The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful spring day, so off we went on an hour-long drive to have lunch in a cafe we hadn’t been to in a while. We don’t let 25-40mph sustained winds with gusts up to 70mph keep us at home.

The jacket was from White House Black Market about two years ago. Similar ones are here, here, and here. A similar cami is here. Mine is at least four years old. The jeans and belt are also shown in the previous post. The sandals are here. The By Far bag is from last year. I found a similarly shaped bag here. Finally, similar Balenciaga sunglasses are here. (Mine are about five years old.)

As we tried to take these photos at a deserted rest stop, the wind roared up the valley and through the trees. One of the gusts nearly knocked me off my feet. When we gave up and returned to the car, Mr. Mickey commented that the rumble and roar of the wind through the trees sounded eerie. Growing up in town, he had never been in the woods atop a mountain in high winds, so that was a new experience for him.

Car show socks completed his relaxed, casual look.

Our lunchtime destination was the Stoney Knob Cafe in Weaverville, NC.

It’s a fun and eclectic diner by the side of the road. I remember driving by the much different original version with my family when it opened in the 1960s.

The crazy decor and the facade of the diner are constantly changing. We are amazed at how many folks fit into this tiny diner. Sometimes, even the overflow parking lot is full.

Mr. Mickey had seafood pasta, and I enjoyed the chicken marsala.

Since lunch was our only meal, we splurged on two desserts. Thankfully he enjoys helping me finish mine. We tried the baklava ice cream cake and the coconut cream pie. Both were delicious!

I never can wait for your email that you have posted a new blog. I check every couple of days to see if you have posted. You have helped me to not purchase items that I will not wear and give to Goodwill, unused, a couple of years later, although I still occasionally do that. It is easier to now have clothes that are easier to just pull out of the closet and feel good wearing. Thank you for sharing with us about your clothes, makeup, trips, and Mr. Mickey.
Thank you, Lorie.
I find myself looking forward to seeing the photos of Mr. Mickey’s socks. I really enjoy them.
He truly loves making people smile.
Love those socks! You guys are a stunning couple, glowing with vitality. Age is clearly just a number.
You live in a beautiful part of the country. I enjoy your excursions.
The food looks fabulous!! You and Mr. Mickey find the best restaurants. Always love your outfits especially the jacket.
Cute place to visit and I’m surprised by the upscale menu. Not your typical diner. And, those jeans make your legs look a mile long. I’m always concerned that a boot cut will make me look shorter as my 5’7” frame is all in my torso. Seeing this makes me think I need to give it a try. You both look fabulous.
Great post and I have to admit I am becoming a fan of Mr. Mickey’s socks! Thanks for the update regarding the weather, glad you are all safe.
You look fabulous! The jeans make your legs look so long! Mr. Mickey looks his debonair self and of course the fun socks. Spring weather can be a challenge. Glad you managed to come through the storm without damage. We are still in cold and rain. I do see a few early flowers blooming. I’m afraid I’ve been bundling up and trying not to look frumpy, but not quite managing to be very stylish. Have a wonderful week!
Beauriful day. I always look forward to see where your next trip will be! (And Mr Mickeys socks )
You’re such a cute couple! Love the socks! Thanks for sharing your fun life with us. I really look forward to your posts. You’re both a real class act.
You look beautiful for your afternoon out. Mr. Mickey is so handsome. Glad you had a fun afternoon.
What a fun place to go for lunch!! Thank you for taking us along and also giving me some suggestions for looking into my closet for some new outfits.
It was very interesting to read the beginnings of how Stoney Knob Cafe came to be. Enjoyed the photos of the Mediterranean Room and the Red Room as well as the diner. Mr. M’s noticing the eerie wind on your outing caused me to recall a blizzard years ago and a similar experience. I went outside our home; it was nighttime, the streets were deserted, and the wind was eerie and soulful. Oh, my goodness, what’s not to love about Baklava in any form! The coconut cream pie looked divine. Just taking a break from the Maisie Dobbs novels and will begin, ‘The Second Mrs. Astor: A Heartbreaking Historical Novel of the Titanic” by Shana Abe. Thank you for taking us along on another one of your fun adventures – keep those sock pictures coming too!
Simply Adorable!!
Great jacket Susan. Love the look. Please tell Mr Mickey his socks are great!!
Looks like a perfect afternoon to me! So nice to see your pretty smile and cutest socks on Mr.M. Any escape with a view and great company should be enjoyed regularly. Happy to see you today (via email).
The socks are gorgeous I must say and what a lovely diner. A very 50s vibe I must say. Have a lovely Easter break and stay safe on your travels
I swear you look younger each post. LOVE the entire outfit
I do enjoy seeing the two of you getting out and seeing what the day brings you. You both look great, have fun together-Lucky- both of you. Thank you for sharing some fun in your lives with us. It does a soul good to clean up and have some fun. You are a handsome couple, stay blessed.
So glad to hear that you came thru the storms ok and what better way to celebrate the calm after the storm than this fun looking place! The food looks scrumptious and now I’m dreaming of baklava ice cream . Love the socks! Happy Easter!
What a lovely outfit and Mr Mickey has just the most fabulous socks. Your meal looks very inviting. I do hope you have not been affected by all the storms. Best wishes to you both.
Such lovely natural photos Susan with the wind in you hair, and as always a pretty smile .
Something I picked up on was Mr Mickeys complete coordination of colour as always he
always turns out very well groomed but today his attire was in complete harmony with his
car, different shades of blue. Fab socks and oh sooooo shiny shoes and car.
Just love you two .
Hey the coconut pie looks delicious, the meal was beautifully presented and sensible portions.
Which reminds me I must be more ‘ portion control ‘ aware.
Do you and Mr Mickey when at home watch your meal size ? It’s so easy to pile food on a plate
and then feel bloated and tired afterwards as our digestive system goes into over drive to process
the break down of a heavy meal.
Would you share with us your general days menu and portions and liquid intake , including the wine of course .
I tend only drink a light fruity white wine or a delicate Rose wine, I just like a tipple at weekends or when
family visit.Lots of European Countries have wine with every meal , I would be falling asleep and no daily chores
would get
Every good wish,
Pamela from Wales UK.
Since we tend to eat our meals early in the day, I prepare the portions carefully so there are no seconds or leftovers. That way, we aren’t tempted to overeat but are always satisfied. Your body accepts what you train it to. Exercise, portion control, and sleep patterns are habits we form, but we can also mindfully change them.
Are the longer pant legs back in style now? Seems like the last few years short, tapered pant legs were popular. I can’t keep up!
Yes, long flare-leg pants and platform shoes are back, and I’m so happy!
Oh, Stoney Knob is my favorite restaurant in the Asheville area! Great place. Thanks for showcasing this long standing restaurant.
You two are so blessed to be able to get out together and enjoy the Spring weather! Love reading about it.
On another note, I know you served in the Navy when you were younger. What was your motivation or inspiration, when so many young ladies of the time were getting married shortly after high school (me included)? Were you escaping a bad relationship, money troubles, or just wanting to see the world? Not wanting to get too personal, but I know you were a small-town girl and that seems unusual for the times.
I was ready for a new challenge in 1979. While working three part-time jobs simultaneously to put myself through college, I longed for adventure and opportunities my small hometown couldn’t offer. So, after extensive research into each branch of service, I decided to join the navy. I was stationed aboard a ship during my four years of service, but I volunteered for every school, studied for every exam to advance in rate, and took college courses offered on board and taught by ODU professors. I visited five countries and spent many months at sea, having the adventures I craved. I’m so glad I made that decision. It changed the course of my life.
I was the only woman in my family or circle of friends to join the service.
Susan, thank you for sharing your adventures. Y’all are such a handsome couple! I have children who live near Weaverville and have never visited this cafe! Will have to check it out. It looks fun!
I love reading about your adventures and seeing how you all dress. Even in jeans, you are both elegant.
Thank you for answering my question. It took a lot of courage to “go against the grain” and follow your dreams. I applaud you for it! Do so enjoy your column.
Thank you, Cheryl.
Hi Susan,
This is a test to see if my communication is reaching you okay now. Fingers crossed.
Too cute! Love this ’70s vibe, fresh and updated but not attempting to look 25 years old. I love following you and hope you never stop… please. Would you be so kind as to share size jeans and inseam for reference. I seem to remember you are around 5′ 6″? Thank you!
I am 5’6″, wearing jeans in a size 6 or 28 Long 34.5″ inseam with high platform sandals. This is a fool-the-eye styling tip to make legs look longer.
I’m so relieved no weather damage affected you. The weather is getting so crazy! We’ve had tornados in New Jersey twice this year – very unusual for this part of the country.
Thank you! I am about same size but around 5’8″, would not be wearing platforms of quite that height, possibly flats like Birks. Do you think I would take a Reg length or the Long? Reviews mention the jeans run long, but I always seem to fall in the crack with Reg 32″ being too short and Long being too long. P.S.: Would you consider doing a video or series of photos with instructions on your updated makeup regimen? Thanks so much!
You may need to buy the longer length and get them hemmed to the proper length with the shoes you will wear.
Here is the makeup routine I still follow.
Your outfit looks wonderful. I like flare jeans and wore them with platform heels many years ago. Glad to see them back in style! You show how to make them age-appropriate which is important to me.
The meals look delicious. Baklava is always good and I”ve not seen it in the form of an ice cream cake. Such a nice and unique cafe. I look forward to your posts with you and Mr. Mickey out and about…and his socks!
Thanks again for answering my question about hose or tights in late February. You saved me from freezing on a cold/windy day. Thick tights and boots were warm and cozy.
I am loving these most recent looks of yours! The high waist jeans and platforms take me back to the 70s (when I was in high school!!!) I sure wish I had some of my clothes and shoes…although they would no longer fit me .
Great style, casual yet polished and very age appropriate without being frumpy. Love it! Keep ’em coming.
I enjoy reading your blog and following your adventures. You have learned so much about the clothing that fits your body and lifestyle. I’m 5’2” and not thin. Can you recommend resources for helping me and others find appropriate and flattering clothing. Thanks.
You can find good basics like dark wash straight-leg jeans here. In addition, they offer petite sizing Inseams: Petite 27.5″ (70 cm), Short 29″ (74 cm). Pants that touch the top of your foot and don’t hug too tight will always make you look taller. Wear tops and jackets that end at mid-bottom. Don’t cover any part of your leg’s length or wear wide-leg pants. Wear one color from top to toe to avoid visual breaks in your outfit. You can use most of my formulas since I always try to elongate my looks. V-necklines and open jackets are also lengthening and slenderizing.
Enjoyed your post. Mr. Mickey always looks so great and it is delicious to see your meals at the restaurants. Even the Blessed Mother statute at the restaurant reminds us to keep prayer in our lives. You outfits are lovely but after living through the 1970’s I just can not bring myself to wear bell bottoms again! Not yet anyway,
The outfit and food looks delicious
However, I have a question? Are u still looking for another home to downsize in? You haven’t talked about this in ages?
Just saying…
No, I’m not going to buy another house. I’m home now.
concerned about you the other day with all the reported tornadoes…
Thank you, Marilyn. We are safe.
I don’t know which I loved more, your outfit, Mr,M’s socks, or your meals!!
I think I just enjoyed the joy you had during your outing.
Kind regards,
Aileen Goodwin
Seit einigen Wochen verfolge ich interessiert deinen Blog . Deine zeitlose Art sich zu kleiden gefällt mir sehr, vor allem die Jeans.
Die Ausflüge sind auch interessant und ich wundere mich über die Entfernungen die ihr zurücklegt, um essen zu gehen. Ich lebe in Deutschland und habe andere Vorstellungen von Entfernung. Ich hoffe,daß du mich noch lange mit deinem Blog unterhältst und wünsche schon jetzt Frohe Ostern.
Susan, I know you have used gray numerous times in examples of putting an outfit together and it always looks beautiful. I cannot get it looking as put together as you do. I try dark pants, light to med gray jacket and when I put a top like red or fuschia or bright color it just looks like a complete unmatch? Maybe it’s just me but it doesn’t look like an attractive outfit. Should I use light colors with gray instead of darker contrast? Would gray pants be better? Your recent navy jacket with red was so beautiful. Gray is hard for me to make look good but I have so much of it. I always think it easy and goes with my hair, then I can’t put it together very well.
Thank you so much!
Try styling your gray with other neutrals such as white, navy, or burgundy. Gray also looks lovely with pink. Perhaps your bright colors are too much of a contrast with gray.
Your jacket is so cute Susan, and as usual your whole look. I love Mr. Mickey’s socks and his car! Sure looking spiffy!
That diner looks great. I wish I lived in your area; I’d be checking out all your restaurants suggestions with my hubby!
We do the same thing, but skip the rides and just go local. Glad you were safe on the road. We’ve had some wild weather here, in the NE too. More expected tomorrow. Ugh!
Love your posts! We stopped in Abingdon for browsing and dinner on a road trip and hope to stop at this diner on a road trip in May Love your recommendations!
Also look forward to your clothing choices.
I still have similar boxy jackets from 15 years ago.
Talbots! Love your handbags!