Staying home was the best option this weekend due to cold rainy weather as well as the rules. To keep warm and peace of mind, I layered a lightweight knit jacket over a polka dot shirt and donned my most comfortable jeans and loafers.

Shirt – Jacket – Belt – Jeans– Loafers – The best No-Show Socks
I have purchased a couple of crisp new white items, so I will share all the details as soon as the sunshine returns to improve the lighting.

Do you have a hobby to enjoy when the weather is too unpleasant to go outside? I recently made a pendant using items from Vintage Jewelry Supplies.
I saw a lovely cross pendant necklace for more than $400 that was very tempting, but I remembered elements from the company I once owned. I assembled two pendants and the bail and added it to a chain I’ve had for a long time but rarely wear. For less than $10, I have created something that represents the style of the dramatic necklace I saw at a much higher price.

I’m a long time reader of your blog but I don’t usually comment. I enjoy seeing the adventures you have with Mr Mickey. I hope he is ok, it must be very worrying for you both. I hope you are able to visit him. Take good care of yourselves and both of you stay safe.
Because of the virus restrictions, no one is allowed to visit him.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey, done! Is he in hospital??
He was taken there by ambulance on Saturday. No one is allowed to visit him.
Oh ! Bon rétablissement à Mr Mickey.
Très joli collier. Vous avez du talent.
Bon lundi de Pâques.
Je vous remercie!
My thoughts and prayers are with you both. These are challenging times to say the least. While he will have some difficult days ahead, he is blessed to have you to help in his recovery.
Thank you.
Mr. Mickey!!! Thinking of you both and hope his surgery and recovery is completely successful. Sending positive energy your way.
Sending love and positive thoughts to Mr Mickey and you.
Take care of you Susan, then you will be able to care for him.
I’m sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey falling. I will keep him in my prayers. God bless both of you.
I’m so sorry Mr Mickey has been injured. I am sending Prayers for his speedy recovery.
Sending my prayers and best wishes for Mr Mickey’s successful surgery and complete, rapid recovery.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey! Sending prayers and hopes for a speedy recovery his way!
Prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Speedy recovery to Mr Mickey!
Prayers for you and Mr. Mickey!!!
So very sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Prayers for him and you during this troubling time.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s accident. Sending prayers for his surgery and recovery. Stay safe Susan.
Sending Mr. Mickey healing thoughts. Hope his recovery is speedy!
Lovely pictures. Would love to see a close up of your polka dot shirt when your lighting is improved for photo shoots. What a wonderful grouping of pictures on your wall! The necklace is such a striking statement piece.
Thank you for sharing about Mr. Mickey’s misfortune and for giving others the opportunity to pray for his speedy recovery. Will pray for you as well Susan. This must be weighing so heavy on your mind!! No visitors too
The shirt is sold out now, but you can see it here…—dot/53398703.html
Sending Healing to you both.
Sending healing thoughts and strength to Mr. Mickey. Praying for a speedy recovery.
My thoughts and prayers….
Prayers for Mr. Mickey.
Dear Susan, I will be praying for Mr. Mickey! How awful for him, and for you!
You must be very sad to think of him with a broken leg, and that he has to be alone.
I will pray that he’s able to heal fully, and speedily, and that you’ll be able to wait out this long trial with hope for better days to come!
Thank you for keeping us posted, I do think of you as a friend! Mr. Mickey will be prayed for, and I’ll pray for you too!
Susan, Mr. Mickey will certainly be in our prayers today. So sorry about his terrible accident.
Sending caring thoughts and prayers for your Mr. Mickey.
Praying for Mr. Mickey and for you.
Sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey, praying all goes well. I have surgery tomorrow for a torn meniscus that has my knee locked and the storms last night toppled two trees, one is on my house and deck and one on my house and car. Aghhh!
Oh no! I’m so sorry you have to endure all of this.
Oh no, so sorry to read about Mr. Mickey injury. Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Susan your blog today was another helpful, positive start to my day.
Both of you take care and stay safe.
I wish Mr. Mickey a speedy recovery!
Praying for Mr. Mickey and the Drs. For a successful surgery and a quick rehab.
What troubled times. Thinking every morning about how best to comfort myself by what I wear. The nurses will be adding extra TLC of Mr Mickey in the absence of his loved one. May his surgery and rehab be uncomplicated and your mind at peace
Mr. Mickey will be covered in prayer for as long as necessary. I have wrapped him and surrounded him within a bubble to protect and keep harm from him while he has surgery and recuperates fully during this time. What a dreadful thing to happen especially during this pandemic time.
Now I would like you to take a very deep breath, hold it for 10 seconds and then let it out slowly. Do this several times to relax your body. Now after you do this, please wrap your arms around yourself, squeeze real tight and that is a hug from me to you as you probably need it more than Mr. Mickey….wink!
Thank you for doing your blog. It probably keeps you busy right now but it also tells a lot about you to make the time to reach out to your followers on your blog at a time that must be difficult for you.
Clara from Iowa
Hello Susan, so sorry to hear about Mr Mickey’s fall. Wishing him a speedy recovery. I hope you are well.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Praying for a speedy recovery!
Oh Susan! How worrying for you and how painful and difficult for him. I will pray for your both. Please share with him the outpouring of support and prayer he is receiving from all of us. I know he is a huge part of this blog and we are grateful for all he does to help you bring joy, encouragement, and great advice to so many.
Prayers for Mr M. He is such a sweetheart! I am sure he will come through with flying colors. Please keep us updated on his progress. Prayers for you too Susan as all this is just a lot to be burdened with – storms, surgery, virus will not win!
He has come through the surgery and so far everything is going well. Thank you!
That’s such good news. Our continued prayers for a speedy recovery!
That’s great news Susan. I have followed your blog faithfully for a few years now and look forward to your posts. Sending prayers and positive thoughts to you and Mr. Mickey.
Healing prayers for Mr. Mickey. The summer roads await your travels together!
Prayers for Mr. Mickey’s successful surgery and smooth recovery. And prayers for you and all his caregivers. Please let us all know how he is doing!
Thinking of Mr Micky
Susan, Prayers for Mr. Mickey’s successful surgery and recovery. Hospitalization during these trying times is especially difficult.
Praying for Mr Mickey and a successful surgery. So sorry to hear of his fall. You take care of you too
Sending prayers for Mr. Mickey’s surgery and recovery. That’s a lovely cross pendant you put together.
Hope Mr. Mickey makes a quick recovery… wishes for him and you as well! I am sure having a loved one go through this during these trying times is especially stressful…..
for Mr Mickey. . ❤️
Sending healing thoughts for Mickey…
Prayers for Mr. Mickey! Please keep us updated on his condition. I’ll hold you both in my thoughts and .
Prayers being lifted for Mr. Mickey. Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. A difficult time to be in a hospital for sure. To both of you, take care.
Oh my. I’m so sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey and sorry you are unable to be there with and for him.
I eagerly await my beautiful Chunky Chain Bracelet.
You look nice as always. Prayers for Mr. Mickey to make a full and speedy recovery.
I will hold Mr. Mickey in my thoughts today. This is a hard time to be in the hospital without visitors. May he have a speedy and complete recovery!
I am so sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s injury. Prayers for a speedy recovery and wishing you both the very best of health.
Sending prayers for Mr. Mickey, his surgical team and to you, Susan. Stay safe and be well !
So sorry to hear Mr. Mickey has been injured. Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery. ❤️
gentile signora
auguri al Signor Mickey un caro saluto dall Italia
Prayers for you and for Mr. Mickey for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Hopefully the time will come soon when you can keep each other company again.
Your cross is stunning; you have had the opportunity to partake in you creative talents. I am glad your hands allowed it to be. So very sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s tumble. Hopefully he will be healed, rehabbed and the professionals will find a way to control Covid-19 and you two can attend some of the car shows I know you enjoy each year. God bless & hugs.
Oh, Susan! We just nev know what’s around the corner. I’m certain that your whole community of readers is praying for both of you and holding you in their hearts. We are all sending love and warm thoughts to a precious woman who lifts our spirits every week. Hopefully we are lifting yours now.
Thank you for your post-you look great. Special thoughts and prayers to Mr Mickey for a speedy recovery.
Thoughts and prayers for MIckey today,
Prayer for Mr Mickey today and for a speedy recovery. Love the look but am sorry to see the tucked in look is coming back.
Prayers for a speedy recovery for Mr. Mickey! Be safe!
Best wishes for a very speedy recovery for Mr. Mickey.
Wishing Mr Mickey a safe and speedy recovery. Many thanks for taking the time to post your blogs I always look forward to them and enjoy reading them.
Wow, thank you for sharing today. So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey.
Praying for Mr. Mickey, you and all his family during this difficult time.
What a blessing to receive all these prayers and encouraging words from your readers. We all love you and appreciate all you do. Take care.
Prayers of healing and comfort for Mr. Mickey in his unfortunate fall. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Beautiful necklace! I think the things we can make are often better than what we can buy. Glad Mr. Mickey is on the road to recovery. I pray it is quick and relatively painless
Prayers for Mr. Mickey
Prayers for you and Mr. Mickey as he had surgery and rehsb. Know that you will be a great comfort to him. Love the outfit, by the way.
Dear Susan,
I am so sorry to hear the news about Mr. Mickey, a true gentleman and so supportive to you and the blog. We will never meet with the ocean in between, but I feel somewhat familiar with you, Mr. Mickey, and the beautiful surroundings of Tennessee. I wish from heart that Mr. Mickey will recover very soon. Take care of you during these difficult times.
Deep sympathy and best wishes from Munich!
Our prayers are with Mr. Mickey and the medical team
Poor Mr Mickey, it sounds like a really bad accident. I will certainly send him good thoughts from across the Atlantic – I live in Cheshire in the UK. I am new to your site and am loving reading about and seeing the outfits you put together. I think you look beautiful, elegant and polished. I am 63, but only 5 ft tall with a small frame, UK size 8, which I think is US size 4 or 6, so I often feel I don’t have the height to look elegant. I always make sure my tops are not too long so my legs don’t look even shorter. You have inspired me to go through my wardrobe with a more critical eye and to let go of things that no longer serve me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, aspects of your life and home. I’ve enjoyed seeing the places you have visited whilst I’m isolating at home. It feels like you are a generous friend even though we have never met. Stay safe and well during these difficult times and may Mr Mickey have a speedy recovery.
I do hope his surgery goes well.
I am praying for Mr. Mickey and you also, Susan.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey’s recovery and for your continued health!
Sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey! Thoughts and prayers to him for a successful surgery and recovery!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mr. Mickey. ❤️
Best wishes to Mr. Mickey. Hoping all goes well in surgery and wishing him a speedy recovery.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey and all that will be taking care of him.
My thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Mickey and you. You two are a charming couple who share time together and with us. It’s interesting to see your adventures together. Do keep your readers posted on his progress. Such a dapper, young-at-heart gentleman. Blessings to both of you.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey. I hope the surgery goes well today.
Thinking of Mr. Mickey today and hoping his surgery and recovery go well. So sorry you both need to deal with this at this already stressful time.
New haircut? I’ve missed if you commented on it. I’d like to see more close up pictures of it because I’m really wanting to cut mine shorter! Looks great on you!
I haven’t had a hair cut since I was in Florida in Feb. I’m going to have to start snipping on it soon.
Perfect stay at home outfit.
Saying a prayer for Mr. Mickey that God will guide the hands of the surgeons and for a quick recovery.
Great to read Mr Mickey is recovering from surgery and comfortable
Take of yourself
Susan, I know this is hard for you not being able to be there to support him. And, equally hard for him not having you there to encourage him. I know he misses your sweet smile.
Prayers for you both!
Wishing Mr Mickey a speedy and painless recovery.
Susan, sending you lots of support during this trying time. You look so smart in today’s outfit.
Keep well.
Thinking of you both during this time of trouble and challenge. Praying for complete recovery for Mr. Mickey and strength to you both.
I like the combination you have styled for today. It is casual, but polished.
It was so sad to hear that Mr. Mickey fell. I hope the surgery on his leg and his healing process go smoothly. He will be in my prayers.
Please let us know how Mr. Mickey is doing. My thoughts and prayers are with him.
So very sorry for Mr. Mickey. Glad the surgery went well and hoping his recovery is quick and pain free. Saying a prayer for both of you today. Hugs.
Love this look! ❤
Prayers for Mr. Mickey and for all the healthcare heroes who are soldiering on.
Take care of yourself, Susan.
I’m so very sorry to read about Mr. Mickey’s misfortune! But, glad to read that surgery went well. Such a scary time to be in a hospital, I will continue to pray for easy recovery.
My DH and I do not reside in NC but own a second home just east of Asheville (so a bit south/east of you). I really enjoy reading about your trips in the area and get ideas of places to visit and eat. We originally came down for a couple of weeks to escape the virus but today is 4 weeks with no end in sight. We’ve never been here this time of year and have been awed by the beauty of the redbuds, dogwoods, and other trees and plants. We also feel fortunate that our development is a few hundred acres with only about 15 homes built and only a handful of residents here now. We have paths and trails to walk daily without seeing another human. I’m fortunate to have my sewing machine here and have been making facemasks for the local hospital and to mail to family. That helps me feel like I’m doing something to help.
I love that even in isolation you dress up, even if it is in your most comfortable jeans. I’m afraid that after staying up most of the night monitoring the storms that rolled through, the best I will do today is jeans and a t-shirt!
Prayers for Mr. Mickey. Take care of yourselves.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Not being able to visit with him is so disheartening.
I do enjoy your adventures with him. Both of you always look so smart. I don’t usually comment but I love to read your blog and enjoy all your fashion news.
Saying prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for Mr. Mickey.
Thinking of your Mr Mickey today. Praying surgery goes well.
I’m praying that Mr. Mickey’s surgery goes well and he will have a speedy and complete recovery. The necklace you made is stunning! I so enjoy your blogs and appreciate that you make them easy to retrieve on Facebook. Thank you for the time and effort that you spend each week sharing them.
Im glad to hear Mr. Mickey made it through surgery. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. And best wishes for you, too. You must have been worried.
You look lovely as always and your new necklace is beautiful. Prayers for Mr Mickey!
Sending prayers for Mr. Mickey. So sorry that happened to him.
Wishing Mr Mickey a speedy recovery. Sending prayers for you and him at this difficult time
Wishing the best for Mr. Mickey and may the Lord give you both strength during this time.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey. And for you.
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey. Glad that surgery went well, But doubly hard on all since no visitors allowed. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
I am so glad Mr Mickey has made it through surgery! My prayers are with both of you, both of your families and his medical staff. Wishes for a speedy recovery.
Please keep us informed, Susan. Your healthy mental and physical lifestyle will serve you well during this hard time.
Hi Susan, sending thoughts to you and Mr. Mickey. I hope his surgery goes well and that he has a speedy recovery.
Susan, thank you for your wonderful posts which I always look forward to reading. I think I have learned so much from you. Wanted to let you know I will keep Mr. Mickey in my thoughts and prayers. Stay well — Lauren
My thoughts are with Mr. Mickey and hope his surgery goes well with a quick recovery.
Sending healing prayers to Mr. Mickey with best wishes for a speedy recovery
Prayers going up for Mr Mickey. Praying for a complete and swift recovery.
Have been a reader of your site for many years but rarely comment but felt I had to today. Sending my best wishes to Mr Mickey for a speedy recovery and to you also as it must be very stressful to not be able to visit because of the pandemic.
Healing vibes and best wishes to Mr. Mickey!
I will be praying for Mr. Mickey. Please keep us updated, Susan. Thank you!!
Please let Mr. Mickey know we are thinking of him.
I love the interior of your home. It’s my style. Maybe someday you could give us a brief tour?
Best wishes
I did a tour some time ago, but not much has changed. I tend to buy what I love and keep it for twenty + years. You can see the tour here.
Hello Susan,
On Friday, my husband and I went to our community bank to sign the papers for the PPP loan. We were so happy that we received the assistance for our small business. I decided to dress up a little. I wore my black jeans, my grey and black vest from Talbots that you have. I finished the look with one of your special scarves. I could have dressed more simple, but I asked myself when choosing my wardrobe for the excursion, “What would Susan wear?” I received several compliments for how nicely I was dressed. Thank you so much with your friendship over the internet. I am praying for you and Mr. Mickey that the days ahead will improve and you will be together soon.
Praying for Mr. Mickey.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. I hope you two can FaceTime. I will send prayers for him.
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey’s accident. Prayers ascending for a successful surgery and rapid recovery.
Glad to hear the surgery for Mr. Mickey went well! Sending healing light his way for a smooth recovery. Stay well Susan!
My prayers for you and Mr. Mickey
Oh no… So sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey’s fall. Will certainly keep him in my prayers.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. I hope everything goes well and he has a speedy recovery. Sending healing Hughes. Stay well
Sending healing thoughts to our precious Mr.Mickey
Thank you. Mr. Mickey has come through surgery and has already started rehab. He is very grateful for your kind words and prayers.
Full and quick recovery to Mr. Mickey. So sorry to hear of his fall.
And thank you for your posts.
I am a long time reader but not a commenter. Nonetheless, I love your blog and love reading about the trips you and Mr. Mickey take. Prayers that his surgery goes well and that his recovery is speedy. Please let him know how loved he is. May you both be blessed!
So sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s injury. Will say a prayer.
and way less important…I have a doll collection which is quite fun.
In my prayers,
I love Mickey Mouse too. Mr Mickey is in my prayers.
Praying for your guy!
Prayers for Mr. Mickey’s surgery and recovery and for you, Susan. Being unable to be with him has to be very stressful.
Thoughts are with him for successful surgery and speedy recovery.
Sending prayers Mr. Mickey’s way sorry to hear he needs surgery.
Oh Dear! Good Vibrations from Southern California for the both of you … Glad surgery was successful! Recovery may take awhile (I have just been through this with my 89 year old father, who has relatively good health, last year). You are both Gems! Lots of Empathy, Strength and Best Wishes to Johnson City!
Prayers for Mr. Mickey
I will be praying for Mr. Mickey. I feel so bad. I will pray for successful surgery and a full recovery. I will be praying for you too. Thanks for your Blog. You are an inspiration.
I am happy to offer prayers for Mr Mickey for a successful surgery. You are both shining inspirations for me.
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey. My prayers are with you both during this difficult time.
I will pray for the success of Mr. Mickey’s surgery!
Adding Mr Mickey to my prayer list. It’s getting longer and longer ! But I still have faith that all will be well in a few months time.
PS: I love to take old things and make them ‘new’ again, too ! Especially jewelry. I usually wear fine jewelry, but like pieces that I can wear multiple ways.
Prayers galore for Mr Mickey and all who adore him!
My prayers for Mr. Mickey!! I fell about 3 years ago and severely shattered my humerus. I thought I was doomed. I was operated on, did 6 months of 3x a week therapy and I have full use of my arm and regained all my strength. Yes it was extremely painful, but after a few weeks each day with therapy got a little bette. He will be fine … physical therapy is key!!
Elizabeth N.
Thank you. I’m glad you have fully recovered.
Praying for successful surgery & a full, swift, uneventful recovery for Mr. Mickey.
Mr Mickey is in my prayers! So sorry- please keep your readers updated!
Praying for Mr Mickey’s recovery and send love and best wishes to both of you. X
Sorry to hear about Mr. Mickie wish him well and a speedy recovery. Wah wee are crying Sandra Almy
Dear Susan,
Thank you for all your posts and giving us good suggestions on how to stay healthy and looking our best. This is especially true now when we are at home
looking for ways to brighten our days. Flowers and the trees budding and blooming bring hope for a beautiful summer.
Best wishes to Mr. Mickey with his planned surgery. We wish him good results and a quick recovery.
Jean Holmes
Praying that all goes very, very well for Mr. Mickey, and that you both soon have his steady improvements to celebrate.
Praying for Mr Mickey and his surgery and rehab. Sure you’ll help him regain his strength and return to fun times with you.
Dearest Susan:
Was so sorry to hear that Mr. Mickey took a tumble! I will keep him in my thoughts and am sending positive healing energy his way! Please do take extra good care of yourself too.
Storming the heavens with prayers for Mr. Mickey. . good luck and speedy recovery.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey. Hope he heals quickly and is home and up and about soon. Even if he has to stay home.
Oh, no. So sorry to hear. Prayers for both of you and his family.
Thank you for continuing to provide your many followers with advice, pictures if tasty looking food and beautiful scenery
I will keep Mr. Mickey in my thoughts and prayers! All the best for a speedy recovery!
Thoughts and prayers for your good friend Mr, Mickey
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Good thoughts and prayers are be sent his way for a speedy recovery. I feel I know you and Mr. Mickey through your post. Please stay safe and well.
Sincerely, Jo-Ann
Thinking of you both and hope that you see Mr Mickey very soon.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey and you. Being apart has to be hard for you, too. So glad to hear the surgery went well.
So sorry about Mr. Mickey. Wishing him all the best. Please keep us posted.
I am sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s fall. I hope he has a speedy recovery. Hopefully the two of you will be sharing your adventures with us soon.
Sending prayers for Mr. Mickey’s safe surgery and a rapid recovery.
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey. Praying for full and speedy recovery!
Hope the surgery went well for Mr. Mickey and he makes a quick recovery! I enjoy your posts now more than ever, and hope that you and Mr. Mickey will be enjoying some nice dinners out sometime very soon! Stay safe and well!
Hi Susan,
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. I will keep him in my daily prayers until all is well again.
Katie Thomas
(One of your many ‘T’ girl fans)
Falls can be frightening and make you feel fragile … and sometimes angry with yourself. Sigh. I am sure they will want him out of the hospital as soon as it is medically advisable due to current conditions. The next steps in recovery will be challenging but he has a strong support in you, Susan. Once healing has begun and discussions about physical therapy begin, it will feel like you are heading back to “normal.” Planning that first drive and adventure will be a wonderful part of recovery. All the best to Mr. Mickey and you, and abundant prayers as well.
Wishing Mr. Mickey the best of luck. Sending prayers!
Are you selling your cross? If so I’d like to purchase.
I would like to keep the chain, but I’ll be happy to sell the pendant. It is a bit more than three inches tall and the bail adds another three-quarters of an inch.
Since I last visited your site you have a new hair style. Very stylish and chic! I’m considering not coloring my hair any longer and go gray. I’m 65 and went completely gray at 38!! However, I’ve colored my hair all these years. I’m thinking it’s time to give my hair a rest from all the coloring. Your color and hair style gives me encouragement for looking stylish and chic, too!
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s bad fall. I feel for him as I fell in late November 2018, broke it in five places, and had surgery to have two plates screwed in. I was in therapy for 10 months due to some complications. I’ll pray for a quick and full recovery!
Stay safe and healthy.
Michelle Hamric
Sending thoughts and prayers to Mr. Mickey for a successful surgery outcome.
Wishing you all the very best from Australia, these are difficult times for sure, but stay safe and well
Susan, you’re so beautiful and elegant but, please, for those of us who might not have your determination…show us a picture of one day in which you just chose to stay in your pj
Hi Susan,
Wishing Mr. Mickey a speedy recovery! I have a similar necklace I bought on Esty for about $10.00. It’s a great place to find vintage jewelry. If just have to watch several vendors sell the same item at different prices. You can also ask them if they will take less or reduce shipment cost.
Live you blog post and your relax look today. I find getting dress everyday helps my mood during SIP.
Hi Susan. I love how you used elements from different necklaces to create something similar to what you had your eye
on, saving yourself hundreds of dollars. I’ve done this in the past too! Your look today is casual, yet somehow looks “dressed up”! I’m very sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey’s fall. I will include him in my prayers. Be well!
Prayers for Mr. Mickey. I so enjoy seeing the posts that include your outings together. You are both an inspiration and I hope for a speedy recovery so we can see you together again.
So sorry about Mickey’s need for surgery!
Prayers for Mr. Micky that all will go well with his surgery, and a speedy recovery!
I hope Mr. Mickey recouperate prompt and be safe both of you!
Prayers for a fast and uneventful recovery for Mr. Mickey. I hope it will soon be safe for you to resume your adventures together.
Dear Susan
First of all, your cross is beautiful. Secondly, thank you for telling us about Mr. Mickey. You and he will be in my prayers.
Wishing Mr. Mickey a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Thank you for your uplifting messages and always interesting blog. I look forward to your posts and especially now in theses days of “shelter in place”. Hopefully Mr Mickey will be well soon, the pandemic will be done and you and he can get out and about and on to your next adventure.
So sorry. Hope he gets well soon❤️
Sending prayers & positive thoughts for Mr Mickey.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Praying all goes well and his recovery is quick.
I’m so sorry to read of Mr. Mickey’s fall and surgery. Please let him know I have prayed for both him and you. Peace of mind and complete healing.
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey and wishing him a speedy recovery.
I’m so sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey’s fall. Hoping he has a speedy recovery. I will keep him in my prayers.
Praying for a successful surgery and healing for your Mr Mickey and for God’s peace to surround both of you.
He is in my prayers.♥️♥️♥️
Prayers for Mr Mickey
Your necklace is beautiful!
Prayers for comfort and strength and quick healing .
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Will keep him in my prayers. Thank you for keeping your information out there for everyone. I look forward to it every week.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. You and Mr. Mickey are in my thoughts for healing and peace.
Dear Susan,
So sorry to hear about Mr Mickey’s fall and surgery… I will be saying a prayer for him tonight.
Blessings to you both.
So sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s accident. Sending all good wishes for a speedy and full recovery. Take care and stay safe
Very sorry to hear that news. I’m hoping he will be home soon and on his way to a full recovery. Please don’t let the media find out that Santa has broken a leg. The stock market is in enough trouble already.
Sorry to learn of Mr. Mickey’s accident.
Glad his surgery went well, and he is already beginning rehabilitation. I went thru something similar- having broken my femur and requiring surgery and rehab. It was hard at first, but the rehab was the key.
Prayers that he’ll be back taking your photos before you know it 🙂
Saying a prayer for Mr Mickey and for you! He seems like a spirited man who will hopefully soon put this behind him. I’m sure he will be so relieved when he is able to be released to home care, and can see you again. Tell him he will look even more distinguished with the cane he will probably need for recovery.
Susan, I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. I hope his surgery went well to day. I will keep him
in my thoughts and prayers. I have often thought that he is your best accessory. Nancy
Oh, no…so sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey. I hope by now he is resting well, after his surgery today. To aid…in feeling better about his situation: our 92 y/old neighbor fell 2 weeks ago, in her home and fractured her hip. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital, all by herself. No family, no visitors, as in the case for Mr. Mickey. She had surgery and was moved 4 days later to a rehab facility…still, experiencing all by herself. She is doing quite well. Sounds very positive. She said everyone has been amazing in their care. Because of her case, I think Mr. Mickey will do as well. He looks as if he is in good shape and being “Santa Claus”, for so many, sure he is in the right frame of mind. Blessings of good healing and peace be with all…
Oh MY! We so hate to hear that about sweet Mr. Mickey! Please do tell him that we’re praying for him…. for the effectiveness of the surgery and for the recuperation and then the rehabilitation. A journey ahead, no doubt. Take good care of him…. and yourself!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mr Micky.
Im so sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s fall, wishing him a speedy recovery.
Praying for a quick recovery for Mr Mickey. Your necklace is breathtaking, I too have been looking for a similar style with a long large cross. You are very talented and wise. God bless
for your Mr Mickey
Best Wishes and an uneventful recovery to Mr. Mickey!
Susan ~ I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey and am thinking about the both of you during these difficult times. It would be nice to see how you style your beautiful cross. Cyber hug ~
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickeys fall. Wishing him a speedy recovery.
Sending positive thoughts your way.
All the best to Mr Mickey. He will need lots of love and support to regain his strength and confidence after a fall. Take care.
Love and Light to you and Mr. Mickey. My prayers go to you both. Blessings.
Praying for Mr Mickey
I’m so sorry about Mr Mickey. I know with all the stress we all are under that more just seems like too much. I’ll keep both of you in my prayers.
I love a comfortable, casual look like this. I could live in loafers and jeans. The necklace turned out georgeous! I have turned to quilling, an old craft love if mine, to while away the time. It is so much fun to be doing this again.
Prayers for Mr Mickey! I can’t imagine your posts without him as your silent-behind-the-scenes partner. Together you two are a perfectly functioning unit, completely complimenting each other. My prayers are that the world is soon able to return to the “normal” as we know it, enabling you both to continue taking those fabulous road trips to share with your many devoted followers. God bless you both!
Oh yes…may G-d Bless Mr Mickey.
Sending a Get Well Kiss and Hug to Mr. Mickey❤
Prayers and positive vibes to Mr. Mickey Hoping for a speedy recovery.
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey, prayers and well wishes to him! I have spent my last 2 weeks making cloth masks for healthcare and first responders in our community, nursing home, assisted living and the senior citizens in our church. This past week I created a photo book online from our recent trip to Australia that was cut short 6 days when our 2nd cruise was cancelled due to Covid19. It was a good reminder of the great trip despite being cut short! Back to making masks tomorrow! We keep getting orders and sadly it may go on for a few more weeks! I just don’t have a desire to dress up for home past my jeans and flannel shirt! I have a friend that puts on something fun to wear every day and posts a picture on FB. It may be a blingy necklace or earrings, or pretty scarf, sparkly shoe, anything to keep the day from being boring! Love her spirit!
Praying that his surgery goes well! I can relate. I missed a stair in London breaking my ankle. This was third day of a fourteen day trip. This was March 6th before the seriousness of coved 19 was known. An orthopedic surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital said surgery was required. Flew back to the states, had surgery and three casts later hope to have it removed tomorrow. The last store I shopped in was Harrods!
I’m so sorry, you’ve had to endure all this, but I hope your ordeal is over now. I’m glad you got to go to Harrods!
Sending prayers and hugs for you both during this difficult time.
I will keep Mr Mickey in my prayers!!!
I just prayed for Mr Mickey to do well with surgery and recovery
My prayers for Mr Mickey for all to go well and a speedy recovery.
I have added you and Mr. Mickey to my prayer list. Positive thoughts going your way.
Oh Susan, am so sorry to hear about Mr Mickey, I do hope that all goes well with his surgery, am not sure if your rules hospital visiting would be allowed or not but I hope so. Please update on your blog about his progress, sending you both best wishes from here in the UK
P.S please keep blog going as look forward to it very much
We are not allowed to visit during this time.
Get well soon Mr Mickey. Stay safe both x
Oh no! Best wishes to Mr. Mickey for a very quick recovery. It’s no fun to fall at any age. It simply hurts. Very sorry he fell.
The pendant necklace you made is beautiful. You are talented at jewelry making, and I found your example quite inspiring. Especially at this time – when I have the time to “dust off” quilting and knitting projects set aside for a myriad of reasons. I’ll either make them new again or move them on. Keeping you and Mr. Mickey in my thoughts.
Get well soon, Mr Mickey.
Thinking of you. God bless
Praying for Mr. Mickey.
Mr. Mickey will be in my prayers and, of course, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Thank you for your inspirational photos and ideas.
Like many others here today…I don’t normally comment x but it seems love and prayers from All over the world need to be sent to you and Mr Mikey ….I always adore your stories and little date driving adventures x take care x
My thoughts and best wishes are with you and Mr Mickey. There is a saying in our beautiful Maori language here in New Zealand – Kia kaha – Stay strong
Hello Susan, from Australia.
Sorry to hear about Mr Mickey, and hope the surgery went well, will keep him in prayer.
What size is the jacket you have on?
We are same size, as I fitted into the one I brought from your site last year, or maybe the year before.
It’s very interesting times we are living in, and thank you for your past, to give us inspiration to look and feel better.
Stay safe,
Judy Kelly
I am wearing a size medium in that jacket. Thank you, Judy.
Very sorry to read of Mr. Mickey’s fall and operation. Hope he is feeling more comfortable and soon will be back home. Thoughts and prayers with you both.
Dear Susan,
I’ve been following your blog for about a year now and really appreciate the thought and effort you put into each of your posts. Your suggestions of ways to combine a few items to get a variety of looks always give me new ideas to try. I live in Thailand were the climate goes from hot to hotter with 95% humidity, so now that you are beginning to include examples of summer wear, I’m really excited. Looking forward to more as the weather gets warmer where you are.
Mr. Mickey! I must tell you that he stole my heart last November when he grew his own beard to play Santa Claus for National Adoption Day. How many men would do that? I was so sorry to read about his accident and will certainly keep him in my thoughts. I hope you will have good news to share soon.
Take care,
Hi Susan,
So sorry about Mr. Mickey’s accident. I will keep him and you in my prayers. Take care Susan!
Sending Mr Mickey good wishes from the UK.
So pleased the op went well and he is making progress.
Also think of you too Susan, it must be very upsetting not being able to visit.
Prayers for Mr. Mickey that all went well and his recovery goes well also.
Wishing Mr Mickey well in surgery and a fast recovery. Sounds like a nasty fall.
Best wishes to Mr Mickey !
He is such a lovely partner !
Loved the outfits thanks for the post. Oh my gosh a fall and now surgery. Mr. Mickey you are in my prayers as I send this reply. Susan I hope you are able to visit him after he is recuperating. I know a lot of hospitals are only allowing one visitor and I hope you can visit him. Also hope he can be released quickly.
Prayers being sent. Take care both of you.
No visitors are allowed here at this time.
Best wishes to Mr. Mickey for a speedy recovery.
Oh Susan,
I’m so sorry to hear about Mr Mickey. You must be very worried about him. I am unsure if it is the same in the States, but in Australia, we can’t visit patients at the moment.
I hope his surgery is successful and that it will not be long before he is back on track.
Kind regards,
Halina Hassard
Thank you. The hospitals are closed to visitors here as well.
Although I love your blog I don’t usually comment. But yes, Mr Mickey is in my prayers and I wish him a speedy recovery.
Meanwhile, everybody stay safe!
Cascais – Portugal
Hi Susan, I always look forward to your post.
Mr. Mickey is in my prayers!
Jennie Pappas
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about Mr Mickey and send my love and healing thoughts to both of you from the UK. I will light a candle for him tonight xx
OH, NO! I hope Mr. Mickey’s surgery went well and that he is comfortable. He is so lucky to have you as his love and caregiver. My hearts go out to both of you. Please keep us updated.
Thoughts and prayers fo Mr. Mickey!
Oh, no!! I’m so sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey!! I hope his surgery goes well and he’s back in his usual handsome form soon.
Praying for Mr. Mickey, I am recovering from a broken patella that required surgery so I understand what he is going through. This too shall pass.
I hope your healing is complete and speedy.
Good morning Susan,
I was very sorry to read about Mr. Mickey’s fall, resulting in his having to have surgery. I pray the surgeons will be successful in placing the pin in his leg and he will have a successful recovery. I pray that God will watch over you both and keep you safe.
I’m sorry to hear of Mr. Micky’s broken leg. I will keep you both in my prayers!
Gina Goodman
You will both be in my prayers!
Please know we are thinking of Mr. Mickey and praying for a speedy recovery. Falls are one of the most prevalent problems for seniors and it’s a constant challenge. When I worked for a retirement home I saw how quickly someone could go from being very active to having a broken limb, facing many weeks of recovery and physical therapy. So sorry to hear this happened to your special guy!
Sending up prayers for healing and support!
Praying for Mr. Mickey’s successful surgery and safe and speedy recovery!
Prayers all goes well and recovery is quick!
I hope Mr. Mickey has an easy and fast recovery. Thoughts and prayers to you both.
So Sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. Not easy at our age. Last summer I tripped on an object in the street and fell and broke both my arms (radial head fractures). Thank goodness no surgery, both not easy doing anything without arms! Wishing him a good surgery and quick healing. And thanks for keeping us all well informed on style and places to go!
Stay safe….M.J.
I hope you have fully recovered now.
So sorry to hear about Mr.Mickey! My prayers and thoughts
are with you and the Dapper, Mr. Mickey.
Wishing Mr. Mickey a speeding and full recovery.
As I write this, there are 254 comments already posted, a testament to the care and respect your readers have for you and Mr. Mickey. I have read them all. He should consider every one of them to be a Get Well card! I add my sincere hopes for his successful rehab. And to you, please accept my very best wishes. There would never be a good time for for this, but this time is terrible.
Prayers for Mr Mickey–for effective healing and a good recovery.
My prayers for the successful surgery for Mr, Mickey,,,
So sorry about Mickey, hope all goes well and he has a quick recovery.
Thank you for all your wonderful advice, love your blogs.
My thoughts and prayers are with the two of you today in this challenging time from a reader in Ontario, Canada
Prayers for Mr. Mickey, you, and his family.
Saying prayers for Mr. Mickey! wishing him a speedy recovery!
Wishing Mr. Mickey well … so sorry!
I hope Mr. Mickey has a smooth recovery.
Prayers are coming from Summerfield, NC for Mr Mickey!
Praying for you and for Mr. Mickey. Hope he has a swift recovery.
Prayers for Mr Mickey as he undergoes surgery. Peace for you in these difficult times. Lovely necklace you created. Blessings for you and yours…
Hi Susan,
I have Mr. Mickey in my thoughts and prayers today, that his surgery to repair his broken leg will be highly successful. I am so very sorry to hear of his accident. How disappointing. I am sure you will be present to nurse him back to excellent health.
I just also want to compliment you on creating such beautiful pendants into this beautiful necklace. I too like creating things from the crafts I enjoy. I find it to be relaxing, and therapeutic.
Blessings and smiles,
in Arizona
Dear Susan, I’m sorry to hear about Mr Mickey needing surgery. Pls extend my best regards to him for a speedy recovery Judy
Hi Susan, I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you. It must be scary to be in the hospital at this time, and awful for you not to be able to be by his side. Thank you for taking the time to post for us, and letting us know. My routine of reading your post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, brings a little bit of comforting normalcy, to an otherwise chaotic time. Bless you both.
Prayers are on his way. and will say a prayer for you too.
I will be praying Mr Mickey will have a successful surgery and full recovery.
Prayers for successful surgery and for you as you await the results and recuperation time.
Really sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey! He will certainly be in my prayers.
Lifting Mr. Mickey up in prayer; Father God please give him a successful surgery and complete recovery.
I have nothing new to add here but please know that we all enjoy Mr. Mickey so much and pray that he will recover as soon as possible.
Love your look today, but in a previous post you said you didn’t like knit jackets because they lose their shape. Still true?
Boxy blazers in a knit material never hold up well for me. This one is more like a sweatshirt material, and it is super casual.
Oh I’m so sorry about Mr Mickey. I hope he heals well and quickly. Stay safe.
Certainly praying for Mr. Mickey…..are you allowed to be with him at the hospital at all? Such a hard time for so many.
No visitors are allowed at the hospital or the rehab facility. It will be weeks before we can see each other in person again.
So sorry to hear about your friend Mickey. You both will be in our prayers.
Oh no…..will def keep Mr. Mickey in our prayers for a speedy recovery after surgery.
You are an incredible lady Susan, still keeping your blog going through very difficult times. I have followed your blog for many many years, it always portrays a mature sensible approach to life and also with humour too.
I have commented in the past lots of times but today I wanted to tell you stay safe, stay strong and healthy for yourself and Mr Mickey.
It must be so hard for you both and for his children that visiting is forbidden for loved ones.
So many people all over the world will be rooting for Mr Mickey , so come on Mickey stay positive and soon you will be out of Hospital..
Susan please keep up the blog just think how happy you make thousands of women all over the world, what an achievement and an accomplishment to have achieved in life.
Live and best wishes to you and your loved ones .
Pamela Wales UK xxx
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Pamela.
Just saw this Post. Sending prayers for Mr. Mickey and wishing him a speedy recovery.
I’m praying for a full recovery for Mr. Mickey and peace and strength for both of you.
Praying that all goes well and Mr. Mickey is up and about very soon.
Thank you for continuing your warm, inspiring posts during this difficult time. So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey and all best wishes for his speedy and complete recovery.
Your cross is absolutely gorgeous! I will keep Mr. Mickey in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Stay safe!
So sorry to hear of Mr. Mickey’s accident. I am sure he will be well taken care of during his convalescence. I will keep him in my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing your style and expertise with us!
My thoughts and prayers are with your Mr. Mickey. So sorry he’ll have to go through this!
I hope Mr. Mickey has come through his surgery well, wishing him a strong, healthy and speedy recovery.
just popping in to see how Mr Mickey is after the surgery. A big op at any age. Thanks for all you do at this time as well
Will keep Mr. Mickey in my prayers for a quick and uneventful recovery. Sorry that you and he are having to go through this especially at this time.
Love the look you model today, by the way.
Hi Susan as I write this you have 320 comments, hope you print this, lots of love to you and Mr Mickey, praying he recovers quickly from his nasty fall.
My thoughts and prayers for both you and Mr. Mickey. Recovery and PT is long and hard but well worth it.
Best wishes to Mr. Mickey
Sending prayers for safe surgery and recovery!
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey’s fall. We are praying for a successful surgery. Pam Artzner
That’s terrible news to hear about Mr Mickey’s fall. Will be keeping him (and you) in my thoughts and prayers.
Get well soon, Mr. Mickey!
Hi Susan,
Thinking of Mr Mickey with his surgery. With a SUSAN looking after him – he can only get better quickly!!
Thanks for all your interesting pics and suggestions. Appreciate them and think you ALWAYS dress extremely well. It makes being over 60 EXCITING!!
Have a great day.
NATALIE HOBBS – all the way from the Cape, South Africa
So sorry to hear of Mr Mickey’s fall! Will keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery,!
So sorry to hear about Mr. Mickey. Praying for a full and quick recovery.
Best of luck to Mr Mickey,so sorry to hear of his fall. I’m sure knowing you are close by will bring him a lot of comfort during his recovery.
I know your posts bring me comfort during this difficult time. Stay safe and well.
So sorry to hear of your Mr. Mickey. Hope he has a quick recovery.
My brother, 65 years old, just had a similar fall and break. It was very painful and I know Mr. Mickey must be suffering too. Be sure and get a good, aggressive, physical therapist to help Mr. Mickey with rehab. I own a senior care company and I know if he will put in the very hard and painful work to rehab he can regain what he had before the break. It seems mean but pushing the rehab will make him so much happier when it’s done. Prayers for both of you. I love getting your emails and ideas for outfits. It has stepped up my style game. Warm regards, Mella Glenn
Hi Susan, I love this look so much, I bought a similar navy military sweater. I have the same shoes, I bought after seeing them on your blog. I’m channeling your look – Lol! You are an inspiration to us all! Love the silver cross necklace you made too! Prayers for Mr. Mickey. Take care and stay healthy!
Wishing Mr. Mickey a speedy recovery! You will both be in my thoughts.
Praying God’s healing touch and amazing recovery for Mr. Mickey…hugs to you both.
like to wish good health and smooth recovery
you are very fortunate to have Sue to be with you during this difficult
Best Wishes
stay safe
Susan, Because you look so adorable in your white jeans I have purchased my first pair in more years than I can remember. I feel so fortunate to have found you, thank you for all your inspiration.
I hope your husband is feeling better everyday. Take care and stay well.
Best Wishes