If you live near Johnson City, TN, and would like to shop this private sale, please keep reading to learn more. Since my neighborhood does not allow estate or tag sales, I will set personal appointments for anyone interested.

Available items include a circa 1940 dining room table, two chairs with arms and four without, extender leaves, custom-made protective pads, and two sets of linens. The seating has the original brocade fabric, so it isn’t pristine.

A comfortable sofa.

Black coffee table, candle sconces, and many other decor items.

Rugs and occasional tables. Decorative objects, glassware, and books.

A like-new chest of drawers.

Faux woven leather bar stools.

Antique accent chairs.

Numerous framed prints, mirrors, and wall sconces.

you have a lovely house with your antiques
my sister and her partner (just passed away) after 30 years
they had similar lifestyle like you and Mr Mickey
they had more classic style decor
my sister wants to update her place with more modern look
our lives can be short but everyday is a gift
I hope you will find a new home and new life
I have a question will you be still having your website SusanAfter60
Since I am most comfortable in the classic personal and traditional decorating style, it will always be my preference. When I get settled and complete all the moving, I will continue to blog.
Best wishes as you move forward. I wish I lived closer because I’d love to own the chest of drawers. It’s beautiful!
Oh how I wish I lived closer! Unfortunately we are not even in the same country….LOL You have some gorgeous pieces. The white and blue decorative items have my name of it. Good luck with the sale. I’m sure you will do very well.
So many beautiful things and if I lived closer, some of it would come home with me! I am impressed at how organized you are with this downsizing. Best wishes for this next step in your life!
Susan you have a beautiful home and beautiful furnishings! I’m in the process of cleaning out and getting rid of things. You give me inspiration! I discovered your blog about 3 years ago and have learned a lot from you and used lots of your helpful tips. I have enjoyed reading about your adventures with Mr. Mickey and looking at all the beautiful photos you shared. I wish you lots of luck in all your future plans!
Best wishes to you. We just downsized for our move across country and still have too much. Loved the way you are doing this. Just sell everything. I would purchase the chest if drawers in a heartbeat. Looking forward to your next blog.
Oh Susan how can you bear to sell all your beautiful things.You have classic lovely taste, it must be hard for you,I admire your determination.I am 80 and still have too many thigs.Trying to pass onto family but they dont seem interested and here in New Zealand prices are low for secondhand furniture.All the best for the future.
I have been planning my downsizing for at least a year. Of course, I will keep my favorite pieces for any future home, but I am ready to let some things go.
Hi Susan, I think you have great taste with your dressing style and your home furnishings. Oh, not to leave out your eating places and preferences as well as Mr. Mickey! You mentioned you were renting a room in Mr. Mickey’s place. Does it means you will be sharing the same house? If so, I think it’s great. Life is so short. I am 78 yrs old and after my husband passed away I found this wonderful guy. We are sharing our lives and enjoying every day. I sure hope you and Mr. Mike will be doing the same…
I will be staying with Mr. Mickey so that we can take care of and entertain each other. Thank you for the kind comment. I’m glad you found a gentleman with whom to enjoy life.
Good luck to you in your next adventure!
Any hints on where you will be moving? I know a couple of years ago you were considering Florida. Is that still the case?
For now, I will live in the area to care for my parents.
I’ve have been trying to sell things, and traditional or antiques are at a big loss . It seems that most people in the market, are updating more modern. A consignment shop near me says they can’t sell dark furniture. However, I am amazed at the price of new furnishings. You are smart to sell it on your own if possible. I wish you the best.
I am tempted to come and get that chest of drawers…Beautiful and useful…Best wishes to you in your new endeavor…
Hi Susan, I wish you luck with selling the things you do not need in your new place. Hope all of that goes well and that it is not stressful for you. I look forward to hearing all about the sales and your search for the perfect downsized home.
Patty V
The next move won’t be for a few years since I will remain in the area as my sister and I care for our parents.
Hope you sell it all! These are lovely pieces. Best wishes in your continued relocation.
Hi Susan.
Moving is such a big job! We are not quite ready for a down size yet but I am wanting start going through some things to scale down inside my home. It gets a bit overwhelming!! Any suggestions on where to start and how to separate from years of stuff? How and where do you begin?
Thanks, Connie
I started editing things about a year ago. Take one small project at a time. Try to break it up into small sections such as one drawer or box per day.
I am a little (?) late with this, but a couple of years after my husband passed I was trying to find a way to downsize our “collections”. I found a website called Becoming Minimalist. They had a course thst I took and it really is helpful when trying to decide what to keep and what to give away or donate. Your posts are not only informative but inspiring and I wish you all the best in your future. And I am loving the Beauty Counter line. So glad I took the steps to try it.
I am so sad that you are leaving your beautiful home. I wish you luck in your new endeavors. I hope that you will continue communicating with us.
Nancy Miller
How do you keep your wood pieces looking so nice? Furniture polish, oil, wax? All looks so clean and without scratches. thank you for all your posts. I enjoy following you. take care.
I use a bee’s wax polish from the furniture store.
If you are on Facebook, you might try posting your items on their Marketplace. Friends have had great luck using Marketplace.
Best wishes on your move.
Susan, I applaud you getting through these very tough decisions.
Adjusting to living in a rental (with restrictions for what you can do with it) and being subjected to being kicked out when the owner decides to sell and/or getting hit with high rent increases year after year is a bit daunting and might hamper your ability to feel safe and happy. (Speaking from experience).
But, no doubt you’ve considered that. We each have our own reasons for doing what we do.
I want to travel, too, but I also want someplace I can come home to that’s mine. I’m working on that.
(My experience that may not be yours.) It’s all about being flexible & open to change … and letting go of the past, isn’t it? You certainly did that with revamping your health & good looks and, I’m sure you’ll figure out next steps going forward.
My very best wishes to you.
Susan, best wishes in your move – your home and gardens are very lovely. Wondering what you use to clean your hard wood floors? Enjoy the upcoming weekend, we are celebrating May 24 Queen Victoria’s birthday here in Canada.
Thank you. I use Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner.
Where are you moving to and how big is it? I applaude you for taking on this project!
Mr. Mickey has been so kind to rent his spare bedroom and bath to me. For now I need to stay here in the area to help my sister care for our parents.
Susan, I hope you are making progress on selling your home furnishings. I live in California so obviously cannot bid on any of your beautiful things. I really do admire your artwork and accessories though! Just wanted to wish you well and hope you are getting settled in at Mr. Mickey’s.
Sending my best to you! Jodi S
Thank you, Jodi. I have sold a lot of the furniture and decor items. Things are moving along quickly, and I’m pleased. It will be nice to return to a routine.
Beautiful furnishings. All the best to you.
Have you sold the computer desk and file cabinet? Have you sold the 3 architectural framed art works? If not how much are you asking?
Yes, everything has sold, and the house is empty now.