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A Girly Girl

I sincerely enjoy hearing from readers. Your positive comments, questions, and topic suggestions give me ideas for new content. After more than nine hundred blog posts here and on my old blog, I fear that I have covered all the topics you might find interesting.

A variation of “How do you find your style?” is a question I get often. Whether you are building a wardrobe, decorating your home, or creating a flower garden, my thought is that you should add only the items that give you joy. After that, it is merely a matter of arranging those elements pleasingly.

Prints are a rare item in my wardrobe. I sometimes wear a repeating geometric print top with clean lines and a loose flowing style in warmer weather. When I showed you this navy and white Clara Sunwoo top from in an earlier video, some of you expressed surprise because it is shorter and has a print on one side. If the pattern had covered the whole top and included more color, I would not have found it interesting at all. These are the details that make the pieces we are drawn to work with our style. Adding a long necklace with tunics helps to break the horizontal line created by my ample bust. Nude shoes and white pants create a long sleek line. Navy shoes would have created another color break, which would have made my legs look shorter. Knowing what you like is one thing; putting it all together to flatter your shape is the icing on the cake.

Mr. Mickey and I often enjoy a mid-week break by having a late lunch at Gourmet and Company. Last week, as we were leaving, we ran into Chef John outside. He is a truly gifted artist who creates dishes that are both a feast for the eyes and the palate. He is also one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

The Clara Sunwoo top and Lior Paris pants I am wearing are from The Kivah Block-Heel Dress Sandals are from Macy’s. The handbag was from Express last year. The sunglasses are by Tory Burch.

  1. Love this top on you! Please do not worry about repeating topics. Your followers just want to hear from you and we are just coming into a wonderful new spring/summer season. Keep up the great job and enjoy your journey❤️

  2. I love this top on you Susan. For reference what size are you wearing? Do you think this top would work for a 5 foot tall person who usually wears a 6 petite or small petite or would it be too overwhelming? It looks like it runs generous so I’m thinking maybe the extra small size.

  3. You sound like me at the end of a long college term… tired, a bit distracted, even a bit bored with teaching the same old same old. My students are the ones who remind me that while I may be saying something for the gazillionth time, this is the first time they’ve heard it. Every term I get a new class, and new ears who really want the information I take for granted. I bet the same holds for you!

    The process of first discovering my style was exciting, as were the changes in my body as I focused on health. These days its all about the much less exciting chore of maintaining, fighting with the ups and downs, and not slipping into a rut (even a more stylish one) because it’s easier. I would love to hear how other women are managing their long game, and how they are continuing to re-energize and bring meaning to their lives as the clock continues to tick.

    1. Margaret, I love your comments! Susan does manage to come up with so many new things to teach us, but the end of semester analogy is apt. Susan, we love your teaching even if you’re weary of it!
      To keep from getting in a rut myself, I look through older posts or pick a favorite piece and challenge myself to wear it with different accessories or base layers. I find coming up with new combos is fun even for older standbys.

  4. I really like this outfit on you. And I’m glad to see the nude shoes and pants. I’m very fair skinned so I’ve always stayed away from beige etc. But I’ve been reading how the nude shoe elongates the leg. I have NEVER owned nude shoes!! So I want to do it. Love them with your white pants. Do you wear them with most colors? Thanks for all your great advice.

  5. Have you ever considered remote consulting with your blog readers? I study your posts, adapt your ideas for my body size, shape and coloring – which is about the opposite of you. I think I have been a little successful. As a newly retired, age 63 active community volunteer on various committees and boards – I try to look my best. And let’s face it, just love fashion and making outfits out of items I already own. If you offered a consulting service for a fee, I would certainly consider!

  6. Margaret’s last sentence is so intriguing. This morning I’m dealing with a dog who jumped up on my bed to get sick, a brand-new waffle maker that self-destructed on the first waffle and a somewhat mouthy teenager. I needed a reminder that there is a long game that doesn’t involve meltdowns of all sorts at breakfast. That’s why I like your blog, Susan. It’s so much more than clothing. Today I will put my best look forward. The clothes might be all that’s holding me together right now….

  7. Susan: I love this look on you! This gives me several ideas with regards to my outfits. I especially love black and white…so classy.

    Thank you


  8. When I started reading your post today I thought you were going to say that you weren’t going to post any longer because you felt you had run out of things to say. I’m so happy that was not what you were getting at:) Please don’t stop what you are doing. Just sharing your pictures is enough sometimes. Today’s picture was quite helpful. I have never paired nude shoes with white pants since I usually just go with black shoes. Your advice to go with nude in order to help lengthen the look of the leg was quite helpful and I’ll be putting the tip to use this weekend. Keep doing what you’re doing! Thanks so much.

    1. Lilly, I thought the same thing. For me it is a slow journey, so I am looking forward to this blog to help me along. Keep it going, Susan, for as long as it feels right for you. Whenever I am shopping now I try to keep these posts in mind and hopefully make better decisions. Love the nude shoes!

  9. Hello Susan,
    I have been following you since your last blog and absolutely love your style! Could you tell me which style of white pants from the Lior collection you have on?


    1. Ask for the longest style they have. The name changes from season to season. These are from last year. I think they are like the Sasha (mine do have a small split at the ankle).

  10. I absolutely love your blog and never tire of your posts because they are always so informative and you always look so put together. I`m trying to establish a wardrobe and take a lot away from your posts. Keep up the good work!!!

  11. Thank you, Susan…lovely outfit! I recently read that a cobbler can cut our heel height about 1/2″ without ruining the shoe. If this works, it could make a difference in whether a shoe can be worn or not. Have you ever tried this? Blessings my friend…

  12. My daughter is in her 20s and has adopted your style. She only buys items that go with and add to what is already in her closet. Wish I had done this at an early age

  13. I love this look. I went to the website but there are several white pants. Could you please provide more specifics about the pants style and the sizing? By the way keep up your blog, I enjoy your comments. Thank you!

  14. Love your blog. I stumbled upon it while searching for outfit and style help for the newly-turned-fifty and found your outfit formulas inspiring.

    I have since put several of your suggestions into play – I never would have even though to try slim leg ankle trousers, but what a difference! I recently bought 3 well fitting pair (black, white and beige 5 pocket jean style) that I can build a myriad of looks around for work, play and dressier outings.

    The biggest challenge I had dressing myself was, as you nailed it, the frump factor. Trying to avoid mutton dressed as lamb has been a preoccupation but avoiding the dreaded matronly look that is so easy to fall into.

    I’m sure you get some unpleasant (even catty) comments, but I just wanted to let you know that your blog really is appreciated by many. The lifestyle choice of going on dates (even if it’s just visiting a local swank hotel for a drink and an appetizer) rather than costly holidays is your prerogative, and frankly it’s a very nice idea to treat yourselves to small local pleasures several times per month. I like that idea, maybe hubs and I can put that into play now that our girls are old enough to not need a sitter. Cheers

  15. Love this outfit and as usual I will copy it with similar pieces I already own. I must say you are a bright spot in my day. I look so forward to your posts. The pictures of the food always looks so yummy!! I am in the process of letting my hair go natural gray after years of dying up to my current age of 68. My coloring is similar to yours, or will be soon. I have gained so many valuable tips from you about makeup and clothing colors to choose to best compliment fair skin, blue eyes, and silver hair. I have been retired for 5 years now, but I still love fashion and want to look my best at all times. I also am a “Girly Girl” and love everything about being an older girl!!!

  16. Since I don’t have a midsection challenge I liked seeing you in the shorter top and welcome the times you do shake up your look a bit. Doing this teaches us that staying true to your core style does not mean you can not incorporate a tweek or two. Always look forward to your lovely posts.

    Thanks, Sandi

  17. As with the other comments here, do not worry about repeating your fashion direction. Sometimes we need to hear it a few times before we get it. You are a savvy lady and the fact that you are willing to share your “secrets” with us tells us that you care about helping women look their best at all times. Thanks ever so much and BTW, you look fabulous in those white pants and geometric blouse!

  18. I really enjoyed reading this post. The topics are always so interesting and you continue to surprise with the way you put together outfits. I sometimes gravitate to prints, and always look for smaller ones that don’t overwhelm me. The one you are wearing is interesting in that the print is not all over and may be one I could try. I hope you will continue your blog; we really look forward to it!

  19. Enjoying your posts. I just started a blog. After reading your post on how you are keeping the weight gave me some helpful hints and am doing very well. I have become rather lazy in my retirement and without a schedule seem to get less done. Cleaning our house is exercise as you suggested and that makes it worth the while. I have trouble getting to the gym but when I think I exercise while I clean I am more likely to do it as I am accomplishing two things. Cleaning is hard work and so is gardening and even more so as we get older. The other way your blog helped was stating what you ate like no processed food, chicken and fish. I am finding that is working for me. I had been eating lots of carbs which seem to make me hungry all the time. With less cooking and eating 4 small meals seems more sense. Thank you.

  20. Hi I’m new on your site and am enjoying all your posts. I love the way you dress.
    Thank you.
    Carol From Québec Canada

  21. I’m a slow learner and style challenged! I need many examples and appreciate your photos with explanations of why you chose those elements. So please continue!
    Because of you, I am eating more healthy than ever. I’ve incorporated many more vegetables in meals. I’ve also cut way back on meat and am eating more beans, seeds and nuts. So even though I was not overweight, I realized I was not maximizing nutrition. There is something about your blog that is special. Perhaps it is your honesty and subtle encouragement. Anyway please keep writing! Thanks Susan!

  22. I love this post today. The white pants and nude shoes are very flattering. I too panicked as I read the first paragraph! I am so glad it s not the end. I look forward to your posts. They are a special treat in a busy day, when I allow myself a moment to enjoy your caring and uplifting advise. You are very inspiring, and I appreciate the work you do creating the blog postings! Thank you so much!

  23. You always look great. I just came across your blog last week for the first time and can’t stop looking at your pictures and reading your blogs.

  24. Love your blog and have been reading along since the beginning and still learn things from you. Love this outfit on you and particularly like the less groomed hair. You look even more relaxed, happy and youthful.

  25. Truly love your style. Sometimes I think I’ve got it figured out on my style and then other times I look in the mirror and just know that something either doesn’t look good or does look good, but I want to keep trying to figure out why. I think that a crisp button blouse is such a sharp look – however, it just doesn’t look good on me. I have yet to figure out why. I have the extreme opposite issue with the bust size from you. Maybe that and the v neck effect is why. So as you see, I need all the repetition from you that you can give on finding my style. Keep up the great writing and photos!

  26. I know you love solid colors, but this outfit is very flattering and youthful on you (don’t forget we have grey hair we need a balance)
    I have to repeat with other readers:
    I never get tired of reading your posts. (I am an old follower) Keep it up, please .

  27. Susan I just love reading your blog. My day doesn’t seem right when you don’t do one. Don’t feel you have to present a special topic each time. Just seeing you dressed up in your lovely clothes on your various outings is enough. I would hate it to become a chore for you. It’s Autumn here in New Zealand so I’m able to get a good idea of fashions to come for our summer next. Thank you for what you do. I’ve learnt such a lot.

  28. Susan…Could you share the style of Tory Burch sunglasses you are wearing? I love the shape. You are the best!!! Hope to run into you on one my trips to Blowing Rock.

    1. I can’t remember where I bought the sunglasses, but it was late last year. They have rectangle shaped frames. The style number on the arm inside is TY9028 501/11.

  29. Hi Susan,

    I have an idea for your blog. You always look so wonderful and photogenic in your photos. I’m never consistently happy with how I pose for photos with family. I turned 60 last January and don’t seem to feel as comfortable getting my picture taken. My youngest son is graduating from high school in May. I really want to pose with him for some pictures and could use some pointers. Do you think you could write on this subject?

    Best wishes!

  30. I agree with ‘PHYLLIS DARLING’ and don’t care if you repeat topics. I love your videos too. Do more, please! I love how you mix and match items. Keep them coming! 🙂

  31. Susan, I have been waiting for you to style this top since your video on new season purchases. a beautiful & summery look. Finally found a Chanel inspired MK bag in black on clearance; remember from a prior post that it was a classic & could be worn with for many occasions. Just checked out a book from library on French chic which echos some of your lifestyle suggestions & I am only on Chapter 3; so any further reading suggestions would be welcome. Thank you for this always do a great (& chic) job! For Prairie Poulet: I totally understand that kind of dilemma. I had been starting to freshen the carpet, wash rugs, air out my home etc..& I think a mouse has now died inside the wall of the hall bathroom! It reeks! Its warm here, so turned on the air which has richly ditributed the scent. Sigh..hang in there!

    1. I was always looking for books that share inspiring formulas and examples for how to dress in a classic, yet modern way. I trust my instincts now. I’ve stopped looking for “the” book. Good luck on the dead mouse.

  32. Thank you Susan for your response. I think you have certainly mastered your objective & have wonderful instincts…sincerely appreciate all that you share. As for the other matter… sitting here with my scented candle & soft music, reading your blog comments, sipping herbal tea, perusing my chic book, & it is day 6 with Pepe Le Pugh!

  33. Please continue what you are doing. As a recent retiree from a job where jeans and a top were worn daily, I needed a lot of help. You have gotten me on the right track to being the “best” me. I also enjoy the outfits you put together on Polyvore. Great ideas. Thank you!

  34. Dearest Susan,

    I love this outfit! It is so cool and fresh looking! You know you must remember, many of us just recently found your blog, so all your previous blogs are new to us! It is alright to repeat things from the past. I look forward to your post and always enjoy and learn from them. My husband & I are going to the local theatre in the round tonight to see, “No Time for Sergeants”. We love this little theatre and go to all the shows. I’m wearing a black tank & slacks with a light jacket, sound familiar? I wish I could get myself to go on your eating plan and lose weight. My hubby is just at the end of a successful year long fight with 4th stage cancer and we are celebrating our 56 yrs of marriage and now are looking forward to many more happy years.
    Happy Spring, Paula Cummins

  35. Love this outfit!!!! Looks so fresh. I’m going to have to pull out my white jeans! Thank you for your blog!

  36. Oh Susan, please don’t stop blogging! I read yours and one other blogger from beginning to end…maybe not on the day I get them but trust me, in the early morning light on a Saturday or Sunday with my coffee in hand, I groove on your topics! I can’t emulate you over night, but you definitely have an influence on my wardrobe! Funny, my ankles are the last tiny thing on my body & therefore I’m not giving up on dresses but that’s about the only element we differ on! Please don’t leave the blogger world…you have much to offer!

  37. Hi Susan, just spent the last hour looking at soooo many of your pins. You are looking fabulous!! Loved the shorter hairstyle as you turned 60. I have noticed that longer hair tends to drag the face down a little – gravity is doing that quite on it’s own without add to the optical illusion!! I turned 60 in November 2014, so I am celebrating how wonderful it is to see those of our generation, especially, looking so great – vital, healthy, well groomed and elegant. I think many of younger generations could take many leaves out of our books! I often get compliments from women much younger than me, about how good I present myself, even though I am more than 30 kilos overweight. Fortunately I am around 5 foot 8 inches tall – but I am not able to wear high heels anymore, due to feet problems. Heels certainly make a difference to a longer and therefore leaner look.
    Thank you for your time and effort in all of your pins etc. It is most inspiring and uplifting.
    Kindest regards, Jan Harwood, Visage Personal Image Consultants, Myalup, Western Australia.

  38. Again, you have a nice outfit, as we have come to enjoy on your blog. You are always stylish, tasteful, and current. I enjoy this in your blog. But I do not understand the title of this article. Your outfit looks fine and I would consider it a privilege to be dressed as you are, but none of it would be described as “girly”. What am I missing?

    1. When I say “girly,” I mean dressing in a very feminine way. Heels, soft flowing top, white pants, classic chain bag, jewelry, makeup… I am embracing all of it here.

  39. Love this top! Just not sure what size to order. My bust size is 36 D would you recommend a size medium? Thanks Robin

  40. I really love your blog. Even though you are very slim, you mostly show outfits that someone who is heavier can wear.
    I’m not sure how to navigate this blog. Is there an index to look for certain topics? I don’t have time to page through hundreds of posts to find the ones I’m looking for.

  41. I enjoy your blogs so much. I think alot of us would appreciate repeat lessons on many of the basics of your style and fashion wisdom. One example is picking ones basic colours upon which to select for ones colors. I am having a terrible time with this….so far I dont want orange, yellow or brown…I ilke all the others esp blue as my favorite followed by burgandy and grey…help…I feel I am not alone

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.