Solo Travels Part 1

We held our family reunion last month. Now that mine is nearly the senior generation, it was a special treat to visit with all my first playmates. Looking through my grandmother’s old photo albums was a sweet surprise. I was happy to learn that our reunion-hosting cousin keeps our family memories safe.

I hope you enjoy these snaps from those precious early days living on a small farm in a tiny rural community in western North Carolina.

April 1958
With baby sister, Glenda, 1961.
With Dad in 1959.
With Mother in 1958.

Later in the week, I spent a few days in the lovely town of Edenton, North Carolina, followed by a short stay at Kill Devil Hills to walk on the beach for a while. I ended my trip with a stay in Charlotte to shop at SouthPark Mall for an afternoon. In future posts, I will share photos of some of my outfits and tell you what I packed. There are many pictures of gardens, old buildings, and lovely scenery.

  1. You were an adorable baby! I love your curls. I love old family photos and am fortunate to have cousins that gladly share them. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  2. You were an adorable baby. Love the curls. Old family photos are always such fun to see. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  3. Susan, I always enjoy the variety of subject content in your posts and look forward to each post. When I open my email feed and see your blog post waiting for me to open and read, my heart smiles! Thank you for the research and time invested to share your life and knowledge with us!

  4. I have to agree with what Ann said. I also look forward to your posts because of the variety of subjects. It’s always fun to look at old photos. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I look forward to each and every one of your posts. Looking at your precious photos is a travel back in time to when I was a little girl. A pleasant trip indeed! I’m so glad you take the time to share. Have a lovely week.

  6. Hi Susan. So wonderful seeing your photos. It would be interesting to see photos of your Mom from those next few historic decades — the 60s & 70s. Do you remember what her fashion style was then? Fun to hear that you were here in Charlotte and enjoyed Southpark Mall. Would’ve loved to invite you for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants here. Maybe on your next trip to Charlotte! Best/GeriR

  7. A pretty little girl grew up to be a beautiful women. I’m glad glad you were able to attend. Reunions are so important especially now with our busy lives.

  8. What a cute and beautiful little girl. How wonderful is it to be able to see those old photographs of yourself as a young child it is so heart warming. I just love yiur posts Susan the different ideas and stories are so inspiring. I am looking forward to your next post.
    Take care.
    God Bless.

  9. Awesome post. I love the old pics of you. It sounds like you had a really great time. Thanks so much for sharing.

  10. I have unexpectedly been invited to a wedding for which I was expecting only to observe. Such a thrill to be included with the added bonus of it being like a family reunion. One of life’s joys.

  11. Your parents were both so attractive. No wonder you’re so pretty! Good genes! Loved seeing these photos.

  12. Adorable little girl! Beautiful lady today! I too agree with Ann’s post, I enjoy each post received and admire you from afar! Treasures forever.

  13. Thank you for sharing your most interesting story and pictures. I always look forward to your post. You have a very interesting life and great ideas.
    Blessing to you and Mr. Mickey.

  14. Your photos are just so precious! My sister-in-law and I will be traveling to North Carolina in November to visit the Biltmore. We will fly into Charlotte. What are some places that you would suggest to see in Charlotte? She is 79, and I’m 83. Thank you very much for any advice. Sincerely, Angelina Rice

    1. My visits to Charlotte are centered around shopping at Nordstrom at SouthPark Mall, so I haven’t spent much time there in the last twenty years. Here and here are lists of popular things to do in Charlotte.

  15. I really enjoyed your family photos Susan. What a fun reunion it must have been. We all look forward to the rest of your photos.

  16. What treasures these photos are, and what happy memories they must have recalled. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your upcoming posts regarding your packing, as I have a few trips of my own in the near future. I tend to overpack, and as I age, the luggage can get too cumbersome.

  17. Oh Susan, I really love this sweet posts. You’re just as precious now as your baby photos.
    I look forward to hearing more about your travels.

  18. What an adorable little girl you were!!!
    What a lovely lady you are!!
    Thanks so much for your blogs and sharing your travels with us!!!
    We ❤️you in Texas
    Carole Stanley

  19. What lovely photos, it looks like you and I might be the same age. Your holiday sounds enchanting, I love gardens and old buildings, they have so much character. stay well from Judi

  20. Hi Susan, thankyou for sharing your cherished family photographs with us and what lovely family memories for you to look back on, I love getting out old family photos and instantly it takes you back to mostly a happy time in our lives and reminds us of how far we have come and how much we have achieved, I can definitely see where you get your looks from as your mother looked a real beauty x. I hope the rest of your trip goes well and I hope Mr Mickey is keeping well.
    Kind regards


  21. Thank you Susan for sharing such beautiful photos , I agree with Paula , you are so like your lovely mother she too has style and a graceful beauty. Pamela UK.

  22. That picture of you and your mother in 1958 … twenty years on you were the spitting image of her in 1978! I love reunion for all the same reasons


  23. How lovely. Family reunions are not only a way to connect but also a way to learn more about family history. Love your posts and you always look so put together with great tips on using what you already have.

  24. I follow your posts and love the photos and advice. I really enjoyed the most recent of your family reunion, so darn cute! Fun to see another side of you. Thanks!

  25. Susan, such sweet memories. I grew up in North and South Carolina. Lived in Charlotte many years and loved South Park Mall. I watched it change over the years to become very upscale. We retired and live in Fl now. Love all your travel pictures.

  26. Those pictures are so special. I found a few of my younger days pictures and enjoyed looking back and remembering the good times.

  27. This post was so sweet and thank you for sharing with us. I especially love the picture of you with your mother, she radiates such a natural beauty. Those memories are so precious, and I value all our old family photographs as well. I treasure the letters I have of my grandparents writing to each other in 1918, the year they married. It’s a bit of romance, history about the war, life on the farm with my grandmother being the oldest of 10 children, helping great grandmother take care of them. She sat in the apple orchard writing those letters and I’m not sure when she found the time. But she knew what she wanted, and I love reading how she set her cap for her young man. I can’t wait to see your next post!

  28. What beautiful pictures. I waltz through my childhood with old pictures pretty often. Can’t wait to see you new purchases.

  29. So enjoyed your family photos and memories. I also have a younger sister named Glenda and she has pass d on to the pearly gates.

  30. Thank you Susan for your posts- love it when I see a new email post from you. You find some of the coolest places and things to do!
    I went back and looked at your post of your new haircut in 2022 and really like it. I grew my hair out to a bob during the pandemic. During my career, i always had very short hair. With this really hot summer, thinking I may go a bit shorter. So thanks for all of your posts. Very inspiring and helpful!

  31. I had to smile when I saw the photos of you and your precious curls, particularly the photo with your beautiful mother. I had that exact same hairdo in 1958! My sweet mother had no idea what to do with my unruly curls, so she brushed them up into that same curly “topknot/mohawk” on top of my head! My two daughters still enjoy seeing my old photos from that time and lamenting with each other over the strange hairdos I inflicted upon them in the 1980’s!

  32. Agreeing with what several have said, seeing a post from you in my Inbox always brings a smile. We have recently moved 50+ boxes (!) from storage into our dining room and are going through them a few at a time, including letters from the late 50’s to the early 60’s. Such delightful trips down memory lane.

    You were an adorable toddler and are a lovely and inspiring woman. Thanks for sharing.

  33. What an adorable little girl you were.! I’d have expected nothing less. Thank you for sharing and for the obvious pride you have in your family. Those of us who were fortunate enough to have grown up in the ’40’s, ’50’s and 60’s were so blessed! The simple values we learned then will always be with us.

  34. You were always lovely, and your family as well. I’m looking forward to more posts about your trip.

  35. Susan – sounds like a nice get away. My friend lives in Kill Devil Hills where I am going to visit later this month. I throughly enjoy your blog.

  36. My MIL was born and raised in Edenton, North Carolina. After she and my FIL married, two of her children were born there and then they moved to Louisiana where her husband was from. I have so many wonderful memories of visiting Edenton with her, It is definitely a beautiful area. So glad you were able to visit.

  37. Your family was always special to me. I loved the pictures. Hope your Mom and Dad are doing good.
    I look forward to your post and following your adventures.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.