New Hair

A change in seasons makes me want to clean, cut, upgrade, discard, buy something new, and head for the trails. Summer has come to East Tennessee in February this year. The weather has been sunny with temperatures in the eighties for most of the week. I have walked many miles already, and I have “brutally” cleaned the house from top to bottom, including my wardrobe. I’ve added a new color to my closet, which I will share with you later. Today it’s all about the hair! It was time to shed the long hair again. The classic chin-length bob isn’t for everyone.

Yesterday I visited my stylist. When I told him I was ready for a change, we both did our research and independently came up with the same style. Softly layered looks that give me more volume and less width work well with my face shape. I am delighted with the results.

To get the best results from hair appointments, we need to consider what type of hair we have and be realistic about how much effort we want to put into styling it each day. I have fine curly/wavy hair that is getting thinner as I age. When the humidity settles in for the season, it will do what comes naturally to curly hair, no matter how much product I use. A hairstyle is an accessory we wear every day, so I want the best possible option for my shape, height, and personality. I always get dressed up a bit for my appointment to have an accurate picture of my style personality. I treat my stylist with respect and never show up late.

The necklace is from Chico’s. The top is from last year by Clara Sunwoo from My Fair Lady. The jeans are a couple of years old by Michael Kors from Stein Mart. The bag and shoes are also not recent purchases. I no longer purchase heels, but I have kept the most comfortable ones. I can still wear them for short periods.

Another update I make when the weather changes includes my skincare routine. I started keeping my No. 3 Balancing Facial Mist in the refrigerator this week. I mist my face several times a day with the refreshing cool alcohol-free revitalizing mist. I tend to get red cheeks from the increased activity and heat. This mist from the Balancing Line helps calm the redness and reduce the breakouts I still occasionally get. I believe in the Beautycounter products and mission so much that I became a consultant. You can visit my site here.

  1. I love the new cut. It looks very fresh. Your whole look today is lovely. I got my hair cut short last week cutting out the remainder of my highlights. My hair is now silvery grey. I was surprised at how much grey was underneath all the highlights. I am 62 and now am the first of my friends to go grey. I am living in England so I haven’t seen my Virginia friends. My husband likes the colour. I will probably let my hair grow out to your length. I have thick, coarse curly hair. I still feel surprised when I see my new look in the mirror. How long did it take you to feel comfortable w pith your grey once you stopped colouring your hair? I wonder if this is really the look for me!love your blog and followed you for a few years.

    1. I stopped coloring my hair when I turned fifty. It took about three months to get used to seeing myself with gray. I have tried a few rinses since then, but am quickly reminded why I stopped coloring. My hair tends to grab a brassy tone which clashes with my skin tone. I am very happy with my natural hair color. I don’t plan to ever return to the chore of coloring it.

  2. You look healthy, youthful and chic! I love your style and outlook on life! I wish it was that warm here. Parka and boots weather still!

  3. Susan, your new hair is very becoming. I completely agree with you about dressing carefully for your hairdresser or hair stylist. In my part of the country women dress quite informally: aging jeans and an aging tee are normal daytime wear (but always with earrings). However, I am careful to dress better for my routine haircut: newer well-fitting jeans, a nice top, and maybe a scarf or bracelet in addition to the usual earrings. I like to think that my hairdresser takes a little extra care when I do. Of course I can’t ask her that! But it’s still a good custom.

    1. Earrings get in the way of the stylist. I have learned this from getting a pick stuck in a small hoop I was wearing. Since that day, I never wear earrings to get my hair cut. I also don’t wear noticeable earrings with a necklace; it may be just too much going on around my face.

  4. Susan you look absolutely stunning!!! I love how you constantly evolve – you are an inspiration. And I am so envious of your weather – I won’t be able to wear spring clothes till probably mid April!

  5. Love it! Today is my day for a change in hair as well. I am also considering letting my color grow out…at 62 I ready for lot’s of change. My hair is straight and fine…so I have to clense daily. This isn’t good for color-treated hair…so, I’m debating letting it grow out to it’s natural gray/white. Thanks for sharing Susan! Always helpful!

  6. I like very much – On Tuesday I did the same thing. A little shorter for me also. You look beautiful!!!

    Rhonda Williams

  7. Lovely style on you! It does make you look younger and accentuates your gorgeous cheekbones!

    Summer weather is here in Florida as well and I too am going for a short cut tomorrow. My current style is also the chin length bob but this time, I am going for a pixie with longer side bangs. Can’t wait to get rid of the “puppy dog ears”… you know, the heavy part of the hair between the ears and chin… Mine seems to grow wider rather then longer! LOL

  8. You look stunning in this hairstyle. It looks happier and more like you. Well done. Always love life along with you. Enjoyed your recent trip to Florida. Thanks for posting!

  9. The weather has not been so accommodating up here in central Illinois. Cold temps. and rain, freezing rain etc. I’m hoping to start walking again in a few weeks. My hair is always a problem. I get a perm, yet only like the way my hair looks with the perm is almost all grown out. Your hair is so smooth, even though you say it is naturally curly. Do you blow it dry for volume but not use a curling iron? It looks great both ways.

  10. I recently purchased a vest from your shop. It arrived promptly, was packaged beautifully and it looks great! Thank you!

  11. Wow, what a great haircut — you just keep getting better and better! I wish I had the courage, but changes to my hair are so intimidating for me. I still have the same long, blonde hair I had in college and wish I could figure out how to settle on and execute an “update.” So anxiety-producing.

    Also, I want to echo the other commenter here about receiving items from your shop. I have received a few orders and always marvel at how beautifully and carefully packaged they are. And the items I have are all really high quality and lovely. I don’t know how you find the time to do all this . . . and look great. An inspiration!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment. I write this blog to share all the things I wish I had known when I was younger, and I started the shop to offer all the basic clothing and accessories I have such a hard time finding at a reasonable price. It’s a labor of love that has brought me friends from all over the world and my life is much happier for it.

  12. Your hair looks beautiful and love the cut. Would be interested in video on how you style your hair if possible. Thanks

  13. Your hair looks just great, Susan! I’m currently growing mine out after coloring it dark brown for over 40 years. I’m about 60% there and it looks like it will be a silvery white color. I can’t wait to see it when it’s all natural – it’s such an exciting time!

  14. You look so chic! Perfect hairdo for you! Here’s to change. (P.S. I love my new long navy dress and the price !)

  15. Susan I just love the new haircut shows off your pretty face beautifully. Love your blog thank you for putting your heart and soul into each and every write up.

  16. Love the new haircut – I think I’ll take a photo of it to my hair appointment next week! I had to miss my last haircut and color appointment so I’ve got about an inch of mousy gray showing but I’m not quite ready to go natural. However, I am noticing that I look better with cooler tones of eyeliner/shadow than the warm tones I used to wear and I’ll ask my stylist to change my color a bit.

    I too have ordered from your site and was so impressed with the promptness and careful packaging my items were delivered with. Thank you from Wilmington, NC!

  17. Susan,
    It’s Debbie, here in Crossville, TN. We spoke a few weeks ago and I ordered the loose grey vest from your website. Love it!

    Again, you have posted a winning post….love the new “do”. I, too, have been contemplating a hairstyle change and will do some more research before taking the plunge and cutting off my longer locks. Thanks again for such an uplifting blog. Keep it up,

  18. Love your new haircut too! I too have gone shorter over the last two years and now have a layered bob that I love! Let me also say how elegant and lovely you always look. I love your blog and although we have never met, I feel like when I read your blog it is like getting advice from a friend. I too have purchased from your store and marvel as well at the beautiful packaging and care you take to satisfy your customers. It is obvious in the way you take care of yourself and others that you have the true gift of caring.

  19. Looking lovely as ever Susan.

    Did you find the bob didn’t work for you? I’m interested because I have fine curly hair too, and have been contemplating a bob much like you had. I’m wavering because I’m worried about layers adding fluffiness and making me look unkempt. I’m certainly that unlayered would be a disaster for me. I think the Bob is, as you say, a classic, but wonder if I should just appreciate it on other people.

    Many thanks.

    1. Having layers lifts my hair and makes it feel and look lighter. If you have thinning hair at the crown or in the front; all one length isn’t the best option. Layers serve me well if they are cut to allow my hair to move, not the “little hat cut” I had earlier last year. (The top layer was cut so that it did not blend well with the rest of my hair.)

  20. Love the new hair cut! Suits you to a tee. My hair is shoulder length and pin straight. I use hot rollers and get compliments from strangers all the time on how pretty it is. Trouble is – I’m sick of it and don’t know which way to turn with it. Wear it straighter or lop it off into a different style. Any suggestions would be great. We are the same age, but I am a shorty, size 8 and have a round face.

    1. Try getting it cut a little shorter and let it be straight for a while. You may decide you are ready for more of change and you can get more cut off. (I wanted straight hair more than anything when I was in High School!)

      1. You’ve inspired me. I think I shall print this picture to take to my hair stylist because I’m also ready for a change.

  21. Love love your new hair style! I’ve worked so hard at growing mine out…and I remember all the reasons why I grew it out…just like you, no matter the length, the cut, the products, my fine curly hair will do it’s own thing…so I’ve grown mine out to pull up into soft updos…to each his/her own, right?

  22. love your hair! I just got almost identical style yesterday as I have fine, curly hair and have been very unhappy with it lately. So much rain lately here and high humidity. I feel like a new woman and think yours looks great.

  23. Hi Susan—you looked beautiful before and after your new hairstyle. You’ve said many times that you have a round face and that was a factor in not having shorter hair. I don’t see the round face and I love your new hairstyle. It highlights your cheekbones, eyes and beautiful smile. And because you wear clothing in colors that look best with your coloring, everything is just enhanced even further. What was Mr. Mickey’s opinion? I’m looking forward to seeing the new color you’ve added to your wardrobe. Have a good weekend!

  24. This query has nothing to do with hair. I am 5’2″ and just wondering if you think a suede moto jacket is not the best look for a 70 year old. Was thinking about purchasing one now that they are on sale, but am on the fence as to whether I should wait and get a more traditional one.

    Your hair is lovely!

  25. I love your new hair style! When you did your research, what did you look for? I need to do something different too.

    Thank you for your blog! I enjoy reading it and follow your tips on fashion styles.


    1. I look for women with a similarly shaped face and about the same age. I know from experience that the width near the eyes instead of at the jawline would be a better choice.

  26. I thought your hairstyle was pretty before, but this cut is so becoming to you!! Very chic!! You are such a classy lady!

  27. Oh, Susan, I LOVE your new hair style! I have learned so much since subscribing to your blog. Thank you so much for all the wonderful information you provide!


  28. You look gorgeous!!!
    I love the new look. It shows off your face and makes you look more modern. And it seems to fit your hair. You have a lighter look with less bulk at your jaw and more at your crown.

  29. I am in love with your hair cut! So chic and fun and just beautiful! You are an inspiration for so many reasons! Gotta say your outfit is fabulous too!

  30. Absolutely gorgeous cut. I have thin straight hair and it is quite thick in terms of the amount. My fabulous cutter closed his salon some years ago and moved back home to his country of origin. Now that man could cut. Imagine my absolute pleasure the other day when I walked into a salon not far from where I used to live who used to work from him and could cut my hair the way he used to. For over 10 years I have put up with rubbish as now live in a regional town. A great haircut is an absolute confidence booster and I can say that I will now be making the trip 3 hours each way to see this lass.

    by the way that outfit looks great

  31. I too am silver gray. My hair is thick and three inches past my shoulders. I get it trimmed in long layers every three months. Since there is some natural curl, all I need is to air dry, put some smoothing product in and style. Never liked my hair better (and DH loves it). I am a young 74. I love your new “do”.

  32. Susan I really love your new cut! It is more youthful and is so flattering!
    I will be 63 next month; last summer, I stopped coloring my hair. It is taking me a little longer than I expected to decide if I love it. Probably because it isn’t yet quite as silvery as I hoped it would be. I keep my fingers crossed that in another year or two it will be similar to your color. But I do feel quite liberated by not having to devote a couple hours each month for a color touch-up!
    Count me as one of your regular readers who so enjoys “visiting” with you as each post reaches my mailbox and who has learned so much from what you so generously share.

  33. I love your new haircut, it makes you look younger , bright and full of energy.
    I also like the clothing items your shop offers however I think there would be problems with shipping, the delivery costs might be high. I haven’t tried to find out about it yet. I enjoy reading your blog and if I like something I try to find something similar in my country. You’re absolutely right it is so difficult to find clothing I like and which is still affordable. You’re my inspiration. Thank you.
    Enjoy your warm and sunny weather. We are freezing here in the central Europe.
    Best wishes, Jitka

  34. Hi Susan, I’m 67 and live in Sydney Australia. This is the first time I’ve left you a comment although I’ve often been tempted!

    I was originally drawn to your blog because I was looking for ideas about going grey. You were one of the only women I found in the 60+ age group who had a similar hair style to what I was trying to achieve – styled from a ‘part’ on the right, and also you have a slight ‘peak’ in the centre of your forehead similar to my much more pronounced ‘widows peak’ (similar to Mortica in the ‘Addams Family’!).

    Since then you have influenced me to go grey, to lose some weight with your diet recommendations and also to dress using your formulas. I’m still working on the diet and dressing formulas!! My hair is much straighter than yours but my stylist has managed to get a similar ‘shag’ look with layers.

    Now I have a question about your new hair cut (which looks fabulous btw!). You seem to have changed the ‘part’ to the other side of your forehead. I don’t think I could do that because I have a very strong ‘cowlick’. I thought you had something similar but it seems you have overcome it with this new style. Do you have some hints? I hope you can understand my ‘Aussie’ descriptions!

    Thank you

    1. My stylist did that switch of the part from the right to the left this time. I don’t have a cowlick but I do think my hair is more comfortable worn with the part on the right side, simply because I am accustomed to it. I am so glad that my tips and examples have been helpful to you.

  35. Susan, you look awesome! I am a rather new fan of yours (5-6 months) and this is THE BEST you look! In my opinion, your hairstyle is perfect for you. I think you have lost weight too and is wonderful. Love your looks all together. Why did you wait for so long (ha ha).

  36. You look 10 Years Younger!!!!!!!!! And we always say……why didn’t I cut it sooner!! The older we get the shorter we should go.
    Looks very becoming on you.

    All the best

  37. Like the new “do”…sweeping it away from your face, gives lift with movement…highlights your total look.
    I have done similar with my hair. A good cut gives versatility and moves with you. Tends to fall in place. (One thing I have had to get used to…finally getting there…so used to it always “being” in place!!)

  38. Susan, I love your new ‘do! So fresh and you look ready for spring! I was so happy to see your Facial Mist product that I went to your site and ordered it immediately. Can’t wait for it to come! I’ve been looking for a good one for a while. Thank you for all you do for us!

  39. Hello Susan! I am interested in trying Beautycounter products. I have an olive complexion with dark brown hair and eyes. I wear the same color palette as you (Cool). What shade of tinted moisturizer and\or foundation do you recommend? Which product would be best for me? Thank you!

  40. Susan, this was a great post! Also, I liked the part about being respectful of our hairdressers by showing up on time. I know I appreciate mine and will do what I need to help them.

  41. Susan, I completely adore your site and love all the fashion advice you give. I have emptied my closet of a lot of clothing I no longer need thanks to your advice. I love how you dress and how you put together your look, you look amazing…thanks again …Steph

  42. Susan, What shampoo and styling products do you use?
    Thank you for all your tips and beautiful pictures.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.