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My attempt at cooking turned out well, and the family day was a huge success. Thank you for all of your kind words on the last blog post. Mr. Mickey loves to read them too!


My look for the day was very casual, relaxed, and comfortable. It was almost seventy degrees, so we stopped for a few minutes in Jonesborough (the oldest town in Tennessee) on the way back from my parent’s house to snap these photos for you.








The blue cardigan is by Land’s End. The scarf is old by Vince Camuto. The tank is old from Chico’s. The black jeans are the Sheri Slim style by NYDJ. The shoes are Circa Joan & David via Saks Off 5th worn with no socks. The bag is old by Calvin Klein.


Someone on Facebook recently asked me if I have had work done. Obviously not, but I have thought about it. I am afraid I will end up looking strange instead of better, so I’m letting Mother Nature take her course for now. Part of honoring this stage in the life cycle includes wearing a few more flats, less makeup, sticking to classic styles, and eating smaller portions.

If you are spending this Black Friday shopping, I wish you good luck!

  1. You look lovely as always! I agree with you about having work done. Where do you stop? If you just do your face, then there’s the neck..what about your elbows and knees! I live in California where there are a lot of “surprised/puffy” faces that don’t go with the rest of the body. I’ve decided to age with Grace, take good care of my skin, eat healthy and keep my body moving. I’ve learned to pick my battles !

  2. A couple of years ago, I had some rather catty treatment from some of the moms at my child’s school. I had disappeared for a couple of weeks and when I returned, my face was a bit red. I got questions like,”What’s wrong with you,” followed up with a Cheshire cat grin. People who had never phoned me at home started calling. The rumor mill went into overtime. No one asked a direct question like, “How are you doing?” Or, “We missed you while you were gone. Are you okay?”

    And because they were so rude about it, they never got an answer. They weren’t concerned about me. They just wanted to turn me into fodder for gossip. Why do women do this to other women?

    I didn’t have plastic surgery or facial rejuvenation, BTW. I had an unpleasant procedure that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. It’s called PDT for actinic keratosis. This was done for sound medical reasons. If they’d cared about me, and not spreading gossip, I would have told them.

  3. Susan, I love your posts and honesty!!!! I so enjoy seeing your stops in different locations and lovely towns. It’s fun to see places with trees instead of the palm lined streets here in California. Looks so fallish. You look beautiful as usual.

  4. As I was looking at your outfit, I thought “It looks like Susan tries but doesn’t over-try.” This is a good thing. The minute I see a scarf, I know I’m seeing someone who cares about how she looks. Thanks for including more flats. I love the whole outfit, including the sunglasses.

  5. How timely. Half an hour ago I whilst on a local estate agents’ site,(window shopping as usual!) I saw a pic of a negotiator that I haven’t seen for years. I recognised the name. I didn’t recognise the face, though a hint of her is still there. But her face didn’t look like she did when she was younger. She looked like a different version of a younger self.
    It’s happened before with other ladies I know and it reaffirmed that I want to look myself at my current age. And although I could handle a younger neck, I know that I will always leave well alone!

  6. Perfect outfit ,simple ,classic and comfortable. I love it.
    The Christmas decorations on the streets are sending joy !thank you for taking the pictures.

  7. Hi Susan,
    I love your blog and check it first thing each morning. I love the way you wear the same item in multiple ways in different outfits. I especially appreciate that you don’t constantly try to force us to purchase more and more products. Thank you for not having a list of garments that we must consider buying on Black Friday.

  8. I love your effortless and beautiful make-up. If you could give tips, that would be great. At the moment I am trying masks… them while soaking in the tub after a work-out!

  9. I love the shoes! In fact, I love them better than any other shoe I have ever seen you wear. They are really classy looking with some style.

  10. Hi Susan! I have never commented before, but have followed your blog for quite a while now. I’m from lower Delaware…a little cooler than where you are. Our beaches are about 45 minutes south of here, so we enjoy that area often. I admire your style and you outlook on life. I consider myself a stylish 66 year old…nothing flashy but certainly not frumpy! Just wanted to say thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog. By the way, you have beautiful hair and a beautiful face. I like that you are letting your hair grow a bit, like you had it in your fifty not frumpy days! Best wishes on your continued success! Sending love, Marie

  11. Enjoyed your Thanksgiving photos and stories! You look very cute and fresh in your casual style. Have fun!!

  12. Thank you. I too am eating less and enjoying the process of growing older.You inspire me with your insight on fashion and liove of life.

    My daughter has recently moved to Nashville and is a record producer as well as a songwriter. B&W recording. I can’t wait to visit.


  13. Happy to hear your meal turned out ok Susan.
    I’m too much of a chicken to have any work done…so what you see is what you get with me! lol
    I love to wear shoes without socks. Unfortunately where I live already its much too cold. You always look so well put together.

  14. Oh my! Do you have it all down!Less is more as we age! I love it when you wear something blue. The color always looks great on you. I’m happy your dinner turned out well. My part this year was stuffing and homemade rolls. Fortunately they turned out splendidly too.The busiest season is upon us. Let’s make sure we stay focused on what is important and enjoy family and friends.

  15. I like this look. And I’m glad you aren’t having “work” done. You are beautiful as you are. Part of the reason I enjoy your blog is that you show you can embrace aging with all the wrinkles and crinkles that comes along with it, and still be attractive. Just by the way you dress,eat and enjoy life. You make me feel better about my age Susan, thank you.

  16. Hi Susan, First time I’ve written, but have been enjoying your blog since Fifty Not Frumpy through Pinterest. This weekend was my 68th birthday and I have lost about 25 lbs in the past 18 months and now am working on 20 more. I began dieting because of having diabetes and being told I may be ready for insulin. My husband and I are watching our diets and walking more. Losing weight at this age is not easy but you are one of my inspirations! I have begun to wear smaller clothes and using some of the styles/combos I have learned on your site. I work part-time and my co-workers have asked me what’s going on – I’m so much more stylish than before! Thanks again for your blog, I look forward to it. As far as having “work” done, I am considering having my eyelids lifted, out of necessity! I admire you for advice on less is more – that’s what I have discovered too! It looks beautiful on you – keep it up!

  17. HI Susan –
    I’ve followed your blog for quite some time – even before you turned 60. Girlfriend – you are a class act!! I’m 53 and, like yourself, love the merits of simple, classic style. You are an inspiration! Kudos to you for NOT having plastic surgery & keeping your style chic. I also luv the fact that you & Mr. Mickey have so much fun! GOOD FOR YOU ALL!!
    Looking forward to the next post,

  18. Hi Susan,
    I have enjoyed your blog for several years. I have been an ‘anonymous’ reader. However, as the festive season of peace and goodwill is approaching I thought I’d make contact & let you know how much I look forward to your posts. I like the new look of the site & admire your elegance and sense of style. Next year I also have a landmark birthday & I plan to make it fun, indulgent & very relaxed. I live in Sydney, Australia, so as you are stepping into your clothes for the autumnal season in the States, we are moving into our spring & summer. This is exactly the opposite of your wardrobe choices so I will have to keep your posts until our autumn of next year…….

    Kind Regards


  19. Hi all the way from Australia Susan!
    I’ve been following you for a few months now, love your look and your blog. Your sense of style, proportion, colour and fashion has helped me create an enthusiasm for finding the right clothes and looks for me. Gone are the ill-fitting garments that don’t do me any favours, since following your advice I feel like I’m making far more sensible choices. And it’s paying off too, I can’t remember ever having so many compliments about the way I look. Thank you so much!

  20. It can be more challenging getting older, but I’m glad to be alive & have my health for now! I was lucky as in my 30’s I looked still in my 20’s, and in my 40’s I looked a decade younger. Not so much now at 51. lol Time has caught up with me and I haven’t gone thru menopause yet which I’m wondering about (would you ever do a post about that change of life & how you handled it? Or maybe that is too personal) I’m also letting some silver grow in to see what it looks like. I feel like I should be proud of my age now and not pretending I’m someone that I’m not. I feel like I don’t have the energy for that any more but I definitely need to spice up my style a bit as I feel like I’ve become quite lazy about clothes/fashion lately.

    1. Hi Holly, I did not have a natural menopause, rather a full hysterectomy at 43 changed everything for me. Welcome to our little group of online friends here. I am so glad you have discovered the site.

  21. I love your look. Seems different to me to see Christmas decorations without snow. Scenery is lovely.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.