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Finishing Touches

Including three pieces in an ensemble looks polished, but it’s not always comfortable when the temperatures climb. This Portofino shirt serves as a very light “jacket” over a cami and white jeans. One or two light neutral colors can look elegant when you add a few accessories in related colors.

The gray and white color palette was cool and comfortable for a recent casual meetup. It was 90 °F that afternoon!

Investing in a small wardrobe of classic accessories can elevate any look for years to come. Trendy colorful pieces can be limiting and too memorable. This week, I am showing you the treasured pieces I reach for almost daily. Again, I carried my gifted Teddy Blake bag (here). The other elements are at least a year old, so I’ve linked to similar items. As always, referral and affiliate links in my posts may result in a small commission for me. CamiShirtJeans BeltShoes

The lightweight silver and thin leather lariat necklace can be worn in many different styles and even bracelets. It is from Beauty in Stone here. Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any item.

My gifted classic Nordgreen watch, a ring, and the fabulous gifted lariat necklace, along with small pearl stud earrings, provided the perfect finishing touches. When I wear a necklace, I only wear small studs to cover my piercings, and I always opt for bolder pieces over delicate ones. Tiny chain necklaces could be mistaken for another wrinkle, so I don’t embrace that trend.

The Nordgreen watch is the same one I told you about here. I’ve been wearing it every day! The mesh band is perfect for hot weather. Nordgreen is offering you a discount code (SUSAN15).

All this week, I’m showing you classic basic wardrobe pieces styled for summer with timeless accessories. Similar items can be located in many shops, at any price point, and may already be in your closet. Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Many of you asked for more light neutral color combos, less knit fabrics, and more hot weather style suggestions. I’ll share an even more casual summer look on Friday.

  1. You look lovely, but there is no way I could dress like this on a hot day! I always find dressing on the really hot days a challenge and I’m always looking for flattering & well cut dresses – not easy for the mature figure!! Thanks for your cheery posts!

  2. You look beautiful Susan and cool for a hot summer day. Does your camisole have spaghetti straps and if so, do you wear a strapless bra or your normal Shapeez? Just wondering about your bra straps showing. I’m self conscious about bra straps showing, therefore never consider those type of camis. Thank you. . .

  3. Susan – have you talked about earrings? I share a round face with you and I think your advice about elongated necklines does flatter my face shape. I don’t look quite so much like a full moon. I’m keeping my hair short as I grow out my colored hair, so I’m thinking more about earring shape because they’re more noticable.
    I can see that your studs plus the v-necklace in your photo sets up a flattering geometry. Do you ever wear dangly ones? What do you pair them with?

  4. Hi Susan,
    I am a “woman over 60. I seem to struggle with what type bra to wear. Getting ready for a trip to Hawaii and would love to wear a sundress to dinner one evening. Looks like I need a strapless bra .. any suggestions? Thanks. I really enjoy your blog. You are a very classy lady.

  5. This is one of my favorite posts. I love this look and immediately thought of my navy and white blouse, white pants, navy cami & navy purse. But I don’t know if I go silver or gold on the jewelry. Since I live on the coast this is a look I can wear a lot. Thank you for having this blog. It’s the first thing I look for when I get online.

  6. I also could not dress like this on a hot day! You look fabulous and I want you to know that, but right now I’m visiting in your neck of the woods and it’s hot out. The past few days I have visited Black Mountain, Montreat, Cashiers, Highlands, Asheville, and Biltmore. Today I’m heading to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure. I’ve worn a golf skirt, a long sleeved lightweight sun shirt and sneakers and crawled home drenched each day. I’m 60, have spider veins on one leg, but I just can’t put fabric on my legs when it’s this hot, which means every day as I’m from South Florida. I just put a little tanner on my legs and make sure my skirt isn’t too short. It’s been a great vacation and the mountains are beautiful.

    1. I was going from air-conditioned car to air-conditioned building. If I had been enjoying the outdoors, I would have dressed differently. I’m so glad you are enjoying your visit to my little corner of the world.
      I look forward to my next visit to South Florida.

  7. Love the mix of simple pattern topper over darker top and white jeans. Very pleasing to the eye. That necklace is very pretty…I’m partial to long necklaces (and the suede leather!). The watch is a classic! Love the size (easy to read), but lightweight enough to not be a nuisance.

  8. Hi Susan,
    Thank you for showing us this lovely, cool look for hot summer days. I especially love the Beauty in Stone lariat necklace you are wearing — but I get a warning message when I click on the Beauty in Stone link, telling me that the site puts my personal information at risk. Is there any way you can fix this, so that I feel confident shopping the site?
    With best wishes and many thanks for all you do —

    1. Hi Martha, Suzanne here from Beauty In Stone. I had my website looked into today and they don’t see how the warning message could have happened, but wanted to be sure you know that you are safe to shop there! I have a privacy policy page that indicates all your information is safe and never shared. Thank you for letting us know.

  9. Thank you for the great column, and I enjoyed it very much as usual. The shirt is beautiful, but unfortunately when I follow the link to Express I can’t find it among their selections. Is it an older shirt that’s no longer available? I would like to find it!


  10. Susan, beautiful and simple look! Thank you for great ideas over and over again!! Would be fine with a solid shirt but so much more interesting with the print shirt. I’m not one for floral prints but I think geometric prints allow for other items to be very simple and I love that!
    I just realized I can do this look in grey and white also with a different geo print from my closet! I’m going to use my new lime yellow handbag!
    Susan, would you consider carrying your orange bag with this look?

  11. Thanks for this post! I snatched up one of those lovely necklaces – they are sure to go quickly.

  12. I love this look on you Susan. You should tuck more often as it is very flattering to you. The necklace is nice but way too long for me.

  13. Love this. If they ever offer the Portofino in a petite I will be all over it. I’m only 5’1″ and I’m pretty sure the proportions would be off even if I got the slim cut.

  14. Oops, I stand corrected on my earlier comment. The long sleeve is available in petite! I’m happy to know that. I found out by chatting with someone on the site.

  15. Tiny chains: wore them in the 70s, not going back. Been there, done that. This is not something new, style bloggers!

  16. PP comment on small chains made me stop and think about my jewelry. I started weeding out my clothing after retirement and even more so since finding this blog. I have kept all good quality jewelry regardless of small or large in size because I feel they all fill a need, ie big earrings and light chain necklace/pendant or larger bangle/smaller ring, etc. With limited storage space now, jewelry expands my wardrobe a lot! I have no pop beads from the 50s/60s ha (anyone remember those- I’m 73!) I would wear pins/brooches more if they would trend again. Love them!
    Susan, I love the French Kande pieces you wear but have not bought any YET. I do mix pearl pieces with leather pieces too. Kinda gives the effect of your lariat which I love for the versatility.
    So sorry, didn’t intend to be so wordy. Great blog today as always, Susan.
    Ann (again)

    1. I haven’t thought about pop beads since forever! They were sure fun for a little girl. I turn 72 this month.

  17. Beautiful! Thank you for staying true to your style and not succumbing to the popular big, early sale from a major retailer! We’re sweltering here in the desert and buying Fall clothes is ludicrous. Can’t think about or anticipate what I may want or need in 4 months. Love your simplistic approach to a wardrobe.

    1. Do you follow any petite bloggers? Here is my friend’s blog. She is about 5’2″, and she has a similar style aesthetic. My goal as a blogger is to share authentic looks that work well for my lifestyle. I don’t buy many new items, because I already have more than I need. I enjoy alternating and wearing pieces that suit my shape and coloring and then changing it up with different accessories.

  18. The lighter colors – a refreshing look. AND. I love that you tucked in your top and added a belt. It shows off your nice waistline. I love tucking my tops in and using a belt in my jeans and dress pants.

  19. I won’t go back to long hair. It visually drags my face down and makes me look sad. When the bulk of your hair is down around your jowls, it adds volume there.

  20. You look great.This is an outfit I think I can put together with items I already own! We have friends that live in Hendersonville and Lake Norman,such a scenic state.I look forward to your posts each day.

  21. Another great look on you! Alas, I cannot wear grey but I love it on you. I too would not be able to layer in hot weather and have to wear light weight, loose fitting clothing in hot weather or feel like I’m going to die. Granted, I’m not writing a blog! That has to be challenging to look polished in hot weather – and I applaud your success in doing it with grace! Love your suggestions and design tips. I follow them where and when I can and feel much more polished and attractive. Summer tips I embrace are jewelry and handbag choices, and go-to neutrals vs trendy patterns. That in itself has opened my eyes to better purchasing choices. Thanks, Susan!

  22. Love this outfit. I need more shirt/blouse type coverups for when it’s chilly, but too warm for a jacket.

  23. Hi Susan,
    I’m new to your blog and love it! I’m going back through your posts of last year to catch up and had a question on the silver lariat. What color did you choose? Is it grey? It’s hard to determine correctly as I see it. On the jewelry website it is offered in many colors. Thank you in advance for answering my question. I love your style and how you are helping us all in wardrobe choices.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.