At fifty-three, I was not happy, healthy, or energetic. My style focus was to cover as much of my body as possible and blend into the background. I hadn’t yet learned the value of eating primarily plant-based foods, rarely exercised, and slept poorly. Even walking on the lawn for a few steps was painful due to inflammation and arthritis. None of my symptoms improved, even though I took several expensive medications each month.

I remember thinking this is how growing old feels, and I almost accepted things as they were and resigned myself to the inevitable downward spiral. Then when I was fifty-five, Mr. Mickey gave me a book he had just read that was helping him lose weight and feel better. That book was “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman.
Within six months, I was off all medications and had lost more than forty-five pounds, and I’ve kept them off all these years. But unfortunately, getting my wardrobe in order took a lot longer, so I started a blog to share what I’ve learned and what works for me in hopes that it helps you work out your best choices.
I now own significantly fewer clothes, but I can wear them in many combinations and across seasons. Keeping it simple means I don’t have many prints, and the colors are all neutral, but I’ve never been more pleased with my wardrobe. I’m much happier and more healthy now than when I was in my thirties.

You genuinely look as if you’ve aged in reverse! Bravo!
Positive Changes are exactly what I have learned from you.
Your advice has encouraged me to start caring about me again !
I have lost weight, I feel better and look better. I am taking time
with wardrobe choices and feel much happier with my look.
Thank you so very much for sharing your well rounded advice !
I have learned a lot and appreciate you helping all of us !
Hi Susan! You’ve done well making positive changes and sticking with it. That’s the hardest part I think, sticking with it. You look great!
Dear Susan !
I am a Hungarian women and happy to find your blog in 2019, since then I have been reading it regularly.
You are my role model! Thank you for your helpful advices!
Love your hair – very becoming to you at this length! Appreciate all you share, both clothes and health!
I love this post! This is so inspiring! I’ve read some of Dr. Fuhrman’s work and it is not a gimmicky diet. You transformed yourself on the outside, and more importantly, I am sure, on the inside to become the healthy person you are today. Good work!
You definitely look younger now than you did at 53! Kudos to you and thank you for sharing your information and inspiration with all of us.
I’ll never forget the first time I saw your picture when you were 53. I could have been your twin! Thanks so much for your hard work. I appreciate you very much!
I remember reading about this book when I first started following you. I’ve read it and tried to follow what the dr says and it does make sense. I’d love to get rid of aches, pains and feel better. But this feels so restrictive. Any suggestions?? I’m still open and am ok with a plant based diet. I do this when I visit my son who does not eat meat because of colon cancer.
These pictures tell an amazing story.
Love your longer hair.
I sometimes have olive oil, a piece of wild-caught fish, or an organic chicken breast, but I avoid all processed foods and red meat.
I’m trying to stay on track with diet and exercise. My cholesterol was up last checkup. I walk 5 miles a day and try to eat healthy. High cholesterol runs in my family. You look great and your hair is very becoming! Thank you for your continuing effort to help all of us in our journey of life. Together we got this!
Thank you for amazing inspiration! I’m 52 now and have been following you since I was 49 to update my wardrobe for my fabulous fifties. Always in shape but not this year. This year my thyroid stopped working, went through menopause, and I had covid. Weight gain and the pains and aches that come from it too are no fun plus anxiety . So far can’t lose a pound and I’m on extra meds too. It’s crazy to remember that just 2 years ago I was able to climb mountains and hike. Thank you for allowing me to vent and for being an inspiration!
Bravo, you must have a picture in the attic!
You are a brilliant example of “if something doesn’t feel right, try to do something about it” and “be the best you can be”.
The best things in life are not things – health and happiness are the greatest possessions.
As always, thank you for all you do.
You really do look terrific now. Your blog has given me some great insights into how I should dress. I think I am pretty much the same shape and size as yourself. I too lost a lot of weight a few years back snd have kept to my new weight which is much better. So easy to gain the pounds. As I live in London I also love the photos of where you live. I am currently housebound with a broken ankle which is a nuisance to say the least. One thing I can do is mentally review my wardrobe. Can’t actually get upstairs at present to get my hands on it. Realise I have far too much stuff up there and I need to really simplify when I can get my hands on it again. Currently living in wide tracksuit trousers which get over the heavy plaster and a few tops and sweaters.
Tolle Veränderung zum Positiven. Kaum zu glauben, dass die Frau auf den Bildern immer dieselbe ist.
You are such a wonderful role model. What an inspirational story……leigh
Susan, you are such a great example of how an individual can take charge of their own health without expensive weight loss programs. You demonstrate that it is possible while becoming happier and healthier in the process. I knew a little about your story, but never knew it was Mr. Mickey that introduced you to Joel Fuhrman. Thank you for continuing to be such a wonderful role model and willing to share your journey with us.
Thank you for posting this, it is truly inspiring. The transformation and the way you did it is impressive, but your staying with it and continuing in an upward spiral over many years is even more so. Also, I notice your generosity and kindness in sharing credit with others, Mr. Mickey and Dr. Fuhrman.
Hi Susan
A picture is worth more than one thousand words -such a truly remarkable transformation!
Out of sheer curiosity, based upon reading this post, I want to ask: Was Mr. Mickey (in suggesting the book) a major impetus to the start of your journey? If so, I never realized that before!
Yes, he was my inspiration on this healthy journey. When I saw his results, I was convinced!
For Paula. Reading deeper into the vegan/plant-based literature may help you….Dr. Greger, Dr. Ornish, Dr. McDougall, etc. Each has a slightly differing approach. Dr. Greger has a How Not to Diet cookbook. Dr. Fuhrman has a quick and easy cookbook. There are many, many other cookbooks. I find abundance in plant-based foods, though, yes, one must give up ultra-processed foods.
I concur! Processed foods are the cause of many health issues.
When I was 65 I had some health issues which finally gave me a wake up call. I was on the verge of needing knee replacement surgery and just didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. I then decided to lose weight, exercise, and improve my appearance. I have lost over 35 pounds, let my gray hair grow, and slowly built a new wardrobe of clothes I love. It takes time but it was worth it. My knee feels better, my blood pressure is lower, and my doctor decreased some of my medications. A total win win for me. You are truly an inspiration to women who want to improve their lives. Thank you.
Thank you Linlee I will check into this.
You are an inspiration!
Pictures are worth a thousand words! Your transformation has been amazing. But even more amazing is how a person can make a significant improvement in their health and appearance with a change in diet. When I limit sugar my whole body feels better…no more aches and pains. Your blog has always been the whole package for living a healthy, attractive and fun life!
Wow! You are an inspiration to us all — BTW I have that book and need to review it!
Thanks for supporting us, your ‘sistas’
Thank you, Susan, for sharing your story and starting your blog! It has definitely been a blessing to me and I’m sure harms helped many others.
Who is that woman in the first picture? No resemblance whatsoever to the beautiful and stylish woman that follows. And thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I’m trying so hard to “get it,” but it’s not easy to give up old rotten habits.
You look 20 years younger than your look at 53. I’ve just retired and instead of wearing my classic clothes have devolved into wearing sweats from my husband. I hope to get my act together.
Again, wonderful thoughts! I grasp the concept of purging my clothes but I hear the Yankee voice in my head that says, “that’s a perfectly good sweater” and it’s hard to get rid of items! Approaching the whole closet is overwhelming. So lately I have put my pants/shirts/sweaters in order and wear them for a day. I ask myself the “F” questions (fit, function, feel) and at the end of the day I decide if it stays or goes. I expect this to be a slow process but I am optimistic that my closet and my choices will be the better for it.
I applaud you Susan in the wonderful way you have turned your life into one of good healthy eating and getting the exercise you need. It’s not always easy, takes a lot of discipline and self control. I love your Breakfast porridge, and make it frequently, and your blog posts are very informative. Stay healthy and keep up your wonderful blogs Susan.
Thank you Susan for sharing – you certainly did a great job improving your lifestyle and happy you are sharing the values of a plant based diet and Dr. Furhmann – he is one of the pioneer’s in this area.
Thank you for this blog Susan, I have learned a lot and try to follow your good advice, to my betterment! I have closet cleaned once but need it again in more depth. At 80 I am still learning and growing, feeling more contented with myself every day. I thank you. Ann
It takes a lot of discipline to get healthy and then MAINTAIN.
Kuddos to you!
They have the same shoes on sale at Nordstroms in size 9 and up. $79.00. Score!
You inspire me every day. I’m so glad you found your way to health. I will check out that book, I’ve heard of it but haven’t read it yet. Thank you for your very helpful posts.
Another relatable post for many of us. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Just thought I would share this cookbook suggested to our yoga group by
our instructor. You can most likely reserve a copy through your local library
and decide if it’s right for you. I’m still waiting through my local library because
its been a very popular read.
Be A Plant-Based Woman Warrior: Live Fierce, Stay Bold, Eat Delicious
by Jane Esselstyn (Author), Ann Crile Esselstyn (Author)
Last week I attended a 2 hour Let’s Cook Vegetarian class, which was well
attended. We had such an enjoyable time with a very knowledgeable presenter
in plant-based foods. We were given so many recipes to take home. She was
cooking for two days and we sampled several of the recipes she brought to class.
A local library, your parks & rec center, or senior center may offer these no cost
to very reasonable programs. It can be life changing once you take that first step.
It doesn’t have to be done all at once. It may have started a long time ago when
Meatless Monday was circulating in the news or cookbooks. Like the instructor
told us in class, move the line. One step at a time.
Susan is the proof and inspiration it can be done!
Susan, I apologize for submitting a second post. I had omitted this link from Forks Over Knives in my previous post.
It’s another source that may be of interest to your readers. It shows that it doesn’t have to be hard to find easy and nutritious meals. Thank you!
Thank you, Karen. I’ve mentioned Forks Over Knives a few times too.
How do you store your cashmere so the moths done feast?
Once a year, place your favorite sweaters in the freezer for a few days. It kills the moth larva that eats cashmere and wool. It would be best to put a lavender sachet or a few pieces of cedar wood in with the sweater before storing it away for the season. Try the kits here.
You have been a mentor to me for at least 4 years now! I have learned so much from you. I enriched and improved my life as a woman over 60! I have lost 50 pounds in the past 4 years. I am continuously working on myself in regards to eating and exercising and spiritually. I still need work on my wardrobe, I feel guilty getting rid of so much, I don’t wear it all anyway. Thank you for a commonsense approach to life over 60, with style and class!
Great to see how you’ve changed!
Beautiful way to grow older!
Thank you! I’m so glad I found your blog so many years ago. Over the past several years I’ve tried to try out some newer trends and I keep coming back to my same ole “uniform” of skinny or straight jeans with fitted tanks and cardigans mainly in solid neutrals adding leopard print as my “flair”. I feel most confident and comfortable with this. You’ve reminded me many times to basically “do you” or do what works for your body and style. I’ve decided if a trend doesn’t feel right all I’ll end up with is a closet full of things I won’t wear.
WOW. All that comes to mind is “you’re not getting older, you’re getting better”! Thanks for sharing. You are such an inspiration!
Very thoughtful and kind to share your personal journey with weight loss. It’s never too easy to get off the weight and not gain it back. I’ve done it many times. Find I struggle with Diabetes now and getting the weight off again. Unfortunately, it runs in the family. I’m finding some of the Keto eating helps minus all the full fat in it. I do use when needed a sugar substitute, very helpful in baking around the holidays or just anytime.
I did work retail for a number of years and enjoy your outfits and accessories much.
Have to say I love the scenery around the home you two share and the beautiful water walk you have.
Sincerely, Nancy
We are currently trying to control Mr. Mickey’s diabetes, so no more bread or desserts. As a result, he has lost a few pounds and is now getting lower blood glucose readings. This article gave me some tips to help him.
Your pictures are solidifying your position. You look fantastic and like you said feel better. I wish I had known more about processed foods when I was younger. As I get older I can tell how my body reacts when eating too much processed food.
I like your hair this length also. I was trying to grow mine out to this and was just about there and my hairdresser actually cut it short last time I was in. Not very happy with her as now I feel I have to grow it back.
Susan, I think you’ve done amazingly well to go from what you were to what you are now. You glow with good health.
I’ve always taken your pantry lists and foods to heart and like you, I exercise daily. I have a dog so two walks daily are mandatory and I attend classical ballet class for 2 hours every week.
My wardrobe has lately been a bugbear though. So the other day I went through it and thought what would Susan do. And with you in mind, I soon had three big bags for charity. Whilst I would like to refine it even more to the basic colours, (for me, that’s white, grey, navy and camel) I find in summer, I do like to keep a little colour hanging there.
Shoes are becoming more and more difficult as I have notoriously bad feet, but I’m trying to keep the shoe collection simple as well. Navy, camel and leopard skin – ballet flats, loafers and driving shoes. I would adore to have your narrow feet.
The point of this comment is to say thank you for guiding me to make good choices. I do love you blog. And best wishes to the suave Mr. Mickey.
Love your honesty. You really keep me motivated. God bless.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and wonderfully inspiring series of photographs! May I add how much I like your current hair style – it suits you so well
Susan I am so grateful to you. I feel like you are one of my helpful friends. On a budget of time and money I have followed your wise guidance. I too feel happier at 61 than my younger years. Please keep sharing with us. Loosing confidence is so challenging and being lifted by inspiration is a blessing.
Thank you for sharing your life struggles and your encouragement to never give up. I am feeling what you did at 55. I will be 70 in January and I am struggling with weight and painful joints. I will look for the book!
I love reading your articles. This week’s really resonates with me! I am 61 and where you were years ago, but much more overweight. You’ve just made me decide that today’s the day to change things. Thank you so much, Susan! Please keep the tips and inspiration coming. I really enjoy you and Mr. Mickey!
So love reading both the blog and comments. Definitely a bit challenging to get healthier.
For me, I went the keto route and lost a few pounds but more importantly the A1C reading improved. It was in prediabetic stage and I didn’t want it to progress.
We can beat this ladies, cut the carbs as much as you can and try to have as much protein as you can. We loose muscle tone as we mature.
Have a fabulous day and blessings to you.
At 53, I was also prediabetic with thyroid issues, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, so my doctor wanted me to start even more medications. But, in six months, the problems were all resolved by my diet change. I have a family history of heart disease, so Keto is out of the question for me. So instead, I eliminated all processed foods (especially seed oils) and red meat.
Thank you for sharing your story. It is inspiring.
Susan, you are a marvel and always inspiring! Love your posts–always a special day to find your latest in my mail box! Thank you for sharing such great advice and your story!
Great example of how you’ve overcome the battle of the bulge. I too at almost 67 am proud of my accomplishments. My journey began 3 1/2 years ago when I cut sugar from my diet, and began eating more protein. I also started line dancing classes, sometimes 4 hours a day, and lost 16 pounds on my 4’ 11” frame. It’s a constant battle but I feel much better. I also walk 2-4 miles per day….activity and diet is key. Wishing you continued success!!!
You always look so put together. Your face is always glowing. I enjoy reading your posts and you have inspired this 70+ year old to look at my own closet to see what really works for me and to let go of what doesn’t. I have a ways to go yet, but I’m on my way. Thank you.
Susan you and Mr Mickey are elegant , serene, less is more and although I have
never met you and probably won’t you but are both friends to people all over the world .
I think sharing your journey was very brave from being overweight to the lovely slim
healthy woman you are today. I have followed you when Over Fifty not frumpy but not from
the very beginning .You have heard all the lovely remarks about you but every now and again
I like to thank you for everything.
Pamela from Wales UK
Love your hair in the age 53 pic! You should try bangs again. Thank you for you all your tips and info…it’s helped me so much!
Susan, you’re so inspiring. I also discovered that processed foods were most likely the reason for my headaches. They debilitated me for 20 years before I figured it out. You really look healthy and glowing. I love your hair!
I’ve missed you, but found you again by googling your name. I used to receive notifications of your posts. Has something changed? Happy to see you’re well and still inspiring us!
I checked your subscription info and everything is as it should be. Perhaps your notices are landing in a spam box.
You go girl! You are a walking testimony! I have been so inspired by you over the years!
Girl, you got it right! I have your hairstyle and love it! Don’t have to even blow dry. Just dry naturally. As you have, I have made changes eating better, losing weight and fighting stage 4 (metastatic breast cancer). I still do wear brighter colors as I am a winter, and am more pale due to cancer. Trying to buy more solid colors rather than print. Losing weight is due to counting calories for the last 1 1/2 years. Made my goal and wear 2 petite jeans. Very happy. Still working after 3 to 4 years of cancer. With a wonderful oncologist, Ibrance, and Letrozole, I am in remission, get dressed every day. Jewelry and all. Thanks.
Barbara, I hope you enjoy many more happy, healthy years.
Wow, what a transformation! Wonder if I can do it at age 62?
Sure you can! I am cheering for you!
Susan thank you for your posts. I am 77 years old and have been struggling with 15 pounds that came on a little bit at the time over the years, right now I am 145 but I am only 5’2”. I have decided to reduce my closet and purchase better quality. Found that when I purchased an item on a whim, a lot of time that same piece of clothing stayed on the hanger. What I do now, if I purchase something, when I get home, I try it with what I already have, I try to find a few outfits that I could wear it with, if it needs too many changes of clothing, then it’s not really great and I return it.
Susan, could you please talk about the Dr. Fuhrman’s diet, your struggles, what you liked and didn’t like about the diet. Are you eating meat now or only fruits and vegetables. I have done Atkins diet, but I find it very hard to skip the deserts. The thing is that I have a husband that is 135 pounds, and I must feed him… lol. He is one of those lucky persons that can eat and eat and doesn’t put on a pound, now he has taken tennis on a more regular basis, and he is losing weight. I need to bake muffins, breads and do deserts for him but I find it hard to look at him eating cakes or muffins. When we go out, we share a desert, at home, portions are smaller and I bake healthy but still it contains sugar, flour…
Thank you for your posts, read everyone of them, you are right dressing quality as we age makes you feel great.
I don’t eat any baked goods or red meat or use condiments. I only eat a small amount of fruit and avoid starchy vegetables. Beans, cruciferous vegetables, sweet potatoes, and fresh raw vegetables such as carrots, celery, radishes, and cherry tomatoes are favorites. When I accepted the fact that sugar is in almost all processed foods and that it is highly addictive, it became easier to break the habit, but it took about three weeks to take complete control of the cravings.
Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration to me.
Always inspiring either in styling or diet! Thanks for sharing.
Dear Susan
you have been an inspiration to me. I thoroughly enjoy your articles. So many of the articles resonate with me, on how to dress, fewer is better. I like what you said you don’t have many prints in your wardrobe. I will try working on that.
I did purchase the “Eat to live” I just need to concentrate and implement the suggestions in my daily life.
you look great! keep up the good work.
Love this, love you! You are so inspiring sweet lady!
Kudos to you! What a great life change you made. I also made changes for my health and also follow a mostly whole foods/plant based diet. It has made keeping weight off so much easier. I read the book, How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger. A great read if you ever want more evidence.
How do you make your hairstyle choices? I am 59 with long hair. I know it is time to turn to a shorter style and I see styles I love and just never know if they’re right for me. My hair stylist is great at cutting/coloring, but never makes suggestions for me. I would love your opinions on making those decisions.
Thanks for sharing. You look so healthy and younger and healthier now than when you were 53. Congrats
You don’t look like the same person!
Very wise word post and exactly what I needed. I am going to be isolated this fall/winter season and I was having a pity party BUT thanks to your post I realize I can use this time for some positive change. Thank you Susan…you inspired me.
I read Eat To Live twice. I first bought the audible version for my commute but quickly realized that I would need the actual book. The information is such that I could not absorb the material with the audible version. I now follow Dr. Fuhrman on IG for daily tips and have watched his numerous videos on YouTube. Had I not followed your blog, I doubt I would have ever discovered him. Thanks to both you and Mr.Mickey.
You look fabulous!
The jeans you are wearing have a straight leg and the jeans you show for purchase appear to have a wider leg. Are they the same jeans!
They are the same jeans. I have thick calves.
What a transformation!!! Thank you for sharing this!!! I’d love to get off my blood pressure medicine. I’m not sure it’s possible but I’m going to give it a shot after reading about your health improvements…and you look fantastic!
Are you aware your photo is being used on an internet video for Lumina Luxe cream? I saw it when I was playing Words with Friends. The words on the screen said you are 76. Thought you should know.
Yes, I’ve found many instances of people and companies using my images and videos without my consent and in ways I would never approve of. I’ve asked lots of them to stop, but to no avail.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You always look polished and I have to remind myself daily to go for solids/neutrals and classics. I’m so distracted. You and one other influencer stay in my head. And I am so grateful. I’m at your before and 60. But I’ve lost 20 pounds and am exercising so I’m on the trail….I have an idea for a post which I need…..packing for a 14 day cruise to hot weather. From zip lining to looking nice next to my handsome hubby in his new tux. I need help!
I can only dream about such a vacation, but if I were so lucky, I would take pieces I could mix and match, layer as needed, and dress up or down with accessories. For example, a simple black silk slip midi dress can be worn under a black cashmere sweater with heels for the evening or sneakers and a jean jacket for the daytime.
You look fantastic! Classic and sophisticated. You are proving it can get better as you get older! We most certainly do need to take care of ourselves with what we put inside. Your progression is fantastic and so motivational and exciting! I am 58. I’m pretty darn healthy. I am definitely going to purchase that book because I’ve been getting into some bad habits, and you have motivated me. Thank you so much.
Horrors, I Miss-spelled classic, I meant to say proof. Lesson learned – check well after using microphone before you send!
Thanks, Jennie. I corrected it for you. The same happens to me.
Thanks for the tip – I bought the book! Looking forward to diving into some inspirational nutrition & lifestyle change reading. I enjoy your blog.
— Best, Susan
I have been enjoying and learning from your posts for quite a while. I want to thank you for recognizing that growing older does not mean you have to look like a “1930s grandma” and that self improvement and glamour isn’t just for those under the age of 40. In spite of your claim that you shed quite a few pounds, I didn’t believe that the extra weight mattered due to your height and elegance of posture. By posting a picture of yourself at your heaviest, I believe you have and will inspire those who need to shed excess pounds. Your before/after photos shine as an example of how losing even a few pounds can bring about a difference in how we feel, carry ourself, be active and gain confidence. I applaud your commitment in helping others live significantly by feeling beautiful and becoming healthier. I have gained a new interest in myself and have renewed enthusiasm with my wardrobe and style. Please keep posting, I eagerly await the next one!
Thanks for sharing, you are a great inspiration and role model
Thank you for sharing your story; you have been such an inspiration to me the past couple of years! I have donated many clothes that I shouldn’t have bought in the first place, and now I look for things that suit my shape and my lifestyle. I want to get the book that changed your life, so that I can feel healthier. Cheers to you for your positive attitude and willingness to help the rest of us!
Hi Susan would you mind if I ask how tall you are please?
I am 5’6″ tall, and today I weighed 140 pounds.
I appreciate your tips, tricks and advice about fashion. Thank you for your help especially adding information about food. Could you possibly add more advice and warnings about the typical American diet? So many unhealthy options fill our grocery shelves. Remember to add caution about beauty items. A friend uses a glycerin lotion on her skin. She is a cancer survivor in her 80s. Sounds like a good choice, but the other ingredients are four or five added dyes. I understand these dyes, also added to food, are harmful. So many ingredients to notice and avoid. As we look good on the outside with your helpful tips, we can begin an inner-beauty journey together. Thank you!
You are correct, Sonya. You mentioned a few reasons I avoid most of the products offered in a grocery store, all fast food, and I only use Beautycounter skincare products.
Thank you for sharing your journey and constant inspiration! I have been there too and struggled with rebuilding my wardrobe and transitioning to retirement and am so grateful for you and your sage advice.
I so look forward to your posts!
Hi Susan. Your posts are always so informative and genuine. As I was reading your post. I could see myself in how you described your journey. I ordered the book you mentioned and I’m looking forward to change my eating habits.
Always enjoying reading your posts.
Have a great day!
Thank you for sharing your journey! I’m so encouraged! i am 52 and last year decided to take charge of my health. I have lost 50 pounds, eat better, sleep better and have energy throughout the day to keep up with my 8 yr old daughter and teens. I am also enjoying looking better. Your blog posts caught my eye because you share many characteristics to my coloring and body type and style. I’ve always joked that I dress like a grandma even when I was a teen, but truly, you look fabulous in everyday clothes. I also like solid colors that go with everything, and although I’m not as classy in the Pacific Northwest as I would be in the Carolinas (no one wears cashmere to a grocery store around here- more like rainboots and camouflage!), I appreciate the esthetic because my in-laws live in SC and I’ve visited the East Coast. I have been following your blog through my weight loss journey and I am glad to be able to replace my wardrobe every season from thrift store finds and have everything go together for work and home. My teen daughter encourages me, too, with helpful comments and suggestions to keep me out of “grandmaville” until I really get promoted! Glad you and your sweetheart are feeling healthy and rocking your 60’s. Keep sharing, please1
Thank you, Ann. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed what I’ve shared and that you’ve succeeded in your journey to get healthier.
Congratulations on your amazing transformation!!
Amazing—13 years later you look younger!
You look absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for all you share.
I agree with another of your followers that your pictures look to be aging in reverse. Sharing your approach to food choices and the amazing transformation to the slim, stylish woman you are is so inspiring.
The company that another follower mentioned used your picture without authorization to advertise your beautiful complexion for their creams shouldn’t be able to do that……Grrrr.
Wow you look younger at 66 than you did at 53 you are a inspiration thank you xx
This is such a generous post! I’ve always admired your style and had thought you were slim your entire life. Thanks for the much needed encouragement.
Susan – I am fairly new at following you and I have enjoyed all of your posts. You have given me some great ideas on wardrobe planning, I just wish I could give up some of my precious items that I have acquired over the years! Do you have any articles of clothing or accessories that are years old, like classic that you still add to your style? Like old is new again?
Thanks to you and to your man for the book recommendation – I have been working on putting more plant based foods into my husband’s and my diet. This looks like a good source.
I have many things that are four or five years old, a black Coach tote that is forty years old, an opera coat from the ’90s, and scarves that are thirty years old. I almost forgot! I have a pair of Chico’s Pique knit travelers pants I’ve had for more than seventeen years. I still wear them and love them.
Looking cute as ever! How about those earrings??
Thank you. The earrings are plain silver hoops about an inch across. I got them at T.J. Maxx a couple of years ago.
Love the new longer hairstyle on you. You look great in your latest picture.
Thank you Susan you and Mr Micky are such an inspiration. Bless you both and I hope that your family are all on the mend now.
It is so fortunate for Mr. Mickey that you already know the basics of healthy eating and won’t be sabotaging his new dietary requirements! He simply could not be in better hands.
I so enjoy reading your blog and learning from you, not just about fashion but about travel, health and life. In you’re grocery shopping picture you shared you look positively glowing, healthy and most definitely young and healthy.
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks for sharing your before and since-then photos and story. I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago on the Noom program in 4 months, and this summer, walked the 500 mile Camino Frances in northern Spain. Soon to turn 70, I feel more fit and healthier than ever. You are right it’s not too late. Habits can be changed and life can be so much better.
Thank you for sharing your inspiring comment. I would love to take that walk!
I wasn’t going for an early morning walk…I was going to “chill”. Then I read your blog and was motivated. Thank you!
I just ordered Dr. Fuhrman’s book and one of his cookbooks. I am looking forward to establishing a plan and following it. I am 78 and take several expensive medications. I really don’t like PILLS! I recently attended my 60th high school class reunion, and my classmates had all gotten old. (Funny how that happened!) I had one classmate ask me how many facelifts and how much Botox I have had. None! When we assemble for our 80th birthday celebration, I still want to look like I’m in my 50’s with the body to go with it.
Love your posts regarding your transformation! I don’t know how you keep at it with the food you eat though. I’ve tried plant based and just can’t keep at it. I’ve lost and gained back 30 pounds over the past few years. It’s frustrating and I commend you for sticking to it. You are a fantastic role model for those of us at a certain age!
Love your fashion posts too! And I’m sure your skin and hair look wonderful from what you nourish your body with; nothing that any topical skin product could ever do!
I’m always amazed when I see photos of your transformation. You now look like the younger sister of the woman in the first photo. Can you imagine where your health would be if you hadn’t made the changes you made?! Thank you for sharing your health and style journeys with us.
I’m grateful each day for the changes I implemented earlier to improve the quality of my life. It certainly made a significant difference in the way I feel.
Susan, you are such an inspiration and I love your dress style.
Wishing you and Mr Mickey all the best,
Regards, Lynette (Cape Town)
Thank you, Susan. Your post gave me hope. I have arthritis and find it difficult to walk longer distances. I know that I need to look at diet and exercise to improve my life. I will definitely read the book that you mentioned.
Your longer hair makes you look younger.
As usual you look fantastic! Love the length of your new hairstyle!!
Fantastic turnaround.
I used a book named “How Not to Look Old” by Charla Krupp many years ago. Now I follow you and have purchased many of your suggestions. Thank you. Beverly
I remember reading that book!
Thank you for the great idea when switching handbags with a pouch insert! I change bags almost daily.
Great posting today. Lots of great ideas.
Thank you for always mentioning nutritious diet.
I bought Eat to Live and started eating better .. its great.
Was very moved by this story (and honestly surprised that you went through this). Bought Fuhrman’s book (well, several), and hopeful it will help me. I need to make some changes. Thank you.
Thank you! This is really encouraging. You look lovely. I am 61 and starting to have health issues. I’ve reversed some with a nutritionist but haven’t lost much weight after a year. I am interested in being healthy and feeling strong regardless of the scale number…..but it would be nice to be a bit lighter. Thank you for starting this website and blog. I look forward to learning more.
I had no idea! I am feeling much as you were. This has inspired me to purchase Dr. Fuhrman’s book and I am hopeful I can commit and begin on the path that has made such a positive change for you. Thank you.
Hi Susan,
I find your posts so informative & encouraging. I have been following the Eat to Live program for a week now & feel so much better. While it requires more prep than I am accustomed to, I do feel that the science behind it is spot on & the 3 lb weight loss is enough to keep me going.
Thanks for sharing. Just ordered the book to try for myself!
Thank you so much for this inspiration. It’s exactly what I needed. The first picture of you looks like a different person!! I am your age, so I am starting later than you did, but that’s okay.