Color Love

Whenever I wear royal blue, I feel vibrant and full of energy. It is helpful to know which colors look best next to your face.

More muted or dusty colors do me no favors. I need bright, bold jewel tones with high contrast and clean, simple lines with a lower neckline instead of a high round neckline. I wore polished silver and black earrings with no necklace because earrings and the focal point button on the jacket were enough embellishments for my taste.

My intent in showing you photos of what I wore is to give you some ideas for wardrobe combinations and set you on the path to figuring out what is right for you and your coloring. We are all very different, and we lead separate lives, but if sharing my journey helps you put together a wardrobe that serves you well, I am glad to continue this project. Wasting money on a closet full of clothes you never wear is no fun!

This fabulous blue jacket is by IC Collection via I can wear it through four seasons because it has sleek and flattering lines that add no bulk to my form, so an overcoat can be worn over it if needed. I enjoy wearing this jacket because the fabric is very forgiving of my dimples and rolls. When fabric drapes across your body, leaving only a suggestion of your form rather than too much information, it is a winner with me.

On Saturday evening, Mr. Mickey and I had a lovely dinner at The Bistro. Afterward, we returned to the Village Social in the hotel to listen to Chris Rhodes entertain us with his soft musical style.

Whenever I can remember the source of what I am wearing, I share that information with you. Often the items are old, but this jacket is new and still available at The slim-fitting scoop-neck tank is old from Adea. The pants are Travelers from Chico’s. The shoes are old by BCBGeneration. I apologize for the dull background here. At times, the best light available is by the elevator.

    1. Hi Julie,

      Here is a breakdown of the sizing:
      6 to 8: small
      10 to 12 medium
      14ish: large
      16 to 18: x large
      18-20 xxl

      the Jacket is $150 but if you use coupon code: Susanstreet you will get 15% off your entire purchase:)

      Best Regards,

      Jon Rick

  1. You are stunning, but the reality of life is that not all of us are, and we don’t have the funds or the lifestyle that you do.
    I am 62, living in Calgary, and trying to buy only clothes that are ethically made, or from consignment stores. I also have problematic feet.
    I love your posts, but they are a fantasy for me.
    Thanks for all you do.


  2. Susan, You have shared your high power breakfast porridge but I have wondered what you order for a sustaining breakfast when you are traveling? We usually skip lunch when we travel so I like to be sure my breakfast will give me energy for the day. Love your blog, Kathy

    1. I order a two egg vegetable omelet with fresh fruit and dry whole wheat toast if I know I will not be eating again until late afternoon. I also travel with an apple or orange and some grapes or nuts as well as lots of plain water.

  3. Perfect outfit! I also need bold colors – I’m thinking because of my blonde hair and fair skin. I love IC Collection and have several of their jackets!

  4. I for one very much want you to continue sharing your outfit pairings as well as whatever glimpse into your life as you care to share. I’ve followed you for perhaps a year or more and have taken some of your suggestions and adapted them to my own life. For example, while I never have and never will be able to wear heels as high as you do, I have upgraded my footwear from always sneakers to a bootie or even a classic loafer. Please keep these posts coming our way.

  5. I too love royal blue and cobalt. The color I am happiest wearing is deep red, and it never fails to inspire compliments. Win-win!
    It would be interesting to see that lovely jacket on top of a long-sleeved black top. Have you ever tried that combo?

  6. I agree, Susan. Give me bold colors anyday. This color is particularly lovely on you. I like the open shoes with peek a boo sleeve too.

  7. Beautiful color! That color of blue is a favorite of mine. Like you, dusty colors do me NO favors!! I have dark hair and a light complexion and I need jewel tones close to my face or I look completely washed out. (And I LOVE blush pink and can’t wear it, so I’m thinking about shoes or a handbag in that color!) Your top is so pretty with the asymmetrical style. And what is on that plate?? It looks delicious!!

  8. This color is one of my favorites. I always get compliments when I wear this color. Love the way this top drapes your body.

  9. Hi, Susan, and thank you for all this wonderful advice. A couple of questions…
    1. How do we find which colors are best for our coloring? There used to be a book and swatches but I have not seen in years and my hair color has changed.
    2. My Travelers pants even the “slim” one does not look like this on me. The leg is much wider and is baggy all the way down. My build is not yours, I am pear, but their other slim leg pants fit me well.

    1. Cover your hair (it could be the wrong color if you have added color) and sit in natural light with a good mirror. Hold some different colors up to your face. Which colors make you look tired or maybe washed out? Which colors make you look bright-eyed and happy? Trust your instincts. Slim fitting (not too tight) dark pants can look good on everyone. The key is to find the right fit for your shape. Try on some different brands and sizes until you find your best fit.

  10. Every time you wear that striking blue, I notice. It is a wonderful color on you. I have a completely different build and lifestyle, but when you share your style choices it gets me thinking about what I can do to improve mine. When you explained about choosing fabrics that are plain and not patterned I realized that is one of the reasons my wardrobe doesn’t work well. I love patterns, but now I’m choosing only a few and using patterned scarves instead. My wardrobe is much easier to mix now. So keep sharing!

  11. You have been an immense help in helping me almost reinvent myself by the wonderful fashion tips you share in your blog. Your tips on wearing pointed-toed shoes to elongate my legs was an eye opener because I am short and need all the help I can get. Your blog on where the hem of my pants should be when wearing booties was very helpful. These are just two suggestions from your blog that I am using, but there are still many, many of your suggestions that I have incorporated into my wardrobe. I look forward to your blog, I enjoy Mr. Mickey’s photographs, and I’m having fun trying out the fashion tips you suggest.

  12. When I started following your blog I had just retired and had the time to really analyze what I wore! One of the things I loved was when you would post old pictures of patterned bejeweled tops and boxy jackets! I felt like I was looking in the mirror of what I use to wear! I had begun to edit my clothes but from you I learned why something worked and something didn’t. It isn’t about dressing or living like you but dressing the best we can and enjoying the life we have! I continue to be inspired by your style, your work ethic, and your sincerity! Keep sharing and inspiring!

  13. Susan, i love Bobbie Brown eyeliner and
    Have worn for years- now it seeps down under my eyes! Any solutions? Trisha

    1. Never put foundation or moisturizer around your eyes. Always make sure you are putting eye makeup over only clean, dry skin, or you might want to try an eye makeup primer.

  14. I relish your emails! I made a mistake recently when I had a ‘professional’ make-up done. I was told that my coloring was in the autumn tones. In my soul I always loved wearing the jewel tones..royal blue, red, etc. I wish I had known of your blos a couple of years ago because I purchased some ‘dozies’; trying to look young…I am 80..used to do some dept. store modeling in my 40’s and love clothes.

    As a senior on a fixed income my budget is not as grand as when I was working so purchasing clothes using your input is a blessing.

    I still am wondering why you purchased the sleeveless shells and how you wore them.

    Glenna in Brea, CA

  15. I am so happy I found your website. Please continue to post your tips and outfit pictures. They are helping me to adjust my thinking about what looks good on me. I too have a round face and your tip about necklines has been an eye opener. I feel better with a round neckline and now I know why. I am enjoying your adventures and Mr. Mickey is an awesome photographer.

  16. I am loving your site. And I love getting the emails as it always gives me a fashion idea for the week.

    Your packing video is really helpful. Can you do a similar one for winter?

    1. I use the same concept but pack things that I can wear in layers as needed. If you will be flying to your destination wear your heaviest boots and coat so that they don’t take up the room in your luggage. Make sure each piece will work with your others. Have fun!

  17. Please do continue this project. I learn something every time I read your blog. This is why I keep coming back.

    Even though our body shapes are different, your explanation of why things do and don’t work for you help me. Some things work for me precisely because of why they don’t work for you. I also have the rule of thirds etched in my brain.

    I like that you are anchored in the real world, where women wear their clothes more than once. You’re not showing a new $1000+ outfit every day. Thank you for that. Thank you encouraging all of us to put our best foot forward, whether it’s in a high heel or not! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your comment. I no longer accept products for review because it did seem unrealistic to have so many new items each week. If a friend sends me a gift, I do mention the fact that it was a gift. I don’t buy new things that often anymore because everything I have works together in several ways. I now spend money on fun activities rather than going shopping all the time. I wish I had known all these tips earlier in my life, but I am happy to share what I learn with you now.

  18. You look gorgeous in royal blue with those big blue eyes of yours. For information on color typing, I have found Imogen Lamport’s Inside Out Style blog to be excellent. I have participated in her 7 Steps to Style on-line program in which she uses comprehensive color typing that includes 18 different color families which to me is more accurate than the 4 original Color Me Beautiful system.

  19. I’m fairly new to your website and I absolutely love it. I am in the process of reflecting on all I am learning from you and re-thinking the way I dress and apply makeup. Thank you, Susan! I just read one comment that refers to the “rule of three”. I have looked back at a few blogs but can’t find the explanation. Would you mind repeating it?

  20. You look gorgeous is this color! I need to learn to wear “my” colors rather than what is in for that season!

  21. Susan, sorry this is so late. I love that top and purchased. Can I wear it to a daytime event. I have two coming up on one weekend. My brother’s surprise 60th birthday party that we are having at a local country club and my woman’s club fashion show. Thanks!

    1. Yes, you could make this look more casual or dressy depending on how you accessorize it. Also, think about wearing it over a long sleeve black or white top and pants to create a different look. Have fun!

  22. Love the outfit and colour. And, of course, the shoes. I notice that you don’t wear a lot of belts. I have a huge belt collection and wear a belt almost daily. I would like some tips and advice to make sure that what I am doing is correct. Thanks.

    1. I have a thick high waistline so it would be tragic for me to wear a fully tucked in shirt with a belt. If you have a slim waistline that you like to show off, go for it! I sometimes wear a belt, but it is always in one of two ways. 1. A low slung hook belt over a tunic. 2. With a jacket worn open so that just the front part of the belt shows.

  23. Love your style and suggestions! Has been very helpful in choosing clothes that are compatible with my shape,
    Coloring and lifestyle! Keep the blogs and pictures coming! Thankyou

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.