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Looking Ahead

The past three weeks introduced health challenges and life changes I could not have imagined a couple of months ago. Taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood for a few miles was part of my daily routine. I enjoy the time I invest in creating three blog posts per week for you, so I have felt lost without that structure. I often worked in my tiny flower gardens and cleaned my home, and helped my parents and Mr. Mickey as they needed me. Even if our weekend dates became little more than drives through the countryside, we enjoyed getting out for a couple of hours.

It was ninety-four degrees here on Thursday! My staying at home look was very comfortable. I let my hair air dry, and I put on a little makeup, including the lip color “Girls Night” classic red here.


Everything changed when I suddenly became ill near the end of June. I informed my healthcare provider of all the symptoms I was experiencing as soon as I could. Two COVID-19 tests came back negative, but she continues to monitor me as a virus patient. Her staff calls to discuss my situation almost daily. I’m thankful for the follow-up calls because I developed pneumonia on the nineteenth day of the illness.

The alert medical staff prevented me from getting more seriously ill or needing hospitalization. Hastily scheduled chest X-rays on Monday showed that I have pneumonia.

I am getting stronger each day and coughing less, thanks to antibiotics and lots of rest. On day twenty-three, I am still easily fatigued, have muscle pain, and wake up in the middle of every night bathed in a cold sweat.

Thank you for the cards, calls, and many prayers. I appreciate your kindness very much.

My current reading list includes research on the plants I will add to my little flower gardens next year. I’m trying to determine if I have enough space for Elephant Ears (colocasia). The current gardens have not fared well without any attention, but a snake plant bloomed for the first time this year.

Do something that makes you happy today. You deserve it!

The pieces I wear are rarely new, so I link to similar currently available items. Shopping links may provide a small commission to me at no additional cost to you.

I take my photos using the timer on my Sony Alpha a5100 Camera and a tripod.

  1. Thanks for the update. It’s good to hear that your healthcare provider and her staff have been so on top of things, especially with you being pretty much on your own. So sorry to hear about the pneumonia. Wishing you a smooth recovery from all of this.

  2. I had no idea a snake plant blossomed, your picture is the first one I’ve ever seen. Thank you for sharing your experience during the pandemic. Reading your blog helps me feel connected. I look forward to hearing about your continuing recovery.

      1. I forgot about snake plants blooming and several years ago, I thought one had some kind of fungus growth and tossed the whole thing. Now I am aware. LOL

  3. Take care. Have missed your posts and hope you are soon feeling well and fit again. Down here in New Zealand we have managed to protect ourselves from a full scale outbreak of this dreadful virus so far and watch with concern and compassion as it spreads.

  4. I read your blog frequently and this is the first time I have commented.I wish you all the best and I feel so sad you have been so ill.You really look after yourself and hopefully this will aid in your recovery.
    Best wishes from Melbourne,Australia.

      1. Hello Susan. Thinking of you. Thank you for clarifying that. You said you had tested negative 2 times. I had a hard time understanding how you could be so sick with all the Covid19 symptoms and still test negative. But glad you filled me in on what they are finding is this virus is mutating and results are showing negatives.

  5. Glad that you are better; I appreciate you sharing your story. I have tons of elephant ears that began from 4 bulbs over 30 years ago. I used to thin them and throw the bulbs anywhere I had a blank space. Now my backyard is lush, no weeds, and brings me much joy. Happy healing!

  6. I’m sorry to hear you had contracted pneumonia along with the virus. It must be your clean diet and healthy life style that kept you out of the hospital. Thank goodness!! I always look forward to your blogs and have enjoyed reading older posts as well. These are certainly difficult times. Take care and God bless.

  7. Susan, I am so sorry that you have now developed pneumonia. I have had it twice and lots and lots of rest were the best medicine. Take care and I hope that you regain your strength a good health soon.

  8. Sending my best wishes for a quick and total recovery of your health and strength !
    My best best wishes also o Mr Mickey
    Take good care !

  9. Susan
    Thank you for blog
    Thank goodness you were able to stay in your own home
    Your strength will come back gradually it’s a frightening experience for anyone
    We may have a repeat of it in the republic of ireland
    Glad your family are well

  10. Susan, I have followed your blog for several years and appreciate your zest for life. I am very sorry to hear you have been so ill but glad you are making a comeback. I, too, was thinking viral mutation regarding your negative covid tests. I am so glad your healthcare provider is on top of your care. I had very much your same symptomology late Feb throughout March. The first covid case in Oregon landed 5 miles from my home just prior to my becoming so very ill. Yes, recovery is a slow process. Take good care and enjoy your summer despite covid and the heat. Best Wishes!

  11. What a difficult journey you are having. It is good hear that your care providers are so supportive. I am sure for someone like you who is energetic & independent it is especially challenging to navigate this path. Whilst you don’t post as often your posts add a smile to my morning; thank you for using some of your energy supply to continue postings. Take care of yourself and I wish you every good health on this journey.
    Warmest Regards,

    1. My doctor is indeed a gem! She called me from home late one evening and told me to call her home number if anything urgent came up. I am blessed to have been in her care all these years.

  12. Susan, I don’t normally comment but felt I had to say something, I’m very sorry you have been so ill and wish you a speedy recovery. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and find your positive attitude to life very inspiring. Paula.

  13. Prayers for continued strength and courage. I think it’s reasonable to assume that covid may be mutating just enough as to not be detected as such by the traditional tests. Your many followers are watching your progress closely because you are us! I firmly believe that all of the diet and lifestyle changes you have been disciplined enough to maintain have saved you and will continue to help you regain your life! I can imagine how scary this is for you and please know that you are in our dearly thoughts and prayers!

  14. I pray for you Susan not to infect this kind of fragile virus hope you grt more stronger evryday God will protect you and keep you safe in everyway just trust Jesus and have faith in him God bless

  15. I am a longtime reader though I rarely comment. So sorry to hear that you have now developed pneumonia. It sounds like you are doing everything you can to rest and recover, including following excellent medical advice. That is so important. Thinking of you and wishing you a complete recovery and an eventual full return to your rewarding daily activities.

  16. Susan I hope you feel better soon. Your situation is a wake-up call for those who think a case of COVID can be mild and brief. Thank you so much for letting your many followers know what is going on. Take care of yourself! LE

  17. Susan, your look is simple yet so classy. Why do others look so dowdy but you look so great with the same pieces? I think it’s because you have mastered the perfect fit and proportion for your figure. I have followed you for several years, and my whole look has changed because of it. I’m sorry for your health struggles. Love and prayers sent to you!

  18. Susan I hope that you are taking a probiotic along with your antibiotics (not at the same time). It is a good protection for your colon. Donna RN (retired).

  19. Susan, I’m so sorry that you are still dealing with this -your story is being repeated all over the country – people sick with the virus but not testing positive. Did you test orally or via nasal swab? False negatives are more prevalent in the oral testing group, though nasal isn’t 100% either. Do you have a pulse oximeter at home to check your oxygenation levels? Sending positive thoughts your way.

    1. I had two nasal swab tests. When I had my lab tests on Monday, my oxygenation levels were normal. Thank goodness the pneumonia was discovered, and treatment was started early on.

      1. This is so scary, never knowing for certain whether it’s plain ole pneumonia or COVID. Will you be having antibody testing after 8 weeks? Maybe that will be definitive. The real problem will be deciding when “8 weeks* has passed from a test that was never positive in the first place! Maybe not until the worst of it has subsided. I hope your symptoms resolve shortly and you can get out from under the fatigue. You are always so active and being out of commission is no fun.

        1. I will not be getting additional tests. I will continue to mostly stay in quarantine and wear a mask each time I leave my house. Even if I do have the antibodies, they only last for about two months. You can get COVID-19 again.

  20. It is wonderful seeing you on the mend. Such a terrible illness and experienced by so many families. It’s good that you’re able to get up and aim for some return to normalcy. You’re such a fighter! Just don’t push too hard and listen to your body. What a vigilant dr office you have! Take care, Susan. We’re all pulling for you.

  21. I am another who rarely comments but reads your blog faithfully. You give so much to so many with all your tips and behind the scenes research. Thank you for all you do. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  22. Continue to care for yourself, and let others help when they can. I hope your recovery is steady and complete.

  23. So happy to hear that you are so well looked after and that even though you have pneumonia, you are on the way to a full recovery. God bless.

  24. Continue your recovery progress. You look great in this photo. Take it easy I know that’s difficult but day by day you’ll get better and enjoy our new normal

  25. This is such a scary illness! It’s a good thing your pneumonia was discovered early! Praying for your continuing recovery.

  26. Best wishes for a return to good health, strength and energy. Having a concerned, caring and supportive team around you brings positive vibes and powerful healing energy physically and emotionaly. May your recovery be speedy and complete.

  27. So glad you are feeling better.
    So Enjoy your blog and you are in my prayers.
    Beauty in Stone has become my favorite jewelry, thanks to you.

  28. Susan, you have lots of folks who are praying for your swift and complete recovery. It is good to hear that your healthcare team, especially your doctor, is on top of things. Discovering the pneumonia early on will hopefully cut down your healing time. I admire you for your positive attitude in dealing with your recent illness. You also have an excellent support system in Mr Mickey, your parents and sister.

  29. Susan, I’m so sorry to hear about your illness and complications. I’m sure your healthy diet and lifestyle have prevented you from hospitalization! But I must say, you are the most beautiful sick person I’ve ever seen! (My mom used to say about a friend “she looks better going INTO the beauty salon than I do coming OUT!”) Be patient in your recovery, push the fluids, eat healthy. Time is a great healer.

  30. I have never commented before but I have prayed for you daily. You are such a beautiful soul who uplifts countless followers with your positivity and passion for life. Your personal care and clothing tips teach women how to be their best selves. You are a real angel and may you heal completely very quickly. God bless you!

  31. I have never seen a snake plant in bloom! I am glad to hear you are on the mend, although recovery sounds like a very slow process. Rest as much as you need, take care of yourself and know many are lifting you up in prayers.

  32. Susan, I continue to hope for your improvement and return to complete health. About your elephant ears—I am a long time extension Master Gardener, and there are many varieties of dwarf elephant ears (Colocasia). Reliable sites such as Plant Delights have a lot of information about varieties and how to grow them. They are beautiful plants. Good luck-it’s fun to plan a garden ahead-it gives us hope for the future.

  33. So sorry to hear you have pneumonia. However, it sounds like the care you are getting is very good. Wishing you a speedy recovery from this last hurdle. Tomorrow is my birthday and more than ever I am very thankful to be able to celebrate (just my husband and I) I am healthy and have a good life. Friends around me moan and groan about getting older. I am one of those people that does not let a number defy who I am. You’ve always come across to me like that kind of person as well. Take good care of yourself

  34. It is so good that you are open about your ordeal. It helps others in the same situation. You give such valuable advice. So glad you are feeling a little better each day. I look forward to your blog posts. Have a great day!!

  35. I’ve enjoyed your blog for some time Susan and was very sorry to hear of your battle with Covid. I admire your feistiness and grace as you continue on. I hope the rest of your recovery is quick and complete. Much love to you, ~Deborah reading in Texas.

  36. P.S. What we call elephant ears up here are bergenia, quite different from the elephant ears you are referring to.

  37. Thank you, Susan, for your honesty in sharing your experiences with this nasty virus. All of your “friends” on this website are holding you in our very special thoughts and praying for a complete recovery.

  38. This virus is very scary, and has no boundaries. I have shared your story with all of my senior gfs. Also, asked all to read your diet. It’s so important to eat healthy as we age to afford quality life to our aging process. Do you have any crying moments? I’m petrified of going out. I walk a certain path daily and make trips to the supermarket, twice a week visit my 95 year old mother who lives alone. Thanks for sharing and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Carol. ‍♀️

    1. There were some very emotional nights during the first week. I had to give myself several pep talks. I knew that the virus causes hallucinations, strange dreams, and thoughts you wouldn’t typically have. I struggled with all those issues and had to keep reminding myself of what was causing it.

  39. Oh, Susan. Please continue to feel better. Thank you for all that you share about your COVID journey and your life. I’ve followed you for years, and your posts are always inspirational and educational. I’m so glad that you’re getting excellent medical care and feeling stronger.

  40. Just take of yourself that’s what important. At our age we are more at risk. It will take tine to get all your strength back. Take care. Heken

  41. So glad you are continuing to improve. I always enjoy your grace and beautiful blog. I had never seen a Snake plant bloom – I didn’t realize they could. Hope you continue to regain your strength and feel better.

  42. Glad to hear they have found the problem. I hope with medication and rest you will recover quickly and soon be back doing all the things that bring you joy. Prayers for you continue.

  43. Take care Susan rest and eat good. I was very sick past November maybe over 6 weeks, slept a lot, no COVID tests then, developed into sinus infection antibiotics and feeling better for. Christmas. In my prayers. Didn’t know th hat snake plants flowered, thank you for the beautiful pictures and inspiring messages. God bless you

  44. Blessings to you Susan. It has been a battle. You are so proactive and health-conscious. That is on your side, for sure. Praying for you and Mr. Mickey. Take care of yourself.


  45. Hi Susan, your doctor is a gem, and so are you. I’m thankful for your blog and your gifts that you so generously share with others. Prayers and best wishes are being sent your way.

  46. So sorry to hear of your illness. May you continue to gain strength as you progress through these tough times. God bless.

  47. Prayers for you as you continue to work towards a full recovery. I am grateful for your sharing of your life journey. You are an important voice for women for a full and graceful life.

  48. It’s so good to hear that you are feeling better! I would enjoy an article from you about fragrance – perfume, candles, etc.! I do so enjoy your style, as well as all of the beautiful scenery you include. Take care!

  49. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. You obviously have an excellent doctor who is giving good advice and support through this very difficult time. I am sure your lifestyle has helped enormously in keeping you out of hospital but do take care of yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself although I am sure you are looking forward to getting back to the daily routine you have created for yourself. That snake plant is amazing. I didn’t know they flowered. Best wishes.

  50. Glad to hear from you and that you are progressing in your fight. You are fortunate to have a caring and devoted doctor.
    I’ve had snake plants through the years and never saw one bloom!
    You look great in this casual and comfortable looking outfit. I love olive, but only wear it below the waist also since I have cool skin tone coloring. I’m on the hunt for some olive leather booties or loafers. Not sure why, don’t foresee going out much!! in the near future.
    Thank you for being so truthful and open about how this has affected you.
    Susan, how did you discover you had pneumonia?? I missed it if you’ve told us. Take care!

    1. I started coughing a lot more and had difficulty breathing when I woke up on Monday. As soon as the health care provider spoke to me by phone, she knew I needed to come in for a chest X-ray.

  51. So glad to hear you are doing better one day at a time. God bless and follow the doctors order ! lol

  52. Susan , I’m so sorry you have been so ill. Please take care of yourself. I so enjoy reading about your lifestyle because it’s uplifting and fun to imagine we’re next door neighbors, if only for a while. Praying for your complete recovery.

  53. Oh my gosh, what an ordeal you have gone through. Thank goodness your health care provider was diligent checking on you. Sending you best wishes for a full recovery soon…

  54. You are very fortunate to have an astute and caring health care provider, who is monitoring your symptoms so closely. Pneumonia can be very debilitating. Best wishes for your continued recovery.

  55. Didn’t word that correctly about discovering pneumonia. I know chest xray verified it, but what prompted the chest xray?? Thank you.

    1. I started coughing much harder, had difficulty breathing, and pain in my back. When the health care provider spoke to me, she could tell my condition was declining.

  56. I have been following you for a long time and always look forward to your enlightened posts regarding classic dressing for your body shape! I have learned a lot from you! Just wanted you to know, and hoping you are well on the road to recovery!!
    -Maureen in MA

  57. You have a wonderful heathcare provider. I wish there were more like her. Please take care and my prayers are with you.

  58. I have never seen a snake plant bloom! It’s so pretty and thank you for posting. It’s good news to hear you’ve been diligent in caring for yourself and you have an attentive health care provider.

  59. Thank you for the update on your health. Trust that we are praying for you and that your healthy body will be totally healthy again soon. We love you Susan!

  60. Susan, I’m glad to hear your are recovering.
    I agree do something that makes you happy. We all deserve it.

    My life partner just told me he no longer finds I give him joy, & he wishes to see other people. Your mention of drives in the countryside pierced my heart because we loved doing the same.

    But I’m going to move forward & do something that makes me happy.

  61. Pneumonia! Oh, Susan, that must have been so scary for you. Your doctor sounds wonderful. I’m so glad you are under her care. As always, sending virtual hugs.
    PS My mom’s snake plant was very old when it bloomed. Also my Dad had elephant ears every summer. They were planted in the shade and seemed to thrive but never took over the area. He really enjoyed his plants.

  62. So very sorry to hear this news!! My prayers will be offered for a quick improvement in your illness very soon!!❤️

  63. Susan
    So sorry to hear of your illness, but also glad to hear you have a fabulous support system and that you’r eon the mend.
    Sending prayers and get well wishes.
    Mary Lynn

  64. Take care, you will get through this. One day at a time. Keep picturing those gardens and how they will look next year.

  65. So sorry to hear you are still struggling with the effects of Covid and pneumonia ! Please take care and let your body get the rest you need❤️

  66. Sending all of the good healthy vibes your way and pray that you start feeling your ol’ self soon.

  67. You look absolutely fresh and gorgeous! My goal is to look as good as you do in this picture on my best days! Glad to hear you are recovering.

  68. Rest, rest, and then more rest. This virus is a tough one. People develop complications. Take care of yourself. I do not know you, but you are part of my world via the blog. God bless!

  69. I am so thankful you are getting better. You have good care and a good positive attitude. I got the healthy eating books you mentioned from my library, curbside pick up. I am off of two meds and feel better with more energy. Still working at getting my blood sugar lower with a very low carb diet. So thank you for your inspiration.

    1. If I may I’d like to suggest a book titled “Delay. Don’t Deny” and the author is Gin Stephens. Interesting and astounding information on lowering blood sugar levels.

  70. Every challenge we face gives us a broadened perspective, greater appreciation for everyday wonders and gratitude to those who support us through difficulties. Know that you are valued and loved; we all pray that you will get stronger every hour of every day. You’re a smart cookie and know what to do. Thanks for letting us walk alongside you during your recovery.

  71. I rarely comment but I do read all your posts I hope you feel better soon and are on the road to recovery.

  72. Susan,
    I rarely…ok never…leave comments. Just read your blog and enjoy. Just not a comment person. However, I’d like to just send you all my prayers and hope for a full recovery. I’m incredibly sorry for all you’ve gone and are going through. It seems very scary and painful. Your bravery in sharing your story is very kind and touches my heart. Thank you for all the thought, effort, research and skill you weave into each of your blog stories. May this next part of 2020 bring you healing and tremendous joy. Katie

  73. Dear Susan, I was concerned to hear that you have been sick and happy to hear you are recovering. Can you imagine if you had not changed your diet and such? So good on you….feel better!

  74. Susan, I was quite shocked to read that your symptoms turned into pneumonia. Please take all the rest you need and accept the offers of help from Mr Mickey and your family. You are so lucky to have them close by. What amazes me is the one-on-one care your doctor is providing. You are so lucky in that regard. Thank you, too, for finding the energy to model your always lovely outfits and to write this blog. You are a trooper and an angel! Wishing you only the best.

  75. I am so sorry that you have been ill. This virus has been dreadful. Continue to improve. Thank you for updating us. Blessings

  76. Susan, you continue to be an inspiration to us all. Thank you for sharing your insights and life with us. So much we can all learn from others. Georgianna

  77. Susan, I am a long-time reader of your wonderful blog and wish you a full recovery from your present medical woes!
    Please take good care of yourself. It sounds like your doctor is indeed helping to guide you back to full health!

  78. Yours is the 2nd report I’ve read from someone who had all the classic symptoms of COVID-19, had negative tests (he had 5 all negative!) and then found out it was bacterial pneumonia which can be treated with antibiotics. So very strange and so very alarming.
    I am so glad to hear you are getting back to your previous state of good health Susan! Continue to take good care of yourself.

  79. Hi Susan,

    So happy that you are getting stronger. After all you wrote about in your first blog after your horrible bout with COVID-19, didn’t mention pneumonia. Did you get that after the first 10 days?

    You are now negative but still have the sweats and are taking antibiotics for the pneumonia and cough? Is that normal. ?

    Have you always been in a Doctors care by phone? All through your bout with COVID-19. ? Did they suggest going to the hospital at all or did they want you to just be quarantined?

    I am so happy you are coming out of this and looking forward to getting outside a little. It will take a few months not weeks to get your strength back.
    God Bless You Susan,
    Love and prayers to you.

    Joan Stone

    1. I have been in contact with my doctor or her staff since the first week. I have been in quarantine for three weeks. There is no normal with this disease. My doctor is treating me as a COVID patient because I have all the symptoms as her other patients who have it. Pneumonia is a common symptom for people who have COVID. It started on day nineteen for me. None of my tests came back as positive, but false positives (and negatives) are common. I have not been sick enough to require hospitalization. We have many new cases per day in my area now.

  80. I’m so glad to hear that you’re continuing to get better! I hope you’re back to your former self soon! I really enjoy & look forward to your posts. Also, I had no idea that snake plants bloom! I’ve had some for years and never had that happen. Do you do anything special? Please take care!
    Your friend, Michele

  81. I have a couple of friends who have the “long slow exhausting” version of the virus too. It’s such an odd disease, with so many faces! Thank goodness you went in to it healthy. Up here in the north we are in the final stages of reopening, and have fingers crossed that things will stay stable. If not, it does not bode well for the fall. The gym has reopened as of today, but I think we’ll leave that to the younger ones and see how it goes. Take good care, Susan. Slow, easy and careful is the best medicine right now!!

  82. Glad to hear your update. know this must be difficult. we all take our “good” health for granted as we get older when we don’t have many aches and pains. Having any illness especially corona is definitely a wake up call. Praying for you each day for improved health. so glad your medical group was on top of it! Thoughts of continued improvement! take care, May Jane

  83. I’m sorry you’re facing these difficult times. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system including your healthcare team. Thank you for sharing- I’m sure many are facing similar symptoms and this is a scary time.

  84. Bless your heart!! This is a horrible virus!! You are and have been in my prayers. You look beautiful even though you’ve been so sick. Keep taking good care of yourself. Everyone says you don’t get over this quickly. It may take awhile! God bless!

  85. So relieved to hear you are feeling better! Thanks for the good advice to do something that makes me happy today! Making bread and knitting my new Grandson’s sweater!
    Hope you stay very happy too!

  86. Wow, you have really been through it and I’m so glad you’re now on the real mend! Rest and relax and we will look forward to hearing from you whenever you feel like it! I’m sending healthy and happy wishes to you from Southern California!

    Kathy Keebler

  87. So glad you are recovering. Just take care of yourself and do not try to do things too quickly.

  88. I’m praying for your complete recovery and of course the sooner the better. But, I wanted to thank you for sharing your journey and the details of your experience with COVID. I have learned that this virus must be treated with respect and must be taken seriously. I wish that others would listen to your experiences and take the extra precautions necessary to protect themselves and others.

  89. Susan, I’m sorry you have been so ill but you have all of us hoping and praying you get better soon.
    I enjoy your blog very much but totally understand the fagtigue you feel and I would guess most of us would understand if you need to cut back
    You don’t need to add more stress to your life so stay safe and all the very best

  90. Keep your spirits up! Rest OFTEN! Enjoy the view of life in a garden. You continue in my prayers.

  91. Susan, I have read all of your posts with interest and was so sorry to hear of your illness. It sounds very gruesome and my wish for you is to recover fully without any of the lingering after effects some people are reporting. Best wishes from Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

  92. Hoping you get stronger daily. Thank you for posting these updates. I think we all need to stop and think about how serious this is.
    Keep getting healthier!

  93. I am so glad you are getting continuing care and are recovering. I know you value being healthy. Continued prayers for your recovery.

  94. Hope you are improving and continue to rest. I noticed your absence, but the last four months have been challenging for everyone.

    Look forward to your next post. Stay safe.

  95. Wow! You’ve really had a bout with this! It isn’t fun being fatigued all the time but it sounds like you’re getting excellent medical care. I hope you’ll be feeling back “in the pink” very soon!

  96. Praying for you to get well. I’m so sorry that you’ve had so much trouble. My prayers are with you.

  97. Rest, rest, rest. We are all praying for you. When you need a lift, look back at some of your beautiful photos of your drives with Mickey. I am sure there will be many more. You are an inspiration to so many of us.

  98. Please keep putting your health at the top of your priority list, Susan. I’m so sorry that pneumonia was part of this health challenge. It sounds like you’ve got a really good healthcare team. Bless you and them.

  99. keep on fighting Susan, your dignity, graciousness in accepting what is, and resilience is inspiring us more than you know.

  100. Wishing you a steady healing and strength to return as you heal.
    Take care if yourself and sending you positive thoughts.

  101. Thank you for sharing your experiences with all of us. It’s so important for all to know what to watch for as this virus continues to spread. Hoping you are beginning to feel stronger and better each day. You’ll be enjoying country drives before you know it.

  102. I’m glad you are taking care of yourself, and you are feeling better. I also learned from you today, that snake plants bloom! I did not know that, now I hope mine will bloom someday!

  103. Hi Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your continued struggles with Covid 19, even tho you have not tested positive. I wish you a speedy recovery with no residual effects.
    I am in Los Angeles County, California and have been stuck at home. I do go to the grocery store once a week and visit my grandchildren. I did attend Mass last week but the governor has put another stop to open churches, etc.
    I have enjoyed your blog, it just came to me one day. Good luck and good health. Sincerely, Judy W.

  104. So sorry that you are ill. I wish you a very speedy recovery. Glad that Mr. Mickey and your parents did not catch this virus. I thought we were doing very well in California, but our numbers have spiked the last few weeks, very scary. Sending you warm wishes and prayers for your return to good health.

  105. Its a blessing to have such a good doctor and you have a great attitude. I’m not surprised. You will get through this and add more loveliness to your home. I love how curvy that snake plant is. I’ll look forward to what you have to share when you’re feeling well again, soon.

  106. My snake plant bloomed 2 years ago! Who knew? I was astonished…
    It is a privilege I’m told as my local greenhouse has heard they bloom but never actually seen it themselves. So yes it was a beautiful privilege.

    Thank you for the recovery update, so sorry to hear of the ongoing battle you are facing. As yet another long time reader -non poster, I wanted to let you know that I too have been thinking of you, sending prayers and positive vibes your way. I love your blog and your great fashion sense but your bravery and courage has has really inspired me even more.

    Stay positive and take it one day at a time.

  107. Dear Susan
    As others have said, rest is what you need the most. I had walking pneumonia in Feb 2010, I didn’t even know it at the time, but my coughing was very bad and my husband insisted I see the Family Doctor. Please just rest, it may take awhile, but you will heal faster and feel much better!

  108. Sometimes we are at a loss for the right words to say. I’m so sorry you are sick and I think of you often. Please know how much we all care and want you to get well and restored to health. Just doing normal things can be a blessing when you’ve been sick. You’ll get your energy back with time. You look so beautiful even though you might not think you do right now. God bless and keep you.

  109. I am happy to hear you’re starting to mend. Your hair looks fabulous in this photograph. It would be helpful if when you buy a new piece you do a shopping haul with links. It will make it easier for us to find the items we love that we saw on you.

  110. Sorry your journey has been a bit rough lately, stay strong rest and keep a positive attitude, Our younger College students (2) have been diagnosed with /Covid , we are worried about them coming home because of the older people and now a newer Grand Baby, as the oldest certainly do not want to mingle. Let you know how it all works out.
    Best Wishes, Sandra Almy

  111. Be strong. Take care of yourself. So sorry you are going through this. What a hard year we are all having. Can’t end soon enough!

    From (embattled) Minneapolis, Minnesota

  112. So sorry you now have pneumonia! You have certainly had a rough time these past 3 weeks! I can’t believe so many people think this is not real! I cringe every day when I see the numbers rising in Tennessee! Our county mayor finally made masks mandatory! I am glad to see many big chain stores now requiring masks to be worn in their stores!
    I just bought me a pair of olive pants Tuesday at Talbots. I was glad they required masks! I am wondering what other colors I can wear with them besides white. I am like you, winter coloring and can’t wear this color near my face! Thought they would be a good Fall color also!
    Praying for quick recovery from the pneumonia!

  113. Wishing you well as you continue to recover. Thank you for sharing what you have been going through after being so careful. It is an important message for all of us as we continue to weather these virus storms. Hope you continuing progress and health.

  114. Susan, I am so inspired by your ideas. In this time of lock down (again) in Melbourne, Australia, I am going through my wardrobe with all you have taught me in mind. Thank you!
    I am so sorry you have been unwell. May the sunny days of summer cheer you.

  115. Thank you for updating us Susan on your progress. Let’s hope you continue to recover and all this will be behind you before too long. It’s good you have your interests to focus on and give you some joy through a very difficult time. Prayers and every good wish for you.

  116. Please continue to take care of yourself and keep in touch with your doctor. Sending good vibes your way from Toronto. I didn’t know about the snake plant blooming either.

  117. Well for someone who has been through quite an ordeal, and is still recovering, you look the picture of health. Your positive outlook and inherent brand of loveliness never fails to shine through! Godspeed for a full recovery!

  118. I keep you in my prayers. I love seeing your clothing choices and hearing about your life in general. You have a great attitude about everything and I am letting that rub off on me! Take each day at a time and enjoy something you love. This is how we always should have lived but most of us kept looking to the future to be happy. Be happy today, it is all we know we have. Thank you for your work. You are appreciated and a welcome break from my life these days I am mostly home. Take care.

  119. Hi Susan, Thank you so much for making time to blog. I look forward to your blogs and find them very informative. I am so sorry to hear that you are not back to full fitness but fingers crossed you are over the worse of this terrible virus. Stay safe and get well soon

  120. I do so hope your health is on the upswing. Thank you for sharing your journey. I too know of people who have had false negatives with all your same symptoms. This is scary stuff! I was scrolling through all of the comments that have been posted on this thread and literally have tears rolling down my face. With all the things going on and all the political issues, it is so wonderful to read all the positive and caring words everyone has sent your way. Obviously you have a lot of people out in the Cyber world that think highly of you, including myself. Take care! ❤️

  121. Continue to take good care of yourself! I hope you feel a little stronger each day! You continue to look lovely! Leslie

  122. So good to hear you are doing better and clearing up the pneumonia! My med team was wonderful with me when I came down with it in December and went thru a second bout in Feb! Keep up those good spirits. You look great!
    PS I have been inspired by you and started on a diet after talking with a nutritionist. 15lbs in 3 weeks and 40 to go. 10 at a time! Thanks to you.

    1. I have heard from several people who have gotten the virus more than once. I hope that you never have to go through this again. Good for you that you have changed your eating habits. Stay healthy and strong!

  123. I have enjoyed your articles for the past few months and look forward to the outfits you pull together. I love classic pieces and appreciate knowing where to find similar items. Take care and feel better soon!

  124. You clearly have COVID-19 the tests are either inaccurate or not reliable. A physician who was hospitalized and in the news had 5 tests before he tested positive. I am glad that you are able to stay in your own home as you recuperate. Just take it a day at a time. It you love to garden you should check out the UTube daily videos call Garden Answer Laura has beautiful taste and creates beautiful gardens. It has been a welcome diversion to me as we stay at home to be safe. Take care.

  125. I am so sorry to hear that you’re continuing to have health challenges. Your photo looks awesome, and as always, you are truly an inspiration to each of us. Please know we are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. We look forward to your next post, and hope to hear you are feeling wonderful, once again.

  126. Susan,
    It is so good to hear that you continue to get you full strength back. This is a very stressful time. I believe is having a hobby or some goal to achieve helps keep our mind in a positive state and that is half the battle.
    take care and God bless,
    Karen Stofka

  127. Glad you’re feeling better and hope you continue to heal. This is truly a life-altering event if you sicken …I wish people who scoff realized the seriousness of it.
    Can’t help but wonder what the country would look like if we had empathetic and visionary leadership. (That’s all I will say about that.)
    On a different subject, I don’t think I even knew snake plants bloomed!

  128. Susan: Bless your heart. This is a long, hard and challenging journey toward recovery. You are definitely blessed to have such a caring and conscientious medical care team !

    Your blogs add so much to my day as I know you do for so many others. This pandemic time is giving us all the “opportunity” to reflect on our lives and perhaps readjust our priorities. Turns out the people in our lives are more important than we were previously aware, now that we can’t be with so many of them in person.

    Continuing prayers for your perseverance and patience in your eventual healing.

    With blessings, Nancy

  129. Hi Susan,

    It is good to hear that you are slowly recovering. Your snake plant is doing well. In case you are not aware, it is reputed to be one of the best toxin filters on the planet, so if you don’t have a snake plant in your bedroom, you should. They are easy to propagate – just cut off half a leaf and put it into water in a jar on the windowsill. It will soon have roots and can be potted.

    Best wishes – onwards and upwards.

  130. I am so glad you have stayed on top of your illness and symptoms. It obviously sounds like a covid type illness. Continue taking care of yourself.

  131. Bless your heart. I am so sorry about all of the health struggles and resultant changes in your life. That has got to take an emotional toll in addition to everything else. I am a couple of years older than you and also live alone but I am still in a 3 story house with a lot of landscaping. I love my landscaping and the creative outlet it gives me but I can’t even imagine what a sad sight I would have on my hands if I were unable to maintain it for weeks and weeks -especially in the heat of the summer.
    I’m glad you have attentive health care providers and hope that you will be feeling much, much better soon!
    Sincerely, Margo Mayo

    … I’m wondering, and not for the first time, if it’s time for me to consider downsizing….

  132. Susan, I’m glad that your doctors are controlling your pneumonia. I was diagnosed with pneumonia in Dec/Jan. My symptoms were the exact same as the initial Covid-19 symptoms, so of course I was convinced I had it once it became known in the USA. The test wasn’t available when I was sick, but I recently took an antibody test that came back negative. I still believe I had Covid-19. Based on what we are now hearing, it sounds like the antibodies only last for 2-3 months and were probably gone by the time I took the test. Either way, pneumonia is serious, especially at our age and with Covid-19 raging. Please take care of yourself like I know you will and I hope you are feeling completely well soon.

  133. Dear Susan, I have followed your blog a few years and feel like you’re a friend.
    I am so sorry you have been sick. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  134. Hello Susan. My prayers for you continue. You didn’t have a mild case of this disease. Yours was as bad as I’ve heard. So glad you have a doctor that’s still taking their oath seriously. So many don’t these days. Your plant is one that my mother always had on the front porch in summer in Georgia and back inside during winter months. We called it “mother-in-law’s tongue. In all those years it never bloomed. Strange. I’m going to confirm with my brother but I’m sure I’m right. Glad you shared this. Get well but you have the good sense to go slowly. God bless Susan.

  135. Dear Susan,

    Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear your recent update. The good thing is you have an outstanding medical support team that has been looking after you. I am so glad you had an immediate chest x ray and it was determined you have pneumonia, and are on antibiotics. So happy to hear you are making baby steps and coughing less. This virus presents so many unknowns, even the scientist and doctors are on a big learning curve.

    I was diagnosed with pneumonia and was on antibiotics as well over a year ago. Thank God the antibiotics worked and my stomach could handle the medicine. I understand what you are going though, but of course this is a totally different virus and scenario.

    Your plants look good, it’s all that TLC.

    You remain in my thoughts, and prayers for better days ahead.

    Katherine in Arizona

  136. Susan, so glad to hear that you’re getting along well and haven’t gotten worse.

    I’ve never had a snake plant bloom! In fact, I’ve never seen one bloom. However, my orchids bloomed this year which is a miracle for me. I just don’t have spectacular results with tropical plants. My Clivia is currently blooming and is one of my favorite plants. I highly recommend Clivia if you are someone that doesn’t like to water often but you will need to divide it every few years. The one I have was given to me years ago by a customer from Holland and is over 80 years old! My vegetable garden is finally producing and I’m overrun with tomatoes at the moment. I forgot to mention that I am having great success with a Dipladenia this year. It’s growing up my bird feeder pole and has striking red flowers. So, I guess tropical plants do ok for me as long as I grow them seasonally outdoors.

    I’m currently reading ” Year of Wonders” by Geraldine Brooks. It’s based on a true account during the plague in 1665 England. It was recommended to me and I was hesitant to read it because frankly, I didn’t want to hear anymore about plagues! But, I can’t put this novel down. I highly recommend it. It has now become one of my favorite novels.

    If anyone is seeking easy to understand information about COVID, I recommend Dr. Mike Hansen on Youtube. I call him Dr. Handsome as you will see but he has been a wealth of reliable information about which masks to wear, which air purifiers to use and lots more.

    Take care everyone and be safe

  137. Oh, Susan, I am so sorry to hear about the continuing health issues, especially the pneumonia. You must be so tired of feeling ill. Please rest as much as possible and don’t worry about posting on the blog (unless of course it is something that gives you joy at this difficult time). Your fans will be waiting patiently and praying for you in the meantime.

  138. I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Your blogs are a lovely addition to my days here in British Columbia in western Canada.

  139. I am so happy that your health continues to improve. I had a virus scare last week with a 101 fever, chills, aches and cough. My test was negative and yet it’s hard to imagine that it wasn’t just a mild case. It renewed my vigilance to socially distance, wear my mask and refrain from social activities. In California, we were sheltered in place for over 3 months. Shortly after stores and restaurants opened, our case numbers spiked and everything is now closed again. Life is very different, but I am blessed with a large garden, pool and hot tub so there’s plenty to do! Your story and blog is appreciated and valued. Please stay safe and well!

  140. I have a snake plant that was potted for me by my late Grandma. It’s quiet old and bloomed for the first time last year. I was thinking of repotting it but now I don’t want to disturb it because it looks like it will bloom again. No one in my family knew they could bloom. We all have a plant from her but only mine bloomed. I keep it on my back porch and enjoy looking at it while having my morning coffee. Since it’s bloomed we say she’s visiting!

  141. I have been thinking about you, and am always anxious to see how you and your health are progressing. This seems to be a crazy virus season..
    I pray you continue to improve, feeling more strength and energy each day. I live on a farm in the southwest corner of Missouri. (think 1 hour from Branson) It is warm and humid here so yard work needs to be done early or late of the day. My husband and I have registered Belgian draft horses, beef cattle and we also keep 2 grandchildren, ages 3 and 9 yrs. We are Busy!! But are so blessed.. If I could figure out how to send a few pictures, I’d share some of my flower gardens, and a few horses.
    Please continue to take care of yourself. I so enjoy readying your blogs!! Thank you for sharing.
    Cathy Sheehy

  142. Dear Susan –
    Thank you for sharing your Covid journey. I am so glad you’re on the mend. I work in health care and for those who do not understand the importance of masking and sanitizing please know that it is vitally important to your safety. Despite our best efforts it is still possible to contract this horrible virus. I hope that you will continue to grow stronger every day and resume the wonderful life you have.
    Many blessings,

  143. What are your thoughts on minimalism? I don’t care for the ten item wardrobe or a capsule wardrobe but I am hooked on having a wardrobe of my best colors, style and go-to pieces for my casual, year round warm/hot climate. I don’t keep items I seem to always pass up wearing or that I have to always be adjusting while wearing. I’m not a “saver” or collector and don’t do knick knacks. So some may put me in the minimalist category. All my clothes except underwear fits nicely in a small, four feet wide closet with one rod and shelves above. The more I describe myself the more I think yes, maybe I am a minimalist! Donna Lewis

    1. I would never describe myself as a minimalist. I do strive to use and enjoy everything I own, whether it is clothing, shoes, the good china, or the formal dining room. That’s one of the reasons I get dressed in street clothes each day. Use everything you own and enjoy it for your pleasure.

  144. Dear Susan, a long-time reader and fan here sending my very best vibes for a speedy return to good health. We are going through the same scary times up here in Toronto and pray that better days are ahead for all. You will be in my prayers, my friend! ❤️

  145. I am so happy to hear you are improving. Sounds like you have great medical care. I was concerned when you said you had developed pneumonia. Interesting that both test came back negative for COVID-19. I wonder if you had a new strain or if you were getting false-negatives from the test they were using. I hope you continue to improve each day. Dr. Judith Carr, DrPH, RN

  146. I am glad you are on the mend and gaining strength. What a difficult time you experienced and still experiencing.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Kindest regards.

    Judy S.

  147. For a sick girl, you look amazingly beautiful!! Do continue to take care. Love your posts and praying that you will be back to 100% soon.

  148. I hope you are feeling better and stronger everyday!! I enjoy your blog! In my 64 years, I never knew snake plants bloom!! Oh my! Lori

  149. Sorry to hear about the development of pneumonia in your corvid-19 journey. The only certainty of this virus is that it is so uncertain, and each person who succumbs to it has a different experience. Your journey so far has been a rough ride, but I’m sure you will come through this a stronger person, but it won’t happen quickly. Healing time is not wasted time, it gives you the opportunity to take stock, plan and recover.
    Thank you for your effort to write your lovely blogs, and take care.

  150. So glad to hear that you are relatively OK. I got all teary reading your post. Do take care and I hope Mr. Mickey is doing OK too.

  151. I love elephant ears! There is a purple-black variety that is smaller/narrower to look for in a smaller space. Susan, your symptoms create grave doubt in the efficacy of Covid 19 tests. All of your symptoms as well as the timing add up to nothing else. I am so glad you have attentive caregivers! Praying for a return of your strength and energy.

  152. About growing elephant ears, they use a great deal of water and if you are not careful they will take over everything. They are so cool and tropical looking though. Good luck with them should you choose to do so.

  153. So happy that your health care provider is so vigilant in your care. Wishing you well.

  154. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way, Susan! Thank you for sharing your experience with this devastating, confusing virus. I’m glad you have positive, supportive people in your life to help you thru this time.

  155. Hi Susan, I am glad to hear you are doing better. Take care and do what the Doc tells you to do. I love flowers and plants and am always happy to see your plants etc. Lately I have gotten interested in succulents and have put together 2 dish gardens, lots of fun. Love the clothes you wear and miss in store shopping. Hope your health continues to improve. Joy

  156. So very sorry to hear about your pneumonia. I’m so glad you are sharing the Covid information on your blog. It is extremely informative.
    Please continue to gain strength each and every day.

  157. It’s wonderful that you can get up and around a bit, and did not need hospitalization. I’ve had pneumonia many times & have been in the hospital because of it, which is no fun at all. I’m taking all precautions to do my best not to catch the dreadful COVID.
    Thank you for continuing the blog & I wish you a continued steady recovery!

  158. I truly appreciate the information you are passing along regarding your health issues. Getting such detailed information straight from the horses mouth and not some news story is of great value in today’s world. Thank you for sharing with all of us. I’ve enjoyed reading your post and interesting tips. Please take care of yourself and get well very soon. A friend from Louisville, Ky.

  159. Susan – I am so sorry that you have been so ill with Covid. Glad your doctor discovered the pneumonia early. Also, glad to hear it is bacterial pneumonia rather than viral pneumonia (which will NOT respond to antibiotics). So many are suffering from this disease or other things this summer – Our anxiety and concerns for our family members and good friends lowers our resistance to many things. I had a horrible bout of Shingles (Terrible) and now this week had to be hospitalized with a blood clot behind my knee!! I hated the fact that I had to go to the hospital and did not want to take someone’s bed who needed it more than I. We all have to do some deep thinking, stay as positive and grateful as we can. PRAYERS! Blessings to you. Hope you continue on the path to better health.

  160. I have really enjoyed your posts. I found them a few months ago. You’ve inspired me to clean my closet and wear accessories more. I love your classic look. Hope you fell better soon. I’ll be praying for you.

  161. I had no idea snake plant bloomed! Grateful you didn’t end up in a hospital. Sounds like your doctor knew what she was dealing with. Prayers you continue to improve. Drives down roads we’ve never been on have been our entertainment during this time also.

  162. Dear Susan
    I have been a long time reader of your blog and just want to send my best wishes to you for a full recovery from your illness. To get back to where you were previously will, no doubt, take you quite a while, but I am trusting that the day will come when you realize that you are again 100% well.

    2020 has been a very strange and daunting year for so many people and you, and your dear Mr Mickey, have certainly had your share. However, from reading your blog, I feel very certain that your positive outlook, healthy lifestyle and inner strength will assist you to to “see the light at the end of the tunnel” soon.

    Almost 2 years ago, after we both retired from full-time work, my husband and I spent a wonderful 4 weeks doing a road trip – from Washington DC, to your beautiful mountains, driving the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline, staying in Asheville, Knoxville, Johnson City, Chatanooga, Nashville, etc. That trip was inspired by your blog and we visited and stayed in many of the beautiful places visited by you and Mr Mickey. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves travelling such a beautiful part of the US. You are so lucky to live there.

    I send you my prayers and best wishes for a full recovery from Adelaide, South Australia.

    Kind regards
    Shirley Fisher

    PS: Also inspired by you, I have managed to purchase Shapeez online and they are fabulous!

  163. Continued concern and prayers for your recovery! Hope those uncomfortable nights are soon a thing of the past! Hope you are able to find a few blessings every day!

  164. I have to comment on your not so feeling well, stay at home look. Mine would be a robe, fragrance, clean face, and on the sofa stay put.
    You are lucky to have had a mild case and mending as quickly as possible. Hopefully, you can enjoy the rest of the summer and Autumn coming in the next few months.
    We have all had to change our lives in a very short time, overnight it seems and keep trying to stay well.
    You look too pretty to have been under the weather. You are one of the lucky ones for sure.

    Nancy Neupert

  165. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am so glad you are getting better. I wish for you to be healthy again as soon as possible!

  166. I’m very glad that you are improving and that you caught the pneumonia early. Definitely rest and take your time to recover. One of the most frightening aspects of this illness seems to be the wide variety of effects it can have on people – some barely know they have had it and others, like you, can find different symptoms cropping up weeks later. I wish you well for a full recovery.

  167. So sorry to hear you are still feeling the effects of your sickness. Praying for you as I send this reply.
    On a happy note we have elephant ear plants here and love them. They do spread out quite a bit. Funny thing is the grandkids love them as well so we will split them soon to share in their garden.
    Take care and thank you for all the blogs. I love reading them.

  168. I love reading your blog. I am 64 and coping with all the changes this brings in my life. I also love gardening, books, my cats, and jewelry. I am married, a grandmother of two beautiful girls, going on 47 years. I hope you are totally well now. I live in east central Indiana. Looking forward to seeing your future posts.

  169. Take care Susan and take your time getting back. No rush, the world will still be here.

    A new fan!

    Nancy Oakes in Chicago.

  170. You look fabulous even though you have been ill! Thank you for the description of your Covid-19 experience. It sounds like you had and do have great care, thank goodness! This virus is so unnerving and scary and I appreciate your honest and open account of what has happened with you. Your story just makes me and my husband more certain that masks and staying home as much as possible is what is best. I hope it goes away soon but it looks like we may have to live with the uncertainty of this awful virus for at least another year or so. We are thankful we have a lovely home to stay in and technology has allowed us to see and chat with our family and friends on a regular basis which helps! We walk often and enjoy our patio and pontoon rides too. We usually go to warmer weather for the winter months but are uncertain now if that will be possible. Thank you, again, for your info on what you went through and are experiencing now. Hope you feel better soon!

  171. Dear Susan,
    You are still in my prayers for a complete recovery with no further complications.
    May Jesus guide you closer and closer to Him.
    Loving you with Jesus from Texas.
    Carole Stanley

  172. I am so sorry to hear that you have developed pneumonia, Susan. I had it about 5 years ago and it can be nasty. I had to try different antibiotics and thankfully the third one was effective. Once that started working I started to feel better each day. Thankfully you have a very good doctor and medical team. I pray that you will feel better each day and make a full recovery. I am sure that you are right about the Covid mutations. There is still so much to learn about this virus. Look after yourself and rest when your body tells you to. Your snake plant reminded me of my mother, who had a number of them. I never saw them flower. Incidentally, she called them ‘Mother-in-law’s tongue’.

  173. Dear Susan, I am so sorry you got clipped by this illness. Sending best wishes for a speedy complete recovery.

  174. Sorry to hear you have been so unwell. Hope you will soon be much better.

    Do something for yourself to make you happy as you definitely deserve it!

  175. Susan, I am so sorry that you were so sick. Thankfully your pneumonia didn’t require hospitalization. You need to rest as much as you can and let nature give you back your normal energy level.
    Hoping you have and uneventful recovery.

  176. So happy that your health is improving. Continued prayers for complete recovery. I was ill with the virus in early January and didn’t completely regain all my strength until mid May. Hang in there.

  177. You’re the best looking pnuemonia patient I’ve ever seen!

    I’ve had it three times since the 90’s. It was no walk in the park. Sending preayers for a full recovery, fast!

  178. Susan, so very sorry to hear you have pneumonia. So glad you are on the mend. I love your pictures from your rides. My husband worked in Kingsport at Mead one summer. I was there for a couple weeks and fell in love with the area. We also have gone to the NASCAR races at Bristol for 20 years, so it is an area that I am somewhat familiar with. I hope your recovery time is short. Take care and I will be looking forward to more about your area of Tennessee!

  179. Susan,

    I was sorry you have been so sick. Any kind of virus in these times is scary. So many of us just want the world to return to normal again. At least you are feeling better and hopefully on the upswing of all this. Continue to rest and take care of yourself first and foremost.

  180. Susan, glad to hear your health care provider is keeping in touch. Prayers for your recovery from pneumonia. Continue to rest and thank you for providing the pics and places to purchase. I did get those white jeans from Talbot’s and am looking at the white shirt you shared today. The blue color is on sale. I’m wondering about the got/size. It looks fitted so I might try the large or size 12. ? Not sure. The blue would go well with the white jeans I got. Thanks for the update. It’s been very hot here in Cowpens SC too.

  181. Dear Ms Street,
    I am a recently retired architect, 68 years old, who has read your informative and down to earth blog for about three years.
    First, I must thank you for the clear and concise information on the symptoms of your fight with the COVID virus. Given the constant panic state on the news, one is hardly able to find a realistic baseline for comparison. I say this since I am 68 and while I take care of myself, I am well aware that I too can become a victim of it. In my case I am a recent cancer survivor and am immune deficient so I needed a realistic point to dig my heels in and tell myself that I too can survive, if X (in this case you) got through it. Therefore, please know that you inspire me to have strength of character and more backbone as well as a more positive attitude. Keep up the messages, many of us who do not write our responses do read and find your blog so very apropos to our own lifestyles.

  182. Susan, So sorry to hear that the virus ended up turning into Pneumonia! You’ve been through a rough time! Take care and get all the rest you need. Hoping you’ll be back to your normal activities soon.

  183. Hi Susan,
    I had to call a representative of my credit card issuer this morning and in a brief conversation that strayed far off topic, we discussed how the lockdowns and how some states have been flip flopping on their rules and how hard it is to just go buy something. And an order of mine went awry so that’s why I made the call. Long story short, the sweet customer care agent at the bank, back in January, had the same set of symptoms as you’ve described. It was almost verbatim. Her mother as well got very ill and was not admitted to the hospital but did go since she was so short of breath. The mom developed pneumonia and got antibiotics. Both of them are feeling tired still. So hang on to your hat! Sounds like this will possibly take a few months to recover your strength. Incidentally the agent as well as her mother tested negative, each two times. They got a very early version of the test. The good news now, as I understand it, is we cannot become reinfected if we develop a strong enough immune response. So positive antibodies – yes or no – in and of themselves is not as telling as a level. As an RN we were frequently tested for hepatitis virus to see if our immune response was high enough. Unfortunately for covid19, there are no standards, with our government and state leaders clearly clueless. Is it airborne or contact? Your story has me convinced it’s definitely airborne although our state insists it’s contact. We need to be proactive and diligent with masks and hand washing, especially in light of the fact that there can be fecal transmission. Viral loads are being detected in major cities sewer treatment plants. If it’s in the sewage it’s probably best to never eat out because hand washing in restaurants is horribly lacking. Just yesterday I watched a barista in a Starbucks handle money (bills and change) and then touch a pastry for a customer. I opted to give up my place in line to the next person!

    Everyone please be careful. Susan, dear, you are so fortunate. I’m so relieved you made it through. You bring so much to all your readers. In fact, I told my bank agent to check your blog. Working from home at a computer all day must be trying for these people. I cannot imagine 8 hrs in my spare bedroom answering calls from irate customers. So hopefully she will read your blog and get a relief for a few minutes.


  184. BTW..Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this Covid. I really appreciate it so we can have a better idea of what we might expect. I just found your blog a few days ago and look forward to hearing from you. I am in process of reading what I have missed that you’ve shared. Take care and please know, due to my own house solitude, it’s good to know how others are dealing with it. Thanks again!

  185. I have followed you for a while now and saw your latest post on Pinterest and noticed you have lost weight. I looked back on your blog to see if there was an explanation. So sorry for what you are going through. I hope you will be better soon. Take care.

  186. Susan, I love your blog. I hope you will recover completely from your illness very soon. Thanks for sharing fashion and foods and healthy living with us all. Take care and feel better.

  187. hi. could you please tell me how long it would take you to walk the 3 miles? this will give me a better idea than the distance itself. thank you.

    1. It took me about forty minutes to walk three miles before I got sick. I vary my pace and walk as fast as I can for a few minutes and then slow down a bit. I walk up and down hills and steps.

  188. Hello Susan,

    ‘So glad you are recovering and feeling better every day. I enjoy reading your blogs on a regular basis and find them both inspiring and informative. Get better and keep safe.

    Carolyn, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Age 73.

  189. I believe that snake plant was a sign of your life to come after Face Book. 🙂 Believe in the Power of the unforeseen .

  190. In your other videos and postings you are wearing beautiful scarves. When do you find them?
    I like the size of them and the colors.

  191. I really like your new casual, retired style. I’ve followed you for several years, but the dressed up business look wasn’t for me, for my job dress is very casual. I plan on retiring in the next 2years. The car drives and lunch out, with some sightseeing sounds like something I would like to do. I thought your article about Dating Scams was very good and advice I am going to follow. Thank you for your style advice and sharing your interesting life.

  192. Best wishes for a full recovery. Pneumonia is a bear, been there also. It’s only temporary even though it a long temporary. You will recover and that’s the good news!

  193. So happy you are feeling better. This stuff takes a bit of time to get over. Prayers for continued healing and strength.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.