A Garden Tour

A hobby that gives you pleasure and allows you to create something beautiful to share with others brings abundant joy. My friend Jo hybridizes daylilies. She enjoys sharing the garden and her passion with others but doesn’t sell the plants. I was fascinated with the process and her amazing results.

With my sweet friend Jo after touring her fabulous gardens. My gardening clogs are here. The cotton dress is about three years old. A current similar summer dress is here.

All of the plants in Jo’s care are beautiful and healthy. She also grows other plants, including coleus (from seeds), hibiscus, and tree lilies.

Thank you, Jo, for allowing me to photograph your backyard paradise to share with my friends worldwide.

Learn more about the American Daylily Society here.

Orchids are among my favorites. I’ve been caring for this one for about ten years. Four limbs grew from the main bloom stalk this year, with abundant blossoms and buds on each.

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  1. Those flowers are amazing. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing your friend’s garden. These pictures made my morning.

  2. I agree with Sue! What a wonderful way to start the day, the beauty in each flower is such a gift!
    Lifts our spirits! Thank you for sharing Susan

  3. Such beautiful flowers! Lilies are my favorites. I like her idea of placing colorful pots of colorful plants around the tree. Your orchid is impressive. What’s the secret to getting it to bloom? For the last two years my orchid has had healthy leaves but no blooms. I keep hoping that one of these days it will surprise me!

    1. I keep the orchid in the sunroom, so it gets lots of natural light. They get sunburned in direct sunlight, but if they don’t get enough light, they won’t bloom.

  4. What a clever lady. I’m very envious of people who have such expertise and knowledge. I have skyscraper lilies in my garden on the south coast of England, just coming into flower. They’re about 8-9 feet tall. Jo’s garden looks glorious.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Thank you for the tour. I used to have an orchid that I kept in my sunroom. It did really well there. They are so pretty!

  6. It looks like your orchid has adapted to your new home nicely! When we lived in Ohio, there was a place near Burton that hybridized, sold and grew LOTS of daylilies of all colors of the rainbow — was a fascinating place — I still have a few, but my yard is only 1 acre – so can’t have each and every one that I wish I could have! Love all the blended colors they produce. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wonderful post today, thank you. Your friend is kind to share her beautiful flowers with your readers..

  8. The daylilies are just beautiful. Mine are just starting to bloom up here on the north coast (NE Ohio). I just love flowers and gardens! Your orchids are beautiful too. Thanks to you and your friend for sharing. I always look forward to your blog.

  9. So nice of you and your friend to share the flowers. I enjoy seeing daylilies in different colors instead of the common solid yellow ones. The colors I like are hard to find. Thank you.

  10. As a fellow gardener, I enjoy seeing the photos of beautiful day lilies and orchids. Gardening is a wonderful hobby with many benefits, both physical and mental.

  11. Thanks to Jo for sharing her gorgeous gardens. Your white orchids are so pretty. Flowers are beautiful to see and smell too!

  12. Your friend Jo has a beautiful gift and is a master gardener. Her flowers are not only beautiful but healthy looking too. One can see that great love and attention are given to her plants! What a blessing. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Your friends’ flowers are gorgeous! As is your orchid!! Thank you for sharing this beauty!!
    I loved the dress from last post and am going to order it!!

  14. Thank your friend, Jo for sharing her gorgeous flowers. I have moved and my yard needs some TLC. The lilies would be a wonderful addition in the sunny areas. I’ll have to look into the many colorful varieties.

  15. Your orchid is stunning! You must have found its happy place. Thank your friend, Jo for sharing her gorgeous flowers. I have moved and my new yard needs some TLC. The lilies would be a wonderful addition in the sunny areas. I’ll have to look into the many colorful varieties as I start planning my gardens.

  16. Dear Susan,

    Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pictures of your friend’s flowers. I think they are breathtakingly beautiful. I’m impressed you’ve nurtured your orchid for ten years. It’s beautiful as well.

    Thank you also for your posts and advice. It’s so helpful to me. I hope you are feeling fit and well again.


    Pat Perkins

  17. Oh my, these are lovely! I’ve always been partial to orchids and yours is gorgeous. Can you give me some tips for repotting them? I’ve had 2 for a couple of years now and I’m at a loss as to what to do.

  18. Oh my goodness!!! Those hybrid lilies are FABULOUS! Some look like a hybrid of pansies and lilies! The colors and patterns are amazing! Your orchid is wonderful, too! Thanks for sharing this floral beauty.

  19. They’re all gorgeous but if I had to pick one favorite, it would be the 2nd one pictured with pinkish petals, white ruffled edges and a yellow center. So lovely!

  20. Thank you for sharing your happy time with your friend. I love growing ferns here in NZ. The high rainfall keeps them beautiful.

  21. Loved this post. Jo snd Greg are the best! She used to pick up my Mercedes in Newland and Boone for service. Thanks for showing us her beautiful plants.

  22. What kind of pot did you plant your orchid in and do you have in bark Susan?

    How do you water it and how often?

  23. Beautiful! How do you keep your orchid alive and blooming? I just received one this year as a housewarming. The blooms are beginning to drop. Not sure what to do next.

  24. The orchid is beautiful! My daughter gave me one and I’m struggling to keep it alive. Any pointers?
    I received it on Mother’s day and now the blooms have fallen and one leaf has a bit of yellow on it. I can’t seem to get the light or watering right I guess. I also wondered if the air conditioning was bothering it, although it is not under an air vent.
    I always enjoy your posts Susan –
    Best Regards,

  25. Susan, I’d like to share a wonderful TV series for flower lovers that is currently airing. It’s called J. Schwanke’s Life in Bloom on PBS. He is a florist and teaches many techniques for floral arrangements, visits growers, has guest experts, cooks with flowers and makes cocktails featuring flowers. If anyone has PBS Passport, you can stream all 5 seasons. I have learned a great deal from his show!

  26. Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers. I think a garden is a happy place. Also your orchid is doing beautifully.

  27. Hi, the flowers are lovely. They can bring such joy to one’s life. For me they bring back memories of my parents
    They used to grow Orchids and they were beautiful. Thanks to you and your friend for sharing those photos.
    karen ziegler

  28. Beautiful! Your friend’s garden is impressive – I am always amazed at the talent for making things not just grow, but flourish. You seem to have ‘the touch’ too Susan! Your orchid is lovely.

  29. A treat to view your friend’s ‘offspring’. They’re each so very lovely. Enlivened my cold winter morning in Oz. Thank you for sharing.

  30. Thanks so much for sharing your friend’s yard and your Orchids. One of my hobbies is my orchids. They are so beautiful!

  31. Your friend Jo’s daylilies are exquisite. I just love the colour combinations, the frilly petals…..in fact, everything about them. It was a special treat to see them in your post. Thank you both for sharing!

  32. Such lovely flowers; your friend really has a special gift and how wonderful it was to share it with us. I hope she has a variety called Miss Susan!

  33. Lovely flowers. You should do tours of peoples gardens with lovely landscape, pot, ponds, water features, and furniture.

  34. Susan, do you cut back your orchid when it stops blooming? If so, can you tell me where you cut it.

    I look forward to your reply.

    1. If there is no chance of a rebloom from the same shoot (it has happened from a still green one) I cut it off about an inch from the base. It needs some room to die off without affecting the main plant.

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