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Packing and Planning

In a few days, I will begin my first work-free trip in more than twenty years. I’m looking back at pictures of what I enjoyed wearing most in warm weather to decide what to pack. My style is minimal, casual, comfortable, and classic, so the pieces I take with me will work with each other in various combinations as needed.

I no longer own short-sleeved tees, but I do love to wear a good vest!

I will take my Beautycounter cleansing products and my sunscreen—a packable hat, a couple of pairs of sunglasses, and a few scarves. Layering will allow me to dress for the weather or the time of the day.

I’ll be back soon!

  1. Susan, You deserve a vacay as you work very hard to provide good blog posts for us, your followers. Why don’t you wear short sleeves anymore? Just curious.

  2. Have a wonderful time away. And thanks so much for your soup recipe yesterday. The bathing suit looks really nice, slinky, sexy and classy. Maybe this will be a new bathing suit year for me.

  3. Have an awesome trip Susan! You deserve it. I’m sure you will share all the fun with us when you get back!
    Take care

  4. Thank you so much for this post. You gave me very good ideas for an upcoming trip.
    Have a great time in your vacation!

  5. Love your outfits. I never wear white jeans but I’m thinking it would be a good look. I am not pear-shaped and they would probably be flattering.
    I think the secret to packing well is to limit the number of shoes. They take up so much space.

  6. i love the denim on you, even tough I rarely think to wear simple denim.
    But you look good in whatever you wear!!

  7. How exciting! I can hardly wait to find out where you are going! It looks like you have some great outfits planned for your excursion. Relax and enjoy!

  8. Great choices! Have a good trip.

    When you return, i’d love your comments on trench coats. Which shapes can wear the double breasted style; which should stick to an alternative.

    1. Hi Jan. I have talked about trench coats before. They can work for me if they are not tan and very plain. Not the classic double-breasted style because that adds girth where most of us don’t need it.

  9. Ahhh, solo travel! Although I prefer to travel with my husband of 32 years, I have taken solo trips for many years. I refer to them as my “empowerment” trips because they do just that. Solo travel can be so rewarding and beneficial in so many ways, as I am sure you know.

    I hope your trip is everything you may need and want and even more! So looking forward to hearing about your adventure!

  10. Susan, have a wonderful trip. Love all your outfits but the denim shirt and white pants outfit is really cute. Love that look. Are they white jeans? Thanks.

  11. Enjoy your trip!! We love to “visit” great places via your posts of beautiful scenery, unusual buildings, and wonderfully presented food!

    1. He is thrilled that I can take this trip at last. He knows how much solitude means to me, on the other hand, he prefers to go on trips with as many of his guy friends as possible.

  12. I think packing for a trip is really difficult. I really want to pack light but I am not sure what we will be doing. It’s Florida, so I need a lot of outdoor casual stuff for hiking, boating, Everglades. Also evening wear. Oh well… Have a wonderful time on your vacation, Susan!

  13. Have a wonderful vacation, Susan. No one deserves it more than you. I look forward to hearing about it when you return. Bon voyage, lovely lady!

  14. Have a lovely holiday Susan. I hope you find the refreshment and relaxation you seek.

    Your white jeans have inspired me too, I’m going to try to find a pair this year.

  15. I know you always say you don’t wear prints but I’d love to see you just once in a fun Lilly Pulitzer print. I think it would be darling on you and so many are in your signature blue. Fun for a trip to a sunny climate.

  16. I relate to so much of what you post, and your comment about enjoying some solitude hit home. I love and need my solitude too, so I’m excited for you about your trip. I hope you have a wonderful time, and I look forward to reading about it when you’re back. Bon Voyage!

  17. I really like the shoes you are wearing with the black vest. They are the nicest shoes I have ever seen in a long time. You look great in all your outfits and you and I have the same taste in color.
    I would like to know if I could get those shoes? Wishing you a beautiful trip.

  18. Hope you are having fun! Looking forward to hearing all about it AND what clothes you ended up taking, so I can be inspired for my own 5-day getaway to HI in February (carry-on only)!

  19. One thing I always do before a trip to sunny shores is put a self tanning lotion on my legs. It is a wonderful way to disguise spider veins and other skin issues. I look and feel better and more confident. I also use it in the winter when I’m wearing a dress. Have a terrific time!

  20. Hi Susan! enjoy your blog! Very classic pieces! Some of which I also own! Sleeveless tees are not for me anymore so I have gone to some sleeves which are very loose, three quarter. We live in north Florida which can be hot and humid and the movement of the sleeves is cooling!

  21. Hi Susan,

    Avril from England here, love your style and everything you wear, I unusual for me! Well done.


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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.