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The Classic Style Personality

The Classic Style Personality always personifies simple elegance. This woman collects basic, timeless pieces, which she mixes and matches. Trendy shapes and bright prints are never on her shopping list. She may not shop that much, yet she can always put together an appropriate look for any occasion. She invests in key pieces of high quality so that they last for a long time, and she wears them in a variety of ways. You may find variations of Chanel inspired flats, sleek loafers, and a similar style of sandals in her closet throughout her life. A fitted navy blazer and a comfortable pair of straight leg jeans with a white silk blouse will be a go-to look for her.

Her wardrobe colors will include mostly neutrals such as navy, white, gray, khaki, olive, brown, or black, depending on her warm or cool skin tone.

Memorable show-stopping outfits are not her thing. While she always appears neat and well put together, there is rarely any part of her look that stands out. Tailored classics in the best quality she can afford fill her wardrobe. She always appears neat and well-groomed. She accents her combinations with a few well-chosen understated accessories. Sunglasses, scarves, and high-quality handbags are often part of her look.

Hair and makeup are always natural-looking and may not change that much over time. For example, the Classic Style Personality may wear the same bob in varying lengths for most of her life. She is unimpressed by changing trends and sticks to what she knows works well with her shape and lifestyle.

I hope that you have enjoyed this project. You may see now that we can combine any of these style personalities, including bombshell, sporty, and or casual, on any given day. Understanding the attitude of particular looks may help you put together combinations of items that are appropriate reflections of your style and work well together. As always, I am sharing my photos to help you understand basic design principles. I am not a professional stylist, but I do enjoy sharing with you what I learn.

In these photos, I am wearing a Portofino black polyester (silk-like) blouse from Express last year over white girlfriend style jeans from Chico’s. The sandals are a black, white, and silver reptile texture by Vince Camuto last year. The little black straw bag with chain detail was a bargain I picked up on the T.J.Maxx clearance rack at T.J.Maxx this week.

  1. And that’s what I believe I am- classic with an edge. It’s nice to put a name to it and it also helps to understand why I shy away from prints. I love the way you look in this outfit (although I always think you look timeless and chic.) But this really appeals to me. My edge is usually in the form of jewelry; fun statement necklaces, architectural bracelets and zippers! Thank you for this series. It was fun.

  2. Hi Susan,
    On Monday you knocked my style out of the park with the description of a natural style. I now think I’m a combination of that and classic. All my pants are the colors you listed and I lean heavily to the black, grey, white and I keep things for a very long time. My huge weakness is handbags. I love them and pay pretty good money for them. (My mom would be shocked to know how much 😉 ). This has been a fun series and please don’t let the jealous people discourage you. Some people aren’t happy unless they are complaining, so just feel good about how happy you made them.

  3. Perfect…this is me, except for the poly blouse…I always want my body to breathe, so my top would be black linen or cotton.
    it has been a fun and interesting week!!

  4. Such a relief to see you back in classic style attire! Though I appreciate your time and effort to illustrate the other styles, I enjoy seeing your usual elegant tasteful outfits. Welcome back, Classic Susan. I missed you.

  5. Hi Susan!
    This is a fun study you are doing and I am enjoying it! So, the Classic look sounds like you…maybe with a side order of Biker Chic! Am I correct?
    Thanks again,

  6. I was waiting for this one! This is me to a ‘t’ and always has been. “To thine own self be true!” I can be casual on weekends when I’m not at work, but I still tend to put on classic pieces, even if it’s jeans. I smiled when I read about the navy fitted blazer, the straight jeans and a white shirt as a ‘go to.’ It’s definitely mine. I used to wonder if it’s considered boring, but now I know it’s what gives me confidence and as you say, there is always something in the closet that works!

  7. Thanks so much for helping us out!!! I always thought I fit the classic style and now I know it. Thanks to you I have more confidence in my decision making. Have a fun week end. We are going to be paddling in Louisiana with all the rain headed our way.

  8. Susan, I really enjoyed your series! I am retired. I am aiming for classic/bohemian as I transition out of quite conservation suits for work. One style that you didn’t mention is the “cutsie” look in accessories and clothes. I am a bit drawn to that (e.g. Betsy Johnson necklaces) but I resist the urge since I think it looks a bit ridiculous on a mature woman. I do love a great bow on a shoe, however!

  9. This classic style describes you to a tee Susan. You always look classic and put together!!! Love this outfit on you.

  10. Thank you Susan for a wonderful series. I do feel your description of the natural personality fit me about 85% with the classic style finishing it off with about 15%. You have revolutionized my closet, and I feel so much more confident with what I wear now.

  11. I just loved this project. It really pointed out to me which style is dominate in my wardrobe. It helps so much to have a goal in mind when shopping. I tend to over buy on impulse, then wind up not wearing those items. I have learned to not take the tags off until I actually wear a piece so I can return it if I find I am having buyers remorse. As always, I enjoyed seeing you in the different styles.

  12. thank you so much I love this series . I realized that I am a combination of all those. I tend to like the classics but I also like a flare of the dramatic and I like a little bit of bohemian mixed into it it gave me good idea about different outfit I want to wear during the summer !!!
    as always thank you so much for sharing

  13. This has been a great series and, like many others, I think I’m a combination of classic and natural, but I do like to go dramatic sometimes! Very well done, Susan!

  14. Great post and comments. No surprise that most of the followers who commented are also drawn to your Classic look…that’s why they relate to your style in the first place.

    Thanks so much for gifting us with your time and expertise.

  15. Thank you so much, Susan. I asked for the Classic Personality just yesterday – and here it is. You are so good to listen to your readers. Thanks again!

  16. I am a classic/bohemian most of the time and can be dramatic. Never have enough room in my closet.

  17. This is an outfit I do often, however, I confess I can do better with changing up handbags. Thanks for the reminder!-Laurel

  18. A very interesting and helpful segment regarding different personality types. Looking forward to your next articles.

  19. Thank you for all the work that must go into this blog. Your blog is the first one that I go to every day to see what is there. I think you’re wonderful. I love your style, energy, attitude, and the generosity and vulnerability you share with your readers.

    I grew up in southwestern Virginia and have lived in California since my university years. I have visited some of the places you share with your readers and I just love it when I know some of your destinations in the mountains. But, I really enjoy being introduced to new places and you have done that so many times for me, the reader. I look forward to reading about your travels with Mr. Mickey. The photos that you share bring me such joy because the older I get…the more I find myself missing that beautiful area.

    Thank you, again, Susan.

  20. Hi Susan,
    This is definitely me and I knew it. I have tried to branch out at times over the years but it is just not in my comfort zone. A few other items that go with a classic look are a khaki trench coat, LV handbag, Burberry, anything cashmere, and luckily I live on the coast of California where it is 65 degrees year round so we can wear cardigans/jackets all the time. Thank you so much for a wonderful blog and I have learned so much from you. Annette

  21. I have been following you for years and try to emulate you. However I have to say, I miss your heels! I just hope you did’t stop wearing them because of the haters. You are stunning and look fantastic in your trade mark shoes. Please, reconsider selling your collection.

    1. You may have missed the post about why I have almost stopped wearing heels. I started having painful leg cramps at night each time I wore them. I refuse to suffer for fashion after 60. (New policy) 🙂

  22. Wonderful series! Thank you so much. You’ve been such an inspiration to me. I’m approaching 60 and had been in a rut. Not putting much effort into what I looked like. Since following you, I’ve started trying different things to find my style. You have helped me so much. I owe a world of gratitude to you.

  23. This is me! Every time I try to venture into something else, I end up looking and feeling ridiculous. I may be boring, but I feel comfortable in classic clothes, so my new mantra is to not give in to the temptation to venture off track. One thing I can’t bring myself to do, however, is wear white pants! Hats off to those who can; I just can’t. I think it is because back in the day, I worked in a hospital and had to wear white uniforms. Well, that was 35-40 years ago, but the no-white prohibition is still strong in me. I’ve bought white only to have it hang in the closet because I just can’t do it. So it’s black, gray, navy for me.

  24. I would love to wear a bob haircut. I’ve tried it over the years but my hair is so thick, it looks and feels like a mop on my head. I’ve gone to a shorter style which people have told me looks better. I miss the bob because it’s so classic.

  25. What do you do when your body suits certain clothing, but your personality suits something else?

    I am trying to reconcile the two with certain cuts and styles to suit my body, and fabrics to suit my personality. This is challenging.

    1. I buy the fabrics that suit my style and then accessories in the way that makes me happy. I do not care for rough textures at all. Note how I wore the textured weave blouse/jacket in the Natural Personality post. That is not my style at all because it is boxy and has lots of texture. I countered that by wearing it open with a sleek tank top and slim fitting jeans and then added my bold necklace to make the look more comfortable for my personality which is Classic/Dramatic. I favor smooth fabrics and clean lines over anything with textures.

  26. You suit the classic style. I am not a classic, however, I am trying to buy more classic pieces which will last a longer time.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.