The Santa Visit

Each year in autumn, Mr. Mickey starts letting his beard grow long and full so that he can be a very special Santa. More than a decade ago, our dear friend, Tony Seaton, started buying school clothes, shoes, a coat, and a toy for disadvantaged young children in our area. Several other friends have joined in to help over the years. Mickey visits as Santa after a luncheon for the children and their parents or guardian. “Santa,” tells them a story and visits with each child to give them a big bag of gifts selected for them with the help of their teachers. I am pleased to share a few photos from our most recent event.

  1. What a wonderful annual gift to needy kids! Mr. Mickey is more like Saint Mickey! Many happy Christmas wishes to you both!

  2. Susan, that is the nicest story I’ve heard this season. I’m sure one of the reasons Mr. Mickey is so youthful&thriving is because of his loving, generous soul. I wish you both a very Happy Holidays and New Year! Allegra

  3. Those children will treasure those memories forever. Bless Mr. Mickey, your friend Tony thatnstarted it and all of you that participate. We who can must help those who can’t.

  4. This is such a wonderful gift to these children and their families! The pictures certainly brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing! Wishing you and Mr. Mickey joy and many blessings during the holiday season and the coming year!

  5. Heart-touching photos! The children are beautiful! Love their innocence & happiness! Tis the Season! Merry Christmas to you Susan & Mr. Mickey! Ho Ho Ho!

  6. I look forward to this post each year. What a special gift that Mr Mickey brings. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you both. xxxx

  7. These are lovely pictures to see. Thanks to Mr. Mickey and to you for sending. Just look at the faces of those kids! Not one is scared of him, as so often happens.

    Merry Christmas to you both!

  8. The part that I love about this story besides the kind deeds and the fantastic Santaa is all the happy little faces that sat for pictures… Those little bright smiles say it all. Hope you two have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you the happiest New Years ever…..

  9. This just might be the cutest thing I’ve seen all season. The look on the children’s faces is priceless. What a wonderful blessing you both are . Have a wonderful Christmas.

  10. Mr Mickey looks gorgeous, the beard perfect & the beautification smiles of the children, a present in itself!

  11. He is a darling Santa!! I love that y’all are doing this for the kiddos in your community. Merry Christmas to y’all and a Happy New Year!!

  12. This post warms my heart every year. What a special man you have in your life! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both.

  13. Susan, you and Mr. Mickey are an inspiration for us all in many ways. I always look forward to this post! What precious children.
    Wishing you both much joy and many blessings. Thank you for all you are doing to improve life for me and all your readers.

  14. The look on the children’s faces says it all. What a wonderful thing for MM and your friend to do. But I wonder who enjoys it more. I think MM is having as much fun as the kids. Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a very blessed new year.

  15. Amazing man in so many ways and wonderful children. His good work and holiday spirit give them something to look forward to and memories of the good things in the season. Thanks for uplifting their day. Hugs!

  16. Susan, this makes me cry every year. Thank you for sharing it and for all that your work does for women. Wishing you and yours a safe and blessed holiday season and a year of love and joy.

  17. I love how the children are interacting with Mr. Mickey/Santa. I used to cry when I was placed on Santa’s lap! Mr. Mickey seems to have a bond with the children that is special.

  18. The best gift of all is time and love given unsolicited. Mr. Mickey does that with a Santa soul that spreads to everyone who reads your wonderful blog. Next year you should be his sidekick – Mrs. Claus! All the best to both of you this jolly season and may good health visit you each day in the coming year; my wishful present for you both!

  19. Susan and Mr. Mickey,
    Merry Christmas and a very happy 2019 from a devoted follower in Pennsylvania! Many blessings for peace and joy throughout this season of giving.

  20. Such a joyful occasion and I suspect Santa might enjoy it the most! I especially love the cuddles and snuggles. Stay warm and have a delightful break and happy holiday!

  21. How sweet! Love the photos. Susan, I had to grab a moment to let you know how much your blog and fashion tips and advice have meant to me. Last week I spent two days reorganizing my closet using your suggestions that you wrote about recently. Oh my gosh! It has made putting outfits together so much easier. I can’t believe the difference it has made in getting dressed. I grab a pair of pants, turn to the sweater section or blouse, depending on weather or where I’m going. Outfit looks blah or needs to be dressed up or I need something more for warmth, so I easily turn to the cardigan section, or jacket section, or flip thru the dusters or vests. Layering is so easy now!!! Thank you so much. I also shows me what my wardrobe is missing or have too much of. This has changed my life. Still working on defining “my colors”, but have made a lot of progress with the information you’ve given me. And I clearly now know my body type and what shapes look nice on me. Thank you so much for sharing everything you have learned with us. I count you as one of my greatest blessings of 2018 . May God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas!

  22. What a heart warming event! Mr. Mickey makes a perfect Santa for the children.
    Enjoy your break from blogging Susan and I’ll be reading when you return. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  23. I LOVE the third pic where “Santa” is looking off to the right and has a surprised look on his face! Blessings to you both for Christmas and the new year. SR

  24. Hello Susan and Santa Mickey!
    Merry Christmas!!
    How precious these sweet photos are of these adorable kiddos!! You can see how enthralled each child is with Santa Mickey! With his kind eyes and heart, he looks JUST LIKE Santa Claus–inside and out!!

    Thank you for sharing this special part of your Holiday Season!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Minnesota!
    Brenda Skime

  25. Thank you for sharing and for spreading good will and joy. The pictures of these children warmed my heart.

  26. Merry Christmas to both you and Mr. Mickey. Enjoy your short and well deserved break. We will all be anticipating your 2019 posts as you lead & mentor us into not “aging gracefully” but “becoming better than ever”.

    1. Thank you Donnella. I wish I were taking a break from all work, but I am preparing an inventory of thousands of beading supplies in preparation for the sale of my craft supplies company. (

  27. Merry Christmas to you and Mickey. Bless you for all you both do. Mr. Mickey looks so authentic as Santa. The children are precious, he brought so much joy.

  28. What lovely pictures, everyone looks so happy! Let’s try and keep the joy going and I wish you and Mr. Mickey a wonderful holiday and the very best in the New Year! Certainly “Best Dressed”!

  29. This is so heartwarming! Mr. Mickey is the best and most real looking Santa I have ever seen. The joy on those children’s faces is the best Christmas gift ever. Thank you for bringing so much happiness to the world. Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year to you and “Santa”.

  30. Bless Mr. Mickey — and his heart of gold! Wishing you both a wonderful Christmas and a very happy and healthy new year!

  31. Thank you for the heart warming photos and for all you and Mr. Mickey do. Merry Christmas to you both and a healthy and happy New Year.

  32. What a charming and authentic Santa! He appears to be moved to tears by the little boy’s hug. That’s my favorite of all these great photos.

  33. Add my sentiments to all of the above. God bless you both for giving back. “To whom much is given, much will be required.”

  34. Susan,
    These are beautiful children, and it warms my heart to see them getting gifts from Santa. You are so deserving of a break. Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and Mr. Mickey for a great year in 2019. Pat

  35. What a sweet man! You are a lucky lady. These pictures of him with the adorable children are so precious and I’m sure they and their families will treasure them forever.

  36. Great Santa! Such a wonderful contribution to these children who look so delighted. Thank you Susan for all you do as well, between your blogging and serving your community.
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you both from Ontario Canada. Take care and enjoy the holiday season.

  37. By the look on his face, Mr. Mickey enjoyed the day as much as the children. What a wonderful celebration!

    I look forward to your blog each day. Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Mickey & your families.

  38. Precious pictures and children. They sure do love him. He must have a special way with children. Thanks for sharing and have a joyous Christmas session.

  39. I don’t know, Susan. I think maybe he’s the real Santa and he only poses as Mr. Mickey the rest of the year. Merry Christmas to you both.

  40. What a wonderful event…the joy and smiles on both the children and Mr. Mickey warms my heart.
    Enjoy your time off!

  41. This brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful man and a perfect Santa. The joy on all the faces is certainly the spirit of Christmas. Thank you for sharing

  42. This is absolutely beautiful!!
    You are a blessing to these beautiful, precious children.

    May God bless you both.

    Merry Christmas

  43. How wonderful. Look at the joy on the faces of those children. Thank you for what you do. Merry Christmas and God Bless.

  44. What a wonderful thing to do. And Mr. Mickey is the perfect Santa! Enjoy your blogging break; I, too, am taking one next week!
    Merry Christmas~

  45. Thanks for sharing. Will miss your blogs, but enjoy your break., Merry Christmas and Christmas blessings to you and Santa..

  46. Mr. Mickey has a special way with children. You can see how comfortable they are with him and it’s not just the Santa suit. What a beautiful caring cause. All children deserve a good Christmas!
    Merry Christmas to you & Mr. Mickey! I hope you have a special one.

  47. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey. May 2019 be healthy and prosperous for both of you.
    Mr. Mickey looks like he is having a delightful time.
    Susan, thank you for your wonderful blog.
    May both of you enjoy this most wonderful Holiday.

  48. Wonderful photos! Your Mr Mickey looks like he has as much (maybe more!) fun as the children. Thank you for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with these little ones.

  49. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey. You both were a special gift for me this year. May you new year bring lots of special moments, happiness and health. I am curious of what Mr. Mickey in the photo were the boy was touching his face. It was a great shot and his expression was great.

  50. Heartwarming! Mr Mickey makes a fabulous Santa and obviously has a heart for the children. The photos are precious! I wish both of you a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.

  51. I have only been following your blog for two months now but find your tips are of great value and you are an inspiration, I would like to wish you and your family a most wondrous holiday, happy christmas and prosporous New Year.

  52. How lovely of him to do that! Look at all those happy children! Merry Christmas and all the best in the new year to you both.

  53. What a heart warming story. AND…what a fabulous Santa, both in looks and heart! Tears in my eyes! Have a wonderful holiday!

  54. A sincere THANK YOU and MR. MICKEY . This is the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS. The children are thrilled. BEAUTIFUL May you both have only the best in 2019. Sincerely, McGettrick Garrett

  55. This is such a beautiful way to help in the community. My children never believed in Santa except the “Santa” who gave them gifts from the fire department employee party each year. His license plate was even SANTA. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey.

  56. I have followed you for a couple years but never sent a reply until now. The Santa project you shared it beautiful and heartwarming to me!
    I send you both my best wishes for a very merry Christmas and a most happy New You!


  57. Dear Susan, I love your blog . Mr. Mickey makes me think that Santa Clause exists, after all. Have a well-deserved special Christmas and a very happy New Year both of you!

  58. Susan:

    Those are the most precious pictures I’ve ever seen. Mr Mickey definitely looks like Santa.
    Bless you both for what you do.


  59. What a beautiful thing and how special you have made those children feel. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both.

  60. Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift with all of us each Christmas! Mr. Mickey is the perfect Santa, and the kids love him! Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year to you both!

  61. Such a great reminder of what the season is really about…so inspiring!
    Wishing you both a Merry Christmas & very Happy New Year!

  62. AWESOME¡¡¡¡¡¡ No words can describe the joy in the face of the little ones¡¡¡ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  63. Love that Mr Mickey does this! He is the perfect Santa!!! Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy, healthy, and joyous 2019! Look for ward to continuing reading your blog in the New Year!

  64. Dear Susan

    Thank you for a wonderful year of sharing beauty, happiness and common sense.
    I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year with Mr Mickey.
    All the best, Deb.

  65. These pictures are so very sweet…Thanks for everything you Both do for so many…Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

  66. Merry Christmas to you and Mr Mickey. I look forward to your next blog. I am always inspired by you both. Happy New Year!

  67. Such a special gift that you give to the children. The pictures are wonderful and it is great to see that people like you and Mr. Mickey know the real meaning of Christmas and take action to insure children have a gift for Christmas.

    I have joined the 60’s club this year….but have followed your blog for a couple of years. Enjoy seeing what you put together and your travels too.

    Merry Christmas to you and my the new year bring special times.


  68. Happy Holidays to the Great State of Tennessee from Southern California! Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happy 2019! See You and Mr Mickey soon …

  69. Susan, yes, those are blessed children and I’m sure you and Santa received a blessing too. I was glad to see that the entire blog was focused on the kids and not what you wore. You are such a giving person. Those children deserved the spotlight. Merry CHRISTmas!

  70. Such a handsome and photogenic Santa. You capture many great expressions. Enjoy your break, but hope it isn’t too long.

  71. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey! Thank you for sharing this story and all the pictures of those sweet children, brightened my day…and more important, theirs!
    Looking forward to your posts in the new year!


  72. I often read your blog but have never commented. This post was so lovely. This is a truly wonderful thing Mr. Mickey does, Merry Christmas.

  73. This is so precious! Thank you Mr. Mickey for giving these children a special time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both!
    Cathy Musselman

  74. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Mr.Mickey also Susan. Look forward to to hearing from you in the new year.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.