An Abingdon Getaway

I spent a few days in Abingdon, VA, staying in a grand old hotel, getting a massage and facial, and going for long walks in the sunshine. Browsing in antique stores and boutiques, discovering a new market, and meeting lovely new people made my three days and two nights away very relaxing and entertaining.

The Barter Theatre and The Martha are well-known landmarks that take me back to my childhood. Each time I return to Abingdon, the sweet memories come flooding back.

Early spring is my favorite time to visit Abingdon. The air is crisp, and the skies are often clear. An abundance of flowering trees and bulbs show off their blossoms.

The grounds adjoining the Martha offer a peaceful area to stroll or read in the shade.

Art, culture, and history keep me returning to Abingdon year after year.

I’ve always enjoyed seeing the well-maintained homes and preserved architecture.

After a massage and facial in the Spa at Martha, I dressed for the day and walked down the street to enjoy lunch at Greeko’s. I had a Greek salad and an appetizer that included two falafel, two dolmades, tzatziki, hummus, and pita bread. It was so good!

I’ve been fascinated by this curvy brick wall since I was five years old. Wikipedia describes them as crinkle crankle walls, also known as crinkum crankum, sinusoidal, serpentine, ribbon, or wavy wall. They are an unusual type of structural or garden wall built in a serpentine shape with alternating curves. They were initially used in Ancient Egypt but also found in Suffolk in England.

I adored this little shop and garden called A Likely Yarn. Everything about it made me smile.

In addition to the adjoining world-famous Virginia Creeper Trail and the Appalachian Trail, the whole town of Abingdon is a delight to stroll through.

The Abingdon Commons, located at 238 W Main, is an excellent collection of markets featuring organic local food, gift shops, bakeries, a coffee shop, a charcuterie, a cheese shop, and a wine bar.

This delectable charcuterie board is from Platter & Pour, located inside the market. I stopped for a glass of French cabernet before returning to my room for the evening. While I enjoyed the glass of wine, I visited with the delightful owner and her lovely daughter.

I hope you enjoyed Part 1 of my solo mini-vacation. I’ll share Part 2, featuring what I packed and how I wore the items later.

  1. What a beautiful place! It looks so clean, so neat. I live in what must be the muddiest county in Britain,
    I am really over living in the countryside. Thank you for your beautiful photographs which have cheered me up on a cold, grey rainy British day.

  2. Abingdon looks delightful! I do love travelling with you (vicariously) and cannot wait for Part 2. Thank you for sharing.

  3. What a charming and beautiful town. I love this time of year too. Thanks for sharing and ideas of places to visit.

  4. Your get away looks and sounds delightful. What a beautiful place to relax and recharge. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you for taking me back to Abingdon. It is a beautiful place in the spring. I used to go to the Likely Yarn good to know they are still in business. Also The Martha is a wonderful place.

  6. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a great location for a girlfriend getaway. One friend in our group uses a cane and has some mobility issues. Does the hotel have an elevator? Would things in general be easy to navigate in downtown Abington by someone who can’t do stairs?

    1. The hotel has an elevator. When you make reservations, let the desk know you need a room without stair access. Most of the businesses in town have handicap ramps, or they are on one level without stairs.

  7. I’m fascinated by the crinkle crackle wall at the Fountain Inn. Too bad their website doesn’t give any historical information on the wall or when it was built, although I did find information on UVA’s crinkle crackle walls, as well as the walls in England. I had never heard of these kinds of walls before, and I’m really glad you included the photo in your post. Abingdon looks like a beautiful place.

  8. I loved your little solo get away! It is the perfect place I would like to find. I have been looking for a place to celebrate my 80th birthday & this looks promising.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. What a lovely mini getaway. As always thanks for sharing the images of your spring time visit to Abingdon. What a delightful memory that must have been for you to visit the curvy wall again. The craftsmanship of the wall must be impressive to see in person. Looking forward to part 2 for your travel wardrobe. I take great inspiration from your classic pieces ensembles. Appreciate you Ms. Susan!

  10. Lovely photos. Love the one offering a hat too. Thanks Susan. This is a nice way to start my Sunday morning here in New Zealand. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Such a beautiful little town….I enjoyed every picture too. Sounds like a relaxing few days. Happy Easter to you and Mr Mickey.

  12. What is the difference between a straight wall and a serpentine wall?
    Crinkle Crankle: The Serpentine Wall With a Funny Name …
    In other words, serpentine walls can be made one wythe (a single brick layer) thick, while straight walls generally require two wythes. Thus, fewer materials are needed.

    1. In many cases, a wall is just a flat, one-dimensional affair that may eventually fall over. Some of the serpentine walls have stood for more than three hundred years.

  13. I really enjoy getting away to Abingdon and The Martha as well. So glad you too enjoyed the visit. I’m sure it felt overdue, given the past many months of medical appointments and treatments. Happy spring!

  14. Abingdon looks so charming in the photos, it must really be something to see & experience in person! Thanks, Susan, for sharing – excited for Part II!

  15. You are such an inspiration for how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life…an unusual brick wall, a glass of wine, mother nature, etc.

  16. Susan, I envy you doing such a relaxing, fun trip for yourself.Something I have always wanted to do. Enjoy!

  17. I enjoy each of your posts and hope to visit Abington in a visit soon! Thank you for all your posts! They are wonderful!

  18. Loved the photos of Abingdon! My family originated in Virginia . . . and we, your friends, hope that you are feeling well!

  19. What a beautiful place. It’s no wonder you enjoy an annual springtime visit. Lovely to stroll with you albeit virtually.

  20. It’s always comforting to go home. I’ve lived in Florida for the last 10 years, but still miss my hometown in MA. Happy for you.

  21. Susan, thank you for taking me on this little trip. Beautiful, quaint, just delightful
    Molly ( looking forward to part 2:⁠-⁠)

  22. Wonderful pictures and solo travel log. Vignettes of a perfect visit. Thank you Susan, for such an interesting perspective.

  23. I especially enjoyed this post. You are very talented at making one feel present with your photos and your heartfelt words. Thank you.

  24. I love the pictures you shared and the explanation along with them too. Looking forward to seeing what you wore and how and where you wore them.
    Clara from Iowa

  25. What a lovely post! Who says you can’t go home again. I still love to travel to our old home place. Abington looks lovely. Looking forward to your second installment.

  26. What a lovely place. So happy for you to know of it and to enjoy it so much. I was right there with you as you strolled the town. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Gorgeous photos and the beautiful clear blue sky gave your clever photography that extra special touch.
    As always thank you for sharing your Mini trip. Can’t wait for part 2.
    Best wishes
    Pamela Wales UK.

  28. What a lovely way to welcome Spring & enjoy some alone time! More women should feel comfortable venturing alone & get that different perspective…..she says reminding herself!!

  29. I love hearing about your solo mini vacations! I wish I would have done more of that instead of waiting to tag along with family or friends. I remarried two years ago and although my husband is 83 and I’m turning 70 in April I’m grateful for the companionship and adventures we can share together . Oh but how I would LOVE a mini solo vacation now that I see how to do it!!!! Thank you Susan!

  30. I am from Montreal, Quebec, Canada and appreciate so much when you leave such a nice report of your visit. You give me ideas for a getaway. Thank you and keep well and « healthy »

  31. We used to eagerly await a visit to The Barter Theatre each summer when I went to Camp Yonahlossee in Blowing Rock NC. We always had such a nice visit there. I’ve always wanted to return and this post has me adding it to my “trips to take” list. Abington is beautiful! Thanks so sharing!

  32. Wow! Abingdon looks like a wonderful and historic town. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
    Debbie K

  33. Thank you for the beautiful photos of the town. I would love to go there sometime. I live in VA and it’s about 6 hours away. I enjoyed reading about the attractions there. Hope you had a great time away!

  34. I enjoyed this post! the homes are lovely and so well kept-looks like all of them are much over 50 years! I especially liked seeing that the homes do not seem to be BOXED IN with walls between homes……….so refreshing for this lady living in Arizona where all our homes are separated with tall walls giving very very little connection with our neighbors

    1. The Town of Abingdon was established by an act of the Assembly of Virginia in 1778. Many of the homes and buildings are on the National Historic Registry. Read more about the town here.

  35. What a lovely place to visit! I always enjoy your appreciation of architecture and gardens. As always, it is the simple things that move us. Thank you for seeing the beauty in your surroundings!

  36. What a nice solo get away Susan! Abington looks to be a delightful town. The food looks enticing as well.
    I look forward to your posts.

  37. Looks like the town is just lovely. Did you grow up there? I will have to visit with my husband some day. Thank you so much for your article and suggestions. Looking forward to part 2!

  38. I was born an raised in Abingdon I love my hometown Nothing like it. It sure has grown over the years I remember it when the roads were just two lanes Glad you enjoyed Abingdon also

  39. Delightful! Your photos and captions make me want to visit! Can you comment on the architectural style, please?

  40. Wow! Beautiful post. What a wonderful time to explore Abingdon. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself!

  41. Susan,
    Thank you for sharing. I love receiving your emails and stories your and adventures.

    Be Blessed,

  42. I had to go back and find this post as we are heading to Abingdon and the Martha Washington Inn this week! I was lucky to schedule a facial for our last morning there, as they were already booked the other 2 days! We are also going to the Barter Theatre Thursday evening. Thanks so much for posting about your trip, as it gave me the idea for celebrating my 73rd birthday! I very much enjoy your posts!

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