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Your style is fabulous. I’m learning so much from your blog. I would also be interested in your “comfy read a book” or casual wardrobe also. Soon to be retired, I’m revamping in that area also.
You always look lovely.
My heartfelt sympathies to the people who were affected by the wildfires in Tennessee.
I am sure you mentioned them in a post but I must of missed it & was hoping they were not bear you it any of your loved ones.
We know a lot about the devastation of wildfires here in Southern CA.
There have been fires in all the mountains around my little valley. We have had blankets of smoke for weeks. The Gatlinburg fires were about 100 miles from me. We (the folks in Johnson City) have been donating money, food, water, clothes, and many other supplies because many people lost everything.
You’re not wearing a suit but are wearing black separates, is that right? I want to wear black casual pants with a black suit blazer to an afternoon event where I want to dress up slightly. I would wear a cool black and gray top that is designed to be a little long. It’s the black pants and black blazer that I am worried about…will I look like someone who is trying to fake a suit?
The textures are very different. That is what keeps the look from appearing to be a suit.
I enjoy seeing you wearing all one color (such as black) because that’s what I normally do myself. I am short and squatty and wearing one color prevents the eyes from cutting me in half. With your outfit Mr. Mickey photographed (very nicely if I may say) shows me how to wear a scarf which will help give the appearance of elongating my torso besides adding a punch of color. I also agree with Tammy’s comment of seeing what your casual, at home outfit would be. Enjoy a terrific weekend, and good luck with your outfit tonight – I’m sure it’ll be perfect.
I like to put a few dryer sheets in my luggage when I travel. I choose the scented ones for this purpose, as they keep the suitcase smelling fresh. They can also be used for anti-static purposes, as you mention. I swear my clothes arrive less wrinkled, too.
Like this look, you always put things together so well, also with the explanation of why you put certain things together is really teaching me a lot. Hope you had a wonderful evening.
Again thank Mr. Mickey for the photo shot.
You look lovely. Thanks for the bounce tip.
Would you please identify which scarf you are wearing in your pictures. I have seen many and not sure I will be purchasing the right one. I love the one you have on here and I’m guessing it’s one of yours. Thanks very much.
Love your style Susan. What books do you enjoy? I have read and reread all of Mauve Binchy’s books Her biography was very enlightening, I hope to visit Ireland one day.
I have just started seriously adding to my perfume collection with coco channel mademoiselle and Narciso eat de Parfums Poudre. What are your favourite books and scents?
I read a lot of interior design books and books about grand gardens, architecture, and travel to quaint villages and cities in Europe. One of my favorite recent design books is One Man’s Folly: The Exceptional Houses of Furlow Gatewood. When I wear a perfume it is either Chanel no. 5 or Candy by Prada.
You look wonderful. I so enjoy reading this blog.
Thank you’
Oh my gosh you look so striking! You are my kind of gal as when it gets colder I like to stay home and need my quiet time. Thank you for your tips.
Incredibly helpful. Love your site and all your helpful information. Thank you!!
I love your tutorials !please go on !
I am glad you included an all black outfit , as we sometimes need this as we travel
Your reminder to keep the accent pieces edgy and textured were spot on!
I wouldn’t question the all black outfit. I didn’t notice that first. The thing I noticed was the warmth and glow in your face, second that gorgeous orange scarf and then the purse. Where I live I see so much black that I don’t take notice of that but everything else that is there. Also, you look stunning in black.
Also, good tips about the wine. As I’ve got older I just can’t drink that much wine anymore, it gives me a headache. Also, I don’t drink the other alcohols, pop or juice. Guess I’m saving those calories.