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Splash of Red

This top in bright red 100% cotton was part of my look for Mother’s Day. It is by Focus. If you not familiar with the line, they create very comfortable casual tops that are perfect to wear with slim-fitting pants.

The shoes are by Ralph Lauren a couple of years ago. The pants are by Kaari Blue from Belk. The earrings were by Chico’s a few years ago. The bangle bracelets are from Nordstrom. The sunglasses are old by Oscar de la Renta.

The top I am wearing is by Focus here. It was a gift from my friends at My Fair Lady.

  1. Susan, this is a really cute top – especially for that “Americana” look for the summer holidays and looks good with the white pants. I see on these pictures what you previously referred to concerning tightness of the pants around your knees. Glad you are pointing that out —— I have difficulty with that as well – it relates to my arthritis and health issues due to radiation and unfortunately isn’t going away! Hard to find fitted pants that do not “pull” around the knee area. I think white tends to show that more than darker colors. Just a few pair of subtle print pants for just a change here and there in the wardrobe can camouflage that issue a bit too. Of course, we all prefer the solids for wearing most of the time! Enjoy wearing your red tunic. It would fit in well for a Memorial Service for our fallen veterans. Years ago, I was gifted a beautiful designer “red – white – blue” flag design silk scarf from New York designed and sold right after 911 and I get that out most years for our local Memorial Day Program….. Bless our military veterans.

  2. What a treat…..a rare Tuesday post. I love the look of red and white together just like I love the royal blue and white combo. 3/4 sleeves work well also.

  3. I have been following you since 2015. I started following you because you wore very cool shoes and just had a style I emulated. The last few months you have really changed. I am not a fan of the “older” look. My husband looks over my shoulder occasionally and asked who the new person I was following. He thought I was following an older woman now. I was worried after people made comments about your high heels that you were going a different direction. I can just look around to see old- style dressing and I am not a fan. I still think you are lovely but bring back the longer hair, the cool shoes and the more trendy Susan. I am just a few days younger than you and looked forward to your post for inspiration Maybe you are seeking an older audience but I’d love to have you back.

    1. Thank you for your comment. At almost sixty-two, some things no longer feel appropriate or comfortable, for example, high heels. As I approach my retirement, I don’t want to keep spending lots of money on clothes and shoes I rarely wear. Being comfortable in classic clothing that I can wear in many ways seems like a smart choice. Tomorrow, I will show a look that you may enjoy.

  4. I’m a fan of the loose red top (looks so comfy!) and the white pants! You wear bright primary colors well Susan!

  5. Wow, I can’t believe anyone would say you look old here or even relatively old. I think you look fresh and youthful and love everything about this look. I think you could “paper doll” a 35 year old into this outfit including hair style and she’d look all that. Maybe it is a regional or socioeconomic thing but some women look ok keeping long hair and pinup girl shoes (for anything but limo shoes) past 50 but most would do better making a change. It takes humility and self awareness. Like you said, just because you “can” doesn’t mean you “should.” That said, I think these pants are a “go” for you, just my opinion. I have to recommend the white Gap True Skinny lightweight ankle jeans I just bought. I go there because of their petite offerings. These jeans are a lightweight well cut delight.

  6. For the first time in my life, I’m venturing into red and it is because of a top you modeled a few months ago, also from My Fair Lady. I love the color, but the top is rather voluminous on me, even in a size Small. I want to wear a belt or something with it. What would you suggest?

    Anyway, I’ve been wearing French manicures and pedicures since 1982. I now have red nails, fingers and toes, and it’s taking some getting used to–especially for my husband. I’ve bought another red top and some killer red lipstick. Who knew?! Thanks for helping me be bolder in my choices, Susan!

  7. Those just may be my favorite all time shoes I’ve ever seen you wear. Love them. Want them. Got to find them! Great look, Susan!

  8. Do you find that the tops at My Fair Lady run true to size? Smaller? Larger?
    I would like to try one out. I normally wear a size Misses 10/12 or a Large in knit tops (boobs).

    1. I wear a medium in all of the tops carried by My Fair Lady. I find that better-made garments do run a bit larger than the cheaper brands. The large should be fine for you.

  9. Susan, I have been following your blog for several years now but I have never commented. Today I just want to say thank you for your advice and I think you look better every year! Lovely pictures and outfit!

  10. I’ve been following your blog for several years and love your style.

    I do LOVE your hair shorter hairstyle! It looks awesome!

  11. Just my opinion but I really like the direction you are going in style wise. I am exactly your age and am inspired always by your evolving looks. It’s true our shapes change, knees and feet may not be what they were even one year ago and and an overhaul is needed. Holding on to a style that doesn’t work anymore is ageing and just sad to me. We have to change it up to stay current and true to who we are now. I thought your newest cut was most flattering. I’d say it took 10 years off you but that’s not the point. Looking our best might mean we look younger but I’d rather look confident, happy, stylish and my age.

  12. I agree with Brenda Pawloski, every word. Can’t imagine someone thinking you look “old” in this outfit. And you must, of course, wear what makes sense for you, comfortable and appropriate. I love these wedge heels! I like that you always look smart and put together. Personally, I think trendy clothes are just budget killers and we certainly don’t need that on retirement income.

  13. I love Kaari Blue and now Belk has them in petites. The Belk in Johnson City is not as good as the ones in South Carolina and Knoxville. This one in Johnson City has such limited stock and they really need to refurbish their fitting rooms!

    But I love Kaari Blue! I do a lot of online shopping at Belk since the one here is so limited in stock. I am glad to see Belk carrying more petites. I am 5 feet tall and very small so I appreciate the petites Belk has.

  14. When you are on the tall side of average, it can be hard to find tops that are long enough, but don’t look baggy or overwhelming. I will definitely look at these online. Thank you so much for continuing to show incredibly livable pieces!

  15. Thank you for being true to yourself. I have followed you for a while and changed my style too. I have accepted that I am getting close to sixty and buying trendy younger clothing makes me look older, while following your suggestions results in a polished classic look. I get so many compliments and feel much more comfortable. Keep the suggestions and pictures coming.

  16. My gosh, that red’s gorgeous! It’s always been front & centre in my wardrobe, along with black & bright white. I could happily have my entire closet filled with nothing but those 3 (& blue jeans). I think it makes every woman look great, regardless of her age & colouring — most of the women in my family are red-heads (I’m the only blonde in a generation) & all but my mother (who thinks it’s too “loud”) wear it fearlessly & to great effect.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.