For the first time in many years, I have not visited the garden center at least three times a week. There isn’t any more space around my entry, and it has remained too frosty at night to add plants in containers outside.

When I moved here six years ago, I added perennial plants in the tiny section by the front door, putting in a few hostas, ferns, creeping jenny, and some other species that thrive in mostly shade.

These plants return each year, so I have minimal work to do in the future.

The trees, shrubs, and rose bushes are part of the well-orchestrated landscape in my planned neighborhood.

These are the rhododendrons I showed you earlier in the week. The blooms last for about three weeks.

Since the fireplace will not be used again until the fall, I moved the accent chairs over to create a more spacious feel in the sitting area.

The weather has remained much too cold to move any plants outside on the screened porch, so it is still empty. I relocated the tea cart to the bay window area and repotted the orchids. This white one has been blooming non-stop for over two years.

That’s the breakfast nook where I enjoy most of my meals.

My vegetarian lunch yesterday included a variety of sauteed mushrooms. I added chopped fresh cabbage near the end of the cooking time. The spinach is raw. I added some roasted red pepper and green olives, black beans, sliced avocado, and a slice of baked sweet potato. I shaved a few pieces of aged sharp cheddar cheese on top and then added hemp seeds. I was so busy; I didn’t get a chance to eat again.

That’s a Japanese Maple behind me. I may add a few more hosta and ferns to this area.
A technician arrived to change my internet provider service, and then the exterminator showed up. I had many errands to run afterward, including picking up Mr. Mickey from his warehouse. He has been working full days this week as he continues to recover from a broken leg at almost eighty-six years old. How incredible is that!
I wore a sweatshirt with jeans and sneakers because I felt like having a casual day, and I wanted to stay warm. I’ve linked to similar items since all of mine are old. Sweatshirt – Jeans – Sneakers – No-Show Socks – Tote – Navy Sweater – Sunglasses – Hoop Earrings – Bracelet – Ring –

Good morning, Susan!
I was enjoying every single word of your post this morning, only to be in complete shock reading that I am one of the winners of a watch!!!!
How thrilling! A beautiful way to start this day! Thank you for this opportunity to receive something so special!
Your home is as elegant, and classy as you are. I love the light coming in from the windows, and your dining table and chairs, the tea cart with the orchid, just such a beautiful environment!
You look special even in casual clothes! Mr. Mickey is amazing! God bless both you.
Congratulations Justine! I appreciate your kind response.
Love the casual look. You inspire me to dress as though it matters how I look. Your meals inspire me to eat healthier. I’m very active and get 10,000 steps daily. I’m not ready to slow down. Bless you in your journey to take care of your 86 yr old friend.
Susan, this is a very personal topic. If I ate what was on that plate (while it looks delicious) I would blow up with gas. Does it take a while for your digestive track
to get use to all these foods being eaten in one meal?
Your body will take a few weeks to adjust after switching to all vegetables. I’ve been eating this way for almost a decade.
Posts like this are some of my favorite- just an average day! I chuckled when you said you were wearing a sweatshirt. That’s the kind of sweatshirt I need to find for my wardrobe; it looks so nice I would probably wear one everyday. Now that you have retired from your business, what do you do to keep yourself busy? I am struggling with that as almost everything is closed and I am home more than ever. I can’t even volunteer! Enjoy your weekend and please extend greetings and well wishes to the infamous Mr. MIckey. Even with a broken leg it sounds like he is busier than I am!!
Blogging is almost a full-time job. It takes many hours to prepare and publish each post.
Your post today brings to mind a title from a film I saw years ago “Lovely and Amazing”. Between your look, your house (inside and out) and Mr. Mickey– I am reminded of both!
Thank you!
With Mr. Mickey in recovery, and I’m glad to heat he’s doing well, who is photographing you? Love the yard pics!
I have mostly used a tripod and the timer on my camera to take photos for the past few months.
Thank you for taking us on a mini home tour and giving us a peek at your inside and outside plants. You surely have a green thumb in addition to an elegant eye for styling home interiors and dressing well.
Thank you for sharing your lovely home.
Your landscaping is so very beautiful.
Thank you for all you share and teach your followers.
I love your home. Lots of light brings in the outside to enjoy. Pretty and comfy outfit. So glad to hear Mr Mickey is getting around. Enjoy your weekend!
Good Morning Susan, all your flowers and plants look luscious! i love your look for today. I know you said before the canvas tote has sold out, but would you mind sharing the brand name? It looks bright and fun!
The canvas tote is by Treasure & Bond, and I bought it at Nordstrom.
Congratulations to the winners!
Susan, love your “casual” outfits. You always look so classy. You wear the same colours and styles that I gravitate to, we’re the same age and those are some reasons why I’m a faithful follower of your blog.
Looking at your flowering bushes makes me so envious! It’s still fairly cold here and the buds are just barely coming out on the trees. There was snow today an hour north of us and it’s supposed to snow here for the next 2 nights.
Hope that Mr Mickey doesn’t over do it. Best wishes to the two of you!
Please tell me how to repot my 2 orchids. They are healthy and bloom often. One is white with a purple center and the other is Purple and is blooming now. It looks like velvet. Have gone on line, but seems too confusing. Thank you if you have a moment. If not, just want to say I so enjoy your emails. Glad Mr. Mickey is recovering nicely. I will be 81 June 1st and still work in family business daily, andplay golf, garden and have a busy full life. Stay safe!
It depends on what type of orchid you have. You will get some information from this video. Click here for a good video which goes into a lot of detail but you will get the idea.
Looking great, Susan! I’m glad to hear Mr Mickey is on the mend, and not letting a little thing like a broken leg slow him down. Make sure you both mind yourselves.
Good Morning Susan,
Thank you for sharing your home with us. It is very lovely. I hope you and Mr. Mickey have a nice weekend.
Your home is absolutely beautiful, Susan. The flowers in bloom are gorgeous! I’m so happy to hear how well Mr. Mickey is doing. He has a great caregiver by having you!
Congratulations to all of the winners!!!
Great post. Thanks for giving us a peek into your gardening world, really enjoyed it.
Your gardens are beautiful. As you’ve probably read in the news, southeast Michigan has been hit incredibly hard by the virus (we’ve lost a few thousand people to the virus in our state) and therefore we’re extra careful with social distancing guidelines. It’s not as easy to shop for plants, but should become easier as the outdoor nurseries open, which will make it safer for all of us to shop among crowds.
Your yard is a lovely sanctuary! I’m so glad to hear you have organized the yard to be easier to care for. After years of a yard that required much attending, I have slowly gone to one with perennials and shrubs. The summer is so much more enjoyable! Your home is a lovely setting for a classy lady! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful landscaping
Your house interior and exterior is lovely as I expected it would be! Blessings to you and Mr. Mickey and prayers for a continuing recovery!
Did you choose your home decor yourself or hire an interior designer?
The decor items were chosen, collected over time during my many travels, repaired, or restored, and placed by me. I’ve never worked with an interior designer.
Sounds like a wonderful day, your flowers are beautiful! Thanks for including us in your day!
Hi Susan…I read your bio and noted you are a veteran of the US Navy as am I and I wanted to thank you for your service. I was commissioned in 1980 and I would assume you entered around that same time when we were indeed rare among the ranks of mostly men. I learned some great lessons among which is maintaining pride in one’s appearance which you certainly demonstrate in your wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing your outlook and thoughts!
Thank you for your service, Kathleen. I entered the service in 1979 and was honorably discharged in 1983. Serving was a life-changing positive experience in so many ways.
Beautiful plants Susan!
Hi Susan,
Your landscaping is beautiful! So glad to hear Mr. Mickey is recovering and is back to work.
We are in a heat wave by day and cool temperature by night with a full moon here in Alameda.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Susan, your yard and home are beautiful. I am interested in your diet. It would be difficult for me to eat only once a day. Is that something you have worked on over the years.
I have never been a big eater. I usually have only two meals a day. Sometimes I have a piece of fruit and some plain yogurt for breakfast, and then about four hours later, I will have a meal similar to the one I showed in this post. I feel so much better when I don’t eat an evening meal.
Your home and yard are lovely!
HI Susan, my favorite way to dress is sporty. Just wondering if you do the planting, or supervise someone? I find it to be hard labor. Glad Mr. Mickey is doing good with his healing. I was happy to know he had sold his business, especially since this injury. I am interested in the sneakers from Everlane. Did you order your normal size? They look so very comfortable. I enjoy your blog so much. Take care! Pat
I have planted all of the plants other than the roses, shrubs, and trees. Those were here when I moved in. Yes, it is very hard work to do lots of gardening. That is why I planted only those plants that return each year. I bought the sneakers in my usual size. They were very comfortable from the first hour.
Your garden is lovely! Congrats to the lucky Nordgreen watch winners! I’m sure you’ll get years of wear in the classic watch!
You are always an inspiration to me
Well it sounds like Mr. Mickey is doing well with rehab since he is able to go to the warehouse. Best wishes to him for a full recovery.
Love the casual look. It is casual but so put together. Hope you enjoy your Mother’s Day with your Mom and Dad.
Thank you for the tour of your home. It is beautiful just like you. Your lunch looked amazing too. Have you always eaten small amounts or did you learn a new habit? How do you get through the evening without dinner or snacking?
I have never been one to snack and, when left to my own devices, often eat only two small vegetarian meals and perhaps a piece of fresh fruit per day. I also drink more than a gallon of water each day. Sometimes, we may feel hungry, when, in fact, we are thirsty.
Lovely yard. What is the variety of fern? Maple is gorgeous!
Of course you are lovely as always.
The fern initially came from Michigan, where it grows in the woods. A family friend shared some with my mother many decades ago, and she shared it many more times. I’ve planted some in three of my own homes. It is prolific!
I have been meaning to ask for a good while if you buy a cabbage head and shred it yourself, or if you use the prepackaged shredded cabbage. With just two, my cabbage head often doesn’t keep!
I buy one head of cabbage and shred it myself. I rarely finish the whole head.
Your landscaping is just lovely!
As to your meal/diet/vegetarian’ism’….
Do you eat grains such as rice, farro, barley and quinoa ? Do you limit your carb intake ?
How about eggs and/or fish ?
Do you limit the amount or eat only certain types of fruit ?
Do you drink a glass of wine? Red or white ?
And lastly, do you indulge in dessert periodically ?
If so, how often ?
Your home and grounds are beautiful. Your nook is a lovely place to have a meal, soak In the sunshine and enjoy the view.
Thank you,
I don’t have many strict rules about what, when, or how much I eat or drink. I pay attention to how things affect the way I look, feel, and sleep. Changes are evident because I usually have high energy and feel well. If something new gives me issues, I know to avoid that in the future. I shop for what is in season or available at my market and what looks good this week. I rarely have grains or bread. I do sometimes have wild-caught fish and eat eggs about twice a week. I have a couple of glasses of red wine each week. Mr. Mickey and I share a dessert on occasion.
Can you believe how cool it still is in May? My goodness, I am ready for some warm weather to stay. I love orchids! Is there any special thing you can account for it to bloom for so long? I had many, but eventually they got that white fuzzy bug on all of them and I couldn’t control it. Love your purple rhododendrons.
I’m looking forward to warm weather to come and stay for a while too! Dip your scissors in alcohol before trimming off leaves or stems. I can’t tell you why that one orchid has performed so well. I hope it continues to thrive.
Thank you, that’s something I haven’t heard!
Your home is lovely and looks like an inviting home. So happy Mr. Mickey is recovering so well. I too have a special friend who has been so supportive during a recent move and then during this stay at home time. (He is 84 and I just had a birthday and am now 82.) We both play golf at least three times a week. Thank goodness the courses have opened again with some restrictions.
Thank you for your blog. Always look forward to spending time with you!
You have a lovely home with beautiful landscaping. Love those orchids. You must be doing something right to make it so happy. I just received a beautiful orchid for my birthday that I am hoping will thrive for a long time.
Hi Susan,
What a lush garden, so very green and it looks like everything is thriving. Wow, how wonderful you have been so successful with your Orchid blooming that is really something. I love Orchids too, however, never had them last that long. I do educate myself when live plants come into our home so I know what I am doing. My husband is a Master Gardner and has been gardening his entire life. Trees, shrubs, and flowers (we have a rose garden) are like children you really have to know what you’re doing if you want your garden to thrive. It looks like you know what you are doing.
I love the looks of your lunch, we eat very much the same, I am as well mostly plant-based, and try to buy mostly organic. I eat hemp seeds too on my salad but presently are out. My mama used to say, “you are what you eat,” it’s so true.
Mr. Mickey is really something, good for him he’s back at his warehouse working. He’s amazing, full of moxie and spunk. My kind of guy. My husband is the same way. He must be in pretty darn good shape to feel up to working already. It’s the love of YOU and his daughter. It really helps when you have a cheerleader routing for you.
Thank you for sharing your castle with us, it’s very special, love the look.
Thanks for sharing a day in your life. Everything looks so lovely and organized! You look relaxed, comfy and so cute in your Jean attire. And special wishes to Mr. Mickey for a good recovery.
Oh my goodness! Mr. Mickey is not almost 86 years young??? That man has great genes! I thought he was your age! So glad that he’s on the road to recovery!
I so enjoy your lovely posts! You are beautiful!
Thanks for all of the styling tips! Even though I’m only 4 ft. 11 in. tall your posts are so inspiring. Being petite has many challenges but I’m constantly on the lookout for tips on helping me look taller and trim!
Blessings for a beautiful day!
Happy Mother’s Day!
I love reading your posts and seeing how even a casual outfit can look so pulled together. Your garden is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
Any tips on keeping the orchid? I just received one and haven’t had much luck in the past. Your home is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your day. I hope that Mr Mickey continues to improve.
It all depends on what type of orchid you have. If you know the type, look for tips on YouTube for how to care for your orchid. Here is a good starter video.
oh yes – any styling tips for your hair cut would be appreciated. I chose a short haircut right before the stay-at-home order and I’ve tried various ways to style it. Not having much luck today. Smile.
I especially love your breakfast nook, but everything you’ve shown is beautiful.
Excuse my nosiness, but why would one need an exterminator? Maybe it’s because I’m not in the US, but I’m surprised by that.
It is a service where professionals come by monthly and spray or treat the outside of your home so that bugs, spiders, ants, mice, and other pests do not get into your house. I also have my foundation treated for termites each year. It is a way of protecting my investment from the damage some critters can cause.
Oh Susan I am so excited! Can’t believe I won one of those lovely watches. I wear a lot of navy (my black base/neutral color) so will be choosing the navy color. I will think of you each time I wear it.
THANKS! Hoping you and Mr Mickey have a fun happy weekend and so glad he is bouncing back so quickly
While green is not a color for you, it is obvious that you sport a lovely green thumb! I vote for more hostas.
Thankyou Susan for continuing your posts. You are such an inspiration. I love your story and all that you do. Especially now during these times, it is gratifying to hear your positive messages. I look forward to each new post. Hope Mr. Mickey is doing well. You are a lovely couple. Keep well. You are truly appreciated.
Mary in London, Canada
Thank you very much for your comment.
What the heck…he’s working???
Yes! He sold his building and the inventory, so now he has to clean out his desk and files and empty the office.
Your home and yard are lovely. Hope you are able to put your plants out soon. Its been quite warm here in Fl.
I love shade gardens and one very pretty plant that compliments hosta is Solomon’s Seal.
I have managed over the past couple of years to break the shopping habit. I shop my closet. Thank you for inspiring me to create so many combinations that I wouldn’t have thought of.
I enjoy your blog so much and hope you keep them coming.