When you look at a fashionable image and can’t tell in which decade it was taken, the women are likely wearing classics. Get in my time machine, and I’ll take us back to 1973. The look I wore to the grocery store on Wednesday is the same formula I wore in high school.

I started buying my school clothes with babysitting money in 1970, and since then, my favorite look has been a tee shirt or sweater and a pair of straight-leg faded jeans. This basic combo can take me almost anywhere if I add a pair of loafers, sandals, or sneakers. A few pieces of jewelry and cool-looking sunglasses add pizzaz. Alternatively, when I add a blazer, a pair of heels, dramatic earrings, and an elegant clutch bag, I’m ready for an after-work glass of wine with gal pals.

The jeans are here. The sweater is here. The penny loafers are here.

The clutch bag is here. The sunglasses are here. Similar hoop earrings are here. A similar bangle bracelet is here. The watch is here.

The weather was warm and sunny as I stocked up on ingredients to make one of my family’s favorites: fruitcake.

Susan, I went to a military high school and we were not permitted to wear jeans to school. The minute I got home I put on straight leg faded jeans. Like you, I have been wearing them ever since. With your inspiration, I have learned to elevate them based on the occasion. Thank you.
I would like to have the fruitcake recipe since I also like fruitcake (a lot).
I would love your fruitcake recipe! My sweet sister Leah loved fruitcake. I would love to make this in her memory. Thank you in advance!
I’m sorry for the loss of your dear sister, Wendy.
Oh my goodness that fruit cake looks amazing. Sadly, not something I can eat but it’s a work of art.
Your fashion and health tips are the best! Really enjoy all the advice and pictures you give us.
I also enjoy fruitcake very much, and would love the recipe. Thanks so much.
Bonjour Suzan, Votre gâteau aux fruits me fait très envie et j’aimerais bien y goûter. Pour cela, j’accepte très volontiers votre proposition de donner la recette si on la demande. Je veux bien la recette de ce superbe gâteau.
Merci pour vos conseils d’habillement.
Your blog is one I so look forward to as you are so practical and reasonable. I, too, am a traditional dresser and love your suggestions and ideas. You cannot beat timeless classics! I would love to surprise my family with a homemade fruit cake and yours looks so yummy! Thank you so much!
Your cake looks so beautiful and delicious. Who wouldn’t want the recipe?
You look fabulous in your classic outfit! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
The fruitcake look delicious! This is not something we can eat but I can sure admire it. Does Mr. Mickey enjoy it? Fruitcake has gotten a bad rap for many years. The Farmer’s mother used to make them and soaked them in brandy.
He considers a small slice a very special treat.
I would love to make this for the holidays. Thank you!
Would love the recipe!
Hi Susan, I have been following you faithfully for years, Your look is so classic. Please send me your fruitcake recipe. I’d like to try it. Thank you!
Happy Fall!
Beautiful as always. I also wear the same style jeans and sweater outfits most of my life. I love the looks of your fruit cake. I would appreciate the recipe, I think my family will love it !
Thank you !
Hi Susan,
I am a fan of your blog! Keep up doing what you do, so inspiring! I would love your fruitcake recipe. Thank you in advance for sharing.
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Thank you for the recipe and thank you for your style tips.
The fruit cake looks lovely. Is it gluten free? If so I would love the recipe please.
If you use gluten free baking flour the cake could be gluten free, but I don’t know for sure.
I would love to have the recipe….. Thank you
Love all your posts about classic pieces – my favorites always! And I’d love to have your fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious, and thanks for sharing . . .
Would absolutely LOVE the recipe!
I would love your fruitcake recipe! It looks delicious!
I would love the fruitcake recipe.
Hi Susan, You always look great and have taught me so many things about fashion. Here’s my request…. could you show me (and , I’m sure many others) how you style your hair? I’m particularly interested in how you get a side part without the straight line of a part. I hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!
Deborah Robinson
When I pull every section straight and blow-dry my hair with a large round brush, it looks like I tried too hard. I advise giving your hair some free rein to do what it wants and then correcting only the unruly or frizzy bits by blow-drying only that section for a moment. While drying or styling your hair, do not try to control every section and make it perfect. I randomly partially dry sections with a square brush and my fingers. The less I do, the better my hair looks. I get the part by following how my hair naturally falls. I never use a comb to part it.
I’d love your fruitcake recipe
Your fruitcake looks amazing! Would love to have that recipe!
I would love your fruitcake recipe. And, I use the same formula for dressing on many days: solid color tee or sweater with jeans. I give thanks to you for wearing classic styles in neutral colors.
I love all of your looks….
Recipe please for fruit cale
I would like the fruit cake recipe. Reminds of one I used to make.
I absolutely love fruitcake. Please send your recipe!
May I ask what size you ordered in the v neck sweater, such a good buy!! Thanks
I bought several of them in size medium. They are so comfortable.
You look beautiful and your fruitcake looks delicious! I will be very grateful if you send the recipe, please!
Your fruitcake looks delicious thank you for offering to share the recipe which yes I would love to have. Wishing you a wonderful day!
YES, please, share the recipe with me. It looks amazing. Thanks!!
Thank you for consistently sharing affordable clothing options. An occasional splurge is appreciated, but some of the other blogs featuring styles for women our age can really challenge a fashion budget. I’ve been following you for years and your blog and style are my favorite.
I would love the recipe! Thanks!
Hi Susan,
I would love to receive your recipe.
Recipe please!
Love your post! Your and Mr. Micky journeys around the area are lovely! Thank you for sharing and so glad you are both doing well. The fruitcake recipe looks delicious and I would love to receive the recipe! Thank you and happy holidays!
The Banana Republic Forever Sweater that Susan is wearing is only $20 today in most colors.
I like your first sentence about what you wore to the grocery store looks much like something you would have worn in high school. I agree I probably wore much the same now as then. We can’t fight our classic look which I think is something we feel comfortable in. Classy but comfortable. Not sloppy comfortable but clothes we feel good in.
I purchased one of the sweaters you’re wearing in Navy and yes they are comfortable.
Fruitcake looks beautiful!
Please send fruitcake recipe. Thanks!
I would love to have the recipe for the fruitcake. It looks delicious!
Yes please, I would love the recipe. The fruitcake looks delicious. Thank you!
Would love your fruit cake recipe. Thanks for sharing! Your jeans look so comfy. Like the faded/washed color.
I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thank you!
Hi Susan,
Love your posts, philosophy on life and clothes!!
I also love that cake and would be most grateful to receive a copy of the recipe please.
Many thanks and kindest regards
You always look fabulous! Love all your tips. Would love getting the fruitcake recipe.
Hello Susan! Your fruitcake looks amazing and I would love the recipe. I would have to adapt to make it gluten-free but I think it could be done!
Thank you.
Recipe please! I love fruitcake.
Would love to have your fruit cake recipe. Fond memories! Thanks.
Beautiful cake! I would love the recipe. Thank you.
Would love the recipe! Thank you.
Recipe please for your fruitcake
Would love the fruit cake recipe. Brings fond memories of my mother’s fruitcake. Thanks.
Beautiful fruitcake, Susan! Would love to gave your recipe.
Susan your Christmas cake looks amazing. I tried to bake one when we were first married. Needless to say, my hubby never asked me again. LOL I would love your recipe. Who knows, maybe I am a better baker in my old age.
I wear those Banana Republic Factory sweaters a LOT in winter and fall. They are indeed on sale now, and if you watch for sales you can get them at real bargains. It’s also my favorite outfit recipe, jeans, a forever sweater, and loafers.
I’d love the fruitcake recipe, Susan! I usually make Ina Garten’s fruitcake cookies but I’d love to try a real fruitcake. Thank you in advance
I would love the fruitcake recipe. Thank you!
I would love your fruitcake recipe! I look forward to fruitcake season every year even though everyone else I know is not a fan. Thank you!
I would love to receive your fruitcake recipe. Thank you.
Dear Susan,
I would be very pleased to receive your fruit cake recipe : it looks so delicious !
I agree with you about your post : some of our clothes don’t change so much…But we are also at a period where we imitate very much the clothes of the 70’s…(and not only !).
Susan, thank you so much for the fruitcake recipe offer. I would very much appreciate it!
I would love your fruitcake recipe!!
You look awesome. I especially like the pocket book. Yes, please send me the recipe.
I love fruitcake! Yes, I would love your recipe please. Thank you.
Yes on the Fruitcake Recipe!!!
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe! I would enjoy gifting the fruitcake to my mother’s gentleman friend. He does have a fondness for all things homemade. Thank you!
I would love your fruit cake recipe. Thank you
Would like the fruit cake recipe!
Would love your fruitcake recipe! You continue to inspire me each day. Many thanks!
You look amazing as always.
The fruitcake looks delicious please send me the recipe.
My sister and I make fruitcake every year!! The recipe we use is our Aunt Wilma’s White Fruitcake! But I would love to see your recipe! It looks beautiful! And I might just give it a try this year and SHOCK my family!! Thank you!
Hi Susan,
I love your style and know I’d love your fruitcake – may I have the recipe?
Love your column, Susan! Have followed it for a long time! I would love your Fruit Cake recipe!
Thank you,
Sherry Ratcliff
Your look always is classic & polished, Susan. I so enjoy your blog.
I would love to have a copy of your recipe. Thank you.
Please share the recipe! Thank you very much
Can I please have the fruit cake recipe?
Your fruitcake look beautiful. Please send me the recipe and thank you.
I would love your fruit cake recipe! Is it too late to make for this holiday season? If I remember correctly they usually have to ‘sit’ for a period of time.
You have time to make three or four cakes before Christmas.
I would love the recipe – thank you so much for sharing!
I would love the fruitcake recipe. Thank you!
Karen Wilson.
And the type of liquor used to flavor it. I don’t know much about liquor or what would be best to use.
I use apple brandy.
Would love your recipe.
Hello Susan…my late husband was renowned for his fruitcake. I could never replicate his fruitcakes. I would like to attempt yours…please send me the recipe. Thank you. Moira
Susan, I would love to have your recipe!
Thank you!
Please can I have your fruitcake recipe. Thank you Robin
Enjoy your articles, recipe please
Please send me the fruitcake recipe. Thanks.
I am a loyal follower, and I would enjoy making the fruitcake. Thank you for all the fashion inspiration.
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
As usual, you look wonderful in clean line, simple clothing. I have adopted a similar style and it works! Thanks for demonstrating that good style is never outdated.
The fruit cake looks delicious.
Recipe, please!
Yes, I would like the recipe for fruitcake. Thank you for all you do to keep the fashion spirits up for us aging ladies!
yes send me the recipe please Thank you
Thank you for your offer. I would like your recipe for fruitcake.
You look great in those jeans. I never wear jeans here in Florida, it is just too darn hot here all year round. the winter is cooler in the mornings but the sun heats up around noon. I like your classic looks, like you say, they never go out of style!
I would love your fruitcake muffin recipe please and thanks! I’ve been a follower and a fan for years!
Fruit Cake recipe, please. Susan, you ROCK. Your blogs are my fashion manual. Also appreciated your “birthday gift” to us — “What I eat and Why.” Thank you so much.
Please send me the recipe for the fruitcake. Thank you!
I would love your recipe.
Love a good classic outfit and love seeing an email from you in my inbox! I find your life fascinating. Please send me the recipe for the fruit cake. It looks amazing!
Please send recipe for fruitcake
As always, your timelessness is an elegant inspiration! And I’d love that gorgeous fruitcake recipe. Thanks for all you do to uplift us and give us beauty to sprite to in all aspects of our lives.
I would love your fruitcake recipe.
Thank you!
You look wonderful! Love everything about the outfit.
Your fruitcake looks amazing!
I’ve wanted to make a fruitcake for years, but have been intimidated.
I am ready to try it!
Thank you, Susan
Yes, I’d love the fruitcake recipe, please! I’ve been following you for quite a few years, now and am always inspired!
I would love a copy of your Fruit Cake recipe. Thank you for sharing.
Would love to have your fruitcake recipe! It’s my 91 year old dad’s favorite!
Hi Susan, I would love to get the recipe for the fruitcake, it looks delicious. I’m a bit older than you and I also wear jeans but love your look
The fruit cake looks amazing… thanking you in advance for the recipe
I would definitely like to have your recipe for fruitcake! It looks delicious. I make a version every year but I’d like to try yours.
You look great in this outfit especially with the sunglasses on! I would be honored to have your fruitcake recipe. Thanks for offering it to us.
I would love the recipe! Your posts are so inspiring. Thank you for bringing joy.
You are wearing my life uniform!!! Thanks for showing how to dress it up
And I would love the recipe
Love your timeless looks! Yes, would love the recipe. Fruitcake is a favorite!
Hello from Canada where our weather today is nearly 40 degrees colder than it was at this time yesterday! Keeps us on our toes. I would love to try to make your fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious. Thanks in advance.
I’d love to receive your fruitcake recipe!
Would love the fruit cake recipe!
Please send me the fruit cake recipe. Thanks.
Best Blessings
Would love to try your fruitcake! Yes, recipe please/thanx.
Thank you for inspiring our clothing choices. I absolutely love your timeless and classic look.
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
Thank you
Your fruitcake looks amazing! I would love a copy of your recipe!
Requesting your Fruit cake recipe !
Still loving your blog!
What a classy lady you are!!!
I would love the recipe for your fruit cake. Thanks, Melissa
I would love to get your recipe for fruit cake.
Thanks, Melissa
I would love the recipe!!!
I love this idea of dressing like 1973! You have given me permission to dress as my authentic self. I have always been a classic girl but felt by being true to myself I was looking dated. You have allowed me to be me. Thank you!
And I would LOVE your fruitcake recipe. I always make one each year but I am always looking for the perfect one. It sure looks lovely and I’ll bet it tastes great too!
Oh my gosh! I would love the recipe for the fruitcake! My mother-in-law used to make it for friends and family, and used a garbage can (clean) to mix and store the ingredients because of the huge amount. I think she added some kind of wine? Then she let it “age” in the garage for a few months. Needless to say, I was never able to get a normal- sized recipe from her! I love your posts!
Susan – I’ve never tried to make a fruitcake, but I’d love to give it a go with your recipe. I’d be grateful if you could share it with me – thanks!
Would love to have your fruitcake recipe.
The fruitcake looks delicious! Please send the recipe. Thanks!
I would love he fruitcake recipe’
Yes, please send me your fruitcake recipe.
I would love the fruitcake recipe!
You never fail to surprise me! Who knew your many talents include making a fruit cake. I haven’t had one in years and would love your recipe. Thanks so much!
Recipe please!
Love your column and especially your timeless classics. I love fruitcake, please send me your recipe for fruitcake.
Your fruitcake looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I have fond memories of making fruitcake with my mother. Unfortunately, she passed without writing the recipe down. I would love to try your recipe!
Love the Forever sweaters at BR Factory!
I would love the recipe for the fruitcake. My MIL made one while she was alive that her family loved. Thank you.
Susan, I’ve been following you for at least 5 years and love your insights. I’m a big fan of fruitcake and would really like your recipe. Wishing you peace, health, and happiness.
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious! Thank you.
Thank you for continuing to remind me to stick with what I’m most comfortable wearing which is also the classic style. Keep it simple and accessorize! Would love your delicious looking fruitcake recipe!
Thank you for continuing to remind me to stick with what I’m most comfortable wearing which is also the classic style. Keep it simple and accessorize! Would love your delicious looking fruitcake recipe!
Hi Susan, I have enjoyed your posts for many years and have learned so much from you about classic fashion.
I love fruitcake and would love your recipe.
Thank you, and God Bless.
My father and I shared a love for fruitcake. I just ordered a small one in memory of him, but I would love to make one with your recipe in his honor.
I would love the fruitcake recipe! It looks delicious! Thank you in advance!
Thanks for your constant inspiration and encouragement! You are a blessing to many!
I would greatly appreciate the fruit cake recipe! It is my mom’s favorite! Blessings!
The fruitcake looks yummy, I would love the recipe , thank you so much!
Hi Susan. Please send me your fruitcake recipe. The fruitcake looks moist and delicious!! Thank you!
Thank you for your wonderful posts. Yes please to the fruit cake recipe. Thanks.
Susan, I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Thanks so much:
I love your content! Thank you. You are helping me to keep things simple, and classic. Please send me your Fruit Cake Recipe – yum.
I would like your fruitcake recipe. It is a newly acquired taste and would enjoy making it myself.
Hi Susan, Thanks for your post. It’s as if I am looking at myself in a mirror (clothes that is). I dress in the exact same outfit most of the time, adding different scarves, shoes, etc. I even agree with the hoops, bangle and watch. For some reason I feel like I’m really in my own skin when I don this apparel.
I would be most grateful to receive your recipe.
Thanks so much.
Hi! Susan,
I would like to have the fruitcake recipe since I also like fruitcake (a lot).
Thank you for your fruitcake recipe
Love to get your Fruitcake recipe. It looks beautiful.
Would love the recipe
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Maybe I can convince my family to like fruitcake as much as I do .
Thank you Susan.
Recipe please! It looks delicious. Thank you!
Hello Susan. I would love to have the recipe for your fruit cake. Thank you for sharing it!
I would love your recipe for fruit cake please.
Susan, I would love your fruitcake recipe please, it looks beautiful in the photograph.
Thankyou in advance
Hi Susan,
Hope you and your family are well after the awful hurricane your county experienced and life is slowly coming back to normal. I loved your casual look on your blog and will look for similar sweaters to pair with my jeans, I would love a copy of your wonderful cake, I live in the UK and Christmas is fast approaching where your style of cake is very similar to our Christmas cake but yours looks more colourful and inviting once again just want to thank you for all your brilliant tips on styling, kind regards Paula
Hi, you always look so stylish, and that fruitcake looks divine. As I put on 20 pound last Christmas eating all the seasonal goodies I am not going to cook or buy any of them this year. I will just admire from a distance. Are you doing anything special for Thanksgiving? We don’t have that here in Australia so I have just gone straight into Christmas mode. Many thanks for all the lovely posts you share with us, from Judi.
Susan, thank you so much for sharing your tips for timeless classics. I love them ! Your fruitcake looks delicious. Would you please send me your recipe for it? Thank you so very much.
Would love your fruitcake recipe!
I’d love the recipe, thank you!
You always look so nice and put together. I really enjoy your posts.
I would absolutely love to have your fruitcake recipe.
Thank you!
My daughter used to live in Johnson City and I enjoy seeing the places you mention. Gourmet & Company is a wonderful restaurant.
You have such style and class. This is an outfit I can embrace.. I have a question RE: your diet and meal makeover..lPrior to the “makeover”. (If I may) What was your cholestetol/LDL , did you take meds, and how long before the ‘numbers’ turned around? Has age affected them and do you take any meds now or were you able to get off them altogether ? I know this is a bit nosy, but I’m dealing with this now and wondering about your change, if you wouldn’t mind sharing.
At 55, I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, several sinus infections, and frequent migraines. I could barely walk across my yard because of joint pain from inflammation. My doctor wanted me to start taking four different prescriptions, but I asked her to give me six months to do some research and make changes.
When I arrived for my follow-up six months later, I had lost 45 pounds and was no longer pre-diabetic or any of the aforementioned maladies.
When I stopped eating highly processed foods, including oils, meats, sauces, and fast foods, the quality of my life changed exponentially.
The cake looks amazing! Please share your recipe. Many thanks
I’d love the cake recipe
I would love to have the recipe. I want to bake one this year. By the way I got an email from Countertime that they are starting again. Thanks
Fruitcake recipe, please! Thanking you in advance…
I would love your fruit cake recipe! Thank you
Good morning. I love your email with helpful suggestions. YES. I would like your fruitcake recipe please. Do you order the ingredients? I haven’t found them in in the supermarket in years.
Have a wonderful day. Mary
I find the candied fruits in the produce section of local grocery stores in the fall. All the other ingredients are usually always available.
Could you please email me the Fruit Cake recipe, it looks beautiful. I’ve been receiving your emails for a long time now, and always admire the way you look and how you change an outfit to suit the occasion. I live in the UK. Thank you
Hi Susan! I would love to have the recipe! I live in Texas and this reminds me of the famous Collin Street Bakery fruitcakes.
Thank you for your continued blog that I enjoy so much
Susan, I would love your fruitcake recipe. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Susan, I’d love a copy of your recipe for fruit cake – looks delicious.
Kind regard,
Thank you, Susan, I’d love a copy of your recipe.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Susan, for your wonderful insight and advice. You are one classy woman! I appreciate your take on styling, etc. The older I get, the more I have embraced “less is more” in almost every aspect of my life. Your posts exemplify that simple, yet elegant, is the better choice. Thanks again! I would love your fruitcake recipe. I am a total fruitcake fanatic!
I would love your fruitcake recipe. Thank you so much.
Lisa C
Thank you for guiding us as we aim for
classic stylings. And fruitcake recipe !
Best of health and happiness to you and yours .
May i have your fruitcake recipe?
Wishing you a happy holiday season!
Hi Susan,
Please send your fruitcake recipe.
Thank you,
Thank you for sharing your fruitcake recipe. I also have fond memories of fruitcake, especially my grandmother’s homemade one that was soaked in bourbon.
Susan, you are very generous to share your fruitcake recipe with your readers. Thank you for sending me a copy. Opening each of your emails is like sitting down with a friend. You bring a richness to my day.
you are always so generous with your advice, your vulnerability in sharing, and your understanding for us in our life journeys.
Thank you.
I would love your fruit cake recipe; I compose very healthy meals BUT on Christmas Day I eat fruit cake for breakfast, lol, and have no guilt.
So I am very excited to make your recipe
Huge thanks as always Be
You are always so fashionable and I appreciate all of your timeless advice. I would love your fruitcake recipe… my Dad used to make them but never passed on his secret recipe . Very best wishes for a happy holiday and a healthy new year! GB
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
I agree with the classic jeans/tshirt look for timeless style. Since I have been following you I too have upgraded my closet to be more user friendly. Now I can just go in and come out like magic! No more “I don’t have anything to wear” days.
Thank you
I would love the recipe for fruitcake. Thank you
Yes please. Would love to have your fruit cake recipe. Thank you
Both your classic outfit and the cake look super, I would love to receive the recipe, please!
Many thanks
Looks like a fruitcake my sister in law used to make . I enjoy reading about your adventures! Please send recipe
Please email recipe. Thanks so much.
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Thank you!!
Yes I would love your fruitcake recipe!
Susan, I look forward to all of your content. Thank you!
I would love your fruitcake recipe. It is also a childhood favorite of mine.
Thank you,
I really enjoy your blog in all ways – fashion, food & your adventures. A question regarding your jeans – do you prefer 100% cotton or jeans with a bit of spandex?
I like the comfy feel of jeans with spandex but I really love the look of 100% cotton traditional denim, I guess because as a teen in the ’70’s spandex wasn’t out yet.
I would also love the fruitcake recipe – thank you!
I look for jeans with about 2% elastane.
I would love your fruitcake recipe?
I would love to receive the recipe for the fruit cake. Thanks for sharing
I am looking forward every week to view your inspiring post
Best regards
Would love to have your recipe.
Thank you for reminding me to start preparing for Christmas gifts.
Also thank you for all you give back to your readers.
Susan S.
Good morning Susan,
Hope this finds you feeling well. I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thank you for your willingness to share yours!
Warmest regards,
Barbara Wierzba
I’d love the recipe!
Oh I love fruitcake! I would love your recipe!
Susan, I have been following you for years and love your style. I have learned a lot about fashion and eating healthy from you. I would love to have a the recipe for that beautiful cake! Thanks so much!!
Good morning Susan. I enjoy your site because of your classic,sensible approach to fashion. For women of our age and older it helps us remain current without sacrificing style. I am 80 years young and want to present myself with energy and pride. You help me attain this.
Please email me your fruitcake recipe. This may be the time I actually make one!
Thank you.
I would love the recipe! Thank you.
Please send me the fruitcake recipe.
I would like the recipe for your fabulous looking fruit cake, please! Your posts are always a bright spot in my day!
Thank you for helping us see the possibilities for and potential in our own wardrobes!
I am a big fan you you and also this look! I’m also a fruitcake fan! I’d love to have the recipe and thank you in advance for sharing! Best regards! Debra
I’m sorry, but your email address didn’t allow me to send the recipe to you.
Yes, I would love to have your fruitcake recipe! Thank you very much!
I would love your fruit cake recipe. I also love your style and appreciate getting your emails.
Could I have the fruit cake recipe please
Really like your posts. They always make me smile
Regards Mary G
Yes, I would like the fruitcake recipe, please. I am sure it will be top notch.
Easy outfit but you look elegant as always! I would love to have the fruitcake recipe. Thank you
Hi Susa
I would love your fruit cake recipe. We love fruitcake and always on the look out for a new recipe to try.
Hi I would love your fruitcake recipe. Please send it when you have time. Thank you so much
Susan, I love your posts featuring casual looks, dressed up and down! Thank you for your many helpful suggestions! Also your fruitcake looks delicious and I would love to have the recipe! Many thanks for sharing this timeless treat and your timeless looks!
Would love the fruit cake recipe! Love your style and your posts! Thanks❤️
Please send fruitcake recipe
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. I’m interested in comparing it to my great aunt’s recipe which I haven’t made in many years. This might be the year to try a new recipe. Thank you for all you share with this community. Happy Holidays Susan.
I would love the recipe! Thank you Susan!
I would love to have your recipe for fruit cake. It looks lovely and so full of goodies!
I am one of the few in my family that love fruitcake. It can be cheap fruitcake or really good fruitcake, I don’t care. Recipe would be nice although I would probably not take the time to make it since it would be only for myself. Love your blog!!
I love your classic style posts, Susan. I too am a fan of the BR Factory Forever sweaters and have several in assorted colors. They’re such a lovely mid weight sweater. Those sunglasses are stunning. A Nordstrom Rack recently opened in our city so I’ll have to take a look at their sunglass offerings. I’ve been such a long time reader beginning with Fifty Not Frumpy, that I remember one other time that you posted a photo of that beautiful fruitcake. Please include me in the recipe mailing.
Hi Susan. Thank you for sharing your style. I enjoy your posts. Please send your recipe for the fruitcake as id love to try it. Thank you!
Thank you, yes I would love your fruit cake recipe. Always love the classic look. As my feet age, and get sore I am having difficulty finding loafers with a wide toe box and are comfortable. Your fruit cake looks awesome. Stay safe and healthy. Enjoy your post so very much. Barb Gilbert
Ok. You’ve got me intrigued…
Looking at that Fruitcake picture. Think I’d like to try to make one.
Please send me the recipe!
Cathy Wallace
HI Susan. Yes my clothes from high school would be perfect for now. My daughters want to know why I didn’t keep all my 70’s clothes – NO room and never dreamed they would come back in style. Love the looks. Yes I would love the fruit cake recipe please. Thank you. My sister makes an awesome one but she lives across the country from me.
Hi to Mr. Mickey.
Patty V
Love reading your blog. Your fruit cake looks amazing. Please could I have the recipe,Thank you.
Fruitcake recipe please
I love your blog and appreciate everything you share with us so much! I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thank you!
Whenever I get dressed, I always think: What would Susan wear? Your advice has saved me from looking like I just threw on whatever was in my closet!
Please send me the fruitcake recipe. I cannot believe that next month is Christmas! Thanks in advance.
I would love to make your fruitcake recipe! Thank you!
I would love your fruitcake recipe Susan. It is an annual treat for me as well !
Hi Susan. You are such a classy lady and I’m always excited to see a new post from you. You are so generous with your time to share your thoughts on helping us stay healthy and your classic style will always be admired. Keep up the good work and know you are appreciated. I would love your fruitcake recipe.
Susan, I often plan what I wear based on your look. I also believe in classics. They take us anywhere! My husband loves fruitcake and I would love your recipe. Have a lovely start to our holiday season!
Love your style and would like your fruitcake recipe.
I was just recently thinking about home made fruit cakes we used to get as gifts when I was a child. I would greatly appreciate your recipe for fruitcake. A little something I can pass on to my family. Look forward to your posts. Thank you.
P. S. I’m still using some Beauty Counter products, thanks to your recommendations.
Would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe. My mother used to make steamed “pudding” which was very much like a fruitcake in that it contained candied fruits. A very small portion was served warm in little glass dishes with either hard sauce or (my preference) and vanilla/vinegar sweet sauce.
I would love the recipe. Thanks!
Hi Susan, my favourite outfits in the 1970s was a black jumper and jeans and summer time white
t shirt and jeans such timeless outfits and I think they will always be so.
Oh my your fruit cake looks scrumptious and just love the decorated top so creative and festive looking .
Pamela UK
Can I please have the fruit cake recipe?
Thanks for sharing !
Love fruit cake and I would love the recipe for yours!
Thanks so much.
Norma Ellis
PS I too would love cake recipe X
Oh please send me the recipe, I love fruit cake. I make your “porridge” recipe very often, I love it!
Also, please tell me the rules of matching: 1) are shoes supposed to match your purse? I usually don’t wear a belt so leave that out.
Thank you for all that you’ve taught me.
There are no rules now about matching your leathers. You may match your shoes to your skin or your pants or nothing in your outfit. Shoes as a statement can be really interesting and modern looking.
I would love the recipe! I love fruit cake and I don’t have a good recipe.
I would love to have a recipe for fruitcake. I enjoy reading about your adventures and your styling tips and techniques.
Thank you for your help.
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
Susan, that fruitcake looks wonderful! Please send me your recipe. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
I would LOVE to have the recipe! Thanks!
I would love the recipe. It looks delicious.
I thought I was mostly alone in my love of fruitcake! Yes, please, I’d love your recipe.
I enjoy your posts very much.
Thank you.
Geachte Mevrouw
Kan u mij uw recept doorgeven van deze heerlijke fruitcake
Alvast bedankt!
En met vriendelijke groeten
Anne Dubois
My husband loves fruitcake, so I’d love to receive your recipe! Thank you so much!
Really love reading and following your blog. Could you please send me the fruit cake recipe as it looks amazing. Thank you.
Please email me the fruitcake recipe. It looks yummy.
Kathy Ward
I detest store-bought fruit cake, so I would love to have your special recipe!
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe.
This one is a masterpiece for the eye as well!
Thank you Susan.
Always love your out fits. Please send me the recipe for the fruit cake. Love them too.
Enjoy receiving your emails in my inbox . It’s always a pleasure to see the “timeless classics” you curate and share with us. Thank you for offering the fruitcake recipe. I’d like to try it and see if it could turn me into a convert 😉
Best wishes,
I would absolutely love to have the recipe.
This was my look in 1973 also, still is. But in ’73 I added some of the “hippie” colors and hip huggers, (not too much). Those were some fine times.
Your fruitcake is beautiful. I make a blonde fruitcake that uses apricots, but enjoy both varieties equally. Happy baking. Happy fall!
I enjoy your writings and pictures. They are very helpful.
Could you send me the fruitcake recipe? Thank you.
Recipe, please
Fruitcake recipe please.
Hi Susan, please add me to the fruitcake mailing list. Thanks so much!
Susan, my family loves fruit cake also. Would you please send me a copy your fruitcake recipe. Thank you Lydia
I would like to get your recipe for the fruit cake, it looks delicious. I have followed your advice , in my colour preference for some time and have always liked to look the best I can, thank you. I live in Canada but I have spent several holiday trips in your area, which is beautiful and the golfing is great. Thank you for the advice and many of the combinations. Wanda Lynch
Great outfit! So classic. I wore a similar outfit several times this week. Instead of the cool bag I had a scarf that tied in the red shoes I wore. Or I tied a scarf to my bag to give a little interest.
Happy November!
I would love a good fruitcake recipe. I lost my late mom’s recipe. Thank you.
I would love the recipe for your fruitcake. What a special gift this would be for friends and family.
Thanks for reminding us that timeless classics are the core of our wardrobe.
Fruitcake recipe please!
Thank you, Susan. I would love to see your fruitcake recipe!
Please send fruit cake recipe. I”m not sure my first reply worked. I’m not real up-to-date on the modern world.
I love the look of light-washed jeans but everything I see is faded in various areas (the seat, front of thighs, etc.). Your photo doesn’t look faded but the link for GAP definitely is. Can you point me to a brand that keeps its color throughout?
I shared a link for the jeans I was wearing, but if you click on the various colors you will see that the washes are all different. I hope you can find the one you like.
Would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe! Thank you
Please share the recipe if the fruit cake.
recipe please
Hello, I enjoy your blog i really enjoy your travel adventures. i would like to receive your family Fruitcake recipe. Thank you Sharon
Hello Susan,
I enjoyed reading that you bake fruitcakes, my grandfather did as well before Christmas. His recipe has been lost over the years and I would love to receive yours to give it a try. I know it will stir fond memories. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. I enjoy wearing classic pieces on repeat too, you can’t go wrong and always look stylish.
Yes could you please forward the fruitcake recipe, looks delicious. Thank you.
Fruit cake recipe please
Hi Susan, I would be grateful to receive your recipe.
I love your style and would like your fruitcake recipe
Your style is so classic
I would love the recipe please! Thank you
I love your classic casual outfits.
Susan, I am quite certain your fruitcake is the healthy version, and I would love the recipe. As I have been reading your posts for quite some time now, I wanted you to know that reading them is like having a get together with a trusted good friend, where we laugh together, share stories, and genuinely care about one another. Though we will most likely never meet, I am sure your friendship is one that I would cherish. Keep on being the lovely woman that you are. Blessings to you, Mr. Mickey, and your family. By the way, my today’s outfit, already planned before I read your post, is a black top, dark washed jeans, silver earrings and a small pendant necklace. This is my happy, go to, outfit that is a comfortable one for me.
Thank you for the lovely comments, Mimi!
That fruitcake is beautiful! They are my husband’s favorite and I’ve always wanted to make him one. I would love to have this recipe.
Yes please, I would love your fruitcake recipe.
And thank you for your daily emails. I look forward to them every morning with my coffee as I get my day started.
My favorite look! The fruit cake looks delicious and I would love the recipe.
Fruitcake recipe please. I love Corsicana fruitcake from Collin Street Bakery. I order one every year. Can’t wait make my own . We are a rare breed us fruitcake lovers. Sherry
Would love your fruitcake recipe Susan.
I’d love your fruitcake recipe Susan.
Please send recipe for fruit cake
Love your style in everything! Today’s outfit is often my go-to! My husband loves fruitcake, and I would appreciate the recipe. It looks very good! Thanks for sharing your recipe, and your fashion advice!
please send fruit cake recipe.
thank you
I would love your fruit cake recipe ❤️. Thank you!
Hi Susan, I would love getting your recipe for your fruitcake. My husband can’t have enough of fruitcakes. I made one before but it was just ok, yours looks so appetizing.
I would love your fruitcake recipe! Happy Holidays
I too am a classic dresser with clothes in my closet that are ‘vintage’ but still are part of my everyday wardrobe. I love to see your choices of ensembles whether to run errands or go out for a lovely lunch or dinner. I live in the north northwest, we have now transitioned to chilly, rainy days. Whenever I go out it is always with a jacket or coat. I have an extensive wardrobe of jackets and coats and always try to add a nice scarf or pin with a cute handbag when I go out, no one is going to see what’s under unless I’m going to lunch, book club, etc so I want to look as fashionable as possible running errands or going to the market. Keep sending us pics and posts on your fashion journey, love them.
By the way, your fruitcake looks fabulous, I’m the only one who likes fruitcake in my family and get teased when I bring it out. Do you share recipes? Last year I only made fruitcake cookies, they were good and froze well so I could just take a few for tea time.
Fruitcake recipe please.
Thank you!
Je ziet er geweldig uit.
Zelf met mijn 36′ beenlengte lastig om aan goede kleding te komen.
Graag wil ik het recept van de fruitcake ontvangen.
Bij voorbaat dank.
Fruitcake recipe, please
Your fashion advice never fails me! And yes I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thank you
As usual, you are spot on w/your garment selection. I have worn jeans and tees/tops/shirts all my life – much to my mother’s dismay. She wanted me to wear dresses, skirts, ruffled “stuff”, via her age and era. Enough…pls. send the recipe. If you endorse it – it must be great.
Susan, you always are a welcome break on my email. The quiet evolution of your timeless style is a pleasure & inspiring. The sources that you have listed over the years allow me to take a glimpse at styles that I may not have considered without your guidance. Best wishes to you as we enter the Holidays 2024. I have my Moms fruitcake drop cookies & gingerbread men recipes also, so a pleasant reminder of good things to come.
I enjoy your style inspirations! Fruitcake has been a tradition in my family and I would kindly appreciate your recipe. Thanks!
I’d love to have the fruit cake recipe!
Thank you for sharing your recipe. Look forward to making it!
Would love your receipe…thanks
Love the classic look! Would like the fruit cake recipe.
Sign me up for the fruitcake recipe! I love love love this cake!
Jeans and a soft T, or shirt or sweater is my go to, especially at home. Just needs the requisite 3rd piece and the weather forecast when I go out.
Thx for all you do for we women of age AND WISDOM.
Please send me a copy of your fruitcake recipe .. it looks delicious .. always love your posts .. take care blessings to you and your families
Judy hatfield
Would love your fruitcake recipe. Also love your classic style,,
I do so enjoy reading you blog from a considerable distance away as I live in London. I would love your fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious and it would be fun to make an American recipe for my son as he is joining us for Christmas from his home in New York.
I would love your fruitcake recipe.
Thank you, Betty Jane Holt
May I have your fruit cakes recipe please?
First of all, thank you so much for your blog. I have been following you for years and you have had a profound effect of my changing style.
Fruitcakes have been a tradition in my family for generations and I make them each year, but yours look absolutely delicious andI would love to have the recipe.
I would love to receive the fruitcake recipe!
Thank you for all your lovely posts. I have enjoyed them for ideas and suggestions. Would love your fruitcake recipe. Thanks again!
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe.
Hi Susan, I love your classic look I have never really been a fan of jeans however I’ve been wearing them more often nowadays and are finding them more comfortable.jeans and a pretty top and off I go!
Your fruit cake looks delicious and I’ve always enjoyed a slice.
Please be so kind as to send me the recipe.
Keep safe and well
God Bless
Elizabeth sa
Your fruitcake looks divine, Susan! I’d love to have the recipe, please.
I would love to have the recipe for the fruit cake! Thank you.
Yes that is a very classic versatile look. It looks very good dressed up or down.
I do like the look of your fruit cake, please could you send me the recipe
Fruitcake looks delicious!! Recipe please.
So sorry I deleted the fruit cake recipe by accident could you resend it?
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Thanks!
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe! I still make your scones as a special treat to serve with my Christmas Jam. I really enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing.
Hello Susan,
I live on Vancouver Island and have been following your blog which I find simply awesome. I love your style as I tend to be a classic style dresser too. Your pieces are simply elegant and lovely. I appreciate your tips and tricks. Thanks for all of your sharing. Your fruitcake looks amazing and I would to get your recipe!!
All the best,
The fruitcake looks like a tasty work of art. I would love the recipe please.
I would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe. I’ve made fruitcake cookies from Ina Garten’s recipe and they are fabulous!
Recipe please! Looks delicious and festive.
Thank you for all your posts.
I would love the recipe. My dad used to buy one from a local bakery when we were little. I’ve bought a few and nothing compares. Next-level sounds like just what I’m looking for. Thanks!
Love the fashion, as always. Please send the recipe Fruitcake is a favorite of mine at Christmas.
I would love your fruitcake recipe. Thanks!
I’d like the recipe.
I would love a peek at your fruit cake recipe!
I would love the fruit cake recipe
I love your easy classic look. I learn so much from your posts about taking a simple fashion formula and dressing it up or down to suit the occasion.
Your fruit cake looks beautiful and delicious. Id love your recipe, please.
So many requests for your generous offer of the fruitcake recipe. Maybe better to post it? If not I would love your recipe. Thank you.
I would love your fruitcake recipe! I could not find my mother’s recipe after she passed away and I’ve been looking for one that is similar. I don’t know why people don’t like fruitcake. Hers was delicious and we looked forward to it every year. Thank you for sharing. And I so love your blog. I also wear the same solids all the time too.
Thanks for continuing to share your classic style along with Mr. Mickey’s. It’s always a joy to see and read what you’re sharing.
I think the fruitcake looks absolutely fabulous!
Can you please share the recipe? I’ll let you know what my family thinks, once made and tasted!!
Thank you!
Your fruitcake looks wonderful Susan. Please send me your recipe.
Would love your fruit cake recipe. Like you I have fond memories of fruit cakes my grandparents would receive. So glad someone else likes them.
Susan I would love the fruit cake recipe
I would love your fruitcake recipe Susan. Thank you for sharing.
I would like to have your recipe for fruit cake.
Thank you!
I would love the recipe for your fruit cake. Thank you for your blog, it’s my favorite, I learn so much!
I would love your recipe for fruit cake. Thank you
Hello! I would love the recipe for your fruitcake. I used to make it for my father in law, but since his passing many years ago I haven’t made any. And my late husband never liked it. A fresh tried and true recipe would be great. I love your blog. I’ve adopted some of your many wonderful ideas. Thank you. PS, my guy is also named Mickey
Hi Susan,
I would like to receive your fruit cake recipe. Always looking for a good one with good flavor and easy to make.
Glad to hear you place was not affected by the hurricane. So much devastation in that part of the country.
I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for all you do.
I would like the recipe for the fruit cake.
Thank you.
Love following you… would love your fruit cake revioe
Please send the recipe for the fruit cake! Thank you
I would love your fruitcake recipe. THANKS
Hey Susan, I would love to have the Fruitcake recipe. I would also like to tell you that I watch all your viedo and have learned a lot from you. I enjoy reading about you and Mr. Mickey, he seems to be a Great Guy. I lost my husband July 14 2024 and it is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do is give me up. You are a beautiful woman and thank you for all the advise you give to us….Nola.
Hello Susan, thank you for all your posts, I love reading them and I would love a copy of your Christmas cake recipe.
Regards, Heather.
I’d love your recipe for fruitcake
As a Ty may I refer you to Food Networks English toffee pudding. We had it in London got hooked. Since returning I’ve made this recipe twice… it too is a holiday winner
I would appreciate the recipe for the fruitcake. Thanks.
Yes, please, Susan, I would so love a copy of your fruitcake recipe. It looks wonderful! And I always enjoy seeing your posts. Thank you!
The fruitcake looks delicious. I would love the recipe
Susan, thank you for all the wonderful articles you provide with helpful Fashion, health, and beauty tips. I would love to have your Fruitcake Recipe.
Susan, thank you so much for all the helpful hints you provide on fashion, health, and beauty. I would love to have your recipe for fruitcake.
Please email me your fruit cake recipe. Thank you!
What’s going on here!?!? I thought people were supposed to hate fruitcake! So that’s a myth? We’ve loved it all this time? Hmmmm – I better try this. Please send me the recipe, too, Susan.
I, too, would love the recipe. Thank you.
It looks like a delicious fruitcake my mom use to make. I would love your recipe. Thank you!
I would like your fruitcake recipe please. Perhaps you could post it. Thank you!
Oh that fruitcake looks like a diet buster. I would like a copy of the recipe and promise to moderate my serving.
Susan I would love the recipe
Would love the fruitcake recipe!
I’d love the recipe
I’d love the recipe
I would love the recipe
Thanks for posting about the fruitcake. My Mom made a very good one, too. This just reminded me that I need to make one this year. Merry Christmas a little early!
Fruitcake recipe please.
Would love to try this recipe – thanks for sharing!
Hi Susan,
I enjoy reading your blog. I find it helpful and inspirational. I would love the recipe for fruitcake. It would be a fun addition to our holiday table.
Thank you for sharing a bit of your life!
I always enjoy your classic choices and your attitude toward fashion. I would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe. Thank you for this kind offer. May your holidays be wonderful!! Thank you!!! Gaye speaks Mize
Susan, fruitcake does indeed bring back memories. There was a dime store in downtown Augusta that sold many varieties of candied fruit beginning in October. The lines of people would be out into the street. I begin going with my mother as a small child to get the ingredients for our cake and she also purchased candied fruit for her sisters. Mama also purchased coconuts for cakes and my job was to shake them to be sure there was still milk inside, a sign of a fresh coconut.
All this to ask for your recipe. I would like to see if it is similar to ours. Your cake is beautiful!
Thank you for your columns.
Thank you for sharing your sweet memories, Pamela. They certainly made me smile.
Hi Susan, I would love that recipe, please.
Thank you Susan for the Timeless Classics!
Yes I would love your fruitcake recipe. I’ve always enjoyed fruitcakes.
Thank you in advance
Recipe please!
Hi Susan I would love to get the recipe for your fruitcake…looks delicious!
Your fruitcake is beautiful! I would love to have the recipe. Thank you!
I would love your fruitcake recipe.
All joking aside, I truly I love fruitcake. Why is it there are so many jokes about holiday fruitcake? I just don’t get it. I’d be honored to have your family recipe.
Hi Susan! As always, thank you so much for the information!! I would love the fruit cake recipe, please. It looks delicious!! Thank you!
i would your recipe for fruit cake . My husband and I loved Coscos that they haven’t carried for a few years. I would love to try and make one.
Recipe please
My family all love fruit cake, so it would be great to receive your recipe to try out a variation on this tradition. Thank you. Ann
Please send me your fruitcake recipe. I love to bake and I love fruitcake. This looks delicious!
That fruitcake looks divine! Please send me the recipe.
Hello beautiful lady. In 1973 I was wear big bell bottoms to school!!
I would love your recipe my mil loves fruit cake. I’d like to make it for her. She’s 92 yrs young. Thank you.
I had a pair of those bell bottom hip huggers too! I wanted to be a hippie, by my mom wouldn’t let me. ✌️
I love & wear classics always & agree w/ this post entirely!
I’d love your fruitcake recipe! My mother always made delicious fruit cakes, & I’ve always enjoyed them & the memories, too!!
Thank you for all your posts & lovely photos, & those of your travels!
~ Anne
I would love your fruit cake recipe please.
Thanks for all you wonderful informative blogs, you are really a big sister for fashion advise.
Carol (Australia)
Please send me your fruit cake recipe. You are a blessing to me.
I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thanks so much, Susan! You are a lovely woman.
Thank you for taking the time to put these posts together they are so lovely to read. Its like a magazine for my generation which is fun too. .
Hi Susan, loving your fruitcake. A recipe would be wonderful!
I’ve sent out more than 400 recipe emails, and chatting with so many of you has been delightful. The recipe is also in the post here if you have not received your copy. Many complained that they could not copy that one, so I decided to email it directly this year. I hope you have a lovely week. Thanks again for the kind comments.
Good morning! I would love to have your fruitcake recipe, please and thank you!
I would love the fruitcake recipe. I just had a similar outfit on yesterday visiting one of my high schools’ friends.
Please send me your fruit cake recipe.
Many thanks Phoebe Hirsch
I enjoy your inspiring and uplifting emails so much! I would love to have your fruitcake recipe. Thank you!
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
Hi Susan,
I’d love the fruitcake recipe. Yours looks beautiful.
I would love your fruitcake recipe!
Hi Susan –
I love the classic look ad fruit cake. Please send the recipe my way.
Thanks for brightening my day.
Janet Regan
The fruitcake looks delicious and I’d like your recipe, please!
Happy thanksgiving to you!
Shelia Nelson
I would like your fruitcake recipe please. Thank you for your posts as I always gain knowledge.
Fruitcake recipe, please.
Hi. I would love your fruitcake recipe! Thank you
Would like to have fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious.
I would like to have your fruitcake recipe. Fruitcake is my favorite Christmas dessert. Thank you for sharing.
I would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe! You are always an inspiration!
That fruit cake looks amazing, could I please have the recipe, hopefully not to difficult to make
Thank you in advance
Best wishes
Teresa Lamb
p.s. love your bloggs
Tee or Sweater + faded straight leg jeans … my uniform! Or maybe a white shirt. Truly classics across the years. And homemade fruitcake. I can remember my grandmother’s “aging” on her back porch. Thanks for this lovely post.
Hi Susan! I have been a faithful reader for many years and love your posts! I would LOVE to have your fruitcake recipe! Please send to: Thank you so much!
I also love fruit cake and would like to try your recipe. Thank you!
You always look fabulous! Please send the fruitcake re pie…it looks delicious!
I’d love the fruitcake recipe. Thank you
Yes, plz send me your holiday fruit cake recipe … thank-you!
Hi Susan,
I would love a copy of your fruitcake recipe.
Thank you for doing this blog. I enjoy reading your very helpful clothing and styling tips.
Best regards,
Janet Yorg
Well, Susan, I learned yet another thing from you due to this post. I have never cared for fruitcake, but based on the responses here, I see that perhaps I’m wrong! In the past I’ve only tasted commercial fruitcakes and am now curious about a homemade one. I may give your recipe a try!
Hi my son who is my caregivers
Is baking. Can we have your recipe for fruit cake
I really enjoy your blog.
Dear Susan, thank you so much for your blog! I learn something new and useful from everyone of them. I would greatly appreciate your fruitcake recipe please. I have never made one, but yours is gorgeous and looks delicious.
May I have the recipe? Thank you.
I would love your fruitcake recipe. Thanks!
May I have the recipe, please? It looks delicious! Can’t wait to make it for family and friends! Thank you.
Hey Susan. I would love your recipe for your famous fruitcake!! Love your blog!!
Yes please to the recipe, Susan. Fruit cake is my husband’s favourite and I’d love to try a tried and tested recipe from across the pond.
I would love to have your fruitcake recipe, please! Thanks for all you do — always enjoy your posts.
I so enjoy reading your articles and have learned a lot from you over the years. I consider you a friend
look forward to seeing your emails in my inbox.
Your fruitcake is beautiful! Please send me the recipe.
Thank you!
Would love to have the recipe!
I would love your fruitcake recipe. It looks delicious and is a family favorite
My husband loves fruit cake do yes please email me the recipe. Thank you.
Susan, Thank you for your Inspirations on fashion and food. I would love your fruit cake recipe.
Blessed Holiday Season, Rhonda
I like to wear crewneck tops. I have a narrow chin,so, vee neck tops accentuate it. The vee tops do not work for me. Can you give suggestions for me?
You can wear boatnecks, crewnecks and turtlenecks with ease.
I love your style. I also love fruitcake and would love your recipe.
Please send me the recipe. Thank you. I love following your tips
Yes, I would love to have the fruitcake recipe
I would love to have the fruitcake recipe
Thanks for all your great wardrobe tips. I have learned so much! Yes, I would love your recipe, I love fruitcake.
I would love a copy of your recipe for fruitcake.
I’d like your fruitcake recipe please.
May I please get a copy of your fruitcake recipe? At your convenience. Thank you and merry Christmas!
Hi Susan,
I love reading your posts…certainly admire your clothing choices and lifestyle advice.
If you could send me your recipe…it would be very much appreciated.
Thanking you…