An Everyday Casual Look

I was on my way to wash my car and run a few other domestic errands when I wore this ultra-casual look. Our high temperatures are barely reaching the eighties here this week, so I had to wear a light jacket on my morning walk.

My shirt is a size large. I bought it here. The white ankle length jeans are here. The shoes are here. A similar bag is here. A similar watch is here.

A couple of times a month, I fill the tank, clean the wheels, dust, and vacuum the inside. My car is a 2007 model, but it gets regular service, and I take care of it so that, hopefully, it will last for a few more years.

The photo above was taken in Blowing Rock, NC, in May of 2019.

I’ve found that when you take a little extra care with your possessions, they last much longer and continue to look new. I have the same attitude about skincare and makeup. Sunscreen and twice-daily cleansing are a priority. However, as I age, skincare has become much more important than makeup. (I’ll turn sixty-five in a few days.)

Even when staying home or doing chores, I never skip the twice-daily cleansing and routinely put on a bit of eye makeup. My skincare routine is here. My sun protection products are here. My hair care products are here.

My everyday makeup routine starts with the Color Outline Eye Pencil in black here. I apply it into and over the top lash line only. I never extend the color all the way to the corners. A good rule to follow is to stop where your lashes stop. The brow sculpting pencil in grey is here. Use a very light touch and aim for a natural shape that mimics your upper lash line. (Not too arched or dark.) The eye shadow color is ‘Cocoa’ here. Use a little on the center part of the lid; blend a lot.

The new mascara from Beautycounter here gives the most natural looking lashes ever. It doesn’t clump, flake or smudge. Combing through the lashes with the Tweezerman comb here helps to seperate them. Instant Eye Makeup Remover is here.

I use these products for everyday casual looks, and it takes me about five minutes from start to finish. I rarely wear blush or foundation, but I sometimes wear lip color. So this is a tube I keep in my bag. It is the color Orchid here.

The ritual of taking care of our skin is one part of looking and feeling our best. As you know, what we eat plays a massive role in overall health. I don’t eat meat, and I avoid sugar, bread, cheese, and all processed food products. Mostly I enjoy a variety of fresh vegetables and drink a lot of water all day. Two small meals early in the day are enough for my level of activity, including a couple of brisk walks every day. I’m working on not sitting so much. It’s terrible for our circulation, so I often get up from my desk, stretch, and walk around for a few minutes.

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t.

Some of the shopping links on this website may allow me to earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

  1. Hmmm, white pants to clean the car. You are a better woman than me!
    About the car… I applaud your frugality. However, there are safety features in a later model car which might want to consider in your future. As we age our reflexes and vision are not quite as sharp. I know the market is not friendly for buying but the supply should ease as we recover from the pandemic. I am sure you are a careful driver, and only drive locally. It’s the other drivers out there ! As I get used to my car, I have found comfort and convenience in the lane change warning, the back up camera and the knowledge that I have side airbags. Do consider it.

  2. Life is all about maintenance. Your skin care regime results are lovely. Love this quote and will add it to my journal: “Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t”. When I see a well-groomed and healthy lady, I ask myself what is she doing to attain that look and am I willing to follow through for myself. My ride is a 2000 Buick with less than 80K miles.

  3. We have a 2004 pick up truck that looks nearly brand new. We’ve babied it all these years and many people have told us they want to buy it. No fancy navigation system. No fancy sound system. Just a fabulous truck that has never let us down and looks fabulous to this day. Like you we hope to keep it for many years to come.

  4. All your effort and skincare definitely shows. Your skin/complexion is beautiful. You glow with beauty and I believe happiness!
    Contentment, acceptance and appreciation for life are important ingredients in how we look and feel. I think Susan is the perfect role model for those things.
    Maybe it takes age to help us realize what really matters and maybe it is a pandemic. I have learned to appreciate what is important in our short life on earth even if we live to a hundred. Eternity is ahead of us, most important is how we spend that. I only wish I had learned it at a younger age. Material things, name brands, and quantity of possessions are so unimportant. Some people spend their entire lives struggling to “keep up”.
    Susan has taught me that you should use what you have and make the most of it. She always looks put together, classy and confident. Thank you again Susan!

  5. I was impressed when you said you rarely wear foundation or blush. The picture you took shows great skin. You don’t even have any dark spots! Yes I guess the skin care you are using really pays off. Thanks for alerting us on how important skin care is even as we get older. I’m sure your diet also plays into this. Have a great weekend.

  6. Thanks for the skincare routine again. How long do you wait between products before applying the next? I’ve had some trouble when applying the makeup after similar items. It seems to roll off. I’m a few years older than you but I love your posts.

  7. Happy Birthday, you look fabulous I know you take very good care of your skin. I’ve been following you for a couple of years now. I love your style. Do you use any other regimens for your skin that you can share. Do you get facials. I’m going for radio frequency treatment next week. I’m 64 and have never injected Botox or fillers I don’t believe in that. I like to do natural remedies and do my daily regimen.
    Thank you

  8. You always look elegant, Susan. I really like your shorter hairstyle. It’s youthful & accentuates your gorgeous skin & beautiful eyes. I agree that, as we age, skincare is more important than makeup which nowadays seems to draw far too much attention to my fine lines. Thank you for your timeless, practical advice.

  9. Hubbie really reacts to white slacks or shorts, this time of year, although in GA our temps are higher than yours. Can you comment? Is that belief dated?

  10. Happy birthday to you! My 67th birthday is tomorrow. You always look good. I’ve been following your posts for 6 years and have learned a lot from your wardrobe choices. And also I have bought some of the items you have. Please continue the good work because I really look forward to your posts. Yours is always the first one I read.

  11. I totally agree, Susan, about taking care of our things, , including ourselves, and being consistent with skincare. I’m 72 and get compliments on my complexion regularly. Those are lovely to hear, but really, I take care of myself for me. I enjoy reading your posts, and comparing your mountains to mine here in Colorado.

  12. Hi Susan,
    Would you do a demonstration on eye shadow? (And eye make-up, in general?)
    I’ve never worn eye shadow and don’t know how to apply it.
    I have deep-set eyes and think maybe it would help but I don’t want to have
    to deal with how this eye shadow might change throughout the day or what happens if I
    rub my eyes.
    What might be a subtle approach for a beginner – especially, an “older person.” Is it even

    I’ve been using your same BeautyCounter products (and fought to make sure you got the credit!) and
    am seeing improvement in my skin, all with the exception of large pores on my nose. I’m not sure BeautyCounter
    is helping me for this particular issue. Any advice would be appreciated.
    (I’m 2 years older than you, “sort of” holding my own but wanting to improve. I greatly
    enjoy your blog.)
    – Linda

    1. If you’ve never worn makeup, I wouldn’t recommend starting. I am wearing less and less each year. However, you might enjoy lightly filling in your brows and wearing lip color to start. I did a start to finish everyday makeup routine in the video here.

  13. Happy birthday! I always think this day deserves something a little special so I give myself a gift. It may just be a small bouquet or ice cream at a cute little ice cream shop with my friend of 50 years. It is my be kind to myself day.

  14. Happy birthday! Just a question that I’ve often wondered about in your choice of handbags. Do you find it not practical having a bag without a shoulder strap? The bags look great, but I think I would find it annoying having to literally carry my bag, especially when shopping.

    1. I have been using satchel bags for years, so I am accustomed to wearing them on my arm or in my hand. I do have the shoulder straps for most of the bags, but I rarely use them. I find shoulder straps annoying unless they are a crossbody type because they are always slipping off.

  15. Hello Susan,
    You are so lovely and give me inspiration every time I read your posts.
    We are into our 11th week of lockdown here in New South Wales, Australia. Doesn’t look like it will lift until the end of October.
    I was wondering how you are feeling after your illness last year. Do you still suffer from coughing.?
    Hi to Mr Mickey and best wishes for your birthday.

  16. Simply lovely. Wishing you a happy birthday. I too celebrate another year today. Virgo girls! I’ve also followed your blog for many years and continue to be inspired with each read. Love my white jeans …very happy we can wear year round! Enjoy your day!

  17. 67 years young here today too! I think we Virgos may share a desire for the benefits of a disciplined life which shapes our lifestyle choices, be it diet, clothing, or household maintenance. Susan, I’m guessing your military past also served to influence your difficult and successful business ventures. To Debbie Downs: I’m guessing your mother was another fan of Debbie Reynolds in 1954. My mother was expecting her fourth son when I arrived on the scene. She was reading a magazine in her hospital bed when she made her decision. Happy Birthday, everyone!

  18. You look amazing so your beauty routine is working for you. At almost eighty my wrinkles are getting deeper even with all my efforts at skin care. Such is life. My best to you for your inspiration.

  19. Hello Susan,

    Greetings from Massachusetts! Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday and a fabulous year! Thank you for sharing all your wisdom!

    Julie Johnston

  20. Wishing you a very happy birthday Susan! So nice to see so many others also celebrating this week; I too am up for another Virgo birthday next week. I like your advice to only focus on what we want, but often find myself still comparing myself… not to others but to all the stuff I figure I should have accomplished by now or be doing. Well, it’s not helping at all, so stopping all that immediately.
    Hope you have a great birthday celebration planned and looking forward to maybe hearing all about it here soon!

  21. Happy Birthday, Susan!
    It’s a beautiful day here and I’m hoping you are having good weather at your house too. Thank you for your inspiring blog.
    I look forward to seeing you in my inbox.

  22. Hi Susan,
    I want to wish you a very happy birthday. Knowing Mr. Mickey and what a great guy he is it will be special.
    I will be turning seventy in November. Your wealth is your health. My hope continues to nourish my soul in spite of my health challenges. Having a positive attitude, eating well and all the things you mentioned is KEY.
    I can’t bring down the denim shirt, what store is this from. I am super casual, my dress up days are long gone.
    Sending Smiles

  23. Happy early birthday, Susan! Your skin is gorgeous and you always look so joyful and stylish! I have trouble with my eyeliner disappearing in few hours, most likely because of my eye cream. Do you find that the Beauty Counter one stays on longer than most? Also, are the Keds platform sneakers flexible and easy to walk in? At 5′-1″ I could use the lift. Thanks and enjoy this beautiful Labor Day Weekend!

  24. Susan your casual errand day clothes are perfect. We still want to look presentable and you certainly do. My area is suburban but has more traffic than ever over the years which amounts to more dirt/ grime. 3-4 washes a month.

    Your complexion is radiant and with no foundation show the rewards of a healthy lifestyle and good skin care. I will check into BeautyCounter products soon. One tip about women with large pores on and around the nose area is to use foundation mid face only and blend out really well. No need for full face coverage and my foundation lasts a long time.

    I look forward to all your posts and really love your style.
    Happy Birthday

  25. Happy Birthday Susan! My Birthday is September 6th. I’ll be 63 this year. You are a motivation to eat right , take good care of your skin, move more , and dress attractively. I love the beautiful pictures of your weekend adventures. Thank You for your inspiration to live well and healthy every day! Connie

  26. Love your post as usual. I do love when you give details of things and make remarks about health etc.
    Keeps us aware of things we should be doing, but let go by the wayside in our busy lives.
    Thanks Susan. Keep on blogging!

  27. Happy Birthday to you and may this be your best year yet. I follow you in December! I believe in taking care of our things as well. It has been too humid to wear jeans here ( for me), but our temps will be cooling and am eager to wear my white jeans even though it will be after Labor Day. Lol

  28. I had my previous car for 17 years and loved it and looked after it meticulously. 2 years ago I purchased a new car and discovered my insurance was less than half of what I’d been paying due to all the innovative safety inventions in that time – mmmmm it doesn’t pay to hang on to old cars, safety and cost savings – lesson learnt!

  29. Hi Susan,
    I love reading your blog, particularly when you show how the same clothes can be worn differently. I also like your layering tips; living in the North of the UK the weather can be quite chilly!
    What I’d really like to know is how do you keep your motivation going? You seem very disciplined and must have great determination and willpower to have turned you life around as you have. What stops you from reaching for that chocolate bar when you’ve had a rough day? Have you any tips that you can pass on please?
    Keep up the great blog.
    Pat Berry

    1. When I’ve had a rough day, I go for a long walk or read a favorite book. Soothing myself with food or wine is a terrible method of coping. I remember the results, so it is easy for me not to go down that path again.

  30. Susan, you always look lovely 🙂 Thank you for sharing all these tips.
    May I ask though, why you don’t eat meat?

    1. Even reducing meat intake has a protective effect. Research shows that people who eat red meat are at an increased risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Inflammation and arthritis were significantly reduced for me after only a few weeks when I stopped eating meat eleven years ago. Processed meats also increase the risk of death from these diseases. Read more about the reasons here.

  31. Thanks for sharing that link about why you don’t eat meat. For anyone who really wants to do a deep (DEEP) dive into why a plant based, whole foods diet is better for our health, Dr. Greger’s book, How Not to Diet, is extremely helpful and scientifically impeccable. You don’t need to look far to see that the way we’re eating now is not working. AND, as your food photos show, we can have the deliciousness, too. Win, win. Gale

  32. Hi Susan. I know this isn’t exactly relevant but…do you use a silk pillowcase? If so, what brand? Mine always split after a while. Thanks in advance!

  33. Dear Sue
    I have been watching your website for almost 2yrs now
    I love your inspiration and share your beauty and fashion tips
    because I have MS I don’t go out much, but I take care of my skin, add makeup
    I wear semi casual clothes, when I look good I feel good
    I am 68, trying to wear less makeup like you, but so far I look washed out
    you look stunning in this picture
    thank you for sharing

  34. Good Morning and a happy belated birthday wish. I hope you had a great day.
    I am interested in the beautycounter skin care products and need to know where to start. Could you please give me some tips?
    Thank you for your posts. I have read so many and enjoyed all of them. I envy where you live and your trips with Mr. Mickey. I love that part of the country. You are truly blessed !!!

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.