I hope that your day was filled with love.

We attended very socially distanced and fully masked church services where my brother-in-law was the guest speaker. After visiting my parents, we returned to my home, where I spent the afternoon preparing a small feast for two. Mr. Mickey set the table and kept me company while I worked. I need to use all my concentration while I’m cooking, so he knows to stay clear.
All of my clothing items are from the Talbots 70% off end-of-the-season clearance sale. The Vince Camuto shoes are from last year. The bag is several years old, as are all the items in Mr. M’s look.

Lunch included the most delicious ‘smashed’ potatoes ever, baked salmon, and steamed broccoli. The croissants are from The Fresh Market.
Mr. Mickey says I must share the recipe for the potatoes with you. Start with fresh smooth-skinned Yukon Gold potatoes. I washed them and cut them into cubes of about the same size to cook evenly.
Saute some chopped onion, butter, garlic, salt, and pepper in a heavy saucepan. When the onion starts to get soft and translucent, add the cubes of potatoes. Add some vegetable or chicken stock slowly and stir. Cover to let it cook until it starts to bubble. Stir again and add a little more stock so that the potatoes are just covered. Leave the lid off and cook until the potatoes are still firm to the fork. (Not entirely soft.) Scoop the potatoes out of stock (do not drain the pot yet). Put the cubes of cooked potato into a smaller pan with warmed butter, then cover and set aside to rest. Add some sour cream and more salt and pepper. Use the same stock as needed to mash the potatoes (with an old fashioned masher) until they are rustic and not too creamy.
I used a metal basket steamer to steam the broccoli in the same stock for three minutes. Add a little butter, salt, and pepper to the broccoli before serving. Warm the croissants in the oven for a couple of minutes after you remove the salmon.

The Prosecco and chocolate-covered strawberries are from The Fresh Market. Mr. Mickey arrived with cards and chocolate-covered strawberries also. We often think alike.

What a lovely day you had and you both look so smart! The meal sounds lovely. Thank you for the smashed potatoes recipe! I’m going to try it!
Smashed potatoes and smashing good looks on a well-dressed couple! I hope you and Mr. Mickey sat well in the back of the church so the congregation wouldn’t be distracted from the guest speaker!
Thank you, Anna. You are kind.
What a lovely Valentines Day! You both looked great in your red! Meal looked very yummy! And who can pass up mashed potatoes? As always a wonderful post!
You and Mr. M look terrific! Thanks for the tip re the Talbots skirt, just got one! Great deal!
Thank you for posting this. The potato recipe is one I need to try. I always enjoy reading your posts. You always have some great ideas for wardrobe and recipes.
You both looked so striking and coordinated….even if you may not have known what the other was wearing, or perhaps this time you did… The red for Valentine’s Day look was perfect. I was surprised with the heels but glad you were able to wear them for this special occasion. As always, you looked “smashing.” The smashed potatoes was a surprise and sounds very tempting. Thanks for the both the tips on fashion and a peek into your small feast for two.
Clara from Iowa
Simply gorgeous, Susan! ❤
Red looks so beautiful on you, Susan. Thank you for sharing the smashed potato recipe. It looks and sounds delicious.
You look stunning, and I immediately ordered the skirt. Thank you for finding it for me.
You both look dashing! What a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration. You embody living with grace, appreciation for beauty, and enjoying the finer things in life. Lovely.
You look wonderful in skirts. Really wonderful!
Thank you!
I’m planning on roasted chicken tonight and will include your smashed potatoes. Thank you for including them in your post. Red looks wonderful on both you and Mr. Mickey!
Very Nice! You look so beautiful and appropriately dressed same with Mr. Mickey. What a stunning pair you make. How do you cook the salmon?
Sear the skin side in a pan of hot coconut oil, then bake it in the oven at 375 for about twelve minutes. Sometimes I coat it with spicey mustard before baking it, skipping the searing step.
You look absolutely gorgeous in that red jacket! I love it. Your sleeves are the perfect length. When I buy a jacket to fit my shoulders and get the right arm length, I cannot button in middle (apple shape). Anyway, you look great!
What a sweet post! You certainly both look fabulous and I don’t know what it is but these days my (only) favorite thing to read are cozy style cookbooks and some lovely Instagram about simple life at home. That was not the case in the past and it’s so nice reading your story today; a moment of joy. Tell Mr. Mickey thanks for the recipe share…I’m going to try that and improve on my own already wonderful smashed potatoes. Many continued blessings to you both!
Susan, this is such a nice post. Brought me into the real world instead of my new normal which is mostly bedridden. I pray this is not permanent, but for some unexplained reason my God is allowing this to be. But looking into your world these days is a good thing to brighten my day. I’ve been looking at Talbot’s clearance items for weeks. I’ve used your methods ordering anything. I saw that skirt at $20 and there was a time I would have bought it just because. But since I have two pencil skirts in black, I didn’t do it. Besides, with my circumstances, I might never have that need. I admit I did order a few blouses and one pair of jeans with the higher waist and flared. I’m being optimistic that I will wear them with a white shirt and animal print belt. That’s one goal. I have many. Please keep cheering us up with your life. I know others would like to know more about your earlier years, too.
I hope that your health returns and you get to wear your black pencil skirts again soon.
Superb Valentines day co-ordinated outfits. The red jacket looks great. What a fantastic meal to celebrate with the bubbly. Glad you both enjoyed the day, and thanks for sharing.
Looks like a fabulous day❤️
Love filled post . . thanks for sharing!
You both look charming for your day outing. The church I attend in The Villages FL resumed in person worship in July 2020 with mask and seating requirements in place. I was so thankful because even though the service was available online and on Facebook I was distracted while watching from my home. I also took advantage of the Talbots clearance at my local store and online. I was careful with the online order since it’s final sale and no way to try the clothes on. I am hopeful that everything will fit since their sizing is usually consistent.
You two are so classy!
You are blessed and you look great! I enjoy your blog but miss seeing you on Facebook!
I saved your Smashed Potatoe Recipe – sounds yummy! You always make your meals a special event.
Belated Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Mr. Mickey!
Ooh la la! You look lovely in your red blazer and pencil skirt. Thanks for sharing…..love your blog!
What a perfect day!
Susan I know you love to wear pants but you have beautiful legs that deserve a skirt once in a while. Thanks for the potato recipe.
Hi to Mr. Mickey and stay warm!
What a wonderful day and meal. You both look fabulous!
The salmon looks wonderful.
I bought that same skirt on sale!!!
Beautiful post, beautiful couple!
I love your Valentine’s Day post. You look stunning in your outfit, and I love you in heels. Simply exquisite. And your beau looks very fine, too.
Glad you and Mr. Mickey had such a lovely day!
Happy Valentine’s! Looks like a perfect day!
Thanks for the post! Love your emails….you look beautiful and Mr. M looks handsome!
I looked at some of your old blogs and found one about Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, thank you so much! Bought the book and cookbook and am looking forward to learning as much as I can and shedding a few pounds. Will be interesting to see what weight I end up at. I am where you were, and looking at your pictures you look so healthy…..have a wonderful week, and thanks for the emails!
Wow you are such a happy couple. Looking fabulous
I WANT TO GO SHOPPING WITH YOU!!!! Also, could I come for lunch? You always look so nice. The sales are so great. I buy a lot at Chicos. Too much. But I will also watch Talbots from now on too. They also have really nice clothes.
We would have so much fun, Nancy!
How absolutely lovely you look in the photo taken Sunday! Just beautiful! Mr. Mickey must have been the most dashing appearing gentleman wherever you went St. Valentine’s Day. It is always a pleasure to receive your emails!
How happy I am for you that your parents are still with us and that you live close enough to have paid them a visit on one of my husband and my favorite days. Thank you for sharing! God bless you, Mr. Mickey and your loved ones.
Thank you for your lovely comments. I appreciate them, and I’m sure Mr. Mickey does as well.
You look lovely and Mr. Mickey is dashing as always. Thank you for the recipes—sound delicious!
Looks delish! I will try those potatoes! I was hoping for an orchid and got one too! Little stay at home crab feast has been our running tradition for a few years now. You both look stunning and in love.
You look positively lovely. You and Mr M make a wonderful couple. When I saw the lunch picture, I expected it to be mashed cauliflower, but the smashed potato recipe sounds good. Continue to be safe.
O my goodness Susan, that meal sounds delicious, chef quality, no wonder you need concentration, good on you definitely a lady of many talents. You and my Mickey make a very handsome couple.
You and Mr. Mickey look fabulous! Red is one of my favorite colors for clothing and it was nice that you dressed up for Valentines Day. Your dinner looked very yummy too!
I’m so glad to see Mr M up and about, and dapper as always!
It goes without saying that you look beautiful, Susan!
I love, love all of your posts. I’m 75 years old & live in Texas. Enjoy all your clothing styles, suggestions, postive outlook and the beautiful destinations. Hope your 2021 year is blessed.
Thank you, Judy. I hope you are safe and warm. I have been reading about the fierce winter storms in Texas.
You and your hubby make such a cute couple! Thanks for posting the recipe. The meal looked fantastic!
Thank you, Kim. We’ve been adventure partners for fifteen years, but not married.
Lovely Valentine’s Day!
I loved that you mentioned Talbots 70% off sale. I have not been in a store of any type (except grocery store) in a year but have been carefully watching and buying Talbots and Chicos sales online. One Talbots package is due today!
I’m trying to use the principles I’ve gleaned from you to make smart choices. My son is getting married on the northwest coast in the fall. If Covid allows, it will be a larger wedding and we will be out there at least a week with some dressy events and some hiking-to-the-waterfall excursions. For 2022, we have planned a 12-day Panama Canal cruise and a 15-day trip to Europe (both previously postponed by Covid). After barely leaving the house for a year, it will be a busy few months. As I shop, I keep in mind a vision for those trips. Now, to find my mother of the groom dress!
Thank you for your cheerful posts!
It sounds like you will indeed be making up for the lost time! Enjoy every moment. I, too, can’t wait to get back to my travels.
Hi Susan,
It looks like someone besides me really loves celebrating Valentine’s Day too. You both look so nice together all dressed up.
What a beautiful lunch you made, everything looks so yummy. Your Susan Potatoes must have been a HUGE hit. We love potatoes too, I will make them your way and see if they are a hit with my Hubby Honey Bear.
LOVE is my operative word all year round, so I celebrated in a BIG way too this year, and with all my Galentine girlfriends they all received handcrafted cards, and my neighbor friends also were treated with Galentine cupcakes. So much fun.
Katherine in Arizona
What a lovely day you and Mr. Mickey must have had! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for a new and wonderful recipe for mashed potatoes!!! And thanks to Mr. Mickey for insisting that you post it! I so look forward to each and everyone of your columns and also the informative comments posted by your followers…
Love that dinner! It’s what we eat every Monday! Instead of potatoes which we avoid, I make the exact same thing with a bag of frozen cauliflower.
You both look very happy and healthy!
Thank you for your posts. They and you enrich my life and show and remind me what real style is.
Oh, Susan and Mr. Mickey, you two are a fairytale for grown ups! I’m speechless except for how much I like Susan’s outfit with the sheer black hose.