I enjoyed a relaxing time in sunny southwest Florida last week. As always, I studied a lot while I was there. I took note of the landscaping, the architecture, and of course, what people wore. There is an artistic element to all of these things that I find fascinating. One of the delights that travel affords is the chance to absorb details unique to the area.
For the past few weeks, I have also been studying classic men’s dressing. Elegance occurs as you remove the excess but develop a keen eye for details.
Sprezzatura is an Italian term describing a gentleman’s way of dressing elegantly but with a very casual attitude. It is the mastering of your style so that you appear very relaxed and informal, as if you didn’t even look in the mirror as you dressed.

I wore this look to brunch on Sunday. The jacket is here. The soft pull-on style jeans are here. The Microfiber tank is here. The boots are here. The scarf is here. A similar handbag is here. My lip color is Currant here.
The shopping links in my posts may result in a small commission for me at no additional cost to you.

When I sat down in the stylist’s chair last week, I asked for a trim. You can see that I got a lot more than I bargained for! I have to admit that shorter hair was much more comfortable as the temperatures climbed into the nineties with high humidity. It will take a few more days for me to get used to this cut and style.

Later in the week, I will share more about the wardrobe I packed for my trip. Today, I want to share the most important element. Comfortable shoes are imperative when walking more than five miles each day.
Thankfully, the current shoe trend is to wear tailored sneakers with dresses, jeans, and anything else you want. These gifted shoes from Everlane (found here) arrived before I left for my trip. They are the most comfortable and smart-looking shoes I’ve ever worn in this category.

To continue the minimal look, I wore the Active-X Low-cut no-show socks here. Use the coupon code SUSAN for 15% off full-price items for one purchase only.
Below are some of the images from my visit to the Naples Botanical Garden.

Thank you. These are helpful hints and beautiful photos of your trip.
Beautiful pictures!
Love your haircut!
Very masculine
I agree, I think it’s the sharp lines…the shoulders and then the sharp pointed line of the shoe
And…you look wonderful, right?
Lovely pictures; your jacket is such a pretty color, and I think the shorter hair is very becoming!
Sure missed your blog while you were gone! But so happy you had a good visit to Florida. I love the Jean’s, but, do you have a link for a cheaper pair…they’re a bit out of my price range.
The quality and fit may not be the same, but try these, https://shopstyle.it/l/bd2eY
Love the botanical pictures!
I really love your hair! You look sassy and youthful..
Did you really wear that leather jacket and tight jeans outfit in 90 degree heat in florida? I live in Michigan and plan to go to Florida. Would light colors look best in March there? I really don’t know how to dress appropriately for that hot climate. Years ago, I left Michigan in January right after a blizzard wearing a heavy coat, jeans, sweater and boots. I just didn’t know what to do with them during my ten day stay. It was so warm in Florida that I had to buy two summer dresses there. When I landed back in Michigan, we had 10 inches of snow on the ground. Suggestions, please.
No, that’s what I wore to brunch on Sunday. I came back on Saturday. I didn’t have anyone to take pictures for me while I was in Florida, so I will have to tell the story in another way. I took many of the same cotton shirt, light-weight ankle pant combos that I usually wear in summer. I took one of my tank dresses, but I’ll show you all that later. We had snow on the ground when I returned also. I saw lots of ladies wearing dresses, flirty skirts, shorts, and capris.
Love the hair cut. Youthful and sassy and it looks really pretty on you!!
I lived on the east side of FL (St. Lucie Co) for 16 years and loved it! The east coast is beautiful too. I’ve found that staying here is an unknown jewel….not that many tourists. Love the outfit and especially the white sneakers. Hair looks great! Glad you had a good time!
Florida! My home state for 50 years. I have never seen a lily pad tray looking thing like that floating in the water. Whatever it is! Your pictures are meaningful and beautiful!
Love your new hair cut.
Hi Susan I live in Naples and am happy you enjoyed our world class botanical garden! I’ve followed your blogs for years and am always wishing I could enjoy wearing your layers, jackets, boots, etc. Would love to see some pictures of how you dressed while down here in our hot weather. Even winters are warm and summertime is almost impossible for dressing with style… even linen feels hot to me!
I will try to recreate some of the looks I wore in the posts later this week.
I love to visit botanical gardens in other countries and cities.!
Susanafter60, your cut may be shorter than you would have preferred, it still looks beautiful on you. You are lovely as always.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pictures, Susan! I look forward to hearing more about your trip.
I think the way Mr. Mickey dresses is the epitome of classic men’s style. He always looks sharp, as do you! I’m glad you are back.
Your hair looks fabulous! The photos are also gorgeous!
I’m so looking forward to your posts about a man’s wardrobe. Since my husband retired, he’s been struggling with a casual look. It’s great to read that I’m not the only one who has issues with haircuts. Thanks for the pictures of Florida, I love looking at flowers.
Welcome back, Susan! Beautiful pics and very helpful words. You have a jacket collection that is fabulous and this one is very flattering both in style and color. Can’t wait for more posts.
I have a similar jean jacket! Love it! Susan, your shorter hair is flattering. I’ve gone shorter (and shorter), and I love the ease of care. I don’t like a “shaved” back though. Your Fla pics are so pretty! Welcome home!
Love your hair! Looks great!
Thank you for sharing! Your haircut is lovely on you!
I’m enjoying the more casual looks you have been highlighting. I found after I retired that it was a challenge to choose outfits that had style, but were casual enough for daily wear. I’ve found you very instructive. Just because I’ve retired, I don’t want to be a frump!! It is easy for jeans, tee and sneakers to look like that. I see so many women in shapeless big floral tops, faded jeans and sneakers. This is just not a good look for any one!
I’m interested in learning more about the casual side of the men’s dressing too. It seems like a lot of the readers mention Mr. Mickey’s clothing choices. So I think our men need help too!
I’m glad you had a wonderful trip and have returned to blog. Thank you!
I love the shorter hair on me…and on you. As I reached 70, I found hair past my jowls tended to make me look older, and I have it cut similar to yours – but mine is baby soft and board straight. I have to use some products to achieve a bit of lift on the top. My best feature (IMHO) is my eyes and the shorter hair accentuates them. Oh and BTW, a friend/colleague started her Beauty Counter business so to support her, I bought the Countertime Regimen. I probably would have gasped at the cost and politely declined except for your glowing reviews, not to mention your glowing skin. I’m so glad you’ve been sharing this product! To all your readers, I really suggest trying Beautycounter. I’ve used mine for just a week now and I can see an amazing difference. That said, I do use Skinceuticals hyaluronic serum, recommended by my MedSpa doc. He was very impressed by the tone and texture of my skin and actually looked at my chart when I reminded him I was 70. One week!
You were in Naples. Would love to have seen you. Maybe next time. The gardens are beautiful and the beaches. We did have a bit of a chill for a couple days. Probably felt great. We are back to perfect weather.
I’m sorry! I thought you were out of the country. I would have let you know.
Susan, you look lovely as always, but I think your usual longer style is very flattering. Enjoy the new style and the coolness it provides!
After years and years of having a pixie cut (first tried this style in the early 90s before it was trending), at age 62 I decided to let my hair grow longer. I found some resistance to this from stylists who kept wanting to give what I consider a standard mid-life haircut. It was like I was ‘not allowed’ to have longer hair. My hair is also wavy and I didn’t want it straightened during the blow dry. I stopped going to the stylist who managed to sabotage whatever length I had achieved. The new stylist is letting the different layers grow out. However I delay as long as possible to for my visit, knowing that a trim is going to diminish what ever I’ve tried to grow.
Amazing jacket colour. Love the look.
I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your photographs, what camera do you use or recommend? Through the years I have used a wide variety, I am searching for simplicity, quality zoom lens, and perhaps the ability to communicate directly with my phone, but not a camera that I need to take a class. Thank you for all your common sense fashion advice.
I’ll write more about my camera and photography in a future post. I use a Sony camera.
LOVE the leather jacket!! This link for the Everlane sneaker is for the Men’s shoe – thought you would want to know. 🙂
Oh, dear! I’ll correct that right away.
Lovely haircut
Thank you for the beautiful post. Lovely to see on a
rainy day in South Carolina.
Welcome back. I thought you were growing out your hair so when I saw this post, I noticed right away you had it cut. Love it! Anyway, while I was out and about this weekend, I noticed that flared pants are featured in store displays. Your thoughts? I was reminded of the pants I wore in high school, but I don’t think they’d work for me now. (smile).
Proportion is the key. If your body is short and wide, flares may make you appear larger than you are.
Your short haircut is fabulous!!
Thank you Susan for the beautiful pictures and sharing your trip with us. I really enjoyed it! Linda
Love the hair it’s really flattering at that length !
Hi Susan, i’m happy you had a week to relax and glad to see you back looking so refreshed. I love the color of the jacket. Is the description faux liquid leather the same as the other faux leather? I find that the faux is rather hot. What about you?
It was fifty degrees here that day, so it didn’t feel too hot. I might not wear it on an eighty degree day, but otherwise, yes.
Just for reference what size is your jacket? Thank you! Looks great on you and very youthful.
I am wearing a size medium.
Beautiful pictures of the Gardens! Love your classy yet comfortable style! I have followed you for YEARS but I believe this is my first time to actually comment.
I just happened on your post on Facebook and opened your blog. I think I’ll continue to follow you!
I love your gorgeous purple jacket and your entire outfit.
I’m so glad you enjoyed visiting my beautiful hometown, Naples, and our very special botanical garden!
Next time you visit, I’d love to grab a coffee with you if you have some time to spare!
Beautiful pictures of the fauna and flora in Florida! Thanks for sharing!
We were in Naples 2 weeks ago. Aren’t the gardens lovely? I took some of the exact same pictures you took! Ha!
I love your jacket – the color is so dramatic and unique.
You look stunning! Your hair is quite becoming on you, and shows off your beautiful eyes! Naples is the most beautiful place I’ve seen, these pictures of the botanical garden are lovely. So glad you had a restful sunny trip!
Susan, I’m glad you had a nice vacation. We live in the Midwest. My daughter and I are planning a trip to St. Augustine in a few weeks. Can’t wait to get out of this cold! Your pictures are lovely! I was wondering what kind of camera you are using. Thanks for the blog.
I’ll write more about my camera and photography in general in a future post. I use a Sony camera.
I love the blue scarf with that jacket. Beautiful. I have my hair a bit shorter but it’s just so easy, it is wash and wear hair. It looks good even if I just let it dry on its own. I have a great hairdresser who is getting her own shop, one city over from me. I will follow her. A good haircut is just vital to my well being. The photos are beautiful and I looking forward to new posts with a spring, summer feel because I live on the coast. We have a long warm to hot season.
Your hair is nice, and will probably look even better in a month (with just a bit more length). So glad you had a nice vacation!
I had a similar experience at the hairdresser’s this week! It’s definitely shorter than I had in mind, but fortunately I like it. It surprises me every time I look in the mirror though as it was a big change.
Welcome back…. You were missed❤️
90 degree weather and you were able to tolerate a jacket? I do not know how you manage. As a Miami girl, tank tops and linen pants are my uniform.
These photos were taken on Sunday after I returned to Tennessee on Saturday night. I had no one to take pictures for me while I was in Florida, so I will have to recreate those looks for you later. The weather is rainy and chilly here.
The photos are gorgeous. I just love receiving your emails.
I just visited the Naples Botanical Gardens on Saturday for the annual orchid show! Your photos are beautiful. I wish I had known you were in my neck of the woods!
Lovely pics of flora and fauna, Susan. Thank you.
If you are ever in the vicinity of Lake Lure NC, there is a Flowering Bridge Garden near the Chimney Rock attraction. I’m sure you would love it. We visited a number of times a couple of years ago when we were on holiday nearby. It must be quite unique.
So pleased to hear you enjoyed your vacation. Some warm weather at this time of year can be very welcome.
Kind regards
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Naples. I love the shorter hair cut. It’s nice to switch it up once in a while but I know it’s always a challenge to get used to how to style the new hairdo. When I opened the latest blog I was happy to see a plum color jacket on you. I bet you receive a lot of compliments on the jacket and the outfit. It’s so striking. I just wore my dark plum jacket on Sunday when the temps were warmer here in Chicago.
Have a great week and thanks again for the post.
Love your hair. I love your blog and look forward to reading it Thanks
So glad you are back. Missed your blog posts. Gorgeous pics of Naples. I reside in SW FL year round and we have enjoyed a very mild winter. Love the shorter hair on you
I really like your new shorter hair style.
Your photos are amazing reminders of Gods beauty and creation! Thanks for sharing!
Your new hairstyle is very attractive and the plum jacket is so sharp!
I’m curious about your thoughts of our fashion sense, hete in Southwest Florida. I love, and have, lots of color in my wardrobe, leaning toward beachy bohemian.
Susan, What camera do you use? The pictures are so clear and sharp. Your hair cut is youthful and cute 🙂
Thank you for sharing,
I’ll be sharing more about my camera and more photos in the post for tomorrow.
Welcome home! Your pictures are fabulous and you look rested and glowing. I would like to know where you stayed in Naples. Your trip has encouraged me to take a long needed reboot. I’ve had the same thing happen with my “trim”, but I ended up enjoying my new look after I got used to it.
I stayed in Fort Myers but visited Naples a couple of times, as well as Sanibel Island and Gasparilla Island.
Wonderful pics, cant wait to see more!
Susan, I have never known if this is appropriate or not; can you wear black or off black pantyhose in summer if wearing black skirt and black pumps? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I feel that it is always appropriate to wear very sheer black hose in the evening (summer or winter). Opaque black pantyhose are good for wintertime during the day.
Beautiful photography of the gardens! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the link to the jeans!! Much more fitting to my budget. I appreciate your help!!
Your hair looks amazing!
What is discount code for Jacket?
I just wanted to say thank you for your blog. I read it regularly and always glean something useful from it. I think I am dressing more stylishly simply using what’s in my closet just because I get good tips from you.
Hi Susan,
We just returned from a weeks get away to Newport Coast, CA. We had a fabulous time, my Honey Bear (Barry) took some great shots of the ocean so we can bring them back to the desert. I just want to compliment you on having a keen eye when it comes to subject matter, you “nailed it.” It looks like you have a great camera, however it’s only as good as the user. I love the memories you get to take home with you from your life experience.
in Arizona
Dear Susan, Beautiful pictures! And so sweet of that bird to pose for you. I guess he knew you were from out of town. And those nice butterflies too. I know I’m a little behind – I always am. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. I love your style it’s almost a perfect match to mine; except I go a little wilder at times .