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The Daily Routine

Daily exercise and eating primarily plant-based food continue to be my best choices. A favorite way to spend the morning is going for a long walk outside. Dressing for the weather helps make the miles more pleasant.

Similar if not, the identical items are linked. HatScarfSweatshirt TankLeggingsShoesSocksGloves (Links may allow me to earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

Oatmeal is still my everyday breakfast of choice. I add the dried, fresh, or frozen fruits I have on hand and a few seeds, nuts, and spices. Here is the porridge I make when I have all the ingredients.

I take the D3 every day and the B12 every other day, but no other medications. The supplements are from my physician’s recommendations after my most recent lab reports.

My late lunch includes fresh vegetables, gherkin pickles, olives, and whatever fresh herbs and leafy greens I have on hand. My dressing is always extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and aged balsamic vinegar. I drink about a gallon of filtered water daily, including two cups of black coffee in the morning.

Since I am not nearly as active as when I was younger, two meals per day provide all the food I require on most days. On weekend date nights, I will have some dessert, a glass of wine, and small amounts of cheese, pasta, or whatever we decide to enjoy.

The winner of the lariat necklace of your choice from Beauty In Stone Jewelry is Roberta (Bobbie) Carlson. Congratulations!

  1. You look stylish AND warm!

    We already have snow here (it’s 22° right now) and I wear similar dress on our hikes (a down jacket and boots, when the snow is deeper).

    I wear thin leggings under pants for much colder walks, to double the warmth.

    Insulated insoles and merino wool socks make any shoe more comfortable in the winter.

  2. Oh! Little bit of a heart tug. My mother had that pattern for her dishes. Blue Danube, I think it was called. Have a beautiful weekend.

  3. Dear Susan, I have truly enjoyed your blog. The pandemic afforded way too much unfilled time, so I filled it with going back to your Fifty not Frumpy days and read every post forward. How your style has evolved has been inspiring. My closets have been attacked several times! They would benefit from still more editing.

    I too collect blue and white dishes. I have a huge collection of Blue Willow – most purchased at the Stoke on Trent factory when it was still operational, some American and a little unmarked that were purchased at a side of the road country store there in Tennessee. I don’t think either of my children will be interested in it.

    Keep on keeping on, girl friend, I look forward to every post.

  4. Congratulations to Roberta! I’m sure she’ll enjoy her lovely necklace.
    Thank you for sharing what you eat. I know it seems silly, but for a long time I thought everyone else got to eat all these wonderful foods we see every day in magazines and at the grocery store except for me. When you share what your daily diet consists of I know the reality is something different. Most of us have to curtail our eating if we intend to stay at a healthy weight. I was wondering about the pickles. Do they provide something special?
    Have a sublime week!

  5. Your writing continues to inspire!
    I use your exercise routine and eating plan to motivate me when I’m feeling lethargic!
    Thank you for sharing!
    Also, I will have to ask my doc about what vitamins might be helpful for me.
    I am re-reading your posts about your retirement wardrobe.
    I especially am finally understanding your point about how comfy knit pants don’t do us any favors as we age, but denim is more structured and more polished.
    I’m realizing that one of my obstacles is that I keep forgetting that I’m 62! I’m not old, but I’m definitely not young anymore, either, and aging requires some modifications, in dress and behavior.
    Have you ever had this issue, of being in a sort of denial about your age? I need to get real, lol!!!

    1. When I first lost weight and had to buy a whole new wardrobe, I wasted a lot of money, buying the wrong things. I was fifty-five and made the mistake of being influenced by marketing and falling for the trend trap. So an essential mantra for me has become; Dress to please yourself in clothing that flatters the woman you are now.

  6. Susan— your post came just at the right time! I have been feeling increasingly frustrated with my lack of motivation during retirement.
    I went from being a highly-disciplined and motivated educator to someone who succumbed to time-wasting habits. I seemed to never get to the hobbies I had envisioned. Thanks to your post, I was up at 6:45, drank a quick cup of coffee, and started my hiking “training” program with 30 minutes of rather intense incline walking. I now have a schedule of exercise, diet, and hobbies as well as time with my husband, family, and friends. Thank you for the inspiration.

  7. Hi Susan. You are an inspiration to all of us to take good care of ourselves. The link to the sweatshirt says that it’s a man’s. Which is fine but I’m wondering about sizing. Before I buy one I thought I better ask if you ordered your regular size or did you size down ?

  8. Dear Susan,

    I’m so happy I found your blog! I was rereading an entry from 2018 where you spoke of the perils of even a small indulgence of ‘holiday treats’ and the havoc it wreaked upon your health, headaches, etc. The season is definitely upon us, so I’m so glad to have this thought in mind and be cautious!

    I am seeing amazing results after reading Dr Fuhrman’s books, or rather actually listening to them on Audible on my morning walks. I feel better than I have in years!

    You inspire me so much with your positive, happy outlook on life, your incredible sense of fashion, and your practical and inspiring posts. Thank you so much for all the time you devote to others by writing this brilliant blog!

    All the best,


  9. As always Susan, thank you. I looked into all of your recommendations and everything was so reasonably priced. I’m in the process of streamlining my closest. It’s embarrassing to have so many clothes. Many of which I no longer wear since I’m retired.

  10. I really like your blog and have been following you for several years. You are an inspiration to me. I am trying to eat more plants. I need to drink more water! You look very spiffy while walking. The hat that you have on is that the black and white one in your link? Thanks. Many blessings to you and Mr. Mikey.

  11. Susan, if that is all you eat in a day–wow– I can’t imagine it would be enough for many of us. I’m a little person, far from “overweight” and I would be skin and bones if that was all I ate plus I don’t think I’d be satisfied. Everyone’s different! That said, I too have embraced un-processed whole foods–fruits and many kinds of vegetables as well as whole grains, cheese, and nuts in limited quantities, every day. I try to stick to lean protein sources like non-fat greek yogurt, eggs, fish and only rarely do I eat meat these days. I eat sweets very selectively and in limited amounts. And of course, must limit alcoholic beverages!

  12. Susan, you always glow.
    I also love your moderated approach to what we really need in our lives. Everything, from the cleverly harmonising wardrobe, to your skincare and eating, to your daily life choices – it all makes sense.
    Thank you for being one of the few lifestyle bloggers who put ‘real’ into life.

  13. I can’t believe it Susan. You wearing leggings with your tush exposed. Even though I see women dressed like that and worse
    every day still can’t get used it. You guessed it I am 80 years old..

  14. Thank you Susan. It’s great to hear your encouraging story! I’ve downloaded the book and will get busy feeling better.

  15. Thank you for sharing your beauty, grace, and your zest for living with us. I look forward to your posts. Best wishes!

  16. Just wondering how you get enough protein if you eat plant based diet? I find I need some fish or poultry or I feel starved for protein. Beans and nuts just don’t do it for me.

    1. We often eat much more protein and food in general than we need. You will find protein in edamame, lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas, mung beans, fava beans, green peas, quinoa, wild rice, pistachios, almonds, brussels sprouts, chia seeds, yellow sweet corn, potatoes, asparagus, broccoli, and avocado. I have not had pork or beef in more than a decade, yet I am significantly healthier now.

  17. Love your walking outfit. Classy and functional! Thanks for the breakfast link reminder. I also prefer oatmeal for breakfast and want to revisit your recipe.

  18. Hi Susan
    I have also found something very similar to your morning porridge. It’s Bob Red Mill Old Country Style Muesli. It has many of the good ingredients in it and is convenient to prepare. I just add fresh fruit to it and also a few chunks of apple and cinnamon. Thought some of your readers might want to know.
    Thanks Susan for encouraging us look and feel our best.

  19. I like seeing your casual outfits, Susan. I am not a blazer girl—more a cardigan/pullover girl, but I do learn a lot from the way you put clothes together.
    I was wondering if you have felt a difference since you started taking B12? Thanks.

  20. Susan,
    You look wonderful just going on your walk. Your pants look so comfortable I may just get a pair. The leggings I have are not the athletic type so I will look into your link.
    Breakfast looks delicious and nutrient-dense. I will try to overcome my dislike of oatmeal since so many other ingredients are in it. Growing up I had to have a hot breakfast (mother insisted) and oatmeal was served often.
    I have followed your blog for quite a while now and yours stands out among the others. You write about the whole woman not just dressing well. Good health—exercise, eating well, skincare, appreciation of nature. I could go on but feeling good is key to happiness for me.
    You offer a great service to your readers. We are so much more than fashion plates!!

  21. Always enjoy your blog and learn something new each posting. You encourage retired and non-retired to eat well, dress well and get out there and live life! Since starting to follow your blog (never miss an episode!), I’ve become a more selective clothing shopper and now only wear Shapeez bras.
    I thought of you, Susan, when I read this Tibetan Proverb…The secret to living well and longer is to eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure.

  22. I “met” Susan a few months ago when she suddenly appeared on my Pinterest feed among the kittens, puppies and interior decorating hints. She is an inspiration. I was especially excited to read that she was into plant based eating.

    Like they always say: consult your physician before following anyone else’s advice.

    I am fully on board with the plant based diet. It seems to me that Susan gets along on very little food, but she has a doctor that she listens to, and is the picture of health and vitality, so it’s all good.

    My story: last year, I went cold turkey on my bad diet and switched to plant based eating. I don’t have to count anything, I don’t have to keep a food diary and ,miraculously, I am not ravenously hungry all the time. I always feel comfortable as far as hunger goes. Like Susan, I have taken a few pics of the piles of fruit and veggies I buy. I eat fish a couple of times a week, chicken occasionally and have almost completely eliminated other meats. Over the last year, I have lost 28 pounds. I know that’s not very fast weight loss, but I am good with my hunger level and that makes it more likely that I will stick with it.

    You can switch to a plant based diet, eat lots of food and feel satisfied. There are lots of variants of the diet. My doctor suggested the Mediterranean diet. I went with it because the food is so pretty. Science, ya know. The DASH diet which is pretty similar didn’t have as many pictures.

    In addition to the Fuhrman books I suggest the following reading: these sources are all “on the same page” with Susan and me and you, if you so choose.

    Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating by Walter Willet, MD. This book converts a lot of very technical information into something a little easier for the non-medical reader to understand. Amazon.

    Controlling Your Blood Pressure, A Harvard Medical School Special Health Report, available from Harvard health publishing, Of course, if you don’t have hypertension, you don’t need this one, although it contains lots of diet discussion.

    Special Eating Well Edition, Mediterranean Diet, A Delicious Path to Lifelong health. This is a very inspirational magazine. Beautiful food and beautiful places.

    Also a Magazine: National Geographic Blue Zones, The Science of Living Longer

    A website: Belongs to Elena Paravantes, RDN. She also has a cookbook, The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Beginners

    1. You are correct, Gail. When I eat nutrient-dense food, I rarely feel hungry. The key is to eat food that your body can use as fuel, not just entertainment for your mouth.

  23. Thank you for sharing your food for the day! I will try to follow what you do. I need to start a more plant based diet.

  24. Wow so many “congratulations” from your readers to me for winning your giveaway. Thank you kind ladies. When I wear it I will think of Susan and her devoted followers.

  25. Please tell me the doctor or nutritionist you follow. It was in a previous post but I can’t find it. You listed what you eat and what you avoid. I am very interested in your dietary regimen. I think one of your consultants published a book.
    Thanks, sue

  26. I’m enjoying your honest analysis of your life and what works for you. Thanks for posting; it’s meaningful to me. I’m ready to make some changes and you’ve motivated me.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.