There are rarely used Dooney and Bourke handbags in my collection, so I’ve decided to sell them. I’m offering these bags to my blog friends first since so many of you have asked about purchasing them in the past.

The domed satchel bags are made of Italian Saffiano leather, which is highly scratch-resistant, durable, and exceptionally easy to keep clean. The red and black bags are the same style and size.

This bag measures twelve inches lengthwise by ten inches tall by five inches wide at the base. The handles extend three inches above the ten-inch height of the bag.

The bag measures twelve inches lengthwise by ten inches tall by five inches wide at the base. The handles extend three inches above the ten-inch height of the bag.

The similar zipper pocket-style satchel in navy measures eleven inches in length, eight inches tall, and five inches wide at the base. The handles extend three inches above the eight-inch height of the bag.

The white barrel-style bag in white pebble leather measures ten inches long, six and one-half inches tall, and six inches wide at the base. The handles extend four inches above the top of the bag.

Why are you selling them? Just curious—going to smaller bags? Only crossbodies? I purchased several D&B after seeing them on your blog.
I still appreciate the bags, but my lifestyle is such that I rarely have a chance to carry them now. I also have minimal storage space.
What are the ages of each bag?
They are each about three years old.
Just love all your advice you give. Love seeing all your outfits that always make you look neatly put together. Truly appreciate your blog. Enjoyable reading.
Just a big “thank you”
They look new! You’ve obviosly taken very good care of them and they should go fast.
These are nice bags. I like what you said about not having any room and just need to get rid of them because you don’t use them now. I hold on to many items with the thought that I might need it someday and I never do. Maybe a clean is in order. I have way too much stuff.
But one of these bags would be useful.
I realize at this point in Mr. Mickey’s life that you must rarely get out for parties or longer trips. Do you still have just the one small closet and rental storage unit?
You are correct. I have one reach-in closet and a cloak closet outside my bathroom. The summer items are in the rental storage unit until the time for the switchover.
Gorgeous bags! Like you, I am downsizing and have sold 48 bag and refined my collection. It grew because I rarely decluttered and kept bags after I stopped using it. Some styles did not work for me, and I learned which styles really work. Poshmark works well to sell items. When decluttering or purchasing, I consider functionality and versatility. While I love satchel bags like these for work, I know I will not use as much when I retire. So I have reduce my collection down to a core collection that serves me. I have a few nice totes for work and travel. The remaining two categories are shoulder and crossbody bags for everyday use and travel and special occasion bags. Good luck on your sale!
Hi Susan,
I have faithfully followed your blog for several years now and so appreciate the ideas on styling basics and putting together different outfits. I haven’t really bought anything new in a long time, unless I am replacing old basics, thanks to you.
My husband and I are planning an intrepid European vacation in the fall and, again because of your ideas, I’m able to pack only minimal basic tops and pants and still have a variety of outfits. We will be limited to only 20 pounds in our carry on bag during our trip.
I do have a styling question. I would like to take a hip length cardigan as a layering/outerwear item on cooler days but would also like to wear a wide-brimmed hat. I am 61, 5’5″, 147 pounds (hourglass shaped), blond hair, same bob cut as yours. My basic tops include black and white short sleeves and tanks, and a couple of scarves in pinks, blue-greens, black, white, and gold. Pants will be black and tan, although I could buy a pair of gray ones too. I have a black acrylic cardigan already, but would be willing to invest in a cashmere, mid thigh length one too. Best colors on me are black, darker gray, pink, wine/cranberry. I am Caucasian with a slight yellow-pink complexion. What color and style hat should I buy for my trip? Is the cashmere a good investment and if so, what color should I get with the hat? I would prefer a hat with a chin strap on windy days, unless you have a tip for keeping it on one’s head!
Thank you for your advice. So appreciate all of it!
Hi Michelle. I’m so jealous of your trip!
I wear short, long, and hip-length cashmere cardigans often. Even if you drape them over your shoulders or tie them around your neck, they add a smart-looking touch to your basics. Also, look for wine colors since they will go well with all your neutral colors.
I love fedoras, newsboy caps, and Panama hats because they flatter my face shape. Try some hat styles on if you aren’t sure which type looks best on you. Tweed, felt, or wool are excellent fall/winter hat materials. I have this hat in several colorways and I take it on every vacation. It is adjustable so that it stays on even in the wind, and it is packable.
Hello Susan,
May I ask the price of white bag?
Thank you
I haven’t set any prices, so please make an offer, and it will be added to the others. Then, on the closing date, January 30th, I will contact the people whose offers are accepted.
I would have loved the red one, but I’m in Australia. The bags are so beautifully looked after.
Good luck to all who make offers.
I get all my purses directly from Italy – but would be very interested in the scarves
What a great pity I am not in the US!
Oh Susan, these bags are luscious. Thank you for offering them up for bidding. I have had several of that brand and enjoyed them, However, during the pandemic I adopted a much more active, outdoorsy lifestyle and found myself reaching for my handbags less and less. Now I have only a few crossbody bags— although I kept one lovely two-tone handbag similar to yours. Once upon a time I had a shelf full of designer bags! Like you, we are still downsizing. Sometimes there is freedom in having fewer choices. I love that you provide appropriate styling ideas for all lifestyle situations.
Lovely bags and you have kept them in perfect condition. I need a tip for keeping dark denim from rubbing off on bags especially lighter color ones. Any ideas on how to solve this issue. Thanks for your informative blogs.
I’ve had that issue a couple of times, but I was able to remove the stain with neutral shoe polish/cleaner by Kiwi.
I’d love the smaller navy bag! I looked at it when you first showed it on you blog but it was a little above my price range. Thank you so much for offering these bags. The red one is also nice! Thank you for sharing your unique style with us!
Carolyn Ippolito
Love all the purses, especially black, red and blue but feel they’re out of my price range. Have you considered FaceBook Marketplace? There are lots of items sold here in Oregon on that site. Just a thought!
I am overwhelmed with bags and am planning to reduce my collection also. I will be interested in what you are going to be using in future posts. My “social life” has dwindled to doctor appoints, pharmacy and the like with church being my only less casual times. We are pretty casual there too. Always look forward to your posts.
Love the red bag but I’m in the UK 🙁 I’m sure they’ll all get very happy new owners though.
I am so nterested and in the red bag.
I am so enjoying your blog! I’m a 60 year old pharmaceutical chemist who semi-retired this year and am having great fun exploring fashion! Fashion was not a large part of my career since in the lab we were wore lab coats and tyvek suits, with respirators tethered to our waists. I’m learning a lot from your posts!
I do want to say thanks and I look forward to continuing to learn from you.
Kind Regards-
Angie Ohnmeis
It’s been busy here! I have overlooked the results of your bag edit results. Hoping I made the cut!
The winning notices were sent privately through emails. Thank you for your offer.