of health to you both.
I applaud your decision to leave Facebook. I made that leap last October. The few times I have logged in to check on something, I get off so thankful FB is not a part of my daily life. It’s a huge waste of time, and has become a negative place to navigate. I appreciate the safe platform you have created here to explore fashion and lifestyle for those of us enjoying life after 60.
I had no idea, thank you for explaining! For what it’s worth, I have unsubscribed from many blogs for women our age EXCEPT yours because I actually learn something on yours. I have often felt Facebook was negative in many ways. I also truly appreciate how you keep politics out of your blog. Thank you for all you do!
Good decision, Susan!
Thank you, Susan. You look stunning as always, and I love that you are including a mask in coordinating your outfit. I have noticed that trend on other FB pages also and have removed myself from some pages that I originally enjoyed following. Sigh!!
Good for you! I encourage everyone that I care about to leave Facebook only because what seemed like a great idea has become something else. It is like tough love for yourself to quit, but your positive message will still get out there! I follow your inspirational words and images on Pinterest and have been grateful for them so many times!
Stay well, stylishly, of course!
Good job regarding Facebook. It has become tiresome. You are always informative and encouraging. Thank you
Thank you for doing the “right” thing, Susan! I’m so glad you’ve reclaimed some of your time. Time is so precious and it seems a shame to waste it on people who want to perpetuate evil. You are a very bright spot in the day for those of us that follow you. We appreciate your continued hard work and generosity as you share with us. Blessings to you and Mr. Mickey.
Sorry you had so much trouble with Facebook. I was on it years ago for about a month and I didn’t like all the gossip and judgement about EVERYTHING! Not worth the aggravation. I really love that top! I wear white jeans all summer and that top looks like something I can really use as long as it’s not too clingy around my “midriff bulge”!
Thanks for the explanation regarding Facebook and double thanks for continuing the blog. You are very much appreciated.
Bravo to you for getting rid of the FB nonsense. I experienced the male contact harassment after commenting on another page. I blocked them all and learned not to comment on pages other than friends pages. I really enjoy your blog.
I totally understand and agree with you leaving FB, Susan
I got off facebook about 2 yrs ago. Too much negativity out there for me. I enjoy your postings on Instagram. Thank your for all you do. Stay safe
Great decision, Susan! You look beautiful in the turquoise top.
I’d love to connect via email. I value your perspective.
I love reading your blog & seeing the sights that you post about & the wonderful foods you enjoy. You are an inspiration!!
Tami in Oklahoma
Congratulations on the decision re Facebook. I am finding it less and less useful with much more advertising.
I love your posts and admire your good taste!
Tank you Susan.
Unfortunately there are nasty people out there.
It is the times we live in.
All matter of manners,decency and respect are gone.
I used to go to your facebook page because I enjoyed the questions
and style tips. I hope you do not give up this blog.
Thank you for your wonderful blog! It is the only blog I read consistently any more. You don’t have the annoying ads that make it impossible to read. I appreciate that so much! I have given up reading some other favorites of mine, because it was so difficult and confusing.
I love today’s outfit. It really is upbeat and youthful! So glad you and Mr. Mickey are recovering well and able to get out and enjoy life again.
Wise woman. Recognizing the difficulties of engaging on FB, I’ve decied to instead use my time in what I call “fruitful action”, as I support those working towards positive change.
You are such a joy to read and I have enjoyed following you! It’s a shame you had to leave Face Book but everyone can understand. Take care and be safe!
Hi. I’m sorry you are leaving Facebook because I could count on seeing your post each day. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog so that It arrives in my email each day without going to http://www.susanafter60? I am not very tech-savvy . Thank you
You have successfully subscribed to the newsletter. You’ll receive a confirmation email in a few minutes. Please follow the link in it to confirm your subscription. If the email takes more than 15 minutes to appear in your mailbox, please check your spam folder.
Susan, I followed about 5 bloggers. Two have a closed FB group where you have to be approved to join. It is all like minded women and we share so many tips about dry clean products to use at home, good resale shops, good sales, and great buys. One is for age 40 plus and it keeps my morale high because only positive comments are encouraged and seeing how women are coping and staying active in this pandemic is so inspiring. Maybe you could look into something like that?
HI! It’s so sad that so many of us have “dropped” facebook for the exact reasons you describe. What a shame that it has come to this!
On a brighter note, thanks for continuing to lighten our days with your blog. It’s nice for us ladies who are a tad over 49 to have someone in our corner who’s boosting our spirits with happy conversation and insight.
You are sporting a great mask. I looked at it on the site but cannot determine the number of layers. Could you enlighten me, please? Is it double or triple-layered?
Glad you are feeling better. Thanks, again.
The mask is a single layer thick stretchy material. It is large enough to wear over another type of mask that isn’t as pretty if you wish.
Thanks for this post and all your others. I often try to copy your look as you are stylish, we are similar ages (I’m 59), and our taste and coloring is similar.
I am, however, 6’1″ and wear a 10.5 narrow shoe. I’m fit and toned and very athletic for my age. I still wear shorts, skirts above my knee, sleeveless tops, and capris. I have a HUGE problem finding things to fit, however. I love your items from My Fair Lady (and Talbots in this post), but they do not carry tall sizes, and I’ve learned after 59 years that buying regular sized clothing nearly never works. Some stores offer tall sizes but those are usually compromises ( e.g., J Crew makes tall versions of their shirts with the body and sleeves longer, but the bust darts are still in their original place and point to my armpit – sigh….). My very favorite and reliable tall store from the UK (Long Tall Sally) is going out of business. I use ShopStyle and search for “tall” but that has been hit and miss….
Any advice?
With thanks and best wishes,
Nearly Naked in Michigan 🙂
PS – I have sewn my own clothes in the past out of necessity and may resort to that again. Another sigh. People say the would love to have my height and body, but they don’t have to clothe it…..
I have always found your email letters to be very informative. I keep most of my opinions to myself, unless I see something very inspiring. Don’t do negative. Sorry to hear that you have experienced so much. I find this whole outfit to be light and enjoyable.
So sorry you had to deal with all the negativity and creeps! I love your blog and I have always admired your positive role. I, too have pearl stud earring and consider them my jewelry staple. You look fantastic in the pictures.
I’m so happy that you still have your blog! I follow you faithfully and value your wardrobe advice. I have never participated in Face book because I have heard many negative reviews of it. You are a breathe of fresh air and a wonderful source of inspiration. Thank you for being you!!
You made the right decision about Facebook, Susan. I have thought of shutting down my personal account because of all the negativity about politics. Also receiving friend requests from unknown males.
Keep up your good work and know that many out here support you.
Susan, so great to see you looking well and enjoying yr posting again. You have to be the height of mask chic that you colour co-ordinate yr masks. Lol I have one mask that I wash and wear regardless of what I’m wearing! You carry on my dear, one must keep up ones standards.
Stunning as always!
Susan, Wise decision! I got off Facebook years ago for many reasons. Plus I spent a lot of wasted time on there.
Love your outfit & the mask.
Good to see you & Mr.Mickey out & about again
You are a doll! I enjoy your blog and am hopeful that you can and will continue doing what you do. Thanks for sharing your personal story with grace. It has inspired me to stay committed to caring for my body, appearance, and overall well-being, from food to fashion.
Susan, I think you deleted me from your group. About a month ago, I stopped seeing your posts. So I have to search for them on FB or find them here in my email. I would love to see you on FB again
Hi Robin, I didn’t delete your name. Facebook stops showing you posts if you never comment or react to them. Please check your spam folder. You are registered to get emails whenever I share a new post.
Thanks for sharing your fun looks and reasonable advise. So SORRY there are folks who turn pleasure into meaness..
You are beautiful! I love your posts which are delivered to us with such graciousness and style!
You made a wise choice. I’ve become so disgusted with Facebook!
Good for you. You are a great example to so many women. Thanks.
Bravo susan! I have come to despise Facebook! If it weren’t for my yoga practice and my followers I would delete mine as well! I will continue to follow you here on your blog! Love you friend!!!
I know what you mean! Good luck with your practice. I miss you and love you too, dear friend.
Good for you. I have a personal Facebook account in case anyone wants to find me. I have lived a lot of places. Other than keeping it in existence for that reason I totally ignore it.
Keep your head up. Not all of us guys are just here to cause drama and ruin your page. Don’t let them ruin the platform you have built. Keep making your little corner of the world a brighter place. Cheers. ☺️
Thank you!
I just recently returned to Facebook after 2 years absence. It had become so political and hateful. I decided to return and make it a account for family only. I only allow relatives and we share photos and stories about our families. It is easy for me to have a secure account. I understand how difficult this is for you. Will look forward to your emails to continue following you in the future.
Soon after I retired 5 years ago, I started following your first blog, plus some others! Yours is the only one I continue to read faithfully but comment rarely. I’ve incorporated many of your tips into my outfits which keep me looking stylish even in retirement! Your explanations on proportions has been especially helpful. I knew some things looked better but couldn’t put my finger on why! But my main reason for commenting today is to share some information about Friend Requests on Facebook. I have a friend that works in internet research for developing security programs. She shared that many male friend requests and/or commenters on public pages are actually foreign operatives trying to gain access to account information and any other personal data they can retrieve. Delete them immediately! You made the best decision by just closing your account as it sounds you had numerous types of nefarious people trying to exploit your page! Best wishes to you and Mr. Mickey during this time as we all try to stay healthy!
Congratulations on leaving FB. I left quite a while ago as it was making me unhappy with all the negativity out there. My friends thought me over sensitive at the time but it gives me no pleasure to say that many of them now understand and have done the same. Kindness, understanding and positivity are so important to our wellbeing.
Thanks for sharing the link to the cute masks. I have about 30 plain white masks that are washable and are okay, but there are times I would like to have something more attractive and less costly. Since it appears like we may be wearing masks for longer than I anticipated, I will definitely be ordering. I like that the ear loops are adjustable too. Masks probably aren’t effective when they fall below your nose and mouth.
I am very concerned about current events politically, socially, economically…., but I love visiting your blog because it brightens my day and takes my mind off all the negative news out there.
Good for you on the Facebook issue!! Way too much B.S. out there anymore.
I am glad you are off FB, I never could send you a comment only like and share.
Hope you are completely over the Covid-19 and doing well.
Stay safe and well.
6 months ago a friend said he was deleting FB from his computer, and I decided I should do that, too. So I did, and my life is 100% better. When I first joined, FB, I reconnected with old friends, and we shared news and pictures of our families and what we were doing. Then, politics took over, and it just got ugly—from BOTH sides of the political spectrum. No matter how many sites I deleted, more would pop up. There were fewer posts from friends, most of whom had deleted FB, so there was no reason to stay on. I’ve never regretted leaving FB, and I will NEVER go back.
It saddens me to realize what Facebook has become in your dealings with the platform. However, I am so thankful you will continue your Blog and will post on Instagram for notifications of your Blog posts. I have followed you for several years and you are such a positive influence with your sense of style and elegance. Thank you for always being so giving of your knowledge—you are truly inspirational.
I, too, have left Facebook. I got tired of feeling bombarded with political rants and seeing 75 pictures of vacations people took. I tried and tried to find a way to stay but when our youngest daughter said she was leaving I knew it was time. If the youngsters are tired of the attitude I am okay with my decision. I have learned so much about style and lifestyle from you. I am a fairly new follower. Glad I am alive at 72 and enjoying life to the fullest. Keep up the good work
You are beautiful and I always enjoy your posts. I’m working hard to get in better shape and lose weight. Some inspiring words and ideas from you would go a long way! Would you consider posting about dressing to look thinner? You obviously don’t need to consider this. Many of us (over 60’s) are struggling with mobility, weight and health issues. You are so inspirational! Maybe some ideas you utilized prior your weight loss? For example, I can’t wear heals for medical reasons and would love to read your creative insights on attempting to dress thinner (with limitations) like no heals. Flat, orthopedic shoes? Maybe a special edition for those of us who have put on the “Covid 19”. Sigh. We still want to look nice while working on our weight and health issues.
Thank you for your thoughts
I have shared tips for dressing to look more slender a few times. Here is one post. This post shows favorite flat shoes. Here is another post about flat shoes that might be helpful.
Sorry about facebook. I am glad you are continuing to post these email mails with us. I have learned so much from you these last few years and have turned my life around because of you good tips. I hope you continuing to share with us.
Thanks again
You are wonderful. I deleted my Facebook page 2 weeks ago. I was surprised at how much I get done in a day now. Also I was so tired of the comments and the ridiculing. I wear a mask when I go out. I’m probably a little older than you but you are wonderful.I totally agree with you on Facebook. It’s a part of my day I can do without. Thank you for all that you do and your positive attitude Janet Emrich
Hi Susan, I’m sorry to hear that the Facebook group basically became a negative space – totally understand your decision!
Thank you for sharing! I recently joined Insta Gram and have become concerned about the attention I an getting from men, Also an older woman, wonder why any man would be bothered. Any way a bit disconcerting to say the least.
Those are also fake accounts, Sandra. I block them as soon as they pop up on Instagram. Those guys try to get you to fall in love with them and then send them all of your money. The pictures are usually stolen and not even of the person who created the account.
Pleased you have found a nicer and safer environment to keep on blogging
Thank you Susan. I have received several comments from men, after commenting on your page. I also have received many new friend requests lately, all from men I do not know! I am not very computer savy….and often wonder why these crazy people don’t get a life and leave ours alone. Look forward to your posts, pictures and comments….I enjoy so much. Barbara. Best wishes to you and to Mr. Mickey
Hi, Susan,
I have been following you for years now and have enjoyed the journey. I have never felt the need to reply to a posting until today. I agree with you so strongly about Facebook that I had to comment. I quit Facebook over three years ago. I could not tolerate the garbage just to see the postings from friends. I know I have missed many grandchild photos but at least I have my calm.
You have so done the right thing!
I’m glad to hear you say mr Mickey is out taking pictures again. Hope he has healed well. I think you look like you’re feeling well, hope I am correct.
I am feeling much better. Thank you.
Im with you, Susan. I left facebook for good a week ago, and I feel so much better. This takes so much stress away. I wish some of my friends and family would do the same. I have been following you for a few years and really enjoy your posts.
I continue to admire your good sense and good will. I like that you are helpful in a gentle way, always remembering that your followers come in a myriad of individuals with their own preferences and needs. I have been able to apply so many things you have suggested, appreciate what you offer, and wish you the best in your continuing journey to preserve good taste, restraint, beauty, and being at ease with yourself, feeling comfortable with who you are, and finding delight in discovering something new that resonates with you.
You are truly a be person, through and through. I totally agree about Facebook and am about to wave goodbye to it and regain all of the time I wasting, too.
Thank you for your inspirational message.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Sadly the country has become so nasty and divided. It’s is so sad what we as a nation have turned into. I love reading your post, I find it so interesting to follow you because your in the south and I live almost next to Canada.
Facebook represents people from all over the world, so it isn’t just a reflection of just the USA.
Thank you Susan for all you share with us. I love your blog.
So many hateful people on Facebook lately. It makes me sad thinking this is the way of the world now.
Love your site and your look!
Bless you. I love your blog. Thank you.
I am so sorry you have had to put up with the Facebook oddballs. But very happy to hear you’re continuing your blog. It’s a joy for those of us who follow you. Thank you and thank you to your photographer, Mr. Mickey. Stay safe…
HI Susan,
I, too, dropped Facebook a few months ago. It was no longer a pleasant catch-up with friends and family, but angry political arguments, unsolicited opinions and ads.
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I so enjoy your blogs and travels!
I am so sorry about your FB experience. If not for my fellow watercolorist and dog families I would totally quit FB! I have recently actually had to block many people. We do not need negativity in our lives
Hi Susan,
I have never join a Facebook it was just something about it I never liked.
I totally understand your frustration with Facebook. I’m so happy you will be keeping the blog. I look forward to your daily blog about fashion, skin care and the weekend trip you and Mr. Mickey share with us on the blog.
Good for you and I agree it’s no longer a fun place to reconnect with old friends
This works perfectly. Good choice to jump off Facebook.
Hi Susan, agree totally with you about Facebook. I never go on Instagram or Facebook and thank goodness most of my weird messages seem to get filtered to rubbish by either Apple or Trend security and from time to time I just delete all in rubbish. You are one of the few people I follow on Pinterest, and enjoy your honest and informative ideas very much. Please don’t let these few weird people upset you I feel sure that most most women our age interested in travel fashion etc. enjoy and look forward to your blog. So please keep up the good work and stay happy and safe you just feel like a really good friend in this terrible world pandemic. Best regards Bev in Australia
I have enjoyed the conservative and graceful advice and applaud you for your decision. The narrow way leads to life. (my paraphrase )
Hope you ca write a book. More of us need to remember how it is to be a lady this day and age.
Blessings in your endeavors and I will be looking for more of you in the media.
Thank you for explaining why you left Facebook and I am sad the platform brings undesirable attention. I have never commented, although I read all your blog posts. We don’t share body style or coloring but I do enjoy your blog because I admire your casual yet elegant style of dressing. I hope you are able to continue the blog.
I’ve purchased both the watch, in goldtone, and the Beauty in Stone necklace. On an earlier post you talked about a white blouse. Can you please tell me where you purchased it? Thanks Susan
One of my favorite white shirts is here. (I have several.)
I too am SO sorry to hear about your experience with FB. I’m glad you got it out of your life…..I’ve finally decided that at this age it’s time to make conscious decisions about who and what I’ll allow into my life. I’m so much happier and peaceful now that I did that and eliminated Facebook and a few people who brought me too much stress. I’m so much happier now .
You looked beautiful today in your pictures. I love the turquoise top, but they don’t seem to have a petite option (I’m 5’2” 120 pounds). Do you know of an outlet that carries tops like that in petite? Thanks . I’m so glad you kept your blog!
Clara Sunwoo doesn’t make petites, but this shorter top still might work for you. (I’m 5’6″.) I always suggest Talbots for petite clothing. I find that their quality is higher, and the classic styling of their solid pieces doesn’t look dated as quickly prints and patterns.
Von Maur does offer a few Clara Sunwoo petites from time to time.
Thank you!
Thank you Susan it feels like there is very little decency left so appreciate discussing something informative and uplifting.
It is a difficult time and having that type of behavior is such reality check on how far people feel that they can act badly.
Good for you, your approach matches the information that you provide and people will continue to follow you for all your wisdom and style ideas. The best always…
I’m sorry to hear this about your Facebook experience. I’ve had a similar experience with Instagram. Sad there are so many men looking to prey on vulnerable women. I look forward to reading your posts and your sensible approach to style as opposed to showing expensive new pieces every post.
I’m with you on the FB rail! I run three businesses and all of the pages that go with them should have a community page as well. While I have created them; I have never put them public for the same reasons you talk about here. On IG I get so many “men” following me and wanting a follow back. (while we know these “men” are really 13-year olds sitting in their basements with nothing better to do) it still takes time to block.) I learned quite some time ago to block them from the start…but it does take time. It seems that there are a lot of mean girls in certain groups as well…I find it annoying and a whole lot sad. Anyhow…you’ve got my support for signing off your FB group. Makes total sense to me.
Susan, I do enjoy your blogs and I am sorry that you had to put up with all that. Thank you for continuing to send the daily emails.
I am glad that both you are Mr Mickey are both feeling better.
Love your blog and it has made me so much wiser when I shop for clothes and accessories. Please keep it up! Thanks,
I still have a facebook account, but I am on it less and less. I may open the app on my phone once a month. I read somewhere that approximately 67% of people claim facebook as their #1 news source. I pray that is a fake number. I agree, it’s like a scary alley on a dark night.
Blessings to you. I truly enjoy your blog.
Dear Susan, Once again you look absolutely smashing! Thank you for continuing to show us ( mature ladies) how to look stunning by dressing simply and tastefully . Love your whole look from top to bottom! And that handbag! Love it. That is another area you’ve educated me on. I Used to think purses were just utilitarian. But how they help elevate the whole look.
I applaud your decision concerning Facebook. It is a reflection of your inner integrity. Thank you for your continued excellence.
Your blog makes my day. A SINCERE THANK YOU. Thrilled Mr. Mickey is doing well.
So sorry you had to experience this Susan. I agree with your decision. There are a lot of charlatans out there as well as many unstable people and this pandemic and lock down seems to exacerbated the toxicity of them. We all need to uplift and support each other and if we can’t do that we need to keep our mouths shut. Some have forgotten what our Mothers taught us – if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all. You look fabulous by the way and those shoes are to die for.
I feel the same way and left Facebook a couple of weeks ago.
I’ve limited my FB to my church services on Sunday morning only. I’ve never really trusted the site, and your comments just reinforced what I’ve suspected. Thanks for your honesty.
So happy to find you here on PINterst. I had been following on FBook for a few years. Very nice to see you out and about and to hear that Mr.Mickey is also able to take photos once again. Best wishes to you both.
Thank you for the update. I have also pulled back from Facebook. The trolling there is bad! I do keep a business page on FB but I learned a couple of years ago to not put my photo on the home page (same for my personal and biz page on Instagram) otherwise there were too many men “following” my page with all their details blocked and only a photo of them looking hunky. I have aggressively curated all the pages but it gets tiresome.
My ex-husband died 5 years ago alone and penniless in a hostel in Las Vegas, the cheapest place he could rent by the day, having been totally cleaned out financially by a cat phisher who befriended him on FB after he announced his wife had died. I like to think I have more brains than to fall for for something than that, but I know scams evolve, so I think you’re smart to cut the FB cord now.
I do love your posts and will continue to follow your emails. I’ve learned so much about classic styling and how to stay up-to-date looking without constantly buying clothes that either I don’t look good in or are of short-term worth. All the best, Linda Heinsohn
I hadn’t thought about men being a problem for you on FB.
I think getting off was probably the right thing to do!
It does get toxic and I expect that to continue as we near the election. I don’t like to mute people with opinions different than mine, it’s good to hear other opinions, but sometimes I decide I’ve had about as much as I can stand and hide them for 30 days.
I’ve been having a good time with masks. I ordered some material from Spoonflower and made my Mother one with cards on it, so she has something to wear while playing bridge!
Yours looks very nice with your outfit!
I’ve been enjoying your blog and it’s previous one for many years. I prefer to go straight to a blog, it’s more personal, and generally forget to see if these same bloggers are on facebook, instagram, or whatever. I love your dressing style, too.
I transferred to IG years ago. I have had men here try to start conversations which i easily delete. I removed my personal image/picture and replaced it with something generic/non feminine and that helped. I hope more friends will make the switch. Some people only do facebook which makes it difficult if I am wanting to participate in something with them online. I have followed you for years and really enjoy your health and skincare updates, as well as clothing posts. Keep up the good work, and so glad you are feeling better!
Hi Susan, I’m so glad that you and Mr. Mickey are both feeling better – glad to see he took these photos as it means he’s able to get up and around more easily, now. And, I’m so glad you’re feeling better, also. You look beautiful in this top – the color is just gorgeous on you and you seem to be back to your old self. Hoping you’re recovering and feeling more like yourself. And, I completely agree w/your FB decision. I get your posts in my email so I won’t mind not seeing you on FB. Best to you both, Claudia
Enjoy your outfits and positive outlook. Warm wishes from Kathy in the UK
I certainly understand why you left Facebook. I’m glad to find you here.
Facebook and the Nextdoor Apps can both be very toxic. I was off FB for about 5 years and just recently started it back up so I could see the photos of Gkids that I was missing. Not sure how long either of the Apps will last for me. Stay healthy and as beautiful inside and out as always.
Susan, you are beautiful as usual, inside & out. Over the years you have become my inspiration.
Like you I left Facebook for some of your same reasons, everyone seems so angry and I found it affected me deeply. I just became a citizen last year after immigrating from England many years ago. It breaks my heart to see what is happening.
All I can do is pray & trust in God that we will come through these difficult times with love & caring for one another and that we will build an even greater United States.
Don’t blame you a bit for leaving facebook. I enjoy following you on Pinterest
So sorry to hear about your Facebook issues…I hope getting away from it will give you some peace that you definitely deserve! Thank you for all you do for those of us who follow your blog!! Your advice and wisdom is so appreciated!!
Thanks, Susan, for this update. I left FB two years ago when it apparently became fine to display one’s ugly side. That included many friends I’d never have suspected harbored vile feelings toward people not like themselves. That decision has made me more content.
Good for you, Susan, for reclaiming your time! Any benefits Facebook offered in its early years are long gone, and it isn’t a good or a safe place to spend our most precious resource. Thank you for offering positive, uplifting content that reminds us we can make our world a more beautiful place every day.
PS – don’t suppose you could persuade BeautyCounter to ship to Australia? Your fans here would really appreciate it!
Oh Dear Susan,
You are such an inspiration and a great mentor. I too deleted my Facebook account so I never joined your group. It started with vulgar ads and ultimately someone hacked my account — suddenly I got bombarded with a type of spam that was so vulgar I won’t describe it beyond saying that I would not look at email or the app if anyone was around. I’m glad you have taken this route. Every so often someone in the homemaking community want you to join the group and it all ends up just like you describe — members sniping at each other and being very ugly in their language.
I love the fashion masks. Initially I was very resistant to the idea of coordinating outfits and I’ve been using disposables because frankly I just don’t want to launder them. From my nursing background informing my choices (I have a Masters in Public Health although I’m very retired) I keep reminding myself the exterior surface of a mask is to block, trap, catch etc. stuff from going into one’s nose or mouth and it should be considered dirty. And disposed of responsibly. But paper masks are hard to come by for people who don’t have a son in law with an unlimited supply so my suggestion is wash after each wearing. And don’t plop them down on the counter with your keys and your mail! I’ve been guilty of that myself. Now, I wash a batch of my fabric ones separately. No I don’t iron them haha! I may use three paper ones in a series of errands but for a single visit I’ll wear a cloth one. And you’ve inspired me to get a little fancier with them. So thank you!
So sorry you had to deal with all of the negativity. Thank you for keeping us safe. I love your blog and will continue to follow it
Carolyn Sakamoto
Las Vegas, NV
Thank you Susan. I’ve been off Facebook since March and do not miss it. It has turned into an ugly forum in my opinion and I’m happier not reading inciteful or negative posts, especially in COVID time. Wishing you the best. I love your blog!!
I feel the same as you about Facebook. I love your blog & the helpful information you provide to those of us who are trying to age with dignity & style! Do not give up on us who follow your blog Thankyou so much For all your help during this change in our lives. I am 63 still feel like 43 & try very hard to stay in shape, bless your heart for teaching us how to cross over. We’re not in our 20’s & don’t want to go back there, but still love being stylish & youthful feeling!
You look like you have lost weight. I hope you are recovering well. You have great style.!
In the early 1970s I was a computer programmer and systems analyst and went on to have a long career in IT. I saw early on how Facebook really could be abused and have never had an account. I have never been sorry.
You do a fantastic job of providing worthwhile content. You are a lovely inspiration and a style icon. Thank you so much for your blog posts!
Smart Choice. Facebook during the Pandemic has lost its original intention for far too many and you do not need that negativity in your life.
I am glad to see you are out and about.
My Instagram page attracts a lot of men looking for contact, too, but it is easy to get rid of them. I do sometimes have requests from legitimate people, but there are so many of these nefarious men! I have a very funny friend who says those men are looking for a nurse or a purse!
Good for you!
Love the color of the top on you! And thank you for your posts. I am on Facebook and lately I also feel as if some people are just deliberately being cruel, bitter, and hateful. I applaud you for doing what is right for you!
I deleted my fb account too. The only thing I like is marketplace. It is a waste of valuable time and energy. We would all be better off without it! All the best! Turquoise is vibrant on you!!
Well said Susan! I love your blog and look forward to each update you make. I also feel Facebook has become toxic in nature and down right dangerous at times. So many people have lost the ability to filter what and how they say things. I’ve been using Instagram to catch up with family and friends and found the few qroups I belong to post regularly so I really don’t miss anything! I enjoy the info you share and pray you will continue to share your stories, pictures and travels with Mr. Mickey. Blessings from Texas.
The blue sweater is a beautiful color on you, Susan! These are some of your loveliest photos! Great job, Mr, Mickey!
I, too, am considering dropping my FB account. I find that I open it less and less. It’s fun to see photos of my friend’s grandchildren but censorship and hatefulness are discouraging Thanks for setting an encouraging example!
Oh, Susan, I am sorry you had to go through that. I have been minimizing my time on FB because it was not making me feel good. I have had a few bad experiences…Some people Enjoy making others feel unsafe or different (not in a good) way.
I look forward to your advice and hope to see you as often as it works for you.
Take care
PS I have purchased some very beautiful scarves from you over the last few years.
You are such a lovely lady!!!! I am so sorry and upset that some people have to ruin things for others!!!
I always enjoy your blogs and email. Thank you for all you fashion tips and knowledge.
Thank you again.
I am glad to see you up and about. Take care!
Janie Johnson
Thank you! I enjoy your blog very much.
Insight from the Atlantic Magazine…
One question, answered: Is a bandanna a mask?
James Hamblin talks through some relevant research in his “Paging Dr. Hamblin” column:
An interesting study of the effectiveness of cloth facial coverings appeared [in June] in a physics journal … When it came to stopping airborne viruses from penetrating the mask, some materials were better than others. Bandannas and similarly thin cotton face coverings provided minimal blockage of the aerosolized particles that can shoot through the cloth in a “respiratory jet” …
The underlying takeaway from the study was that the density of fibers in the cloth makes a big difference in how many tiny droplets travel from your mouth into the air.
The mask I am wearing includes a piece of dense fabric, and it is large enough to wear an N95 mask under it. Any face-covering must better than none.
Just jeans and a tee shirt and you always look like a million bucks. I’m so happy to see you out and about and looking so healthy and happy. You are amazing.
I will miss your posts popping up on Facebook, but I understand. Love that blue top. One of my favorite colors.
I love your posts and appreciate your message. I too have quit Facebook as it isn’t a viable place to share or connect. All the best to you.
You look marvelous and I am sorry to hear you had disturbing and time consuming Facebook posts. That must have been dreadful. Keep on providing such great content. .I love it. . .and appreciate your time devoted to it and us!!
Thanks for your honesty, Susan, and I agree wholeheartedly with you. I’m sorry you have received negative comments. Your pages are always well written and you provide great ideas to spruce up a wardrobe. I look forward to reading future posts! Take care!
Susan, So sad to read about your unpleasant experience on Facebook I think you’ve done the right thing by no longer subscribing . I must say as always you look amazing today and such a great idea to coordinate your face mask with your outfit. Who says wearing a face mask has to be boring !
I have been getting your emails and have seen that your clothes are so nice. I have a problem as I need to get new clothes and find I am knitting most of my tops being short sleeve. Am I out of fashion. Another reason I knit is because the man made wool is cheaper than buying the article in the shops. What I use is about R 120. for wool and the finished article in the shops are R 400 upwards. I live in South Africa where it is winter now and I am in chunky style jerseys with long sleeve tops. When I was younger I knitting my tops short and now at 60 and with HRT changing my bust size I have had to knit new tops/cardigans etc. I also sew my slacks which takes longer. Is knitted clothing in or out of style for my age.?
It would be lovely to own hand-knitted custom-made garments. Here in the USA, it is much cheaper to buy things off the rack, and many of us don’t know how to knit or sew. Use your talent and creativity to create your unique looks and wear them with pride. I don’t pay much attention to trends, but I do look for basic pieces I can wear on repeat for years.
I don’t use Facebook for similar reasons – so I applaud your choice. Thanks for the candor and for the great photos – you look like you have taken a big step in recovery – you are the picture of health and I hope it is more than just having an excellent photographer :).
Hi Susan,
You look wonderful, Susan. So glad you are returned to health and once again giving us a bit of beauty to brighten our days. I am not a fan of FB either, and lately, have heard similar comments from friends and family who have also decided to part ways with that world.
Thanks for sharing.
Stay safe, CR
I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience the worst of social media and had to engage with the the undesirable strata in life. I truly believe it’ should be a space to share positive thoughts and events and not somewhere to vent unpleasantness. I love your articles and photos Susan, you spread joy and inspiration so I thank you and look forward to continued connection via this page. Have a wonderful day. As my mother used to say…. “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
I have a private account on FB, but I don’t really use it much, other than to keep up with about 20 people I went to high school with. I didn’t have anyone on the friends list I hadn’t met personally. I was planning to attend our 50th high school reunion, but I decided not to because it was in a suburb of Seattle, which has become almost a communist country of late. I retired out of the Navy/Naval Reserve as an E-8 [Senior Chief Hospital Corpsman] nearly 20 years ago, but some of my more “liberal” classmates repeatedly called me a “baby killer” and, of those others who had served, called me “lifer scum”. If being lifer scum means I don’t have to grovel for some VA bureaucrat to get health care [retirees get TriCare, formerly known as CHAMPUS], then so be it. I take pleasure in knowing that I had more time in the chow line than they spent on active duty. After the reunion, I unfriended about 60 people, half the graduating class and never looked back. I log in about twice a month to see how those left are doing. They are all wrapped about the election; me not so much. I bring up your site every day, just to see what you’re wearing and to find out about you and Mr. Mickey. Please keep contributing here at your main site.
You are looking lovely as usual Susan. You are such an inspiration to maturing women. THANK YOU.
Yes, I have also left Facebook completely as I was getting very tired of negative news coming through. I only want to focus on positivity.
Blessings. I will miss your early morning messages but understand your decision regards FB. You’ve become a part of my extended family and I enjoy and benefit from your sharing.
Smart lady!! Facebook can get creepy and extremely confrontational. Glad you found a forum to share your style. Once again southern lady!! Thank you and so glad y’all are out and going. Y’all have had one wild ride this year! Thank you! Karen
Susan, I completely understand why you left Facebook. I haven’t experienced a lot of the man problems you are talking about, i have so much negativity in my timeline. Covid 19 is bringing out the worst in people. Mask wearers, anti masks, and the political opinions are the worst. I don’t get much anymore because its so negative, I can’t deal with all the stress it brings. I enjoy keeping up with family and friends but I think most people not participating in the rant posting have also turned away from Facebook.
I enjoy your blog, I just recently read your bio what a truly inspirational story. It’s encouraging to know you can overcome hardships and live a great life. Thank you for sharing your story and life, I look forward to your emails and read your blogs faithfully.
Isn’t it sad that so many of the simple things we could enjoy are devolving into being problematic or hurtful due to negative nonsense.
So sorry about your fb experience! Thank you for your blog and all your useful information. When I go to the link for your necklace the picture looks more like silver balls instead of pearls. Does it just look that way in the picture or is there another link? Glad to see you are feeling better!
Please use this link for the pearls. I apologize for the mistake. There are many versions of that lariat.
Oh my goodness – I am so sorry to read of your distress with FB. Sadly it’s not the first time I have heard moderators report this sort of dreadful behaviour.
I am so glad you have taken this decision, for your peaceof mind, and will continue to enjoy your blog, thank you so much for all the effort you put into it – I really enjoy reading it
Stay safe, keep well and very best wishes
Carol – from Lake District, England
Thank you, Susan. I am thankful that you can still share your expertise here.
Susan I have so much loved your videos and appreciated your advice. Its such a shame you have had to endure all that unpleasantness. The only option for you was to close your Facebook account. My home is in the UK and I have a similar figure to you but am ten years older. Your attention to detail along with experience is so helpful. Like you I watch my diet and have now lost a lot of weight. So now a new wardrobe!!! This is where you are truly appreciated. My husband died 4 years ago and I am a person trying to find herself again. People like yourself open and honest are inspiring.
God bless you Susan
Ann x
Dear Susan, I found you on facebook but I do understand that you’re fed up with all the precautions you have to take to keep your fb wall safe. I admire you since a while, I love the way you dress, you just make me appreciate my age, I’m 66 and retired. This doesn’t mean my life is boring, no not at all, and I love taking care of myself, I love wearing nice clothes and am thankful for each good advice. I love the way you select your wardrobe for your travels…I must say I’ve learned a lot. I was really worried when you told us that you weren’t well for a while… the time you had to go through was for sure horrible, I’m so glad you’re on the mend again.
I’ll continue to follow your website without any doubt and wish you a wonderful time with your fans
Much love from Luxembourg
I am so sorry you had to do this, but I understand completely! I will continue to follow your blog. I always look forward to your tips!
This is such a cute outfit. I enjoy your blogs and am very happy to have discovered them. Thank you for all your helpful tips and inspiration!
Facebook certainly has it’s pros and cons, so glad to find your blog!
Susan, Your comments regarding facebook are spot-on. I truly appreciate your blog format and prefer it. Thanks for keeping up the good work
Susan, sorry for your FB problems. I have found that some people like to comment on things and some are very nasty. I go on FB about once a week to catch up with some friends that don’t live close or to see pictures of their grandchildren. I don’t like reading all the political opinions and most contain foul words that don’t really say much except that they couldn’t find another word that’s more appropriate. I noticed you had more than the usual posts in todays blog. That means to me that woman wanted to respond in a positive way and tell you we appreciate your blog and helpful hints. You don’t need FB to have a community – it’s right here. Hope you are feeling much better and ready to take on the world one blog at a time. I enjoy reading your blog and I have looked up some older blogs to remind me about other things you have posted.
I am so glad you and Mr Mickey are doing well,you both had some worrying set backs. You are such an inspiration to me,not just your classy style but your
personal standards. Thankyou for all the helpful tips you give us to look and be our best.
Good for you for quitting something that has become toxic. My dil , being a police officer, also had to quit FB for the good of her well-being. Please continue to share with us because I enjoy your blog everyday. Praying that everyday you are healthier and have more energy. Hugs ML
Good for you. I love that outfit on you.
Sorry you had that experience from Facebook times have certainly change as have people who can hide behind social media. Stay well and Hi to Mr. Mickey from Jim and L
I love this color blue myself and on you….I’m normally not a blue fan except for blue jeans but this hue is one i do like.
Hi Susan,
I enjoy reading your blog.
Such a shame….there is so much to deal with… when you deal with the public. I do enjoy your articles… will follow you on anything you are on. You are very kind… thank you again for your knowledge…
All my best with warm regards ~
Gail Pawl
You are right on Susan! I’m sorry you had to take time to rid yourself of this horrible abuse from men or other mean spirited people. They don’t deserve your energy….DO NOT ENGAGE of course. It took your precious time. I support you all the way!
Wow, I had no idea that you or anyone had all these problems in Facebook. Thank you so much for letting us know and thank you for continuing your blog. There are so few options for our generation and you are a role model of style and class for many of us. Looking forward to many years with you. I feel like you are a friend ❣️ Rose
I am glad I found you (on FB initially a couple of weeks ago)! I used your discount code to shop at Shop My Fair Lady for the first time. They have Clara Sun Woo, which is my favorite brand. Thank you for your ideas. Much appreciated.
I am glad to follow you through your blog. Thank you for continuing to provide inspiration on sensible style!
Enjoy your site so much, I look forward to it each and every time and am never disappointed. I feel like I have learned so much. I live in Southwest Virginia and enjoy all your little excursions thinking maybe I can go there also. The places are nice for day trips/weekends.
Have a great week and stay safe.
That top looks terrific on you. I thought turquoise was a warm, “Spring” color, but it certainly is flattering to your “cool” coloring. I guess there are exceptions to every rule !?
Thanks for doing what you do.
Be well,
The best thing about colors is that you can almost always find a hue that is flattering for you. There are warm tones and cool tones within each spectrum.
You look beautiful! It is wonderful to see you feeling well and regaining strength and stamina! I am sorry you had to deal with this issue on social media and support your decision to separate yourself. Stay safe and well.
I also quite FB for similar reasons. It felt so liberating! One less thing to do each day; and, after all, we lived without it for a lifetime before entering that abyss.
I so enjoy your site, and look forward to your posts!
Hi Susan,
Good for you! I don’t go on the Facebook pages of bloggers I follow for exactly those reasons. Thanks for continuing to write to us.
I applaud your decision to leave Face Book. I was appalled to see that those “men” were stalking your commenters and the negative comments were disturbing.
I enjoy your blog and look forward to your lifestyle and fashion tips.
I’m glad to see that you have recovered after a brush with the virus and wish you continued health.
Best Regards,
Linda M
Thanks for this post. Taking my daughter to College this week and I turned to your post for casual but classy wear. Love this blue top with white pants. I also agree with the FB comments. I absolutely dread getting on FB these days – I am happy you have this blog that I revert to constantly. Thank you! I hope you are feeling better now – you look beautiful as ever. Blessings always.
It is horrible that You have had to experience the comments and remarks on your Facebook entries. Thank you for sharing all of your amazing hints and comments. I enjoy following you and wish you all the best. Keep up your positive and inspiring posts! Thank you.
The turquoise looks fantastic on you! I am in my 60s and personally feel black is to harsh for me at this age. This is the type of top that makes me feel I look more vibrant.
Hi Susan. You made the right decision. People who receive some type of gratification from speaking out while hiding behing a keyboard are not going to change their behavior. You are an excellent writer by the way. I always enjoy reading what you post.
I love all your outfits and recommendations. Thank you for sharing them! I, too, got off Facebook. I totally understand why you did. I’m grateful you still have this blog!
You look beautiful here. How do you about cropped pants? I don’t recall you wearing them much. My legs are very much like yours. Thanks.
Since cropped pants or Capris stop at the fullest part of my calves, I don’t buy them anymore. I always try to wear pants, skirts, and dresses that end at the most narrow part of the leg. I apply the same rule to the length of tops. Never let the hemline stop at the thickest part of your tummy or hips.
Brava. You are always an inspiration.
Hi Susan – Thank you for sharing your Facebook experience. What a nightmare! I stopped using Facebook a decade ago and haven’t looked back. Although I did not experience the disasters you did, I felt that Facebook was a real waste of my time and energy. Not to mention all the “hate” that social media tends to perpetuate.
I REALLY enjoy your posts and have noticed a real uptick in the way I’m wearing my clothes. Much more fashionable and tasteful thanks to you. And, I’m reading your recommended books on health, wellness and weight loss, (half-way through “Eat to Live”).
Stay well and thank you for your posts! You are truly an inspiration to this 61 year old in Massachusetts! Julie
I very much agree with you regarding facebook. I think the bad in facebook definitely out weighs the good. I do not participate. I was happy to hear that you will continue to share your valuable information and experiences.
Thanks, Vonda
Hi Susan,
It’s so good to have you back in good health, and seeing that beautiful upbeat smile again.
We were so suspicious about Facebook and the invasion into your privacy we made an easy decision to not be present on Facebook. I totally appreciate what you have been through, all I will say is I am sorry. I run away and hide from anything that is negative. I liked your description of how Facebook started to feel, well said.
Love you in turquoise, it’s a favorite color of mine too, it’s such an alive and happy color. It just perks up your face so well.
Sending you a beautiful week.
Susan, I look forward to reading your blogs as they continually inspire and encourage me! I, too, removed myself from FB a few days ago and it is freeing. I will miss keeping up with treasured friends, but the division among friends and family that is being expressed in various topics is not worth reading and being a part of. I pray and hope that somehow hearts can be mended and we can come together instead of tearing one another apart! Bless you!
I have had to limit my time on FB as well. I use it to keep in touch with high school friends and that is its primary purpose for me. Thank you for providing Instagram content for after 60. I just turned 60 in May and instead of being anxious about the future, I’m looking forward to entering phase 3 with confidence. Best to you.
I also left Facebook, several months ago, for many of
the same reasons and wanted to offer my support to your decision. Thank you for making that stand!
I really enjoy your blog …. keep up the good work and I’m glad to see your recovery going well.
I agree with your action concerning Facebook. Everyone with an agenda seems to want to vent their anger and aggression on this venue. I applaud your comments and view.
You are a courageous strong woman! I have enjoyed your blog for years and plan to continue to do so. As one of your followers I had no idea what you have had to put up with from unsolicited men. I love your style you are truly a classic lady!
I understand about Facebook. The great news is you have this additional wonderful forum here. I am totally inspired by the looks you put together and look forward to your emails. Thanks for not giving up and giving in to negative energy. We need you out here! You’re a ray of light in these fearful times.
It’s a shame that Facebook has become so controversial. I commend you for “getting off”. In general, it is a time-waster for all of us!
Hi Susan. Too bad there are bad people out there when you are doing nothing but good. Bad people try to bring down and weaken the good people. I enjoy your posts and keep up the great work.
I so enjoy as a newbie, your blog. I’ve ordered some new things I saw on your blog and have been encouraged by you to put on makeup and take better care of me. Thank you for that. I look forward to your future blogs.
Good idea! I’m sick of Facebook. I’m doing the same thing!
Susan, your posts are a highlight of my on-line reading and I am saddened by the story of your experiences. Thank you for sharing this and continuing your informative fashion advice!
How awful to have those comments and the misuse of your posts. Good decision to leave FB.
You are so inspirational! I’m so sorry about Facebook and the Shenanigans! I hate drama. I’m rarely on Facebook lately because of all the drama! I have always enjoyed your post though and will continue through your emails. Thank you for always bringing a breath of greasy air to my day
I enjoy your blog so much, it is pleasant and I love all of your tips on beauty and fashion.
I am glad you are feeling better.
Good for you for closing out of Facebook. It has become dangerous & monstrous I believe! I do enjoy your blog so much and look forward to it and appreciate it.
Hi Susan, I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience that – it sounds dreadful and I believe you did the right thing by leaving Facebook. Although I don’t comment often, I do read your posts every day and thoroughly enjoy what you have to share. I have come to think of you as a friend – as I’m sure most of the women who read your posts would agree! Thank you for all you do!
I bought the white jeans from Talbot. Love them. Thank you!
Well I certainly don’t blame you. Had no idea you were dealing with that.
Susan, I truly understand about FB. I am finding it to be a contentious forum at its worst. I still use it to keep up with family and friends who don’t live near me. Luckily I haven’t been approached by any creeps. That would have me shut it down in a heartbeat. But even without that, I am tempted every day to do so and may yet. Thanks for making this choice known to your readers. I’m more than glad to follow a blog and love to see your posts as I think you are such a classy lady and dress so beautifully. I want to grow up to live u to your style. Oh wait, I’m a few years older than you. Snicker, snicker! Guess we are never too old to learn to be stylish and classy!
Glad you are still here Susan. Thank you again for the links to the beautiful items. I was just wondering if you ever have shared a post on your system for organizing and storing your lovely jewelry. I know I need to give some of my jewelry away, but I know I need a better way to store the treasures I really love. Thank you.
I have shared a few organizing and storage tips. Here is one post.
Hi Susan,
You look wonderful in blue and white! Of course you look good in most anything. This morning I was having a discussion with my sixteen year old grand-daughter. Her and her mom were flying back home today after visiting here. She is of the opinion that it is okay to wear any old thing so as to be comfortable on a flight. Emma is a tall slim girl who like many teenage girls is cute as a button in most anything. I paraphrased your comment about “The way that we present ourselves is an unspoken communication of who we are, etc, etc”. I don’t know if I got my point across but at least my daughter approved.
I am glad you took care of yourself by leaving Facebook. That must have been so draining on your energy and time. Thank you for supporting other women and yourself.
I left Facebooik years ago, Susan. It was toxic then. I do Instagram and block men all the time. I delete their messages and block them. To want me they must be desperate or making fun of me! I am NOT even close to being as pretty as you!
I LOVE your website. Please Please Please don’t close it. When I want classy fashion tips from a woman my age I come here! You have helped me reach my weight loss goals. I bought those turquoise Black Market sandals you wore and I absolutely love them.
Anyway, you are above all that Facebook drama. But please never close your website here!
Thank you for the sweet comment, Alix. I’m afraid those men have much more sinister plans than a date. We are smart to block them. Many of us older folks who may be lonely don’t realize there are romance scam professionals out there. (A romance scam is a confidence trick involving feigning romantic intentions towards a victim, gaining their affection, and then using that goodwill to commit fraud.) Read this article from the FBI for more information.
Thank you for sharing your fashion and all the other interests on your blog. I feel the same way about Facebook – especially in a political year, it can get extremely negative and depressing. I enjoy reading your blog & am glad you will continue with this. Enjoy your day!
I loved following you on Facebook, but I understand. I am a writer with a Facebook page. Thanks for the warning!
I never liked Facebook, to me it’s a Forman for some people to vent their hostiles without comforting you.
I do not and never will have Facebook. You are wise to delete it. I enjoy you emails and have learned many fashion tips from you.
Keep up the good work
I’ll miss your FB posts, it’s one of the more cheerful things I see on FB. I don’t blame you a bit, however. I’m so glad your blog is still here!
I also noticed a shift in comments on the blogs I follow. Ladies please stop with the negativity!! If you don’t like her outfit today, maybe tomorrow you will. Please be polite
Thank you for sharing your experience. My mother (82 years old; widow) was sucked in by these so called “doctors” that wanted to be friends with her on Face Book.
She was excited to have someone to talk to…………….My husband and I were like NOOOOOOOO
Again, much thanks….Face book has lost its luster for sure!!!
More about those romance scams in tomorrow’s post. I’m so glad you and your husband were there to warn your mother!
Thank you for being so positive! I am a new follower to your blog, and I am looking forward to reading your posts. I am a widowed, retired teacher. I love reading about fashion, heath and beauty, and other concerns that women our age have. (Love the blue and white look!)
Good gravy! Had no idea you were encountering such nonsense. Glad this option is still available. Take care.
Susan, It is easy to understand your frustration with Facebook, and I think you will have full support and understanding from anyone who is enjoying your page for what is it– a great help to many of us.
Your expertise and willingness to share is much appreciated.
Glad to see you looking as though you feel 100% again. You look great!
I enjoyed your post on fb. That was how I got acquainted with you. You have so much class and knowledge. Thank you for inspiring mature ladies.
I am so sorry to hear about your experiences on Facebook. Unfortunately it isn’t surprising. These days it seems many want to tear down the good. To me, your blog is a sweet, innocent expression of your beauty & fashion ideas and lifestyle tips. They are enjoyable to me. I look forward to your displays of fashion, food & travel, especially during this time when so many of us are homebound because of covid, violence, etc. I don’t use any social media outlets and never have, now I’m more convinced than ever it’s not for me.
I hope you will continue doing what your doing and not be deterred by all the nastiness. Consider me one of your fans!
Thank you for the encouragement, Linda.
Love your blog and fashion. Keep up the good work
I am so sorry FB was such a swamp. But I’m so glad I can still follow you on Pinterest! ❤️
Yea! So happy to read Mr. Mickey is feeling well & strong enough to take pictures again. I love thinking about him looking admiringly through the lens at you. And I too have thought about leaving FB. I watch very little tv anymore & then when I go on FB so much of it is why I don’t watch tv.♀️ Stay well and stay true. I so enjoy your integrity.
I am sorry you encounter this type of people I have always like your suggestions
Yay, Mr. Mickey is back! Glad you’re both well and back to doing what you enjoy!
. I too have very little to do with Facebook . My Big Guy And I wear masks everywhere also Be safe.
Thank you, Susan! It is a beautiful necklace and I love pearls.
Thanks for sharing your perspective on this. I too have seen things deteriorate on Facebook and I don’t have time for it either so I rarely check my personal page myself. Choosing to put energy into those things that create joy are so Important! Thanks for being a great role model to others.
Hi Susan, so glad you are continuing with email. I really enjoy your information and find it so helpful! I am glad to see that you are feeling better.
Dear Susan; I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. Many women bloggers on Instagram that I follow for curly hair have had to do the same thing: clearing out unwanted messages and undesirable people (men) It is so sad – especially when the purpose is to create a supportive community. Keep up your kindness with your usual grace! Just to let you know – that following you has both simplified and elevated my style at age 65. I appreciate your tips, links and travels! You are much appreciated.
The Pearl Lariat looks beautiful how you have styled it with this outfit! You look great and I love these photos with the perspective of the tables! I hate that Facebook doesn’t have more intelligent ways to eliminate this type of thing! I am sorry to see that you had to leave, but who would stay with all that to deal with. Those shoes too! 🙂 Hugs!
I wear that Pearl Lariat a lot. It goes with everything and never looks too dressed up.
I’m so sorry your Facebook turned into such a hassle. I remember my 4th grade teacher (I’m 73) punishing the whole class because someone stole a trinket from a classmate. The guilty person would not admit to stealing so we were all punished. She said there will be people who will ruin good things for all people for the rest of your life. She was so right! Keep on keeping on. I love your posts.
Susan, I, too, have left FB a few years ago for many reasons & recently left Instagram. I have decluttered my life, but enjoy your fashion pics & dietary regiment on your blog. Is walking your primary exercise?
Though I am pretty healthy & follow a Blue Zone diet, I have prematurely lost most of my hair. Hats and other head coverings are a big part of my fashion attire. This issue is hardly addressed anywhere. Though I have wigs, they are not comfortable especially during the summer.
Thank you for your blog, it is fun. I am happy you are feeling so much better, too.
Truly, Christi
Walking and moving all day naturally are my main exercise. I don’t go to the gym or take any classes. I do stretch and work on my balance with moves similar to pilates, yoga, and ballet.
Ask your doctor to test you for zinc and iron deficiencies. Low intakes of fats and vitamin D could also be the culprit for early hair loss.
Thank you so very much, Susan…I gave up Facebook three years ago for Lent and have not returned. The devastation of the social media is overwhelming and so many believe everything that they read without doing their own research and making decisions. I call my friends and family to hear their voices… I send cards and use Instagram on occasion. I think the world was a better place when we did not know EVERYTHING about one another. Bravo to you!!
I agree with you 100% about Facebook. How anyone could consider it a true form of communication is beyond me, filled as it is with myths, misinformation and political malarkey. Thank you for discussing it so candidly. Your blog has been useful to me and a great confidence builder! Everyone I know in my community thinks casual means sloppy. One look at the photo on today’s blog should be a mind changer. Being comfortable does not need to be unstylish. I have seen people at the grocery store in pajamas!
Thanks for being a first-class feminine example.
Hello Susan
I have left several inquires and questions, but have never had a response from you.
I do not do Facebook or any other social media so rely on my email.
I answer comments here on the page where you left them, not in personal emails.
I quit FB about four years ago and have never regretted it. I can get pictures of the grandkids via email and I prefer a personal email, even if it’s sent to several people. I know those who think it’s a short cut to community, but I saw so much nastiness and evil that I could no longer support it. I don’t miss it. I have your blog, which I love, and there are nice people here!
I was on FB for about 3 minutes many years ago when it was new. I immediately realized I had made a horrible mistake when my sister messaged me to wish me a happy birthday. See, every year we would call each other on our birthdays. I looked forward to that phone call all year long and we would talk for hours sometimes. That call meant the world to me. When my sister decided to take a cheap seat in my life that day, I decided not make any of those seats available to anyone ever again. I deleted my account. I also told her how hurt I was that she broke tradition that we had shared for over 30 years for no other reason than I had a FB page.
I’m a purist and tend to have views that aren’t very popular but they work for me:
I believe in old-fashioned traditional family values
I believe in true love ( absolute honesty and complete trust)
I believe in monogamy and fidelity ( even though marriage doesn’t reflect our western social values)
I believe in G-d
This might explain why I’m single (divorced) at 59.
I hear you!
I’m forever getting friend requests from ‘military’ personnel, as an ex-army person at first i thought i might know them……duh…..soon cottoned on to them being creepy people!
Total waste of time …grr…..
Two things after I tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Really enjoy it. 1) I haven’t yet figured out who Mr. Mickey is? Just an older gentleman friend, I’m assuming. 2) the watches you wear. I love them. I’ve checked them out and notice you can purchase a watch and get two additional bands, different colors but how do you get more different colored bands? Thanks.
Mr. Mickey has been my gentleman friend for over fourteen years. Go to the Nordgreen website here, click on Straps near the top left corner.
Hi Dear Susan
Hope you are well and safe. I really missed you and missed your blogs on facebook and sorry to know that you were upset and annoyed .
I sincerely hope to stay following your blogs and valuable tips on different aspects and wish you happy comfortable moments all through your lifetime.
I agree all these situations are such energy drains. Facebook has gotten beyond its intended forum.
I have experienced all these problems. But do so enjoy all your expertise.
Will you still be writing and showing picture on your new website..I love every bit of it…it makes me feel young..I try to copy some of your ideas…
The people that wrote negative comments..didnt their mothers tell them if you cant say something
nice,then keep your mouth shut.
Yes, I will continue to share a new post almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Yay for you! I appreciated your comments about FB. Some feel free to say things on social media that they would never dream of saying to someone’s face; others just don’t have any consideration as to how it sounds and most likely don’t care. I’d overlooked this message, and I’m glad you referred to it today, or I might not have seen it, and it was worthwhile.
Thanks for your blog!
Thank you. I gave up Facebook three years ago and my life is much improved! We all need to do this.
Sear Sussan absolutely love your site.(blog). I am from Australia and often see an article your are wearing Handbag,jewellery. Not clothes unfortunately as I am a a Plus size Lady). Un fortunately most of the articles I love do not ship to Australia,however I enjoy your (Blog) so much I will still keep viewing.kind regards Sandra Ilbery.
I’m so sorry you had to experience that I will definitely miss you on Facebook., but I do follow your Instagram page and I love your Pinterest page stay safe and blessed love your pages don’t stop and I do visit your YouTube videos whenever you do those stay blessed and safe ❤️
I stopped scrolling because I love your top, i love your use of here and here for linking! So easy! It is so sad that you had to leave FB but keep on blogging! This is praise from a Canadian blogger who also likes her makes to coordinate with her outfits!
You look lovely as always! I love reading your blog and I don’t blame you a bit for dropping your style page on fb! I received several requests from men when I commented on your page! I can certainly understand your concern! We will all enjoy the blog! So thankful you are better! Take care!
I love your style, you look very classy. Your outfits and accessories are so gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Rosie
Thank you for your honesty. I rarely respond online but want you to know how much I enjoy your posts, your photos and ideas. Keep loving life and know others appreciate you.
Thanks for explaining! Will be more intentional about checking your webpage. We seem to live in a world with many folks who do not fear God.
I wish more people would leave Facebook. It has become a dark place.
So sorry you had to deal with those issues! Glad to see you will continue to post here on Pinterest. I enjoy your tips and experiences you share.
You look lovely as usual! I missed you on FB, just glad that I can still follow you:).
Hi Susan,
If My Fair Lady takes any input from you, would you please let them know that some feedback you’ve received is requests for them to list the length of their tops? I’ve ordered 3-4 tops from them that I’ve seen on your blog. Upon arrival I’m finding that they are way too long for me. I’m 5’3″. They don’t offer petite. The tops are just too long for me to wear and sit in my closet with tags still on them. I wish I had returned them. After that experience, I’m afraid to order from them. Hoping they would take the suggestion and start listing the length so I’m not spending to ship to me and to also return items. Thanks, if you can do this, so much. They have such cute things!
I will share that tip with them. Thank you. If you contact them, they may take the tops back.
Love your tips
I know there is so much negativity out there, especially if you’re willing to share your life like you do. I have never before followed a blog like this but was compelled initially by you openness to share about all of the different aspects of your life. As I began to follow, mainly because you kept popping up on Pinterest, I really began to respect the type of person you are and absolutely love your hard earned sense of style for women of a certain age. You somehow give us permission to be pulled together and beautiful even though we’re not twenty five. I too am allergic to dresses but thought I was the only one. In a way you have given me permission to dress the way I have always wanted. I feel a confidence that I didn’t have. I’m going through a divorce at the age of sixty one and your calm pragmatic style has been a weird sort of anchor for me. All of this to say I think you’re doing a greater service then you may know. It is your honesty and character that speak to me. Right now I need to see a woman who has overcome hardship and is willing to share it transparently with others. I just wanted you to know what you are doing matters in a world that isn’t always very kind to those who don’t fit the right demographic. Thank you for being willing to put yourself out there.
Cathy Coffman
San Diego
Thank you very much for your comment. Your words struck more than a few cords with me, so I will be looking back at them when I am feeling unmotivated or defeated.
May you find peace and relaxed self-confidence as you move through a new chapter in your life.
Dear Susan,
I’m glad I found this explanation I didn’t realize you had deleted your fb account wondered why I wasn’t seeing your posts.. Totally understand your reasoning, I also receive those awful requests not as many as you, I also block immediately, desperate predators I call them..
I can relate to your fashion and life styling being of similar age..
Keep well, I look forward to seeing upcoming features on this blog
Best Regards
Barbara Harrison
Good on you for leaving Facebook. I never joined as my husband for seen problems with social media apps such as this and twitter. Some people have no filter and can be cowardly anonymous. I enjoy your advice on Pinterest and am an avid follower. Thanks for such good advice regards Bev.
I miss you, and wondered what had happened. So sorry!!! I would love to be added to your list for you emails. I’ve learned so much from you and just feel like you are a great friend, blessings and hopefully this will work for you.
Thank you, Bonnie. You have successfully subscribed to the newsletter. You’ll receive a confirmation email in a few minutes. Please follow the link in it to confirm your subscription. If the email takes more than 15 minutes to appear in your mailbox, please check your spam folder.
I enjoy your articles. I find that friendship requests from men are more of an issue on Instagram than FB. Obviously I deal with fewer requests given that I am not a public figure. I understand your reasons for not wanting to deal with such issues.
On another note, I have read many of your posts and have not seen you address the need for a good cobbler. Over the years I have saved many a purse and shoes from the contribution pile by making sure they were properly cleaned and repaired. I don’t do this too often, but for quality items, the price of service is worth it. Do you make use of a cobbler now and then, or do you find it not to be of value?
Cobblers are rare here. We have only one that I know of in the whole region. I clean my shoes before I put them away and polish the leather ones a couple of times each season, so I’ve only had to take shoes in for repairs a couple of times.
So sorry you had to go through this! I really miss seeing you on Facebook but I definitely understand your reason. It’s sad that people can ruin something nice for everyone. I’m happy I can find you here though.
Thank you for sharing.
I am married, but I understand deleting many
Controversial sites I did not care to see.
Your fashion is very inspiring. You have impeccable
Thank you, Marlene.
I like these slacks best on you. Not so tight they make you look slimmer.
I got off Facebook too. It became draining and started to consume my thoughts. Most people are so kind and even with different opinions, we had great fun. One of my comments on or challenge to the person who started the kneeling at games was taken off very quick. It wasn’t rude but I said my thoughts clearly and with passion. That’s the day I quit. No privacy. Comments from person after person dealing with this issue of their post taken off was enough for me. I love how I see fashion as you present it. Thank you! So refreshing!
You always look so smart. I love your style.
Sorry to hear you’ve left FB but its completely understandable. I am 65, semi-retired RN and I realize NOW that I have never really taken TIME for wardrobe. I manage to look fine when I go out but I’m really in need of some basics. Where do you shop?? These days shopping is difficult but I’ll take your recommendations. You always look beautiful – stay safe.
Check the blue links in the text where it says (here). That is a link to the shop or site where I purchased what I am wearing or something similar to it. Thank you for the kind comment.
Susan, I enjoy your posts each week and catching up with you and Mr. Mickey. I just reviewed older summer posts and came across your post of “Why I Left Facebook” and your darling summer picture of you in your long white summer pants and beautiful light sky blue top! My, but that sky blue color is so attractive on you! This is one of YOUR wearable colors for Spring and Summer!
Like you, I left Facebook years ago around the 2008 election and never returned or looked back. What freedom and release I felt. For me, it was also the right decision.
Susan Woodruff
Very much like you I have avoided Facebook. I thought for a while I was out of touch with the world. NOT. There are just so many on there who are critical to the point of madness. Love your information you have posted. Like you, I am the less is more kind of woman. Love the wardrobe choices you make. We are very similar in tastes. Keep helping us. I admire your style and grace.
I love your sense of style and enjoy seeing what you put together. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on fashion. Pretty awesome
Good Morning,
I just wanted to say “hi” and tell you how much I enjoy your blog and photos. They are always so stylish and informative. And I must say I completely agree with you about Facebook. I go on for maybe 10 minutes per day just to keep up with a few people that I’ve met over the years. But the majority is just horrible content. People have lost their humanity and manners. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. It’s lovely here today where I live and I’m looking forward to a beautiful day.
I also left Facebook about 8 years ago. I found it to be an space for people to do things they wouldn’t do face to face, so not good things.
I am almost 43, but I love to see your blog and looks and outfits. You are such an elegant lady, and have great taste. And the best part is that you are so current with your style without loosing that elegance or looking like you are trying to hide your age. You look always so beautiful, elegant and authentic. That is what all women should aim to look like when choosing an outfit.
Thanks for putting yourself out there to share with us your style and tips.
Thank you very much for your kind and thoughtful comment.
I totally agree about Facebook. I got off FB about a year and a half ago. So tired of the politics and I know it’s worse now.
Love your fashion choices I recently purchased a red handbag and red shoes they are lovely however I feel a little self
Intimated by all the bright colors what would you suggest I wear with them the shoes are flats and I am healthy and in my late seventies.
Don’t wear them together. Carry a black bag with the red shoes. Carry the red bag with nude shoes. Let the red be a pop of color you repeat in a scarf or a top.
I hate social media! Instagram, tweeting, Facebook! Pinterest is the only thing I get on mainly for recipes.
I enjoyed browsing through your site. Your style is elegant and I picked up a few good pointers.
I was following you on Facebook and just before you left FB, I had gotten requests from men to be their friend and one was commenting on my posts on my feed. I think you made the right decision to leave FB.
Just found you. So impressed with your style as I’m at an age when I need help to make some changes. Especially like your church outfit.
Thank you for the explanation. I was sad to see you leave FB but now I know why. I’m from KY but now live in Oregon and reading about you gives me a taste of home. Also, your story is a compelling one and is much appreciated.
Thank you for standing up against Facebook shenanigans and protecting your heart! I’ve had to block many a “friend” because of the negativity that my soul just doesn’t have time for. “Guard your heart” comes in all shapes and sizes of application. I embrace as much as I can. Thank you for the continued inspiration you share with us.
Hi Susan,
Firstly, I’m sorry to hear about (but not surprised) by your Facebook experience. Definitely a different world we live in.
I just thought I would drop a short note to say “I’m a new follower and fan of yours and want to thank you for all your wonderful ideas”. I’m a fan!
Susan, I missed you being on Facebook, so I clicked on your website and read the explanation. It’s a shame that people are harass on Facebook and have no recourse, but to leave. I will check on your website and glad that this finds you well.
Gorgeous! Love your healthy attitude, style and photos!
I must agree with you with regards to Facebook. I deactivated (not deleted) my account as a trial to see if I could exist without it. With all that’s been going on in our country, I felt this is one less thing that would reduce my anxiousness. I rarely posted, and what I posted was quite benign. However, people felt it necessary to express their ‘well I’ as in ‘well I can’t believe you went there’, ‘well I wouldn’t do or go there’, or ‘well this is what I did.’ What happened to a pleasant reply or simply a ❤️? I’d be okay if they’d scroll on. Recently I went back on Facebook to see what I’m missing…,nothing. And when I do get on, I feel anxious, quickly get off and deactivate again. ☕️ ahhh!
Thank you for sharing❣️
I was wondering where you went. Glad to know I can still see your great fashion advice!
Thank you.
As I re-entered the World Wide Web again from my own decision to remove myself from social media, I found myself agreeing with your explanation entirely.
This is just a quick “Thank you…you made a difference [for me]. I hope to pay-it-forward on your behalf. ”
May 2021 be a better-healthier-safer-more fun-exciting-engaging new year for you. ….be well…
I miss seeing your Facebook page. Glad I scrolled “blog women over 60” and found you again. I am glad to see I am not the only one experiencing this men looking for older woman syndrome but sad you have to go to all this trauma to post positive content. Keep up the good work Susan. I will be following your classic and informative pots. Love your style. Thank you.
Thank you for protecting the people who still choose to keep their lives on the more private side. I enjoy all your posts. Keep up the great work!
Your look is timeless, with just the punch that’s not too trendy to date you. I have pinned you for years. I wish I had your skinny ankles but I try to cover my swollen ankles and flabby elbows at all times. Thanks again. O Walker
I’m new to following your posts. I love your style and I have many similar clothes that just needed some inspiration to pull it off. Thank you for showing me what to wear and how to do it. I especially like the ones about how to wear the same outfit a better way and look great.
I’ve been following you for sometime on Pinterest and pun intended… you are a perfect fit for me. I adore your blog just as it is. It brightens my day. I agree with and understand your concern and choice to discontinue FB.
Thank you for your intelligence, grace and real help!
I think it is a realy shame that you stopped doing you videos. I realy enjoyed and got good ideas from you. .mayby we could make a members club, only for women who are trustworthy. I love your videos your style uour way of telling. Offcaus noone must do you any harm, but I hope we will see you agsin. Sinsirly inge- from Denmark
Your information is always so helpful. I have been feeling frumpy so have got some great ideas. Thank you and keep up the good work. Us ladies over 60 sometimes become invisible.
Thank you. I appreciate your blogs. I feel like I need help simplifying my wardrobe and my diet. I read all your posts. But I need to read more. I really don’t know where to begin. It seems overwhelming.