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Fads or Trends?

Fashion, art, and design will continuously evolve, but the word trend guilts some people into constantly buying the next new thing. I notice trends to remain current, but that doesn’t mean I follow fads. The keyword is ‘fad.’ Bellbottoms and platform shoes are a fad. I won’t be embracing that look again! However, the trend of jeans with a straight leg with slight fullness flatters and fits my style personality.

The core of my style has always included a love for timeless classic fashions, architecture, and home decor. It is what I always return to and feel most comfortable with, but adapting to trends in fashion allows me to remain current. A trend may last for a decade or longer. A fad may last for six months. So I’m leaving the fads in the store, but I’ll happily incorporate a trend when it suits me.

A haircut was long overdue, so I visited my stylist to get a trim today. I wore slightly bootcut jeans as my nod to the trend for wider, longer pants. I’ll save my slim-fit ankle jeans for warmer weather. The other items in my look are more than a year old.

Similar items are in the shopping links. JacketTopScarfJeansBootsBag. I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

The lip color for today is Little Black Dress here. My skincare routine and all the products are listed in order here. April Atkins, my stylist, is at Van Kye Salon, Johnson City, TN (423) 268-2190.

I hope that sharing what I continue to learn helps you create some winning combinations of your own. Thank you for leaving your ideas, questions, and comments. You inspire me!

  1. I am all for your recommendations for dressing with what is most comfortable but up to date. After retiring a couple of years ago, I threw out all my wide leg jeans and embraced (finally) the tighter look. And now they are out of style. It was a trend, as you say, but I was/am very slow to accept the new. I regret this but can’t change the past. Going to stick with the classics looking forward because fashions do change, but it is easier to update a basic. Wisdom with age. Thanks again for being the best style guide.

  2. Good morning! I want to thank you for suggesting baking soda for skin exfoliating. It works great! Even though I use a buff puff frequently, I had a few rough areas on my face and body. I gently massaged with a baking soda and water paste and was amazed at how smooth my skin felt. So thank you for a winner of a tip! Love the chic look for your day. White jacket is lovely!

  3. Impressed that you are brave enough to wear black for a haircut! Your stylist must be more fastidious than mine as I come home wearing a layer of white and have learned to think twice about what I wear for the occasion. If there is a more classic, timeless combo than black and white, I don’t know what it is and find that I frequently default to it. (Our cut is almost the same, but it is also the one I’ve worn for some 40 years!)

    1. I have had many iterations of the pixie in my life as well.
      As soon as I walked in the door, all my clothing went into the wash. It was a slushy day, so I didn’t want to ruin light-colored pants or shoes.

  4. I look back on some photos and know exactly when I veered off course and caved in to a fad. Thanks to you and your rich knowledge that you continue to share, I am no longer a victim of wasteful purchases. You’re such a treasure!

  5. Wonderful look today! I love your handbag and used your link to shop. It has wonderful reviews, however, some said it was very heavy. What is your opinion of the weight and do you ever use the shoulder strap?
    Your haircut looks fabulous! Kudos to your stylist!

    1. I like the bag’s heft, but I don’t add much more than a wallet, glasses, keys, phone, and lip balm and, I never use the shoulder strap. I also have the same bag in pale gray, and I love them both.

  6. I just went to Home Depot to get a mop, of all things. I caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door and thought ‘Susan would never leave her house looking like this!’ I rarely comment but just want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. I think of your recommendations every time I buy something!

  7. Always immaculate. And you are right on the money with ‘trends’ or ‘fads’. They just aren’t elegant in most cases, are they? Spending money just for the sake of it.

  8. Love your look today. You are always an inspiration. I will have to try this style of jeans, a little dressy compared to slim ankles. Perfect! Pretty haircut! I need one too! ‍♀️

  9. Love the haircut! I noticed your scarf immediately and knew I had the same one.

    Thank you for the ideas and inspiration. Hi to Mr. Mickey.


  10. Susan,
    Love this classis look. I have learned to keep to basics because of you and am still scaling down my wardrobe to keep what really works well for me. Not there yet, but making progress!
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. 2 topics I haven’t seen addressed: 1) How to dress both stylishly & comfortably for a long/overnight plane ride 2) Is there a counterpart to Sheec for the best pantyhose? I rarely wear them but when I have to I find they are made terribly and don’t hold up–even expensive ones.

    1. I have never been on a long/overnight plane ride, but my guess is something soft that stretches would be the best option. An upscale tracksuit with a soft knit scarf or sweater might serve you well since planes are usually too cold. Here are pants you might enjoy wearing. Layers are always a good idea since adding or subtracting as needed will allow you to remain comfortable. I wear the tights here all winter but rarely wear nude pantyhose. The tights are warm and also durable.

  12. You look great going out for your haircut! I too love your blog. I have learned so much. Instead of having so many random clothes, I am now learning to wear the ones that look good on and I’m comfortable in. It may take me a while but I’ll get there thanks to good advice like yours. Blessings to you!

  13. Love your style, Susan. You have been my inspiration for combining outfits from what I already have in my closet. I used to enjoy shopping when I was younger, but not so much anymore. Especially since styles look like maternity clothes from my youth.
    Thanks for your beauty tips as well.

  14. Liebe Susan,
    ich verfolge Ihren Blog schon seit längerer Zeit. Ich färbe meine Haare seit langer Zeit, die Farbe war ähnlich Ihrer früheren Haarfarbe. Wie haben Sie den Übergang zu grau geschafft? Ich möchte jetzt gerne meine grauen auswachsen lassen. Vielleicht haben Sie einen Tipp für mich, würde mich freuen von Ihnen zu hören.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Monika Jacob

    1. Ich habe aufgehört, meine Haare zu färben, als ich fünfzig wurde. Ich habe ein paar Monate lang eine temporäre Farbe verwendet und sie dann kurz geschnitten. Heute
      Stylisten können Ihnen beim Übergang helfen, wenn Sie Ihre Haare nicht kurz schneiden möchten.

  15. Would you please do a post on cashmere sweater buying and care? I love the warmth and classic style but the Talbots cashmere sweaters I have bought the past couple of years pill and stretch out of shape. Would love your advice and recommendations for a quality affordable cashmere sweater. Thanks!

    1. I have been pleased with my J.Crew cashmere crewneck sweaters here and Everlane cashmere sweaters here. I have purchased other brands but have not been so pleased with how they hold up or fit. Hand Wash Cold. Lay Flat to Dry. Or Dry Clean. Turn inside out and hang them on padded or felted hangers during the winter. (That way, the shoulder bumps will be on the inside.) Leave them hanging on a hook for a few days to air out before you put them away. I always clean them and store them with cedar planks for the warmer seasons.

  16. I just wanted to say that you have a great hairdresser. It’s hard to find a good one so hang on to this lady.
    You look fabulous with this hair cut.

  17. YOU LOOK GREAT! I wish I could wear a white jacket in winter. Why is it that I think that white is just for summer. Anyway, you look great. I love that pink jacket that you wore some time ago. It looked so cute on you.

  18. Another great post! I too am learning that classics work best for me. My go to accessories are a stylish hat and scarf. Both have become my signature look. Note of thanks to you that I’ve been able to refine my wardrobe and am able to happily shop my closet.

  19. I had read in one of your posts, that you had retired. That is what I put down to when I hadn’t received any emails since May
    Then all of a sudden I started receiving them again in late December
    I love reading your blogs and I really missed not reading anything for the last 6-8 months

  20. You look very nice with your new haircut. You can’t go wrong by sticking to the classics. Because of you, I have bought some small scarves to wear, besides giving my outfit a new look, they keep me warm.

  21. Thanks Susan! All useful tips. I have similar style pants recently purchased from Talbot, but in velvet, and I had decided (before I saw your reply) that they would probably work best for my upcoming trip, with the right top(s) and a few accessories.

  22. Susan,
    I just posted a piece on the color PERIWINKLE, as it has been named “color of the year.” But, to your point, trends/fads come and go, but individual style dictates whether that trend may or may not be for you.
    Thanks for giving us permission to opt out of trends.
    Sharon White

  23. Susan,
    I been reading your blog and following your wonderful suggestions for us women over a certain age. I’m beginning to look like your clone LOL and love the way I feel about myself. Keep up your good work!!!!!
    My comment is that I have watched you tell us all we need to know about fashion from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes but you don’t mention your fingernails. I did see one close-up and your nails looked very nice. Can you expond on the subject.

    1. I’ve not put color on my fingernails in many years. I have small nailbeds and relatively short fingers to which I do not want to draw attention. I find short, neatly groomed natural nails fit my lifestyle.

  24. I laughed out loud at Connie’s Home Depot comment! Those are the type of venues I frequent when I want to see and be seen.

    Pointy toed shoes and big flared pants seem to be making a comeback. Fad or trend? Maybe resurgence? I am fine with the pointy shoes. A couple of posts back, Susan was wearing flared pants, and they looked great on her, but I am only 5’ tall and I don’t think they flatter me. When I was young and weighed 105 pounds about 60 years ago when bell-bottoms were popular, I could wear anything, but not so much now.

    Shoes are interesting…I entered my size in the eBay search, and of course hundreds came up. There are some really, really weird shoes out there.

    1. Pointed toes will always be my first choice since I need the illusion of longer legs. If the pants are only slightly flared, starting below the hip, not above the knee, they can be flattering. Bellbottoms seem too much like a costume, so I avoid those.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.