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The Buffalo

Milligan University is a thriving liberal arts institution nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Northeast Tennessee. Located near Johnson City, Milligan is within an hour’s drive to historic Asheville, North Carolina.

The skies were sparkling blue, but the temperature was only thirty-eight degrees, so keeping warm was my goal. I wore some of my favorite classic winter pieces, including a gray trench coat over a black merino wool sweater and black jeans. I always wear a black bra (here) under dark sweaters since lighter colors can show through under some lighting.

My lip color is Plum (True Berry) here. Similar if not, the same items are included in these links: CoatScarfSweaterJeansHandbagSunglassesShoesEarringsRing.

The Frye oxfords are now on sale here. These shoes were comfortable right out of the box. I plan to enjoy them for many years to come.

I take care of my leather shoes, bags, and wallets by polishing them a few times a year. I wipe them off, top and bottom, with a paper towel before putting them away after each wearing and always wear them with socks or tights. I never wear the same shoes two days in a row.

Here is a video by Kiwi to show you how to polish shoes. I’ve been using Kiwi products since I carefully polished my black and white saddle oxfords in high school.

I folded the fifty-one-inch square silk scarf on the bias. (Example here.) I placed the center at the bodice, wrapped the ends around my neck, pulled them back to the front, and tied them under the center.

We visited the 235-acre picturesque campus of Milligan University on Saturday to enjoy the sun and blue skies.

The water wheel began providing fresh water to the college when it was constructed in the 1930s, during Milligan First Lady Perlea Derthick’s “Milligan the Beautiful” campaign, which turned the college into a park-like setting with a fish pond and fountain.

As my elementary school bus passed by the waterwheel beside Buffalo Creek (on the left in the picture), I always watched for it and the waterfall. Driving by the small park remains one of my favorite views in the area.

Over the years, the tree roots have pushed sections of the steps and rock wall upward.

The Hopwood Memorial Christian Church was established in 1834. The new building is located on a far corner of the campus, with a view of Buffalo Mountain beyond.

The life-size 4,000-pound concrete buffalo stands on the campus of Milligan. Alumni purchased and installed the sculpture as a gift to the University. Their sports teams are known as the Buffs.

Buffalo Mountain in Johnson City is visible from Milligan’s campus, and Buffalo Creek runs through the grounds. I hope you enjoyed these photos from a sunny afternoon outing.

Shopping links on this website may allow me to earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

  1. Love your style and thoroughly enjoy your beautiful pictures taken on your outings. Here in the UK we are only allowed to walk locally at the moment so your pictures open up our world a little.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. I’m a reader from Buffalo, NY. I especially enjoyed this post. My father collected Buffalo statues which each child and grandchild now possesses. Whenever we travel and find another Buffalo statue, taking a photo together and purchasing a replica is a must. Our City of Good Neighbors shares #buffalove!

    Thank you for sharing your outings. We hope to visit your area once travel is safe again.

    Susan from Buffalo

  3. What a beautiful campus. And I appreciate seeing the sun. It has been scarce here this winter. Is there a specific product you use to polish your leather purses? I know I need to do this but I am unsure of what to use. Thank you.

  4. I enjoyed watching the KIWI shoe polish video!!!!! LOL it brought back memories of watching my husband polishing his dress shoes for the military in the 60’s and 70’s.
    I admit to not taking the time to do a good polish on my shoes and purses and one time grabbing coconut oil to try to shine up a pair of red leather loafers. BIG mistake! They had oil spots after that.
    Would you use the KIWI sponge?? It was not shown in the video.
    Thanks again for more great information.

  5. I think you look well coordinated in this picture. I am not a fan of these black shoes as they look like men’s shoes to me, but on you, they are okay. Love the colored scarf by your face as it give you that sparkling look that is so very you. The scenic pictures are always a highlight to your great advice and something I look forward to seeing and reading. I hope you have the opportunity to do more traveling in the future but look forward to your great advice more.

    Clara from Iowa

  6. Thank you for taking us along on a tour of this beautiful campus. Buffalo Creek with the waterfall is very pretty and peaceful. Sunshine and beautiful scenery always brightens winter days.

  7. I have known several students and faculty at Milligan, so seeing the campus in today’s post made it extra special! Also I’m quite taken with the idea of a light gray trench!

  8. Susan, I love the oxford style shoe a lot and the toe shape is perfect. So stylish and such a great choice for your classic style and lifestyle. They are hard to find but a pinstripe jean or pant would be wonderful with these shoes.
    Enjoy each and every post even though don’t comment often. You have a talent for many things! Thank you.

  9. Another excellent idea! I also live close to several colleges and universities. I had really not thought about walking through the lovely grounds as an outing. So now that is on my walking list of places to visit during the pandemic.
    You look lovely as always. Frye shoes are excellent quality and those are attractive as well. Have a good week!

  10. When you go on these drives, do you use public rest rooms? Due to covid, I’ve been uncomfortable with that aspect of scenic drives.

  11. These pictures warm my heart. I so loved our years in NC, but didn’t get to most of the places you visit. But we can live them in your visits. I’m sure my layers would be much more than yours. Our 20 years in Florida have made going much further north not something we would do in January, but I’m keeping a list and maybe when I’m able, we will do more traveling. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thank you for always sharing interesting landmarks and landscapes….as well as your wardrobe tips!

  13. Thank you for taking the time to share these pictures. You look so lovely, and just viewing the pictures makes me hope that soon we will all be able to get out more. I appreciate everything you do.

    I got my first COVID shot on Friday and am looking forward to getting the booster in February.

  14. Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures. I am sad, depressed, and lonely during this shutdown and your postings help me so much. Although I am not able to get outside, seeing your scenic pictures help me to maintain a foothold in calm and happiness. Again, thank you.

  15. I enjoyed traveling with you today. I’m not getting out now so I appreciate you sharing your trips. You always look so pulled together that you inspire me. Thank you for your tips and thank you you for posting. It always brightens my day when I see your email.

  16. Pretty photos, what a lovely campus! The mountains are beautiful! You look so sharp! I love the trench coat, is it the same one you listed, from Nordstrom, it looks a bit different. It looks great on you!

  17. This is just beautiful scenery and the history behind each picture is awesome.
    You look absolutely gorgeous..
    Thank you for sharing .

  18. Thanks for the video from Kiwi shoe shine products. We have used them for years. My Dad used to always shine his work shoes and church shoes each week. My husband still uses the polish. We use an old sock to apply the shoe shine and then have another old sock to buff them. I never knew you could use a touch of water to shine them further. I will tell my husband that trick. I guess the military had that idea when they did the spit shine.

    Thanks again and what a lovely day you had to go exploring.

  19. Susan – I just wondered what your take on athletic wear being worn by someone over 60 ( for hiking) that has a muted camouflage print. Primarily thinking of a sweatshirt type top. Do you think camo is a no go for someone our age no matter how casual or active the event is? Thank you for always being gracious when answering questions.

  20. What a nice drive on a sunny day. Even if it was cold, it probably did you good to get out. We’re currently dealing with 12 inches of snow in NE so scenic drives aren’t possible.

  21. What a lovely post Susan! You always look so fashionable and I love that you give us links to your wardrobe possibilities. What a lovely campus! Thank you for posting.

  22. So much fun and inspiration in a post! Your outings are a delight to share, loved the reflection on your childhood memory, so sweet! I will definitely follow your regime for shoe and bag care, yours always look brand new. I also very much enjoyed your last post on your fabulous jewelry creations – you are so talented in so many ways, I am grateful to have found your blog. I look forward to every one, thank you for the sparkle you put in those days!

  23. What a lovely tour. I miss running around on the Coast and just dropping in places. I so long to return to normal. But I’m ever hopeful that we will have a great summer. Covid doesn’t mean the sunshine and beach can’t be enjoyed and crabbing and fishing can still go on.
    My husband favorite look on me is my wonderful camel trench coat, black sweater and pants with black boots. It just always looks right.

  24. Hi Susan,

    Thank you for sharing, it’s so nice going down memory lane.

    Sending you a happy day,
    Katherine in Arizona

  25. Loved this post! You look lovely, Susan. Beautiful campus. We enjoy walking around local college campuses too.
    The Kiwi video brought back such wonderful memories of my dad and grandfather. They polished their shoes and boots every single Sunday. My husband still has my dad’s original wooden shoe shine kit.

  26. A gorgeous day and a beautiful campus. Thanks for sharing your escape. So pretty in black jeans…love the shoes. We must take a walk soon at Princeton University, we don’t go too often, so appreciate the reminder! Hope you doing well.

  27. i just bought a pair of wingtip type oxfords. Wonderfully comfortable. Wore them all day the first day. It is a different look,but quite chic.

  28. It’s nice to see the sun in your photos, along with your beautiful self and your fashion choices. We are in the cloudy, snowy days of winter right now. It’s a trade off, as the sunny days usually mean more cold. At least the clouds hold in a little more of the warmth, but snow usually accompanies that. Fifty four days until spring!

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Pam. I struggle during the long periods of rain/snow and overcast cloudy days. Sunshine gives me hope, so I’m always renewed when we have a sunny day.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.