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What and Why?

Writers follow “The 5Ws” guidelines by investigating the story’s Who, What, Where, When, and Why. So, I am considering a series sharing what I wore for the day and why that was my choice. An example follows. We were going out to dinner. The temperatures were in the sixties, and rain was in the forecast. That means no light-colored pants or suede shoes. I didn’t want to wear a trench coat, but a blazer that wouldn’t be affected too much by raindrops could work.

I bought this faux leather blazer on clearance last year but had not yet worn it. When I consider something out of my comfort zone, I look for a great sale or maybe a thrifted similar item. It’s wise to test drive at a bargain price before investing in a big-ticket item. Balmain jackets have tempted me for a few years, but now I know I would rarely wear it, so it isn’t a wise purchase since garments and accessories need to be in harmony with our personalities. For example, if a colorful top or dress makes you feel like you are yelling, you won’t reach for it often unless you have a very outgoing personality.

Mr. Mickey loved the blazer immediately, as did the edgy nineteen-year-old hostess at the restaurant. I am glad I didn’t spend very much on it since it is too much drama for me. I need to soften all-black ensembles, so I added an iridescent glass necklace I bought a few years ago while on vacation on Hilton Head Island. When I wear all one color, I vary the textures to create a more interesting look.

Similar current items are linked. BlazerShellPantsShoesBagNecklaceEarringsRing. (I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

Please comment below if you would like to see more posts about what I wore and why. And now, a few words from my biggest fan. He wanted to share with you some of what he observes behind the scenes of the blog.

“Hi there! Mr. Mickey here, the Gentleman friend of Susan for the last 16+ years. She is dedicated to covering helpful topics on the blog and loves sharing what she has learned about making a wardrobe work harder, living well, and looking your best. Susan honestly wants to help women by sharing what she has learned the hard way, tries to answer every question, and constantly researches subjects you might enjoy and ways to make the most of what you have. She is genuinely the kindest, most intelligent, hard-working lady I have ever known.

We enjoy your kind comments, reading about your results, and how you use the tips and examples Susan shares.

Thanks for being part of our journey all these years. We both look forward to sharing more with you.”

  1. What a great post! I’d love to see more of these. What you said about how if a colorful dress or top makes you feel like you are yelling really resonated with me. I’ll be culling a couple of things out of my closet later today after reading that. I’ve learned so much about how to dress, and, as Mr. Mickey said so well, to “make the most of what [I] have” from following you, Susan. Thank you. Also, I enjoyed reading Mr. Mickey’s observations in this post. I can always count on learning something new when I read one of your posts. Thank you for always generously sharing your tips.

  2. Susan, your jacket is perfection. I actually thought it was real leather and it makes a very subtle and elegant statement. I always enjoy your posts and particularly enjoy the variation you get from a classic and relatively small wardrobe. Classic is the only way, in my opinion.
    And Mr. Mickey, if I could get my other half to dress half as smartly as you, I would be happy. We’re getting there… slowly.
    Thank you both and I wish you well from the other side of the world!

  3. I also think the outfit looks very smart although I generally think the all black look is wrong for our age group. Lighting matters, too – in the harsh outdoor light, the monochrome black MAY have been very unflattering. The necklace adds a whole lot, too.
    I would be interested in this type of post – the five W’s.
    Good to hear Mr. Mickey weigh in!

  4. Hello Susan. Just wondering if the times we are going through, specifically, the more limiting time of a world pandemic, has possibly constrained your travel opportunities and social activities and thus influenced your wardrobe choices. It may be that this beautiful jacket could be one you consider more often in the future. I am hesitating to cull clothing right now until my “new normal” is established!

  5. It was very nice to hear from Mr. Mickey. Rest assured I have learned a lot from your blog. I would enjoy more of these types of posts. Since you stated the jacket is too dramatic for you, what made you buy it anyway? Did you not discover that until you wore it for a night or did you know it when you bought it? If it’s the later, why did you purchase it anyway? What was your thought process? I see things I like but if they feel like it’s going out on a limb for me, I pass. I now am wondering if maybe sometime I should just give them a go sometimes if there is a solid reason. Thank you for this post.

    1. I have admired similar jackets on other women who consider them classic basics. I love how they elevate a pair of faded jeans, simple dresses, or complete more dressy basic pants and top. In most cases, I need to own something before I know how much I will enjoy it in my daily life. I’ve been surprised both ways. Sometimes I’m sure something will be worn a lot, but it turns out differently, such as this jacket, which will be reserved for only going out in the evening.

  6. Susan, I would Love for you to do this series!!! There is so much content in this first one. You’ve taught me a lot over the last few years. I’ve gone from zero fashion sense of knowing what works for me and what doesn’t, to studying all the different facets of dressing myself. It’s taken a long time to get my coloring down, and it started with a major closet clean out. There were so many warm colors in there that washed me out. Turns out my skin tone is cool. I thought I was a cool, bright person, but something wasn’t clicking. With professional help, I now see the complete picture. I’m cool, soft, and deep. Rather than totally replacing my wardrobe, I will slowly add the soft colors in with new purchases and try to “soften” what I have. Back to studying, and today’s post has helped tremendously. I have a lot of black in the closet and favorite items. Seeing you add the necklace to soften the look gave me another piece to the puzzle I’m solving. Thank you, again, for sharing your style journey with those of us getting a late start. Better late than never!
    Mr. Mickey, loved hearing from you also! Your style is what every woman wants to see in her other half. When my husband isn’t working during the week, it’s a hopeless cause I’m afraid. Looming retirement probably won’t help that cause. Cheers to you both!

  7. A few years ago I lost about 60 pounds and your blog was so helpful in rebuilding my wardrobe. I have learned so much about what to wear as well as what not to wear. Your attention to detail and instructions on why you wear certain items that relate to different body type has been really helpful. I would even like to read about the W’s in the way you make choices for your way of eating. I just love everything about your blog including outings with your Mr Mickey. I also appreciate that you don’t use your blog to constantly link items like so many others do. You truly show that you are here to help women and not generate income from sponsors. Keep on keeping on. Thank you.

  8. Hello to both of you! What a sweet note from Mr. Mickey. Susan, your blog is always a great read and inspiration for me. Your outfit is stunning. I love hearing about your restaurant experiences, I pass them on to my family in Waynesville, N.C. Keep the post coming no matter the subject, they are enjoyable. Wishing you both well from Florida!

  9. I love your sharing your thought process and look forward to this series. So good to hear from Mr. Mickey also.

  10. Hi Susan,
    This post is encouraging us to step out of our comfort zone! Please continue with this advice. The jacket looks great on you with your coloring, love the ring!

  11. You may think you look too dramatic in this pix but from an objective standpoint, I think you look outstanding !
    Great pix of Mr. Mickey as well!

  12. Susan you and Mr. Mickey are delightful! I would like to see the jacket styled a number of ways. I live in Florida and wear that type of jacket for a winter coat.
    The blogs with Mr. Mickey are always the best. Love to see your travels and delicious meals.

  13. Love love love your idea of the 5 Ws. I read every blog post and definitely want to learn more. And, I love when Mr. Mickey contributes!

  14. Hi Susan – and Mr Mickey,

    I think à what and why series would be very interesting! Your comments always make me think and I then consider how to apply your observations to my own style and wardrobe. Your comments about the leather blazer made me smile as I recently had a similar situation. I have wanted a moto jacket but wasn’t sure if it was right for me. I found one on deep discount and while I love it, it is a bit too edgy for me to wear it often. So I’m glad I did not pend a small fortune.

    I love hearing about your adventures with Mr. Mickey too. We visited the Asheville area last year and really enjoyed it.

    Thanks as for sharing,


  15. Personally I think you are an excellent teacher and enjoy all of your posts. Appreciate your classic stunning style. Would like to know when you do shop these days, are you doing more online shopping or in person? Thanks so much!

    1. Nearly all of my shopping has been online for about three years. So that is another reason I bought the faux leather jacket. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to try it on first, but I decided to keep it.

  16. Mr. Mickey is precious and tells us what we see already! I love the article and it’s fun to read! I vote yes!

  17. I always look forward to your blog… pics and adventures. Love the pics of you and Mr M… your wardrobe and well, I admit, double-love the pics of your food adventures!!!!

    Keep ’em coming!!!!

  18. I always enjoy your posts and your tips on wardrobe selection are so helpful. Thank you for keeping us updated and chic.

  19. I think this is a great series—What and Why.
    I agree with Mudra about the “Why not!? ” aspect also.
    Please keep this faux leather jacket and create other outfits with it. I love it!

  20. Enjoyed this post and found the information very helpful. I look forward to similar ones in the future. I’m interested also in learning what features of the jacket were out of your comfort zone- fabric, fit or parts that you don’t want to draw attention to. I always learn so much from you and it helps me in evaluating my closet and purchases. Thank You!

  21. I just found your blog and I am loving it. I love the What and Why section due to explaining the reasons behind your choices. I’ve been in fashion slump for years and your style is very similar to what I lean towards. You are exactly what i need, Thank you!

  22. Thank you for the thoughtful insight you give to us with your posts. I love the idea of telling us the when, where, what and why for your clothing choices. Each time I read one of your blog posts, I go to my closet and look for those impulse buys that I’ve never worn and pull them out.

  23. Love your idea for the “investigative” series! And I always appreciate and enjoy (and learn from) your tips.

  24. I think that is a great idea! How you manage to come out with new topics all the time I’m certain is not an easy feat! Purchasing on line for me has been hit and miss. I’m not a great shopper to begin with. When I shop in person I always have to try on many many things before I find something that fits correctly and that I am happy with.
    Nice to see Mr. Mickey’s message today. He is definitely your biggest supporter. You make a nice couple.
    Have a great day!

  25. This jacket looks stunning on you. Sometimes it is good to step out of your comfort zone. Regardless of how you feel about the jacket, it is a winner!

  26. The world and people have changed so much since the seventies when I was a young adult. What characterizes the young age group today is the style very far from me. That’s why all of Susanne’s writing is especially valuable to me and as soon as I read the current post, I look forward to reading the next one. I’m so glad there’s still a lady worth paying attention to. Thanks. Eve

  27. The five Ws would be a most interesting and informative series. You look stunning in this outfit…the necklace is perfect. I especially love Mr. Mickey’s sweet words about you! In no shape, form or fashion are you taken for granted. That is precious.

  28. Wonderful idea for a new series.
    The comment by Mr. Mickey is delightful.
    I’m curious – did you swap out the original button on the blazer for other buttons?

  29. Susan, you look fabulous in that blazer! I would enjoy reading more posts about what you wore and why. Would you feel comfortable sharing sizes as well? When I order clothing online I tend to purchase clothes that are too big. I prefer trying things on at the store, but there’s so much more variety online.

    Thank you for taking us on your journey. I so enjoy seeing your photos and reading your posts.

  30. Susan,
    My dilemma: oh whoa, is me, I have two homes. One in NE Ohio and another in SW Florida. Over the past seven years I have accumulated a lot of clothing.
    I purge my closets every season and send at least 20 or 30 items to a local consignment store. I take several Florida items back to Ohio for the summer. However, I still stand in my FL or OH closet and find nothing to wear. I enjoy shopping in FL, because the clothing is definitely geared to the climate. No jackets required. I enjoy reading your blog regularly. I’m sure their are others like me who want to learn how to pare their wardrobe down but still want to look up to date.

  31. This is a lovely post. I enjoy your informative style and I always learn something. I have been shopping exclusively online for the past two years and your suggestions have helped me tremendously. You have introduced me to many sites that I wouldn’t have visited and have been very pleased with my purchases. I feel like you have become a ‘personal shopper’ for me in many ways! Thank you for your generosity in sharing your insight into fashion with all of us.

  32. OMG, I am in love with this jacket and you look stunning in it. Just my style! Glad to see both you and Mr. Mickey are starting to get out more.

  33. Susan, you look beautiful as always! I appreciate your suggestions & keep them in mind when I shop & daily as I prepare for the day.
    Wonderful to hear from Mr. Mickey today! I hope he makes comments again. .
    You two are a stunning & lovely couple! It is fun to hear of your travel & dining experiences.

  34. You look terrific in that blazer! I think you got the look you wanted. Susan, I did enjoy this post. I buy inexpensive items occasionally to test the waters too. Since I’ve retired my clothing needs are so different, but I still gravitate to looks that aren’t practical for my present life. I’m constantly having to ask myself when and how often will I wear this piece? I realize these are questions for us all. So delightful to hear from Mr. Mickey. He truly treasures your relationship.

  35. I too have always shied away from a leather blazer but I think this looks amazing on you. You have made it a very classy outfit with the pieces you chose to wear with the blazer. Mr. Mickey is 100% right!! I always look forward to your posts because you research your choices so thoroughly. I have bought several pieces on your recommendation- especially the Beautycounter products – and love them all. Please keep providing your valuable advice. And thanks to Mr. Mickey for his post – I love to hear a man’s prospective. Thank you.

  36. Susan,

    I think you looked stunning in this outfit! Yes, please do continue this “series”. It was also lovely to hear directly from Mr. Mickey!

  37. Thank you for sharing Susan. I always (ALWAYS) enjoy your posts and your fashion advice. I have a wonderful black leather jacket I haven’t worn at all this year. We’ve had an unseasonably warm winter so I really didn’t need it. There is snow (yes snow) in the forecast for this weekend when we have plans both Friday and Saturday evenings with friends and this could be a wonderful time to wear my black jacket. Thank you for always inspiring me to look my very best around the house and when I go out.

  38. This is a wonderful idea- I always love hearing about the thought process of someone’s decision. Especially in wardrobe choices, where I have a real challenge. Thank you for all the hard work you do- it’s been very inspiring. And thank you Mr. Mickey for weighing in and sharing your thoughts. You are both gems!

  39. You look great here! The necklace is the perfect touch & the blazer looks very good. All of your posts are so enjoyable.

    Have you posted suggestions for what to wear to a bridal shower and a wedding? These are coming back now and I am excited to attend with my college-student daughter who is a bridesmaid. I feel very out of practice for these events. Your input would be much appreciated.

    1. Without knowing more about the venue, the weather, and your style, I would suggest that you wear what is appropriate for the event, the weather, and something that helps you feel confident and comfortable. For example, I would not wear a white or a black dress to a wedding, and I would never wear jeans to a shower. On the other hand, dressy pantsuits or simple dresses with pretty accessories in soft neutral colors such as plum, navy, taupe, or pale gray are always lovely.

  40. P.S. We live in the relaxed mid-West and the bridal shower is early spring and the wedding in early summer and outdoors.

  41. Susan, I love your blog and think a why I wore it series would be wonderful! And Mr. Mickey is a doll.

  42. You look amazing Susan. I would love more posts like this one. Mr Micky sounds so supportive of you and what a great photograph of him.

  43. This was interesting reading. I do see things on others that I think I would like but the style is not for me. I do enjoy your style and get many ideas from you.

  44. The first word that came to my mind was “Wow!” You look so sharp in that blazer, as well as the overall outfit. The second thing that came to my mind was, if I had seen something like it online or in a store, I would’ve wanted it to be sitting in my closet. You and Mr. Mickey are the coolest. May I say, with all due respect, that he looks absolutely dreamy in that photo.

  45. Would love for you to continue on this awesome idea! Can’t wait to see future posts. Thank you for all of your inspiration.
    Mr. Mickey always looks so classy and timeless. You are a very lucky couple to have each other and enjoying all the things you have in common.

  46. Love the idea of what and why! You look fabulous as always, but I agree, you have to be comfortable and like what you wear. Love Mr. Mickey’s sincere description of his very special lady! I enjoy following along on your adventures!

  47. Just love your blog. You have a knack for personalizing your posts, without being too invasive; it is just right! I appreciate the time and effort you put into researching your topics, and having Mr. Mickey weigh in is an added treat!

  48. Gentile Susan è sempre un piacere seguirti , molto apprezzato l’intervento del tuo compagno di vita ,ha avuto per te espressioni di affetto e stima.Siete ambedue persone eleganti e posate.complimenti per le nuove idee.

  49. Love the post, especially the details about the jacket. I love to hear about WHY you make the choices you do, and I also like to hear about the “fails” – the outfit or garment that just doesn’t make it and why.

  50. Hola Susan,
    te sigo desde España y para mi, recien jubilada, ha sido un hallazgo. Estoy aprendiendo mucho con tus consejos, y en esta nueva etapa de mi vida, junto con la terrible pandemia necesito encontrar mi sitio esteticamente tambien.
    Todo esto esta afectando a mi vida y tus consejos de verdad que me ayudan y estoy consiguiendo mejorar. Utilizo el traductor de google, ya que no domino el ingles y aunque con algunas traducciones peculiares consigo entender bastante bien tus consejo. Gracias. Maria José

  51. I would love for you to do a what and why. You have been so helpful! I began using scarves again and receive so many compliments!

  52. I love this edgy yet classic outfit, Susan. It’s amazing to me how the necklace softened it. Never would have occurred to me. Thank you!

  53. This was great! Love the “What and Why” and look forward to reading more!
    And, thank you, Mr Mickey…so fun hearing from you!

  54. I enjoy learning about how you put together outfits and what goes into putting them together. My husband just retired in February. I have been retired for a while. I have learned a great deal, but I am still learning. Thank you.

  55. Susan, yes, to the series. I haven’t been to my upstairs closet in awhile so your pointers will be needed. Mr. Mickey is a gem I think you two have the best of two worlds.

  56. Susan, I like your choice of the faux leather blazer. You look great in it. I think it is edgy and displays your sense of fashion explicitly. I too have a black leather blazer that I inherited from my fashionista mother. Every time I wear it I think of her. She lived to be 89 and was an immaculate dresser. She loved her pearls and leopard prints! And I appreciate your wardrobe picks of jeans and blazers. That is my style uniform too. Have a wonderful spring! And thank to Mr Mickey for his glowing review of you!

  57. Hi Susan
    You have no need to feel uncomfortable in that outfit. It is fantastic!! And you look great!
    I know you bought the blazer awhile ago
    But can you tell me the brand name please?

  58. Yes, please! I love knowing the logic behind your purchases and how/when you wear the pieces and combine them! Thank you so much for helping us look our best!!

  59. Susan I would love to see more posts on what and why clothing choices for the day. I so appreciate your guidance in style choices for a woman over 60 like myself. Your style is beautifully classic and it is obvious that you put a lot of thought into recommendations you offer for wardrobe building. I cannot tell you how very much I enjoy your blog. Many thanks.

  60. I think your outfit looks great, but I understand that you will be more comfortable wearing it in the evenings only. You’ve influenced me to buy a half dozen blazers over the years, which I had given up when I retired. My hubby calls them “sportcoats” and assumes I’m very dressed up when I wear one! Recently, I bought a cashmere hoodie to layer under the blazers and think that it will lend a more casual vibe and allow me to get more wear out of them. I enjoyed this post and hope you will do more in the same vein.

  61. Hello from NH! I love the 5 W’s idea about your outfits. I’ve been a fan for many years and continue to learn from you. You’re such an inspiration for women! What a treat to hear from Mr Mickey. You two are such a lovely couple. Thank you for doing what you do!

  62. The pair of you are so lovely and generous.
    Thank you for your wonderful advice it has really given me confidence in my clothing choices. I’ve realised recently that my clothing tones must be in harmony with my quiet personality and I feel so much more comfortable with my choices now, thank you Susan for that.
    I look forward to your blogs because they are informative and not a hard sell.
    Thank you and take care. Denise (Australia)

  63. Hi Mr. Mickey and Susan,
    Because Mr. Mickey made a special invitation, I would like to post a comment. I am a 58 year old working mother who is an attorney in Massachusetts. Working full-time, being married and raising 2 kids and a big Bernese Mountain Dog, I’m at a new phase in my life, whereby I am semi-retired and want to focus on my (much neglected) self-care. I stumbled upon Susan’s website/blog and immediately have been hooked ever since. It’s been a few years I think. The thing I like most about Susan is her elegance and grace. She is very attractive, and is classy in a real and accessible way. I am learning so much from her blog, and get the added pleasure of reading the travel diary of your day-trips. Honestly, you two appear to really know how to get the most fun and juice out of life itself. Way to go.
    Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you! I am enjoying the blog and everything else. 🙂
    All the best,
    Angela Gregory

  64. Mr. Mickey described you well, as we know you. Looking at other fashion bloggers that are more like salespeople, and I understand that is how they support their businesses . You, however, are most generous to share your knowledge and life experiences. Regarding the faux leather, do you think it could be styled more casual. I have a leather blazer that I bought from Neiman years ago. I have a problem reaching for it also. Best always, Susan

  65. I hope I can be as fortunate as you, Susan, and find a “Mr. Mickey” in my life. I have been widowed for 11 years. Your story is encouraging.

  66. I love this idea. Please continue with what and why. I have learned a great deal from you in the past few years and look forward to learning more. (And such sweet comments from Mr. Mickey.)

  67. I would definitely love to see more posts about what you wore and why. I often buy things I see and like at first but don’t give much thought to the why or where I will wear it. I guess I impulse buy often. Trying to steer away from that.

  68. Love the idea of what and why. I truly love your classic tailored and always elegant style. I check every few days for your post and often reread your older ones. I love to hear about your life style and relationship with Mr Mickey. Lovely couple!! You have long been an inspiration. Never stop.
    Mary from Canada

  69. Love your topic,what and why. You always look great. So enjoy all post that contain Mr.Mickey. You both make all of your adventures look like so much fun! Keep it up !

  70. Well I think you look fabulous in that jacket! You need to wear it more often. I would love more who, what where, and why articles. Say hi to Mr. Mickey. I love seeing and hearing from him.

  71. Susan, it was so interesting and refreshing to read how you chose your outfit. I’d love to see more posts on the 5W’s. And, I enjoy seeing Mr. Mickey ( in his classic impeccable clothing) and reading his behind the scenes comments. Great post!

  72. I can see why Susan has stuck with you for 16 years !…….You are one handsome guy !! From your comments, it seems you are a likable guy, too. I’ve been following Susan for years……….I’ve learned some of the things she talks about the hard way, too – which equates to wasted money. I did a major de-cluttering of my closet after I retired, sending 5 portable clothes racks of clothes to the Haven of Rest, a local charity to help people get back on their feet. The thing that struck me the most is, I STILL had loads of clothes. and I haven’t missed any that I parted with. I’ve since de-cluttered my closet again, with 2 clothes rack of clothes. I don’t know how I got all that stuff in there ! My husband, Roger, and I travel a lot (until COVID) and we have packing down to a science. We can go to Europe for 2 weeks in a carry-on bag !! I;m sure I’ve updated the packing list I sent to Susan several years ago, as I use a CPAP machine and it has to go with me.

    I’ve use the old trick of turning my hangers around to see what is being worn, but how do you determine which scarves need to go ?My costume jewelry is hanging on shower hooks, so I turn them around when I wear a necklace, etc. but I never can remember if I’ve worn a scarf recently. .

  73. First of all I love this outfit on you but I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to wear something too “loud” if you’re not an outgoing person. I can so relate. And second, I LOVE hearing from Mr. Mickey. You two have the most wonderful relationship – you seem so well suited and so happy together. I’m happy for both of you. And yes, I’d love more topics like this as it makes all the sense in the world to me. All my best to the both of you. I’ve been a devoted reader for many years.

  74. I fully agree with Mr. Mickey. You are an inspiration for the over 60 ladies. Please continue the 5 W’s. I am retired but care passionately how I present myself to others.

  75. Thank you for helping women feel and look better. Your tips on clothes and diet are much appreciated. I always enjoy your stories and fun dates with Mr Mickey. You make a darling couple.

  76. you always have spot on comments for real women. I really appreciate your “service”. Nice comments from Mickey. I love your new perspective…thanks, julia

  77. Yes I want to read more posts on what you wore and why! Hearing Mr. Mickey’s perspective was fun too! More please!

  78. You two are a power couple in style, grace, ease, and symmetry! Thanks so much for all the work you do.

  79. Yes, love your idea of the 5 W’s as pertaining to fashion!

    What a great photo of Mr. Mickey; a very handsome man. I just love the fact that you both are very much aware of how what one wears projects personality and invokes impressions, correctly or not.

    I can relate to your comment about the blazer creating too much drama: good way to explain it. I’ve made the mistake of impetuous purchases and regretting not wearing what I thought I would love wearing often. Live and learn hopefully.

    Thank you for you, and Mr. Mickey’s thoughtful observations.

  80. I love this idea Susan about what you are wearing and why. Your advice about buying something you’re not sure about at a lower price point is good. Last year I bought a linen jumpsuit because I had seen other bloggers wearing them. I don’t hate it but the colour isn’t right and I don’t enjoy wearing the outfit. I’ll continue to get some wear out of it but next time I will take your advice and see if I can find something second hand first, to try it out.

  81. hi Susan@ Please keep these posts coming! I love it! You and Mr. Mickey are very inspiring! I truly enjoy all the details you share with us! Thank you!!!!

  82. Yes please on a what and why series! You look great in the jacket. It was styled perfectly and your lovely gray hair added a touch of elegant sparkle as well as the necklace!

  83. Yes, please share of this kind of article. I always enjoy your blog. You’ve helped me to understand a cashmere sweater isn’t too expensive if I wear it frequently. I have done that this past winter and enjoyed them immensely! I buy fewer clothes, and only what fits my personality and looks and fits well now. Thank you!

  84. Hi Susan.
    I have enjoyed our blog so much,and learned a lot! I purchased three scarves from your collection,and I am so glad that I did,because they are such a nice addition to my wardrobe. I really like the black faux blazer it’s a bit edgy and very chic! Mr. Mickey looks very handsome.

  85. I also purchased a similar jacket and regret it too. It is too harsh for me; I am ok with all black but not that finish.

  86. Very smart looking outfit! Liked seeing you a little edgy! I appreciate all your input on style and flair at 60 and older. I wear shapeez only, I loove the retro soma no line panties, I finally got rid of the rest! I, like you feel much classier in solid colored tops and accessorize with scarves and necklaces. I have very similar coloring to you, so I like your taste! You have been extremely helpful with your dietary advice along with exercise. Thanks for all your time and effort. I have learned so much and use what I’ve learned!❤

  87. I would enjoy seeing what you wear on a daily basis for casual as well as for more formal activities. You always look lovely along with excellent information. Mr. Mickey’s pretty sharp too. Thanks for sharing!

  88. I love seeing you both enjoying life and looking great while at it! Susan has wonderful advice and always puts together perfect outfits. We do enjoy seeing the handsome Mr. Mickey often too!

  89. I like this, please do more! And I also like Mr. Mickey’s comments as well!
    Bring it on!

  90. Yes I would like to hear more about the 5Ws. Great necklace today. I love it that you really know your look and what works for you.

  91. Yes please. Thank you for sharing your experiences, advice and wisdom.

    Dear Mr Mickey, I’m sure I’m not the only follower who agrees wholeheartedly.

  92. I love the look, too. I’ve learned so much from you. (Still learning, still making some poor choices, but fewer than before.) Thank you.

  93. Great to hear from Mr. Mickey. Enjoy your blog posts and look forward to more in the same style you have created for your readers.

  94. When I saw the photo I just went WOW! I LOVE the jacket. I LOVE it on you! I consider my favored style of dressing “put together” and “ striking.” And that you are!

  95. I think the 5 w’s will make very interesting topics.

    I also think you are both very blessed to have such wonderful companionship in your lives.

  96. Hi Susan
    I read all your posts and really appreciate them. My question today is about carrying smart phones. I want to keep mine close most of the time but I don’t always want to carry a purse, especially for casual outings. Any insight about this?

  97. I love your honesty and elegant style. At 65, I still want to feel pretty and look nice. Your advice is very much appreciated. And unique because you own your stage of life so beautifully.

  98. Thank you for all the helpful and advice and information you’ve passed along to us. I’ve really learned a lot from your past videos and your blog, and appreciate it all very much. This look is a favorite, though you have many that I admire for their elegant classiness, while not being over the top. More of these types of posts please, and thanks to Mr. Mickey for his thoughtful comments as well.

  99. What a lovely post, Susan and Mr. Mickey, and so nice to hear from both of you! I think you are both very fortunate to have found each other all those years ago, and I suspect that you might agree. You look so content together.
    In my humble opinion, Susan, you look fantastic in the black blazer, and the tasteful pale blue necklace is perfect for you with your colouring, and for the whole look. Also, yes, I enjoy reading why you have put together what you did.
    Have a great day.

  100. Dear Susan and Mr.Mickey, this blog and the previous one (50 not frumpy), was life changing for me. I’m originally from Europe, and came to study in California where I ended up getting married, and having kids after graduation. My style was always classic, but somehow that got lost. Three children, work from home, sports activities, and I mostly wore yoga pants, tees, and capris! Yikes! When I was in my late 40-ties (I’m 52 now) I found both blogs. Susan helped me built my new wardrobe. Now when I have a function to go to I have all I need. Don’t have to stress over unmatchable pieces, or styles that don’t flatter my figure or complexion. Even Susan’s healthy journey, simple meals, and of course fantastic get aways have been so inspiring. Posts of Mr. Mickey’s and your adventures, daily style inspiration, what you eat, and that one post when you had two contrasting pictures of you wearing unflattering clothes are my favorite. Best to you and Mr.Mickey. You two a are very good looking couple with real zest for life.

  101. I think the look is great. Very pretty except for the buttons. They strike me as being too casual for the ensemble. They also call attention to the only awkward area of the outfit. Consider changing them out for solid black buttons that have some elegance to them.

  102. I would love to see more of the “what I wore and why I wore it” posts. You and Mr. Mickey are living well and I enjoy reading about your adventures.

  103. Loved hearing from Mr. Mickey! Susan is truly an inspiration for women who want to look stylish and elegant. Mr. Mickey has been a good influence through the photos for my sig other. Seeing a gentlemen dressed comfortably yet stylishly has really upped my guy’s game.

    Thanks to you both for sharing a little bit of your lives.

  104. I love the idea for this new series and I look forward to future posts. I think we have all run out the door in haste and found that what we chose to wear wasn’t quite right. My latest unfortunate incident occurred when I went to lunch with some friends. I looked perfectly fine at home, but under the spotlights in the restaurant I realized my cami was see-through and everyone was being treated to a rather unflattering view of my black bra. Ooops!

  105. I look forward to your blog and gain such inspiration. I would love a what and why blog..
    You are such an inspiration to women of all ages. Thank you for all you do to bring us such a great blog.

  106. I enjoyed reading about the “Why”…What you said about the jacket is so true and I love the idea of “test driving” a pricey item by going inexpensive or thrift first. Thanks for helping to keep us 60 somethings looking good!

  107. Hello Susan and Mr. Mickey! Thank you for the new series on the 5 W’s. I have a similar blazer from Chico’s and I will wear it this weekend. I usually only wear it in winter but you’ve given me the confidence to wear it in springtime.

    Thank you for your blogs. They gently push me in directions after reading them.

  108. Absolutely loved everything about this post!
    I’m glad you’re keeping the jacket as I think it looks great on you. Mr. Mickey’s comments made me smile He’s a gem.
    I learn so much from your blog(s). and appreciate every bit of advice you give. The 5 Ws would be an interesting concept to read about.
    I’m looking to purchase a backpack for travel. I have seen some advertised that open towards your back for safety and others that lock. Any suggestions?

    1. The only backpack I have is the one I use for hiking. If you have found a sleek, secure pack that you like and that will hold all your belongings, you would be wise to get that one. Test drive it before you go on your trip. I know from experience they can be uncomfortable and break if they are not constructed properly.

  109. Susan, I would love to see more what and why post. I love your blog and have learned so much from you. I also love to see Mr. Mickey’s style and comments.

  110. PLEASE SHARE. YOU and Mr. Mickey make my day. So many great ideas. We are originally from Spartanburg, S.C. I LOVE ASHEVILLE!!! Beautiful city Great people.

  111. Please do more blogs of WHO WHAT WHERE WHY! I look foreward to the explination of
    why you you pick the clothes you wear everyday.

    Thank You,

    Janet F. Hebbard

  112. I wait for your blogs…I get excited to see them when they come up on my email. They are so informative and give me encouragement. Thank you

  113. I enjoy your clothing posts but your journey to weight loss and better health is what really inspires me. On the days when you publish meal and cooking tips, my day is made! Those are my favorite posts which I reread for ispiration.

  114. Susan is one of my favorites. I love the posts and tips and have tried so many of her outfit ideas and tips

  115. Yes I liked the articles from both of you and would like to read more . I save all your outfits on my Pinterest for fashion ideas. Could you also lead me to bloggers that are 60+ and tall so I can review their outfits also ? I am 5’11 and have trouble with front tucking or not

  116. Wow! That is all I can say. Susan, you look so elegant and smart in that jacket. I would love to read your series of the 5Ws. I enjoy reading about Mr. Mickey’s choices.

  117. Hi Susan—here’s my question for you…do you treat your home the same way as your wardrobe? We recently bought a condo and are in the decorating stage. I find that I only want things that are functional or have multiple uses or things that really spark joy for me. I enjoy your blog and have learned a lot from you! Thank you!

    1. I’ve collected what I genuinely love. You will always find a place for what you love, and it will give you joy whenever you look at it or use it. Wait for the ONE so that you don’t end up with a lot of just OKs.

  118. Good morning, Susan,

    I am so thankful that I found your blog after brousing on Pinterest one day. I have gotten so many ideas to alter my wardrobe and accessories. I’m still trying to wear what I have and add a cardigan, new blouse or jacket with it. I shop at Talbot’s (love their jeans) and purchase some great finds at TJ Maxx and sale items on line. The other day I wore a long sleeve denim shirt with white jeans and a coral belt. It was a pretty combination. I got the denim idea from you, and have also paired it with the fleece vests that were on sale. I have plaid and printed shirts, which I can pair with sweaters. Talbot’s shows some lovely combinations for doing this. I love my Beauty in Stone earrings and the two necklaces I purchased also. Quality Jewelry!

    Mr. Mickey, Susan is very blessed to have you in her life. You have been to so many beautiful places, and you’re a very “Sharp Dresser” yourself. Your new friends look like so much fun, and what a cute pup.

    Thank you again, Susan, for being so genuine, talented and sharing your healthy lifestyle. I have shared your blog with many friends.

    Sherry, a Louisiana Girl

  119. Susan,
    Mr. Mickey’s writing reminded me of why I enjoy your posts. Your dedication to helping women look and feel their best. You simplify getting dressed and maintain a put-together look for casual everyday outings like going to the grocery store… all the way to the fabulous outfit(s) for dinner dates and holidays.

    Can’t wait for your what and why posts.

    Thank you.

  120. Thanks Susan, I love this idea of the 5Ws. I am English, moved to Toronto, Canada in my 20’s and to Dallas in my 40’s where I met my husband. in 2020 we retired and moved to Lucca, Italy. I always look forward to reading your articles and following your style ideas. I loved your description of eyebrows being sisters not twins which made made my life so much easier! A big thank you!

  121. Dear Susan:

    I always get excited when you are in my “inbox” in the morning when I am having coffee! You and I share the same love of classic clothing and beautiful accessories. I thought you looked stunning in that jacket with one exception…the buttons. Do you think you would wear the jacket more with maybe black or silver buttons? It fits you so well. I love monochromatic outfits and they are very popular right now. The accessories you chose were lovely. I avidly read anything you write, so bring it on!


  122. Susan,
    I would love to see more posts like this. I read quite a few fashion blogs but yours is so
    Informative and real. Some bloggers look like they are trying too hard. I love how you take your basics and put together great outfits. Thank you!

  123. You look lovely and elegant as usual. Your tips always make perfect sense. Thank you for sharing Mr. Mickey with us as well. I am glad to be told we don’t have to rush out and buy the latest trend to look timely and appropriate.

  124. More articles like this one is a great idea! I found it very informative. Your outfit is stunning!! I imagine the jacket could be worn with blue jeans in the fall/winter with a houndstooth or other traditional print scarf to tone down the edginess.

  125. When ever you share a picture of an outfit along with the explanation certainly helps me to re-evaluate my wardrobe. I have cleaned out a lot of clothes by your helpful hints and I have a picture album with styles that look great on you and I think I can wear as well. The pictures remind me on how to “decorate my body” in a classic but comfortable way.
    Thank you both for suggestions, pictures and some laughter thrown in once in a while!
    Clara from Iowa

  126. Enjoyed this post and the format! Especially like your outfit and the way you styled the complementary accessories to the black. Love your jacket; it suits you, especially the length which is perfect on you! And, so nice to have a special friend in your life who is so supportive!

  127. I so enjoy your posts. I’m not wardrobe creative so your guidance is so appreciated.
    Such nice, supportive comments from Mr Mickey. I too am fortunate to have a supportive partner and like you I don’t take this special gift for granted.

  128. Hi Susan, I look forward to your intelligent and educational posts each week and appreciate you taking the time to research and report. If I could ask one thing for all the ladies who are short-waisted, have long legs and look better in creams and warmer colors, could you write about what type of clothes to look for and where to find those options, as well? So many stores just offer white tops which do not compliment my complexion. Thank you!

    1. Spring is a good time for you to shop. The colors offered are usually warm and soft cream, camel, peach, and other dusty colors that look good with your coloring.

  129. Always enjoy all you posts. Many times your outings have made me wish I could go with you. And yes I would look forward to your what and why series. Thanks.

  130. Thank you Susan and Mickey for the lovely post. The jacket is darling and looks fabulous on you! It’s one of those classic pieces you will have forever. Yes, would love to see more of The Who What Wear theme. I appreciate reading and learning from all of your posts. Loved your comment about how a colorful top or dress might make you feeling like you’re yelling so you might not reach for it much. So true! Thanks for your time, wisdom and dedication to us, your followers!

  131. Nice picture Mr. Mickey. A handsome fellow you are. Enjoy hearing about your outings together and you both make a very striking couple. Keep up the good work…..

  132. I LOVE the outfit – so classy. I purchased a faux leather drape front jacket last year that gives the same effect. You just feel so together . Your pic gave me ideas for the jewelry touches. Thank you!

  133. How very interesting to hear how you decide which outfit gets to go out with you for what event. Thank you for sharing. So nice to hear from Mr. Mickey, too. He has been our adventure companion, too, as we accompany you in print.. I only recently discovered you and have learned a lot. Traveling vicariously has been fun. Thanks for thoughtfully documenting and sharing your fashion journey.

  134. I have read and appreciated your work for years. It is quite evident you have found your calling/mission/purpose. All the thinking and planning go into the front end so when it’s time to dress, a look comes together easily. Thank you for your research and for condensing and sharing your knowledge and experiences. I look forward to each new entry. You have greatly influenced my shopping and wardrobe choices and combinations. You are a great teacher and encourager.

  135. Susan, I think you should do that! I also think you should continue as long as possible. At 82, I love when people tell me I do not look my age, and they love the way I dress. I work 20 hours a week. I buy all clothes at Talbots. I started counting calories almost 2 years and have reached my ideal weight of 110. We must stay busy, eat well, and more importantly, have a positive attitude. I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2019 with already spread to 5 parts of my body. But you would never know it. Keep the faith!!

  136. You look beautiful as always. I really enjoy your fashion tips and pictures. Watching you and Mr. Mickey enjoying life makes my heart happy. Thank you for what you do and for sharing a piece of your lives with the rest of us.

  137. Hi Susan and Mr. Mickey, your jacket looks great! I appreciate how you combined the glass necklace with black. I love to wear black now that I have silver hair but I hope I’m not overdoing it as one of my friends is always encouraging me to wear jewel tones, which I also enjoy! I like to add a pop of color but scarves are often uncomfortable to wear for most of the year here in Charlotte. I went to ASU in Boone so I love seeing your photos of western NC and eastern Tennessee. Wishing you continuing success with your endeavors, Janet

  138. I love your blog posts, and am very excited for your possible “what, why” feature. Your posts brighten the start of my days,

  139. I do enjoy your “what” and “whys”. Since I began reading your blog, I catch myself being a bit more critical of my purchases and considering my own whys. Your posts are very helpful as I try to navigate toward a longer lasting, less trendy wardrobe.

  140. I enjoyed this post especially and loved the edgy, yet sophisticated look! I would love to see mor 5 W’s posts!

  141. The why and when is a good idea. I lack in the fashion department and never spent much time on it. I wore one of your recommendations & received many compliments. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  142. I love this outfit! I think that your faux black leather blazer can be a very versatile piece….by that I mean it can be dressed down or the way you look in this today!
    Now I’m on the hunt!
    I am the woman who will wear a statement Tee, or tunic….with dark pants……so love this blog! Also nice to read from your cute man friend❤️❤️

  143. Hi Susan,

    Greetings from Massachusetts!!! I love your exploration of What and Why? Consciously or not, what and why our day looks like will determine what we wear. Great subject matter.

    What a nice surprise hearing directly from Mr. Mickey! Thank you for that. How blessed are we to have a life partner who loves and cares for us.

    I’m on the tail end of Covid and feel well enough to tackle some wardrobe spring cleaning after reading your WAW (What and Why) blog.

    If you have any advice about hair dye would love to hear from you. I’m 63 and do not want to go gray yet, however I’ve developed an allergy to it (itchy, patchy scalp aka contact dermatitis).

    Thank you and God bless,
    Julie Johnston

  144. Yes! Please continue sharing your 5w’s. Learning your how’s and why’s has been very helpful for this 62 year old former teacher now grandma who desires to be both practical and classy. Your wisdom, kindness, enthusiasm and grace shine through your posts. Thanks!

  145. The outfit looks stunning on you, and loved hearing Mr Mickey’s comments. He always looks amazing as well! Have enjoyed your blog for years, learned a lot, and appreciate all of your tips! Thank you!

  146. Dear Susan,

    I would love to see more articles on this subject. Through the years, I have gotten very mixed up with what to wear. I appreciate your insight on life and fashion and I look forward to your postings. Thank you.

  147. I do love your blog, and hope you will continue with the 5ws. I live in Florida and only items that are for warmer weather is my problem. I just lost 20 pounds last year and have been rebuilding my wardrobe with classic chinos and jeans. Chico’s and Talbot’s are my go too. But even there they have trends that do not last.
    Again, thank you for all your tips. They have been great for me, and I am sure others.
    Kathy Ward

  148. I have a leather blazer which I bought many years ago and I probably only worn it once or twice in all those years. I took it out and it fits and still looks in style. Am I brave enough to wear it? Your stying has given me the desire to wear it again. We all like Mr. Mickey and glad to see his comments and his excellent style when you go out.

  149. Susan,
    The black faux leather jacket looks great on you. Matching it with the glass beads made the look classy. The added words about you from Mr. Mickey are adorable. Thank you for your encouraging and fun Instagram posts as well as the emails.
    Christi Sachs

  150. Hello, Susan (and Mr, Mickey) —

    I simply love your posts and blog! One reason is that you regularly style “budget-friendly” items, i.e., from such stores as Talbots and Chicos. Yes, it’s fun to splurge on occasion, but I (and perhaps many of your followers) have a clothing budget that limits high-end purchases.

    I think your “What and Why” concept is spot-on and look forward to seeing more posts. You could actually do all five W’s: Who ( you, of course), What (your outfit), Where (your destination: dinner, errands, whatever), When (time of day, time of year), and Why (temperature, weather, dressiness of occasion).

    Best to you both,
    Another Susan

  151. Love this post ( like everyone else)! I recently had to go out of town for a funeral and having a hard time deciding what to wear. I took your advice and checked the weather first—chilly and rainy. Then selected shoes that would be good for the weather and built my clothing from there. It made it so easy when I took your advice!

  152. Not sure why you don’t love this look. The jacket is so flatter, classy, and gorgeous on you. I like it better than the high end one. All black is very on trend and classic at the same time. The necklace is beautiful and draws attention to your face. I love everything here. I’m a warm toned person so it’s hard to copy for me. But you look amazing!

  153. I love your blog! I have been following since the beginning of Fifty not Frumpy. It has been interesting to see your style evolve over the years. We have different coloring and shape–I am blonde and curvy. However your lessons are universal. If a women wants to look her best, she must know her body shape, her coloring and determine which styles are most flattering. You always look timeless, elegant, classic, current.

    I look forward to the what and why series–very informative.

    Thank you, Mr. Mickey, for chiming in. Great to hear from you too!

    Most of all, you inspire women of a certain age that life is not over; that is should be lived with zest.

    Question: I know that you regularly purge. Have you ever regretted giving away an item? Maybe after time, realized you should have kept something?

    Thank you for all your hard work to help people you will probably never meet. Thanks to Mr. Mickey for his loving support of your efforts.

  154. Yes, this type of post is very helpful It’s always a treat to see Mr. Mickey. You two are such a lovely couple.

  155. I learn something valuable from every one of your blogs and will look forward to the What and Why posts. The links you provide have saved me so much time and given me confidence that I’m not wasting my money or closet space on clothing purchases. And it’s always special when Mr. Mickey makes an appearance!

  156. Hi Susan. I enjoy seeing how you combine your outfits and what accessories you choose. But I would also enjoy hearing more about Mr Mickey and maybe his thoughts on your choices, how men view a woman’s appearance, weight, personality. He’s very much a part of your posts but we don’t get to hear his point if view. Just a thought. Also it would be nice to have action shots of you in the outfits as well as the posed pictures.

  157. Susan,
    I love your posts and look forward to seeing them in my email. You have great fashion sense and your tips have helped me put together a look in more than one instance.

    I also look forward to hearing about you and Mr. Mickey. I hope you both enjoy many years of good health and happy times. Love the photos!

  158. I have followed your blogs for several years now and always enjoy your outfits and tips. I have a large chest and am always looking for tricks to de-emphasize this part of my body. I find this particularly challenging in summer or when I go to Hawaii (about 3 times per year). What outfit ideas do you have when it’s too warm to wear a completer piece?

    I have 3 black leather jackets and rarely wear any of them. I have been thinking about a white faux leather blazer for spring. What are your thoughts on this piece?

    I appreciate you and your sincere desire to help women with clothing choices. Thank you for writing this blog.

    With appreciation and admiration,

    1. I use jewelry as a third piece when the temperatures rise. Larger earrings and a chunky chain bracelet make a summer dress look polished. I have a white faux leather moto jacket, and I like how it looks with jeans in spring.

  159. I always would like to see what you wore and perhaps why, it has truly helped me to make wardrobe decisions….your porridge has really helped!! Your explanations of demonstration on various jackets, tops etc. were very valuable.

    I would love to see how to stand for photos…I don’t like my photo taken but my husband thinks I look so great (with your help) that he often wants to snap a photo

    thank you for all you do.

  160. You hit the jackpot with Mr. Mickey, Susan. Loving support…it’s a great thing to have.
    Your advice about clothing that is just hard to wear is so true! While I thought it was a bargain at the time, it doesn’t fit my personality. I finally had to face that and donate a couple of too edgy items that looked good in the closet but I never could muster the courage to wear! I think going outside your comfort zone requires “baby steps” instead of a plunge into over the top.
    I look forward to your blog every morning. And love seeing Mr. Mickey and your date adventures. Keep up the great work you do!

  161. What a stunning outfit, I love the way the necklace lifts the whole appearance.

    It is such a joy to get your posts landing in my in-box and Mr Mickey’s input just increases the pleasure

  162. I have enjoyed your articles for years and you have improve my life more than I can say. I am 77 years old and just the other day my husband and I were going out to dinner with the kids and grands and I was working across the driveway and my husband said you don’t look like at 77 years you look much younger. I have learned how to dress nice for my age and to apply makeup, keeps my hair nice and how to stand up and walk straight. It is all to following your advice Susan.
    Thank you. I would love to see more of what, when, where , how & ect. of dressing.

  163. It’s nice that you feel comfortable sharing important people in your life. It’s fun to peek in and see how others you admire live their life. I am 74, trying to still dress well and stay current and stylish for my age and body challenges. Your tips are always helpful. I’m not quite there yet with your basic fashion choices as I enjoy shopping too much but I see that I will probably move more in that direction as I advance in age.

  164. Hello Susan & Mr Mickey. I too would love a series on the 5 W’s. By the way, I think you looked stunning in the black ensemble. I have a black leather blazer that is nearing 20 years and it still fits & looks great although I only wear it during our mild California winters. Reading your blog has changed my life. After purging my closet of clothing I really didn’t care for or wear has given me the freedom to focus on a classic wardrobe that makes it so much easier to dress each day. Thank you Susan for sharing your wealth of knowledge and sense of style. It is so refreshing and much appreciated! Loved Mr. Mickey’s comments. He is a true gentleman!

  165. I have just started following you and have learned so much. I love each post. Thank you for helping me as work to make my closet a stress free zone and putting together outfits that make me feel good about myself.

  166. Susan. What a delightful handsome gentleman you are surround by. Would love to here about
    Mr. Mickey’s story, his beginnings extra. You give me inspiration each and every day with my present of being and comfort that I learn from your knowledgeable blogs. You are my height and body type which keeps me drawn to follow your suggestions. Even though Iam a bit older than you – I will admit that April is my birthday month and will be 74 yrs young. I would like to learn more on crop pant length. Below or above the calf, extra? And what shoe type to wear with the pant length?
    You are special to all that follow you.
    And thank you for the bracelet from Beauty in Stone Jewelry from your drawing. I was so excited to be chosen because I order many pieces of jewelry from Suzanne.
    Thank you, Joan Hooks

    1. My favorite tip about skirt and pant lengths is to make sure they stop at the most slender portion of the leg. Unless you have delicate ankles and slender feet, ballet flats and very flat sandals will give you baby feet and make the calves and ankles look larger. A shoe with structure, a visible arch, and a more substantial sole is better for most.

      Happy Birthday!

  167. Well I think you have overthought the look of this outfit Susan, it is extremely becoming and the blazer deserves a place in your regular wardrobe, I my humble opinion.
    Sandy in Canada

  168. I took your advice years ago about buying a less expensive item and taking it for a test drive. This took me from a pleather jacket to a leather jacket on consignment. Then I donated the pleather jacket. Good advice. I have done the same with a crossbody bag that I wasn’t sure about.

  169. I enjoy reading about the outfits you wear. I buy most of my tops from Talbots, specially when they are on sale but I need to check out Chico’s. Please keep posting.

  170. Susan, you look beautiful in your outfit . Thank you for sharing your thought process for what you selected. You have inspired me to get my leather jacket out of the closet and wear it! Yes, I too feel like it’s not in my comfort zone, but if I pair it with the right clothes, I hope to come up with a total look as nice as yours. Also enjoyed the comments from Mr. Mickey. His words of appreciation for you and all that you do are heart warming.

  171. I like the 5 w’s idea. Being a newbie to your site, how do you change purses so frequently? It seems like a major task when I change mine.

    1. I use small zippered pouches in different colors to store the items I carry in my bag. For example, when I go out to dinner, I only take the smallest bag, which holds my driver’s license, a charge card, keys, phone, and lip balm. I can slip the small pouch into most of my evening bags.

  172. Hello to both of you! Thank you so much for all the informative articles. Sharing with us your expertise is so valuable. I smiled when I saw the “the 5 Ws” strategy. As a former teacher, I loved the idea. My question is: you are taller than average. What suggestions do you have for women 5’ to 5’3” tall. Thank you in advance!

    1. Petite women (5’4″ and under) should never wear anything not sized for their proportions. I’ve learned a lot from a YouTuber who does a great job of sharing tips for petite women. Chi Li’s channel is here.

  173. Love, Love, Love this post!!!!! For me–the best one yet!!!! And they are all wonderful!! YES!! Please post more about “What and Why”!! You two are so awesome and together you’re AMAZING!!!! Thank you both for everything you do!!!

  174. Hello Susan and Mr. Mickey, I always look forward to your posts! I love your style and am adapting and reducing my wardrobe to be more of who I am. That is wearing clothes that will remain in style for years to come, but with a punch of color and fun designs from accessories such as scarves, pocketbooks, and shoes. Thanks for all those helpful tips on packing for vacations and weekends.

    Margaret Tau
    New Bern, North Carolina

  175. Susan, your black attire looks A1 on you; neither dulls your lovely complexion nor is harsh. I disagree with many of this post’s respondents in that black when chosen carefully & worn well is an excellent colour for women with grey/white hair. As I live in the Southern Hemisphere I need to recall your suggestions for our different seasons. A positive: sharing spring with you at present. What an encouraging companion you have in Mr Mickey, who never fails to look every inch the gentleman. My darling husband is one such also.

  176. Love this idea for your blog! And what a sweet man Mr. Mickey seems to be! Lucky both of you!

  177. Hello, Please do the 5 W’s Series, looking forward to it. I am so inspired by your After 60 posts.
    Thank you from Colleen in South Africa

  178. I love this post idea! I love Mr. Mickey’s message, too. You both seem like wonderful people and I’m glad you found each other.
    I love your blog and have learned so much!
    Thank you!

  179. I absolutely love this look. I’m definitely going to look for a reasonably priced blazer like you are wearing. It’s perfect for dressing up or just giving an edgy look. Love it

  180. I would love to learn about why you chose your outfit for that particular occasion. I have difficulty knowing what to wear, colors, textures, etc. Your taste in clothing and colors is so much like mine! I value all of your hints and tips!

  181. Your blogs are helpful and well received I do appreciate your what and why; and I look forward to more

  182. Enjoy your blog Appreciate your showing outfits and when where they are worn look forward to summer fashions because it’s seems to be summer almost year around

  183. What wonderful comments from Mr. Mickey. You two share a very special 16 year relationship. Life is so precious and to be able to share it with a special person is awesome. I enjoy your posts and hope they continue.

    Please share how you care for, and store your cashmere and wool clothes.


  185. Thank you Mr Mickey. You know what you are talking about. I enjoy reading Ms Susan’s blog. I have a limited budget but I search for items from her blog at prices that meet my budget. Usually I can put together an outfit that looks great and that I could afford. Readers don’t need to be put off at expensive prices if they pay attention to what Susan says. I for one would like to read Susan’s 5Ws.
    All the best to you both

  186. I love this idea of sharing all the reasons for your choices. Thank you for all you and Mr. Mickey do!

  187. Susan, I love that you are writing from your heart
    And the what and why is a brilliant idea.
    Today’s post seemed to be letting the viewers
    get to know you a little better.

    Mr. Mickey, is such a dear. You have a real true friend. He wrote a wonderful note to us … the readers and I feel like I am getting to know him also. He did it with great fondness and honesty.

    Keep on doing what you are doing and bringing us readers on your adventures and dates. It is fun to see the beautiful places you venture to!

  188. I love the jacket and purchased a similar navy blue one last year on sale.
    You look every elegant to me even though it’s a leather look.
    Thank you for sharing .

  189. I look forward to your posts and would like to see your daily outfits since they inspire me to dress my best. Please continue to post more pictures!

  190. Susan, I enjoy all of your posts, finding them very helpful. Thanks so much for generously sharing all that you’ve learned over the years!

  191. I so enjoy the way you share your knowledge on your varied topics you cover. It is always a highlight to see your name in my inbox . You and Mr. Mickey are one “ Classy Couple “ !

  192. Susan,
    Yes continue your why,where,when,and who
    I feel you are definitely following the energy trend of less is more. Jane

  193. So great to hear/see Mr. Mickey in this context. Susan, I have been following you for years now and appreciate your candid advice and watching your style grow and change as your life has changed. I am contemplating retirement soon, and have seen dress codes morph during the pandemic. Your guidance in navigating fashion is very helpful. I most appreciate articles on how to “shop our closets” to style basics in new ways without spending or accumulating more items. Thank you.

  194. I love your blog and have even returned to Fifty, not Frumpy to reread earlier blogs. I have not ever commented and may not again, however, I do want you to know that I appreciate your insights and look forward to each post.

  195. I love your fashion advice and recommendations, Susan! I have the exact same figure “challenges” you experience and I find your solutions extremely helpful. We are the same age as well so finding fashionable, comfortable and age appropriate styles is not always easy. Thanks for helping me ease my way into my next chapter with fashion pizzaz!

  196. Forget to say it’s so wonderful you are always promoting wellness to us. What healthy food we should be eating, why we need to get our bodies moving, why we should be using natural safe products on our skin are some of the sensible reasons I appreciate your blog. Living our best life. Thank you!

  197. Susan, you look stunning in your blazer. I like your 5Ws idea and would like seeing your daily outfits. It was so nice to read Mr. Mickey’s sweet words. Thank you both for all the enjoyment and inspiration you give us.

  198. Thank you for writing this blog. It’s been so helpful to me. I turned 65 this week. I’ve always preferred a simpler wardrobe adhering to the classics. But I felt like I lost my way for awhile and tried things that didn’t seem to stand the test of time and were too trendy or just not me. But now, reading your blog, it’s inspired me to stick to the style I’ve always loved — the classics — and be comfortable with it. It may sound crazy, but accepting this has lifted a burden! I felt like I was striving too much and now I’m confident I can look good in the classics, like you do! And it’s not about spending a fortune on clothes; you have a practical approach, which I love. When I was a teen, I sang “jingles” (radio advertisements) for a recording studio that was producing them. One of the radio ads was for a clothing store. One of the lyrics was, “Style is just talking without using words.” I just thought I’d share that for fun! Thank you again for your inspiration and dedication to sharing your wisdom with all of us.

  199. I love your posts. Each one touches some question I have had trying to dress for my age, style, and taste. You are so graceful and I appreciate you sharing your journey. Thank you!

  200. I love your posts! I admire your sense of style and take inspiration from you when considering a purchase. I know from experience if you recommend something it will be a perfect purchase for me. (No matter the cost). I have a pear shape and extremely long legs, so I have a bit of a challenge and differ from you in that respect.
    I’m a 65+ retired dental hygienist in Ohio. My husband and I are active and enjoy hiking with our club and taking classes at our town’s college.
    Reading and traveling round things out……oh and did I mention 4 large dogs? I am involved in rescue.
    Whew! This is a little long……just wanted you to know, I eat everything you post….the 5 Es thing sounds right up my alley!

  201. Susan, Susan, Susan ! You need to keep that jacket ! Mr. Mickey is totally correct. You look absolutely gorgeous in it. I so agree with Cimmies who said black when worn correctly does not wash you out. Actually the contrast that black gives to women with grey or white hair can be quite stunning. Grey on the other hand offers less contrast & tends to just blend in. I would love to see it styled more casually also. Maybe with a top underneath in red ( you look great in red btw) or another flattering cool tone shade. Please do more articles like this. Great to hear from Mr. Mickey also. Hope you two have a wonderful weekend !!

  202. What a great post! I have found I also toned down my color choices over the years. Thank you for confirming this for me. I wish my husband would read your posts; he could learn much from Mr. Mickey. Gotta love a guy with cuff links! He always looks sensational!

  203. Enjoy Reading Different Topics on Your Blog…..Glad You Shake it Up once in awhile. Like also when You share where you have purchased something or an article substitute from somewhere else. Sometimes it’s out of my budget….but enjoy dreaming…..Have used your ideas in my wardrobe!
    Love the different places you visit also…..
    Keep up the Great Blog!

  204. Love your blog and especially love the 5 W’s approach. Thank you for covering so much more than the clothes you’re wearing-although I enjoy seeing and hearing all you have to say about them. You offer sound, unaffected advice that you actually live by-that authenticity validates everything. You’re a wonderful writer and never fail to make me think. Thank you for that.

  205. Mr Mickey, what a pleasant comment from you. Susan is very fortunate to have you share her journey, may it continue for a very long time with ,any exciting adventure which we can all be on the ride with you. I love all her comments,advice, diet suggestions, and just plain how to live a productive life. Her kindness, diligence hard work to guide us all difintely come thru in all her texts. Thank you to you both – Nora Handy

  206. I would love to see more posts about what and why etc. I always like to look polished around the house, so some might say, my looks for the around the house are “dressed up.” I struggle with transitioning over to, “out to dinner.”
    My “around the house” outfits seem to overlap with what I wear out to dinner, as in, nice pants, nice top etc. So, how would you upgrade an already “dressed up” look to go out to dinner? Hope this makes sense.
    Great to see Mr. Mickey’s comments. Love seeing what he wears too! I’ve gotten my husband to dress up a bit more too, by buying him some things I would like to see him wear. So far he’s very receptive!

  207. I love your blog and your comments about what you chose to wear. You may think you are saying the same thing over and over again but it’s always helpful and inspirational to me. It’s always interesting. Thanks also to you Mr. Mickey.

  208. What a delight to hear from your dear Mr. Mickey! He seems to be a very caring, thoughtful person, in addition to being a wonderful dresser – AND your biggest fan.
    I would love to see more posts about What you’re wearing and Why. It’s helpful to me when I’m putting an outfit together to see the elements of your outfits.
    Thank you for your wonderful posts, which I continue to enjoy.
    I look forward to your next adventure.

  209. Susan, I lovw the black jacket on you. I understand how wearing something “different” for us can feel uncomfortable…..been there myself. But, the look was flattering on you, in my opinion.

    What a great to hear from Mr. Mickey! Loved it and hope he will chat with us again!

    Blessings to you both

  210. Susan,
    I live on a remote cattle property in North – West Queensland, Australia. I love looking at your posts and your instagram. I think you are incredibly stylish. Your videos are always informative, helpful , warm and honest. I hope you don’t give up your blogging for many years to come because you give me a lot of joy and I value your opinions on life, business,health and mindset. Some days you just need to follow someone’s example and I hope you are flattered when I say you are someone worthwhile to follow. Thankyou for sharing your home, lifestyle and your joyful moments with Mr Mickey. You are lucky to have such a gentleman in your life. One day I hope to visit your area of the world. I hope you have a lovely day. Tanya x

  211. I’ve followed Susan for a few years now, I am 10 years older, also Virgo, and just love her style, and reading comments and blogs.

  212. Dear Susan, I absolutely love reading your tips and fashion advice. I have been following your posts for many years and I hope for many more years too come.
    I enjoy reading about your and Mr Mickey’s life adventure’s and it was lovely to read the above piece from the man himself.
    A huge thank you to both of you.

  213. Susan,
    I enjoy reading and sharing in your journey to being a better more balanced woman as we age.
    Mr. Mickey’s recent picture and comments about you warmed my heart ❤️ There are truly remarkable men still living- I married one! We’ll celebrate our 44th wedding anniversary this December!
    Another Susan
    Susan Woodruff
    Ennis, Montana

  214. Yes, I would like to read more articles like this. Also, what else you already have that would also work with the new item. I also am retired, in my sixties and working on a capsule wardrobe. I am following your advice and trying to make purchases on better quality items. I find it hard to look current and not frumpy. I feel like a lot of company’s feel once a woman hits 60 she doesn’t care about style I have been reading your posts for a couple of years now.
    Thank you for writing your posts.

  215. Love your style and have been a long time fan. For some reason your posts keep ending up in my spam file. This one is especially lovely and nice to hear from Mr. Mickey!


  216. I always enjoy reading your posts and learning from them. As a retired teacher, I have gotten rid of many of the “teacher” outfits I used to wear and have created a more casual wardrobe. I occasionally stray from your tips and buy a sort of wild-looking top that I know now I will rarely (if ever) wear. It’s a process, but I do enjoy your interesting posts. Thank you for inspiring me!

  217. I am now 80 but still enjoy your blog. I use a lot of the tips but can’t seem to lose the weight. Up until a few years ago I weighed approx. 150 lbs I now weighs 170 cannot move the scale. Judy

  218. Enjoy reading Susan’s blog bc I’m always looking forward to putting together a new outfit with what I already have in my closet

  219. Thank you both so much. I enjoy reading your articles concerning style. I also enjoy reading about your activities and about the restaurants that you dine at. My husband and I live in NC. When traveling we like to visit new restaurants so I am always eager to hear of new fun places to dine.

  220. Hi there…… I’m from and live in South Africa hence our seasons are opposite to yours.
    However, regardless of our current season, I thoroughly enjoy your beautifully descriptive details of items you choose to wear giving a breakdown of each garment and accessories.

    I so look forward to your emails with pictures of different places and restaurants you visit and enjoy every one of you posts. I’ve learned quite a lot of what mistakes I personally make by what catches my eye but not necessarily suitable for my figure although I’m rather conservative….. I’m in my very early seventies and now take heed of what you suggest and how to style casual outfits.
    Thank you Susan! Mr Mickey love your casual style and your input too!
    Maureen from S.A.

  221. I love reading Susan’s thoughtful and informative posts. I love her style and easy elegance in every outfit no matter the time of day. The way the outfits are broken down and each piece described and explained is really helpful. Your (Mr Mickey’s) photography and choice of locations enhances both Susan and her clothing choices.
    I have a friend who dresses similarly to Susan and always looks very “put together “. I tend to be much more “eclectic” and most of my clothing pieces have been bought as separates,, not always with much thought of putting whole outfits together. I don’t usually wear jackets, preferring something more casual. Susan is inspiring me to be more thoughtful in my clothing choices, more judicial in purchases and hopefully at some point I will look much more “put together”.
    Thank you both!

  222. Thank you! I enjoyed seeing this older posting as I have a nice leather blazer that spends much too much time in the closet! I have always considered it a sporty casual piece and I had never considered accessorizing it in the more dressy glamorous way that you did! Can’t wait to give it a try the next time we go out to dinner.

  223. Je viens de découvrir votre blog ,un peu tardivement sans doute . Vous êtes une personne delicieuse,et vos conseils sont très judicieux . Vos photographies me font rêver d’Amerique ,moi qui habite dans le sud de la France ! J’espère que votre ami et vous même vous vous portez bien ,car je n’ai pas trouvé de partage pour l’année 2023.
    Je suis un ancien professeur à la retraite,spécialiste de la littérature de la Renaissance .J’ai gardé le goût de la mode et d’un certain art de vivre comparable au votre.
    Celia Gerber

  224. Hello Susan, Iam over 70 .I enjoy very much the dress code you present for the age groups. I have found it hard. You photos of style is a great help.

  225. Mr. Mickey, Thank you for your wonderful words . It’s a pleasure hearing from you. You’re right about how Susan has helped so many people.
    It’s time you spent time in front of the camera. You both make a great team. Love your smile and socks

  226. You guys are amazing and so elegant together!! Susan is such an inspiration!! Love seeing what you guys are up to and hopefully meet you one day.

  227. Hi Susan, would you please mention the brand of undergarments you are so pleased to wear. I can’t find the info and am ready to take the leap!! Glad you are back! Thank you so much.Katy

  228. I often struggle when it comes to accessories, specifically necklaces and scarves. I love the sea glass, but do these things go out of style? Or should i wear pieces that i love no matter what?

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.