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Dinner in Abingdon

Abingdon, VA, is only an hour from Johnson City, and it is a lovely drive through the countryside if you take the Old Jonesboro Road. However, we avoid interstate driving when there is another option.

On this sunny but windy Friday evening, our destination was Foresta for another long-awaited delicious meal. Since we arrived a few minutes before our reservation, we parked in front of St. Thomas Episcopal Church to attempt outfit photos. Unfortunately, wind and photography rarely mix well.

Jeans Here (I’m wearing a size 27) Similar Top Here (I wear a size medium.)

I’ve shown you all these items before, and the tee is sold out now. But perhaps sharing how I style the same things on repeat will be helpful to you to create different looks using what you have.

The bag is here. A similar chunky silver bracelet is here. Use the code SAS10 for $10 off any one item at Beauty in Stone Jewelry.
Platform sandals here. Pedicure by Whitney at RUMORS SALON in Johnson City, TN.

My internal dialog was… “Stand in this spot, find the light, and hold your head just so, shoulders back, hold in tummy, point toe. Please take the photo quickly before the wind whips my hair back over my face.”

The ever-changing art installation at Foresta is a bonus to the dining experience.

Legendary garlic bread with herbed butter.
Shrimp over fettuccini and spring vegetables.
Seared scallops over fettuccini and spring vegetables.
Zinfandel port.
Choclate flourless tort.
Pistachio layer cake. (SO good!)

I hope you enjoyed coming along on our date night. As always, the links on this site may allow me to earn a small commission without cost to you.

  1. What a good sale on the Kenny Croc purse, a great clearance price and that spring green will brighten my neutrals!!! I almost missed that!

  2. Thank you for taking me back to Abingdon! We used to live there. What a nice town. I’m really missing it right now because we now have a lot of snow on the ground. Spring is probably coming there soon.
    Also really like your hair longer and am trying to grow mine right now but I’m at a point I want to cut it! I’m going to go back and look at some pictures of what you did with your hair when you were growing yours out.

    1. The temperatures were in the low eighties yesterday, but it is much cooler today. While letting my hair grow out, I trimmed the ends straight across the back about every four weeks to avoid looking unkempt.

  3. Could you tell me what colour varnish/polish was used for your pedicure.(sorry I’m british and I’m not sure what you call nail varnish we use both terms). Thank you Karen

  4. I like all your tips for the right stance for your stunning photographs. However, could you please explain the reasoning for the pointed toe? I don’t take that stance and maybe I should.
    The dinner looks decadent!

    1. When I point one toe and stand with the other foot facing the other way, it elongates the leg and lets you see the angles of the shoes at a glance. (When I do it correctly, that is.)

  5. Would a small red handbag work with the black/white combo, or is that too much? Getting my Easter outfit ready.

  6. Susan, I thoroughly enjoy your posts because I try to emulate your style. However, I wish you would not post the size you are wearing. It is irrelevant to your readers and may even irritate some readers to compare their larger sizes with yours. I find it rather arrogant and braggadocious. I stopped following you for awhile because I didn’t like reading about your perfect life all the time. It still rankles me. But I like the way you dress so I came back. And before you tell me your life is not perfect and you’re caring for aging relatives, I’ve done more than my share of that. But most people I know do not get to go out to beautiful, out of the way inns with a handsome man in a Mercedes on a regular basis. Yes, I’m happy for you but it makes my life seem rather dull and lacking.

  7. Susan, you’ve served your country(many thanks), had your own trials and set backs, and worked very hard to get where you are! I know at least 99% of your readers cheer for you and the information you work so hard to help us look our best. We so enjoy seeing and learning about your travel sites and delicious food!! No, not everyone can do what you do, but I know you haven’t lived a frivolous life and you deserve your happiness!! In this day and world, we need to lift each other up and be each others best support!! When I’ve talked to you on the phone or asked a question, you’ve been very gracious in your answers. Thank you for all you share…we appreciate you!!

  8. I am sorry there are people out there who feel they have to share their negative thoughts with everyone. As a matter of fact, when I read your most recent post, I was wondering what size the jeans you were wearing because we are built similarly and I wanted to order the jeans. So thank you for including all pertinent info in your posts.

  9. Just imagine how different the world could be if we all spoke with respect and kindness.
    Susan never shows anything but respect and kindness to her viewers.

  10. Thank you so much for this post Susan. I love the way you have the photos taken and then explain why you put different elements together. You have given me some great ideas over the years I have been following you. (eg colours but also proportions) And I love seeing the places you and Mr Mickey go and the food and also when you sometimes get to introduce the restaurateurs. Love your blog. Don’t ever stop!

    1. I often think I’ve shared everything that could be helpful, that we don’t do anything new these days, and perhaps it is time for me to stop blogging, so thank you for your comment.

  11. What a kind generous response.

    I am grateful for all you do to help us look polished and to encourage us to live our best life. It may be different than yours. However, we are all called to be the best we can be. Cheers to you and Mr. Mickey.

  12. Loved your internal dialogue! I laughed out loud as I could see myself thinking the same thing! Loved the owl artwork too!

  13. Thank you, Susan, for including the size you’re wearing in your posts. I note that many online shopping sites now mention the size their models are wearing and I find this most useful for estimating my required size.
    White pants with a black or navy top is one of my favourite combos and as usual, you look lovely for your date night.
    I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts and check every morning, after completing my Wordle puzzle, to see if there is a new one. Insight into the countryside and towns around where you live is fascinating to someone who lives on the other side of the world. This information, plus sharing your clothing purchases, styling tips and date night meals makes for very interesting reading. Thank you Susan!

  14. Maybe what you share subliminally is more important than what you say about what you are wearing or eating. We need people like you in this world.

  15. I love your blog, and I know how hurtful Pat’s comments must be. I realize the point of sharing your size–so that we can determine what size might best fit us. And your column is always so positive and uplifting! If you discussed Mr. Mickey’s age-related infirmities, and your bunions more, perhaps that would be realistic but totally dreary! Again, your blog is so aspirational and helpful to me, and I wouldn’t want you to change! Keep up the good work, ma’am.

  16. Susan, thank you for your great blog! Sadly, I lost my Mr. Mickey last fall when his heart failed. I can enjoy reading about your outings and can remember the wonderful times we had for over ten years. Please know that you are appreciated, and I love your style.

  17. Your blog is awesome! I love your clothing tips, the styling tips , and the day-trip tips. Please ignore negative Pat’s comments. 99.9% of your readers enjoy your blog.

  18. You look great. I really like your hair that length. Even in the wind you look good! I could put together an outfit just like that, minus the shoes! Just can’t wear heels.

  19. Please don’t stop blogging! I look forward to your posts and try to incorporate your ideas. Even though I wear a larger size, your posts inspire me to eat healthier and lose the excess pounds I’ve packed on since covid.

  20. Thank you so much for answering my question about the colour on your toes. I have to admit I enjoy reading your posts about your adventures with Mr Mickey it’s just lovely to see the joy you get from spending time with him

  21. When you mentioned staying off the interstate when there were other options, it made me think of the road trips my late husband & I would take. We did the same thing. We loved taking the “backroads “ to see the scenery. You see so much more this way. That pistachio layer cake looked awesome!! I think your part of the country has some wonderful sights to see. Your black & white combo looks very elegant. Btw, it looks like you have lost some more weight. Not that you need to. You look good.

  22. I love your blog and all your insights about dressing, food, and more! I also enjoy seeing how you reimagine things in your wardrobe, and that gives many of us inspiration to look at our wardrobes with a different eye and try new combinations. I enjoy your thoughts about healthy eating, as I am transitioning currently to a more plant based diet and noticing how much better I feel!!! Please don’t stop blogging–just because there’s a negative Nellie, it doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t enjoy and benefit from hearing about not only what you wear but also your thoughts on so many things and your adventures with Mr. Mickey

  23. Love, love, love your blog! We have gone to some of the same cities, hotels, and restaurants after reading your reviews. I appreciate that you always look pulled together and pretty, without having to follow the latest trend that don’t work for your lifestyle or body shape. Thanks again for sharing useful info with us!

  24. Greetings Susan from Vancouver BC
    It’s so disheartening to read negative comments that are posted. Although I am tiny (5’3-1/2 & 96 lbs), when you post sizing it still gives me a good idea when I order. Also I have the same skin/complexion colour as you, and similar age. Please keep up with your blogging and know that the majority of your readers feel positive towards your effort. Thank you.

  25. I so enjoy your blog posts, especially your dates with Mr. Mickey. Please keep writing and we will keep reading and learning. While I am not a slim as you nor have the budget to dress as you do, I still can recreate an outfit from your inspiration with what I have at hand. This is not junior high where the mean girls are jealous. Just sayin’. I have the greatest admiration for you assisting your parents to stay in their home instead of dumping them in a facility.

  26. Always an inspiration! I so admire you and your blog and everything you share. I look forward to seeing your email. I love your positive attitude. Thoughtful and stylish in every way possible.

  27. Please don’t stop blogging because of one unhappy person. You have inspired so many of us over the years with your styling, skincare/makeup, healthy eating tips and most importantly, ability to simplify things while creating balance and joy! You were such a huge help while trying to figure things out after my retirement!

  28. It is absolutely NOT time for you to stop blogging. Get that notion right out of your head! Every day there are new people who stumble on your blog who are amazed and uplifted and informed and encouraged, just like your long time readers like me.

  29. Braggadocious ! Arrogant ! These are strong spiteful words and I have followed your Blog Susan since almost the beginning. and I have never ever thought of you as boastful or arrogant. Like so many of your followers I adore hearing about your trips out with Mr Mickey and photos of delicious meals.
    This is a stressful time for you caring for ageing parents , I too have gone through that part of life’s journey watching our beloved Mum and Dad weaken and age before out eyes. Your parents are lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and your sister as well to be there for them like they were there for us in our needy times of love and support. Stay strong Susan, but if on days you have a good cry that’s our natural human emotion of releasing stress. You and Mr Mickey are good for each other and I can just imagine him putting his arm around you and comforting you if the tears flow.You know I always tease about whether Mr Mickeys shoes or his fab car are the shiniest.
    Long may you both continue to shine in our lives.
    Love and support from me,
    Pamela from Wales UK xx

  30. Clearly, someone is having a bad day. Please don’t let rude comments discourage you. I would be very disappointed if you stopped blogging. Your response was so gracious. I truly look forward to the “adventures” of you and Mr. Mickey, the delicious food and scenery pics, the what and why you wear certain items and giving us something to think about when you mention things like quick go to items for those emergencies that might pop up, as well as hearing about how your family is doing. etc. In general, this blog is made up of like minded folks who are on a similar journey in life and enjoy asking and sharing information regardless of their financial status or size. It’s why we signed on. You have created a wonderful community here and I do hope you continue. All the best to you both.

  31. As a fat broad, it bothers me not one whit what size you wear and it doesn’t bother me that you mention it. I happily take what I can use from your recommendations and leave the rest.

    I hope that the person who made that nasty post finds her happiness – it sounds like she needs some.

  32. Oh my! how ugly the face of jealousy is! Susan, don’t let someone with this insane amount of jealousy steal our (your loyal readers) ray of sunshine! Haters always going to hate. So, stand tall girlfriend, hold your shoulders back, hold in your tummy, point that toe and let your beautiful hair blow in the wind. You and Mr. Mickey are exciting, lovely and so refreshing!!! Don’t forget it! Thank you for all your hard work you put into this blogsite for all us boomers. Keep on blogging and wearing those platforms!

  33. Hi Susan,
    I love your blog. I found you some years ago and look forward to every post you do.
    You have helped me find a bit of peace when life got complicated with caregiving and other difficult situations. I think of your blog as a friendly place with wonderful advice and observations.
    It’s like a visit with a friend – always fun and refreshing
    I admire you so! Thanks for all you do!

  34. I have only commented a few times, but I want you to know I always get so much out of your blog posts. I think of you as my ‘chic friend’ helping me navigate this stage of life. Susan, I’m paying more attention to my nutrition, skincare and pulling together outfits in new ways. I told my husband last week that it’s a fact I’m turning 65 and I want to be my best 65-year old self that I can be! Thank you Susan for sharing your kindness, ideas and adventures with us.

  35. Really enjoy your posts ….. I love all the tips you share and I love you sharing your life . I look forward to reading about your latest adventure or lunch /dinner dates with Mr. Mickey and the beautiful pictures you share of the places you visit. Please don’t stop!!!!❤️

  36. Thank you for taking the time to write the blog. I love everything you post.
    Please don’t let the negative out weigh the positive!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  37. Please don’t stop blogging !!
    You and I have very different lives , I live in cold, rainy England in the back of beyond ( in fact, go to the back of beyond then keep going!) but I love reading about your adventures and seeing photos of your world. And I’m just in the process of changing my wardrobe following your advice so don’t desert me now.

  38. Greetings from the UK – and many thanks for your inspirational blog! I’ve lost 30 lb since reading your excellent advice, so thank you, and please keep going – my heart lifts when I see your post in my inbox.

    I love your style – always elegant and age-appropriate, never frumpy. Today’s post is another triumph; I like the classic, understated simplicity of your clothes contrasted with stand-out accessories: a lovely bag and delicate but eye-catching earrings, perfectly balanced additions that lift the whole outfit above the ordinary. Another valuable lesson!

  39. Stunningly beautiful woman and great ideas for classy outfits and outings! Please always include size because yes that’s how we gauge what would work for us. Please post more pictures of your adventures, daily life, work outs, meals etc! You’re inspirational and classy! And so is Mr.Mickey with his fun personality. Thanks to you I updated my wardrobe 3 years ago, and regularly check here for ideas. Keep blogging, enjoying your life, and sharing. And yes be proud of the health, size or even dang car you’re driving. You worked for it.

  40. I really look forward to all your posts – please don’t stop! I particularly enjoy the ones where you show how to wear the same basic garments different ways, and how to update older items to give them a new twist. Another favorite kind are your “how not to wear” posts, where you explain why some looks just did not work well for you. Your illustrations and explanations are so clear and helpful, and every time you post one of these, I learn something new. So please don’t ever feel that there is nothing more for you to say!
    Incidentally, I would be very happy to see remakes of some of your older posts – basically covering the same fashion concepts, but using more current fashions as illustrations. I know I should be able to take these basic concepts and adapt them to the new fashion trends, but I tend to be rather literal and unimaginative, so it really helps to see it done by someone with better artistic vision and flair.

  41. Even in the wind you look delightful. Love the nail polish – fun colour.
    As always, you do inspire.
    Thank you

  42. Susan,
    I’ve followed you for years, and I always look forward to your posts. I love that you post the sizes of things you’re wearing, because your doing so helps me to figure out what sizes I need to look for when I’m shopping. I also love following along on your adventures with Mr. Mickey! His dapper dressing inspires me regarding gifts to get for my ex, whom I see regularly and with whom I’m good friends. I’ve never had the impression that you present yourself as having a perfect life. Many times when I’ve read what you’re dealing with (e.g., downsizing/helping out with aging parents), I find myself empathizing and it helps me to keep my perspective in dealing with things in my own life. Please keep on posting. You’re always an inspiration!

  43. Lovely, as usual! The sandals are something I need to look into!
    Also, how is the Martha Jefferson now? We used to stay, dine and attend The Barter.
    We live north (about 3-4 hours) would love to spend a weekend in the area, maybe go to a winery!
    Suggestions please.

  44. Dear Susan, I have followed you from your very first blog. I can’t tell you what a difference you have made in my life, You have given me such confidence in my clothing choices. I found my style through following you and I have saved a fortune and never had so many compliments. I look forward to every post, I never tire of learning from you and at a time when my husband is unwell it is lovely to have your adventures to follow. You are beautiful, gracious and kind, I cannot think of a better role model.
    Never think that you should stop blogging unless of course you want to, you inspire and give a great deal of pleasure to many, many others like myself.
    With a big hug from Australia

  45. I just read about Nicewonder Farm and Vineyard in the April 2023 issue of Southern Living. It was chosen as Virginia’s best hotel, and I thought it must be somewhere in your neck of the woods. As always, I loved this post! Your graciousness and positivity shine through each post, no matter the subject matter. You are a wonderful role model for living one’s best life. Thank you so much for continuing to inspire your readers to make the most of what they’ve got with the resources and folks at hand.

  46. What a great life lesson; respond to negativity with brief kindness. I never understand the reason for mean and hateful responses, especially to a lovely post showing a sweet outfit, happiness and a dinner out. You live your best life and have had some tough breaks, just like the rest of us. I love your posts and outfits and appreciate this blog.

  47. Susan, please continue to blog. Your blog is a breath of fresh air. You have been transparent about all the ups and the downs of your life. You have shared your struggles as well as your joys. It is inspiring to read. You empower women by your example. Folks of any income can take your helpful tips and purchase clothes at different price points to put an outfit together. Your tips have helped me spend more wisely, especially your posts on neutrals and basics that create multiple outfits by changing or adding one item.

  48. I love these pics of you. I really like black and white and wear it a lot. I have to ask… I believe you’re around my height 5’7” and I see you wear really high heels which I love. I never go over 2” since I feel like I tower over everyone. I think it stems from childhood and being one of the tallest girls in school. I don’t like the crop flares or the 27” straight jeans that are in style now. It brings me back to when my pants were always too short because of my height. Thank goodness the lengths are longer now like the jeans you are wearing. I love white flares and need to order the ones your wearing!

    1. I’m 5’6″ and enjoy wearing platforms and high heels because I find them comfortable. My feet are made for them now since I wore a suit and four-inch heels in retail management for twenty years.

  49. Great post. Enjoyed reading what you were thinking when Mr Mickey was taking the picture. Great photo!
    Maybe we will try Foresta this summer once we get back to NC.

  50. Greetings. My first time to comment. My wardrobe has evolved into something more enjoyable and appropriate, for my age, since following your blog a few years now! My thanks to you. I love your travels and dinners etc.
    Poor Pat!

  51. You look stunningly exquisite! Thank you for your post this morning. You, again, have made my day. I hope your coming week goes well. You are a treasure.

  52. We just got an inspiring look at the audience you have built over time: so many of your readers (me too), commented so graciously about that one negative comment to speak up on your behalf. It says a lot about the supportive online community you have created over the years and, that, Susan, is priceless.

    1. The wonderful friends I’ve made online have made my life so much richer. I’m grateful for all the lessons this journey has taught me. Thank you for the lovely comment, Kathy.

  53. Dear Susan.
    A big ‘Amen’ to all of the positive posts!
    I too love reading about your adventures. My mouth waters as my eyes enjoy your lovely food photos.
    Being a black & white wardrobe gal, I especially appreciated today’s outfit. I’m far from a size 6 but could definitely wear that and feel sharp, chic and appropriate.
    Love the wind in your hair photo! Thanks to Mr. Mickey for that one!
    Be blessed!

  54. This is my first comment after following on and off for many years. You are a great inspiration and I have learned so much. I always look forward to reading your blog posts. I appreciate your fashion advice, love following your adventures and I am inspired by your positive outlook. You have recently motivated me to read Dr. Fuhrman’s book, Eat to Live. I also picked up a few of his newer books, and I am making some positive changes and feeling much better after only a few weeks. So, thank you for all you do. It is much appreciated!

  55. I rarely post about anything. I’m confused as to why anyone would base what size clothing they buy according to the size of someone else. Look at the size guide for that brand. Look at ALL of the measurements. Read the reviews Soon you will recognize if the clothes run big or small if you’ve made a few purchases. Stick with brands you know well. And vendors who offer free returns if buying online. Take what you want from the overall outfit shown and adapt to your size. I find the younger fashion content creators will post if something is true to size, runs big or small. I find this much more helpful. I look at fashion content from across the age spectrum and take what I like.
    That being said, I think it’s equally unhelpful to attack the poster PAT because she is expressing her thoughts. I long ago figured these social media posters, regardless of age like to present a picture perfect life. It’s not reality. There are plenty of articles and youtube videos about this subject. And bloggers and people on social media need to have thicker skins. Not everyone is going to love you. The content creator makes the choice to put themselves out in the public eye. Just because you get one random comment that is not glowing or completely complementary, doesn’t mean you should stop blogging. Sometimes I too think they need to get over themselves a little also. Just my opinion. Like everyone else’s. Lighten up ladies.

  56. I have never commented on any site in my 66 years but I almost spit out my coffee when I read you might stop blogging! I tried to follow other blogs thinking they could be helpful but they are just not the same and stopped. I have learned so much, laughed out loud, prayed for you, enjoyed and benefited from every single post and read every comment. It is a gift to be willing to be so transparent and vulnerable in this world. You are a light in dark places. Please don’t stop blogging! You are rare and appreciated more than you’ll ever know.❤️

  57. After I saw some of the other comments, I have to add that your blog is the highlight of my day. Keep doing what you are doing & ignore the negativity. I so enjoy seeing the outfits you wear, dinners you have & wish you only the best in life.

  58. It never ceases to amaze me how rude some people can be. Even at 65, I still remember my mother telling me “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything.” That still holds true. I hope you ignore negative comments like that; I love that you post sizes, it gives me a reference point as to how an item will fit me.

    Also, I am LOVING your hair! You have said before that you only wash it maybe twice weekly. My question is how do you style “next day” hair? I have adopted the blow drying technique you mentioned in a previous blog, but the next day my hair is a mess.

    Thank you for all your do for us! Your inspiration is most appreciated and timeless!

    1. Sometimes I get my hair wet in the shower and then style it as usual (without the shampoo). Sometimes I use a shower cap and a round brush to smooth frizz and dry the dampness around the hairline.

  59. Susan- long time follower here but only comment rarely. Just a thank you for sharing your fashion expertise and the lovely fun times in your life! Your strategies in fashion have been very helpful. I always enjoy your thoughts on life as well. God bless you!

  60. I usually do not read your comments but I did this time at least several of them.
    You mentioned ” I often think I’ve shared everything that could be helpful, that we don’t do anything new these days, and perhaps it is time for me to stop blogging,” and my response is PLEASE DO NOT STOP. Your repeats are inspiring to all the NEW readers, and besides, seeing it again is refreshing and lets us know we finally got the hang of it as well. I for one, enjoy rereading your advice, seeing the wonderful places you visit as well as the meals you share both at restaurants and at your home. Take care and know you are needed with this blog continuing as many depend on you for helpful advice and entertaining comments (your mental thoughts, grin) and pictures.

    Clara from Iowa

  61. I was always taught that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything! The negative comment brought a tear to my eye, I would feel bad if I hurt someone’s feelings. I think being positive is more youthful than being negative. Thank you, Susan for all you do, I absolutely love your blog!

  62. I so wish I followed you while I lived in Bristol Va? You do visit the most wonderful restaurants. I never knew there were so many amazing restaurants. You look stunning as usual. I love your looks.

  63. Please continue your blog..I look forward to it every week, and there is always something to be learned from it!

  64. Hi Susan, I would like for you to show your make up routine! Starting with a clean face up to the foundation. Any updates you may have. Or maybe put up the earlier one, I haven’t seen it for a while, and forgot some of the steps you take.
    PS love all your posts, they are very informative.

  65. “Stand in this spot, find the light, and hold your head just so, shoulders back, hold in tummy, point toe. Please take the photo quickly before the wind whips my hair back over my face.”

    This is a mantra for more than just a pose! It’s instructive for women in facing so many situations.

    That is to say:

    Stand in this spot (I’m grounded)
    Find the light (inside and out)
    Hold your head just so (face things straight-on)
    Shoulders back (confidence and power on display)
    Hold in tummy (fortify core)
    Point toe (and step forward)

    This says, I’m a confident woman! Your blogs are so inspirational–thank you, Susan!

  66. Hi Susan, I imagine, I am one in thousands of your readers that don’t post comments. But, as simply as I can state, I have been a regular follower of yours the past four years. I periodically forward your e-mails to my 96 year old mom (in assisted living). Mom would appreciate any book recommendations from you or your readers. With no extra time, you are like a best friend, I hear from through e-mail. Thank you for your time and what you choose to share.
    P.S. Love Mr. M’s socks. I am a collector, too!

  67. Susan, there is a very simple solution to Pat’s criticism of your blog—she should unsubscribe. I used to follow several other fashion/lifestyle bloggers who seemed too eager to constantly show new outfits, never repeating a single garment. Regardless of one’s budget, that type of thinking of conspicuous consumption seems out of touch with today’s world. In addition, based on the photos, one of the bloggers seemed to be fibbing about the sizes of the garments she featured! I no longer follow either of of them. Your blog’s content features a nicely balanced variety of fashion, beauty, health and recreation. Please don’t change a thing!

  68. Great post, as always. Laughed at your description of taking the photograph. Love your style and the great ways you re style your wardrobe. Gives me great ideas to work with what I have, I have lost a great deal of weight, due to the loss of my soulmate, and then a bout with the big C. So rather than buy a bunch of replacements, I found a great tailor that can alter the pants and tops that I already have and really love. Less than the costs of buying new and not being happy with the expense or the style. Have a great weekend!

  69. Susan, please do not stop blogging! I’ve only been following you for a couple of years but you have had such a positive impact on my life. I’ve been encouraged to live a healthier life and try to look my best every day. As many of your followers, I appreciate any and all information you give us about design, color, fit & function. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! Jodi

  70. Lovely photos! You look so vivacious with your white pants, black top and gentle breeze blowing your hair! But those platforms give me the shivers! (my dr has warned me to be careful not to fall). I have noticed a few older bloggers tend to wear them, though I have not seen this in our local communities where most chic, older women wears trainers or smart leather flats. The platforms seem to be favoured by the gals all dressed up for night of clubbing.

  71. Could you give the site once more for the “hidden socks” you wear when not wearing hose. They seemed expensive but I just don’t like closed toe shoes with bare feet Thanks

  72. Susan. I want to echo all comments … except one. I eagerly look forward to every blog as part of it is because it’s educational—-I’ve never had the opportunity to eat a Pistachio layer cake or a chocolate flourless tort, but, I’ll pay special attention, now, if they are ever on the menu. I send a lot of your food pictures to my daughter who is a flight attendant and eats at many different places on lay-overs. I am 90 but still care a lot about your tips, colors, sizing… the whole spectrum… again, I echo nearly all the comments ( but one), do not stop… you lighten my day…

  73. The food in today’s photos looks delicious and your outfit is so stylish yet simple. Buying quality clothing and wearing it longer makes more sense than buying “fast fashion”. It’s fun to put things together in a different way.

  74. I love your blog, look forward to every post. I appreciate you mentioning sizes, it’s helpful to me, and I have never considered you to be braggadocious in any way. Some people are so miserable in their own lives that they try to take others down to their level. Hugs from Alaska!

  75. Your meals look so delicious! Definitely worth the trip, I’m sure!
    Great outfit and look as usual Susan, despite the wind!
    Thanks for sharing.

  76. Love all your posts. How lucky am I – I also have a handsome man to take me out and about in a Mercedes to beautiful out of the way places. He has also been known to wear red socks!! However am afraid I don’t quite have your style although I keep trying!

  77. “We see the world, not as it is, but as we are – or, as we are conditioned to see it.
    When we open our mouths to describe what we see, we in effect describe ourselves,
    our perceptions, our paradigms” – Steven Covey

    I enjoy your posts so much. As I’ve said before it’s like connecting with a dear friend.
    Thank you for the inspiration in an outfit for a lunch date with a cousin I haven’t seen
    (But keep in touch) in 10 years! – your food pictures! The presentations are beautiful.
    And yes, I’m still making my way through the Maisie Dobbs novels. Don’t stop sharing
    your interesting reads with us.
    Keep taking us along with you on your adventures.

  78. I cannot tell you how happy I am that I found you! I’m a newer follower, and I absolutely find you inspirational, motivational, and a pure pleasure to read! In life, I think some people are just sou / bitter for whatever reasons? Some people are even not very nice for whatever reasons?

    What the one reader felt the need to share with you would be like me complaining about Christie Brinkley, being attractive and having long blonde hair, long legs, and money from which she made in her lifetime that allowed her to live in the house and drive the car she has. It is ridiculous! I mean, I don’t even know what to say other than look at all the love you’ve got coming your way and appreciation.

    Susan, you thoroughly rocket! I for one, benefit from everything you share!

  79. Susan, I really find your posts helpful along with the responses you give to questions asked. I have learned so much! Many thanks!

  80. I’ve been reading your blog for many years and you have inspired me to improve my health and appearance. But most of all, to make time to enjoy the day and strive to make it the best day I can. I’ve always found you to be a very positive person. A person who is a problem solver. Life gives you lemons and you make lemonade. That is why I’ve been a follower for so long. I know that your life is not perfect. You’ve told us that throughout the years. But when you have a challenge you meet it in your own quiet and unassuming way. Please know that I and I bet most of your readers, appreciate your blog whether you have new material or not. I love seeing how you use older garments and accessories multiple ways. Very few of us have unlimited budgets and you show how it is possible to look well groomed and attractive in wardrobe staples. I know I need to hear the same thing multiple times to focus my attention when it wanders back to old habits. So please continue to blog even if you need to do less. We all appreciate your sharing. The best to you, Mr. Mickey and your many fabulous readers!

  81. Susan I don’t know what I can add to all the wonderful comments that have been made.I too look forward to your post. Your classic styling advice is definitely appreciated. It is heartbreaking to read such a negative comment, We all know what a treasure you are! Thank you so much!

  82. It’s always a treat to read your blogs! You looked marvellous with your slightly wind swept hair and your dinner selections look scrumptious, though my days of wearing such high heels are over.

  83. Abington is a lovely town. Your dinner looks delicious – thanks for the restaurant tip. Do you all ever attend shows at Barter Theater? I always find that to be a fun event.

  84. Abingdon is a lovely town. Your dinner looks delicious – thanks for the restaurant tip. Do you all ever attend shows at Barter Theater? I always find that to be a fun event.

  85. Please do not stop blogging…I enjoy your blog very much! I learned a long time ago to never compare myself to others. Everyone’s life experiences are unique and valuable, as well as challenging in its own way. You are awesome and inspiring! Prayers for Pat.

  86. I’ve enjoyed your blog for a few years and I’ve certainly benefitted from the overall guidance you have generously shared. It’s not just your fantastic style tips, but I am also inspired by the self control that you exercise with respect to your daily nutrition. Thank you, Susan!

  87. Dear Suasan,
    Over 100 people so far supporting our love of what you do for us!
    If that doesn’t affirm we want you to keep doing what you’re doing,I don’t know what does !
    You are an amazing woman.I have been following your blog for a few years now and have learned so much,not only about fashion travel and food,but who you are and your history.
    Please know you are very much appreciated and needed.
    Debbie(Sz 10)

  88. You have described yourself as an introvert and I admire so much your courage to share your life with us. You are full of wisdom, and I love when you share your life experiences. You have worked very hard and have experienced life’s toughest challenges. You deserve every happiness life has to offer. Please do not let one obviously very unhappy person spoil it for the rest of us. We love you!

  89. Susan, you are to be commended for your lifestyle changes and your blog. You’ve had a life full of challenges but rather than assume a “poor me” attitude, you’ve faced your challenges and found solutions that work for you. Bad marriage-you moved on and didn’t wallow in self pity. Too much weight gain-you researched the best way to help yourself through diet and exercise . Lackluster style-you recognized it and did something about it. Single status after many years-you put your introverted self out there to meet people and find activities to keep engaged. Aging parents-you and your sister stepped up to help on a daily basis. You’ve helped your small community through benefits and fundraisers, supporting the arts and those who are economically challenged. You recognized your specific challenges and actually did something about them rather than taking the easy way and lamenting the situation. You then recognized that others may be sharing your experiences and kindly, without judgement, offered what worked for you. You are a shining example of blooming where one is planted, facing life’s challenges with grace and relentless effort and helping those around you. You take time to enjoy every day and bravo to you when you take a respite and go somewhere nice to unwind with a dear friend. You don’t wait for tomorrow, knowing life is precious. You’ve worked hard to get where you are today. Nothing was handed to you. You’ve been fiscally responsible and deserve to spend your money as you wish. So, that being said, hold your head up, continue to find joy in each day and each adventure-we appreciate you and love your life affirming blog!

    1. I bought that lovely faux diamond about ten years ago in Highlands, NC. The shop is called Spoiled Rotten, and they have lots of fabulous jewelry, clothes, and bags if you visit.

  90. Carol has very eloquently stated what the overwhelming majority of your readers feel. I think alot of us could be better served by turning off the television and tuning into Susan.

  91. Dear Susan, Thank you so much for all you share with us! This past week my husband and I were at Biltmore Village and I was hoping to run into you and Mr. Mickey. Similar to your situation, for me the past six months have been filled with caring for aging parents. I have had many ER visits and long nights at the hospital. I have learned so much over the years from all your helpful posts and do find that giving us the sizes you wear are valuable. Like you, I dress for myself and to show consideration for others. Wishing you a wonderful week and I look forward to your next post!

  92. I enjoy your blog very much and particularly like that you show us new ways to style items we already have. I find your sizing info to be helpful as a comparison for me not that you are bragging about your size. Good grief!
    Please keep doing what you are doing. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and am really enjoying it.

  93. Carol C expressed my thoughts as well. I look forward to all your posts and have found many ideas and encouragement for positive changes. Please keep us motivated and continue to share all your fun adventures with Mr. Mickey!

  94. I have been reading your blog for only a few months but I find it absolutely delightful! With so many changes as I age and with the pandemic it is a joy to read your blog and see your perspective on things! Your fashion sense has helped me transition to a different more classis style. I am a self-proclaimed foodie and enjoy all your food pictures as well as any nature pictures. I do not know the area that you live but you are broadening my horizons with your nature and location pictures! I appreciate the time and energy you put into your posts! Thank you!

  95. Hi Susan, I have followed you since your original blog when I had googled “Eat to Live”. I absolutely love all of your posts whether it’s food, fashion, skincare or travel! I find that you are always polished, kind & classy. I hope that you never choose to stop blogging & will continue to let your light shine!

    Jennifer Salvatori
    Nags Head, NC

  96. Hi Susan, I agree with these wonderful, positive women and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your posts which have inspired and motivated me to be my best. You did not have to post Pat’s comment and you offered transparency. That takes courage. Clearly, you are a role model and as others have said 99.9 percent of your community is grateful to you and also big enough to be happy for you and Mr. Mickey. In this time in our world being kind, having a bright outlook, being optimistic and finding the joys in life each day and sharing them with someone special are so important. Your posts are such a great example of this. I also want to thank you for your prior post during Women’s History Month telling us to not let anyone dim our light or break our spirit and to be authentic. As others have said, let’s not let this one negative post do so. Says more about the criticizer than those being criticized. Onward, as the strong, smart, and confident women we can all be. Thank you for being you and for this beautiful community.

  97. Susan, your style inspires (thank you so much for sharing!). Far more important, your striving to be the best human you can be, to cherish the unique individual you are, to live in the moment, and to appreciate your blessings encourages my soul to attempt the same. What marvelous gifts you give! Many hugs to your sweet soul.

  98. Susan, I’ve been following you for at least ten years…since Fifty, Not Frumpy. I’m sorry for the negative post above, and I hope that person was just having a bad day. I’ve learned so much from you, and have applied many of your tips in my own life. I enjoy your outings with Mr. Mickey. When my husband and I were planning a trip to your area last fall, I pulled up several of your blogs to incorporate places to see or eat that I had seen you post. I very much appreciate your posts and look forward to them, especially in light of the challenges you’ve had of late caring for your parents. Please don’t stop anytime soon.

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I share tips and inspiration for using what you already have in contemporary ways. Defining words include effortless, classic, refined, discreet, and elegant. My style is chic, minimal, and timeless with a bit of edge.