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The Best Advice

We attended a Wine Library Club “Open That Bottle” event. I wore my black and white tank top with a matching jacket by IC Collection again. I bought the set from I paired the pieces with black slim-fitting pants from Chico’s last year. The shoes are from Dillard’s last year, and they are by BCBGeneration.

As part of the Babyboomer generation, I remember whole families being entertained for hours each night as they watched television together. TV time for my sister and me was always tightly controlled and limited by our parents, so I did not grow up watching a lot of it. However, I could not escape the fact that advertising on TV, in magazines, and even on billboards programmed us to believe that we needed to “Wash That Gray Right Outta My Hair,” use a variety of creams and potions along with way too much makeup to try to look more youthful. We were always encouraged to wear the latest styles even when they were not the right choice for our shapes. Women were bombarded with messages that they needed to be fixed. The power of suggestion includes choices of food. Who remembers the Big Mac Attack? Do you know why Americans consider eggs and bacon breakfast foods? An advertising campaign in the 1920s to boost the sales of pork brought about a change in choices. Before that time, we ate fruit, grains, maybe a piece of bread with jam, and possibly had a cup of coffee for breakfast.

Even as a toddler, I did not accept dictates well. I was always the little girl who said, “I want to do it myself.” I did not have a best friend or clique of friends; in fact, I was always a bit of a loner. Fitting in and following the tribe was never my goal. My tendency to question everything and then do it “My Way” has continued into adulthood. If I ever accepted any guidance without question, it was, “Be your own person. Don’t let others influence you to do something you know isn’t right.” My Father imparted that wisdom to me over and over again as I was growing up.

My family’s photo above was snapped three years ago as we marked my parent’s sixtieth wedding anniversary. As we celebrate Father’s Day here in America, I want to say thank you to my beloved Father for never being less than an excellent example and always encouraging me to take the high road.

  1. What a lovely family photo. BTW you spelled “loner” wrong. Sorry, I’m one of those people who proof read everything. 🙂

  2. What a lovely tribute to your dad. I love your blog, and look forward to reading it every day. You have such a wonderful sense of self. Best to you and Mr. Mickey.

  3. Your dad gave you very good, sound advice and it has made you who you are today. Love the picture of the four of you. Enjoy your weekend and Happy Father’s Day to Mr Mickey!

  4. Oh my God! When you describe your way of thinking when younger, I can relate to it as I always felt the same. And how you thank your father for the teachings he offered you, I also feel the same.

  5. Susan, you should rethink not wearing a dress! You look terrific in that lovely red dress.
    You have a wonderful family and are so fortunate to have them.

  6. You look outstanding and thanks for sharing your family with.I have always believed a person should always follow thete own hearts.

  7. You spelt loner correctly. That red dress looksize great on you. It is the perfect length the make your legs look longer.

  8. Like many others, I loved today’s post. I also had a wonderful, devoted father who, along with my mother, taught me to work hard, listen to my conscience, and be my own person. I adored my father and think of him everyday. I agree with the others who now wonder why you don’t wear more dresses. You have a great figure and gorgeous legs.

  9. I couldn’t help but notice your father’s shiny shoes. My father wears dress shoes, mostly. His shoes are always shiny. His shirts are clean and pressed (by him). He abhors the modern habit of men wearing hats indoors, and does not hesitate to tell my son to remove his ballcap. He shaves every day, no excuses. And he approves of the young barber who tells my son that a gentleman always keeps his hair well-trimmed out of respect for others. Being a gentleman is where it starts, and the other life lessons flow from there.

    I learned different lessons from my father, but now it’s my turn to watch him teach my son about becoming a man of character, a gentleman.

    Much love to all the fathers and grandfathers who guide us and our children along life’s journey. It’s the big things and small things that make us who we are.

  10. Susan, thanks for sharing about the wisdom your father imparted to you. It made me think of my own father (now deceased) who gave me similar advice. Your sense of acceptance of who you are and the confidence you have in yourself shows in your countenance and choices. Thank you for not only your fashion advice but for showing all of us no matter what age we are, that our true self is what people really see when they look at us. Your beauty comes from the inside out!
    P.S. love that red dress on you! Very flattering.

  11. Love this tribute to your dad! You’re beautiful inside and out and I admire your clear thinking and independentce.

  12. Well said,Susan. Thanks for the wonderful reminder to be true to ourselves and a terrific tribute to your father.

  13. All you ladies look absolutely lovely, but you especially with that lovely straw hat and your burnt orange dress. I may have the color wrong, but it is a color you wear well.

  14. Lovely outfit~ Lovely woman~ Lovely ideals
    Thank you for drawing our attention to asking important questions; like the WHY we may be trying so hard to look a certain way, act, eat, and even play a certain way. What has been/is our motivation? Marketing ploys greatly influence our lives, many times, with us blindly following along, never questioning the overall effect of our actions.

    I’m also thankful for my Dad who had high expectations of himself and his family, and always encouraged me to put feet to my faith.

    The red dress is one of the prettiest, most feminine outfits that you have shared. Beautiful!

  15. Dear Susan, what a wonderful tribute to your parents. I was raised to be independent as well. I have a wonderful husband and two grown children that I tried to instill that same confidence into. We all do our best in life as women, friends, daughters, and parents. I love your attitude of building each other up versus tearing down. Have a joyful weekend. Amy

  16. What a nice tribute to your family Susan. You come across as a very strong person on your blog, which I admire.
    Also, I want to mention that red dress. It looks terrific on you! I can see beauty runs in the family. Your sister looks great.
    Have a fun weekend

  17. High Roads are less traveled as you well know. Thank you for the blog and confirmation of each of the ladies that follow you.

    Your Father must be so proud of you and the wonderful tribute.


  18. Well, I have seen you wear that beautiful black and white twin set several times in your posts and just could not stand it any longer. I ordered it from My Fair Lady. I LOVE it. It is so my style, don’t know why it took so long for me to pull the trigger.
    Your style always inspires me, sometimes to try new things.
    It is wonderful to see how you keep challenging yourself to change and grow, but still remain true to your self.
    I am in that same”60s” age group and find myself needing to update and change and tweek my style just to feel more like the latest version of me.
    Your posts always confirm my own changes are natural.
    Thanks for a great blog to enjoy on a regular basis. I love your travel posts too.

  19. Susan, You continue to be an inspiration and I admire your outlook on life. Thank you for your approach to aging, much like mine, with grace, dignity, a sense of style, for which I am grateful to you for Your wonderful advice, and a huge dose of humor! God bless you.

  20. I recently read with interest your tips on makeup. You have a wonderful complexion. May I ask what you use for a cleanser and moisturizer?

    1. In the winter I use coconut oil or apricot oil to relieve dry skin. In summer, I cleanse my face with Thayer’s Witch Hazel several times a day and I try to never touch my face with my hands which introduces all sorts of bacteria to your skin. Cleanse with the purest soap or lotion you can find. (I love Bend Soap made with goats milk.) I stopped wearing foundation and I never did wear concealer. What I eat plays a major role in having healthy looking skin. Drink lots of water and eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

  21. You have values much the same as I do. The attitude of being a loner and doing things my way as well as tweaking fashion to suit my style is my personality as well even though I am older than you are but still going strong!

    Mary Ann Rand

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.