Since we started dating nearing fifteen years ago, fancy dinner dates have been a weekly tradition for Mr. Mickey and me. First, all of the restaurants closed, then he fell and broke his leg a few weeks ago. Our recent times together have been anything but fancy.

Now that he is driving and becoming much more independent, I decided to provide us with an elegant Friday date night. I asked him to show up dressed for dinner, which involved adding a blazer to his track pants-boot combo.

I dressed in a pearl-embellished blouse and black pants with pearl jewelry and red suede pumps.

I’ve linked to similar current if not the same items: Blouse – Pants – Shoes – Pearl Necklaces – Pearl Bracelet – Tennis Bracelet – Silver Link Bracelet – Earrings – Ring
The meal I prepared included smoked trout, a variety of mushrooms sauteed with sweet onions, and garlic topped with charred Brussels sprouts. I added herbs, good olive oil, and twenty-five year aged balsamic vinegar. The crostini bread is warm ciabatta rolls.

I dimmed the lights, and there was soft jazz playing in the background. We spent the evening recalling many of the memorable times we’ve shared and talked about what we liked best about each of those outings.
I was able to locate some fresh-picked locally grown strawberries to top warm banana nut bread and Madagascar vanilla gelato for dessert.

Mr. Mickey hasn’t stopped smiling since.

Such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing. Be well.
Very nice outfit.A good suggestion on a date night.
Lovely to see you and Mr Mickey having a special evening with some delicious looking food.
I’m finding it hard to imagine restaurants, theatre and music trips at the moment. So special meals with our special ones could become a feature. xx
So good to see you and Mr Mickey together, enjoying a long-standing tradition. Your meal looks yummy!
What a treasure it is to be able to see the blessings in life even in trying times!
So Happy to see you and Mr. Mickey able to enjoy a delicious dinner together. Pretty greenery all around is enjoyable too. Love your pretty blouse.
You have proved attitude and perspective are more powerful than circumstances.
It looks like you and Mr. Mickey had a wonderful evening and you made it so very special. Time together with loved ones certainly a blessing.
That’s a beautiful and fancy dinner! And all at home! The dessert looks heavenly. We love that 25 yr. aged vinegar from Olive Oil Divine also. Glad to hear Mickey is recovering so quickly.
Date night here has been every night since 3/15! Could you please provide recipes for the trout and Brussels sprouts?
These are the easiest recipes you will ever get. Heat some unsalted butter in a non-stick pan on medium heat. Lay the smoked trout in the pan and turn it to warm the other side.
Slice the sprouts into halves or quarters, dry them with a paper towel. Heat the oil in a large, heavy skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high heat. When the skillet is just short of smoking, place the brussels sprouts cut side down in the oil. Turn the heat to medium and sear on one side until nicely browned about three minutes. Turn the brussels sprouts over and cook on the other side until nicely browned and tender, three to five minutes. Some of the leaves can be charred dark brown or black. Remove from the heat, season with salt and pepper, and serve.
I bought the smoked trout at Fresh Market. They sell it and smoked salmon next to the fish counter.
I appreciate the information. I have had trout in restaurants, but have never prepared it at home. The same with Brussels sprouts. Under normal circumstances, my husband and I dine out about 4 nights a week, eating home the other 3. Now we do curbside pickup for weekend dinners and so I’m looking for some variety for the other dinners at home. Sadly, I think we won’t be back to a restaurant for quite a while. I bought the Chico’s maxi skirt (black and camel striped) that you featured a while back. But I have no idea when I’ll wear it.
Beautiful blouse and I’m really in love with the red suede shoes. Every woman needs a pair of red shoes!! Your meal sounds delicious.
Beautiful evening. Beautiful reminder.
Such a lovely evening you planned!
This is so sweet, it brought a tear to my eye. My husband and I are missing our date nights, too. Thank you for providing a good example during this Corona Virus episode of our lives.
Oh what a special meal. I think you put a lot of thought in it.
I bet you made his day and gave him something to look forward too.
Our lives have slowed down and that’s not such a bad thing.
We have time to reflect on what is important and cherish the people we love.
And just be.
So glad Mr. Mickey is getting around better. Lovely outfit.
So nice to see you both together again.
My husband and I ate breakfast out very frequently before everything shut down and we do miss it. But recently he thanked me for fixing such nice breakfasts at home and proclaimed he might not want to eat out as often.
Those strawberries look wonderful. It is a bit early for them here in central Illinois. Enjoy!
So glad Mr. Mickey is up and about. And that you both continue to cherish your time together no matter the challenges.
Special evening for sure. Nice to see Mr. Mickey on the mend.
Take care
This post makes me so happy! Glad to see Mr. Mickey with you.
You are an inspiration and I love this look. Thank you, Susan.
You both look so happy.
Love the fact you dressed for a date dinner
You look wonderful and I’m so disappointed
When you don’t have a blog.
Start my day with coffee and Susan.
Your evening looks picture perfect. From the meal to your outfits. Love it.
Love your post. We all need to be thankful for what we have, not what has been lost.
Beautiful picture of you both
And lovely food
A wonderful post Susan ❤️
My husband and I do the same thing on Fridays, which is the night we generally go out for dinner and dancing. Although we both miss our date nights out with our friends, we’ve started going all out at home. A special dinner, dancing right here in our living room, it’s been so much fun! I take extra care applying makeup and putting on heels and husband shaves and dresses in a collared shirt.
Some of our dancing friends gave us the idea a few weeks ago by sharing their date nights over zoom. When life gives you lemons…
What a wonderful Date Night you two had. It must have felt magical. It sure looks delicious. It’s so good to see you both together and enjoying this time of self-isolation with gratitude and joy. I love your blog so much. Thank you for sharing all of your clothing, accessories, and adventures with us.
Hello Susan and Mr. Mickey!
Thank you for the lovely post. My husband and I agree that it is best to remember what is precious and good in our lives.
Since the quarantine started, we have a date night every Friday night with grilled steaks, delicious wine and romantic smooth jazz playing.
We also have an ongoing domino tournament after dinner. The winner gets $5.00 for the winning score. So far I have won, $55.00 and hubby (Mr. Brock) has won $20.00 HA!! We celebrated our Anniversary with one of our dinners and added Choc, cake. With what is going on in the world today, I think this anniversary will never be forgotten!
Best Regards from Texas!
Beautiful post–your meal looks fabulous!!
One of your best posts…so thoughtful and true. You both look very much in love and content.
You are two beautiful people!
This was a beautiful post. Your dinner and desert looked so yummy. I am very happy you two have one another to share some time with.
Wow how nice. Your meal looks just like something in a magazine. Looks delicious. I am so happy for you both that Mr. Mickey is doing ok. You look beautiful.
What a lovely idea!
Susan you and Mickey are such a loving couple and lucky to have each other especially in these challenging times.
Glad he is on the mend.
Such a lovely meal and good reminder to all of us! Hope Mr. Mickey is feeling better every day!
Smiling through tears- just genuinely moved that y’all do so well at savoring life despite the challenges❤️❤️
What a beautiful romantic thing to do for Mr Mickey. Glad to see he is getting around more. I love your upbeat way of choosing to be happy and enjoy the moment. Sincerely, Jo-Ann
How lovely that you were able to spend a romantic evening together reminiscing about all the positive things in life. I am glad that Mr. Mickey is doing so well after his unfortunate accident. You both look fabulous!
Beautiful! And love those red shoes! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration during these challenging times! Cheers to you and Mr. Mickey.
Hi Susan,
So happy to you and Mr. Mickey keeping your date night tradition going strong.
Mr. Mickey looks wonderful and it goes without saying you do too!!
Love the blouse and red slingback shoes. Your dinner looks and sounds delicious!
Thank so for sharing.
Wonderful . Love to have the recipe ! You are an inspiration. Take care .
Bravo! Susan you continue to inspire.
Thank you
You two make the sweetest couple! You look so pretty (love the red shoes), and Mr Mickey very gallant … and adorable in his blazer/boot combo. Being encumbered by broken bones for a long period of time can be so disheartening, so it probably felt wonderful to him to be able to dress up again. Kudos for a delicious healthy looking dinner, complete to the minutest detail, with jazz and dimmed lights. I’ve truly missed your weekly dinner adventure posts, but you have managed to pull off an elegant date night in spite of his setback. Looking forward to many more of your weekend adventures!! I wish you God’s blessings.
“We cherish every moment and make the most of what we have. Sometimes it becomes too easy to dwell on what you have lost.”
One of your most beautiful posts, Susan.
Thank you.
Wonderful post and love the shoes!
So nice to do. Looked yummy!!
Love all of your posts. I have been enjoying your blog for several months now. Learning so many things and admiring you so. Glad you two are having s wonderful time. Wishing you all the best!
Patty P
Yall are so cute together!!
Happy to see Mr Mickey recovering so well.
It is good to count our blessings.
Love you and Mr. Mickey, Susan!
I love pearls and so love your “pearly” look today. Thank you for being positive, happy and optimistic in these challenging times.
You both look wonderful. What a wonderful way to spend a “night in”.
So happy to see you enjoying a date night! Especially love the s!
OH my soo sweeT I am trying to make my life a mirror of yours with my new roommate! Love like this is all I care! Thank you for sharing!
This was such a special post. Thank you for sharing it with us. You and Mr. Mickey feel like family.
thank you for sharing this happy occasion with us Susan and Mr. Mickey … it is wonderful to see you and looking very well for having a broken leg!! ann lee s
So happy to see you two together again in your blog. Love your special meal and attire. You are so right. Best not to focus on what we have lost.
We were so disappointed in February to have to cancel our cruise to Bermuda for our 50th wedding anniversary (next Saturday.)We live on Long Island,NY and can’t Even celebrate with our children and grandkids. No big dinner,etc. I came up with an alternative celebration. My husband and I are going to drive into
Queens and relive the memories.: where we met, first kiss, the church where we were married,past homes, the hospitals where our children were born,etc.
It’s been fun planning and after a few months in quarantine, we are so grateful for what really matters;that family and friends are healthy! Wishing you both
The very best. Rita B.
Happy anniversary! What wonderful memories you must have.
So perfectly – elegant. . You two make a lovely couple. Looks like a very memorable evening.
Aloha, Kathleen from Maui
*I was just thinking of you Susan, as I was reorganizing my handbag closet. . . Do you store your bags in a dust bag? Some of my purchases they came with one, but for those without, I ordered sueded bags from Amazon, but sure wish they had a little window to see the contents inside. I organized by color and style. Would love any suggestions. Mahalo.
I do have dust covers for most of my bags, but I only use them when I travel. I enjoy seeing my bags when I walk into my closet.
I read a great blog that suggests taking pictures of your handbags and glueing to the covers. I have only 2 bags that came with dust covers, so not an issue for me. However, now that I think of it,I’ve noticed some bags need to be wiped down before I use them.
So glad to see Mr. Mickey again. He looks so nice, but I can see that this time has taken a toll. May he continue to heal well.
Always enjoy following your and Mr. Mickey’s outings.
How lovingly eloquent!
So happy to see you and Mr. Mickey enjoying a lovely evening! How elegant you look and dashing Mr. Mickey is! It’s spending time together that counts, such an important thing to learn from this pandemic. Enjoy your week!
Wonderful post and you both look fab!
Beautiful picture of the two of you.
I am so happy for you that you could grab a little bit of normal from the strangeness. I think the food looked just as good as in any fancy restaurant. As a matter of fact, I think you have had similar dinners out. You look beautiful and so does Mr Mickey. That’s one of the prettiest tops I’ve seen lately and pearls were just perfect.
Beautiful evening for beautiful people!
Looks like a wonderful evening! Enjoy!!
Sounds like a wonderful evening!
It is wonderful to see Mr. Mickey up and about. Your special dinner looked as good or better than a fine restaurant. Healthy healing to Mickey. Katie H.
Love this post. Thank you for sharing.
So special Susan…..happy 15th together❤️
You both look great… the pop of red shoes! Mr. Mickey looks happy!
So good to see Mr. Mickey getting out. You both look great.
Stay healthy, Jennie P.
What a wonderful post. Thank you for starting out my day with a smile. I have heard of young couples with children dressing up for dinner like they are going out to a fancy restaurant. Whatever it takes to make you feel loved and special. So happy that Mr. Mickey is able to drive. What a blessing that he has healed so well and can get back to driving and picking you up for dates – even if they are at your table at home.
Susan what a lovely meal you served with love. Take care.
I love the blouse. So feminine!
It is too easy to dwell on what we have lost….wise words.
What a lovely, charming date night you created for the two of you, Susan. You are truly inspiring. Every time I read your blog, I learn something new about life and wonder if I’m actually living it to the fullest.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas. Mr. Mickey is so fortunate to have you as a loving friend.
Love both your smiles and of course the tips on staying home but having a lovely dinner and “outing” right where you live. Glad to see Mr. Mickey up and about and knowing he hasn’t just laid back but went to work at his warehouse and kept busy just like you. Both of you are an inspiration to keep active, especially during this pandemic time.
Clara from Iowa
Susan, these times call for creativity on our part, and I think your date night with Mr. Mickey is a perfect example of that creativity!
Moving forward, we all need to draw on our creativity to figure out how we can adapt our lives to follow Covid-19 guidelines while still finding ways to make life pleasant. Some people are naturally creative, and others are not. Those who are not can draw inspiration from ideas like this one that you have shared with us.
Thank you, Susan!
You two are just so sweet. I love the outfit. And the dinner looks delicious and so very elegant. I’m so glad to hear Mr. Mickey is getting up and about after his fall, that’s wonderful news. Thanks for another lovely, inspiring post.
Great picture….
All the best to you both.
Take Care.
SO lovely! I wish I could get my husband to go along with the dress-up mode! I just ordered that blouse in blush. It is beautiful! Your dinner sounded delicious! You guys are awesome
You two look great! And what a fabulous dinner! Inspired!
Love this post and photo of you and Mr Mickey! A lovely dinner and special memories to jazz. Y’all are inspiring!! Stay well and best wishes!
Hi Susan,
Aww, how lovely in every way. You put so much love into the meal, down to tracking down locally grown fresh strawberries. Mr. Mikey must have been so pleased.
I totally agree with your comment, “We cherish every moment”, etc. Its’ so true and especially in times like this when we are living under disconcerting times and not knowing how long this pandemic will be going on, very scary times on so many levels.
Leaving on a positive note, sending you a UP day.
Good for you two. Everything sounded like a true date night at home. Cheers to you both!
Such a great picture of you and Mr Mickey. Love the pop of the red shoes! Dressing up for a nice dinner at home is a great way to adapt. I plan to try to get my own “Mr Mickey” to give it a try. Thanks for another great post
Dear Susan,
What wonderful memories Mr. Mickey and you will remember for this special Date Night. The meal sounded wonderful, along with the music and wine. So thankful Mr. Mickey is recovering from his break.
Thank you for a wonderful post.
You both look lovely, and your meal looks scrumptious! What a beautiful evening.
Lovely! Thank you for sharing 🙂
What a wonderful gift for your loved one!
What a lovely evening you planned for you both …yes, many things to be grateful for …
And your outfit was beautiful…thanks for sharing
…..glad you two are making the most of this situation we are all going through……looking good! We (as yet) do now know what our new “norm” will be, but we will all look at things a bit differently – you both look dapper – Mr. Mickey looks a bit tired, but happy to be improving I am sure. Continue to heal.
Blessings to all –
This post and photo warms my heart!
Wishing continued successful healing for Mr. Mickey…..Judy Gerard, Waxhaw, NC
It’s all so lovely, the special at-home date, the delicious dinner, the gorgeous red shoes!
I just found your site and think it is wonderful. Im a retired RN living in Nashville and trying to keep busy during this trying time. Married 49 years 3 kids, 8 grandchildren, 1 great grand. Love gardening and decorating and junking in the many places Nashville and Franklin has to offer. thanks for this darling site and many blessings
I agree! I count my blessings every single day and focus on what I have to be grateful for. Makes life so much better and tolerable. Thank you for your positive attitude – sometimes I need reminding.
Love the outfit by the way – especially the red shoes!
What a lovely story . . .
You both are looking great. So glad Mr. Mickey is on the mend and doing so well…..
You both look handsome and lovely. I especially like the pearls you are wearing. I have trouble deciding what length a necklace should be in relation to the neck line of a top.
I would love to know the color of your eye shadow.
Thanks Susan. So glad Mr Mickey is out and about.
My eyeshadow is STORM (SEMI-MATTE) from Merle Norman.
I love your positive postings we need, especially right now. Thank you for uplifting me every day. ❤️
Life is a gift…enjoy every minute .
You both look lovely! Thank you for sharing your wonderful evening with us! I’ve been reading your posts for a number of years and I always enjoyed seeing the beautiful inns and surrounding towns you visited!
lovely menu
Mr. Mickey is so lucky to have you
you look great
God Bless you
stay safe
You are such a beautiful couple. Your blouse is so feminine. I just love it.
Susan, I look forward to receiving and reading your blog. You and Mr. Mickey make a great-looking couple. I love your style. Keep up the great work! Sincerely, Connie