Santa’s Favorite Stop

For the past thirteen autumns, Mr. Mickey has let his hair and beard grow long for an exceptional Santa project. Yesterday, fifty children sat on his lap for a picture and a visit with Santa, who brought a big bag of gifts for each of them. Earlier in the day, they enjoyed a hot lunch with their family or guardian.

About fifteen years ago, our dear friend, attorney Tony Seaton, started buying school clothes, shoes, a coat, and a toy for disadvantaged children in our area. He generously and quietly devotes his time and to numerous projects throughout the region.

In the following years, other friends have also contributed to this labor of love bringing immense joy to everyone involved in the project.

The Mrs. Claus look for the day included a white scarf, a gift from a blog reader. The tank is here, and the cardigan is here, similar pants are here, similar shoes are here, a similar handbag is here.

We wish you joy and peace.

  1. Beautiful photos of Santa and the children. Love your outfit too, Mrs Claus. Feeling a touch envious at the moment. 38 degrees celsius ( 100.4F) here in Brisbane, Australia at the moment.

  2. Always my favourite post of the year! – the expressions on those sweet children’s faces never fails to renew my faith in the spirit of the season – bless you & Mr. Mickey for all your good works now & throughout the year – warmest regards from a Canadian fan

  3. What an excellent, and uplifting post today, dear Susan! Mr. Mickey makes an authentic, kind looking Santa!
    You always look totally appropriate for every occasion. The white scarf is a fine finish touch for your outfit.
    I look forward to your posts, and read all the older ones as well!

  4. God bless this endeavor. It touches my heart to see these kiddos smiling as they sit on Santa’s lap. Mr. Mickey is a sweet soul to do this, as are you for sharing this with us. I also love, love, love the bright red with the white scarf. As usual, you look beautiful. Love your blog

  5. Such a touching post. What a wonderful way to spread cheer and help those in need. Mr. Mickey makes a wonderful Santa!
    Your outfit is lovely. Red is a fabulous color on you.

  6. The looks on the faces of the children are so touching! What a wonderful thing Mr. Mickey (and you and your friends) are doing; such a difference in a child’s life!

  7. In the midst of all the commercialization of the season, it is wonderful to see Mr Mickey interact with the children. The pictures are precious. You look fabulous as Mrs Claus. Love the red sweater with the pretty white scarf.

  8. I cannot begin to think how blessed you and Mr. Mickey were after this wonderful event. I am so blessed by just looking at the pictures of these beautiful children! God Bless both of you this Blessed Christmas season.

  9. Wonderful project you’re involved in! Those pics were so adorable! Looks like they all had a great time! Congratulations on a very successful event! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and Mr. Mickey, who always makes a great Santa!

  10. The world needs many more generous Mr Seatons, kind hearted Mr Mickys and so supportive Susans. The looks on the faces of these children tell so much.

  11. Thank you for sharing these sweet pictures…..the joy of this season. Mr. Mickey is a wonderful Santa and you the lovely helper!
    Merry Christmas to you both.

  12. So precious!! The looks on the children’s faces and that little boy’s hug have me in tears! What a wonderful act of giving from all of you. Mr. Mickey makes a wonderful Santa. Merry Christmas!!

  13. Mr. Mickey looks like the real deal! The children look so very happy. Like I’ve said in years past, what a wonderful gesture to be part of during this special time of giving. Of course, you look great too Susan!

  14. These pictures are beautiful! Just like the two of you. Wishing you joy and peace for the holiday season, no matter how you celebrate.

  15. Thank you to you and Mr. Mickey for doing this for so many years. The look on the children’s faces says it all! I enjoy your blog and thank you for putting so much work into it all year long. Love the outfit you are displaying.

  16. Children are the best part of Christmas. I want to express how wonderful it was to see these pictures, and to say how all of those involved in making these wonderful memories for them are exceptional in so many ways. May you all have a very Merry Christmas and joyous Holiday season. May the New Year bring all health and happiness.

  17. Simply precious and a wonderful way to make a contribution to your community. Mr. Mickey is the perfect Santa and you make a lovely partner. Bless you all!

  18. Mr. Mickey makes the BEST SANTA ever ! Those pictures of the children are so sweet !
    What a special day that says the true reason of the Season !

  19. Thank you for sharing so many of the children’s photos- it’s a joy to see the happiness on their sweet faces. Wonderful Christmas event, and much needed.

  20. This brings tears of joy to my eyes. Thank you to you two and your friends for giving to these precious children.

  21. Mr. Mickey is such a great guy for playing Santa. The children are adorable and you, dear Susan, are gorgeous as always. Happy holidays from the Pacific Northwest!

  22. Year after year as I read about this and see the pictures, my heart melts and tears just stream down my cheeks. This year is no exception. Bless you two. Merry Christmas.

  23. Absolutely PRECIOUS and brought me to happy tears!! Love Mr Mickey and his classy, sassy helper
    Blessings for a wonderful holiday season!

  24. The children’s sweet faces are joyfully happy. I look forward to this post each year since I’ve been following your blog. I imagine Mr. Mickey loves the day as much as do the children.

  25. So blessed to have much more than I need, or could ever want, especially this time of year. Happy to share my blessings with others too! Wishing you and Santa a wonderful holiday season!

  26. What a wonderful team you and Mr. Mickey are in every way. Mr. Mickey has a great way with the children, putting them so much at ease with Santa. You Susan make are a beautiful Mrs. Claus. Best to you both through the holidays ahead, and a great 2020. Thanks for all you do.

  27. It is clear that you reside in a wonderful community. Those children absolutely adore Santa. There should be more communities like this world wide

  28. Susan, this is the first time I have ever communicated with a blogger. You have provoked me to take much needed actions to restore my confidence. I retired a few years ago from a high profile, high stress, high reward job that I loved and in which I thrived. Through reading your blog I have come to realize that a large part of my work confidence came from the way I dressed for work…blazers, cardigans, solid color tanks, dress pants in neutral colors and beautiful shoes with heels. Now that I know where I was then and where I am now, I need to put in the time and thought to craft a wardrobe that engenders self confidence and comfort. My dissertation was all about the impact of women’s clothing so I know better. Retirement is a struggle for me because I do not like it. But that’s another story. Thank you for helping shed light on part of the solution to restore my self confidence.

  29. It touched my heart to see Mr. Mickey with the kids! What a wonderful thing you both do for the future of our country: our kids!!! Merry Christmas Susan and I so thank you for being my friend and letting me lean on your wisdom!!!!

  30. Those photos captured the true joy of the season! How wonderful to see those darling children in awe of Santa.

    Thanks for sharing.

  31. These pictures captures joy in the faces of the children and Santa. Thank you for all the work you put into the blog to inspire us to look our best.

    Merry Christmas Susan & Mr. Mickey

  32. Hi Susan,
    Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year and seeing pictures of you and Mr. Mickey always brightens my day.
    The children look so happy such a great day for them.
    Thank you both for spreading the holiday spirit,

  33. How wonderful! The photo of Santa (Mr Mickey) and the little boy hugging each other is so very precious! ❤️

  34. Mr. Mikey makes a grand Santa Claus!! How wonderful of you both to participate in this charity for children!

  35. Adorable pictures of Santa (Mr. Mickey) with the children. Susan you always look beautiful. Thank you for your wishes and I wish you and Mr. Mickey all that life can offer you in 2020 and much joy at Christmas.

  36. I think we, as Susan’s fans, should follow their lead. We all know there is a need in our own communities. It is up to all of us to do what we can, as Susan and Mr. Mickey and others in their community have done. There are a number of resources from which to choose…..Lutheran Social Service, Catholic Charities, schools, churches, even the Welfare Department. I guarantee that this Christmas will be better knowing you made someone else’s Christmas better for their kids. It has always worked for me.

  37. Oh Susan, These pictures brought tears to my eyes. You and Mr. Mickey are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing these images, it lifts my heart and my spirit. Xo

  38. What a beautiful look for the holidays. I’m going to wear this to an event since I have all the pieces in my wardrobe. Thanks for inspiring me. I don’t need to shop for new clothes. I have just what I need thanks to following you.

  39. Those are precious photos. Holidays through the eyes of a child are so special and bless you and Mr. Mickey for making the time special for these children.

  40. Sweetest pictures ever! The love in Santa’s eyes is reflected in these children’s faces! Your Mr. Mickey is quite the gentleman and so very special. You look absolutely lovely on his arm! This whole post brought me to tears of love. Thank you to your dear friend Tony, what a special guy! Merry Christmas to you all!

  41. Thank you for all you and Mr. Mickey do to make the season brighter for children. Our church does a giving tree. This year there were many children asking for coats. We love to buy them coats, hats and gloves but it must be hard for a child to ask for a coat instead of a toy.
    Thank you again and God bless you both.

  42. Your photos of Santa and the children are fabulous. They certain capture the magic and wonder of Christmas.
    What lovely friends you have to do such a special thing!

  43. You look beautiful and Mr Claus is lucky to have you as his assistant. Mr Clause is to be commended for his time with the children. That is truly what Christmas is about.

  44. Hi Susan,

    The pictures of the children are precious, I can imagine all the joy this brought to each child.
    Mr. Mickey makes such a great Santa Claus, I can see he has a magic touch with kids. You make
    a very cute Missy Claus.
    I am attending our Desert View Bible Church Christmas Woman’s luncheon today. It’s a fabulous event. The tables are hosted and dressed with the best of the best. The men are dressed in tuxedos, and serve about 60 tables. I am dressing on the casual side, however with items that you had shown in the past. I carry you with me. 🙂
    Have a beautiful weekend.

  45. This is my favorite blog you have posted. I love everything about it, my heart just melted. Merry Christmas!

    Becky Buday

  46. What a wonderful expression of the season. How great to be a part of this outreach and love! And Mrs. Claus looks fantastic as well.
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  47. Heartbreakingly beautiful in its goodness and innocence. I couldn’t think more highly of Mr Mickey and all those involved.

  48. These photos are touching. Santa Mickey’s kindness and gentle respect for each of the children shines through. Blessings to everyone on the team who creates this special Christmas for the little ones.

    Thank you, Susan, for focusing on the spirit of caring this season, rather than consumption.

  49. The looks on the faces of these children says it all. However, the blessings were shared not only with the children, but also, with Santa and Mrs. Claus and all others involved. Blessing to all of you.

  50. Don’t usually leave comments but just had to say what a wonderful cause and Mr Mickey makes the most fantastic Santa.
    A very merry Christmas x

  51. A few years ago my husband who has a similar beard was stopped in a shopping centre by a small boy and asked in a whisper if he was Santa. He played along and one small boy was thrilled. Christmas is a lovely time for children but we need to remember that not everyone has the same experience. The stress of the period is real for many. Love Mr Mickey. And your advice, so often on the mark.

  52. And didn’t this just make my day. The look on a child’s face when they are up close to Santa – and what a perfect Santa . Thanks for sharing.

  53. It’s such a wonderful thing Mr Mickey does and equally kind of you! Wisemen and Wisewomen have said it’s better to give than receive and in giving, one actually receives more!


  54. This is really amazing. The pictures were very precious especially the one where the little boy is laying on his chest and the smiles on the boys face and Mr, Mickey s face is so awesome. Thank you for these pictures.

  55. Seeing your lovely white scarf around your neck, I have a question. How to you keep your makeup from rubbing off on clothing?

  56. As in past years, it is so heart warming to see these pictures of Mr. Mickey giving so much joy to those children.
    Merry Christmas.

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