Looking back at photos reminds me of some great places we’ve visited and some special things I’ve discovered or given another try. I’m glad I tried turtlenecks again this year. The higher neckline is excellent for keeping me warm. If I go up a size, they are more comfortable and perfect for lounging at home. Similar sweater here.

A tip for making turtlenecks work with a larger bust is to layer a blazer over them. I also enjoy wearing them casually with a vest. Since the weather has turned colder, I’ve been wearing them most days.

Everyone has their post-COVID plans, and we have two extraordinary places on our list. Primland (above), a Blue Ridge Mountain luxury resort, and Raffaldini Vineyards and Winery are two places we plan to revisit as soon as we can.

Earlier this year, I bought the pearl and silver bracelet and earrings below from Beauty In Stone Jewelry, and I’ve since worn them countless times. The bracelet is here, and the earrings are here. (Use the code SAS10 For $10 off any one item at Beauty in Stone Jewelry.)

I doubted that I could make the flare or bootcut jeans work for my shape, but I’m glad I tried them. As long as I keep the top short and fitted and wear at least a bit of a heel, they are a hit. The flare leg jeans are here.

The best skincare products I’ve ever used are here. I can’t imagine winter without Beautycounter!

Dressing in a very casual way has always been a challenge for me, but I finally learned to style a look that feels authentic. That’s a soft drapey blue and white sweatshirt worn with ankle jeans and a cashmere sweater tied around my neck. Only the sweater here and the sneakers here are still available. My favorite watches are here.

I have one last beautiful georgette scarf to give away. Please share a favorite new thing you learned this year in the comment section below. I’ll randomly choose one comment as the winner and announce it next week.

I love my walking shoes. I have difficulties finding comfortable shoes due to having a wide instep but mine are ideal. With lockdown earlier in the year and restrictions around the UK, I have found my local walk as a blessing. It has made me more aware of my surroundings, of the changing seasons and a time to reflect.
The new thing I’ve learned this year is patience.
Morning Susan,
I always enjoy reading your words of wisdom and seeing how you put an outfit together. Wearing anything blue makes me feel good so the scarf would be a lovely addition to my wardrobe. After years of insisting I didn’t want or need a smartphone – not now, not ever, I capitulated and bought one and having mastered how to use it, it is now my favourite thing which only proves that you should never say – never!
Hope you and Mr. Mickey have a lovely Christmas and a healthy 2021.
Hi Susan: I am learning to let things take their course sometimes and be more in the moment,
I learned your dreams can come true at any age. At 64 years young I was awarded Employee of the Year at Meier Supply, an HVAC distributor in New York and Pennsylvania. I love my job and the people I work with.
I’ve enjoyed learning more about Beauty Counter products this year. I love them and add items when I can!
It may sound frivolous but I learned that I can deal with all the bumps in the road if I continue to maintain my normal schedule, and doing so makes me feel like my normal self. And never take an appointment at the salon for granted.
Although I love to follow how clothing and accessories contribute to one’s style, I’ve learned how few articles of clothing I truly need to accommodate my lifestyle. That being said, navy is a primary neutral in my wardrobe and your scarf would fit right in! Your travel plans look purely delightful!
I have always carried large handbags…I purchased a smaller one at a consignment store and loved it.
I have started biking during Covid and have learned I actually DO like exercising. I have lost 30 pounds by learning something new about myself.
I started yoga a few months ago and love it. It contributes to my physical and mental wellbeing.
Doing things alone isn’t horrible. I can enjoy my own company!!
Great question! I’ve learned all about and continue to learn about intermittent fasting and all of the health benefits it provides my body – behind the scene stuff. And along with that, is realizing my health is “a study of one” and the “one” being me and my uniqueness as an individual. I am excited to belong to a community on-line that provides encouragement and resources with intermittent fasting.
P.S. You can keep me out of the drawing though. I cannot make larger scarves work for my small frame and height. Thank you nonetheless Susan.
I learned that navy, black, white, grey and reds are my staples and I’m building my retirement wardrobe around those colors. It’s so much easier to shop now.
Merry Christmas, Susan! I look for your article every morning…thank you for continuing during the pandemic. You brighten my day.
I have learned how to navigate Zoom this year.
I have learned to lean more on my faith. God knows our past, present and future. He is always with us. I have learned to trust in him.
Your blue scarf is beautiful. Thank you for all of your hard work and time. I enjoy reading each new post. Merry Christmas and a safe New Year!
This has been a most unusual year for us. Being forced to stay home and out of crowded places has opened my eyes to the simple beauty around me each day. We live near a lake and watching the wildlife on the lake is very entertaining.
Not being on the go constantly has helped to calm my spirit. A slower pace makes life so much healthier!
I have learned that I am totally addicted to jigsaw puzzles. I had not done one since I was helping my kids with easy ones when they were young. I can not believe how much they draw me in. Once I start one I do not like to stop. It is a perfect solution for social distancing.
I have learned how to work with yeast! Our sons gifted us with a portable outdoor pizza oven last Christmas prior to the pandemic. It has become our Saturday night tradition during lock down in NY. After much trial and plenty of error, my husband and I mastered a tasty thin crust pizza which is a delicious vehicle for leftovers from the week. Our favorite is a brush of high quality garlic-infused olive oil, leftover chicken, carmelized onion, fresh mozzarella, and spinach.
The scarf is lovely and would brighten many ensemble on these dreary days for a lucky reader.
I learned about inner strength from my mother who is in a retirement assisted living condo. She has been quarantined since March. She lives alone still at 92. I can’t tell you what an inspiration she has been for me. No complaints when I call. No visits allowed. Oh sure she says she is lonely but understands the seriousness of the Corona virus. I only get to talk to her on the phone. I miss seeing her so. She truly knows God is taking care of her and looks forward to the day we can visit. I can’t say I have been as accepting of the lock down like she has. She has show me what it means to rely daily in myself. I have grown as a daughter with her example.
I really have learned so much this past year! Learning the difference between a want and a need was foremost for me. I have also learned the importance of making the effort to stay connected through technology with faraway family and friends. And I’ve learned that focusing on the positive aspects of my life helps to keep me grounded and productive. Thank you for being a wonderful role model through your blog, Susan. I wish you all good things this holiday season and in the new year!
My favorite new thing I learned this year is to think about what I need in the way of jeans and the shoes I would wear with them. Then I look at the actual published length rather than the vague terms such as “average”, “short”, etc. As a result of changing my thinking, I have not had to alter any new jeans. The bottom line is that for me there is no Jean that fits every situation or shoe heel.
I took your advice and styled black on black, with a pop of color in the jacket. So easy, and so many ways to change style with a basic layer. This year I purchased new ugg inner soles for my slippers since we are all staying inside. It was like getting a new pair of slippers. Love your blog!
Having purchased one your scarves, I know that the lucky recipient, will be very pleased.
I’m so grateful for all that I’m learning this very unique year.; to slow down, to appreciate nature, my family, friends and health. What I learned the most is that life is a surprise and to never stop growing and being open to new things. For instance, in order to be close to my daughter in FLORIDA, we now exercise on FaceTime together daily with my granddaughter!. She helps me stay accountable and we all get a good visit! It helps! We turn the videos on at the same time and we are on our way! Merry Christmas, Susan!
I have learned that the saying “life is what happens when you are making other plans” is so true! What a year from start….and it’s not finished yet! Thanks for all your inspiration…Merry Christmas.
This year I learned that I was more patient than I thought, that as much as I miss gathering with my sons and their families, it’s worth waiting for . I can’t wait to be able to hug my grandsons and see how much taller than me they have gotten-it has become an annual tradition to see how short ‘Miema’ has gotten.
I relearned that even though we are far from loved ones, we are still close in our hearts.
I have learned down to my core how very blessed I am. It’s not just something I say anymore but it’s woven into how I operate daily. I have also learned how precarious life is which also clarifies how I live from now on. I am much more content after this very trying year.
This year I learned it’s ok to slow down and stay home more. At first it was a challenge to not have something I had to, now I really enjoy the slow pace !
I’ve learned this year since limiting my trips out of the house (aka shopping), that I can do more with less…… in the kitchen and in the house as well as on my closet. Enjoy your twice weekly blog.
I have learned about Beauty Counter products and use many thanks to you. I like using “clean” products.
I tried chair yoga for the first time this year via the Silver Sneakers website. Love it!
This year I learned how to make proportions work for my body shape and large shoulders. I’m less frustrated and now know why some things work for me and some things don’t
What a beautiful scarf! Blue is my favorite color
I would love to add this to my wardrobe
This year I learned how to make a sourdough starter and now bake my own sourdough bread. I still get so excited when I pull the baked loaf out of the oven. 🙂
Something I have recently learned and firmly believe is that God with intervene for the good in his own time. Have a Merry Christmas!
Hello Susan, I was reminded this year about solitude and to embrace it. I love your casual look.
I learned to trust my instincts more this year. Whether it was investment decisions, which realtor to go with, or especially which cancer center to choose after moving to a new state, and finding out two weeks later that my breast cancer had returned. Do your research, ask trusted advisors; but above all listen to that inner voice.
I hope that the cancer goes into remission and that you fully recover.
I learned to make video recordings so that I could continue singing with our local symphony. It has been a blessing to “sing” again!
Rebecca Doster
Hello Susan,
I’ve come to realize the importance of community. We thrive on relationships—some more than others. When restrictions are lifted, I plan on resuming my friendship ministry with senior citizens. It hurts my heart to know some has passed away from “failure to thrive” a lack of human contact.
Thank you for bringing us a virtual community.
Best regards,
Jo Ann
2020 has been a difficult year for many Americans. For me, I have learned to take my health more seriously. Earlier this month I said good bye to my best friend of 48 years. She died from COVID 19. We should never take for granted our health.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
This year I’ve learned that peace and contentment are so valuable and comforting. Material things, dare I say even some clothing desires, cannot bring the warm feeling of a hug from loved ones you would normally be able to share time with.
I have learned to set up and conduct a google meet. As a retired educator, I “Work” a few hours a week with high school seniors to apply for financial aide, apply for college, etc.. I often do this virtually. Love your blog!
The new thing I learned is to eat even more healthy than before. After a serious heart attack for my husband in February – out of the blue – and a slow recovery, we learned to change the way we eat. LOTS more vegetables, more bean soups, less sugar, more whole wheat ( who knew I could make whole wheat pizza dough?) and we gave up all soda! Now we are trying to intermittent fast and hoping all the things we learned will bring a healthy 2021. Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year to you !
I’ve learned that I love my silvery white hair after letting it grow out this summer! I’ve also learned how hard it is to be so far away from family and especially our grandson during a pandemic. But I’ve also learned and appreciate how very fortunate we are to have an income and a roof over our head during these trying times.
You look beautiful in your casual dress. Sassy and stylish is what I see!
I’ve learned from you to live a life with self appreciation and love. I am worthy of the effort I so often give to others! Thank you for your continued inspiration!
I learned that a whole food, plant-based diet can be tasty as well as healthy. Since going this route in August I’ve lost 35 pounds and improved my metabolic levels. Learning to cook in a new way has been challenging, but so rewarding.
Wow! That’s great, Cyndy!
I have learned not to take anything for granted. Especially the little things, lunch with friends, hugs & kisses from grandchildren, my husband being under foot. He is hospitalized with Covid & I miss him. Praying he is home soon. I welcome the TV blasting with old cowboy movies.
I hope you will have your husband home with you again very soon.
Susan, I love all your post. Thank you for your sensible advice. Aging is hard enough, I don’t have to dress like I’m old.
I have embraced walking again.
Thanks so much for the turtle neck idea. I had given up on them but will try them again. I love the scarf!
My favorite thing I learned this year is how content I can be to stay home. I now look forward to days I don’t have to go anywhere.
I have learned how to assist my grandchild who participates in zoom meetings with his kindergarten class.
I learned to enjoy and appreciate my family time. Meals together around the table are more common now than pre Covid.
I’ve also learned to enjoy being outside more. Sitting on my patio and taking in the fresh country air.
I’ve learned how much I love ordering groceries and picking them up!! So thankful my daughter talked me into getting a smartphone so that I can do that!!
My favorite new thing this year is our afternoon tea. It’s a ritual we’ve really embraced as the weather has gotten colder.
Lovely scarf, too!
I have learned to be even more grateful for my blessings: faith, family, health, small town life, and enough open space to escape the confines of 4 walls. I could go on about all of the blessings that oftentimes ( life without covid) I take for granted.
Merry Christmas and a great New Year, stay safe.
I’ve learned that presence, not absence, makes the heart grow fonder. Being in the company of my husband of 53 years every hour for the vast majority of the past 9 months has given me a renewed appreciation of the kind, funny, thoughtful man he is.
Aside from simply enjoying your photos and your observations, I have two favorite things I’ve learned from your blog. The first is the care and use of your scarves because they look both useful and fashionable. The second is the website for Beauty in Stone because I loved the Three Graces Necklace and purchased one for myself. It is so light and gorgeous. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!
Thanks for the travel ideas. I’d love to explore that area. This year I learned how resilient I am and that enjoying the outdoors and the beauty of nature soothes me. Happy Holidays to you and Mr. Mickey!
I too look forward to your posts every week and want to thank you for sharing your life with us! I’m obsessed with those cognac pointed toe flats you are wearing in this post and have seen you wear on other posts. I’m sure they are no longer available but would you please share the brand with me? Thank you and I hope you and Mr. Mickey have a lovely holiday!
I bought those shoes a couple of years ago at Dillard’s. They are by Gibson & Latimer.
Hi Susan,
What a good thing to reflect on as this challenging year comes to a close! One of my new favorite things is a fountain pen my two best friends gave me for my birthday in March. I’ve never really used a fountain pen, but it’s such a pleasure to use and makes writing even a grocery list feel extra special and elegant!
All the best,
Great post. I have discovered collagen protein powder that I incorporate into fruit smoothies. Add a little yogurt, chia seeds and flax and one spoonful of natural honey and you have a delicious and healthy smoothie. I use blackberries from my garden and 1/2 of a banana plus 1/2 cup of fresh pineapple.
I have learned how to slow down and appreciate the beauty in life. From the birds singing and flowers blooming, to children’s laughter and stars in the night sky. Life is full of beauty, if you stop and look.
I retired this year. I promised my husband (and myself) to focus more on us. This year was the perfect reminder of prioritizing health and happiness. Just like you and Mr. Mickey, we are looking forward to traveling and getting back to normal in 2021! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2021!
Life is precious. Be grateful for what you have. Tell your family members how much they mean to you and how much you love them.
My favourite new thing is the joy I experience when family or friends phone me to just talk, instead of sending emails. That personal connection means so much right now. It’s the next best thing to an in-person visit.
* Thank you Susan and Cheryl T for solving my request in yesterday’s blog. I couldn’t get the “reply” to work, so just followed the dialogue between the two of you. I experienced the same problems as Cheryl T.
Of course, this blue scarf would be a dream to win!
Thank you for letting me know. If you scroll down on the main page to just above the Subscription box, you will see numbers inside boxes and an arrow. Those are the pages. There are eight articles per page, and at the moment, there are 84 pages. Visit https://susanafter60.com/ to land on the main page.
This year I learned how to be more patient and kind.
Susan, that red turtleneck looks great on you! I wear turtlenecks most days in the winter. It would be great to see some posts showing how to style them with cardigans, pullovers, scarves, necklaces and other accessories, etc. I know I can get bored with my turtlenecks day after day, but I don’t like being cold and I have short hair. (Although my hair is not so short now during the pandemic!)
I have always worn light weight vests as fashion items, never for added warmth because I thought they were too bulky. Thanks to your advice about layering short over long, and other great tips I, just on a whim, bought a down vest, and then another, one black, one white. I love them both, and I make sure to use your your tips to avoid looking like the Michelin Man…Now I am cozy warm and stylish at the same time…Now I am ready to try turtlenecks again too…
I love the white outfit in the photos…Would love to have more information on those items…
I bought the fleece or lightweight sweatshirt and the canvas tote at Nordstrom last year. The top is by Thread & Supply. The tote is by Treasure & Bond. The jeans are the ankle-length light-wash slim fit denim from Talbots.
I am trying to eat healthier this year. On your recommendation, I purchased Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grains & Beans Soup Mix. I learned I love it. So delicious!
I’ve learned that at age 66, exercise has multiple benefits. During quarantine I started a walking program. Nothing formal, just an opportunity to get out of the house and get some fresh air. I will confess to having been sedentary: sitting at my desk at work, and coming home to sit some more for far too long, until being “stuck” at home motivated me. I have been walking almost every day since March, outside when I can, and on the treadmill, I finally dusted off and put back into use, when the weather doesn’t cooperate. I am up to 4.5 miles every day. I feel better, sleep better, and I have lost weight. I use the early morning walk to clear my mind for the day ahead. I am back in the office some days now, but my daily walk is time well spent and I find myself looking forward to my “miles” and feeling a sense of accomplishment when I have finished my walk.
Well done!
I need way less clothes than I previously thought!
Thank you, Susan, for all you do! I have learned to knit this year. I am also starting to make jewelry, which I find very exciting & fulfilling!
Ignore the fake news and live the best life for you. As far as style, clean comfortable clothes work for everyone.
Love this scarf –
I’ve rediscovered cooking – I enjoy planning meals and trying to use what I have in pantry.
HI Susan, I’ve learned to enjoy the little things more, time with my hubby finding a special new TV series (to us) on Netflix, free youtube or facebook concerts by artists we enjoy. We’ve also picked up a lot of recipes for favorite ethnic foods. It’s the little things bringing us joy lately.
I have learned even though you thought things didn’t look good on you
last year, give them another try. You might love the look this year.
For me, working from home since March was a great transition to retiring and starting a consulting business. Eliminating the morning rush and commute has been a true blessing and I love the freedom to be able to hop on my exercise bike for 30 minutes throughout the day! 2020 has opened potential in the midst of pain and hardship.
Thanks for another great post Susan and that scarf is gorgeous!!
Quality beats quantity every time!
I’ve learned to think before I speak. Sometimes, in trying to be witty or clever, I end up saying something unkind or hurtful. So now I try to say uplifting and positive things. Thank YOU for all your kind words!
The scarf is beautiful!
My favorite thing for this year is Darcy Booties. I have wide feet with bunions and a high arch, so it is difficult for me to find anything but sneakers that are comfortable. These boots have a more rounded toe and are available in wide widths. That’s a win for me!
How about 3 things: retried hibiscus tea (love it), Celia loafers in mushroom from J.Jill (fit like a glove and comfortable right out of the box, plus a color that goes with almost everything), and visiting P. Allen Smith’s Moss Mountain Farm in Arkansas (perfectly lovely).
I am so jealous! I’ve wanted to visit Moss Mountain Farm for ages.
Since reading your blog, I have learned that a little more time in the morning devoted to finding the appropriate accessories for an outfit is worth it. My outfits have gone from drab to uplifting. That, and using this time at home to refine my eating habits has helped me deal with this pandemic.
The best thing I learned from you this year is to layer. Dont stop at the top but add a scarf or a sweater or a jacket. Makes everything pull together. Now Im a fashionista working on building a sweater and scarf wardrobe.
Love reading your blog. Thank you for all the wonderful information and taking us all on your travels. My favorite new thing I’ve learned is experimenting with cooking. More time at home has allowed this. Happy Holidays to you and Mr. Mickey.
Great look. Good tip for buying turtle necks.
What I have learned this year….
I have become the caregiver for my 93 year old Mother. While her mind is sharp, her body is getting more and more tired each day. As a busy still-working daughter, wife, mother, and grandmothers, I have made myself learn patience and to cherish every moment that I have with her. While I still get frustrated and wonder why I took on this role, every hug and smile that I share with her is a treasure for me to store for a lifetime.
Thank you for all that you do. Your daily emails are small treasures each day.
I learned to piece quilts this year like my mother, grandmother and great grandmother before me! It is such joy to take small pieces of fabric, sometimes less than 2” that are destined for the trash, and put them together into intricate and complicated designs that are true works of fabric art. And to think they can survive for future generations’ use is amazing.
I have learned to buy more classic pieces instead of what is in fashion that will only last one or two seasons. Merry Christmas!
Susan, I do enjoy your posts! Love your style and travel shares!
Is love the beautiful scarf of blues.
Happy holidays to you and Mr Mickey!
Lauren in NH
Love the scarf!
I have learned who some of my real friends are.
I have learned how to sing in my church choir, virtually of course, and we have recorded a Christmas Concert to be streamed this coming Saturday night! I know a bit about computers, but even impressed myself by doing this!
Happy Holidays!
Thank you Susan. A favorite new thing for me is a brand of body creme recommended to me by a friend who has battled many major health challenges over the last decade that affected her skin. Lancome’s Nutrix Royal Body Moisturizing Creme has been a godsend for my aging skin, and I watch for Lancome and Nordstrom sales and stock up, as it is pricey. A friend is battling a rare cancer caused by the radiation treatment she received years ago to battle breast cancer, so I gave her a container of this, and she absolutely loves it.
Never take trips to the grocery store for granted.
I have learned patience!! Also as a health care provider for many years, I believe respect for other opinions–no handwashing, no mask-simply state your case but accept and respect others belief.
I learned how to trim my own bangs. ✂️
Susan I learned patience this year. I love to travel and be with our large family. I miss both activities so much it hurts. We have six little ones in our family and I took care of some of them . It’s lonely and sad to be without the things and people I love. Birthdays, picnics, swimming, playing, meals, and all our celebrations missed. We have a one year old great grandson youngest of five and I only held him three times the others I took care of a few days a week.
So practicing patience during this pandemic has been priority.
I learned to bake bread from scratch! And, to never, ever again, take anything for granted! Love the scarf!
I have learned so much from you, ie packing for a trip, layering for the weather etc. I do not own a scarf and have admired yours in the past. I would love to have this scarf and use it to layer with or “to “spiffy” up an outfit! . Laura
A thin silk pair of tights under my pants are worn for extra warmth!
I learned I could cut my own hair. Your post gave me the courage to try!
I have also learned that I can get along without reading the daily posts from several of the fashion bloggers I used to follow. I need so little, but could get sucked into the posts constantly pushing new clothes, fast fashion, and must have lists. I much prefer blogs like your that encourage shopping your closet, and wearing and caring for what you already own. When I do need to fill a hole in my closet, I can count on you to point out classic clothes that can be worn for years. I can often translate your looks using what I already own.
I love every post! I have two things that I learned from them this year. First is to stay with classics and dress for your body, not one you see posted on FB or adds! Also, I need to spend more time exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains!
I have learned to live in the moment; tomorrow is not promised.
Thank you for all the ways you have helped me …. I take better care of myself now than before I met you.
My favorite new thing that I love this year is letting my hair go grey and quitting the color. I’m so happy I’m not tied to my stylist’s chair every few weeks and I love my natural hair color. I knew the bottle blonde color was all wrong for me, but I was hesitant to give it up. Not being able to get my hair cut and colored for several months was just the kick start I needed to give it up.
I learned that Hallmark Channel movies are not nearly as dreadful as I thought they would be, and a predictable story set in pretty places with pretty people can be comforting in our unpredictable times.
I learned how to make a Christmas pavlova dessert!
I’ve learned more than ever to take life one day at a time!
This year I’ve learned I prefer brisk, outdoor walks to working out in a gym. The fresh air is invigorating, & walking a trail or my neighborhood never fails to give me glimpses of nature. And, no matter the season, there always is beauty to be found in nature.
Relearned a favorite quote: Crisis does not create character, it reveals it.
More than anything I’ve learned less is more. You helped me see that. Thank you Susan. Happy Holidays
I have learned to not buy a bigger size than what I should but to style around, i end up not wearing it because I feel it is not attractive but sloppy…as I am busty also to wear a thin jacket or a scarf can address the reason I would buy a bigger size…..
You have taught me a lot and with your blog I have a closet of clothes i can easily put an outfit together
keep on doing well and enjoy your days
I learned being alone at home gives me time for things I enjoy. I tended to keep busy with friends before and complained I didn’t have time for hobbies. Now I have time.
A favorite “new” thing is that I have (re) learned is how much I love the part of actually doing! Sitting down to actually write letters…composing the thought (no autocorrect) and reading letters I have received. I love looking through photographs in albums!! With a glass of wine (or cup of coffee) taking the time to savor the moment, remember the laughter. I hope to remember what I have learned! Happy Holidays to you & yours, Susan!! ❤️
I have learned to accept myself snd mit be concerned about the opinions of others!! It’s never too late to learn even at age 78 and the freedom it has brought is wonderful
Hi Susan. I always enjoy your blog. Thank you for continued information your readers can use!
This year I have learned not to sweat the small stuff.
Thanks for the tips regarding turtleneck sweaters. I will try the blazer. These past 10 months have taught me that I don’t always have to be a social
Butterfly. It was different but enjoyable to hunker down at home . My closets are organized and I read more books. Thanks again for your blogs.
I learned to enjoy everyday as it comes. Still dress, apply a little make-up and make a few plans for around my home, errands, etc. Appreciated it all even more after a mild case of COVID in early July!
Just lately, I have decided to stop coloring my hair and embrace the gray. It is a pretty color of salt and pepper, mostly pepper that compliments my cool skintone. I first colored my hair at sixteen with a “frosting” of blonde on my dirty blonde hair. So, fifty years later, going back to my “roots”, literally! The blue scarf is beautiful and would look great with my wardrobe. Merry Christmas Susan, to you and Mr. Mickey.
I love this scarf. I have really rediscovered blues with my natural white hair. I’ve learned the tools to dress in a casual and put together way. I love your travel logs to beautiful places and scenery!
I learned that in spite of all of this year’s challenges, I am still amazingly blessed.
Everything looks wonderful on you, but I’m really impressed with the flare-leg jeans. I always think they make women look taller for some reason. And those boots are perfect with them.
I’ve hesitated to buy them, not certain how in style they are, but after seeing them on you, I think they’re going to be a big part of my wardrobe in the future.
I’ve learned to slow down and to be content. Thank you for the lovely scarf giveaway.
I have learned how to put my best foot forward by following yours and a couple other fashion and lifestyle blogs. My husband and I went on Dr. Furhman’s plant based diet and he lost 50 pounds and I lost 35. But I think there is still much I can learn about living a fitter, healthier life. 65 is only the start of a new chapter. Thank you Susan for sharing your life with us.
You and your husband achieved impressive results. Well done!
Love your choices in scarves and would love to own this one!
I learned that I LOVED letting my hair go gray! It was a big decision….No Regrets. Every time I look in the mirror, I am reminded of my mother’s beautiful salt and pepper hair. Her “gray” was so beautifully white. My hair is so healthy and shiny.
I’ve learned to stitch what’s called blackwork and choosing my own color palette. The scarf looks like some of my blackwork.
Thanks for sharing something new. I had to look up blackwork. The examples I saw were beautiful!
What I’ve learned is that even though it’s beautiful it still might not be flattering to my shape. This scarf is beyond gorgeous and perfect for my shape!
You look fabulous in red. I too will be giving turtlenecks a try this winter.
I learned that dressing a bit nicer makes me feel better about myself even if I am just at home. I also enjoy seeing how you use accessories because I want to enjoy my scarves and jewelry more rather than keeping them in a box.
Susan i admire your casual style and advice
What part of the world did your people immigrate from also Mr Mickey’s family
My family came to America from England and Scotland in the 1600s. Mr. Mickey’s family came here from Ireland.
I’ve learned to enjoy the small pleasures of life!
I have learned that I am enough. I don’t have to be super busy and accomplish a lot of things. I just need to be me, do what I need to do each day, be available for my widowed mom when she needs companionship, and enjoy the peace, quiet, and rest that’s available to all of us each day.
Not what I would ideally want to be my “ new find” but like Natalie Mills face masks for comfort & a bit of glam. Also recommend masQd from LA. Both have pockets for filters but are not N95.
I’ve learned no matter the shape or size I can still dress comfortably and smartly for my age. It’s OK to wear things I’m comfortable in without looking at the tag and being concerned about that number/size.
I re-learned to tackle things just for today, & not get worried about a million things ahead. “What’s REALLY important for TODAY?” I ask myself when overwhelmed.
(Also re-learned importance to keep best colors near my face these masked days on errands. Getting compliments from color choices is good medicine.)
LOVE your time & care in continued blogging. LOVE that my husband now mentions Mr. Mickey as if he’s a close friend. LOVE that your health has returned. LOVE that pretty blue scarf. May joy & calm surround you this peculiar Holiday season.
Mr. Mickey will love reading this comment. Thank you!
I have learned that being alone is ok, because I’m great company! I’ve rediscovered some hobbies too!
I learned that jackets hitting at my waist rather than at my hips look so much better on my body. Thank you. Great advice!
Your blog is my favorite new thing I’ve learned about this year! I’m enjoying it so much. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for the sweet comment.
During this challenging year, I have learned that kindness, manners, and a sense of humor are more valuable than toilet paper, Clorox wipes, and hand sanitizer. That that my friends, family, and public library (curbside pick up, anyone?) are worth more than their weight in rubies. A special shout out to the checkers at Safeway: they are rock stars!
A favorite new thing I have learned this year is to have fun in experimenting new looks while cherishing the old ones. I’ve lost 15 pounds in the past 4 months and enjoying a more slimmer look! Healthy eating is the true recipe.
Yay for you, Sheryl!
I learned being beautiful isn’t only for the young! Eat well, exercise, a little make up, we’ll fitting clothes, and making time for taking care of oneself all are included in being an attractive person! And a positive outlook /smile will take you far! Love your scarves, Susan! Would love to win one!
We have learned to love and enjoy our own backyard. We had many dinner parties and nights out in the backyard this past summer with family. Merry Christmas
This year I learned that I don’t need to wear as much makeup on a daily basis. It has saved me a great deal of time! I have learned that less is actually less aging. I experimented with what is needed and how to use a lighter touch. On my eyes but still make them stand out, especially since that’s what people see when I am wearing a mask. Best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a peaceful, healthy new year! Leslie Thaler
I have learned contentment during this past pandemic year.
I learned that my students (I am a Science teacher) are much more resilient than we give them credit. In turn, I have found my resilience in their strength.
I learned I am stronger than I think.
One of the things I have learned this year is not to take my family for granted. Thank you…I love that scarf, in 1928 my mom was married in a georgette dress.
I’ve learned that making plans are a good thing but be prepared to change them. It seems this has been a year where if something can go wrong, it did. But we keep moving forward because you can’t always move on.
I learned from your post about eating habits….eating very early and going really light on desserts (you mentioned splitting with Mr. Mickey). I tried pushing my finish time up and it seems to have made a difference…also helps with acid reflux. Working on new recipes and getting better with eliminating the “whites” from my diet….thanks!
During the quarantine part of this Covid year, I learned that 16 days was all it took for 3 beautiful blue robin eggs to hatch. Our nest was at eye level in one of hedges. I could hold my iPhone over the nest to get pictures. The eggs hatched one day apart. One of the most precious pictures was when two had hatched and the third one was pecking through as if to say, “What’s going on out there?” From early morning till bed time, I found myself watching from a nearby window or sitting outside watching momma & daddy care for the babies. A favorite picture was when the three babies sensed that food was coming and put their heads up and opened their little beaks….awaiting dinner! For two weeks, I watched those little babies grow bigger, get feathers and nearly outgrow the little nest. On the 15th day, I missed two of the robins leave the nest. On day 16, I was blessed to watch as the daddy bird fed the little bird, encouraged that last bird to finally hop on the hedge, fly to the ground & together fly out to the trees at the edge of the yard. My treasured pictures are the best visual memory of this year!
What a sweet memory! Thank you for sharing.
This year I have learned to enjoy the simple thing much more, it doesn’t take a night out to enjoy a night at home with my husband watching a good movie. I would love to sit and order at a restaurant soon. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
Hi Susan, here in New Zealand we are experiencing an early summer with some very hot days. Two days ago I found a narrow cooling neckscarf to keep me cool. You simply soak it in water and the crystal polymer activates the cooling properties. I have a navy and beige which I will take away with me on holiday.
I have always been an introvert and have learned to really embrace this. The quiet time of the pandemic was a balm for me and was the first time in my life I could just be.
I am with you, sister!
That is such a beautiful scarf. Thanks for all that you post for us!
Benefits of jackets!
My favorite new thing I learned was to slow down and smell the roses.
I learned that many people cope with serious issues but figure out how to have a life despite them
I have learned how to use technology so much more effectively. So enjoy your blog!
I’m still following you and enjoy reading all of your adventures, dietary advice, and lovely fashion/beauty tips you share. Merry Christmas to you and the love of your life. Mickey.
I too revisited turtle necks and found them excellent at hiding neck issues.
I appreciate ideas for every day stay at home outfits . Since I retired I have struggled figuring out what to wear .
I have learned how much I really love the sunsets in Virginia!
This is the year I learned who I really was. It was a year that demanded I be different, in all ways, and really do things I never thought I’d have to do. I did them and was all the better for it. While unpleasant to deal with, those experiences taught me, and showed me, a new way of being.
Oh i learned so much about the importance of the right shoe in relation to the outfit – the proportions – the pointed toe – toe cleavage (shocking!) and the right color shoe to create the longest line!
I’ve learned to navigate Zoom so I could visit with my 97 year old Mom and my granddaughters. It’s fun to learn new things. I’ve also learned how few “things” we need to be happy.
What I learned this year is to never take for granted time with friends
I have learned not to plan so far ahead and to appreciate each day as it comes.
I learned that a belt should fit the loops of your pants or skirt. I’m very short waisted and “thick” in the middle so I usually avoid any look that shows my waist.
I learned to take an extra breath before speaking, to have time to evaluate if that is really what I want to say….
Thanks so much!
Dear susan . . . Probably the most important thing I have learned in this past year is to think in thirds! Like your flare pants in this article paired with the short jacket. Thanks for sharing your fashion style and sense.
Peggy Ann
ps . . . love that blue scarf!
That is so gorgeous!!!!
I have learned that my age does not keep me from looking stylish which was a great discovery from your blog! Being over 60 had made me feel that I couldn’t look good no matter what I wore.
Thank you!
Beautiful scarf, love the blues!
I learned how to do Zoom and now have my own account so I can talk over 40 minutes with my friends.
Then I was able to teach several of the mature ladies in my ladies group so we can have our monthly
meetings over Zoom.
Also learned how to order groceries on line and do curbside pick up.
Carolyn Sakamoto
Las Vegas, NV
I learned this year that I enjoy staying at home
Not to sweat the small stuff. Covid has underlined that the truly important things in life are family, friends and being there for each other.
After taking a lesson from you, Susan, I have tried ankle length pants. I thought with my “curvy” figure I could only wear boot cut. Thank you for inspiring me to embrace change. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey
Ive learned to worry about things that are out of my control.
One of the favorite things I have learned about this year is the Susan After 60 blog posts. Staying at home so much this year gave me more time on the computer to discover this great site, which I anticipate every Tues. and Thurs., with such helpful advice on looking our best in casual clothing at our age over 60, as well as travel suggestions around the region. Thank you, Susan
I’ve learned to not worry about things that are out of my control.
I have learned that I enjoy staying home more. I think I am more of an introvert than I thought!
This year I learned I can stick with an exercise program. My balance, strength and endurance have gotten better as well as my sleep. My stress is manageable now and I have a lot more energy. No more afternoon naps!
I have just read every comment. So many lovely, inspiring responses. A credit to You and the following you have created thru your authentic and helpful blog. In company I am social person, but at heart I am an introvert and enjoy my own company and I am never bored. Wishing You and Mr. Mickey All the Best.
During this Pandemic, I learned to keep on keeping on. Since my husband died, I live by myself, and it’s up to me to make each day count and to accomplish something. I keep busy with reading .. . books and online, and with ongoing sorting and organizing. I also enjoy playing my piano. Most importantly, I have learned to be thankful: for faithful friends, for meaningful “at home” activities, and for health of mind and body.
I’ve learned not to project too far into the future with worries and elaborate plans. Just take care of today.
I have learned to stay at home and be content. Most of my life I spent running here and there and always being on the go. I’ve learned to relax!
I’ve learned to appreciate the little things that happen each day. Not to sweat the small stuff anymore.
During this Covid time I tried making bread for the first time and it was not as hard as I thought it would be! A very satisfying and relaxing pastime..
I learned to stencil this year. I stenciled my first floor powder room!
That sounds like fun!
Thank you, Susan, for your beautiful pictures and your advice. I have learned that sometimes, I need to step back from social media and broadcast news for my own sanity. I have tried to learn to turn my fears over to my God and trust him more. Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey.
I have learned to “shop” in my own closet, and I have been able to put together some really good outfits from the clothes that I have on hand. This concept has been very freeing for me. Full confession: I have purchased a few replacement items over time, but these purchases have been minimal. I am content.
Even though I miss seeing friends and my family, I have realized that I’m content with not always going and doing. Slowing down and simplifying my home and life has helped me. I’ve learned my routines are calming to me. I’m alone but not lonely.
One thing I’ve learned this year is to focus on being positive. Positivity helps get us through the bad times a little easier and we tend to be kinder to ourselves and others.
Hi Susan. I guess one favorite new thing from this year would be the wearing of scarves and how they enhance the rest of the outfit. I realize that you have been saying that ever since I found your blog. I have purchased some new clothes from different stores this year and to make them look even better, I’ve added scaves. So I thank you for that. By the way, this looks to be a beautiful blue scarf. Hope you and Mr. Mickey have a good Christmas
I have been cooking lots of new recipes with my son, which has been alot of fun. Happy Christmas!
I have learned this year that when everything looks bleak and I’m so lonely for my family that God is always with me, he gives me the strength to carry on when I’m feeling hopeless.
I have learned to use more color in my wardrobe from your examples in your watdrobe
I love the jacket with the flare jeans.
The one new fashion tip I have learned this year is that I should not force a style. My style is my style and trends come and go but if I don’t feel comfortable is the latest trend, it will certainly show.
I was in a shop just today and found a Christmas ornament I loved. I said that i didnt know whether I should splurge on it, and another woman said to me, “Now is the time to splurge” I loved that quote and have learned that splurging doesnt just mean spending money, but other things as well, such as splurging on time spent with others, reading more, trying new recipes, traveling when we can, etc.
I avoided technology in many areas of my life: I had a Kindle paperwhite but chose hardback books, I traveled to shop rather than online shopping, I attended meetings in-person rather than virtually, etc. This year I’ve learned that while there is value in ‘old school’, there’s also value in higher tech modes and methods. Some of my new ways will blend with the old and some will replace the old.
What I have learned this year is how to dress more elegantly, stylishly and effortlessly due to you posts. Thankyou.
Learned a lot about wearing different pant lengths. Thank
My favorite new thing I discovered this past year is chic, casual golf attire. As a professional for 30 years I had very few ‘play clothes’. Moving from the east coast to super, laid back California also proved challenging to what I thought was my style. Retiring gave me the opportunity to expand my wardrobe all the while as I was curating my old style. Challenging, yes! Fun, of course! Your special posts and advice certainly helped in inspiring me to use what I owned in a new way. Thanks for all you do to put the blog together!
I accepted about myself that I am a rule follower, not a rebel. Not the most glamorous image, but it is what I am. When the health authorities said stay home, I did. And when they say, as they are now, that you need to spend Christmas only with the people you live with, I will do that too. There is so little I can do about this pandemic, the least I can do is not make it worse. I hope to get the vaccine in a few months. I’ll take it gratefully. We also serve who only stand and wait.
Primland looks gorgeous!
It took a pandemic with all its issues of isolation and social distancing for me to learn the importance of spending time with family and friends! I’m looking forward to doing that after we all get through this.
I’m learning patience.
My favorite new thing I learned this year.
I live in a retirement community and I learned that I could adjust to the slower pace, staying home and relaxing, very well.
My favorite thing to have learned this year has been from you: that it’s ok to dress simply and classily and be myself . I don’t have to follow trends unless it’s something that suits my taste and style. You’re such an elegant and classy lady, and I look forward to your posts. Thank you.
PS—that scarf is gorgeous and I would love to be the winner.
This year I have learned that I can relax, slow down the pace, and stay home. It has worked just fine.
I’ve learned I like myself, flaws and all.
I have learned that I can wear belts and they add a nice touch to certain outfits! Merry Christmas! Thank you for all of your wonderful tips on style. You are ever so informative! Lovely scarf you are gifting ❤
I like wearing turtlenecks in the cold weather too. I am studying spanish online and learning to speak it!
I have been looking through my extensive sweater collection ( I live in Michigan ) following your plan for a basic colour plan. The excess I plan to donate. Merry CHRISTmass to you and yours
Hi Susan! I learned that despite having blue veins, I have warm coloring, not cool! And being warm, I learned what colors look good on me, finally. Very helpful information.
Love your company during these challenging times!
This has certainly been a year of learning many new things, some good, some not so good. But I think the biggest was learning to be content to be isolated with my husband and my best friend/pup; remaining vigilant during this most challenging time, that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel we have all been traveling through. Thank you for your inspiration as well.
I was a lucky winner already, so thank you again for the beautiful lipstick and lotion. Since wearing a mask lately, the lipstick has lasted a lot longer. I love the shade!
Thank you for the suggestion about small pearl earrings to go with statement necklaces.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Oh how I’d love to win this scarf! I was only able to purchase one from you, and it’s a favorite that I wear frequently. Something I’ve learned this year is to relax and enjoy my limited world. I thought not traveling out of the country was awful but I’ve learned to enjoy my family that lives nearby, my home, cooking and just being with myself. I have a truly blessed life that until COVID and the shutdowns I don’t think I stopped to relax and enjoy what I have right in front of me. Thank you and God Bless you. Love your tips and style.
Love your posts, I learn something new every week! I started an anti-inflammatory diet in September and it has changed my life. No sugar, grains, dairy, or fruit for a month and now adding very little of it back in. Holidays are playing a little havoc but I’m managing. I love your travel logs and your common sense in fashion. I now wear only solid colors and can mix and match endlessly. Thank you for this blog!
I learned how to stylishly look casual! Thanks!
I have learned that God and family are most important in life. I love your blog and look forward to seeing your posts. I love your timeless, elegant style. You
To be grateful and count my blessings especially in difficult times. How important it is to seek out alternative news and information. I’m a truth seeker! And to focus on the Lord.
You are showing me gorgeous places I’ve never been….. yet.
I just love your style … you give me such great ideas..
Thank you !
I’ve missed your scarves this fall! I always love the way you wear your scarves as an accessory and how they put the “finish” on your outfits. I’m glad for the cooler weather which makes it the perfect time to bring out the wonderful wardrobe of scarves. Yay!!!
I have been amazed at the generosity I’m seeing during this extremely scary, difficult year. I work part. xxxtime in accounting for a nonprofit that has ending homelessness as its mission. With all the uncertainty of these times, we have been very blessed. Donations and grants are.way up and we’ve received several donated properties, enabling us to provide many more opportunities for housing. I would have expected the opposite considering the uncertainty and anxiety of these times. Our church is also experiencing giving at a rate that has surpassed anticipated budgets. It’s wonderful!
I would love to have that beautiful scarf. It would be lovely with my newly multi shades of grey hair. I’m. adjusting my wardrobe and using scarves a lot more. I’d like you to do a discussion about wearing masks, scarves & jewelry together and in what proportions. Masks are complicating my accessorizing efforts!
I’ve learned to free motion quilt.
To use more solids in my wardrobe.
I learned this year that it is actually possible to clean out and organize my office closet if I focus an afternoon on doing so. With literally no where to go I made a dent in a few projects like that during this strange, covid year.
Love the scarf!
I gave myself permission to wear turtleneck and cowl neck sweaters again too. That scarf is so pretty. Thank you for the chance to win it.
I’ve learned how to make pickles, olives, mustard and am working on acorns next!
Focus on solids to build lots of different outfits, and use scarves for accents.
Buy quality classics that will last and last!
Merry Christmas!
Hi Susan, I realise that being in Australia I am not likely to qualify for any of your special giveaway items. So I just wanted to let you know that I came across your site accidentally a couple of years ago and always look forward to seeing it on my email list.
I suppose if I had to choose a favourite thing for this year, it would be how alike we all are under our skin, no matter where you live in the world. We are all praying for each other during these Covid-19 times and I feel United with human beings and the animals all over the world.
I’ve learned that I can dress more casual and still be confident in my look
I discovered that I really can successfully make sourdough bread!
I’ve learned that even while going through a move and foot surgery, I need to dress, add makeup, and fix my hair. This routine made the move easier to deal with. I hate recovering from surgery but my morning routine increased my sense of well-being. Now I have these things behind me and I’m looking forward to spring and shopping for new clothes. I lost 50 pounds this year. With covid, all I could really do was order online. Hoping that 2021 will bring back in-store shopping.
Have fun shopping for new clothes. Congratulations on the weight loss! Stay well and happy.
I have learned in 2020 that being compassionate in these unique situations can not only ease my stress (and others hopefully) in my workplace and home, but that it sets a great visible example for my teens and reminds me daily that ‘every one fights a battle.’ Thank you for encouraging this Susan. Cheers!
Tip is that I can be more confident casual dressing. Your ideas have helped me steer away from beige. Enjoy your festivities and lots of optimism for 2021 regards Margaret burns
In fashion, I’m so glad to have learned about Shapezz bra/camisoles and in life, I learned that I don’t need to reinvent myself to please other people but I should be working daily to be a better version of ME! We are all unique and have so much to share with each other. Life is short so make everyday your best day.
I learnt to appreciate my garden and the space it provides. I grew masses of flowers from seed for the first time and was rewarded with a riot of colour that gave me pleasure every day. I enjoyed tending the plants, being in the fresh air, or just sitting with a cup of coffee. The experience has helped me through the shielding this year has necessitated. It’s been heavenly!
A favorite new thing I learned this year was how resilient and thoughtful Victorians and most Australians were (and still are) during the Corona 19 crisis. The majority of people wore masks, abided by health directives and kept their distance from others. Retailers took exceptional care to avoid contamination by providing sanitizers, limiting numbers of patrons and marking floors so distances could easily be kept. I felt so proud of everyone, especially our doctors and nurses and I learned that if we all work together, we can achieve our goals.
This year I’ve learned what a gift it is to have a craft or art you love pursuing. Mine is quilt making, and it has made these months of enforced time at home a pleasure. I’ve made several new pieces that will always remind me of 2020.
I learned to survive through 2020 and hope for 2021 for a better year.
I have learned the lesson that balance is key. Wearing the flared jeans with a shorter jacket altered the look and elongates the body. Thank you for all these wonderful tips .
One thing I learned–most of your tops are without a design and are a solid color.
This year I have learned that I am much stronger than I ever realized. Merry Christmas Susan! I look forward to your blog.
I have learned to enjoy nature even more than before. Alone time to work in my home an yard .
Hi Susan, I surprised myself this year because I am finally ready to let family items go to the next generation. I am our family’s historian and have parents and grandparents and further back pictures, quilts, personal items, kitchen and dining room dishes, etc. I always thought it would be hard but it has been a relief to see it in the hands of our children and my nieces and nephews.
My favorite color is blue so the scarf would make a great addition to my classic look.
Always enjoy your blog and your great advice.
I have learned more about my faith which has sustained me through this pandemic. I have learned that freedom is not to be taken for granted. Thank you for your blog…always a pleasure.
There has been so many things I have learnt this year, but the best has got to be contentment. The joy of sitting, appreciating the garden with all the wildlife, quietly listening to the birds. Slowing down to just ponder and see things you didn’t notice before. It took a pandemic for me to find inner calm and appreciate what I have, not what I don’t have.
Hi Susan!
I think we’ve all learn many things this year. One thing that stand out to me is hope…I’ve learned its true meaning…and I have hope.
Susan P
I have learned to try new things and not to be frightened to be a little bit adventurous.
I’ve learned less is more. I am weeding out clothes and possessions I’ve accumulated for years. I’ve been passing down things I’ve loved and enjoyed to my daughters and their families to enjoy. Have a very Merry safe Christmas.
I think it has finally sunk in that I need to invest in quality classic pieces and then I will always have the right thing to wear by mixing and matching. I really liked the post when you took the striped tank from Talbots and then showed five or so different ways to wear it and made it look different.
The blue scarf is beautiful!!!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
I thought I knew this lesson– but the pandemic taught me there were new things to learn! That is to slow down and approach my activities and friendships in a very mindful way, being careful to cultivate those areas that support my values and health.
Turtleneck sweaters are my go to garment for our cold Michigan winters. I usually layer either a long sleeve thin base layer or sleeveless tank underneath. Keeps me warmer but also saves on laundering fine cashmere or wool.
Love the beautiful blues of the scarf and the practical but stylish casual outfits.
I learned that you and I share very similar body types and gravitate to the same styles. I wonder if we automatically know what we need or would enhance rather than detract? Besides wardrobe our diets are even similar! I thank you for helping me refine both wardrobe and diet! I found your blog this year but wish I had found it sooner!
Being grateful for health, family and time. This year had taught me to focus on what is really important in life!
I have learned many, many new things in this very difficult year. The one thing I have learned to treasure is that less is truly more! Less food, less clothing I no longer wear, less stuff cluttering my home, less activities in my life that have allowed me to focus on those relationships that mean the most to me. These are lessons I hope to never forget! By the way, the scarf is stunning!
I have learned to be a stronger lady during 3 surgeries this year.
Susan, I’ve learned from your posts how to go from prints to solids and accessorize Also, i’m seeing how you use your scarves in so many ways. I am transitioning from a work wardrobe to a retirement wardrobe and your tips are very helpful. I’m learning to only wear things that are flattering and to get rid of the rest.
I have learned I can be very happy just being at home with the person I love.
I love the smooth look the Shapeez bra creates under close-fitting tops! I would never have considered it without your recommendation.
I learned that life is about the people not the things. It was always a part of the database, but believing it in your heart is another thing.
The favorite thing I have learned about wearing turtlenecks is to shop for ones that are not 100% cotton. A little rayon in the mix makes them have more “give” and they are so much more comfortable.
That’s a beautiful scarf. I love blues, and it would go with many clothes in my closet. This year I studied UTube videos and learned how to sew masks for family and friends.
I’ve learned so much! To name just a few things: the value of longer necklaces and scarves to create vertical lines, differences in pant styles—straight vs. bootcut vs. flared, etc, the value of a shorter fitted top for some body types, warm vs. cool colors. Thank you so much!
What I’ve learned this year is how important regular exercise is to my mental health. Thanks again for your posts.
Since finding your blog, I have finally found the courage to “just go with it”! The IT being what makes me feel good. No more un-flattering cuts or colors that are the new look. These were always new for a season and then just closet-fillers! I love everything in my closet now. Thank you ♥️
Dear Susan, With my hair now completely silver/white I have learned(much from you) that I am now able to wear and be flattered by a newer cooler color palette. I have purchased quite a few new clothing items in Blue and don’t feel locked in to my old “Autumn” designation. I also love to wear Red sweaters and tops as they seem to perk me up. You look great in the red turtleneck by the way. I would love the blue scarf -I am also a “Scarf Person” and wore them throughout my career as a Realtor.. Have a lovely Christmas. Bonnie Boyer
I learned to love my natural gray. Started growing my color out in 2019 figuring I could always go back to coloring if I didn’t like it. I am learning I need to tweak my wardrobe colors.
You have taught me not to dress in the “in” clothes but to dress in a way that reflects my style and my shape! This blog has given me inspiration to develop that personal style and purchase those needed items! Thank you!
This year we bought a Kitchenaide mixer which is definitely my new favourite thing. We bought it during lockdown in the summer to celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary. I can’t imagine being without it now, it’s revolutionized my baking. We are hoping that by the time we celebrate our 40th anniversary in June 2021 we might be able to enjoy a holiday, but if we can’t I’ll bake some Guernsey Gache with my mixer and we will enjoy it with a cup of coffee. Wishing you both a peaceful, safe and healthy Christmas and New Year.
I have learned that walking in our neighborhood is the best way for me to combat the stress and challenges of COVID lockdowns in our state!
First off the flare jeans sure do make you look taller and very very classy. You also pull off classy casual very well. I’m so glad i found your blog so many years ago – i’m not near as classy as you but i sure do LOVE your classic classy look and try to emmulate as often as possible. This year I’ve learned that although things may be different instead of being bummed by it i need to learn from it.
Thanks for all your dressing tips.
I have learned that reading and FaceTime can get you through a pandemic.
Love my Beautycounter moisture cream is wonderful.
I have enjoyed all your posts this year! My favorite that you shared with us is how to look fabulous by simply wearing dark jeans and a white top. That combination has been a favorite of mine since High School but I always felt it wasn’t “dressy” enough for outings. Now that I better understand how to accessorize those basics, I have a closet full of jeans and white tops that I enjoy wearing nearly every day! Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey and I wish you both good health and much happiness in 2021!
This year has brought me many lessons in the first full year of retirement. The Covid-19 pandemic has kept us at home like so many others but we have not had the virus and are thankful the vaccine is now here. I have bought very little this year for my wardrobe and spent a lot of time donating items that just don’t work now for my new lifestyle. Limiting my wardrobe to certain colors and paring down to only items that are flattering and useful leaves me looking forward to 2021. I always enjoy your posts! Merry Christmas to both of you!
I’m still learning how to take each day as it comes but I’m getting better at it!
Dressing everyday is better than having pj’s on all day when you are staying home.
Hello Susan,
I’ve learned many things from your blog but if I were to choose only one I’d have to say that the low or short vamp on a shoe makes a big difference. I am 5’ tall and muscular legs….need I say more?
Love, love, the scarf thanks for the opportunity to win it.
Merry Christmas
I have learned that simpler is better and classier when it comes to putting an outfit together. I did not realize the wealth of fashion I already had in my closet!
I also took inspiration from you and how you handled your health issues this year. You regained your health and kept going forward and enjoying life. You are a lovely lady!
I have learned that patience is my new best friend. Helps eliminate daily stresses of life.
I learned Zoom is a great way to reconnect with friends and feel like you’re in the same room. And…it’s easy to use.
What I’ve learned is not to give up – try another shirt or scarf if the first ones don’t work. Be patient!
I await for your posts eagerly! I love the pictures, your dressing style and stories. I started using the products for skincare and I have to say that I LOVE them. Thank you for introducing them to us.
So many lessons this year – one that really hit home for me is the importance of patience and compassion.
I have learned to relax & enjoy the simple things – such as soaking in my garden tub.
I have learned it is NEVER too late. I have decided to try and wear scarves, first time ever. You have given me that inspiration. I love clothes and buy almost 100% at Talbots. I wear 4P in pants, but larger in a top. It is SO important to get dressed, put on makeup. I will be 81 Jan 2, work at home in the construction industry and fighting Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I will NOT give up. When told, my first question was ” I just bought a new pair of boots, do I send them back?” The answer was “oh BARB, keep the boots”. I’ve your blog! I so look forward to reading even the older ones.. Barb Burleson
You are an inspiration, Barb. Never give up!
This year I have learned to not take anything for granted. Life is precious and for some too short. Have a wonderful Christmas.
I discovered your blog and learned to blog myself!
The post on finding the most flattering pants style for each figure type was eye-opening, and will be extremely helpful when out shopping again. Thank you!
I gave ankle jeans a chance at she 72. Love them!!
I have leaned that my style is primarily classic and primarily casual. And you have given me the incentive to look, seriously, at a healthier eating style.
I’ve discovered lovely, underused, classic pieces in my closet and enjoyed wearing them instead of waiting for an “occasion” .
I have to be patient and continue to search for clothes in my style. Temptations are everywhere with really cute styles but my style is itailored. Thank you for what you do for us. Merry Christmas.
I found a beautiful shawl in a paisley print, it’s cashmere and would you believe…it was at a gardening store. I wear over a black sweater with black slacks. I’m nice and warm with some style.
I have been providing 24/7 live in care for my 91 year old mother-in-law at her house for the past 18 months. Dealing with her dementia and frailty and then add in the pandemic and I have learned to find peace in a simple moment to restore my balance. It may be looking at nature through a window because I cannot leave her alone, taking a deep, nourishing breath because I can, or simply feeling the sun shining warm on my skin. Blessings are right in front of us if we look for them.
I have learned so much from you! I now enjoy wearing scarves now and I dress with more intention than I did before. I lost my husband of 54 years November 30 of this year. I expect to be going more than I have for the past year and I will use the idea that I have learned from following you. Thank you for your wonderful blog.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I’m so sorry for your loss, Brenda.
Good Morning Susan,
I have learned to be more calm and have peace in my heart through out this year.
Love reading your posts. So inspiring ❤❤❤
Thanks for the info on what hats to wear/not wear when you have a round face. You look great in the newsboy hat: I must find one with enough height/structure to stay warm this winter here in PA.
Happy Holidays! In addition to maximizing my wardrobe and sorting through things that just are not flattering, I am happy to say I have mastered the Instapot! Lol
You and mr Mickey have been such an inspiration, I am loving all your travel pictures, perhaps you would consider doing a travel blog?
Thanks for sharing ! The scarf is gorgeous!
When it is safe to travel again, I do plan to incorporate many more travel photos.
I’ve learned so much during this time: to use zoom, to teach virtually and in-person simultaneously, to make earrings, to entertain myself during quarantine times, and to enjoy the little things and quiet time. In truth, following a blog like yours really helps. Thanks!
Probably the most significant thing I have learned this year is to just keep moving forward. I don’t have to do it fast or all at once….I just need to keep moving forward and not get discouraged. We are not created to do all things at all times….to do what I can in front of me each day. Steady plodding wins the race!
I watch the Dean of Canterbury Cathedral every morning on YouTube. He gives a morning devotional from the gardens there. It sets the tone for the day.
This year has taught me many things. One of the most important is that I don’t need to be constantly planning, and going, and stressing over what I should be doing. It is ok to just ‘be’ and enjoy the moment.
I have learned how to do Pilates during this pandemic. YouTube has many helpful articles and Pilates for Seniors is fantastic. I also walk several times a week but wanted something else to strengthen my muscles and give my heart a work out. I can see and feel how I have improved over the past nine months. Love your site and wish our weather and scenery was as beautiful as yours. I live in a small Western NY town with lots of snow.
Susan, I have been following you for awhile now and I have enjoyed your blog very much. I especially enjoyed your sharing how you trim your hair. You gave me the inspiration to take scissors to mine. My hair is longer than yours but I was able to give it a much needed trim. Thanks for sharing and giving me a feeling of control over COVID!
I am so happy when I find one of your posts in my inbox. It’s like a note from a friend which I need during this time of isolation. Something I’ve learned is to dress up a bit more around the house even if I’m going no where. It lifts my spirits. Thanks for being there.
My best take away from Susan: do not jump on the fad wagon. Stick with the basics and purchase the best quality you can afford.
PS I adore the scarf….those are my blue colors!
I’ve learned its important to let things go to improve my health and eating the way that’s best for my health is simpler than I thought but it takes real commitment.
I have learned from you not to put eye liner on my lower lid…what a difference it makes at my age…70!!
We can’t take anything for granted…we need to fight to keep our rights. And keep the faith…God never leaves us.
I am 85 years old and recently moved from Colorado mountains to California. I am trying to change my look from mountain to more stylish and have found your site to be very helpful in spite of our age difference. Thank you. Louan
Thank-you for all your beautiful photos and words of advice. Your style fits me perfectly. I continue to be inspired by your journey to be the best you can be
I was raised in Richmond, graduated from Madison College (JMU, now), lived in Roxboro NC for over 40 years and now live in Clermont FL. I mention this to let you know I am familiar with the area you feature often in your little road trips. I am a planner and love to have something to look forward to, but that is not possible in these times.
The NEW THING I have learned this year is to let go and live each day as it comes. Make no long term plans and count each day as a new adventure
Again thanks for all the joy you continue to spread to all of us who follow you.
I found your your column during Covid. It’s been very helpful to me. At 72, a retired business owner, I have learned it’s time to stop buying new and use the classics I have in my closet. It’s been difficult for me to transition to casual wear, I was more comfortable in classic, professional looks. However, reading your column has given me some excellent tips. I have found the tops you recommended worked great (covered completely), I was sorry they had to close their business. The Jewelry suggestion has been good too. I’ve enjoyed my “Three Graces Coin” necklace and like the unique designs. The flats with more pointed toes are a much better look. I went on a roasted veggies diet in early March 2020; about the same time I discovered your column. I’ve lost 27 lbs to date, eating healthy and not too much! Lol.. I enjoy your adventures and tips! My adventure partner and I intend to try some of your trip suggestions when Covid has ended.
Good for you, Terri! It sounds like you have a great attitude.
I have learned about the best jeans for my shape.
I’ve learned that 4-year olds know everything!
Thanks for making me laugh.
The thing I have learned is to shop in my closet and not need to run out and buy the latest trend.
I have learned to take ‘one day at a time’ and count my blessings every day.
I absolutely LOVE this scarf & have nothing even close to it!!! I learned to turn my sweaters & other pull over tops inside out to prevent the shoulder things sticking out & instead they go inside where they aren’t seen!! PLUS I learned about hanging up my scarves!!
One thing I’ve learned in this time of “isolation” is to reach out to others, be it texts, FB, phone calls, cards or letters. We are all isolation in one way or another. Staying in contact helps not only friends and family, but ME!
Susan, as always, I am delighted with your lovely ideas and doable advice for me!
Your wisdom is always a reflection of your humility and charm!
Thank you!
Merry Christmas to you and to Mr. Mickey too!
I have learned many new things this year by reading your blog and those of other fashion bloggers and my favorite revelation is that I can use the clothes and accessories I already have by restyling them and will get great rewards out of making a mental list of what I would like to add in order to update and stretch what I already have. Secondly, only keep or purchase what you really love. This brings me joy. Thank you for the time you have spent to share your ideas.
Hi Susan, One thing I’ve learned from you is to always buy good quality timeless clothing as my basic design and accessorize accordingly. Thanks!
I enjoy your posts and wonder why you didn’t think a flare or bootcut would work for your, what I believe is, inverted triangle shape. I am that shape and just finished a class that said to only wear straight, boots cut or flare to balance out my larger top half.
I have a thick waist and a large bust, so slim-fitting pants or a pencil skirt with a soft flowing top with a v-neck balances things out well. Tucking in my top and wearing a short jacket isn’t something I’ve worn in years, but they are needed to balance the wider legs.
I favorite new thing I learned (from you!) this year is to keep proportion, not just style, in mind when selecting garments for my wardrobe.
The scarf is very beautiful. It is my favorite color.
I am a seasoned women who enjoys your bogs.
Your inspirations and suggestions that work for you
Seem to fit perfectly for my style.
Thank you, Joan
I have learned to wear a simple (mostly solid) top and pants. Then dress it up or down from there with a scarf, jacket, jewlery, shoes, etc. This has made a difference to me with my shopping because I now look for solid items that can later be dressed up.
wearing pointy toed shoes to make the foot more flattering
also, to wear nude colored shoes what a concept!
Kay Archer
Great question. Most importantly, I have learned and seen the power of collective action and democracy.
Keeping the top and bottom coordinated ,and then top with interesting jacket is the real ticket. It solves many a decision of what to wear. Thanks for all of your advice. I wear scarves mostly in the fall.
I think the thing I have learned is this year is patience. Covid has affected us all in so many ways but patience has been needed to withstand lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and all we have coped with. I also had an injury and then major spinal surgery which left me flat on my back for quite some time. Patience was needed again to cope with recovery and being able to start to function normally. The scarf is a beautiful colour and would work well with my wardrobe which I am trying to pare back to basics which work for me now that I am retired.
Wishing you and Mr Mickey a ve1ry Mery Xmas and a Happy New Year.
I hope that you have recovered now.
I learned I have limits! After going through 2 major surgeries within 4 months of each other a couple of years ago, I lost a lot of muscle mass. This summer because we were adhering to recommendations for COVID and staying home, I decided it was the perfect summer to “GET THINGS DONE”. What I mean by that was get a lot of landscaping done in addition to the usual gardening etc. I still work and by August I was noting how tired I was–even napping! And sometimes that meant napping both Saturday and Sunday. Unheard of in my world. While the world had slowed down because of the pandemic, my world sped up! Over the fall, I realized (note–after seeing my physician and making sure there wasn’t anything going on), I realized that I needed to slow down. And I have been doing just that. I now have enough energy to get through my day without relying on a nap.
I taught my granddaughter how to sew a skirt and I learned how to do it while teaching her.
I’ve learned to dress myself so I appear to have more even proportions. I’m blessed with chest. I’ve learned how to fit garments and make types of clothing work for me. Thank you Susan
I’m blessed with chest and I’ve learned how to dress so I appear to have more even proportions.
I learned how to bake bread! I started with some challah loaves and have branched out to rustic loaves and rolls. I never was home enough before the pandemic to have the patience to let things rise. And it’s so great to get my hands in the dough. Reminds me of crafts when my kids were small. Love my new hobby- and so does my family!
From your site I learned how to fold and wear the square scarves that had been sitting unused in my closet. My favorite tip is how to fold on the bias and style it as an “infinity” scarf. So happy to have found your site.
Hi Susan,
I learned many things from you, but the best is learning to part with a lot of items, which do not flatter my shape. I have done some compulsive shopping in the last few years and I call it shopping therapy. My husband passed away many years ago and shopping lifted my spirits.
Thank you for sharing your life with all of us. I really enjoy your blog.
Mary Ellen
It’s worth the effort every day to look your best. You look good, you feel good, you do good. Thank you.
I have learned how resilient we can be under stressful situations. I definitely have learned a few things about myself, some good and some that need refining. I am feeling blessed each day for my wonderful life.
Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Mickey. You two are adorable together.
I’ve learned to read fashion blogs for a bit of release from the gloomy & sad events of this year. It may seem a bit frivlous to think about fashion now, but the blogs I read regularly are uplifting, and some include spiritual content that soothes the soul. In the case of your blog, Susan, your lovely photos of nature, historical structures, delicious food, and your classic fashion sense, captivate your readers.
I learned (and am still learning) how to use a smart phone. I got my first one this year.
Patience, inner strength and letting go of things not in my control….And, the knowledge that despite this virus that has engulfed our world, we still have to make the decision to live and love your life whatever form it takes! Love and appreciate your posts! Merry Christmas
Your posts bring me much joy and a feeling that yes, I want to feel good about what I wear. Even your “stay at home” outfits look “purposely put together”. Thank you for teaching me about fashion, food, travel and about just being happy.
I never used to wear red but, this year, I discovered I love wearing red. The red color brightens up my look and brightens up my mood too! Thanks
Your nice scarf would be beautifull with my gray hair like yours.Bonne santé madame.
Keep faith & have hope … even when you feel like you’re walking in Job’s footsteps!
Hi Susan! This is also Susan (also after 60- closer to 70!) I learned from you how to look more dressed up almost every day. I realized I love the look and so does my husband! I now wear longer tops and purchased the same long vest that you have, to wear around the house. I now wear scarves whenever I go out, and I adopted your casual look with my scarves rather than knotting them. You have taught me a lot! Thank you!
Love the tip for wearing flared-leg jeans with shorter, fitted jackets. I’m having trouble find scarves that work for me. But it hasn’t mattered for months now—I’m wearing casual clothes and working from home much of the time.
Hi, what I learned this year was discovering your site. I’ve gotten so many new ideas and have enjoyed going over all the old sites. I’m so excited to try the new me. Also love the blurb on Primland it looks absolutely marvelous. Looks like a great weekend spot for relaxing and enjoying each other. I can’t wait to hear about that trip. Thanks for all the info. Happy Holidays Karen Ziegler
The one thing I learned this year is that not everything has to match. I have had fun wearing items together that I previously would not have considered…I have learned to use a scarf to “tie” it all together.
I’ve learned a lot about classic casual dressing this year from you and that simple is best. I’ve really enjoyed your outings and hope to take some overnight trips into Tenn. when this pandemic ends to visit some of the historic places you have gone to. I’ve also enjoyed your use of accessories to jazz up simple outfits.
This year I learned that staying with a few favourite colours makes ‘mix and match’ so much easier!
I can dress up a sweatshirt easily for a virtual meeting with a scarf.
I have learned to be grateful for each new day. I am reminded of the BIble verse Psalm 118:24 – This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad.
My favorite thing learned this year is the amount of confidence you can obtain when you feel well dressed. Using your tips and examples has helped me tweak my look to get that “I feel like I look good” feeling many times. Due to Covid I still have several outfits planned in my mind that haven’t made their debut yet but because you have taught me to use a more classic style I still have plenty of time to wear them.
I love your blog! Thank you for all the information and fun you provide!
I love the scarf. I’ve learned many things this years. I have implemented many of them. Those that stands out is to dress a bit nicer at home. And when I’m feeling a bit under the weather a touch of make-up and get dressed. Merry Christmas. Thank you for your blog.
I,ve learned a few things during this difficult time….but, perhaps my favorite is that I have learned to be my own friend. I have learned how to spend time alone and how to entertain myself. My mother always said women need to be self sufficient and be comfortable being alone. She was right….as usual!
Thanks for sharing your life, Susan, I enjoy reading your blogs so much!
Susan Lauer
I have learned over the this last year that I actually LIKE being home! I have always been a goer and a doer and “wished” I had more time to be home, and after the shutdown and the sheltering in that has been on and off in our area, I have become more relaxed, less in a hurry AND I have gotten caught up with many tasks I thought I didn’t have time for. Walked outdoors more and savored the seasons more. I do envy your ability to drive so many wonderful and beautiful places for a day trip. I have enjoyed your descriptions of your trips and the beautiful pictures. Thank you!
I learned to breath deeply through the day.
Now that I am retired I am enjoying daily walks and they are becoming a favorite thing to do with my dog, Boo.
Lol I have definitely learned to quit buying print shirts that only go with one pair of pants and to stick basically with solid colors that complement my pants. I’m also wearing scarves and enjoy an accessorizing my outfits with my pocketbooks. I had a bad habit of buying colors that were pretty to me but not on me.
Please tell me again the name of the book that helped you to lose weight several years ago. Thank you.
The book you might be thinking of is “Eat to Live” by Joel Fuhrman M.D.. Here is a good review of the plan he outlines in the book.
I learned I can get by with a LOT less clothes (and shoes!)
The most important thing I learned (or relearned) this year is that isolation can ruin how we look and feel, and that it is imperative that we maintain a regular routine of self care while reaching out to family and friends, however we can. As my mother used to say, in the face of adversity, Get up, dress up, and show up, even if you never leave your home.
I truly enjoy your style! Like you I am petite and not every fashion trend works for me. Your guidance has made dressing lots more fun!
I learned how small acts of kindness have the biggest impact.
I learned that if I wear a loose flowing top I should wear a fitted bottom and vice versa. Thanks for the tip.
I learned that I can slow down and appreciate what I have instead of always rushing through life.
Merry Christmas Susan
I feel as if I have gradually learned and moved into the styles that are most flattering for me. Early on I did numerous purges of my closet, realizing that I needed jeans that were a better fit and shoes that were more comfortable. I also donated a number of handbags that were good but never used. The local charity benefitted greatly! I have worked and worked until I finally feel as if my closet works for me, not against me. I have also learned that a splurge is not a splurge if I am investing in quality. Thank you, Susan, for sharing all that you have learned!
Although I learned many new skills this year, the one I am going to share here is upholstery. After spending about a year looking for the right color and material, I finally found it just before the quarantine. I was able to purchase all my supplies either by phone or on line and with the help of many good sites on the computer, and the help of a good husband I was able to finish all 6 dining room chairs. I am so happy with the results
Best wishes for a wonderful 2021 Susan. I look forward to your blogs each week. Thank you
COVID 2020 has definitely confirmed “less is best ! “ We don’t NEED as much as we once believed to live and be happy.
I have learned how to sit back and watch people and life. I am a newly retired 66 year old teacher and most teaching days I ran all day. Now that I am retired I am taking deeper breaths and just saying thanks!
I am a retired teacher, since a year ago. I am learning to be COVID Quiet, watching people and being peaceful.
O que aprendi foi não ter medo de experimentar coisas novas e também prestar atenção nas proporções.
I have learned the importance of clothing that fits correctly. The right cut and size for my body type can take an outfit from sloppy to refined. Thank you Susan. You are an inspiration.
The year of 2020 has taught us that the 6 best doctors in the world are:
The Sun
Self respect
I learned how to go with the flow this year. Caring for my 92 year old father, relocating 5 days before Christmas, a pandemic and this election. I can handle a lot!
It is a beautiful scarf. I want to move forward with healthier lifestyle when reading your stories.
I have learned that Tuesday and Thursday are the best days of the week !
Thank you, Lukia!
Thanks to your posts, I am learning to keep my pieces more basic, and I can’t believe the way a beautiful scarf brightens the outfit and also keeps my neck warm.
I chuckle a bit at your comments on keeping warm with layers. Yes it is super important, but here in Ottawa Canada it is not uncommon to see temperatures of minus 40 with the wind chill. The colours in the scarf you are giving away are fantastic. Classy.
I do miss my family/friends, traveling, meeting for lunch, holidays, but I’m so blessed to have my health & a safe home. I‘ll take a cup of coffee and sit on the porch, feel the sun and see what’s going on in my backyard. For now that will be enough. Wishing everyone peace and good health through the holidays & new year.
I’ve learned how to do most of my shopping with local producers and craftsmen. I’ve made several new acquaintances and have learned how to prepare food seasonally – helping both my body and my local community!
I’ve learned the fun of baking bread and leaving it on friends’ doorsteps as a treat with a few eggs from my hens and a piece of cheese (my husband and I are owners of a small creamery) – a little surprise diy meal until we can be together again.
Dear Susan,
I want to thank you for including links to some really good shopping. I have always disliked shopping because I often tucker out before I find what I really like or need. It can be frustrating for me. I share your style and tastes, and have purchased several things at the links you provide. Thank you for saving me a ton of time and helping me to get better clothes that not only look good, but satisfy my taste and are classic in style. I’m so happy! For example, I just bought two of the military jackets from Tommy Hilfiger because they were half off! They look great on me! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel like you are my personal shopper!
Merry Christmas to you!
After a terrible health year, going from an active and stylish 56 yr old to a post ICU, walker using, disabled 57, your YouTube posts
Reminded me that I love clothes, and showed me I can re-imagine myself as stylish again. I really can find the tools to simplify to a casually elegant new me.
Inspiring. You gave me hope and spark….a huge thanks and much gratitude, B
To live each day to the fullest and try to be calm we are not in control . And smile…..
I started a new career this year at 58, as a speech and language pathologist aide. I’ve learned so much about the mechanics of learning to speak. I also learned how to make a soufflé’ this year. Ane, I’ve learned how adaptable we humans can be. What a year!
I’m looking forward to going on a few adventures this next year too.
This year my dad passed away, and I learning how to focus on his life and not the grief of what I’ve lost.
Happy New Year! I love your blog.
I’m sorry for your loss, Cassandra.
Organizing my clothing in the closet space I have. Purchased the velvet hangers which are wonderful. I learned about new places in the Tennessee and Virginia Blue ridge areas I want to visit when traveling overnight becomes safer. Thank you for sharing your travel drives with Mr. Micky. Stay safe &healthy, Merry Christmas to you both.
Dear Susan,
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your blog and all the great tips.You put so much effort into it,thanks for sharing!You are one classy lady.
I’m taking coloring classes and love it.
Hello, I am from Croatia, and I really enjoy read your blog, it is so interesting and I learn so much from you, about dressing, eating healthy and more other thing. I can expect your new article to read in moram time ,I read what you write before. This year is very difficult for every one, Please stay safe and beutyfull. Hello once again from Croatia , Rijeka and I apologije for mistake od I wrote any wrong English is not my language, bye, bye
You wrote very well. Thank you for your message.
Hi Susan,
This year I continued my art work and learned a new medium drafting film.
Merry Christmas
I have learned patience, had fun mixing my clothes without buying new ones, and meeting on ZOOM! Love the scarf!
Hi…..I just had to mention I’m new to your site so have been catching up on all this great information. I just finished the 2017 article on the Giving Season
where Mr. Mickey grows his beard and dresses up as Santa. This article was so close to home. I taught Headstart ( preschool ) in Detroit, Michigan for a number of years. That article just made my heart happy. Thank You to you and Mr. Mickey Have a wonderful Holiday
The best thing I learned this year is how to Zoom. This Christmas I am setting up a Zoom meeting for my family across Canada, from my sister in Newfoundland, off the east coast, to our son, who lives on Salt Spring Island off the coast of British Columbia. We can’t be together but I am excited that we can still connect.
The scarf is beautiful. I would love to make it one of my favourite things for 2021.
Susan, I have followed you for years and enjoy every post. I wish you and Mr. Mickey a wonderful holiday and happy and healthy 2021.
I learned that adding one string of twinkle lights to the trunk of your prelit Christmas tree makes the tree look magical
Wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I finally got the Big Berkey that you have this year. My special treat for myself in the year of 2020. Thanks for everything you do for us. All the best in 2021 to you!!!
I love your style. What is your body type?
I have an inverted triangle shape.
You’ve talked a lot about your basic scarves, tops and pants in your blog and now have retired that business. If I were to look into the second-hand market, what would I look for? What was the brand name or label? All your comments about them sound great.
The clothing line I offered on my shopping site while it was open was Yon Designs. Click here and scroll down to find the clothing. Use the code susanafter60 for free shipping. The scarves were from several different companies from around the world. You might find similar ones at Talbots, Chico’s, or department stores.
I was looking back at your jeans. I am 69 and wear a 2 in Chicos jeans I ordered a pair on sale did not realize they had the tears in them I think I am too old to wear that look my daughter says no not sure that is me I feel a little self conscience wearing a lot of denim as I am in Real Estate but styles and times have changed…
You might enjoy wearing those jeans more on the weekend or a vacation. I’m like you; torn jeans are not right for me.
Love those tan loafers, who makes those?
The loafers are by Gibson & Latimer from Dillard’s a couple of years ago.
I’m learning also to wear a top that’s a little longer than my jeans jackets. I like that way it looks. I agree with you.
Betsy Gardner
I have always struggled with the color of shoes to wear with white pants. Black seems to harsh and I am never sure about white shoes other than sandals. So, I have realized that the neutral tan/beige/ taupe shades work quite well with the white pants. They just kind of go away. I have been enjoying following you!