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It is a lovely look on you! Your complexion looks wonderful, your eyes sparkle and the lipstick color is very becoming. Thanks for sharing.
You look lovely with and without makeup. Wish I had your lovely complexion.
First of all Susan, Bravo for being so honest and open to evolving and refining your style. You set such a good example.
Many years ago I read somewhere that we should re-evaluate our hairstyle and make-up every few years, especially as we get older, and I have followed that advice. My best friend is an herbalist and makes skin care creams and salves and balms individualized to one’s specific needs, and I have started to use some of those, instead of mass manufactured products. I do however use a light tinted moisturizer (Jane Iredale) with SPF, and a sunscreen under that in the summer months.
And yes, Less Is More.
Love the changes you’ve made from no makeup look to flats. You look younger! Now just one more change, and I know it’s tricky because you sell them, but lose the scarves! They are the symbol of “grandma.” You will look another 10 years younger without one. Plus it looks strange to see a scarf in the summer time. Time to move on to a necklace instead. I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you.
I respectfully disagree with you. The scarves add pattern, color and softness around a neck that is not very smooth. Wearing them takes the emphasis off of many figure changes I would rather not show off now. I have always admired European women who wear scarves so beautifully all of their lives. American women do not tend to embrace them, but I always have and will continue to do so.
I’m sorry, there is nothing “grandma” about a beautiful scarf. It’s possibly the best accessory any woman can have. A scarf adds pizzazz and a beautiful lift of colour to the complexion.
What does “grandma” even mean?
I also love your “less is more” approach when it comes to makeup. You are so right about changing our approach to beauty as we age.
I totally agree with everything in your reply, Susan (Street)! It isn’t just older women wearing scarves either. Many younger women do as well. It’s a wonderful accessory. Just f.y.i., I’m a certified image consultant, so I know a little about it. 😉
I am 56 – almost Susan’s 60 – and I am a devotee of scarves. I spend a significant portion of each year in Europe and Asia. Scarves are both timeless and functional among women of ALL ages in these other places. Maybe Americans will catch on eventually! I nearly always have a scarf with me. Sometimes it is for color, sometimes, for warmth.
Sometimes women I know make fashion and beauty decisions in the interest of trying to look younger. Well, I am not ashamed of my age at all. I am brunette with many touches of natural gray, 6’1″ (avoid heels anyway!), 160 pounds. I have wrinkles, sags, bags. Mazny part of my body are no longer where God originally put them! But, I am ME, and my husband still calls me “HOT!”! Some things age us, especially excess weight and out-of-date or inappropriate hair and clothing. These, I can manage. But the wrinkles and the gray – well – those are the stripes I have earned for a life well-lived and I refuse to apologize for them! I’m not signing up for Botox or plastic surgery, either.
Rock on, Susan! You are a source of inspiration to me!!!
After going without foundation while on a beach vacation a year ago or so, I have stopped using foundation. It wasn’t really a conscious decision, I just didn’t start back when my vacation time ended. the difference i see in my trouble spots is pretty significant. My “orange peel” chin looks at least 50% better and I enjoy not having the foundation being caked in the lines on my 67 year old face. Also have stopped eyeshadow following in the footsteps of my friend who also stopped. Thanks for sharing how you are adjusting to being “Susan after 60”. We’re in this together and I’m sure glad I have great women like you to put it all out there for the rest of us to learn from As I’ve said before, You are a rock star!
You look lovely Susan. If I may I would love to add that there are wonderful organic lines out that are not full of chemicals and blend right in with your skin and look fabulous. As an older woman, I find that a plumped up, moisturized complexion looks best on me.
Absolutely gorgeous
I completely agree with you about the scarves Susan. They enhance a look and do not look “old” or “dated” or “grandma” at all. To me, they look classy. I have noticed European women wearing them at all ages, as you say, and the look is polished and chic. When we are wearing solid colors, a scarf adds much needed interest. I really like the changes you are making. You looked great before, and as you continue to make subtle changes you have not lost one ounce of class. I really enjoy your blog!
Being very fair-skinned, I won’t be giving up foundation any time soon. Living in Australia it also acts as a protectant against harsh sun. I just think you need a lighter hand when you get older, that’s all.
Susan, you are so right. I am a few years older than you and have come to embrace “less is more” also. I look back at even my 50 year old self and now I think I looked so young. The aging process, especially for women is not fair, but it is a part of life. I have one friend in particular that just cannot accept it and is beginning to look silly with heavily lined eyes and shoulder length blonde hair. She keeps telling me I should get “work” done. Thank you for your refreshing perspective.
Your skin is beautiful. Wish I could feel comfortable doing this! Love your tips!
Love the new clean elegance of your beautiful face..Wear red! You sizzle!
You look lovely with or without makeup, Susan. For now, I continue to wear makeup,although I do sometimes skip it when running errands or similar occasions.
In response to the scarves, I still like to add them to my outfits. In the humid Georgia heat, I might choose a necklace instead for comfort. I like to borrow fashion ideas from my younger (mid 20s and 30) neices and they often wear scarves!
I’ve stopped wearing all make up from when I retired. Now I feel like it is such an artificial look on my 64 year old face. If I chose to resume wearing foundation, I’d have to book a consultation because I have no idea what tone would work best for me. I never was big into a lot of eye make up and a clear balm or gloss is all I use on my lips. You look great, with or without makeup.
I read about your shoe issues. I had a similar experience. I’ve spent a bit more on super supportive sandals and after six months my feet tolerate heels for evenings out. My faves have great arch support. The Aetrex brand have a number of cute ones. The Aetrex Brenda is one style that works with everything! Good luck and thanks for your good work.
You have beautiful skin and can pull off that no makeup look. I can’t. My skin is blotchy. If there was one thing I could go back and tell my young self it would be to take care of your skin. I rely on a good foundation to cover all the ugly veins and blotches. I’m 70 and when I’m 80 I will still be wearing makeup. It’s not about age. The number is nothing, it’s about who you are and how you feel about yourself.
I’ve never worn a lot of make up. But recently I pared my routine down further. I now wear a little Boom color on my cheeks, light touch of liner and mascara. It is quick, easy and gives me a healthy glow. On special occasions I apply a bit of the Boom highlighter. My brows are still dark and do not need any color. Give the Boom products a go. I have been very pleased with the natural glow I get from them.
You do look lovely! I also think scarves help achieve a polished look and are practical for the reasons you have given. I appreciate you taking us on your journey, because it is very much mine too!
Antonia, What foundation do you use? I too have blotchy redness to conceal. Thank You!
I think that you look absolutely beautiful! And I agree wholeheartedly with the less is more philosophy. Women of a certain age that rely on product to enhance their look usually end up doing just the opposite. You look vibrant and confident when you “own” your changing self.
Your skin is beautiful! I love how honest you are about the aging process. I have also,at 61, stopped using a lot of make up.
What an interesting topic!
In my country of birth women are often blessed with a soft, rosy skin that radiates light all of their lives. I’m aiming for that these days.
Making sure to use lots of water and locking it in to my skin with face creams works for me. I use an illuminatinng primer across my cheeks and nose, and on my forehead. That is covered with a light, strategically placed layer of a skin evening foundation.
Eyes are done with a light hand, and with soft rosy colours. I create structure with a soft play of shadow and light. My brows are a bit more structured than they used to be, and I use a pencil. I never used to, but that part of my face helps to give a lift to offset the sagging.
I do use a blush, Nars Orgasm in a cream stick. A little bit adds life and light. Lipstick is more of a balm than a colour. Colour no longer suits me unless it’s a very deliberate bright red dress up lip, and then it’s only on for a few hours.
My 83 year old mother is my best teacher. I have created a makeup routine for her that makes her look lovely, so I can see that there is still a role for it many years into my future. 🙂
I’m totally with you on this one Margaret. A little soft enhancement goes a very long way. You and I have the confidence to apply makeup skilfully but sadly many women, across all age spectrums, lack these skills. I would respectfully suggest to those women who would love to learn, try out a consultation with one of the beauty counters that market products aimed more towards the mature woman. Take your time and ask for a mirror to watch every step so that you may follow their example and enjoy the result.
Susan….you look wonderful! Happy and healthy!! I have LOVED exploring this “new age” with you and your recent changes have been exciting discoveries!! I do love your scarves….hope the continue to find their way into your selections! A thousand thanks!!!!!!!!
Your outfits are always attractive and great ideas. What do you wear when it’s really hot and you are attending an outdoor party. Do you ever wear a sundress? Going to a party this weekend and the temp will be 90 degrees.
I recently posted about what I wear when it is hot. You can read the post here.
Say no to the sundress!
I like this look. And I know what you mean by how much ourfaces and heck, bodies change as we age. I think it’s great that you are changing and adapting with them. We all need a switch up now and then.
I think you look beautiful with no makeup. I have hardly ever worn makeup and now that Im older I’m glad because I’m not caught in the situation of feeling like I still have to wear it. I’ll be honest as I age I do sometimes feel like I need to cover up my face but every time I try something it just feels too heavy and unnatural. I applaud your efforts to downsize so to speak. There are still other areas in my life where I need to do that and I’m working on them. But thank you for being such a great example.
Susan, your skin looks lovely. I have started to lighten up on the makeup too, using a tinted moisturizer. I’d like to recommend Munro brand shoes. Yesterday I just received the Zena sandal and they were like heaven on my feet. I would not take them off. My husband agreed I should order another pair since they feel so wonderful. I had great success with Munro booties as well. Pricey but I usually find them on sale. I love your blog.
Love this evolving look. Keep the scarves, they say classy! I agree we cannot do what we did 20 years, 10 years, and even 2 years ago. I use a moisturizer that a dermatologist recommended to me about 8 years ago. It is not expensive at all. In fact I get it at my local CVS. I do apply a little cream blush on my cheeks. The one thing that I do is use a brow define powder. My brows are very thin and almost nonexistent. If I don’t add a little color to them I feel invisible. Are your brows naturally thick or have you enhanced them for this picture. If you use something on them would you please share the color and brand. They look very natural.
Diane ~ Would you please share the name of your moisturizer. Thank you so much!
Hi, Susan. Thanks so much for all you do. You certainly have inspired me to give up the foundation routine! Your post came at just the right time for me. I just turned 70 and need to soften my look. I’d like to ask if you put on a sunscreen. Even with wearing a sunscreen most every day, I’m still being plagued with some sunspots. Love your blog and insight into fashion, health and life.
Hi Susan, have just started following your blog recently and love it. It has given me lots of ideas and I enjoy your fashion sense. I have a question about the post on makeup. You say you don’t wear a lot of face creams but Do you wear any sun protection (spf) on a daily basis?
Ah Susan, you continue to deliver…change and inspiration…I usually try to use the MAC compact makeup to even out rosacea, etc. Lately though at my 73 yrs, I feel as if I look like a piece of breaded chicken ready to fry! I LOVE your scarves, but due to the heat in South Texas, rarely wear them. I agree that they add interest and help to deflect interest away from big boobs! I wear my hair pulled up in a ponytail most days, unless its something really special due to the heat. My hair consultant, suggested something different, of course he lives in Minnesota!!
Sunscreen please. It’s a must!
Hi, Susan,
How do you keep cocoanut oil creamy? Mine is either too firm-from refrigerator storage, or too runny from keeping in my bathroom.
I live in Houston so room temp is quite different from up there where you are!
I keep mine at room temp. I never put in in the fridge. Runny is OK because I warm it in my hands first to melt it.
BTW…I am loving your lower/flat shoes. We gals in our mid 70’s haven’t had the high heels in our closets for several yrs!!!!
Still love your styles!!!!!
I love your reasoning and ability to honestly self-evaluate and change. I have worn a Chanel CC cream as my foundation for the past 2 years but just this year started foregoing any foundation most of the time for the same reasons you stated. Blush, mascara, lipstick and a bit of blended eyeshadow in earth tone colors are all I use….so quick now! I tried several kinds of organic coconut oil but sadly it makes me break out. Argan oil does the same.
Great post. Thank you!
In the summer, I may only put coconut or apricot oil on my lips. In the winter I may put it on only in the morning. I can not sleep with anything on my face because I always wake up with breakouts.
This is so refreshing to hear. I, too have been re-evaluating my skin care. I’m not sure I am ready to eliminate foundation, but I have changed, for the summer at least, a lighter mineral foundation. I would love to know what you are cleansing with, do you wear mascara, and most of all what type of lotion do you use? The skin on my arms especially is very dry and I am in the process of trying new lotions, balms, and heavier lotions to see if any do any good. I am also taking the less is more with my clothes. I want to wear and love what I have and wear them regularly not every so often. I live in a small town, so I don’t worry about fancy clothes to have for special occasions, I want to be able to dress up or down what I have. Oh gosh, I feel better already just writing this. I so enjoy your blog.
You look beautiful and your makeup looks beautiful. And I fully agree . I am going to be 55 June 12 and I have been regularly reevaluating clothes and makeup along the journey of my ages .. keep up the good work in providing us ladies with your fashion sense .. so enjoy your posts .
Thank you
Port Washington, NY
I’m with you on the make up although I’m well ahead of you age-wise. I’m done with foundation too. Sometimes I use a tinted sunscreen that looks totally natural and blush is necessary for my very fair skin. Otherwise it’s the bare minimum for eyes and an appropriate lip color for what I’m wearing. It’s quite freeing!
I think you still look beautiful, with or without
Great post Susan.
One thing I’d like to remind fellow followers of your blog of: your clear skin is a result of pure water and a mostly whole plant way of eating. That’s achievable for them too.
Indeed! My skin is about 85% better now than when I was eating sugary foods and processed salty foods.
Yesterday you were talking about shoes. If I remember, you were saying you match your shoes to your skin tone and only wear black in the evening and never brown. Your shoes today are brown.
The cognac shoes I am wearing here in these pictures for a lunch date are OK for daytime because they are more casual. I likely will never wear them at night.
The person who said scarves are “grandma” probably feels and then looks “grandma” in scarves. For Susan, she feels her best self in scarves and that is what she projects. It is all about attitude. In most cases, when we feel our best selves, that is how we will be perceived by others, no matter what we wear.
You look beautiful and younger now than when I first started watching…maybe two or three years ago. I couldn’t agree more and it’s time we older women quit financing the beauty industry that puts teenagers in their advertising. I’m done with all that costly stuff and am going much more natural these days. It’s more important that a product be good for my skin. Recently, I purchased Rosewater from Whole Foods and just love how it makes my skin feel. Thanks again for a thought provoking blog with good ideas for me!
I am willing to wage that the lovely Martina G. is wearing foundation and has had Botox shots on her forehead. You don’t just get out of bed looking that beautiful.
You are lovely and I like your style! I stopped wearing foundation when I moved to Texas 7 years ago and haven’t looked back. I need eyebrow definition, mine are so much lighter and sparse now, a bit of mascara and I am good to go! I also use coconut oil or jojoba oil on my skin. I wear a lot of scarfs for shawls, especially when going to a store or restaurant I know will be chilly. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Your look great and less makeup is the way to go as we head into the golden years.
I think you are absolute right Susan. I’ve just turned 61 and this year I noticed a big difference in my skin and general appearance. I don’t want to look like I have all kinds of makeup on anymore. I want to look softer or more elegant. I think makeup can sometimes make us look harder and I certainly don’t want that. So for me, after years of wearing a full face of makeup I no longer wear any foundation and minimal eye makeup with a soft but brighter lip and just a hint of blush. I think you’ve hit it right on the mark. Thanks for letting me know- I’m sane and OK 🙂
I like what you are doing and saying….makes me feel better about my dislike of using much makeup..especially in summer when it is so hot and humid. I agree with you about aging gracefully, thanks for sharing.
I happen to like mature women and find that less make-up is in fact better. There is a time to celebrate, like and appreciate that passage of time and ‘all’ it’s attendant markers.
I love your lipstick color on you; I know you’ve mentioned what brand and color it is, but I didn’t pay much attention because I felt it may not look good on me. My hair is a light reddish brown with blonde foils and my skin is on the pale side of medium.
Thank you and love your blog!!!
Beautiful….you look great!
I agree you look wonderful without makeup! I have need to even out my skin tone and try to achieve a natural look. I usually don’t wear eye makeup except at bit of brow color. What products do you use for your shadow, liner, and mascara?
I use Lancome eyeshadows and a liner pencil by them sometimes. I may also use a liner pen from Kat Von D. I use Neutrogena Healthy Volume Mascara.
I really appreciate your take on “less is more”. Awhile back I saw an older model’s advice for the same intent. Reading it, again, the other night, I noticed that she said tinted moisturizer would NOT suffice. I’d misread it the first time and had been using tinted moisturizer and NO MORE FOUNDATION. Actually, she said to use a light-weight moisturizer for better coverage. I think NO foundation IS better. Like you said, look at yourself at the end of the day! I wish I could find good hypoallergenic eyeliner or mascara that is affordable. As I get older (62), my eyelids easily get bumps. I’ve given up wearing eye make-up. The beauty of that is, what a time saver!!!!
Thank you so much, you are really an inspiration to me. – Pam Kelly
I am curious to know what sunscreen you use on your face?
I love how you are feeling you need to change some things in your life. You go girl. I for one do need some of the foundation due to I do not like the age spots I have on my face, but I too believe we do not need all the creams. I will keep using a couple but I am cutting back also. Love that wicker hand bag and the look you have in this picture.
Thank you for your honesty and (we all) have to figure out what is right for us and not be so quick to judge someone else for the decision they made. I am just a little jealous I can not go with out foundation. Love you ….
I agree with everyone here. I live in SW Florida and sunscreen is a must. I purchased lightly tinted SPF 43 from a dermatologist…Elta MD brand…and it is now my daily “base”.
Loving your new look! I, too, (age 58) have abandoned all those expensive moisturizers, eye creams, etc. (a small fortune), and am about to give up foundation. Thank you for your posts. On another note, I love the sandals. Are they a recent purchase? I’ve looked for them on the Dillard’s website, but can’t find them. Thank you!
Susan, you look stunning as you always do. Your confidence, your knowledge, the ability to know yourself so well is so admirable.
After reading this post of yours I just may reevaluate my own routine also. At 68
I guess it’s time.
Thank you for always sharing and willing to share such wonderful helpful information.
Love your site and always look for your posts. Warmly, Carol from Chicago
Susan, I love your look and agree with the less is a more mantra. I also feel that scarves can make an outfit! I can’t wear as much in the summer, but LOVE in cooler weather! Do you mind sharing what you’ve got on your lips?
The lip color is Americana by Merle Norman.
I found this a very interesting topic. Social Media gives us mature women an outlet to explore many different areas of fashion, makeup, ageism and more. What I have found is while my makeup routine has lesson, I still enjoy wearing it. I have very uneven skin tones and very lite skin. Makeup enhances and gives me color. As I aged I have seen women wear too much makeup and then again wear nothing. It is whatever you feel good in your skin. Plus, I plan on being the best I can while I am in my 60’s…to 70’s and beyond. Susan, your blog is wonderful and I enjoy your articles!! Thank you.
Hi Susan. I am afraid as an Australian who was a bit of a sunworshipper in my youth, I need a little bit of foundation just to even out my skin tone. I guess we just get used to wearing the same makeup and it becomes automatic. I am interested to follow your new routine and see if I can adapt for me. By the way, I wear my scarves in a similar fashion to you ( as in your current photo) BUt I find the scarf slips off and I am finding this annoying. Any suggestions? How do you keep it around your neck and evenly balanced? P.s. You have changed my style and I love it . Thank you
Wow! I am thrilled that your post has been so successful. To a fellow, and “baby” blogger this is inspiring. Blogging is not our full time profession, yet we are learning that even long time successful firms can use a blog as a fun and meaningful tool. Now onto your changes…which I think are also inspiring. Enhancing what we have naturally is beautiful. I am closer to the 60 mark than the 50, have not colored my hair for 5 years and am embracing the freedom of this. I’ve always used scarves. Very French of us I say! -Laurel Bledsoe
I have never had “good” skin, so going au naturel is uncomfortable. But I agree that foundation simply doesn’t look the same anymore. In the summer, I can wear mineral makeup quite successfully, but winter is a different story. I need something more hydrating. Bravo on giving up expensive creams and serums. I, too, decided that they were an expensive waste of money. I have 68 year old skin which will never be corrected by department store products. So the search continues for a simple foundation that can even out my blotchy complexion.
I also find eye makeup difficult to use and I truly love eye makeup. I am on the lookout for a makeup artist who can show me how to adjust my routine to accommodate the changes in my deep set eyes.
I love that we are all on this journey together, and I especially love that we all still care about our appearance and looking our best.
Love, love your beautiful look and so appreciate your honesty. Thanks so much for sharing.
HI. You look great. However, I think you look well in just a teensy bit more makeup. I’m 69 and have cut way back on foundation and blush but still use natural makeup on my eyes including an eye brightening soft smudgy liner. However it’s less than 5 years ago and which was less than the 5 years before and much less than in my younger years. Every year I wear less makeup. I also wear glasses and if I don’t wear eye makeup, my eyes disappear. I don’t wear lipstick, or at least not much. Eyes or lips, but not both, is still a good maxim. For foundation, I use about 25% of what is normal, and mix it with a good essential oil (pure Rose, or a mix of Rose, Violet, Frankincense, Myrrh and Cistus) so it becomes a colored skin treatment, more tinted than colored. It evens out the shades of skin and as long as I don’t let it settle into the creases, looks ok to me. I wipe the creases free of makeup residue. What also keeps us young is feeling we look well. For some of us, a bit of soft non-clown foundation and eye makeup does the trick. I agree about ditching all the pricey creams. I understand chemistry and they are so similar that only the price separates them. Good carrier oils and essential oils take care of anyone’s skin. Try Camellia Seed oil sometime (Plant Therapy) as it’s a lot like coconut oil and changes things up a bit. Evening of Primrose is supposed to be good for mature skin but I find it trying. Keep up the good work. You are providing a good service to women who desire to age gracefully but are not ready to give up appearing stylish and healthy with a dash of personality. God bless!
OK Susan, when you’re right, you’re right. Looking good girlfriend. LOL!
Hi Susan! You rea beautiful and I love what your blog teaches me. May I ask, what do you do for SPF on your face? Thanks.
I think the look is great and so refreshing. I no longer wear makeup either, only a little mascara and a little shadow or light liner. Of course, I am mush older thatn you. I am 79 and I still like to look nice in my clothes.. I love and look forward to your post every day. I love the comments and ideas that you share with us.. Flats are a winner for me and you always have the cutest ones.. The scarves, not so much.. I live in Louisiana and we just don’t do scarves in our muggy weather… maybe on a handbag!
It’s interesting I am 75, in m younger days I wore very little makeup except for lipstick and mascara and occasionally eye liner. I am Hispanic and have an olive complexion. In my 50s I developed melasma a condition from sun exposure and hormone levels. I live in South Fl. Try hiding from the sun. I need to wear hat, sunscreen and sunglasses all the time. Make up is awful if you perspire or live by ocean side.i wear make up to hide skin issues but I wish I could go without so I actually wear more now that I’m older. . You have lovely skin and great features eyes, nose mouth. I would love to see you with hair up or some other style just for fun.thanks for the advice. I like and enjoy your posts. G.P.
Good for you, Susan! I think you look beautiful!
I love this post, and all the opinions expressed as well. I think you look terrific and I love the updates to your look, Susan!
Susan, I am a few years older than you, with a 14 year old daughter that we adopted in our early 50’s! I am trying to acquire a style that fits my age, my body, and somehow allows me to look stylish around the younger moms. You are the inspiration for that. You absolutely correct about the changes in coloring and texture with our skin and hair,and our bodies (or jiggly bits as you call them).
You look is so appealing and sophisticated and I admire the fact that you know what is best for YOU. Now, if I can just give up the hair color………so ready to change it and so scared of the process.
Hi Susan,
I absolutely agree about the makeup…less is more.
I will be 75 this year and have always enjoyed looking attractive…naturally.
My husband is Nicky and we live our life as you and Mickey! Dressed is so special to
us coming from the NY area….love sophistication…we both do. We now live in Meridian Idaho for 10 years and the sophistication of shops and restaurants are a great addition.
I’m off to read another article from you.. Scarves. Love having a blog friend.
Lorraine Lorenzo
I applaud you Susan for your honest assessment of aging. Allowing yourself to adjust and make changes as you mature both physically and intellectually and share this insight with your readers is so smart and very generous. Just getting better every day!
Enjoy this weekend!
What a blessing your Blogs are Susan! Our bodies, skin, hair………everything(!) seem to change quickly during our 60s. I have found that to be true even more so after 65 and it really takes a change in mindset to adapt. I agree totally about the ‘less is more’ vis a vis makeup, although because my skin is not lovely like yours so I use a tinted moisturizer (BB or CC cream) – very light but just enough to add some moisture and even out the tone. I also find that I have invisible eyebrows so I use a taupe/grey powder to add a bit of colour and finally – as do you – a bright lip.
Thank you so much for being an inspiration to all of us who are doing our best to be our best as we get older!
I think you are spot on. If ladies think their makeup still looks good layered, they either haven’t really evaluated their appearance or they haven’t reached the point when the texture and underlying skin support changes.
A beautifully natural look, will try to copy it. Many thanks Susan wonderful article.
Lesley P
I agree that your skin is not the same as you age therefore I ‘update’ my makeup as needed. I read a lot about this exact subject for advice but cannot imagine ‘giving up makeup’! Horrors!
You do not mention if you use sunscreen or not. Hopefully you do. Also as we age moisturizer is critically important.
My “foundation” of choice is a product that combines sunscreen, moisturizer, and a tint. In addition I use a mineral powder-based sunscreen. The products are by Colorscience and I buy them at a dermatologist’s office. They even out my skin without looking like makeup.
At a recent facial, the anesthetist was surprised that I had on makeup when she cleaned my face. She commented that it looked very natural. I am nearly 10 years older than you and I truly believe that our facial skin needs something (especially sunscreen) between it and the elements. Of course I live in Arizona so that is critically important for me. My dermatologist is also pleased.
I respectfully disagree about the need for less makeup on an aging face. I think in the right amount and with the right colors for you, a woman can really enhance and polish up her look. Too much heavy makeup is definitely not flattering to anyone in my opinion. However, a light foundation, blush, pretty lipstick, filling in brows and defining eyes can do so much to defeat the invisible, faded look that can happen after a certain age.
Keeping one’s clothing modern and well fitting in flattering colors is also very important.
I was sitting in a sunroom chatting with several ladies of a certain age at brunch recently. Almost all of them wore full foundation. This experience caused me to rush home and take a good hard look at my makeup. With failing eyesight, we may think that our makeup matches well and looks better than clean skin but other people may be seeing something completely different. I want to make sure I am not making the same mistakes as I age. A fresh face is a much better option for me during the daytime.
I agree with you, Rebecca! I’m 77 and have very good skin, get many compliments, but I still wear a sheer foundation (Lancome) I’m told it looks very natural. I will always wear it and hope someone puts it on me when I die! I agree, some women overdo it and we all should do less makeup as we age, but don’t give it up! A little goes a long way! I haven’t heard anyone mention Retinol – I’ve been using it for several years now and it works miracles on your skin. Dr. Oz recommends it as well! I’m 77, but everybody says I look at least ten years younger! I also like to dress stylishly. I’ve lived in central FL for 51 years and my makeup never runs! I wear the lovely scarves during our cooler months! Susan, I hope this is just a phase you are going through! Don’t start looking ordinary! We look to you for a classy, classic look! There’s an old saying: “A little red paint makes any old barn look a lot better!” LOL!
P.S. – Forgot to say my hair is natural gray, almost white! I haven’t colored in for 20 years or more!
You look wonderful!! I, too, am wearing less make up. I was never really comfortable with foundation and find myself just using mascara and a little eye liner. LOVE your website and have been a follower for years. THANK YOU for all you share!
You look wonderful in the closeup…like the less makeup look just fine; but then your skin is very pretty. If I look as my skin in good light with my readers on, it can be downright scary for a number of reasons these days hot weather or not…especially with makeup; so I understand making the change. Great outfit & pretty scarf. I just went thru mail & all my women’s catalogs had scarves offered. The choices on your site are really different than most & I’m enjoying mine. have a great blog Susan.
You look lovely but there are some wonderful water based foundations that are very natural while giving you a little glow..cetaphil is a terrific moisturizer and very inexpensive. Also, a little concealer works wonders.
My face is OK without makeup in the summer. I use a witch hazel toner on it several times a day because it tends to break out in hot, humid weather. In the winter I may continue to use moisturizer and a tiny bit of makeup blended out from the nose area. Both those products are from the Lancome Absolue line. I have never used concealer and probably never will.
Susan you look absolutely glowing! Aging is a good thing and a privilege! Thank you for sharing your wonderful insights…We all benefit!
I totally agree. Nothing looks worse than the mature woman who is still trying to wear the same hair color and makeup she wore when she was 20or 40. It becomes garish and has the opposite effect she was trying to achieve. It makes you look older. I quit foundation in my sixties too. Interestingly, husband and friends say my now exposed freckles make me look much younger. I also don’t like bright red lipstick anymore. A nude lip is so much more flattering.
I totally agree now that I am almost 67. I have been going through the same thoughts as you. Thank you for giving me the confidence to move forward and not stay in the same rut!
You look beautiful with the no makeup look.
If I may….I enjoy your blog…but I think the confusion was because your original post said it was a “no makeup” picture…and of course you looked your normal lovely self….with makeup. Then you edited your post to clarify that you were referring to no base on your face….a wee bit different. I am in total agreement that we need to change our makeup routines as we get older….things need to be tweaked. I for one cannot give up my moisturizer or my base. They help control my rosacia. But I’ve ” shifted” placement of my eye colors…changed the placement of my blush…still working on things…
I am guilty of thinking of makeup only as face makeup or foundation, but color on the eyes and cheeks are of course, also makeup. My apologies for the misleading original title.
Maureen do you have a favorite foundation for covering rosacea? Moisturizer that does not aggravate redness? And how do you remove your makeup without irritation? Thank You!
Gosh, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I think you look wonderful and because of you, I too have made many changes. I’ll be turning 60 at the end of this year and as a gift to myself, I have decided to grow out my grey. I’m also in the process of making other changes as well. I’m so surprised and amazed at the same time of how personal this is to so many people. I’m always asked the question “Why”! I laugh and feel so comfortable with what I’m doing, however many just can’t understand that. I have also taken the “less is more” approach with my makeup. I want my health to shine through not colored powders and tinted creams. You have changed my life for the better and have given me so many wonderful tips and suggestions, however most of all you have given me permission to do all of this and not be afraid of what others may think. I enjoy your blog and always look forward to the next entry. Don’t stop blaizing your own trail! I’m sure I speak for many that you are one of a kind and we are so lucky that you take the time every day to help so many women! Keep up the good work Susan! You are AMAZING!
The light bulbs in the restrooms at work were replaced recently with more efficient bulbs, and every time I went it I thought, “those bulbs cast terrible light, how am I supposed to go out and do my best work when I look so bad in the restroom.”
Well, the next week I went to the dentist before work and skipped makeup because it all comes off when I’m there. I got back to work and went into the restroom to make sure I was cleaned up, and I thought, “gosh you look good.”
At that moment I thought to myself — maybe it’s not the light, maybe it’s my makeup! I’ve been going much lighter since then and those light bulbs aren’t bothering me as much anymore.
I bought the red top and I have rarely been so pleased! Absolutely gorgeous fit. I am a petite (5′ 2″) but this was perfect!
I’m so glad you like it. I have that top in a couple of colors and I always enjoy wearing it. Thanks for the feedback.
I appreciate your comments about makeup at an older age. Have you looked into IT makeup? For me, it. iis unlike any I’ve tried and I’ve tried many. I’m just sharing my experience, it does not feel like makeup. Gives good but sheer coverage and I think full of good things. I think it looks natural, doesn’t cake, and I get loads of compliments and I’m older than you by at least ten years. Just a thought. Their lipsticks are beautiful and moisturizing without being garish in color. Keep up your good work. Gayle
Yes, I agree with everything you said and it is common sense. That model is gorgeous, natural and healthy looking. Your complexion is gorgeous also. As for myself I am not ready, willing and capable of losing the make up brushes yet. I guess I should find out if what I am doing is appropriate for me. I never gave it much thought. Thanks to your site I am becoming more aware and knowledgeable.
I love your style, I.m almost 60 years old, my closet is full
I own a lot of nice clothes but I don’t know what to do to make me look good
I think I look like most women only problem is how I walked, after some surgery, I’m lumping – well I walked as the duck
No matter what I wear I look terrible,
I need a knee replacement so no matter I will do oh, is wrong
I try to read what you say but don’t help
I forgot to mention that I am not born here, I come from Europe many years ago and I just work works no real life
I just forget about my self, In
this journey, I lost my self
But what you’re doing is a big help for women like me
Thank you very much
I hope your knee replacement is a success. Perhaps you will feel more confident when that is behind you. Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for your posts! It has given me comfort reading your posts that relate to how I feel.
I am 69,an have adopted this theory,it is true,an u look beautiful
I am so grateful to you for this particular post. I have given up makeup except for lipstick and my skin is so much better! I follow you on pinterest and really enjoy all your tips. Thanks so much for your honesty and helpful approach to looking and feeling our best as we age!
She still has makeup on her eyes.. beautiful woman
Spot on post
Agree totally
You look great