Sunshine and temperatures in the mid-seventies called for easy casual separates and a few accessories to add pizzaz. The wind was whipping over the hilltop, so we had to find an alcove for photos.

The basic white shirt is here. The straight-leg jeans are similar to the jeans here. (My Levi’s 724 jeans and cardigan are several years old.) A similar cardigan is here. A similar handbag is here. The loafers are here. The no-show socks really do stay in place. They are here.
I use self-tanning lotion from Jergens (Natural Glow Firming Moisturizer) on my lower legs and feet early in the spring. My sunscreen, haircare, and skincare are here.

Similar accessories are found at the following links. Sunglasses – Earrings – Bracelet – Watch – Ring

We enjoyed a short drive through the countryside, visits with my family, and another stop to visit dear friends. It is such a relief that so many folks have gotten vaccines. Catching glimpses of daffodils blooming in the sun was indeed a joy. I hope you are enjoying milder weather also.

Its so nice to see the weather warming up and spring flowers starting to bloom. It’s like medicine for the soul. Cute haircut Susan!! Have a wonderful day!
The weather is warming here in the California mountains also. The snow in our area is almost nonexistent, but we have a couple of more months before the possibility of snow is completely gone. In the meantime, I’m loving the sunshine and mid-50’s weather. Between the weather and receiving my first dose of the vaccine, I feel incredibly hopeful for the months going forward.
Your outfit is fresh and light. You look marvelous.
Thank you, Elaine.
Perfect look! Thanks for the link and discount code for the no-show liners!
Thanks so much for introducing me to Sheec socks/footie they absolutely stay in place with any shoe and stay on your foot with lots of walking. One of the greatest products to come on the market ever. I spent a lot on different brands over the years only to throw them away because they walked right off my feet! Another great tip from Susan.
Love your hair. Classy outfit
susan beautiful casual style and smart hair
Do you have any irish heritage
No, I don’t think so. Most of my ancestors are from Devon, England.
We’re aways from daffodil blooming in Madison WI with still close to a foot of snow on the ground and still wearing long underwear! Love your new do.
Thanks for the sheec socks link and coupon. Your recommendations have helped me a lot; I am sure these will be great as well. Love your blog.
Hi… still have a lot of snow… do thanks for the pretty pictures… looking forward to spring~gail
I love this! You look so youthful and casual, but with that Susan touch of elegance. People in my community are also getting vaccinated and we are looking forward to being able to meet in person again. There are signs that spring is coming to brighten our days too. Have a wonderful week!
Hi Susan. I love the bracelet however I have difficulty putting this kind of bracelet with catch on by myself. Does anyone else have problem?
My bracelet has a toggle clasp. Here is another example.
Susan, I love your new hair. Beautiful. Which self tanner do you use? When I click on the link it just takes me to the main page at Walgreens. Thanks !
Jergens Natural Glow Firming Moisturizer is the self-tanner.
I’m interested in the Beauty Counter. Your hair style looks great.
Hi Carolyn. The link for my Beautycounter site is here. I will also send you an email.
Loving that new hair style!
Hi, Susan! I love the white shirt. I see some complaints on the Talbot’s site that say it’s too thin. It doesn’t look too thin on you in the pic. Do you have to wear a cami underneath this shirt?
No, I wore my usual Ultimate style bra. I don’t find the blouse to be thin at all.
Thank you for introducing me to the Sheec socks. I have ordered several pair and love that they stay in place.
Love the casual look in this post. Thanks for your inspiration to be the best we can be.
Hi Susan,
Do you use self tanner on your face?
Thank you,
No, I try to tone down the bright white of my winter ankles.
You look absolutely amazing and what amazes me most is I know these are the same clothing styles and colors you usually wear. Somehow they always look fresh and new. I love the brown shoes. Just a simple white shirt, jeans and loafers and you would turn every head in the room. Love your new haircut.
Thank you for the lovely comment, Eve. One of my goals is to show how a few basics can be worn in endless ways.
Spring is coming for you, autumn is coming for me here is Oz.
Your new hairstyle really looks fantastic! …not that your didn’t before 🙂
Best dressed lady!
How do I go about changing my email address or should i just “re sign up”. I’m sorry if it was obvious and I missed how to on your site. Thanks!
I sent you an email, Sharon.
Hi Susan , thank you so much for your blog . I am 58 and I live in England in a small village in Bedfordshire. I enjoy your blog very much as I also love walking and visiting lovely places in my area , Im fortunate that Cambridge is only about 15 miles from me. Your styling tips are so helpful, and I enjoy reading about your life, and outings with your friend .Your appreciation of the small pleasures of life really resonates with me. I think looking after ourselves is so important, as self care contributes so much to our overall wellbeing. I am working hard on improving my own health and losing weight , so all your tips and menu ideas are a great help too .Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021. Christine .
Thank you for the lovely comment, Christine. I would dearly love to visit England. Maybe, next year?
Still cold in Wisconsin but iching to get spring clothing. At least take an inventory. I can’t get past the smell of that suntan lotion. Do you use it at night or daytime?
I don’t notice the smell. I only put it on my lower legs and feet after a shower.
My mother always says, “when the daffodils bloom, spring is round the corner.” Glad you all can get out and visit with friends. We had our first shot and get the second one soon.
You can take the most simple outfit and make it special. Not just with details, but I think it is your upbeat personality shining through,
Thank you for the kind comment, Marilyn. I must admit the cold, gloomy weather was getting to me. I was delighted to see warm weather that day.
Your hairstyle in the second to last photo is great. I am quite envious but will see it somethingblike that would work with hair grown out during COVID plus reluctance to resume highlighting again. Alas, it will be weeks until we will see spring flowers in the ground here in Minnesota. But…with a heavier lightweight sweater or coat I, and others, are so ready for spring. I enjoy your posts quite a lot.
Thank you! I hope all of us get to enjoy springtime soon.
Thank you for teaching this old man about feminine fashion. Your post today puts me in the mood for spring.
All good wishes,
I love this look! A crisp white shirt always looks good—but particularly in the spring when we are weary of dark colors! Could I request that you do a post on jewelry? You have some unique pieces that go beautifully with your clothes. Do you ever wear pearls or other types of jewelry? How do you feel about mix and matching: gold and silver, chunky and not-so-chunky, etc?? Thank you!
Thank you for the suggestion. I am working on a post about accessories, but it may take a while. Stay tuned! I do mix gold with silver; in fact, I have some pieces that incorporate both colors.
It’s nice that spring has come your way. Michigan is still wintery and Arizona has been very cool and windy.
The daffodils look absolutely lovely.
I so do enjoy your blog. Enjoy your week and the wonderful weather.
I enjoy your blog so much and am glad you are continuing it even though you have retired. I agree with the comments above that the Sheec socks are wonderful and I ordered several styles when you posted them on your blog. My next treat to myself is to order a Shapeez bras. Do you have them listed anywhere on your website so my purchasing it will be credited to you?
Thank you for asking, Lydia. I don’t make a commission on Shapeez bras.
Really like this clean, easy going look. We are being teased with lots of sunshine and temps in the high 40’s low 50’s which is great for Michigan this time of year, but our daffodils won’t bloom for at least 6 weeks. So ready for lighter clothing and no coat! Thank you for all your efforts in educating us, so appreciated.
I bought a white shirt, tunic style for Spring. Can’t wait to wear it with black leggings at night or brighter pants during the day. I’m having trouble finding jeans that look good with it, so will be wearing knit denim look leggings that aren’t super tight. I really like the loafer look, so will tweak it by wearing mules. I like that you dress casual, but not sloppy, as I see many women my age in old t shirts and ill fitting blue jeans. It’s easy to wear classic styles and look put together without spending a lot.
I purchased Sheec socks last year after you recommended them. Such a great product! No more socks slipping down into my shoes.
Love the traditional look of jeans with the crisp white shirt. We can all do this. Thanks very much for your detailed explanations, attention to detail and lovely pictures.
It’s just about spring here too with daffodils and other flowers in bloom. Makes me have a good feeling about what’s to come.
I have to copy ,paste what Merilyn above has written
“You can take the most simple outfit and make it special. Not just with details, but I think it is your upbeat personality shining through,”
A simple classic look which never dates,
Pamela Wales UK
Love your posts…and hairstyle! Do you have naturally wavy hair…and when did you stop coloring? We’re you a blond? I am BonnieLeeafter 70…blond 5ft 4…but have same tastes as you…classic!! I just found your post today …3/21/21… and hoping that I am on your site! From Sunny North Carolina to you!
Hi Bonnie. I had mousy wavy brownish hair until I started turning gray while still in my teens. I stopped coloring it when I turned fifty.
You mentioned using the self tanning moisturizer. What about hose? Besides British royalty, who wears hose and when? They make our legs look so much better when we are wearing shirts, but the style in my area, is to skip the stockings. What are your thoughts?
I wear silky sheer hose in black or my skin tone whenever I wear a knee-length dress or slacks with low-cut shoes in winter. I do not have the skin or muscle tone to show bare legs in shorts or dresses. I would not feel confident or happy in shorts or short dresses.
You are so beautiful. Classy n natural looking.
Hi Susan,
I always love reading your posts and learning something new.
I love your haircut above, very nice.
Please keep the posts coming. There are always new ways of looking at style and re-inventing present clothing.
I think this ability to see your clothing in different lights is one of the things I like best.
Best wishes
Aileen Goodwin