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Let’s Go For A Walk

If I had a dog, he would probably hide from me. The weather has been beautiful for a couple of days, so I’ve gone for numerous walks per day. I love to be outdoors.

The jacket is here. The jeans are here. Similar shoes are here. Sunglasses here. Lipcolor Plum here.

The geese were happy to see blue skies and sunshine too.

Today the snow is falling, so I cherish the time I spent in the sunshine yesterday. I hope that you are warm, safe, and well.

I took these photos using a tripod and the timer on my Sony – Alpha a6000 Camera. Shopping links on this site may allow me to earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

  1. Thank you, Susan, for continuing to post. Just seeing outdoor pictures is refreshing! In these times, more than ever, I think we should remember to think on positive, lovely, pure things. What a better world this would be!

  2. Susan, here in Vermont I am delighted when the winter temperatures warm up to 40 degrees! That’s when I can go out without hat, gloves, scarf and bask in the warmth.
    Thanks for continuing to post; I think you can tell we all love your current tours and topics and combinations thereof.

  3. Had to laugh out loud at the comment about the dog hiding! You certainly wouldn’t want to walk in our temperatures today. Right now it is 20 degrees. Your scenery and wildlife is lovely, which makes walking outdoors instead of a treadmill, a real joy.

  4. There’s definitely a shift in your blogging content…perhaps due to COVID fatigue or simply just time to move on. Your perspective on fashion has been immensely educating over the years. Firmly believe change is good but know if you switch the blogging focus, your fashion input will be greatly missed.

    1. I am staying home alone most of the time, as are many of my readers. You are the first to mention that you miss the fashion focus. Many seek an escape from being stuck inside, and some have told me that fashion is irrelevant at this time. I struggle to strike the right balance and remain authentic. Thank you for your comment.

      1. I find fashion always relevant. I only go to church, doctor, pharmacy and the grocery store, but make it a point to make each outing special. i would love to walk, as I live 3 miles outside of a relatively small Florida town, but am currently unable to get very far. I love learning about the places you visit and look forward to each post.

  5. I try to walk every day regardless of the weather. Today is rather chilly. It is -15C with a windchill making it feel like -22C. And a fresh blanket of snow.
    My Swiss yoga instructor says” there is no such thing as bad weather, it’s bad clothes”.

    1. Hi Bev: Absolutely! I walk a 5K every day. I have coats, jackets, hats and gloves to wear based on temp. I just require double digits (F). It’s as important to my health as good nutrition and clean water.

  6. I like the content of your blogs. It allows us to learn more about you as a person. I think it makes it more real. Thanks for what you do!

  7. All of your topics are of interest right now. I live in North Dakota, and we’ve been lucky so far this winter. That was until this past week when our temperatures have dropped to the single digits and with the wind chill making it go below 0. Keep writing about your favorite things it helps keep us feel contented.

  8. Susan, I enjoy your posts because you always seek out the beauty in your life and surroundings. Whether it’s in fashion, healthy living, nature or lovely small towns, your viewpoint is appreciated. I think it helps all of us in getting through these unusual times.

  9. I like the idea of a lifestyle blog, including fashion. I like seeing how you live and things you do. For example, I loved the photos of your home and my adult daughter and I enjoyed looking at them and comparing our own decor tastes. Coincidentally, your style is similar to what I like! I think when you are over 60 you need lots of inspirations and ideas to remind yourself you can try new things. Thank you for putting yourself out there and providing us with enjoyable content.

  10. Being able to walk a bit outside on a beautiful day does so much for our physical and mental health! We do have a dog and she loves to walk regardless of the weather so we bundle up and head out the door. I always feel better after.

  11. Hi Susan. I believe that whatever you offer us on the blog is a gift. The topic doesn’t really matter. It seems like most of us enjoy all of your posts. Thank you so very much for your generosity!

  12. I read your blog for many reasons the biggest being I consider it authenic. I believe more mature women have broader interests and I hope I never consider fashion irrelevant. Perhaps even more so in these trying times we need a few minutes of harmless escape. Big girls can play dress up too and I would love to see you on occasion in a look you’d be wearing had covid not cancelled the event, referencing tbe event and maybe a photo of it before covid.
    Just a suggestion, I’ll keep reading and enjoying the wide range of topics you cover. You are a beautiful person, Susan, and so talented! Please keep on sharing!

  13. Susan, I have been enjoying the content of your blog even more than before the “shut-in” orders, and the new directions you have gone in have been very interesting and informative. For example, I have really been enjoying the YouTube sessions “The Girl with the Pilates Mat” you referenced. Your beautiful nature and travel photos are a breath of fresh air. I ordered the blue coat you’re showing today, and have worn it many times. The fit is wonderful and very flattering . Thank you for your continued blogs during these unusual times. You are so appreciated!

  14. Susan, thank you for the beautiful photos. The sunshine definitely lifts our spirits. I enjoy whatever you post. Even though fashion may not be as relevant as in the pre-COVID days, we can look forward to the time that we will be out and about again, thus the fashion posts are still enjoyable. Thanks again for continuing to post.

  15. Hi Susan

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

    BTW does Beauty Counter have matte eye shadows? I cannot find any when I’m on the website.

    Barb Atwell

  16. Beautiful place to walk on a gorgeous day. Love your easy going outfit. Always look beautiful and so healthy!

  17. Susan, are you aware that your image is being used in an ad for Nicovy Club? I enjoy your posts all the time.

  18. Susan, can I order Beautycounter products through you? I had Counter Time last winter & my skin was good. This year my skin is very dry.

    Thank you, GINNY Harreld

  19. My complements to you for your wonderful pictures both of yourself and the gorgeous scenery. I very much appreciate your travels and hope to visit your area because of your posts. You are a wonderful ambassador for your area.

  20. I like the fact that your content is not just about fashion, but also about travel, sightseeing, events, decorating, restaurants, eating at home, entertaining, your career, family, friends, home organization, exercise, all of it. It would be so boring if all your posts were just about fashion, especially during this time when a lot of us don’t go out much. And I very much appreciate all your time and research that goes into giving us the very best of that content.

  21. Beautiful scenes today. You always show us the positive side of everything. I always look forward to your post.

  22. So glad you’ve had some pretty days! I am most definitely an outside girl! But it has been so cold & yucky here, it’ s best to be inside. So we’ve decided to do some updating, that’s keeping me busy, until I can get outside. We sold our lake house, that mean’s a lot more time here & I like pretty

  23. What a lovely walking trail to have right outside your door!
    And I just want to comment that I love your hair!
    Looks like you’re letting it grow longer? I personally think the longer length makes you look 10 years younger.

  24. I love all your posts, Susan, and during these times it is one of the few highlights of my week. Having said that, I do very much miss more of the fashion posts. Even though I’m not going out, I’m still learning from you. Studying the fashion aspects and learning takes my mind off of everything else going on and gives me happiness and something to look forward to. My husband and son have covid. My son’s is very mild so far, but hubby had to get the antibiody infusion yesterday, and I’m afraid he needs to be checked for pneumonia. So lots of fear and worry. Trying to protect myself especially since I have quite a few underlying health conditions that could be a huge problem if I got covid, Anyway, thank you for continuing. to post and give me some joy in the week.

  25. Walking outside is my favorite exercise. We recently had a beautiful “one day” snow in central Texas. Only get snow every few years, so it is magical when we do. Been enjoying your entire blog while trying to pull away from my RETIRED wardrobe rut.

  26. I can’t get over how green everything is! I live near Dallas and everything is dormant! Love the geese and ducks!

  27. We had snow showers for a little bit in the Nashville are. Was so beautiful falling but didn’t stick or last long! I am planning an RV trip to your area the end of summer! Can’t wait to see Roan Mountain and Watauga Lake. Such beautiful area!

  28. Hi Susan, thankyou for always inspiring me. During Lockdown I have missed Tai Chi twice a week, and the wonderful company of the other ladies, we have a laugh and coffee after tai chi. I have lost interest in walking around the block. Tell me please do you walk the same path or vary where you walk to keep up the interest. I have noticed the weight pile on, and mood swings more prevalent. So definitely need your inspiration thanks again. I will make more effort soon to be 73 on the 24 th of February, and have lost interest in fashion as mostly at home. Things need to change. I always look forward to knowing what you are up too. You always seem so positive.

    1. I must admit it takes effort to keep things interesting. I alternate walking in the surrounding neighborhoods, and sometimes I drive to a park and walk there while keeping a lot more than six feet away from others. I am working on new content that may help those who want to use what they already have in different ways. Thank you for your comments.

  29. Dear Susan, I live in Australia, I have not missed a blog post of yours since you began as Fifty not Frumpy. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love your posts and you have taught me so much. As many people have already remarked, I don’t care what you post about, to me you are a lovely friend and I would miss you terribly if you didn’t keep on posting about absolutely anything!
    I would love to suggest a blog to you that I feel you and your readers would love, she is a woman in the U.K. who is posting daily during this lockdown, she is in her 70s and interviews some fascinating people, she has her exercise trainer do weekly sessions for people our age, she has a session on healthy cooking, she is an intelligent, interesting woman just like you and I think you would really enjoy her you tube videos but Im not sure about the etiquette of using your comments section to virtually advertise someone else’s you tube content, I would be happy to send you an email if that is more appropriate then you could check it out to see what you think but thanks to the two of you I have learnt so much during this difficult time.
    warmest wishes,

  30. I enjoy your blogs whether they are scenery, places to visit or dine and of course the fashion. I have been dressing up more lately (even when watching the grandkids) as it has helped me feel better like I’m still going somewhere. My husband and I went thru our clothes recently and we had to be honest about what we wore and what items we didn’t. However, I told him and my kids that don’t use the rule I usually use – if you haven’t worn it in a year. This year certainly doesn’t count for wearing clothes you usually wear to church or to dine out.
    I disagree about if you had a dog it would hide from you. The dogs I know have been VERY happy to go on extra walks. We have never seen so many people out walking their dogs as in the last year. However the dog would probably want to be in every picture and would have to have a closet full of bandanas and little jackets if it belonged to you.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Hi to Mr. Mickey.

  31. I enjoy your blog.Mixing topics up is refreshing.I like to see the places you visit and walk around.
    Fashion is interesting,but for now is definitely on the back burner.I’m just trying to stay healthy and warm these days.
    Thankyou for all that you do for your readers.

  32. Susan, I enjoy all of your blog posts— they feel like letters from a lovely friend. You are an inspiration for aging with grace. One of my favorite things about your blog is its honesty – so of course your current topics reflect your actual life right now. I’d like to suggest that anyone who misses the more fashion-focused content go back and read the many, many posts Susan has written on that topic over the years, both on this blog and her previous platform, Fifty Not Frumpy. Seeing how her style has evolved over the years is educational and fun. And I love that she is upfront about her experiments with trends that she now sees as “misses.” Keep doing what you’re doing!

  33. Hi Susan, I always enjoy your blogs and the info you so willingly share. Since covid and being semi-retired I’m changing my style from business causal to more casual. Boy, is that hard! I’m wondering about your jacket. Is it true to size? Would you size up if you wanted to layer? Thanks again for your dedication to your readers. Freddie

  34. Carol, please share the name of name of the blogger as Susan has agreed for you to do so. We all need more positivity and help during this hard time. Thank you! Susan, it’s always a pleasure to read your posts. Thank you for sharing!

  35. I enjoy your blog so much Susan! You are a daily inspiration for me regardless of the subject! When talking about your blog, I refer to you as ‘my friend Susan.’ Thank you for sharing your knowledge and life with us!

  36. I know the simple classic clothes you wear by heart now. You just always look so perfect. I’m loving the casual look to your hair since you have been cutting it yourself. This is casual, classic chic at its best. Of course the fact that you are beautiful doesn’t hurt. : )

  37. When I checked the comments just now, there were 50 of them already posted. I read them all and so many of them said what I feel: that I actually know you Susan, that you are a friend. I enjoy all your content because it is like having a chat with a friend.

  38. I too admire your style, beauty, and always positive attitude. You live in a gorgeous area of the US and I enjoy your walks right along with you!

  39. Your blog is always a pleasure to read. Even during these scary times you have a way of making the readers feel comfortable and at peace. Thank you for always being so genuine and honest.
    I am enjoying reading about other topics than fashion at this time. Your photos are always so interesting as well.

  40. Hi again Susan, the name of the lady I wrote to you about is Tricia Cudsen, she has both a blog and a YouTube channel under her name. Her interview with Angelique Du Toit is fascinating , also the one with Lady Justice Anne Rafferty. She has also written a book for women of our age called Living the Life more fabulous beauty,style and empowerment for older women.. I now can’t wait until you write your book, you too have so much to share, I would love to read about your earlier life too. I will pre order it the minute you say you are writing it as will many others. Thank you again for all the pleasure you have brought to so many. I do hope you enjoy the website.
    Warm regards, Carol

    1. Thank you so much. Great positive blog. Loved the ordinary gals with bright coats. I’ll read her every week, despite not understanding some of the references!

  41. Hi Susan. I enjoy your blog very much. It’s the simple and beautiful things you see around you and the clothes you normally wear every day. You are my inspiration to eat well and dress well and take walks. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

    1. I still enjoy wearing them occasionally but no longer find high heels to be comfortable every day. The styles have changed a lot in the past couple of years. Athletic shoes and other more casual styles are more current looking.

  42. If it were not for my dog, I might not be as willing to brave the cold or the extreme heat. My dog loves to walk and he loves cold weather so, I’m at his mercy every morning at 4am and 5pm. I do feel safer when I am walking with him. The truth is, I lost my walking partner and best friend to a terrible crime on the day that I wasn’t able to walk with her. We met every day at a local park and walked 5 miles with our dogs. When she was murdered I had to go into that park and find her dog. Ever since then, I’m too afraid to walk alone. People that commit crimes don’t care how it affects so many other people in the victim’s life. It’s been over 20 years and I’ve never regained my confidence. I’d give anything to know that kind of freedom once again.

      1. Thank you Susan. Your comment means a lot to me. If I’m ever in your area, I’ll let you know and I would be over-the-top delighted to join you.

  43. Comment in the form of a question. Last year for Christmas my husband gave me a very warm Columbia parka below the knees with a hood jacket. It’s wonderful especially in the evenings when it’s windy and in the 30s to 40s but for daytime walking at a exercise pace (unlike strolling in a mall or walking in a park with a friend) it is just too warm. I’ve been looking at the jacket you’ve featured here and it looks ideal for exercise type walking. Which for me is brisk enough to make talking a bit difficult and not so fast as to need to shower on return home. I even thought of the lighter color because it would not be so warm in the sun. The Columbia is a very dark blue and it’s quite warm in the sun. I haven’t done much walking lately, because of protracted lockdown, which ended just in time for it to start raining, but I want to get back to it before it gets hot, which is usually mid April. What do you think, weather wise?

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.